Semaine11 Computers Internet
Semaine11 Computers Internet
Semaine11 Computers Internet
Hello everybody and welcome to this new lesson on AnglaisBases level 2. Today, Alban and I
will be talking to you about computers and the Internet. We will also be taking you behind the
scenes of the AnglaisBases website. I hope you enjoy it!
A : Hello Ben.
B : OK!
B : So, here, we will do a screen capture, that way our subscribers can see what we are doing.
First, I double-click on the icon to open the browser.
And then, in the address bar at the top of the screen, I put the address. So in this case, it's
And enter.
Right, I'm already subscribed to this site, so all I have to do is enter my email address, or my
username, and my password. And then log in.
I'm now connected to our website AnglaisBases level 2. For example, if I want to have a look at
the lesson of the week, I click on the tab. And then I can choose which lesson I want to see.
And there you go!
A : And now what about showing our members how do we prepare and edit the videos for the
A : Let's go again.
B : OK.
So...To do the videos. First I need to close the browser. And then I open the video editing
software. Next, all I have to do is upload the videos from the camera.
So, as you can see, we use a green screen to do our videos. This way, we can add effects later.
Because we film with a green screen, Like this. We can use special effects, which we can put
on to the video later.
For example, I can make you think that I'm in New York... Or even walking on the moon. Or, if
you like, at the bottom of the sea. You see the fish?
As you can see, all you need is a small HD camera. That way, you can put videos on the
Internet easily.
A : Once we have finished editing the videos, we just simply upload them to our website. And
then, all we have to do is send you, our subscribers, an email telling you the video is available
And that's it!
Expression 1
A screen capture = une capture d'écran. On peut dire aussi screenshot (ou screen shot),
screencap, ou print screen. Parfois on voit aussi le terme screencast, qui se réfère
uniquement à une capture vidéo de l'écran (car screenshot peut aussi se référer à une
photographie statique de l'écran).
Expression 2
To double-click = double-cliquer.
An icon = une icône.
Expression 3
A browser = un navigateur, ou logiciel pour naviguer sur Internet.
To browse est un verbe, qui signifie en anglais flâner, feuilleter, naviguer ou consulter. On peut
dire par exemple to browse through a book, feuilleter un livre, ou to go browsing, aller faire
du lèche-vitrine.
Expression 4
The address bar = La barre d'adresses. On peut dire aussi the URL bar.
Attention, notez bien qu'en anglais, le mot address prend 2 D.
Expression 5
Dot com = .com= point com. En anglais, on ne dit pas point com mais "dot" com (ou "dot"
net, "dot" fr etc.) pour nommer le "point" sur les adresses de sites Internet.
Expression 6
To be subscribed = être abonné.
Exemple : I'm already subscribed to this website = Je suis déjà abonné/inscrit à ce site web.
Le verbe to subscribe signifie s'inscrire, s'abonner.
On emploie aussi le nom a subscriber pour parler d'un inscrit, d'un abonné, d'un membre (on
peut dire aussi a member).
Expression 7
Username and password = nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe.
Expression 8
A tab = un onglet.
To access = accéder à.
I click on the tab to access the lessons of the week = Je clique sur l'onglet pour accéder aux
leçons de la semaine.
Expression 9
A video editing software, or video editing program = un logiciel de montage video.
Expression 10
To download = télécharger.
To upload = envoyer des données (téléchargement depuis son ordinateur, vers le serveur).
Expression 10
Available online = disponible en ligne.
Expression 11
Small HD camera = Petite caméra HD.
High Definition = HD = Haute Définition.
Test de Compréhension
1) John wanted to watch a movie on his laptop computer so he put a DVD into the disk
2) Hello Mark! It’s Ben. Listen, I’ve sent you an email with the list of phone numbers
attached. Can you download the attachment and give it to the boss? thanks.
Who am I calling?
→ Mark.
3) Philip was in the middle of editing a video when his computer crashed.
5) My cousin Amy forwarded me an email from Susan with photos from our holiday on
the beach.
Who is Amy?
→ She’s my cousin.
6) Ben : Hi Alban; I logged out of my account and now I can’t remember my password.
What can I do?
Alban : Well it’s easy. You just need to click on the “forgotten password” link and then
they will send you an email with your password in it.
Computer = ordinateur; desktop computer = ordinateur de bureau; laptop = ordibateur
portable; tablet = tablette; monitor = écran (tout le bloc); screen = écran; keyboard = clavier;
keys = touches; space bar = barre d'espace; enter = entrée; mouse = souris; mouse pad
= tapis de souris; mouse button = bouton de souris; cursor = curseur; arrow = flèche;
CPU (Central Processing Unit) = unité centrale; port = port; USB = USB; USB key = clé
USB; cable = câble; power switch = interrupteur; printer = imprimante; photocopier =
photocopieuse; scanner = scanner; software = logiciel; programmes (US programs) =
programmes, logiciels; word processor = logiciel de traitement de texte; file = fichier; folder
= dossier; icon = icône, application = application; toolbar = barre d'outils; virus = virus; anti-
virus = anti-virus; hardware = matériel informatique; hard drive = hard disk = disque dur; disk
drive = lecteur de disques.
Browser = navigateur; dot com = prononciation de .com; search engine = moteur de
recherche; search bar = barre de recherche; network = réseau; username = nom d'utilisateur;
password = mot de passe; website = site web; Internet address = adresse Internet; email
address = adresse email; email = email; inbox = boîte de réception; sent messages =
messages envoyés; draft = brouillon; spam = junk = junk mail = courrier indésirable; forums =
message board = forum; Internet connection = connexion Internet; fibre optic = fibre optique;
broadband = adsl; wi-fi = wi-fi.
To type = taper (au clavier); to save = sauvegarder; to print = imprimer; to delete = effacer;
to copy = copier; to paste = coller; to cut = couper; to back up = faire une sauvegarde; to
download = télécharger; to upload = envoyer des données; to edit = modifier; to browse
= naviguer sur le web, consulter; to update = mettre à jour; to sign up = s'inscrire; to sign
in = to log in = se connecter; to disconnect = to log out = to log off = to sign out = se
déconnecter; to subscribe = s'abonner; to check = regarder, vérifier (ex : to check my email);
to receive = recevoir; to forward = transmettre; to send = envoyer; to compose = composer;
to attach a file = joindre un fichier; an attachment = une pièce jointe; to crash = planter.