Area II Faculty

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Name of Institution: __________________________________________________________

Location: ___________________________________________________________________

College Focused in this Survey: ________________________________________________

A. Academic Qualifications and Teaching
B. Recruitment and Selection
C. Ranking and Promotion
D. Faculty Loading
E. Professional Performance and Scholarly Work
F. Performance Evaluation
G. Faculty Development Program
H. Faculty Relationships
I. Salaries and Benefits

Analysis Done By: Evaluation Done By:

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

Date Completed: Date Completed:

___________________________ ____________________________

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A. Academic Qualification and Teaching Experiences

The educational background of faculty members should be adequate for teaching

in the college level; it should include graduate degrees or their equivalent; e.g.
outstanding achievement or years of experience in the field of specialization.

The faculty should have college teaching experiences in his/her area of

specialization and or related field/discipline for at least a year.

B. Recruitment and Selection

In the recruitment, selection and hiring of faculty members, the minimum

requirements of the Civil Service Commission and the University criteria/standards are
taken into consideration. It is a systematic cooperative process involving the
administration, dean or department heads, area chair, HR director, and faculty
representative. Selection process is focused on the applicants’ educational
qualifications, teaching competencies, character, personality, professional and work
experiences, and health.

C. Ranking and Promotion

A college should have a well-defined system of ranking and tenure, which is

clearly described in the Faculty Handbook/Manual or University/College Code. Criteria
for ranking and promotion including the point system must conform to the approved Civil
Service Commission – ALCU rating form.

A written notice of any change or retention of status is given to the faculty

members before the end of the probationary period.

Definite procedures for separation/dismissal are clearly stated in the Faculty

Handbook/Manual or University/College Code. They must be well disseminated and
duly observed in the separation/dismissal of faculty members.

D. Faculty Loading

The teaching load of faculty members is governed by institutional policies

following the requirements of the Commission on Higher Education in terms of the

 Academic Qualifications
 Field of Specialization
 Number of Preparations
 Number of Units of Teaching Loads; and
 Administrative Support (refer to D7)
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E. Professional Performance and Scholarly Work

The University/College promotes the strengthening of the faculty members’

research capability vis-à-vis responsiveness to community needs. Thus, faculty
members are to demonstrate its’ productive contribution to the community through
relevant research studies, publication of research outputs, and development of
community partners.

F. Performance Evaluation

There should be a regular performance evaluation of faculty members using

standardized instrument duly understood by the faculty that includes teaching
competencies, research and community involvement.

G. Faculty Development Program

A college should have a long-term Faculty Development Program which takes

into account provisions for scholarships, leaves of absence, research grants, seminars
and trainings and other activities for professional growth and advancement. Faculty
members must have affiliation in professional organizations and must actively
participate in regular and special faculty development programs and assemblies.

H. Faculty Relationships

A college should have an atmosphere of professionalism, camaraderie,

congeniality and intellectual sharing. Satisfactory relationships should exist among
faculty members or between and among faculty members, administrators, students and
other sectors of the community.

I. Salaries and Benefits

Institution should introduce measures and policies to enhance the compensation

package of all personnel.

A college must provide some types of recognition to reward faculty members who
have rendered long, efficient, and devoted service to the college, by having a system of
financing and promotional advancement for the faculty members.

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Numerical Descriptive Evaluation

5 Excellent (E): Full compliance to the criterion with substantial
number of good practices serving as model for others
4 Very Good (VG): Full compliance to the criterion which
demonstrates good practices
3 Good (G): Compliance to the criterion
2 Fair (F): Minimal compliance to the criterion needing
1 Poor(P): Very minimal compliance to the criterion needing much
improvement to overcome weaknesses
0 No Provision (NP): Missing but must be included


The rating system is based on a numerical evaluation of 0-5 points with 5 points
as the highest rating, 1 is the lowest rating and 0 if there is no provision/ none existence
of the specified item/s in the institution/ program being evaluated.

Apart from numerical evaluation there are also descriptive evaluation that
indicates the provision, conditions or characteristics found in good colleges/programs.
Not all of them, however, may be specifically necessary, or even applicable in every
college. While a college may lack some of the items listed, it may have other
compensating features. The descriptive evaluation is intended to provide the factual
bases for a fair evaluation of the different aspects of the school’s instructional program.
This survey instrument makes use of a Likert scale for facility of understanding and

The computation of ratings in every area are as follows; the accreditor will give a
rating ranging from 0-5 in every item/ criteria/standard. The ratings at each
item/criteria/standards under Input, Process and Outcome are totaled. The sum is
divided by the number of items summed up in order to get the Inputs Mean, Process
Mean and Outcome Mean. The Inputs Mean is multiplied by 20%, the Process Mean is
multiplied by 30% and the Outcomes Mean is multiplied by 50%. The sum total of all the
product of the Inputs Mean, Process Mean and Outcomes Mean is the final rating in a
sub-area. The total of all the Sub-area ratings divided by the number of Sub-areas is the
Area Final Rating.

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In the space provided, list briefly the technique, method, or process being
practiced by the institution/college in a particular program/area, that through experience
or research has been proven the most efficient and effective way to accomplish desired
result that is often used for benchmarking.



In the space provided, list briefly any remark concerning matters not sufficiently
treated which needs to be taken into consideration for the improvement in the overall
performance of the institution/ program.



In the space provided, indicate suggestions or proposed changes or plans as to

the best course of action to further improve the area/s found deficient.

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1. Faculty members teaching general education courses are
master’s degree graduates.

Rating Scale:
5 - 100% of the faculty members teaching general
education courses are Master’s degree holders
4 - 80% of the faculty members teaching general
education courses are Master’s degree holders
3 - 60% of the faculty members teaching general education
courses are Master’s degree holders or 40% are
Master’s degree holders and 30% are finishing within
one (1) year.
2 - 40% of the faculty members teaching general education
courses are Master’s degree holders or 30% are
Master’s degree holders and 20% are finishing within
one (1) year.
1 - Less than 20% of the faculty members teaching general
education courses are Master’s degree holders
2. Faculty members who teach major courses possess
appropriate graduate/post graduate degree qualifications.

Rating Scale:
5 -100% possess appropriate graduate/postgraduate
degree qualifications.(MA or doctorate degree, minimum
two (2) years industry experience, with at least 2 or
more relevant trainings and seminars annually)
4 - 80% possess appropriate graduate/postgraduate
degree qualifications. (MA or doctorate degree,
minimum two (2) years industry experience, with at least
2 or more relevant trainings and seminars annually)
3 - 60% MA degree holder, with at least 2 or more relevant
trainings and seminars
2 - 40 % of the faculty are MA degree holder, with at least 1
relevant training and seminar
1 - Lower than 20% of the faculty are MA degree holder,
with at least 1 relevant training and seminar

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3. Faculty members possess extensive teaching experience
and/or industry practice in their fields of specialization.

Rating Scale:
5 - 70 % with a minimum of 5 years teaching
experience/industry practice
4 - 60% with 4 years teaching experience/industry practice
3 - 50% with 3 years teaching experience/industry
2 - 40% with 2 years teaching experience/industry
1 - Less than 30% of the faculty have 1 year teaching
experience/industry practice
4. Faculty members are affiliated with professional
organizations in their fields of specialization.

Rating Scale:
5 - 100% of the faculty are affiliated with international
and/or national professional organizations
4 - 90% of the faculty are affiliated with international and/or
national professional organizations
3 - 80% of the faculty are affiliated with regional
professional organizations
2 - 70% with of the faculty are affiliated with local
professional organizations
1 - Lower than 60% of the faculty have no affiliation with
professional organizations
1. Regular updating, monitoring and evaluation of faculty

2. Provision for Faculty Development Program: Scholarships,

Trainings, Workshops, and Grants

1. Faculty members demonstrate mastery of the subject
matter and effective delivery of the learning competencies
in their own field of expertise;

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2. Faculty members are members or leaders of recognized
professional organizations here and abroad.
3. The institution is able to comply with CHED’s
requirements, ASEAN requirements, and other
international standards on faculty qualifications


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating



1. There are institutional policies on faculty selection as
evidenced by the following documents:

a. Qualification Standards
b. Ranking and Promotion Plan
c. Ranking instrument
d. Personnel Selection Board
e. Published Administrative Code, University/College Code/
Manual of Regulations/ Faculty Manual, Flow Chart of

Rating Scale:
5 - all of the evidences are present
4 - four (4) of the evidences are present
3 - three (3) of the evidences are present
2 - two (2) of the evidences are present
1 - one (1) of the evidence are present

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2. The faculty selection board is composed of:
1. School Head or representative
2. Academic Head or representative
3. HR Officer
4. Faculty Representative
5. Dean or its equivalent

Rating Scale:
5 - participated by all of the mentioned officials
4 - participated by any of the four (4) of the mentioned
3 - participated by any of the three(3) of the mentioned
2 - participated by any of the two(2) of the mentioned
1 - participated by any one (1) of the mentioned officials
1. The minimum requirements of the Civil Service
Commission and the University criteria/standards are taken
into consideration in the recruitment, selection and hiring of
faculty members.
2. The faculty selection process gives due consideration on
the following:
a. Academic qualification ( Education)
b. Professional Licensure/Eligibility
c. Teaching Experience
d. Trainings and Seminars
e. Professional Experience
f. Teaching Competencies
g. Oral and written communication
h. Research capability
i. Community Extension Activities
j. Technical competencies, if applicable
k. Character
l. Personality
m. Health
2. The Local Chief Executive appoints all employees of the

1. The institution observes the criteria for recruitment,

selection, and hiring

2. The institution implements employment policies.

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1. Presence of highly qualified applicants

2. Presence of functional faculty researchers

3. Competent faculty members were employed

4. Existence of Selection and Recruitment Policy


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating

1. There is a faculty ranking and promotion system used by
the institution.

2. There is a career pathing and succession plan for the


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3. The length of the probationary period is in accordance to
Civil Service Commission standards

Rating Scale:
5 - CSC standards are strictly implemented
4 - CSC standards are mostly implemented
3 - CSC standards are moderately implemented
2 - CSC standards are partially implemented
1 - CSC standards not implemented
4. There are procedures for the termination of employment.

As indicated in the Administrative Code, Faculty Manual

and other supporting details

Rating Scale:
5 – The institution strictly observes and implements
functional procedures for the termination of
4 - The institution mostly observes and implements
functional procedures for the termination of
3 -The institution moderately observes and implements
functional procedures for the termination of
2 - The institution partially observes and implements
functional procedures for the termination of
1 - The institution does not observe and implement no
functional procedures for the termination of
5. There are procedures for the dismissal of faculty including
due process.

As indicated in the Administrative Code, Faculty Manual

and other supporting details

5 - The institution strictly observes and implements

functional procedures for the dismissal of faculty including
due process.
4 - The institution mostly observes and implements
functional procedures for the dismissal of faculty including
due process.

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3 - The institution moderately observes and implements
functional procedures for the dismissal of faculty including
due process.
2 - The institution partially observes and implements
functional procedures for dismissal of faculty including due
1 - The institution does not observe and implement
functional procedures for dismissal of faculty including due

Institutionalization of the following:

a. Merit, Ranking and Promotion Plan
b. Career Pathing Plan
c. Succession Plan


1 List of promoted and regularized faculty members

2 Due process observed

3 Low rate of faculty turnover

4 Career Pathing and Succession Plan


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating

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1 The institution has clear policies on faculty loading that
complies with the minimum requirements of the
Commission on Higher Education in terms of the following:

 Academic Qualifications
 Field of Specialization
 Number of Preparations
 Number of Units of Teaching Loads; and
Administrative Support
1. The institutional system on faculty loading contains specific
provisions for faculty with additional responsibilities which
includes the following:

a. Rewards
b. Service credits
c. Honorarium
d. Points for promotions
e. Ranking, recognitions
1. Ratio of full time to part time faculty is 7 is to 3 as shown in
the Summary of teaching assignment duly signed by the
designated authority.

Rating Scale
5 - 70% of the faculty members are full-time teachers
4 - 60% of the faculty members are full-time teachers
3 - 50% of the faculty members are full-time teachers
2 - 40% of the faculty members are full-time teachers
1 - 30% of the faculty members are full-time teachers
3. The faculty members teach their major and minor fields of

Rating Scale:
5 - 75%of the members of the faculty are given teaching
assignments only in their major and minor fields of
4 - 65%of the members of the faculty are given teaching
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assignments only in their major and minor fields of
3 - 50%of the members of the faculty are given teaching
assignments only in their major and minor fields of
2 - 30% of the members of the faculty are given teaching
assignments only in their major and minor fields of
1 - 20% of the members of the faculty are given teaching
assignments only in their major and minor fields of
4. Full-time faculty teaching load per week is in accordance
with acceptable standards.

Rating Scale:
5 - 75% of the faculty members have 21 units maximum
4 - 65% of the faculty members have 24 units maximum
3 - 50% of the faculty members have 27 units maximum
2 - 35% of the faculty members have 30 units maximum
1 - 10% of the faculty members have more than 30 units
maximum load
5. Faculty with concurrent or special designations are given
the following rewards and incentives:
a. Equivalent teaching units
b. Service credits
c. Honorarium
d. Points for promotion, Ranking or recognitions

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the mentioned items for incentives are present
4 - four of the mentioned items for incentives are present
3 - three of the mentioned items for incentives are present
2 - two of the mentioned items for incentives are present
1 - no provision for incentives exhibited
6. Some faculty members are given special assignments such

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a. Program/Project Coordinator/Member
b. Chairmanship
c. Student Organization Advisorship
d. Other special tasks

1. Faculty load complies with CHED requirements.


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating

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1. The institution has clear policies and programs on research
that promotes research capability and engagements.
2. The institution has specific budget for research such as:
a. Incentives for research engagements;
b. Support for research presentation; and
c. Support for research publications.

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The institution provides support for research and
publication through allocation of a budget for the following:

a. Honorarium;
b. Deloading;
c. Service credits; and
d. Seminars and trainings on research.

Rating Scale:
5 - all of the mentioned supports are provided
4 - three (3) of the mentioned supports are provided
3 - two (2) of the mentioned supports are provided
2 - one (1) of the mentioned support are provided
1 - no support provided for research and publication

1 Faculty members have research output
Research Journal publication
Rating Scale:
5- The institution has published two (2) or more research
journal in one academic year.
4 - The institution has published two (2) research journals in
one academic year.
3 - The institution has published one (1) or more research
journal in one academic year.
2- The institution has a research journal but was not
1 - The institution has an on-going research journal.

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2. There are faculty members who published books or
instructional material/s.


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating


1 The institution has a system that:

1.1. Monitors submission of academic requirements

such as syllabi, grades and the like
1.2. Monitors faculty participation in trainings, meetings
and other institutional activities/ services

52 There is provision for faculty evaluation by the students,

peers, self and immediate superiors

6. There are professional involvement and training of faculty

as evidenced by the following:

a. Affiliation to professional organizations;

b. Conduct of seminars and trainings;
c. Participation in civic organizations; and
d. Participation as Presenter/ Lecturer/ Facilitator/
Panelist/ Evaluator.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the evidences mentioned are present.
4 - Three (3) of the evidences mentioned are present.
3 - Two (2) of the evidences mentioned are present.
2 - One (1) of the evidences mentioned is present.
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1 - No evidence of professional involvement and trainings
1 The institution regularly conducts performance evaluation
of faculty members using standardized instrument duly
understood by the faculty that includes teaching
competencies, research and community involvement
7 Attitudes and values of the faculty members are
demonstrated in the following:

a. Strict adherence to policies, rules and regulations and

b. Punctuality;
c. Courtesy;
d. Participation to school activities/ meetings; and
e. Initiative in organizing programs and projects.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the items mentioned are demonstrated.
4 - Four (4) of the items mentioned are demonstrated.
3 - Three (3) of the items mentioned are demonstrated.
2 - Two (2) of the items mentioned are demonstrated.
1 - One (1) of the items mentioned is demonstrated.
8. Compliance with administrative requirements are evident in
the following submissions:
a. Submission of syllabi;
b. Table of specifications;
c. Test questions with answer key;
d. Monthly attendance of students before the specified
date of submission; and
e. Grades and other academic reports.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the items mentioned are complied.
4 - Four (4) of the items mentioned are complied.
3 - Three (3) of the items mentioned are complied.
2 - Two (2) of the items mentioned are complied.
1 - One (1) of the items mentioned is complied.
4. The teachers instructional materials and references are:
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a. updated;
b. well-researched materials;
c. variety of sources;
d. innovative resources; and
e. supplementary materials.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the criteria mentioned are observed.
4 - Four (4) of the criteria mentioned are observed.
3 - Three (3) of the criteria mentioned are observed.
2 - Two (3) of the criteria mentioned are observed.
1 - One (1) of the criteria mentioned is observed.
2. Mastery of the subject matter as evidenced by the

a. There is a wide range of knowledge of the topic;

b. Information related to the topic are updated;
c. References are complete; and
d. High degree of fluency originality and confidence are

Rating Scale:
5 -All of the evidences mentioned are observed.
4 -Three (3) of the evidences mentioned are observed.
3- Two (2) of the evidences mentioned are observed.
2 -One (1) of the evidences mentioned is observed.
1 - No evidence of mastery of the subject matter is
3. Class Preparation as evidenced in the following:

a. Personality and physical appearance;

b. Punctuality and attendance;
c. Possession of tools and supplies; and
d. Use of appropriate instructional materials/technology
needed and basic knowledge on their use.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the evidences mentioned are observed.
4 - Three (3) of the evidences mentioned are observed.
3 - Two (2) of the evidences mentioned are observed.
2 - One (1) of the evidence mentioned is observed.

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1 - There is no evidence of class preparation on the part of
the teacher.
1. Teaching competence can be seen in:

Accomplishment of program and course objectives as

indicated in the syllabi with expected student outcome/s.

Rating Scale:
5 - Accomplishment of program and course objective is far
exceeded, and consistent with the syllabi as shown by:
a. Creation of multiple opportunities for students to
interact and share ideas
b. Objectives, learning activities and assessments are
aligned and support each other
c. Objectives of learning outcomes were the central
element of the presentation and discussion
d. Designed elements are appropriately adopted to the
course level, size and position within the curriculum
and characteristics of students in the class
4 - Accomplishment of program and course objective is
exceeded and consistent with the syllabi as shown by:
a. Objectives appropriately focus on content
b. Objectives focus on disciplinary skill and
c. Course activities are part of the class and aligned to
achieve course objectives
3 – Program and course objectives are met and show
minimal consistency with the syllabi
2 – Program and course objective are met but inconsistent
with the syllabi
1 – Program and course objectives specified in the syllabi
are not met and inconsistent.
1. Academic requirements submitted

Rating Scale:
5- 100% of the faculty members submits academic
requirement on time
4- 75% of the faculty members submits academic
requirements on time
3- 50% of the faculty members submits academic
requirements on time

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2- 25% of the faculty members submits academic
requirements on time
1- Below 25% of the faculty members submits academic
requirements on time
2. Participated in trainings, seminars, meeting and other
institutional activities or services

Rating Scale:
5- 100% of the faculty members participated
4- 75% of the faculty members participated
3- 50% of the faculty members participated
2- 25% of the faculty members participated
1- Below 25% of the faculty members participated
3. Demonstrate excellent instructional competence as shown
a. submission of academic requirements such as syllabi,
grades and the like.
b. attendance in training, seminar and meeting obtained.
c. faculty members obtained at least very satisfactory (VS)
performance rating or higher.
d. no derogatory records as evidenced by pending or
decided cases.
Rating Scale:
5- 100% demonstrated excellent instructional competence
4- 75% demonstrated excellent instructional competence
3- 50% demonstrated excellent instructional competence
2- 25% demonstrated excellent instructional competence
1- Below 25% demonstrated excellent instructional

Sub-Area Evaluation Rating



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1. The institution has Faculty Development Program as shown
by the following:

a. budget;
b. trainings and seminars;
c. financial assistance;
d. honorarium;
e. scholarships;
f. service credits;
g. leave credits; and
h. career advancement/ promotion.

Rating Scale:
5 - All items mentioned are present
4 - Six (6) of the items mentioned are present
3 - Four (4) of the items mentioned are present
2 - Two (2) of the items mentioned are present
1 - One (1) of the items mentioned is present

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2. There is an orientation/ reorientation program for all faculty
which includes the institution’s mission statements and its
philosophy, institutional strategies and policies.

Rating Scale:
5 – the institution conducts orientation/ reorientation
program every semester
4 - the institution conducts orientation/ reorientation
program once a year
3 - the institution conducts orientation/ reorientation
program every other year
2 - the institution conducts orientation/ reorientation
program as the need arises
1 - the institution does not conduct orientation/ reorientation
3. 3. 1 The institution has a specialized in-service training for
faculty members in the form of:

a. seminars;
b. workshops; and
c. educational tour/ benchmarking and the like.

Rating Scale:
5 – All of the items mentioned are present and conducted
every semester
4 – Two (2) of the items mentioned above are present and
conducted every semester
3 – One (1) of the items mentioned is present and
conducted every semester
2 – All of the items mentioned are present and conducted
once a year
1 – One or two (1or 2 ) of the items mentioned are present
and conducted once a year
3.2 There are formal study opportunities for faculty member

4. There is membership in professional organizations

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5. The institution has financial support for faculty development
program outside the school.

Rating Scale:
5 - The institution grants 100% financial support
4 - The institution grants 80% financial support
3 - The institution grants 60% financial support
2 - The institution grants 40% financial support
1 - The institution grants 20% financial support
6. There are opportunities available to the full-time faculty in
the graduate and post graduate programs as follows:

6.1 scholarships/ grants and fellowship

6.2 research
6.3 seminars and training

7. There are faculty and committee meetings such as:

a. Institutional meeting
b. College meeting
c. Department meeting
d. Committee / Project meeting

Rating Scale:
5 – All of the mentioned meetings are conducted
4 – Three (3) of the mentioned meetings are conducted
3 – Two (2) of the mentioned meetings are conducted
2 – One (1) of the mentioned meetings is conducted
1 – No meetings conducted
1. The institution proposes a budget for Faculty Development

2. The institution solicits the approval of the Faculty

Development Program

3. The institution monitors the faculty meeting and attendance

of faculty in meetings, seminars and other training

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OUTCOMES: Commented [B1]: What about number of scholars, research
grants and seminars outside supported by the institution.
1. The budget for Faculty Development Programs was

Rating Scale:
5 - The institution strictly implements 100% of the
budgeted faculty development program
4 -The institution strictly implements 80% of the budgeted
faculty development program
3 - The institution strictly implements 60% of the budgeted
faculty development program
2 - The institution strictly implements 40% of the budgeted
faculty development program
1 - The institution strictly implements 20% of the budgeted
faculty development program
2. Meetings regularly held

3. In service training regularly conducted

4 Faculty Scholarships

Rating Scale:
5 – 10% of the regular faculty members are granted study
opportunities as shown by scholarship in the graduate
and post-graduate programs through the different
sponsoring agencies such as CHED, DOST, CSC, and

4 – 8% of the regular faculty members are granted study

opportunities as shown by scholarship in the graduate
and post-graduate programs through the different
sponsoring agencies such as CHED, DOST, CSC, and
3 – 5% of the regular faculty members are granted study
opportunities as shown by scholarship in the graduate
and post-graduate programs through the different
sponsoring agencies such as CHED, DOST, CSC, and
2 – 2% of the regular faculty members are granted study
opportunities as shown by scholarship in the graduate
and post-graduate programs through the different
sponsoring agencies such as CHED, DOST, CSC, and

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1 – 1% of the regular faculty members are granted study
opportunities as shown by scholarship in the graduate
and post-graduate programs through the different
sponsoring agencies such as CHED, DOST, CSC and

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4. Updated membership in professional organization
Rating Scale:
5 – 100% of the faculty are members of professional
organizations as shown by their valid ID, certificates,
and/or official receipts
4 – 80% of the faculty are members of professional
organizations as shown by their valid ID, certificates,
and/or official receipts
3 – 60% of the faculty are members of professional
organizations as shown by their valid ID, certificates,
and/or official receipts
2 – 40% of the faculty are members of professional
organizations as shown by their valid ID, certificates,
and/or official receipts
1 – 20% of the faculty are members of professional
organizations as shown by their valid ID, certificates,
and/or official receipts

Sub-Area Evaluation Rating


1. There is a faculty association that provides for the personal
and professional growth of its members, and promotes
faculty welfare through the following activities/programs:

a. sports and wellness activities

b. scholarship
c. sponsorship
d. financial rewards for exemplary/commendable
e. financial aid in case of wedding, retirement, sickness,
disability, death
f. team building activity
g. spiritual activity
h. special day celebration ( Family day, Teachers day)
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Rating Scale:
5 – All of the items mentioned are provided
4 – Six (6) of the items mentioned are provided
3 – Four (4) of the items mentioned are provided
2 – Two (2) of the items mentioned are provided
1 – One (1) of the items mentioned is provided
2 There is good faculty relationship with the administration as
evidenced in the following practices:
a. involvement of the faculty in the formulation/revision of
the institution’s purposes and objectives
b. involvement in the academic and administrative policy-
c. practice of principle of academic freedom
d. dialogue and open communication between the faculty
and administration
e. involvement of the faculty in the grievance committee

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the mentioned items are practiced
4 - Four (4) of the mentioned items are practiced
3 - Three (3) of the mentioned items are practiced
2 - Two (2) of the mentioned items are practiced
1 - One (1) of the mentioned items is practiced
3. There is faculty- students relationship as evidenced in the
a. Faculty members are responsive to students’ needs.
b. Faculty members are available for academic advising
and consultations.
c. Faculty members participate in co-curricular/extra-
curricular activities.
d. Faculty members respond positively to grievances
expressed by students.
e. Faculty members are accessible to students.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the mentioned items are evident
4 - Four (4) of the mentioned items are evident
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3 - Three (3) of the mentioned items are evident
2 - Two (2) of the mentioned items are evident
1 - One (1) of the mentioned items is evident
4. There is relationship with other sectors as evidenced in the
a. Faculty members have healthy relationships with the
non-academic personnel.
b. Faculty members actively participate in school projects
and services.
1. The institution supports Faculty Association programs and

2. The institution provides opportunities for faculty to have

harmonious relationship with the administration, students
and other stakeholders.

1. Faculty Association activities and programs are conducted

2. Faculty activities and program with the administration/

students/ other stakeholders are conducted.


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating

(Consistent with Civil Service Commission Regulations)

1. Faculty members receive their salaries regularly.

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Rating Scale:
5 - All faculty members receive their salaries on time
4 - All faculty members receive their salaries 1 day after the
3 - All faculty members receive their salaries 2 days after
the payday
2 - All faculty members receive their salaries 3 days after
the payday
1 - All faculty members receive their salaries 4 or more
days after the payday
2. There is an existence of policy on salary and other fringe
benefits duly approved by the BOR and is consistent with
the Department of Budget and Civil Service Rules related
to the following:
a. Vacation pay;
b. Salary adjustment/increment;
c. Honorarium;
d. Productivity incentive allowance;
e. Overtime pay; and
f. Clothing allowance/ other related allowances.

Rating Scale:
5 – Existence of all of the benefits mentioned above
4 – Existence of four (4) of the benefits mentioned
3 – Existence of three (3) of the benefits mentioned
2 – Existence of Two (2) of the benefits mentioned
1 – Existence of One (1) of the benefits mentioned
3 The institution has policies for leaves in accordance with
. the Civil Service Rules such as:
a. Vacation Leave;
b. Study Leave;
c. Sabbatical;
d. Service Leave;
e. Sick Leave; and
f. Other special leave privileges like funeral/ mourning
leave, graduation leave, enrolment leave, wedding/
anniversary leave, birthday leave, hospitalization leave,
relocation leave for a maximum of 3 days within a
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calendar year.

Rating Scale:
5 - All of the policies mentioned are provided
4 - Five (5) of the policies mentioned are provided
3 - Four (4) of the policies mentioned are provided
2 - Three (3) of the policies mentioned are provided
1 - One/ Two (1 or 2) of the policies mentioned is/are
5. The institution has provisions for the following:
a. Retirement program;
b. Terminal leave;
c. Monetization of leave credits; and
d. Cash surrender value.
Rating Scale:
5 - All the items mentioned are provided
4 - Three (3) of the items mentioned are provided
3 - Two (2) of the items mentioned are provided
2 - One (1) of the items mentioned is provided
1 - None of the items mentioned is provided
6. The faculty enjoy the other mandatory benefits such as:
a. Medical benefits ;
b. Loan and housing under PAG-IBIG;
c. Loan and Housing under GSIS; and
d. City and institutional benefit.
Rating Scale:
5 - All the items mentioned are provided
4 - Three (3) of the items mentioned are provided
3 - Two (2) of the items mentioned are provided
2 - One (1) of the items mentioned is provided
1 - None of the items mentioned is provided
1. The institution set up a system for leave administration
like ledger and leave form.

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2. The institution audits leave credit.

3. The institution facilitates mandatory and fringe benefits

within the prescribed period.
4. The institution facilitates the payroll on time.


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1. Facilitated payroll, mandatory benefit and different fringe
benefit on time.

2. System of leave administration is formulated and


3. Conducted regular audit of leave credits.


Sub-Area Evaluation Rating

Documents, Information and Exhibits Needed

1. Diploma
2. Official Transcript of Records (TOR)
3. Certificate of attendance to trainings/seminars (aligned to the fields of
4. Certificate of Employment of the employee from the previous employer
5. National Certifications/Licenses and board rating
6. Rating Form for Academic Qualification
7. Copy of the research output or abstract
8. Appointment papers of hired employees
9. Ranking System/Merit and Promotion System duly attested by the Civil Service
10. Certificate of participation in community involvement, photo documentation
11. Vertical Articulation
12. Membership ID/ Certificate or any evidence of active membership of professional
13. Board Resolutions on rank and tenure, and others that concern the faculty
14. Bulletins/display boards where important legislations, memoranda, directives and
circulars on fringe benefits are posted
15. Class records
16. Class schedule for the current semester and for the two (2) preceding semesters
17. Code of Professional Ethics/R.A. 6713 and other pertinent CSC issuances
18. Faculty Development Program
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19. Faculty Journal
20. Faculty Manual
21. Faculty Performance and Rating System
22. Faculty Profile
23. Contract of employment/appointment duly notarized and attested by the Civil
Service Commission
24. Consultancy
25. Outreach programs
26. Community mobilization (with adoption of barangay for extension)
27. Payroll
28. DBM approved salary grade scale

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