Semaine9 Hotel Reservation

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Aller à l’hôtel et faire une réservation par téléphone

en anglais
Semaine 9 - AnglaisBases level 2

Hello everybody, welcome to this new lesson on AnglaisBases level 2. Today, Alban and I will
be talking about hotels, and how to reserve a room in a hotel. Enjoy !


1) Phone conversation :

Receptionist : Good morning Mount Lodge Hotel can I help you?

A : Yes, we booked a room by Internet for the night of the 29th, and I just wanted to confirm that
you received the reservation.

R : Yes certainly...What was your name sir?

A : We booked under the name of … So it's spelled ...

R : Just checking one second...Yes yes that's all good I've received that.

A : Ok well, thank you very much. Just one question, do you have a car park?

R : No, there's no car park at the hotel, but you can park on the street next to the hotel that's not
a problem.

A : Alright, thank you very much then. Yes just one last question, what time is check-out on

R : Right, yeah, check-out is at half past ten in the morning. Oh yeah, one question...Could you
tell me what time you will be arriving on the Friday please?
A : I think that...we will arrive probably around 7:00 in the evening I think.

R : Ok...And will you be wanting to eat in our restaurant that night?

A : Yes please yes, I don't think we'll have time to eat before so yes thanks.

R : What time do you think you would like to eat?

A : If that's ok with you...about half past seven I think.

R : Ok ! Well I shall book you in for that. And we shall see you on Friday, if you have any more
questions, please feel free to call us.

A : Ok, thank you very much, see you Friday then.

R : Have a nice day..Bye bye!

A : Bye bye.

2 ) Conversation :

A : Hey Ben, I just booked a hotel.

B : Oh yes? Where are you going?

A : We're going for the weekend with my girlfriend in the South of England, in Bournemouth.

B : That'll be nice. I hear the weather is very good in England at the moment.

A : I hope so, for once...

B : Are you saying it rains all the time in England?

A : I'm not saying anything...(laughs).

I hope the hotel is gonna be OK though. [“gonna be” est la contraction de “going to be”].
Because I didn't read any reviews on the Internet about it.

B : I'm sure you'll be fine you know. Bournemouth is quite a touristy place so generally the
hotels are pretty good. I think you have to be wary of Internet reviews. You know, normally it's
only people who want to complain who leave a comment...If somebody is happy with something,
generally they can't be bothered to say anything.

A : Yes, only those who aren't happy about the hotel will write it down on the Internet.
Have you ever had any bad experiences with hotels?
B : Oh yes...I was once in Spain and we stayed in a hotel. We thought we'd booked a four star
hotel, I didn't pay very much money which should have been a clue. The hotel was very dirty.
We had cockroaches under the bed. It was really noisy as well because the window in the
bedroom, we weren't able to shut it. So in the morning we were woken up very early by builders,
and cars and all the rest.
Not a good night sleep there.

A : Not your typical four star hotel experience.

B : I don't think you could even give it one star.

A : That reminds me you know, on the other side of the spectrum, I once had a very pleasant
experience with a hotel.
We were hiking with my girlfriend in the summer heat of Spain. And we had been walking for
about 30 kilometres. We had planned to go in a youth hostel. But all of the youth hostels of the
city were full. So we weren't able to find any vacancies. And we had to go to this very luxurious
hotel. We arrived at the reception, completely exhausted after walking 30 kilometres.

B : I can imagine.

A : We had dirty clothes, and we looked like people living in the streets.
So we arrive at this reception...Finally the price wasn't too expensive, at least less than we
expected. And the room was very very nice...The bathroom was made of marble. It was a kind
of suite with a small living-room and a huge bed. Very, very nice.

B : Sounds amazing, I bet you slept very well that night.

A : Oh yeah very well.

B :It reminds me I had a similar experience in Nepal. After going on a trek for five days. We
decided before that we would book a really expensive nice hotel.
Like you, we'd been walking for five days and we were really dirty, smelly...We needed a good
wash.Our clothes too. I only had two shirts and both of them were...Not good (laughs).
And we wanted to eat in the restaurant in this expensive hotel. But they told me I couldn't go in,
because my shirt was not good enough.

A : You looked too bad...

B : I looked like a tramp. And in fact, it was one of the waiters who lent me a shirt, so I could eat
in the restaurant. I was so embarrassed.

A : Sounds very embarrassing...

Expressions expliquées dans la vidéo

Expression 1
Do you have a car park ? = Avez-vous un parking ?

Expression 2
What time is check-out on Monday ? = A quelle heure faut-il libérer la chambre le lundi ?
Le check-out est le moment de remise des clefs, avant de partir. Cela s’emploie aussi comme
un verbe, to check out (quand il s’agit d’un verbe, on ne met pas de tiret), qui signifie remettre
les clefs, partir de l’hôtel.
A l’opposé, lorsque l’on arrive à l’hôtel ou avant d’embarquer dans un avion, on parle du «
check-in‘. Le verbe correspondant est to check in.

Expression 3
We shall book you in for that = Nous vous réserverons cela.
Shall s’emploie comme WILL, pour parler au futur. Cependant on l’utilise moins que WILL, et
plutôt avec les sujets I et WE.

Expression 4
A review on the Internet = un avis, une critique sur Internet. (Notez qu’en anglais on dit THE

Expression 5
To be wary = Etre prudent, méfiant.
You have to ba wary of Internet reviews = Il faut te méfier des critiques sur Internet.

Expression 6
They can’t be bothered = Ils ont la flemme, ils ne s’embêtent pas à…
Those who are happy with a hotel can’t be bothered to write a review = Ceux qui sont
contents d’un hôtel ne vont pas s’embêter à écrire des critiques sur Internet.

Expression 7
A clue = un indice.
I didn’t pay very much money which should have been a clue = Je n’ai pas payé beaucoup
d’argent, ce qui aurait dû être un indice (dans le sens « ce qui aurait dû me mettre la puce à
l’oreille »).

Expression 8
Cockroach (pluriel cockroaches) = Cafard.

Expression 9
We were woken up early by builders = nous avons été réveillés tôt par les constructeurs (les

Expression 10
On the other side of the spectrum = littéralement « de l’autre côté du spectre », c’est-à-dire «
à l’opposé ».

Expression 11
Marble = le marbre.
The bathroom was made of marble = la salle de bains était faîte en marbre.

Expression 12
A tramp = un vagabond, un clochard.

Expression 13
A waiter lent me a shirt = Un serveur m’a prêté une chemise.
Lent est le prétérit du verbe to lend = prêter. (To lend, lent, lent).

Test de compréhension
Ok everybody, welcome to the comprehension part of this video on hotels. Today, there will be
four questions, and then there’s a little surprise for you. So...Good luck !

1 ) I booked a room in a hotel in Prague for July. It was 35 euros a night. However, I had
to pay 7 euros more for breakfast.

How much did I pay for a room in Prague with breakfast ?

→ 35 euros plus 7 euros for breakfast so 42 euros (forty-two euros).

I hope your maths is good ;)

2 ) The B&B is 20 Kms from the airport and only 200 metres from the National Art

What is a B&B ?
A - A bed and breakfast.
B - A beer and bath.

→ Or course, it’s a bed and breakfast.

What can you find 200 metres from the B&B ?

→ The National Art Museum.

3 ) The chalet we have booked for our ski holiday this winter has four bedrooms, two
bathrooms, a big living-room and is equipped with Internet access.

Why have we booked a chalet ?

→ For a ski holiday this winter.

What is it equipped with ?

→ It is equipped with Internet access.

4 ) All the double, twin and single rooms in the youth hostel have been booked already.
The only space left is in the dormitory.
If I want to stay the night in the youth hostel. What do I need to book ?

A - A double room
B - Space in the dormitory
C - A twin room
D - A single room

→ B - Space in dormitory.

Test de conversation au téléphone

Pour cet exercice, essayez de répondre à VOIX HAUTE

aux questions du téléphone comme si vous téléphoniez.

Voici les instructions :

- Vous voulez réserver une chambre d'hôtel.
- Une chambre DOUBLE.
- Du 27 au 29 de ce mois.
- Avec petit déjeuner inclus.

C’est parti :

Receptionist : Good afternoon AnglaisBases level 2 Hotel how can I help you ?

Dîtes que vous voulez réservez une chambre :

Vous : Hello, I would like to book a room.

R : Ok. would that be a double room, a single room or a twin room ?

Répondez à la question :
Vous : Well, that would be a double room please.

R : Ok, and...When will you be arriving ?

Répondez à la question (vous arrivez du 27 au 29 de ce mois) :
Vous : We will be arriving from the 27th to the 29th of this month.

R : Ok...I will just check the availability one second please...Yes that’s fine. And would
you like breakfast included ?
Répondez à la question :
Vous : Yes please, we would like breakfast included.

R : Ok...If I can just take your name please ?

Donnez votre nom :
Vous : Yes, my name is …
I can spell it for you, it’s A...L...etc.

R : Perfect. that’s wonderful, that is all booked for you, and we will see you then. Thank
you, bye bye !
Remerciez et dîtes au revoir :
Vous : Thank you very much, bye bye !
Accommodation = logement / hébergement; hotel = hotel; B & B, or bed and breakfast = «
lit et petit déjeuner »; hostel = auberge; youth hostel = auberge de jeunesse, guest house =
chambre d’hôtes; guestroom = chambre d’amis; chalet = chalet; lodge = pavillon; check-in
=accueil / enregistrement; check-out = départ, remise des clefs; vacancy = chambre libre (pl.
vacancies); availability = disponibilité; fully booked (or fully-booked) = complet.

Double room = chambre double (avec un lit double); single room = chambre individuelle; twin
room = chambre double (avec deux lits individuels); en-suite bathroom = avec salle de bain
attenante; shared bathroom = chambre sans salle de bain (salle de bain partagée); dormitory
= dortoir; parking = parking; restaurant = restaurant; swimming pool = piscine; breakfast
included = petit-déjeuner inclus; breakfast not included = petit-déjeuner non-inclus; WI-FI
access = accès au WI-FI; children’s play area = aire de jeux pour les enfants; pets allowed
= animaux domestique acceptés; pets not allowed = animaux domestiques non-autorisés;
smoking = fumeur; non-smoking = non-fumeur; shower = douche; bath = bain; tea or coffee
making facilities = équipements pour faire du thé ou du café (souvent disponibles dans les

Price = prix; tariff = rates = tarifs; high season = peak season = saison haute; low season
= off-peak = saison creuse; discount = remise, réduction; self-catering = (appartement avec
une cuisine); full board = pension complète; half board = demi-pension.

Can you recommend…? = pouvez-vous recommander…?; I would like to make a
reservation = je voudrais faire une réservation; can I reserve = puis-je réserver ?; do you
have any vacancies? = avez-vous des chambres de libres ?; how long are you staying?
= combien de temps restez-vous ?; for how many nights? = pour combien de nuits ?; what
time will you be arriving? = à quelle heure arriverez-vous ?; how far is it from…? = à quelle
distance est-ce de…?; how much is it per night? = combien est-ce par nuit ?; is breakfast
included? = est-ce que le petit-déjeuner est inclus ? I have a reservation in the name of…
= I have a reservation under the name of… = j’ai une réservation au nom de…; what time
do I have to check out? = à quelle heure dois-je libérer la chambre ?; here is your key = voici
votre clé; is there room service? = y-a-t’il un service de chambre ?; can I have a wake up call
at…? = puis-je avoir un appel pour me réveiller à…?; I’m checking out = Je libère la chambre
/ je m’en vais; may I have the bill please? = puis-je avoir la facture s’il vous plaît ?; could you
call me a taxi please? = pourriez-vous m’appeler un taxi s’il vous plaît ?

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