Greer Citizen E-Edition 4.4.18

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ALL TIED UP: High school baseball standings tighten B1



Southern Growl could add brewing facility

STAFF WRITER ‘We hope to have a microbrewery in Greer
Southern Growl could by this time next year.’
soon expand following
Greer City Council’s recent
decision to amend zoning Matt Bowes
ordinances pertaining to Owner, Southern Growl
brewing facilities in com-
mercial zones. become very attractive to young and old, families
The business is one of the brewing industry, and with young children and
five applicants submit- in turn, the city and resi- animal lovers with their
ting expansion requests dents will benefit greatly,” well-mannered dogs all in
to Greer’s Planning Advi- he said. the same place.”
sory Committee (PAC) for Bowes said he has visit- Southern Growl is a
Thursday, April 5. ed hundreds of breweries gastro pub on the corner
“As we look to grow and across the United States Wade Hampton and Bun-
add a brewing facility to during his years of expe- combe Road with a focus
our current operations, rience in the craft beer in- on craft beer and quality
there is no question that dustry. food.
we would love to stay in “Breweries are commu- “Our focus is still on
the City of Greer,” said nity-oriented businesses impacting the community
Matt Bowes, owner of that create a casual place in a positive way by of-
Southern Growl. for friends and families fering a social gathering
“With this zoning to gather and enjoy time place with plenty of green
change to allow breweries together,” he said. “You space and a cozy feel like PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN
and brewpubs, I believe often walk into a brewery many other restaurants
Greer will immediately and see groups of friends, SEE BREWERY | A6 Josh Waycaster, bar manager at Southern Growl, serves customers Tuesday evening.

City Man
finalizes dies
street at BMW
plans plant

Following widespread OSHA now

replacement of downtown
utility lines, the City of
Greer is finalizing designs,
details and schedules for
its upcoming streetscape
“Our final streetscape
designs are wrapping up,” BY BILLY CANNADA
said Steve Grant, Director EDITOR
of Building and Develop-
ment Standards and City A Boiling Springs man is
Engineer. “Expected start dead and an investigation
date is mid to late sum- BILLY CANNADA | THE GREER CITIZEN is underway following an
mer. Final design details incident at one of BMW
and schedules are being Spartanburg County is training first responders to be part of the Rescue Task Force during active shooter situations. Manufacturing’s paint
finalized.” shops last Wednesday

County preps for active shooter

Spartanburg County
Coroner Rusty Cleveng-

CPW to
er said 45-year-old Bojan
Sprah, who was a private

During cording to Cpt. Nick Ray

of the North Spartanburg
contractor working on
BMW equipment, suffered

Fire District. fatal open head trauma,
Spring Break “This really came about
after the 1999 Columbine
secondary to blunt force
trauma and entrapment

holiday shooting,” Ray said of the in moving machinery at

need for the task force. around 10:30 a.m.
“(School shootings) have Officials with the Pel-
BY BILLY CANNADA always been deemed a ham Batesville Fire De-
EDITOR SWAT-type call, but it just partment responded to

takes so long for SWAT the scene, but Sprah was
While students and teams to get on scene and pronounced dead shortly
teachers enjoy Spring be affective. In that situa- after first-responders ar-
Break this week, Spartan- tion, you were looking at rived.
STAFF WRITER breakfast & lunch
burg County first respond-
ers are preparing for the
victims laying inside the
building for three or four
In a statement, BMW of-
ficials said “the paint shop

The Greer Commission

of Public Works intends
6am - 2pm
“Are we ready for this?”
That was the question
hours with no care. Now,
after 20 years, we realize
that these situations are
has stopped operation as
the investigation contin-
to renew its power agree- posed by Spartanburg all encompassing and re- OSHA is investigating
ment Piedmont Municipal County Sheriff’s Office quire police, fire and EMS to determine factors that
Power Agency (PMPA) later Sgt. Mike Clevenger, who to initiate response as BILLY CANNADA | THE GREER CITIZEN could have contributed to
this year. helped lead an active quickly as possible.” the incident.
Following the signing shooter training for po- The training comes Spartanburg County deputies sweep a room at Hendrix The coroner said a toxi-
a letter of intent, the two lice, fire and EMS person- on the heels of a school Elementary Monday during a training session. cology report was not yet
parties are working “in nel at Hendrix Elementary shooting in Parkland, available.
good faith” to finalize the School Monday afternoon. Florida, which claimed highlighting improper po- abilities in how we oper-
terms and conditions of The Rescue Task Force the lives of 17 people at a lice response circulated ate, but it is a lesson we [email protected] | 877-2076
a renewal or extension of training will continue local high school. Follow- through the media. can learn from,” Ray said.
the Power Sales Agreement throughout the week, ac- ing that incident, reports “It showed some vulner- SEE TRAINING | A6


Nora Roberts Posey, 77
Robinson, 83 Fairview holds THE GREER CITIZEN,
and receive a soft drink
OUR SCHOOLS B8 annual Hope Week
event in Greer
with purchase of an entree
view full menu at breakfast & lunch

(Located in the Belk Plaza) Come& On

breakfast lunchIn
6am - 2pm For Breakfast
& Lunch!
6am - 2pm
805 W. Wade Hampton Blvd., Greer, SC 29650meet
Come | 864-479-0566
our family so we can serve your family
(Located in the Belk Plaza)
805 W. Wade Hampton Blvd.
Greer, SC 29650 | 864-479-0566

Community Larry Beheler, a Greer

resident and longtime or-
ganizer of the Greer Fam-
and the Spartanburg Hu-
mane Society.
For more information,

News ily Fest Bass Tournament,

will help the Lions Club
coordinate the fundraiser.
or contact Mike Moss at
The previous tourna-
The City of Greer 2018 The biggest fish ever The Greer Commission
Greer Goes Global Juried caught on Lake Robinson of Public Works is holding
Arts Exhibition is a region- is a 13 pound, 14-ounce a blood drive benefiting
al art exhibition presented largemouth bass on April the Information Technolo-
by the City of Greer, the 13, 1994. gy (IT) Manager Scott Par-
Greer Cultural Arts Coun- Complete and return ris.
cil, and Partnership for To- registration and fee by The Blood Drive will be
morrow. April 6 to: Greer Centen- held on Thursday, April
Open to artists living nial Lions Club, Bass Tour- 26, from 8-11:30 a.m. at
within a 100-mile radius nament, PO Box 1151, Greer CPW, located at 301
of Greer, this juried exhi- Greer, SC 29652. McCall St, Greer.
bition seeks to recognize Sponsorships are avail- Parris is currently at
the outstanding quality able. the Medical University of
and diversity of work be- Please contact brooke. South Carolina-Charleston
ing generated by artists [email protected]. battling liver disease, and
of the Upstate region of he has received multiple
South Carolina. PRINCE OF PEACE TO HOST units of blood during his
The Jury Committee UPCOMING CRAFT BAZAAR numerous hospital stays,
consists of Greer Business Prince of Peace Catholic and donating the gift of
Leaders and Artists. Church is hosting a Craft life is just one of the ways
Because this year’s art Bazaar on Saturday, Apr. the Greer community can
show was closely tied to 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. help.
the festival, there were at the church, located at Please email Fredia.
two themes. 1209 Brushy Creek Road, [email protected] for
The theme of Greer Goes Taylors. a time slot between 8 and
Global reflects the diversi- 11:30 a.m. on Thursday,
ty of the upstate. GREER GOES GLOBAL FOR April 26.
Greer-An Upstate Desti- INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL For more information
nation includes imagery of Celebrate the cultures of about Parri’s battle or to
downtown Greer and the the Upstate on Saturday, donate money, visit www.
surrounding area. Apr. 14, from 11 a.m. to 4
Greer Cultural Arts has p.m. with Greer’s 5th An- ris-medical-fund.
announced the winners of PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN nual International Festival
its 2018 Greer Goes Global at Greer City Park. AWARENESS DAY
juried art show.
In the Greer Goes Glob-
al contest, winners in-
Finger lickin’ good International Featured
Country Tents, Entertain-
ment, Sports, Crafts, and
The Community Health
Awareness Day is an in-
cluded: Ansley Clifton enjoyed cotton candy last Saturday at the Middle Tyger Food Truck Frenzy Food fill the park during formative and fun event
1st - Diana Moscoso hosted by Potential Church and Spa Essentials. the five-hour event. for Spartanburg County
2nd - Jack Zheng Children under 16 must families on Saturday, April
3rd - Juan Vallejo City Park. second, third and multiple If able, please bring a be accompanied by an 28, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
Students The opening of a new merit awards. few items to donate for adult. at Tiger River Presbyterian
1st - Stevie Plemmons Greer City Hall in 2008 All winners will be on the event upon arrival. Pets are not permitted. Church, located at 5961
2nd - Adelle Pruitt and the 12-acre Greer City display in the City of Greer All money raised will be Anyone who requires Reidville Road, Moore.
3rd - Brian Ramirez Park later in 2009 provid- “Wall Gallery” through the given to the Alzheimer’s an auxiliary aid or service Registration starts at 8
Photography ed needed green space end of July and should be Association. for effective communica- a.m. with a one-mile fun
1st - Jayaprakash Na- in the city’s downtown, priced to sell. tion or a modification of walk starting at 8:30 a.m.
tarejan known as Greer Station. For more information, GREER CENTENNIAL LIONS policies or procedures to and screenings and activi-
For the Greer-An Up- A summer festival hon- please contact the Events TO HOST TOURNAMENT participate in a program, ties starting at 9 a.m.
state Destination catego- oring veterans and current Division at 968-7008 or The Bass Tournament is service, activity or pub- Free health screenings
ry, winners included: U.S. Armed Forces was eventstaffgroup@cityof- set for Saturday, April 14, lic meeting of the City of cover cholesterol, vision,
Best in show the perfect reason for the from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Greer should contact 864- diabetes, blood pressure
1st - Sharon Serwinows- community to gather an- Lake Robinson. 968-7008 as soon as pos- and more; attendees must
ki nually starting in 2009. GERMAN-AMERICAN CLUB The event is open to the sible, but no later than 48 pre-register for the Mobile
2nd - Tom Forrester This year, the city is in- WILL HOLD MEETING public and sponsored by hours prior to the sched- Mammography any Satur-
3rd - Jennifer Hagans viting visual artists to cre- The German-American Greer CPW with tourna- uled event. day in April at The Car-
Students ate one dynamic image to Club of the Carolinas will ment prizes of $1,000 for For more information, penter’s Table between 9
1st - Morgan Gregory represent the 10th Anni- have its monthly Stam- the biggest fish and other visit www.greergoesglob- a.m. and noon.
2nd - Teresa Marie Pruitt versary of Freedom Blast mtisch on Friday, April top prizes. Other activities include
3rd - Jenna Scarboro for promotional flyers, the 6, at 6 p.m. at Bangkok 2 Money raised from the a free healthy lunch and
Photography Students Freedom Blast T-shirt, and Restaurant, 1398 Boiling tournament will benefit PRIME PAWS DOG FUN drinks, talks on hot health
1st - Nasania Nelson all multi-media. Springs Road, Spartan- the Lions Club mission WALK SET FOR APRIL 21 topics, senior bingo, door
2nd - Caroline Green All works must be de- burg. to help with eye care and Lyman United Meth- prizes, live music and a
3rd - Cierah Slayton livered to the City of Anyone interested in sight conditions. odist Church, located at kid zone with inflatables,
Photography Greer Business Offices on German language/culture Registration is now 106 Groce Road, Lyman, Zumba and a bike give-
1st - Blaine Owens Wednesday, May 16, be- is welcome to attend. open, and applications is hosting the inaugural away.
2nd - Diana Moscoso tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. can be found at the Lake Prime Paws Dog Fun Walk Free t-shirts are avail-
3rd - Jim Wallar Best in Show winner WOMEN’S CLOTHES SWAP Robinson warden’s of- on Saturday, April 21, rain able while supplies last.
Art work which placed will receive a $300 Visa FOR ALZHEIMER’S fice, Greer CPW and vari- or shine. All dogs must be
will continue to hang in gift card, up to eight Free- Visiting Angels and ous bait and tackle shops on a leash. PLANT SALE COMING
the Wall Gallery at Greer dom Blast shirts, post- Manning Place is hosting a around the Upstate. There will be t-shirts and TO SCIENCE CENTER
City Hall until April 23. ers using the artwork to Women’s Clothes Swap on Participants must have doggie bandanas available A Plant Sale by Greater
promote the event and Saturday, April 7, from 9 a fishing license through as well as an opportunity Greenville Master Gar-
GREER TO HOLD CONTEST special guest privileges at a.m. to 2 p.m., at Manning the South Carolina Depart- to get photos of your dog. deners is taking place on
FOR FREEDOM BLAST Freedom Blast on June 30, Place, located at 10 Com- ment of Natural Resources Registration is at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 28, from 8
The City of Greer is cel- 2018. panion Ct, Greer. and a boating and fish- with the start at 9 a.m. a.m. to 1 p.m. rain or shine
ebrating its 10th year of Other prizes to be deter- Shoppers can select five ing permit through Greer Proceeds will benefit at the Roper Mountain Sci-
Freedom Blast in Greer mined and distributed for items for only $10. CPW. LUMC Prime Time Group ence Center.

Church 101, Greer with the top-

ic “Listen, Love, Repeat
Quartet, who will sing at
the church on Saturday,
On Saturday, April 21,
the presentation will begin
nual Summer Drama Camp
from June 26 to June 30
30, at 6:30 p.m. in the wor-
ship center.

(Other-Centered Living in April 28, at 6 p.m. at 7 p.m., and on Sunday, with a final performance To register your child
a Self-Centered World)” by The church is located at April 22, the presentation on Saturday, June 30, at for Drama Camp, visit
Karen Ehman in the DVD 105 Daniel Avenue, Greer. will take place at 10:30 6:30 p.m. thecreekgreer.churchcen-
Women’s Conference. For more information, a.m. and 2 p.m. The cost of camp is $40 today to
Dinner will be served on call 895-3966. Pre-service music will be per child up to a $100 complete the registration
APALACHE BAPTIST Friday, April 20, during provided starting at 6:30 family maximum. process and pay online.
TO HAVE APRIL ACTIVITIES the 6-9 p.m. event, and IVAN PARKER CONCERT p.m. on Saturday by the All children having fin- Payment must be made
A covered dish supper breakfast and lunch will COMING TO ROCK SPRINGS Reedy River Baptist Choir, ished 1st – 6th grade are at the time of registration,
is on the calendar for the be served on Saturday, Rock Springs Baptist and pre-service will be giv- welcome. or the registration will not
Golden Hearts April 10 at April 21, during the 9 a.m. Church is hosting a lunch en at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday Children will learn be valid.
the church Christian Life to 3 p.m. event. at noon with an Ivan Park- by Danny Seay. the musical, The Agape Deadline to register is
Center (CLC) at 6 p.m. Cost is $12. Registration er Concert to follow on Everyone is welcome, League. Sunday, May 6, or when
The guest for the night deadline is April 15. May 12 in their Impact and nursery will be pro- Each day of camp, chil- capacity is reached, which-
is “Preacher Puckett with To register, email Ann Center, located at 201 vided. dren will experience a ever comes first.
his Bucket” (Rev Henry Marchbanks at just_an- Rock Spring Road, Easley. For more information, fun-filled schedule of ac- Drama Camp will be
Johnson, former Pastor of [email protected]. For tickets, please call call 877-4021 or visit www. tivities including crafts, held on the church cam-
ABC). Make checks payable 295-1714 or 270-6032 by snacks, play time, musi- pus at 2461 Abner Creek
A day trip is planned to: LWCC. April 15. cal rehearsals, and much Rd in Greer.
for April 16 to Charles- For more information, ABNER CREEK TO HOST more. For more information,
ton. Some of the seniors visit THE JESUS STORY SUMMER DRAMA CAMP Campers will perform visit www.abnercreekbap-
will walk the 2-1/2 miles waycommunitychurch. PRESENTED BY EL BETHEL Abner Creek Baptist the musical The Agape or call 877-6604.
across the Ravenel Bridge. com/events or call Tracy The Jesus Story, “The Church will host their an- League on Saturday, June
The Golden Hearts will Elphick at 918-9834. Greatest Story Ever Told,”
have lunch at RB’s on the is going to be presented
water front and also tour UNITED CHRISTIAN April 21-22 by the Music
The Citadel. TO HAVE INFINITY QUARTET Ministry of El Bethel Bap-
On April 26, the senior United Christian Church tist Church, located at 313
adults will go out to eat is hosting the Infinity Jones Avenue, Greer.
for the evening meal at Ar-
bys in Greer.


Dentures from $450 set
Suber Road Baptist
Church would like to in-
vite the community to join SIMPLE
them for Mommy and Me EXTRACTIONS
$85 per tooth
on April 12 from 10 a.m.
to 12 p.m.
Enjoy a craft, story, X-RAY
games, play time with
friends, and lunch. This is $65
a free event. Mommy and
Me is offered every month
on the second Thursday of
each month.
Suber Road Baptist • Repair & relines
while you wait
Church is located at 445 S. • All work done
Suber Rd. in Greer. on premises
For more information,
call 801-0181.


Living Way Communi-
ty Church is holding a
Women’s Ministry event
at 3239 North Highway

Greer employees recognized for milestones

BY KAELYN CASHMAN istration, Ashlyn Stone in
STAFF WRITER the Parks and Recreation
Department and Ashley
Mayor Rick Danner and Guinn, Angel Santana and
Greer City Council recent- Nicholas “Jordan” Wil-
ly recongnized city em- liams in the Police Depart-
ployees for milestone ac- ment.
complishments. In addition, Willis “La-
“It is indeed our plea- mar” Whitman has served
sure to recognize employ- for 25 years in the Parks
ees who have reached a and Recreation Depart-
milestone in their em- ment.
ployment here with the
city,” Danner said Tuesday

meeting. “It is our way to Six City of Greer employees received recognition for milestones during last week’s Greer City Council meeting.
show a small token of our Brewing Amendment: Greer
appreciation for the work City Council unanimously brewpubs, micro breweries, Number 8-2018 to change Risk Management: Greer Card Policy: Greer City Coun-
that they do for us and for approved the second and breweries, micro distilleries the zoning classification of City Council unanimous- cil unanimously approved
our citizens.” final reading of Ordinance and distilleries within the City properties owned by William ly approved the first and the first and final reading of
Six employees reached Number 11-2018 to amend of Greer. D. Grady located at 124 and final reading of Resolution Resolution Number 12-2018,
the five-year mark with the City of Greer zoning 126 Gilbert Street from RM-1 Number 11-2018, adopting adopting the City of Greer
Ruthie Helms in the Build- code of ordinance by adding Gilbert Street: Greer City (Residential Multi-Family) to the City of Greer Fraud Risk Purchasing Card/Credit Card
ing and Development to article 4, definitions and Council unanimously DRD (Design Review District). Management Policy. Policy.
Standards Department, article 5, zoning district approved the second and
Heather Smith in Admin- regulations to incorporate final reading of Ordinance [email protected] | 877-2076

Funding increased for

CDBG and HOME pools
BY KAELYN CASHMAN for sub-recipients.
STAFF WRITER GCRA staff evaluated
seven applications sub-
Local city services for Greer Parks and Recreation: mitted for sub-recipient
demolition, home rehabil- Needmore Youth Summer funding by organizations
itation and special project Program: $6,000 interested in providing
funding may see an in- community service in the
crease this year. Greer Parks and Recreation: City of Greer. Since re-
With the federal govern- Needmore Senior Program: quests for funding exceed-
ment passing the omnibus $1,000 ed available funds this
bill, funding for Commu- year, GCRA made recom-
nity Development Block Creative Advancement mendations based on dif-
Grant (CDBG) funds and Center: $10,000 ferent factors, including
HOME funds increased. the impact a program has
“I imagine we will get Greer Community on the community, such
a higher allocation,” said Ministries: $15,000 as the number of partici-
Greer Assistant City Ad- pants served.
ministrator Mike Sell. Greer Relief & Resources: “I think that plays into
Douglas Dent, Interim $7,000 determining what the
Executive Director of the funding level ought to be
Greenville County Re- Helping Hands of Greer, Inc: as well,” Sell said.
development Authority $2,000 “These are recommen-
(GCRA), presented a con- dations based on those
servative application for a conservative projection factors,” he continued.
CDBG and HOME funds tonight based on the fis- “It is at the council’s dis-
due to the uncertainty of cal year 2012, which was cretion to determine how
the federal government’s the lowest year of funding those funds are allocated
actions. that we’ve had in the last for sub recipients.”
“At this time, we are ask- several years,” Dent told This year, GCRA staff
ing the budget allocations council at the March 13 recommended and Greer
to be approved as they meeting, “but we’re frank- City Council approved
PHOTO | SUBMITTED were presented during the ly not sure how much $6,000 to the City of Greer
public hearing a couple money will be available.” Needmore Youth Summer
Greer Middle College Charter High School senior students are getting ready to showcase weeks ago,” Sell said. As a result, the Annual Program, $1,000 to the
their senior projects and internships on Thursday, April 12. The Annual Action Plan Action Plan’s proposed City of Greer Needmore
is Greenville County’s Ap- allocations for 2018 are Senior Program, $10,000

GMC to showcase senior

plication to the Federal $545,467 with $252,003 to Creative Advancement
Government (US Depart- for new construction/ Center, $15,000 to Greer
ment of Housing and Ur- housing activities, $25,000 Community Ministries,
ban Development) propos- for owner-occupied re- Inc, $7,000 to Greer Re-
ing the use of Community habilitation, $20,000 for lief and Resources Agen-

projects, internships Development Block Grant

(CDBG), HOME and Emer-
gency Solutions Grant
emergency rehabilita-
tion, $137,464 for infra-
structure improvements,
$70,000 for facility im-
cy, Inc, $2,000 to Helping
Hands Ministry and none
to Senior Action, which
submitted an application
BY KAELYN CASHMAN Based Learning.” System, Pelham Medical “We come to you with provements and $41,000 for the first time this year.
STAFF WRITER “Our seniors choose Center, Family Dental
their own topics which are Health, Greer Chiropractic,
Students at Greer Mid- organized around a Driv- Devobal, Greenville Zoo,
dle College Charter High
School will showcase their
senior projects on Thurs-
ing Question and require
a significant amount of
research, revision and re-
Greenville Drive, Com-
munity Works, Langley &
Associates, Greer Relief,
Duncan calls special meetings
day, April 12, from 4:30- flection,” she continued. Greer Community Min- BY KAELYN CASHMAN located on S. Church session to discuss an eco-
6:30 p.m., at 138 W. McEl- GMC has 99 seniors in istries, Summers Ortho- STAFF WRITER Street Ext. and Christo- nomic development mat-
haney Road, Taylors. the 2018 graduating class, dontics, Eastside YMCA, pher Street Ext. in Duncan ter for Project Alpha, and
“With our new home, and current Senior Project Senior Action, Palmetto Duncan Town Coun- has been rezoned from council approved a reso-
we now have the perfect and Senior Project Intern- Physical Therapy, Junior cil held held two special Residential RS-2 to RS-4 lution to approve a Memo-
opportunity to share what ship categories incorpo- Achievement, and Pelham called meetings in the Cluster Development for randum of Understanding
we do with our communi- rate art, music, science, Links Dentistry.   past few weeks, taking up residential use. (MOU) for Project Alpha.
ty and launch a showcase business, photography, Invitations to judge se- ordinances and rezoning Duncan Town Council “They’re ready to get
evening,” said Heather Ti- writing, construction and nior project presentations requests. also approved two reso- started on their project
manus, Development Di- recreation. on May 17 will follow the The first meeting was lutions, one to purchase sooner rather than later,”
rector at GMC. “Our Business Partners showcase. held on March 21. a used bobcat and back- Town Administrator Cam-
In August 2017, GMC make an incredible invest- “For the past six years, Less than an acre lo- hoe to clean out storm eron Fant said of those do-
moved into their new ment in our seniors,” said hundreds of judges from cated on E. Main Street drainage along the roads ing the project.
home, a 46,000 square- Shelly Bishop, Senior Proj- the community have eval- and Springdale Street in and the other to adopt The MOU will not be re-
foot building, where se- ect Internship Coach. “The uated our Senior Project Duncan has been rezoned the Spartanburg County leased until the document
niors will have tables set opportunities to learn presentations,” Timanus from Residential RS-2 to Multi-Jurisdictional Haz- has been signed, which
up displaying their proj- both hard and soft skills, said. “The feedback on our NBD-Neighborhood Busi- ard Mitigation. could take place within
ects and internships. They critical thinking, problem students has always been ness District for general The second special the next two weeks.
will also be available to solving, communication excellent and judges have office use. called meeting on March
share their experiences. and collaboration pre- often expressed a desire A portion of 37.41 acres 28 included an executive [email protected] | 877-2076
“Our students spend pare GMC students for a to see more projects than
their entire senior year productive life after high the three or four they are
working with business school.” assigned to judge.”
partners and mentors in Examples of 2018-2019 “Prior to this year, GMC
our community to com- projects include ceramics, was housed in 28 porta-
plete internship hours woodcarving, tailoring, bles, making for challeng-
and to develop individual 3D printing, hydroponics, ing logistics when trying
projects/products,” Ti- vehicle and camper res- to host a large event,” she
manus said. “As a Project torations, building a tiny continued.
Based Learning school, the house, and theater pro- To view more pictures of
showcase will provide our duction.  GMC senior projects, visit
seniors with the opportu- Internship sites for the GMC Senior Project
nity to make their projects 2018-2019 are City of Instagram page: @gmc_se-
public, which is an essen- Greer, Grace Church, Up- niorproject.
tial element of Project ward, Greenville Health

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The Greer Citizen


n a move that feels like sadly letting go
I’M JUST Spinal Tap would describe, ‘up to elev- A truck is a huge investment.
of a beloved, elderly pet, it appears it’s en.’ This means the radio must remain
time to send our old farm truck to that SAYING turned off less one wants to somersault Even used ones aren’t cheap.
big garage in the sky...or more likely, a backwards through the rear window af-
nearby junkyard. ter turning the key some sleepy morning Many people rely upon them to
It’s not that I feel it needs to be put PAM STONE and being assaulted by a shrieking, nine
out of its misery--it’s mighty 10 cylinder octave Mariah Carey. And I dare not turn make a living. 
engine has rivaled a Merkava tank for its on the heat from fear that a tsunami
powerful longevity-- but like countless of stink bugs will come flying out after have the power of the microphone to
Dodge trucks from 1999-2003, I fear it ively. Silly rabbit. handily burrowing within the cracks bury them. Writing a column also gives
has now turned against, and indeed is “Oh, yeah,” came my answer. “It has to during the winter. you a similar sort of platform if you
planning to, kill me. be replaced. It’s a big job.” The thing that kills me (besides poten- choose to use it and in this case I do. On
These trucks are renowned for de- Replaced, of course, with no guarantee tially the dash) is Chrysler’s claim that behalf of all the hard working (not nec-
veloping cracked dashboards. That’s a that the new one won’t break apart as the cracked dashboard is only a ‘cosmet- essarily me) people who are stuck with
rather anemic description, really. My well. ic’ issue, with ‘no reports of injuries.’ So, the thousand dollar repair job as well as
dash looks like Sean Penn in profile. Beat It’s not as though I drive this truck not their problem. Are you kidding me?? the potential for real injury due to your
to hell. As if someone took a Louisville a lot. At 3 city blocks to the gallon, it If the airbag even still works, the knife shoddiness and irresponsibility, shame
Slugger to it. And the result is that mine, makes it to the feed store and back as sharp shards that would explode with it on you, Chrysler. Shame on you for ig-
as well as thousands of others, has col- well as to Home Depot. At first, the will leave me looking like an extra from noring thousands of good (not necessar-
lapsed because of inferior grade plastic. degradation of the dash was simply ‘Saving Private Ryan,’ and effectively ily me) people who really wanted to ‘buy
The fitted carpet cover I placed over it inconvenient: I placed a medium iced squelch any chance of an open casket American.’ A truck is a huge investment.
hasn’t stopped broken pieces dropping tea in the cup holder and with a snap, funeral. Even used ones aren’t cheap. Many peo-
to the floor or wiring becoming exposed.  it broke in half and both my shoes and Even cremation would be dicey. I’d ple rely upon them to make a living. 
‘’In the end, the whole thing’ll col- carpeting were soaked. Not to mention be so riddled with plastic you’d have to Ours most certainly were not ‘Built
lapse,” pointed out my mechanic, Jim- sticky. The volume knob to the radio no haul me to the recycler. Ram Tough.’
mie, “and it won’t be drivable.” longer seems connected to anything and One nice thing about being a stand up  If anything, they’re the black sheep of
“Is it expensive to fix it?” I asked na- remains cranked, as Nigel Tufnel from comic is that if you have a heckler, you your automotive family.



the years Staff reporter

Editor’s Note: Walk down mem-

ory lane with us! In upcoming atch the Lamb.
editions of The Greer Citizen, we I’d heard this song
will be taking a look at old news- before, but watching the
papers and bringing you stories music video this year had me
from the past to commemorate in tears.
our 100-year anniversary. We The song follows the story
hope this section gives you a bet- of a father taking his sons to
ter look at the people, events and sacrifice a lamb in Jerusalem.
businesses that made the Greer On the way, the father tells
area a great place to live for the his sons to watch the lamb, so
past Century. the animal would not run away.
But, once they reach the
Wednesday, September 17, town, they find upheaval.
1980 The boys’ father is forced to
carry the cross of Jesus to the
“Thousands Greet President hill where he is crucified.
On His Visit To Greer and Pied- At the end of the song, the
mont Area” boys admit that the lamb ran
Senator Verne Smith, Greer In the Bible, Jesus is often

Mayor Don Smith and others called the Lamb of God, who is
presented President Jimmy
Carter with a basket of peaches
EDITORIAL slain for the sins of the human

Renewing a commitment
upon his visit to Greer. Carter Thankfully, Jesus did not
was touring the Upstate and its stay dead.
successful textile mills. Another one of my favorite
songs is “Arise, my love.”
“Anybody who drives down

to unbiased news coverage

I-85 knows that this area is
booming with industry—that Thankfully, Jesus did
this is the center of America’s
textile industry,” Carter told not stay dead.
Greer Citizen reporter Ken
Shoffner. The front page also This song picks up at the
included information about vot- “Insidious.” But we are human and sometimes our reporting tomb of Jesus where soldiers
er registration, the Lions Club’s “Pro-Trump propaganda.” might fall short. If you believe our coverage is are guarding the grave since
plans for a Candy Day, and These are some of the words and phrases be- unfair please reach out to us… Jesus said he would rise again
informed Steve Williams he won ing used to criticize a recent statement from We work very hard to seek the truth and strive in three days.
the Citizen’s football contest. some of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s television to be fair, balanced and factual. We consider it Questions bring home the
outlets. our honor, our privilege to responsibly deliver devastation of Jesus’ death and
At Eckerd’s, toothpaste was The statement, which was read almost verba- the news every day.” wonder about its finality.
on sale for 89 cents and a por- tim by dozens of news anchors across the na- Did you catch the insidious part? What about Yet, Jesus’ death is not the
table radio could be purchased tion in March, calls into question the credibility that was pro-Trump propaganda? end but rather a new begin-
for $19.99. of some news outlets, citing “biased and false Over the past year or so, both sides of the ning.
news.” political aisle have made claims of fake news As Jesus throws off death to
Editor and Publisher Edd To see media investor Peter Chernin label this and media bias. Whether you’re a Republican or rise from the grave, we who be-
Burch highlighted the accom- “insidious,” or North Carolina congressman Da- a Democrat, you can read that statement and lieve that Jesus is Lord and that
plishments of several locals, vid E. Price call it “pro-Trump propaganda,” you agree with it, assuming you accept the fact that God raised Him from the dead
including Rev. Fred Brown and would think something terrible had been said. fake news exists in the first place. are now free from the bondage
Mike Glenn, in his “Off The If you didn’t actually read the statement and Compare this statement to a recent advertis- of sin.
Record” column. only saw a mashup of it being read across doz- ing push from CNN. These two songs help to
ens of platforms simultaneously and robotical- Using the hashtag #FactsFirst, CNN has aired capture the glorious truth we
A one-year subscription to the ly, it probably didn’t come off very well. a commercial showing a picture of an apple. celebrate each year at Easter.
paper was $5.50. But what was so insidious about this “must- The voiceover goes on to read: “This is an ap- Over the weekend, Brad and
read” statement from Sinclair Broadcast Group? ple. Some people might try to tell you that it’s a I remembered our Lord’s death
Well, why don’t you decide? banana. They might scream banana, banana, ba- and resurrection and enjoyed
Here is the statement (with some minor alter- nana over and over and over again. They might spending time with friends and
ations that account for some of the outlet-spe- put BANANA in all caps. You might even start family.
cific language used): to believe that this is a banana. But it’s not. This On Saturday, we went to an
“Our greatest responsibility is to serve our is an apple.” egg hunt at a friend’s house
communities. We are extremely proud of the The commercial concludes with the text in Taylors and played some
quality, balanced journalism that (this outlet) “Facts First” in big letters. outdoor games.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  | produces. But we’re concerned about the trou-
bling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news
CNN is being a little more subtle with its mes-
saging here, but it’s saying the same thing as
After church on Sunday, we
visited Brad’s aunt in Greer and
stories plaguing our country. The sharing of this Sinclair statement: that fake news exists my sister in Anderson.
Submission guidelines biased and false news has become all too com-
mon on social media. More alarming, some me-
and consumers should beware.
You might point out the particular political
Jesus’s death, burial and res-
urrection shows us true love.

he Greer Citizen accepts Let- dia outlets publish these same fake stories...sto- leanings of certain news outlets and make as- 1 John 4:9-11 says, “In this
ters to the Editor. Letters ries that just aren’t true, without checking facts sumptions about their motivations with state- the love of God was made man-
should be 125 words or less first. Unfortunately, some members of the me- ments like these, but that doesn’t change what ifest among us, that God sent
and include a name and a phone dia use their platforms to push their own per- the statements actually say. his only Son into the world, so
number for verification. sonal bias and agenda to control ‘exactly what As a newspaper that strives every day for ob- that we might live through him.
The Greer Citizen reserves the people think’...This is extremely dangerous to a jectivity, we would also warn readers about the In this is love, not that we have
right to edit any content. democracy. At (our outlet) it’s our responsibility dangers of fake news on social media and else- loved God but that he loved us
Letters to the Editor can be to pursue and report the truth. We understand where. You’re not going to find fake news here, and sent his Son to be the pro-
mailed to 317 Trade St., Greer truth is neither politically ‘left nor right.’ Our and we hope our cohorts in the media will make pitiation for our sins. Beloved,
29651. commitment to factual reporting is the foun- similar commitments. if God so loved us, we also
dation of our credibility, now more than ever. ought to love one another.”

The Greer Citizen The Greer Citizen

is published every Wednesday by
All advertisements are accepted and published
by the Publisher upon the representation that
Established 1918 the advertiser/agency is authorized to publish
The Greer Citizen, Inc. the entire contents and subject matter thereof.
Steve Blackwell | Publisher 317 Trade St., Greer, S.C. 29651 It is understood that the advertiser/agency will
Telephone 877-2076 indemnify and save the Publisher harmless from
Billy Cannada | Editor Mail subscription rate or against any loss or expense arising out of
publication of such advertisements, including,
Shaun Moss Advertising Periodicals Postage Paid at Greer, S.C. Greenville and Spartanburg Counties������������������������������������� $33/year without limitation, those resulting from claims
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Prime Paws Dog Fun Walk coming

April 21 ple to come out and have
fun,” said organizer Mike
ety and the Lyman United
Methodist Church Senior
do,” Moss said. “We were
trying to target 100 dogs
Moss with the Prime Time Prime Time Group. or more.”
in Lyman Group.
“We just started last
“We call ourselves the
prime timers,” Moss said.
The walk will take place
on the walking track locat-
year,” Moss said of the “We try to have one activi- ed beside Lyman Method-
BY KAELYN CASHMAN group. “It’s a new group, ty a month.” ist Church, directly across
STAFF WRITER and this is a new event.” The registration fee is the street from the former
The event will take place $25 per dog, and each back entrance to the mill.
A new dog walk fund- on Saturday, April 21, with participant will receive a All dogs must be on a
raiser is coming to Lyman. on-site registration at 8 Prime Paws t-shirt, two leash.
Lyman United Methodist a.m. and the start time at bandanas, and a picture For more information,
Church (UMC)’s new Prime 9 a.m. with their canine friend. visit
Time Group is partnering “We’re wanting people “We have a walking track or call Mike Moss at 415-
with the Spartanburg Hu- to come out and bring at the church,” Moss said. 8137.
mane Society for the inau- their dogs,” Moss said. Six laps makes a mile, he
gural Prime Paws Dog Fun The Prime Paws Fun said. [email protected] | 877-2076
Walk. Dog Walk will benefit the “We’re going to let you
“We’re wanting for peo- Spartanburg Humane Soci- choose what you want to

SAYS Greer Middle
band teacher
Getting receives funds
STAFF WRITER ‘Providing the
the car
Ripple, a cryptocurren-
cy company, donated $29
million to flash fund all resources to
projects on the Donors IMAGE | SUBMITTED
Q: How do you sell a Choose website last week. our students is
vehicle with a lien amount The website is designed

GCM unveils new website

that’s higher than the to allow teachers to seek challenging. Our
actual value of the car? crowd funding for class-
room projects. goal is to make sure
DR: First, you need to One of the requests to
find a way to cover the receive funding came from all the students Local nonprofit Greer them, so that more peo- involved with their great
difference between the Jordan Laird, band teacher Community Ministries ple can learn and become programs.”
amount of the lien and at Greer Middle School. feel like they are (GCM) recently launched
what you can get for the She requested $2,564 for its new website.
car. Let’s say the car is 60 tuner/metronomes & succeeding and Accessible at www.gc-
worth $12,000, and you contact microphones., the site now of-
owe $15,000. That would “My students need a enjoying their time fers visitors a quick and
leave you $3,000 short. tuner/metronome and easy way to see GCM’s big-
The bank holds the title, a contact microphone, learning in our gest current needs as well
so unless you give them so they can succeed at a as make safe and secure
the payoff amount of higher level by receiving classroom.’ donations online. Volun-
$15,000 you’re not getting individual feedback on teers interested in help-
the title. their intonation or pitch ing with Meals on Wheels
The easiest and sim- of their instruments each Jordan Laird or any other projects can
plest way would be if class period,” Laird said Greer Middle band teacher find ways to get involved
someone buys the car on the website through donating money,
for $12,000, and you had whether it be through the food, clothes or time.
$3,000 on hand to make Laird provided some shape of their mouth or “Our goal is to make
up the difference. If you general economic facts, making physical adjust- sure no elderly, home-
don’t have the money to including the school being ments on their instru- bound or disadvantaged 304 N. Main St.
make up the difference, located in a low income or ments. person in the greater Dave
Dave Ramsey’s Ramsey’s Endorsed Endorsed Greer SC 29650
you could go to a local high poverty area of the In addition to the tuner Greer area goes hungry,” Local Provider for
Local Provider for 304 N. Main St.
bank or credit union and district with over 80 per- feature, the metronome said Krista Gibson, me- Dave
Dave Ramsey’s Ramsey’s
since 2001.
Endorsed Endorsed
since 2001.
Greer SC 29650
borrow the remaining cent of the students at the will be used when the stu- dia/marketing coordina- Local Provider for
$3,000. poverty level. dents are practicing on tor for GCM. “Webspeak Local Provider for
Investing since 2001.
Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial
Securities offered through LPL Financial,

I really hate debt, but “Our students often their own by plugging in Media helped us develop Investing SKFS-1001-Green since 2001.
Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1 6/8/16 3:40

Dave Ramsey & the DaveDave

Ramsey ELP program isRamsey’s RecommendedSecurities Investing
Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial offered through LPL Financial,
being $3,000 in the hole come from single parent headphones, so they can a plan to design a clean, not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC

is a lot better than being households where they hear the tempo or beat easy-to-navigate website SKFS-1001-Green Citizen
SKFS-1001-Green Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1
ProfessionalsAd_5.5x4.25.indd 1 since 2001. 6/8/16 3:4
$15,000 in the hole. Then, might be expected to help they should be performing so more people can get in- Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial 304 N. Main St.
you could turn around with their siblings or take with. volved with our Dave communi- Ramsey’s Endorsed Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey SVP program is not affiliated or sponsored by
Greer SC 29650 LPL Financial
and quickly pay back the care of themselves while “This teaches our stu- ty outreach programs. SKFS-1001-Green
Local Provider We for Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1 864-879-0337
$3,000 you borrowed. their guardians work odd dents responsibility and are extremely grateful Investingfor since 2001. 304 N. Main St. • Greer SC 304 29650 N. Main St.
You’d give the total shifts,” Laird said. “We accountability,” Laird said. their vision
Daveand Ramsey’s gift.” Endorsed 864-879-0337 • Greer SC 29650
amount owed to the bank, know that our students “This will not only en- GreerLocalCommunity
Provider Min-
Dave Ramsey & the Dave Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial
Securities offered through LPL Financial,
they would give you the do not always have the re- hance the individual musi- istries is a 501(c)(3) non- Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member864-879-0337 FINRA/SIPC
title, and you would sign sources, time, or support cian but will have a posi- Investing
profit that since 2001.
served Citizen Ad_5.5x4.25.indd 1
the 6/8/16 3:40
it over to the new owner. at home to do their home- tive impact on the concert greater Greer area since
Securities offered through LPL Financial,
Hope this helps! work or excel with their performance stage.” 1972 through
Dave Ramsey & the Davefour pro-
Ramsey ELP program is not affiliated or sponsored by LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC
  practicing. “Our students strive grams: a food pantry, a
“While our students are to succeed in class ev- SKFS-1001-Green
clothing closet, Citizen Meals Ad_5.5x4.25.indd
SKFS-1002-Green on 1
Citizen Ad-3.2x4_11.1.indd 1 6/8/16 12/ 3:4

Stop in class, we want to focus

on their growth as musi-
cians and use the time we
ery day,” she continued.
“Tuners and contact mi-
crophones will help our
Wheels, and Senior Dining.
The ministry is open Mon-
day through Friday 8 a.m.
spending have with our students to
its full potential,” she said.
students develop as indi-
viduals, players, become
to 4 p.m. and is located at
738 S. Line St. Ext. in Greer.
“Our students are very cre- more aware of their listen- For more information, vis-
completely? ative, ready to learn, and
love positive feedback.”
ing and reactionary skills,
and improve the perfor-
“The role Greer Commu-
The band program has mance of the band pro- nity Ministries plays in our
Q: My mom and dad close to 300 students at gram as a whole.” area is so important,” said
are following your advice, GMS. The students are expect- Charles Carter, partner
and they are working hard “Providing the techno- ing to receive the request- at Webspeak Media. “The
to get out of debt. I was logical resources to our ed tools in the next couple website development and
wondering, is it okay to students is challenging,” of weeks. redesign was our gift to
buy things while you’re Laird said. “Our goal is to
paying off the debt you make sure all the students [email protected] | 877-2076
already have? feel like they are succeed-
ing and enjoying their
DR: I’m glad you’re time learning in our class-
paying attention to the
finances around your
“Our program is grow- Two Smart CDs. 16-MONTH CD

house. Of course, there ing exponentially every
are some things you must
have. We call these “ne-
year, resulting in two band
directors and two separate One Wise %
cessities.” band classes meeting at APY

Most things are not ne-

cessities, though. If your
air conditioning breaks
the same time every day,”
she continued.
Currently, a single class
Banking Choice. $1,000 Minimum To Open

down, or you have car has upwards of 60 stu-

repairs, those are things dents. For a limited time, invest in one

you must spend money “This is an amazing
on to fix. ‘problem’ to have,” Laird of our special CD offers, and take
Things like new fur- said. “However, it is very

niture, vacations, and difficult for one teacher your pick of two great yields.
eating at restaurants are to reach this many stu- $1,000 Minimum To Open
not necessities. They’re dents with the amount of New Money Only2
things you might want, individual attention they Choose to bank wisely. Stop by
but they’re not necessary deserve in every class pe-
— especially when you’re riod.” CBL, and open your CD today!
trying to pay off debt. “The tuners and contact
I always recommend microphones will allow
people take a hard look the students to receive
at their priorities, and positive individual feed-
remember there’s a dif- back each class period,
ference between wanting resulting in a higher level
something and needing musician,” she continued.
something to survive. The microphones will
It can be hard, and it attach to the students in-
may mean everyone has struments, so they have
to go without a few things the opportunity to see 229 Trade Street, Greer
they want for a while. But what adjustments they 877-2054 |
if your parents are serious need to make in order to
about getting out of debt, match the pitch of their
they’ll do it. And it really peers around them. 1
Annual Percentage Yield as of 4/1/18 and subject to change. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
won’t take all that long. The students will have Fees may reduce the earnings on the account.
the knowledge to under- 2 Funds used to open the account cannot be currently on deposit at CBL State Savings Bank.
stand what sort of adjust- FDIC
ments they need to make,

Obits TRAINING: For shooting

FROM PAGE ONE just a systematic approach
to identifying, recogniz-
“That’s why we’re here— ing, locating and treating
Nora R. Posey to improve and advance victims within these types
Nora Roberts Posey, 77, our operations.” of incidents.
widow of Perry Franklin Training will include “The various depart-
Posey, passed away April personnel from the Spar- ments can bring together
1, 2018. tanburg County Sheriff’s their thought processes
A native of Greenville Office, Spartanburg EMS and understand what each
County, daughter of the and a few county fire de- others’ capabilities are,”
late W. Martin and Iva partments. he said. “It helps us better
Barnes Roberts, she was of “We plan to do more of serve the common citizen
the Baptist faith. these trainings through- of Spartanburg County.”
Surviving are two sons, out the county,” Ray said. Both Clevenger and
Donnie Oliver (Sherri), of “This is just the first, but Ray said the central idea
Greer, and Michael Oli- we had to start some- around the Rescue Task
ver (Beth), of California; a where. We want to make Force is to provide better
daughter, Cheryl Wolford, sure that all 38 fire depart- service to citizens.
of Columbia; a sister, Car- ments receive this training “What if your child was
olyn Wheaton, of Travelers and that they get to work in that school?” Clevenger
Rest; and six grandchil- with their local officers asked a group of first re-
dren. and EMS to prepare.” sponders. “We need to do
A memorial graveside This week alone, 320 everything in our power
service will be held 2 p.m. law enforcement officers, to get people out of situa-
Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 200 paramedics and 190 tions like this.”
Hillcrest Memory Gardens. firefighters will be trained. “We’d do anything un-
Visitation will be held Countywide training will der the sun to protect
after the service at the be complete by the end of our children,” Ray added.
gravesite. PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN 2018, Ray said. “It does make me sleep
The family is at the “Law enforcement works a little bit better at night
home of a son, Donnie Ol- Matt and Anna Bowes, owners of Southern Growl, hope to expand their business to on their room-clearing knowing that we’re finally
iver, 300 Fitts Road, Greer, include a microbrewery next year. Anna has illustrated a flow chart on the wall of their techniques, but we also progressing in a positive
SC 29651. current location to familiarize customers with beer varieties. bring everybody together way. Just by hosting this
Online condolences may to do Rescue Task Force training, we’re very much
be made at www.thewood- training,” Ray said. “That’s ahead of the curve.”
BREWERY: Could soon expand in Greer

and breweries around

“Some of the clear bene-
fits to cities are significant
square-foot GCA building
and the adjacent park on
CPW: Signs letter of intent
Greenville, ease of access,” tax income, job creation, 4.51 acres at 100 Davis FROM PAGE ONE
Bowes said, “The C-3 zon- increased tourism from Avenue. If we’re able to do this re-
ing allows the groups of neighboring communi- Rebekah S. and Richard on or prior to Oct. 1. funding, it will even fur-
friends, young and old, ties,” Bowes said, C. Carnahan, property “It allows PMPA to know ther strengthen that. We
families with young chil- “Breweries are known to owners, are proposing a how many of its members shouldn’t see hardly any
dren and animal lovers be very generous, and reg- 6,777 square-foot building plan on extending their major increases besides
with their well-mannered ularly organize and partic- on 1.2 acres at 107-111 contracts, which allows inflationary type pres-
pets all in the same place ipate in charity work like Brannon Drive for a NTB PMPA to start planning sures.”
and close to home.” tree plantings, clean up auto tire retail and general and take advantage of a “That would be a good
“This location on North initiatives as well as mak- repair service. major bond refunding op- thing,” added board mem-
Maj. Charles Buncombe will help to ing charitable donations, Plastic Omnium is look- portunity in 2021,” said ber Perry Williams, “Gen-
‘Chuck’ Robinson beautify this heavily traf- which we currently do al- ing at an industrial ex- Greer CPW General Manag- erally it’s accepted that
ficked and grown part of ready, and hosting events pansion with a proposed er Mike Richard. power rates will increase
Greer while also helping to for charity organizations 5,005 square-foot paint A new agreement—if substantially for most
Maj. Charles Oliver Rob- support the community’s themselves. Greer is a shop building at 310 approved by October— people over the next few
inson, 83, formerly of desire for expertly curat- great city, and we love be- Genoble Road. would replace the existing years. We have some seri-
Fayetteville, North Caro- ed food, quality beverages ing a part of it both from a Billy Ray Henderson is one, set to expire in 2035. ous consideration coming
lina, died March 31, 2018 and an outstanding atmo- business perspective and hoping at add 1.23 acres “Even though that up in October, apparent-
at Thrive at Greer, South sphere,” he continued. as a resident.” of land to the previous- sounds like a long time ly, but for this one it’s
Carolina. “We hope to have a mi- ly approved South Main away, and it is; in power non-binding.”
A native of crobrewery in Greer by OTHER BUSINESS Townes subdivision at supply, you have to get Greer CPW unanimously
Duncan, South this time next year.” Three other commercial 1000 S. Main Street. started on that type of approved the non-bind-
Carolina, he On Monday, the Board projects and one Design This annexation request work years in advance,” ing Letter of Intent at the
was the son of of Zoning Appeals unan- Review District applica- for DRD zoning is set to Richard said. regular March 26 meet-
the late Vinson and Launa imously approved the tion are also coming be- come before the Planning “We basically, in my ing, and Greer City Coun-
Robinson. He served 24 special exception request fore the PAC on April 5. Commission on Monday, opinion, have gone cil also unanimously ap-
years in the US Army, in- for a microbrewery in C-3, Greer Cultural Arts Cen- April 16. through the hard times proved Greer CPW’s Letter
cluding two tours in Viet- Commercial, on North ter is planning to reno- with this,” he said. “Prices of Intent at the regular
nam, retiring as a Major. Buncombe Road. vate the existing 11,720 [email protected] | 877-2076 appear to have stabilized. March 27 meeting.
Surviving are: one
daughter, Sandra Robin-

STREETSCAPE: Plans to pave downtown lots now underway

son/Warren Preston, of
Arlington, Virginia; three
sons, Leland Robinson/
Bonita, of Hope Mills,
North Carolina, Greg Rob- FROM PAGE ONE Building and Development
inson/Julie, of William- Standards Department’s
ston, South Carolina, and Before the streetscape three divisions: Planning
MSG Steven Miller/Amy, work begins, the city and Zoning, Building In-
of Linden, North Carolina; plans to improve down- spections and Code En-
and seven grandchildren, town public parking and forcement, and Engineer-
Cory/Tacie, Amanda, alleyways. Parking lots to ing/Stormwater/GIS.
Ashley Robinson, Doug- be improved include the “We will review high-
las Preston and Colin, lot behind the Depot and lights of each,” Grant said.
Meghan, Charlotte Miller. between Trade Street and For Planning and Zon-
He is predeceased by his School Street. ing, the number of new
wife of 61 years, Lucretia “The scope is to repave, communities in 2017
Lunny Robinson, and a re-stripe and improve came to 12.
daughter, Thetis Robin- lighting and landscaping “We’ve had steady activ-
son. in these lots,” Grant said. ity from 2013 to 2016, av-
Visitation will be held “The timetable is between eraging five to seven new
Wednesday, April 4, from April and July.” communities per year,”
12:30 to 1:45 p.m., fol- Grant gave this update Grant said. PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN
lowed by funeral services during his annual report “We kind of use plan-
at 2 p.m. at Wood Mortu- to Greer City Council last ning and zoning activity The lot behind The Depot will be paved before streetscape work begins downtwon.
ary Chapel. Tuesday night. as our first barometer,”
Burial with Full Mili- “We cover a wide variety Grant said. tion costs, which is money 2017—the third highest in every ten days, and those
tary Honors will follow at of important services for If they have high activi- invested into the commu- the last 17 years. plan reviews become ac-
Wood Memorial Park. the city, and development ty, the other divisions will nity, reached $348 million. “January and February tive sites.
Memorials in lieu of activity levels remain very have high activity as well. That $348 million came have been very strong,” “Currently, we have 50
flowers may be made to high,” Grant said. For Building Inspections nearly equally from com- Grant said. “Eighty-three active construction sites,”
the Alzheimer’s Associa- “With our upcoming and Code Enforcement, mercial and residential housing starts in February Grant said. “It’s a very
tion ( streetscape project and Plastic Omnium was a ma- construction. alone. If that pace contin- high number.”
Online condolences at the recently announced jor endeavor. “Since 2012, commercial ues, it could be a record Each active site has to be hotel and parking garage “Ironically, we’ve al- construction activity has year in housing as well.” inspected monthly with a
downtown, 2018 is shap- ready received plans for quadrupled in the last five For Engineering/Storm- report filed. New TRAK-
ing up as a banner year for two major additions for years,” Grant said. water/GIS, plan reviews iT software is expected to
our city,” he said. this building,” Grant said. Housing starts have take place for a new de- improve the efficiency of
Grant highlighted the In addition, construc- also increased with 429 in velopment project about the department.

New Trinity Baptist Church

New Trinity Baptist Church

Blue Ridge Baptist 3950 Pennington Road • Greer
879-2913 Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church Sharon United Methodist Church
BAPTIST 201 Jordan Rd., Lyman • 879-2646 1421 Reidville Sharon Rd., Greer • 879-7926
For information Abner Creek Baptist Church Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
St. Mark United Methodist Church
about advertising
2461 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 877-6604
Airport Baptist Church
776 S. Batesville Rd., Greer • 848-7850
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church HEA
1002 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer • 877-6436

911 St.G

Rd., Taylors • 848-7141
N Church
St. Paul United Open301House
McCall St. • Greer
on this page, Apalache Baptist
4899 Jordan Rd., Greer • 895-3546
Providence Baptist Church IN F 3856 Highway 101, Greer • 895-5570
Victor United Methodist Church
call 864-877-2076. 1915 Gap Creek Rd., Greer • 877-6012
Bible Baptist Church
6645 Mountain View Rd., Taylors • 895-7003
2020 Gibbs Shoals Rd., Greer • 877-3483
Rebirth Missionary Baptist Church
2375 Racing Road, Greer • 877-0449
417 S. Buncombe Rd.
1 Wilson Ave., Greer • 877-5520
Woods Chapel United Methodist Church
Suite 7C
2388 Brown Wood Rd., Greer • 879-4475
Blue Ridge Baptist Church Riverside Baptist Church Zoar United Methodist Church Greer, SC 29650
3950 Pennington Rd., Greer • 895-5787 1249 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 879-4400 1005 Highway 357, Greer • 877-0758
BridgePointe Southside Baptist Church
600 Bridge Rd., Taylors • 244-2774
Burnsview Baptist Church
410 S. Main St., Greer • 421-5686
St. John’s Baptist Church
Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church
9690 Reidville Rd., Greer • 879-4006 2 Groveland Rd., Taylors • 879-2904 Sessions at 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 2HEARING
2094 Highway 101 North, Greer • 483-2140
Calvary Baptist
101 Calvary St., Greer • 877-9759
Suber Road Baptist Church Devenger Road Presbyterian Church SOLUTIONS
Calvary Baptist
445 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 801-0181 Come, Bring Your Rd.,
1200 Devenger Questions and Get Straight Unbiased
Greer • 268-7652 The Plaza Answers
Taylors First Baptist Church Fellowship Presbyterian Church
108 Forest St., Greer • 968-0092 417 S. Buncombe Road
200 W. Main St., Taylors • 244-3535 Try the New
SIQ Series
Creek Rd.,Rd., Greer • 877-3267 Jim Swiger H.I.S.
Calvary Hill Baptist United Family Ministries
First Presbyterian
Schedule your
• 877-8090 HEARING Greer, SC 29650
100 Edward Rd., Lyman
Calvary Road Baptist Church
13465 E. Wade Hampton Blvd., Greer • 877-3235 100 School St., Greer • 877-3612 AID Jim SCSwiger DHEC #412
Victor Baptist FREE HEARING TEST Church
Fulton Presbyterian Blue Cross Blue
821 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 879-3190 REPAIR
Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist
108 Bright Rd., Greer • 593-2643 121 New Woodruff Rd., Greer • 877-9686 Shield
SC DHEC #412
Camp Creek Baptist Church Washington Baptist Church Blue Cross Blue&Shield
1100 Camp Creek Rd., Taylors
ALL MAKES & Humana

Cedar Grove Baptist Church

3500 N. Highway 14, Greer • 895-1510 OTHER DENOMINATIONS
109 Elmer St., Greer • 877-6216
Welcome Home Baptist Church Agape House
Seating is900limited.
Gap Creek Rd.,Please
Greer • 329-7491 238-4754
call for appointment. Hearing
1779 Pleasant Hill Rd., Greer • 901-7674 Anglican Church of St. George the Martyr
Community Baptist Church 427 Batesville Rd.,269-1007 or
Simpsonville • 281-0015 269-1007
281-1092 Tests
642 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 848-3500
Double Springs Baptist Church
CATHOLIC Barton’s Memorial Pentacostal Holiness
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Highway 101 North, Greer
3800 Locust Hill Rd., Taylors • 895-1314 901 River Rd., Greer • 879-4225 Bethesda Temple 125 Broadus St., Greer • 877-8523
Ebenezer-Welcome Baptist Church Beulah Christian Fellowship Church
4005 Highway 414, Landrum • 895-1461 CHURCH OF CHRIST 3315
1017 Brushy
MauldinCreek Rd., Greer••283-0639
Rd., Greenville 877-8090
For information El Bethel Baptist Church
313 Jones Ave., Greer • 877-4021
Riverside Church of Christ Calvary Bible Fellowship
Holiday Inn, Duncan • 266-4269
For information
2103 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer • 322-6847
about advertising Emmanuel Baptist Church Calvary Chapel of Greer about advertising
423 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer • 877-2121 3315 Brushy Creek Rd. • Greer • 877-8090
on this page, Enoree Fork Baptist Church
CHURCH OF GOD Christ Fellowship on this page,
Church of God - Greer 343 Hampton Rd., Greer • 879-8446
100 Enoree Circle, Greer • 268-4385
call 864-877-2076. Fairview Baptist Church
500 Trade St., Greer • 877-0374 Christian Heritage Church call 864-877-2076.
Church of God of Prophecy 900 N. Main St., Greer • 877-2288
1300 Locust Hill Rd., Greer • 877-1881
2416 N. Highway 14, Greer • 877-8329 Christian Life Center 2 Country Plaza • 322-1325
First Baptist Church
Eastside Worship Center Christian Outreach 106 West Rd. • 848-0308
202 W. Poinsett St., Greer • 877-4253
Freedom Fellowship • 879-2913 601 Taylors Rd., Taylors • 268-0523 El-Bethel Holiness 103 E. Church St. • 968-9474
O’Neal Church of God Faith Family Church
BENSON 4373 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 631-1336
Friendship Baptist Church
3794 Berry Mill Rd., Greer • 895-4273 3339 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 244-0207
Faith Temple 5080 Sandy Flat Rd., Taylors • 895-2524
Collision Repair Center Pelham Church of God of Prophecy
For information 1600 Holly Springs Rd., Lyman • 877-4746
139 Abner Creek Rd., Greer • 801-0528 Glad Tidings Tabernacle
Good News Baptist Church
• Free Estimates about advertising
Office Hours: 1592 S. Highway 14, Greer • 879-2289
Praise Cathedral Church of God 100 O’Neal Road, Greer • 561-7174
Harmony Fellowship Church
• 120 Years Combined Experience on this 7:30-6:00
page,Mon.-Fri. Grace Baptist Church
3390 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer • 879-4878
468 S. Suber Rd., Greer • 877-8287
call 864-877-2076.
• Rental Car • Competitive Rates 848-5330 760 W. Gap Creek Rd., Greer • 879-3519 Harvest Christian Church
• State of the Art Equipment & Facilities 400 W. Wade Hampton Blvd. Grace Place EPISCOPAL 2150 Highway 417, Woodruff • 486-8877 Greer 407 Ridgewood Dr., Greer Good Shepherd Episcopal International Cathedral of Prayer
Greer Freewill Baptist Church 200 Cannon St., Greer • 877-2330
100 Davis Avenue • Greer • 655-0009
110 Pine Ridge Dr., Greer • 968-0310 Journey Fellowship
Groveland Baptist Church LUTHERAN 1846 Old Hwy. 14S • 877-2442
2 Groveland Rd., Taylors • 879-2913 Abiding Peace Ev. Lutheran Church Lifesong Church
For information Heritage Chapel Baptist Church 401 Batesville Rd., Simpsonville •288-4867 12481 Greenville Highway, Lyman • 439-2602
218 Alexander Rd., Greer • 989-0170 Apostolic Lutheran Church Living Way Community Church
about advertising Highland Baptist Church 453 N. Rutherford Rd., Greer • 848-4568 3239 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-0544
Immanuel Lutheran Church & School LCMS New Beginnings Outreach
on this page, 3270 Hwy. 414, Taylors • 895-5270
Hillcrest Baptist Church 2820 Woodruff Rd., Simpsonville • 297-5815 104 New Woodruff Rd., Greer • 968-2424
New Covenant Fellowship DILL CREEK COMMONS
call 864-877-2076. 111 Biblebrook Dr., Greer • 877-4206 Redeemer Lutheran Church, ELCA
300 Oneal Rd., Greer • 877-5876 2425 Racing Rd., Greer • 848-4521 1379 W. Wade Hampton, Greer
Hispanic Baptist Iglesia Bautista Hispana New Hope Freedom
199 Hubert St., Greer • 877-3899 Saints Peter and Paul Ev. Lutheran 864-848-5222
400 Parker Ivey Dr., Greenville • 551-0246 109 W. Wade Hampton Blvd. • Greer • 205-8816
Holly Springs Baptist •Church
New Life in Christ 210 Arlington Rd. • 346-9053

250 Hannon Rd., Inman • 877-6765 Point of Life Church
Greer Locust Hill Baptist Church METHODIST

Wade Hampton Blvd. • Duncan • 426-4933
Bethel United Methodist Church
5534 Locust Hill Rd., Travelers Rest • 895-1771 Shekhinah Kind Glory Church
Maple Creek Baptist Church 105 E. Arlington Ave., Greer • 879-2066 4389 Wade
information 609 S. Main St., Greer • 877-1791 Covenant United Methodist Church
600 N. Main St., Greer • 655-4545
Springwell Church

about advertising Memorial Drive Baptist Church
570 Memorial Drive Ext., Greer • 877-7061
1310 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer • 244-3162
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
4369 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 268-2299
St. Andrews Anglican Church
awn Taylors

on this page, 864-292-1842

& ractor
Milford Baptist Church 174 Ebenezer Road, Greer • 987-9644
Faith United Methodist Church
call 864-877-2076.
508 North Main St. • 877-4043 1282 Milford Church Rd., Greer • 895-5533
Mount Lebanon Baptist Church 1301 S. Main St. (S. Hwy. 14), Greer • 877-0308
Trinity Fellowship Church
3610 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer • 877-0419
7 am - 10 pm Mon.-Sat. Fews Chapel United Methodist Church
572 Mt. Lebanon Church Rd., Greer • 895-2334 1700 N. Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville • 244-6011
New Hope Baptist Church 4000 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-2522 United Anglican Fellowship
561 Gilliam Rd., Greer • 879-7080 Grace United Methodist Church 1001 W. Poinsett St., Greer • 629-3350
New Jerusalem Baptist Church 627 Taylor Rd., Greer • 877-7015 United Christian Church
413 E. Poinsett St., Greer • 968-9203 Lee Road United Methodist Church 105 Daniel Ave., Greer • 895-3966
For information New Life Baptist Church 1377 East Lee Rd., Taylors • 244-6427 United House of Prayer For information
90 Becco Rd., Greer • 895-3224 Liberty Hill United Methodist Church 213 Oak St., Greer • 848-0727
about advertising Northwood Baptist Church 301 Liberty Hill Rd., Greer • 968-8150 Upstate Friends’ Meeting (Quaker) about advertising
Liberty United Methodist Church P.O. Box 83, Lyman • 439-8788
on this page, 888 Ansel School Rd., Greer • 877-5417
O’Neal Baptist Church 4276 Highway 414, Landrum • 292-0142
Upstate Tree of Life on this page,
203 East Bearden St., Greer • 848-1295
call 864-877-2076. 3420 N. Highway 101, Greer • 895-0930 Memorial United Methodist Church
201 N. Main St., Greer • 877-0956
Victorian Hills Community Church call 864-877-2076.
Pelham First Baptist Church 209 Victor Ave. Ext., Greer • 877-3981
2720 S. Old Highway 14, Greer • 879-4032 Mountain View UMC
Vine Worship Center
People’s Baptist Church 6525 Mountain View Rd., Taylors • 895-8532
4373 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors • 244-8175
310 Victor Avenue Ext., Greer • 848-0449
Police and Fire
The Greer Citizen


Roebuck man sentenced to 25 years in prison

A Roebuck man received A uniform patrol ser-
a 25-year prison sentence geant responded there,
on Monday for his role in a detained her, and trans-
Boiling Springs home inva- ported her to the Sheriff’s
sion where cash, jewelry, Office.
a video game and a small While investigators were
amount of marijuana were interviewing her, other
stolen. deputies were at the in-
Jonathan C. Johnson, cident location getting
25, pleaded guilty to two statements from individu-
counts of armed robbery, als who were present when
two counts of kidnapping, the incident occurred.
two counts of first-de- A violent crimes investi-
gree assault and battery, gator presented the find-
possession of a weapon Jonathan Johnson ings of his investigation
during a violent crime to a magistrate judge, who

and possession of a stolen approved warrants on
weapon. Trentham for attempted
The home invasion oc- murder and possession of

curred July 28, 2017 at a a weapon during the com-
Belcher Road home. mission of a violent crime.
The occupant called 911 She was transport-
about 8:40 p.m. and re- ed from the office and
ported that two gun-wield- booked into the detention
ing men were approaching (Note: All information facility.
the front door of their contained in the following The victim was able to
home. The gunmen kicked was taken directly from speak with one of our in-
in the front door of their the official incident reports vestigators after his sur-
home and demanded filed by the Spartanburg gery, and all present indi-
property. County Sheriff’s Office. All cations are he is going to
One of the occupants of suspects are to be consid- survive his injury.
the house sustained a cut ered innocent until proven A motive for the inci-
on his head after he was guilty in the court of law.) dent remains under in-
beaten with a gun. An- vestigation, but it appears
other person was pushed ATTEMPTED MURDER the couple was arguing
to the ground. One of the On March 28 at around about Trentham’s abuse KAELYN CASHMAN | THE GREER CITIZEN
gunmen fired their weap- 1:30 a.m., Spartanburg of methamphetamine.
on in close proximity to
the person’s head while
they lay face down on the
County deputies were dis-
patched to Greer Memo-
rial Hospital in reference
A Spartanburg County
No injuries in blaze
floor. to a stabbing. A male vic- deputy was dispatched to The Greer and Pelham-Batesville Fire Departments responded to a structure fire call at
Johnson and his accom- tim had been transported Wow Now Car Wash, locat- 210 Leach Street on Monday afternoon in Greer. The fire was reported at 1:48 p.m. and
plice ran from the home there in a private vehicle. ed at 5490 Reidville Rd., crews were on the scene six minutes later, according to authorities. The fire was under
and they were arrested in According to police, on Monday for a larceny
the neighborhood a short he had suffered a knife report.
control at 2 p.m. Deputy Chief Josh Holzheimer said the blaze was investigated by the
time later. Spartanburg wound to his abdomen The officer spoke with Fire Marshal Office, Greer Police Department, SLED and the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s
County sheriff’s deputies that was severe enough the business owner, who Office. The fire remains under investigation at this time. There were no injuries reported.
recovered the stolen prop- he had to be airlifted to stated sometime earlier “All occupants were out of the home when the fire occurred,” Deputy Chief Holzheimer
erty. Greenville Memorial Hos- that morning, someone said.
One of the victims iden- pital for surgery. Prior to tampered with his car vac-
tified Johnson as one of being transported, the uum cleaners. the trash from the vacuum happened before but he that his 2017 Nissan Ver-
the intruders. The victim victim was able to tell a The officer observed unit that customers have has not reported them. sa was left sitting parked
said he used to work with deputy that the incident black and white video sucked out of their vehi- In the past, the own- at 142 Dennis Hill Dr. in
Johnson. occurred at 630 Holden showing a light colored cles. er states that hoses have Wellford while he was out
“It was a scary experi- Rd., Inman, and that the four-door car (unknown In the process the sus- been cut and other dam- of town from Jan 5-March
ence for the victims and suspect was his girlfriend, make and model) pull up pect leaves with two of ages so this time he called 15.
I’m thankful that nobody Kathryn Scarlet Trentham, to the vacuum cleaners at the rubber dirt canisters and wanted a report done. The victim stated that
was seriously injured,” So- of 150 Packs Mountain around 4:30 a.m. which the suspect used to He also asked for extra pa- when he returned to inci-
licitor Barry Barnette said. Ridge Rd., Taylors. An individual wearing carry the trash. trols, especially at night. dent location, his car was
Johnson will serve 85 While deputies were re- an un-tucked dark color The rubber canisters are missing.
percent of Circuit Judge sponding to incident loca- shirt and dark pants then valued at $29 each. VEHICLE THEFT He stated that the prop-
Grace Knie’s prison sen- tion, Trentham appeared goes to each vacuum and The video shows the sus- IN WELLFORD erty owner did not have it
tence before he is eligible at Pelham Medical Center pulls on the locked trash pect either had dark hair A male victim reported removed and didn’t know
for release. He had no pri- and informed person- door on the bottom of the or wearing a dark tight hat a vehicle theft to Spar- what happened to his ve-
or criminal record. nel there she was having unit. and appears to be wearing tanburg County deputies hicle and that it was not a
Multiple charges are still homicidal thoughts and The suspect is able to gloves. Monday morning. repossession.
pending against Kado S. claimed she had stabbed pop it open without dam- The owner stated simi- According to an incident He stated the value for
Bunche, 22, of Moore. her boyfriend. aging it and removes all lar incidents like this have report, the victim stated his vehicle is $15,000.00.

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Tiger softball drops series BILLY

After a 2-0 start in re-
gion play, the Blue Ridge
softball team dropped

a pair of games to the y the time you’re
defending Class AAAA reading this column,
state champions last I’ll be in survival
week. mode.
The Tigers are now The doors and win-
9-7 following the losses dows of my house will
to 6-3 and 6-4 losses to be sealed shut and the
PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN Union County. only priority I’ll have will
“We performed really be keeping my 6-month-
well against a solid Union old (and myself) alive.
Blue Ridge earned wins over Union and Southside Team,” head coach Alecia I don’t know if we’ll
Christian last week. Rhinehart said. “We were make it. Even if we do,
the first to jump on the neither of us will ever be

Tigers hope to hit

score board both times the same.
and we battled with them You see, mom is leav-
the entire game. I felt like ing town for the week-
we learned that we have end. This is the first

stride after win

to capitalize on every time since birth that
single base runner and these two will be apart
every ball hit to be able PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN for more than a few
to compete with the best hours. But more impor-
BY BILLY CANNADA pounding 15 hits in the of the best. We are there. The Lady Tigers are 2-2 in the region after a pair of losses. tantly, perhaps, it’ll be
SPORTS EDITOR contest. We are able to beat and the first time that I’m
Blue Ridge then dropped compete with anyone.” clutch at the plate. She uations. She’s definitely left without help.
Now in a three-way tie a 4-0 decision to Union Rhinehart said she saw has also made the move a driving force for our I realize that some of
for third place in the re- County on Tuesday. several strong individ- to the outfield, which team.” you are single parents
gion, Blue Ridge split a “Jackson Morris pitched ual performances last has helped our outfield The Lady Tigers out there, and I respect
series with Union County well and we defended well, week before heading into be that much stronger. bounced back with a pair you more than you
last week, moving to 2-2 in but they had some key spring break. Ally Sullivan has pitched of wins over York last know. But this is not
Peach Blossom play. timely hits with two runs “Jessica Clark has been the majority our games. weekend. what I’m used to.
The Tigers opened the in the first and two in the stepping up,” she said. She gives a chance to win “I was definitely im- I’m used to strategical-
week with a 13-5 win third,” head coach Travis “She has been driving every single game and pressed with our team ly placing the monitor
over Southside Christian, SEE STRIDE | B3 in runs and coming up puts us in really good sit- SEE TIGERS | B3 near my wife’s head at
night, so it’ll annoy her
more when the baby

cries, forcing her to be
the one to get up (just
kidding, I would never
do such a thing…)

Momentum builds I’m used to passing

Penny off as soon as
Shannon walks in the
door on Friday, escaping

for Rebel baseball to find a moment or two

of silence.
Being my daughter’s
only option makes me
After two ally well,” head coach
Michael Maus said. “We
nervous. And the worst
part is: Shannon is tak-
have also hit a home run ing all of Penny’s usual
recent wins in the past three games.”
The Rebels will be on
babysitters with her on
the “girls weekend.”
the road during spring So here’s the plan…
BY BILLY CANNADA break. 1. Crack open the food
SPORTS EDITOR “We are going to play in and water stash reserved
the Upstate Classic that is for the apocalypse.
After a 1-5 start to re- being hosted by JL Mann A state of emergency
gion play, the Rebel base- and Mauldin,” Maus said. has been declared in my
ball team got some mo- “We are going to try and household, and all re-
mentum back last week get some guys in situa- sources must be utilized.
PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN with wins over Chapman tions where we feel com- I knew that one day my
and Mauldin. fortable  through the prepping would come in
Greer softball is 2-1 in Peach Blossom play with games against Union County ahead. Byrnes is now 7-5 over- last two weeks of region handy, and that day is
all, but will have some play.” here.
work to do to secure a Byrnes will return to 2. Move Penny’s crib

Greer softball falls to TR

spot in the playoffs. conference action against and any other vital
Against Chapman, the Gaffney next week. object she owns into the
Rebels pulled away in a “We are tied with Gaff- master bedroom.
4-2 victory. They then ney at 1-5 in region play Sleep will be hard
BY BILLY CANNADA into the break at 5-7, mental toughness and topped Mauldin 7-5 be- and we are looking for- to come by over the
SPORTS EDITOR hoping to mend injuries learn from mistakes and fore falling to Boiling ward to a great series next few days, so being
on a young team. errors. We have been in Springs (the state’s No. 8 with them,” Maus said. able to reach her crib
The Greer softball team “Our team fights hard position to win games Class AAAAA team) 2-1. “That’s a series where we from my own bed is a
is now 2-1 in region com- and does not give up, but we are not execut- “We have started put- could possibly lock up a no-brainer. I certainly
petition after a loss to but we are young,” head ing at critical times. We ting some complete playoff spot.” can’t afford to take the
Travelers Rest last week. coach Shane Craig said. are taking some time off games together where 15 steps it would require
The Lady Jackets head “We need to develop SEE GREER | B3 we have pitched, hit, [email protected] | 877-2076 to retrieve my fussy
and fielded the ball re- daughter in the middle

of the night.
3. Give the baby what
she wants.
This is no time for

splits teachable moments or

routines. If the baby
wants something, she’s
going to get it. Want

with to watch two hours of

Little Einsteins? Have at
it! Want to try some of

daddy’s ice cream? Why
not? Now is not the time
to be a good parent!
BY BILLY CANNADA If you don’t hear from
SPORTS EDITOR me by next Wednesday,
it’s safe to assume I
The Yellow Jackets didn’t survive. Do not
split with cross-town ri- fret. I have lived a good
val Riverside last week, life and go now to my
falling 10-0 on the road heavenly home where
before bouncing back to sorrow and suffering are
snag a 2-1 victory. no more.
Greer went into spring If you do hear from
break sitting at 2-2 in PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN me, I will most certain-
PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN the region, tied with Blue ly be a stronger man,
Ridge and Union County. The Byrnes baseball team faces a critical series with equipped with many
The Yellow Jacekts topped cross-town rival Riverside. SEE SPLIT | B3 Gaffney next week. more brownie points.

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NGU to host inaugural Crusader Athletics Showcase

This Saturday, North
Greenville University will
host its inaugural Cru-

sader Athletics Showcase,
giving local residents an
opportunity to visit Tiger-
ville and see five varsity
teams in action.
Teams in action on April brates the team’s seniors
7 include the men’s and with senior night festiv-
women’s tennis teams, the ities. The three seniors
softball team as well as scheduled to be honored
the baseball team. North will be the program’s first
Greenville men’s volleyball four-year graduates and
will top off the Saturday were members of the inau-
full of Crusader sports. gural team.
Fans are also invited to at-
tend the dedication of Ray RICHARDSON NOTCHES TOP
& Bea Dillard Field at Ash- FINISH AT FLORIDA RELAYS
more Park. The North Greenville
The ceremony will begin track and field team had
shortly after the conclu- an impressive showing at
sion of the first baseball the Florida Relays hosted
game.  by the University of Flori-
North Greenville Tennis da last weekend.
11 a.m. Tevin Richardson
Men’s and women’s proved to be one of the
tennis will kick-start Sat- best sprinters in NCAA
urday’s action with an 11 Division II track and
a.m. first serve against field, finishing second in
one of the Conference his heat and 21st overall
Carolinas’ top teams when among 52 total athletes
Mount Olive University from different divisions. PHOTO | COURTESY OF NGUATHLETICS.COM
comes to Tigerville. Both Richardson’s time of
matches will take place at 47.48 in the men’s 400-me- Senior North Greenville Basketball player Daniel Burchette was named Scholar Athlete of the Year in Conference
Vance Tennis Complex lo- ter was also second among Carolinas, according to a release.
cated in the North Green- Division II athletes and
ville Athletic Complex was an NCAA provisional nas Second Team recogni-
across the street from the time. As of Saturday, his tion by the league coaches. 
main campus. time ranks him 6th in the Burchette was a recipient
North Greenville Base- country. of the North Greenville
ball noon and 2 p.m. The men’s and women’s University President’s Ac-
NGU’s baseball team relay teams also had a ademic Scholarship for
continues its quest for solid weekend breaking a 2017-18 and holds a 3.27
a Conference Carolinas pair of school records. GPA in his pursuit of an
championship on April For the women, the team Elementary Education de-
7 with a doubleheader of Emily Beisecker, Britta- gree.
against a perennial na- ny Edwards, Lilli Haines,
tional power in Mount Ol- and Leah Austin crossed HAWKINS SCORES 100TH
ive. The first pitch of the the line in 1:46.94 in the GOAL IN WIN OVER
conference doubleheader women’s 4x200 to put CHOWAN
is scheduled for noon at themselves at the top of Hanna Hawkins cement-
Ray & Bea Dillard Field. the record book. ed herself in the North
Game two is tentatively The women’s distance Greenville record books on
scheduled for 2 p.m. The medley relay team also Saturday as North Green-
Crusaders are ranked na- re-wrote the record books ville cruised to a dou-
tionally in several differ- on Saturday afternoon. ble-digit win over Chowan
ent polls including 17th in The team of Hope Whis- on Saturday afternoon.
National College Baseball man, Kaleigh Roach, Brit- Chowan nabbed the ear-
Writers Association votes tany Edwards, and Jadyn ly lead whine Tashana Bar-
and as high as fifth in the Slaughter finished with a nett made it 1–0 just un- PHOTO | COURTESY OF NGUATHLETICS.COM
Perfect Game and Colle- time of 13:07.24.  der four minutes into the
giate Baseball Poll.  The men’s 4x200 meter game. The North Greenville women’s golf team took first place at Cherokee Valley recently.
Ray & Bea Dillard Field team also turned in a new A Jillian Cheisa score
Dedication  school record with a time sandwiched between a ference Carolinas play.
Between games one and of 1:28.64. The team con- pair of Rachel Kellogg North Greenville broke
two of the double-header sists of Nigel Gay, Harold scores made it 3–1 with through first with consec-
NGU president Dr. Gene Hilton, JJ Sherman, and 17:42 left. Beth Farrell utive scores from Chris
Fant will honor the Dillard Jordan Walters. tacked on another one a Carpenter and Corey Long
Family by officially ded- Also setting a school re- minute later to extend the in the first quarter.
icating NGU’s new play- cord was the men’s 4x100 lead to 4–1. Carpenter would score
ing surface, which was team with Sherman, Hil- The Hawks added their his second of the game
installed earlier this year. ton, Brett Evans, and Rich- second goal of the game with 7:42 on the first-pe-
The ceremony will take ardson. The Crusaders fin- around the 8:50 mark riod clock but an out-
place on Rae & Bea Dillard ished second in their head when Jasmine Latney took manned Lees-McRae squad
Field at Ashmore Park.  and 24th overall with a a pass from Heather Orell scored a pair of first-quar-
North Greenville Softball time of 41.22. to cut North Greenville’s ter tallies and trailed by
1 p.m. and 3 p.m.  The time was sec- lead in half. just one.
The action on the dia- ond amongst Division II The Crusaders respond- Derrick Shealy scored
mond continues on Sat- schools and shattered the ed with four unanswered less than 30-seconds into
urday as the defending previous school record by goals to end the half. Kel- the second quarter to dou-
Conference Carolinas over one second. It also logg tacked on another ble-up the Bobcats while PHOTO | COURTESY OF NGUATHLETICS.COM
Champions welcome Bel- ranks the team 11th in the score while Hanna Haw- Carpenter and Drew War-
mont Abbey College to nation in Division II. kins added a pair. ren extended the lead to
Jan McDonald Field. The Cheisa added one more 6–2 before half. The men’s LAX team remained undefeated in the
Crusaders will take on the BRUCHETTE NAMED to put NGU up 8–2 at in- The Bobcats continued conference last week.
league’s “other Crusaders” SCHOLAR ATHLETE termission. NGU’s defense to claw at NGU countering
from North Carolina as Daniel Burchette led the locked down in the second with one goal to end the Cherokee Valley Women’s TOP TEAM FINISHES
they continue to battle for Crusaders on the court half, backing up goalie first half and another to Invitational. (COMPLETE TEAM RESULTS)
postseason position. Jan and in the classroom in Sydney Taylor to hold the open the third to make it The Crusaders finished 1. North Greenville (+82)
McDonald Field is locat- 2017, earning Winter Hawks scoreless. 6–4. day one of the tournament 2. Belmont Abbey (+84)
ed off of Blackwell Road Scholar Athlete of the Year Cheisa made it 9–2 with The Crusaders would one strokes behind leader 3. Coker College (+91)
directly behind the tennis honors from the Confer- a score five minutes in to answer with a 9–1 scoring Converse College which Tennessee Wesleyan (+91)
courts. ence Carolinas.  put NGU ahead comfort- spree that put Lees-McRae shot a 330 in the opening Converse College (+91)
North Greenville Men’s Burchette played in ev- able. in a 15–5 hole. 18.
Volleyball 7 p.m.  ery single game for the Hawkins took over the Each team traded goals North Greenville shaved TOP INDIVIDUAL
Saturday’s finale will Crusaders this season, next six minutes of the until late in the fourth off four strokes in round FINISHERS (COMPLETE
feature North Greenville’s leading the team in points game, scoring three con- quarter when the Bobcats two to earn the win by a INDIVIDUAL RESULTS)
men’s volleyball team as per game (14.4) and re- secutive times including scored consecutively to pair of shots in front of 1. (+9) Claire Page –
it hosts Limestone College bounds (6.7).  Following one with an assist from make it 18–9 with 1:19 Conference Carolinas foe Southern Wesleyan
in Hayes Gymnasium. First the season, Burchette was Jenny Owens. left. Belmont Abbey. 2. (+12) Tyler Dawson –
serve is scheduled for 7 the lone North Green- Hawkins’ three scores Owen Reighard put the Savannah Hallman and Converse College
p.m. It will also be a spe- ville player named to the extended the lead to 12–2 exclamation point on Ashlyn Mullis paced the 3. (+15) Angela Luna –
cial night for the men’s All-Conference team, earn- with 18:33 left on the NGU’s win with a goal with Crusaders during the 36- Coker College
volleyball team as it cele- ing All-Conference Caroli- clock. just 48-seconds on the hole event, both shooting 4. (+16) Megan Gaylor –
Rachel Kellogg and Mon- clock, the final score of a two-day total of 163. Milligan College
ica Colwell tacked on two the day. Hallman shot an 83 in 5. (+17) Sydney Turner –
more one-timers at the North Greenville outshot the opening round but Barton College
end of the game to finish the Bobcats 57–19 with 34 rebounded on day two to (+17) Ryann McCuistion
off the Hawks. of those shots on net. put up an 80, cutting off – Tennessee Wesleyan
Inside the North Green- The Crusaders capital- three strokes.
ville Box Score ized on 2 of 3 extra-man Ashlyn Mullis put to- SUMMER CAMP SET
Hawkins led the Crusad- opportunities and was 22 gether a pair of consistent Andy Robinson’s Sum-
ers with five goals on Sat- of 30 on faceoffs. rounds, shooting an 82 on mer Soccer Camp at North
urday on five total shots. Logan Bryan led the Cru- day one and finishing up Greenville University is
She also forced two saders in the circle win- with an 81. now taking applications.
turnovers and had a pair ning 14 faceoffs and col- Morgan Reece posted a The camp will be lead by
of ground balls. lecting five groundballs. top 20 finish for NGU as the women’s soccer head
Kellogg finished with Bryant also scored twice. she placed 15th with a to- coach, along with Crusad-
four goals and two ground- His five grounders were tal of 166. er staff and players.
ers while Cheisa finished a team high. Reece shot an 82 and an The event is for Pre-
with three goals and was Carpenter led NGU in 84 in her two days on the school boys and girls, el-
PHOTO | COURTESY OF NGUATHLETICS.COM tied for a team-high with goals with three on the course. ementary boys and girls
four groundballs. night along with Drew Allison Avery was NGU’s and middle School boys
Hanna Hawkins scored her 100th goal for NGU recently. Aly Estes also had four Warren’s three scores. biggest mover during the and girls.
ground balls on defense Ethan Landreth scored tournament, improving on It includes age-ap-
while five players had a a pair of goals along with her day one total by four propriate activities and
pair of caused turnovers Bryant. shots. competition in a fun at-
including Colwell and Can- Sky Dupree caused three Avery shot an 86 in mosphere and Christian
dace Petit. turnovers on defense the opening round but environment.
Sydney Long improved while Zach Randolph bounced back to shoot an Emphasis will be on the
to 8–4 as a starter and col- caused one and had four 82 on Tuesday. development of skills that
lected 11 – saves during grounders. Miriam Sundell rounded encourage game day con-
the win. Offensively, the Braeden Dixon earned out NGU’s scores with a fidence and positive atti-
Crusaders finished with the win in net, collecting 170 and finish in the top- tudes with a competitive
22 shots on goal and 34 six saves while facing 16 20 (21st). atmosphere.
shots in total. total shots on frame. Sundell carded an 84 Session times are 8:30-
and an 86 in her two days 11:30 a.m. during the
CRUSADERS TOP LEES- WOMEN’S GOLF EARNS TOP on the course. weeks June 11-15 or June
MCRAE FINISH Megan Miller finished 18-22.
North Greenville over- North Greenville wom- atop NGU’s second team The cost is $125.00.
came a slow start on en’s golf scored its first with a 174 and a 28th To sign up or for more
PHOTO | COURTESY OF NGUATHLETICS.COM Wednesday afternoon to tournament win in six sea- place finish while Lauren information go to www.
down Lees-McRae College sons on Tuesday with a Harkins shot a 176 and or
North Greenville had a solid finish at the Florida relays. to improve to 2–0 in Con- first-place showing at the placed 33rd. call 320-9287.

Nemechek charges to race win

BY REID SPENCER ch Motorsports. After the
NASCAR WIRE  restart on Lap 220, Todd
Gilliland brushed the wall
CALL 864-877-2076
In a race delayed for and lost track position RATES
two days by a freak snow- with a pit stop under cau- 20 words or less: $13.50 first insertion
storm in southern Virgin- tion on Lap 234. He fin-
Discount for additional insertions
ia, John Hunter Nemechek ished 14th.
charged to the front on a Pole winner Ben Rhodes DEADLINE
restart with 31 laps left led the first 23 laps on 5pm Monday
last Monday and held off Saturday before rain and for insertion Wednesday
Kyle Benjamin to win the snow halted the race. With TERMS
Alpha Energy Solutions heavy snow falling Satur- Cash in advance. We accept Visa, MasterCard,
250 NASCAR Camping day night and early Sun- American Express, and Discover Card
World Truck Series race by day morning, NASCAR was
a mere .106 seconds. forced to postpone the fin-
The victory was the ish until Monday.
first at Martinsville for Rhodes won both the
Nemechek, who had two first and second stages
previous runner-up finish- of the race, collecting two
es at the .526-mile short playoff points, but severe PUBLIC NOTICE
NOTICES place of business is located
track. This time, despite PHOTO | SARAH CRABILL/GETTY IMAGES trouble with his right or within five miles of the
Benjamin pounding his front tire on a Lap 145 NOTICE All real estate ad- business; and,
rear bumper in the final John H. Nemechek, driver of the No. 8 Fleetwing Chevrolet, pit stop after the second vertised in this newspaper is (5) the name of the appli-
corner, Nemechek earned leads a pack of trucks during the weather delayed NASCAR stage dropped him to 15th Subject to the Federal Fair cant and the address of the
the grandfather clock tro- Camping World Truck Series Alpha Energy Solutions 250 in the running order.  Housing Act of 1968 which premises to be licensed.
phy that goes to the race at Martinsville Speedway on March 26 in Martinsville, Rhodes never recovered makes it illegal to advertise Protests must be mailed to:
winner. Virginia. from the loss of track any preference, limitation or S. C. Department of Reve-
“I’ve finished second position and came home discrimination based on race, nue, ATTN: ABL, P.O. Box
here multiple times so, 12th. color, religion, sex, handicap, 125, Columbia, SC 29214-
tick, tock – we finally got guys – these guys deserve making his Martinsville Johnny Sauter lost two familial status, national origin 0907; or faxed to: (803) 896-
a clock,” Nemechek said. it.” debut. “It’s Martinsville, so laps changing a battery or an intention to make such 0110.
“It’s going to be awesome After Nemechek I figured I had to give him after losing power on Lap preference, limitation or dis- 3-28,4-4,1

to take that thing home.” grabbed the top spot on a run for his money in the 224 and getting rear-end- crimination. This newspaper
Nemechek picked up Lap 220 of 250, he held last corner.” ed by Matt Crafton. Sau- will not knowingly accept any NOTICE OF
his sixth career win in the it through three subse- Benjamin had a lead of ter finished 19th but re- advertising for real estate APPLICATION
Truck Series in his third quent cautions. Nemechek more than one second tained the series lead by which is in violation of the law. APPLICATION
start of the season, and he cleared Benjamin after over Todd Gilliland when a 29 points over Grant En- Our readers hereby informed
did it with a skeleton staff the final restart on Lap debris caution slowed the finger, who ran fourth on that all dwelling advertised in Notice is hereby given that
at the race shop owned by 244, and though Benjamin race on Lap 214 and gave Monday. this newspaper are available ROMA INVICTA, LLC intends
his father, Joe Nemechek. closed on the No. 8 Chev- Nemechek the chance he Brett Moffitt, who pitted on an equal opportunity ba- to apply to the South Carolina
“I can’t thank everyone rolet over the last seven needed on the subsequent late for new tires, fought sis. Department of Revenue for a
on our staff enough – ev- laps, finally getting to the restart. The shuffling of his way up to third at 4-4,11,18,25-TFN license/permit that will allow
eryone who pours their bumper in the final cor- the order, at least, allevi- the finish and is third in the sale and ON premises
heart and soul into this ner, he needed a few more ated one case of divided points, 31 behind Sauter. NOTICE OF
NOTICE OF consumption of beer, wine
deal,” Nemechek said. laps to make a concerted loyalties. Noah Gragson, Myatt APPLICATION and liquor at
“There’s only four guys in run at the victory. David Gilliland was Snider, Timothy Peters, APPLICATION 111 MIDDLETON WAY,
our shop this year, so it’s “We had a really good co-owner of the No. 54 Harrison Burton, Austin GREER, SC 29650. To ob-
really cool to be able to truck, mostly for long Toyota Benjamin was driv- Hill and Justin Haley com- Notice is hereby given that ject to the issuance of this
come back over here to the runs, and unfortunately, it ing, and his son Todd was pleted the top 10 in Mon- SBI SALES, LLC, d.b.a. ONE permit/license, written protest
Truck Series…  came down to a short run,” behind the wheel of the day’s race. STOP GREER intends to must be postmarked no later
“Congrats to all these said Benjamin, who was No. 4 Toyota of Kyle Bus- apply to the South Carolina than April 13, 2018.
Department of Revenue for a For a protest to be valid, it
license/permit that will allow must be in writing, and should
the sale and OFF premises include the following informa-

GREER: SPLIT: Jackets, Warriors battle in series consumption of beer, and

wine at 703 SOUTH BUN-
(1) the name, address and
telephone number of the per-
SC 29650. To object to son filing the protest;
FROM B1 pez has been an on-base and put good swings on
machine,” Landreth said. the ball in order to give the issuance of this permit/ (2) the specific reasons why
“We didn’t play up “Ben Thornton has had ourselves a chance to license, written protest must the application should be de-
to our potential,” head some big hits his past win.  Both teams will be be postmarked no later than nied;

injuries late coach Matt Landreth said

of his team’s first perfor-
mance against Riverside.
couple games. Will Pitts
has been mr. consistent
all year.  He has done a
good tests for us as we
finish up the season.”
The Yellow Jackets are
April 13, 2018.
For a protest to be valid,
it must be in writing, and
(3) that the person protesting
is willing to attend a hearing
(if one is requested by the ap-
“I put that on me. I didn’t great job at the plate and competing in Easley’s should include the following plicant);

in season have them prepared to

play as best as we could
have. We had one bad in-
gives us a spark when we
need it.  Fenton has been
pitching well, minus one
spring break tournament
this week with match-
ups against West Oak on
(1) the name, address and
telephone number of the per-
(4) that the person protest-
ing resides in the same coun-
ty where the proposed place
FROM B1 ning and it was downhill outing against Eastside. Wednesday, Walhalla on son filing the protest; of business is located or with-
from there.” But we definitely can’t Thursday and Eastside (2) the specific reasons why in five miles of the business;
during spring break. We The Jackets didn’t expect to cruise through on Friday. the application should be de- and,
have some injuries so dwell on the shutout, the rest of the season.” “Our focus and com- nied; (5) the name of the applicant
some players need time however, bouncing back With matchups against petitive drive will be im- (3) that the person protest- and the address of the prem-
to recover.” for a win on youth night. Blue Ridge and Union still proved upon this week,” ing is willing to attend a hear- ises to be licensed.
Before falling to the “We had a great crowd ahead, Landreth knows Landreth said. ing (if one is requested by Protests must be mailed to: S.
Devildogs (5-3), Greer and I felt our focus was the next two weeks are The Yellow Jackets are the applicant); C. Department of Revenue,
lost to JL Mann and better,” Landreth said. important. 7-8 on the year. (4) that the person pro- ATTN: ABL, P.O. Box 125,
topped Riverside in “They didn’t start their “Anything can hap- testing resides in the same Columbia, SC 29214-0907;
non-conference games. normal nine at the begin- pen on any given night,” [email protected] | 877-2076 county where the proposed or faxed to: (803) 896-0110.
Craig said the team has ning, and we put togeth- he said. “I’ve gotten to 3-28,4-4,1

seen solid performance er some timely hits.” watch both Union and

from Sydney Craig, Tan- Josh Fenton was strong Blue Ridge play.  They are
aya Ellis and Taylor Han- on the mound for Greer, both well coached and
nah, who “have taken only giving up one run in will give us all we want. 
leadership roles and con- the contest. We’ve got to play funda-
tribute both offensively “Offensively, Alex Lo- mentally sound defense
and defensively.”
“Our region is tough.
We beat Eastside and

STRIDE: Tigers compete

split with Travelers Rest,
but we still have our
toughest region games
against Union and Blue
Ridge,” Craig said. “We FROM B1 take a couple of days off
will continue to work on to catch our breath, but
fundamentals and un- Henson said. “We weren’t are excited about playing
derstanding game situa- able to string any hits to- some great competition,”
tions.” gether or get the big hit we Henson said. “It is will be
needed it.” an extremely competitive
[email protected] | 877-2076 The Tigers, however, tournament and will give
bounced back to top the us the tests we need head-
Jackets on Friday. ing into the final week of
Zach Waddell pitched a region play. We will take

TIGERS: complete game, allowing

only one run on four hits
while striking out seven in
advantage of the tourna-
ment to focus on some
areas of needed improve-

Will face
the game. ment and refine other ar-
“We were particularly eas.”
efficient offensively,” Hen- With time ticking away
son said. “We had at least in the regular season, Hen-

Greer in rival one hit from everyone

in the order 1-8 and we
did the little things well
son said its now or never
for the defending region
that we needed to do. We “I have always said this

had three sacrifice bunts,
wo sacrifice flies and TJ
Highsmith blasted a big
region is so intensely com-
petitive and this season
has proven to be no dif-
home run. ferent,” he said. “With two
and their ability to hit “I thought we compet- weeks left in region play,
the ball and do the im- ed much better at the there are no undefeated
portant things well,” plate with several quality teams. We are excited
Rhinehart said. “The at-bats and were able to about the opportunity
girls are recouping from execute in key offensive ahead in these final two
a very tough competition situations,” he added. “We weeks. We play Eastside
week, but we will hit the will need to continue to next week and Greer the
ground hard in the later be consistent at the plate final week. We still have
part of the week to get and execute effective- a chance to win the region,
back at it.” ly to compete down the and a chance we could
Coming back from stretch. Having graduat- possibly finish the and
break, Blue Ridge will ed seven key players and miss the playoffs. There’s
face a series with East- having to overcome some a lot left to be determined,
side before ending the key injuries (leadoff hitter which should make for
regular season with two and starting shortstop, some exciting and fun
games against Greer. Breenan Deyo, has been games down the stretch.
“A lot of the girls are out since the pre-season “Our guys have re-
recovering and giving tournament and is looking sponded all season and
their bodies time to heal to return to the field this that’s why we are in the
before we hit the home week), our guys have real- position we are in down
stretch,” Rhinehart said. ly proven to be a unified the stretch,” Henson said.
“We will also be getting a and gritty group.” “It says a lot about our
lot of reps in defensively The Tigers will be- program and our team to
and offensively to ensure gin tournament play on continue to compete year
we put our best foot for- Wednesday, taking part in in and year out.”
ward.” the Upstate Diamond Clas- The Tigers are 10-5 over-
sic at JL Mann. all.
[email protected] | 877-2076 “We have been able to

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Living Here
The Greer Citizen



Volunteers work in Greer area during Hope Week

BY KAELYN CASHMAN loves them. It helps them “We’ll do that, and then
STAFF WRITER to give back. we’ll play on Wednesday,”
“It gives them a little bit he said. “We’re getting
Volunteers are joining more ownership to help- our community service in
members of Fairview Bap- ing others out, putting on our days off and then
tist to complete projects others in front of them- it’s back to doing what we
around the Greer area selves.” really know how to do,
during the church’s third Landreth moved to the which is play baseball.”
annual Hope Week. Greer area as part of a re- On Monday, other vol-
The event, which began cent church plant, Table unteers started the Victor
as Nathan Brannon’s se- Community Church. Basketball Camp, which
nior project at Greer Mid- “We’re getting a little lasts until Friday.
dle College, kicked off last bit of help from Fairview, “I was out of the country
Saturday with the second so that’s how we kind of last year when this was go-
annual Egg Drop at Dooley came about knowing about ing on,” said Andrew Tate,
Field. Projects then started Hope Week. I thought, senior at Blue Ridge High
on Monday. what a great opportunity,” School and first-year vol-
“I’ve always tried to look Landreth said. “Last year, unteer. “It’s amazing how
for community service that was our first year of just doing this can build
projects that we can do,” doing Hope Week stuff.” some good relationships
said Matt Landreth, base- The teams helped at the with people that will last a
ball coach at Greer High Greer Soup Kitchen and long, long time.” PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN
School. “Hope Week just Greer Relief last year. Tate worked with JW
so happens to fall during “Last year, we helped Pitts, freshman at Greer Egg hunters waited while a helicopter dropped eggs at Dooley Field last Saturday.
our spring break. This out with their garden beds High School and third-
gives us a great opportuni- and cleaning out weeds year volunteer, to run the
ty to give back to the com- and stuff like that, so I basketball camp at Victor
munity. was glad to see that we Park. Last year, Pitts took
Landreth brought about were able to help with that videos at most of the proj-
20 varsity and junior this year,” Landreth said. ect sites.
varsity baseball players “Dealing with baseball, “I went to all of them,”
to clean up at the Need- you’re always cleaning Pitts said, “and we made
more Community Center up; you’re always having videos every day.”
on Monday and to spend to maintain your field, so In the Fellowship Hall at
time with the elderly do- this fits into our cup of Fairview Baptist Church,
ing Hope in Hospitals on tea. other volunteers put to-
Tuesday. On Tuesday, Landreth gether Hope Baskets and
“They’re off this week, and his players met at Police Appreciation Kits
so they don’t have any Fairview for directions to while various projects
school work that they either a hospital or an el- continue throughout this
have to do,” Landreth said. derly home, where they week.
“It teaches them to love talked with the people
their community too as there and heard their sto- [email protected] | 877-2076
much as their community ries.


Greer High’s varsity and junior varsity baseball players, some of whom are pictured here,
cleaned up around the Needmore Community Center.


Children practiced basketball at Victor Park during Hope Week. Volunteers worked in the gardens at the Greer Soup Kitchen.

Greer native writes book through medical hardship

BY KAELYN CASHMAN passed away. not based on him or his “Writing is so very ther-
STAFF WRITER “With so much going on ‘Each time I began life, it is simply my way apeutic, and it certainly
and so much lost, I decid- of honoring his legacy,” has been a saving grace,”
A local author turned ed to find a balm in the sit- to feel pain. I Brown said. Brown said. “It gives me
a hobby into a published uation,” Brown said. Brown signed her books the strength and courage
novel after being diag- “Each time I began to concentrated on at an event in Greer last to say and know that I do
nosed with Congestive feel pain,” she said, “I con- January at the Needmore have CHF; it doesn’t have
Heart Failure. centrated on writing.” writing.’ Recreation Center. me.”
Wellford’s Kennedy Brown wrote about four “My daughter Deirdre “The book is still sell-
Brown released her book sisters who are “frene- has been very instrumen- ing very well just as it did
That’s It! I Quit! I’m Mov- mies.” Kennedy Brown tal on getting each book when released,” said her
ing’ On! through True Glo- “I enjoyed writing it be- Author organized,” Brown said, daughter Deirdre.
ry Publications a couple of cause not only was it ther- “as I still deal with the “The book is a work of
years ago, marking a high apeutic, but it gave me a hardships of CHF.” fiction and quite funny,”
point in a difficult jour- chance to somewhat mold “I wanted to include Keep Movin On is the she continued. “They say
ney. each character after many him in one of the greatest sequel to That’s It, I Quit, laughter is the best med-
“I decided to find a balm of my childhood friends,” achievements in my life,” I’m Movin’ On, and Ain’t icine, and in my mother’s
in the situation,” Brown Brown said. “After losing my grand- she said. Noboby’ Business If I Do case, it is true. In short, I
said. “I began to remember “It kind of gave me a father, in 2012, I decided Her book is set in a fic- introduces four new char- feel such gratitude to the
how each time I was sick chance to go back down that life is too short to tional place in Greer called acters. book; it surely gave my
as a child, I would write memory lane and add a have a void,” Brown said. Northgate Estates. “It helped me write mother a method of so-
a poem or short story to few laughs, tears, and As a result, Brown re- “The title of the book through the pain I en- lace.
pass time, so as an adult, I just simply remember the united with her father and is also of a unique nature dured and continue to Brown is also the found-
decided to fight the pain I good times,” she said. dedicated the book to him. and historical,” Brown endure from CHF,” Brown er of EmmaParaLee Inc.
felt with words.” Brown, daughter of Lou- “I decided that although said. “I am a great lover of said. “But I am blessed be- in honor of her grand-
Diagnosed five years is Gregory and Jayretta we were father and daugh- history.” yond words.” mothers, Emma Mack and
ago, Brown visited her and Ronnie Culbertson, ter, we have spent very A devoted Sam Cooke Brown, a 1987 graduate ParaLee Gregory, and Ma-
mother, who had wrestled of Greer, now resides in little time together when fan, Brown named her of Greer High School, has rie68 Young Adult Series
with cancer. Just a few Wellford with her husband I was younger, but as an books after his songs’ ti- been married 29 years. in honor of her late best
months after Brown’s di- Keith and two of their four adult, we have become tles. She was born on Novem- friend, Marie Nay Dillard.
agnosis, her grandfather children. close,” Brown said. “Although the books are ber 12,1968.
The Greer Citizen


Exhibit features papier maché menagerie

Grace Jerome Lloyd, of larger, more complex, and
Charlotte, North Caroli- more detailed. Once the
na, will showcase her me- form is anatomically cor-
nagerie of papier maché rect, I can papier mache
animals in the exhibition the whole piece. I love this
“Living Paper Creatures” material because it is 100
Jane Goodall in the at West Main Artists Co- percent natural and allows
documentary ‘Jane’ op in Spartanburg April me to mold to every ridge.
3-28, giving the public her This process takes time,
COUCH THEATER  | interpretation of the wild
kingdom–everything from
and once I mache a piece,
it has to dry for several
realistic horses to unreal days. Once it is solid, I can
BY AMY ANDERSON creatures of her imagina- paint. The depth of value
tion. and array of colors I use
NEW RELEASES The free and public re- Grace Jerome Lloyd help bring the piece to life.
FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 2 ception will be Saturday, Once all is said and done,
April 14, 5-9 p.m. at the Although she is not a I can look at the piece, as-
PICKS OF THE WEEK venue, 578 West Main member of West Main sess its personality, and
“Jane” (PG) -- In 1957, Street Spartanburg. The Artists Co-op, the Penn- give it a fitting name.
Dr. Louis Leakey sent a exhibit can be seen Tues- sylvania native did live “Currently, I am mak-
young British secretary day-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 in Spartanburg, graduat- ing heads and smaller full
with no scientific degree p.m. at no charge. ing from Chesnee High bodies. I turn out one to
or experience out into The 23-year-old art School in 2012. She later two pieces a month de-
the wilds of Africa on an teacher will display 21 received her bachelor’s de- pending on the size. The
expedition to understand paper maché sculptures gree in art education from large full bodies have to
chimpanzee behavior. that will range from real- USC-Upstate, and she is wait until I have extend-
That young woman was istic tigers and zebras to currently studying for her ed periods of free time.
Jane Goodall. Her goal purposely abstract horses master’s degree through I also have big plans in
was simple: to become and creatures of fancy. Xavier University. the works. I’m looking to
one with the jungle, and Other animals to be seen “I started drawing when branch out and try pieces
in her stunning success of include deer, domesticat- I was first able to pick up a that hang from the ceiling,
pioneering groundbreak- ed and wild canines, birds, pencil,” she said. “I’m cur- PHOTO | SUBMITTED have more action in their
ing research into animal elephants, giraffes, foxes, rently the art teacher at poses, and try puppeteer-
behavior and advocat- sharks, and reptiles. All of John Taylor Williams Sec- Grace Jerome Lloyd’s ‘Living Paper Creatures’ display at ing. One of my major proj-
ing for animal welfare, the works will be for sale ondary Montessori School, West Main Artists Co-op features realistic animals like the ects for summer break is
she realized a life-long from $100 to $500. and I’m always improving going to be an old-time
dream to truly live with Often made of recycled my craft in all mediums to
giraffe above as well as imagined creatures. handspring wolf puppet.
the animals. Unlike other materials, her work has teach new and interesting I experimented first with
documentaries, director been described as “realis- stuff.” dabble in all mediums of become more skilled with articulation by making a
Brett Morgan brings us tic… amazing… and larger Her artwork has been 2D and 3D art because I making realistic pieces. papier mache marionette
intimately into Jane’s than life.” showcased in the annu- am a teacher who believes “When I create a piece, horse. As I make new piec-
world, walking unworn All of the creations were al Artist’s Guild of Spar- in knowing every aspect of I start with a list. I have es, I retire old ones by
paths through the jungle made during the past two tanburg’s juried shows, what I teach, but my ani- a whole menagerie of an- selling them or donating
beside her by accessing years in the artist’s living Piedmont Interstate Fair, mals are my best. I hope imals I would love to be them.”
hundreds of hours of room, when she had time USC Upstate galleries, and to make animals that are up close and personal Samples of her work
never-before-seen foot- outside of her art teaching Charlotte’s National Arts indifferent from their real with one day. Each piece can be seen on Facebook,
age from the National duties. She hopes people Program Juried Show. counterparts. I love to see starts with a ball of news- searching for “living paper
Geographic archives. The will “get up close and per- In her artist’s statement, the looks on people’s fac- paper and grows from creatures.”
film is narrated by Jane sonal with” her work and Lloyd said: “I make art be- es when they see one of there. Some of the larger For more information,
herself, and it’s mesmer- will experience the “won- cause the combination of my pieces and how they pieces need cardboard visit
izing, fascinating and an der” of the creative pro- my creativity and the per- gravitate over and want to skeletons to support their
absolute must-watch. cess. sonality of my materials. I touch them. My goal is to size. From there, they get

“Insidious: The Last

Key” (R) -- Lin Shaye
returns as the paranormal rior design and graphic cause his left leg has the sic professor Omar Car- Foothills Philharmonic
investigator Elise in the design, only to realize ab- most mobility, he uses it menates, the concert is Masterworks III

To Do
fourth installment of the stract painting is where to paint with a harness at- open to the public and is April 7, 7:30 p.m.
“Insidious” franchise. In she thrives. tached to his foot. presented by the Furman Riverside Baptist Church
this iteration, we return to Gallery hours are Mon- Department of Music.
Elise’s childhood home, a day-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 MUSIC, DANCE AND ART The Furman Percussion
dark place of terror and p.m., Sunday 1-5 p.m. BENEFIT SET FOR APRIL 7 Ensemble performs a di- Bring Your Instrument
entrapment. The current
The Foothills Parkin-
son’s Support Group will
verse array of literature
while also dedicating it-
Carolina Youth Symphony
April 8
Ted Garza (Kirk Aceve- APRIL EDUCATION EVENTS host an afternoon of art self to commissioning and lee@carolinayouth
do), is experiencing some SMC T0 STAGE ‘THE SKIN The Greenville Zoo will and entertainment at Try- performing new chamber
high-level haunting, and OF OUR TEETH’ hold several education on Fine Arts Center on Sat- works from both estab-
calls in Elise to investi- Spartanburg Methodist events during the month urday, April 7, at 4 p.m. lished and up-and-coming Charity Performance
gate. She takes the job, if College Theatre will per- of April. An Afternoon of Music, composers, most notably, ‘Perfect Wedding’
only to right the wrongs form “The Skin of Our Enrichment Day will be Dance, and Art is made up Alejandro Viñao, Marc April 10, 8 p.m.
of the past and free her Teeth” April 5-7 at 7:30 offered Saturday, April 7, of artists and performers Mellits, John Psathas and Greenville Little Theatre
family from the curse p.m. and April 8 at 2:30 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Ani- from this area. Six local David Crowell. 235-0506
that has overshadowed p.m. in Gibbs Auditorium mal enrichment involves artists are donating works For more information,
her life. With jump-scare in Ellis Hall on campus. providing stimulating and for the silent auction: contact the Furman Uni- ‘Showstoppers: An Evening
after jump-scare, it’s not It is free and open to the challenging environments, Joan Macintyre, Carol Beth versity Music Department of Broadway Hits’
the worst of its genre. If public. objects and activities for Icard, Dale McEntire, Lori at 294-2086 or email the April 10-11, 7 p.m.
you have a real love for “The Skin of Our Teeth” animals and is as critical Heckelman, Sarah Holm- department at FurmanMu- Centre Stage
spindly fingered creep- is a Pulitzer-Prize winning to an animal's well-being berg, and Holly Kroland. [email protected]. 233-6733
shows, by all means take play by Thornton Wilder, as having the right food or The Variety/Talent Show
the plunge into the Fur-
ther. But mainly, it’s 103
the American playwright
and author. Wilder also
medical care. Zookeepers
and educational docents
will consist of a number
of musical acts. Visitors EVENT REMINDERS  | ‘Perfect Wedding’
minutes of treacherous won Pulitzer Prizes for his will be on hand through- will hear a band made up April 13-15, 19-22, 26-29
plot holes. play “Our Town” and nov- out the day, interacting of some talented People ‘Mamma Mia!’ Greenville Little Theatre
el “The Bridge of San Luis with zoo guests and ex- with Parkinson’s (PWPs) – Through April 15 233-6238
“Sweet Virginia” (R) -- Rey.” plaining the process of en- Allan Kroland, Stan Smith, Centre Stage
In this atmospheric crime The play is about the richment. and Steve Quam. Also per-
drama set in a lonely
Alaska motel named
Antrobus family from the
fictional town of Excelsior,
A Party for the Planet
will be held on Saturday,
forming will be Kate and
Jamie Riedy, Elizabeth ‘Prince Caspian’ ONGOING EXHIBITS  |
“Sweet Virginia,” we find New Jersey, and is present- April 14, from 9 a.m.-1 Gardner, Linda Lee Reyn- Through April 21
contract killer Elwood ed as a three-part allegory p.m. to celebrate Earth olds, and Mike Carruth Logos Theatre ‘Performance & Motion’
(Christopher Abbott) about the life of mankind. Day. Vendors from across among others. Thomas Koenig
awaiting payment for his It includes many biblical the Upstate will assist in Special guest Eliza Bur- Through April 14
latest job. An eccentric and classical references, sharing information about dette will grace the TFAC ‘Beauty and the Beast’ West Main Artists Co-op
stranger and a few mur- and the title is based on conservation and educat- stage, presenting a mod- April 5-7, 12-14
ders are enough to stir an the Bible verse Job 19:20, ing zoo guests on ways ern dance choreographed North Greenville University
isolated town anywhere, “My bone cleaveth to my they can help shape the by Alex Tressor to George
but especially so when the skin and to my flesh, and future of our planet. Harrison’s “While My
owner of said motel is a I am escaped with the skin For more information, Guitar Gently Weeps.”
former rodeo star, played of my teeth.” visit or Burdette is a student of
by Jon Bernthal. Brood- Joining the cast is John call 467-4300. Tressor, Ballet Master,
ing, hushed tones and Starnes, who is making Broadway performer, and
character development his stage debut at the age PARALYZED ARTIST HOLDS a PWP.
are the order of the day. of 75. Starnes graduated ART SHOW AT SMC The emcee for the event,
Imogene Poots supports from SMC in the spring Spartanburg Method- Stephen Grubba, is anoth-
as the grieving widow and of 2017 with an associate ist College alum Jeremy er PWP. He is the voice of
love interest. degree in arts, and is cur- Vangsnes will host an art the Greenville Swamp Rab-
rently taking more classes show along with his fam- bits Hockey Team.
DOG OF THE WEEK in pursuit of an associate ily in Ellis Hall on SMC’s The Foothills Parkin-
“Father Figures” (R) -- A degree in religion. In “The campus on Saturday, April son’s Support Group is
bit of parenting trouble Skin of Our Teeth,” he will 7, from 10 a.m.-noon. Both made up of individuals
has stressed-out proc- play Judge Moses in Act I events are free and open with Parkinson’s, their
tologist Peter (Ed Helms) and Mr. Tremayne in Act to the public. caregivers, and those who
wishing he could turn III. While attending SMC, may have a loved one with
to his dad for advice, so Vangsnes was captain of Parkinson’s.
his mom (Glenn Close) MEDINA IS APRIL GUEST the cross-country team, An Afternoon of Music,
reveals that, contrary to ARTIST AT GUILD GALLERY and was named player of Dance, and Art is a benefit
what he’d always been Mandy Medina is the the year for Region X of to pay for newspaper ads
told, his father might still April guest artist at the the National Junior Col- and expenses associated
be alive -- only she’s not Artists Guild Gallery of lege Athletic Association. with the group. A portion
sure WHO he is. Peter and Greenville. Shortly after graduating, of what is raised will be
his irreverent fraternal A Meet the Artist event Vangsnes was traveling donated to the Michael J.
twin Kyle (Owen Wilson) will be held Friday, April 6, near Bozeman, Montana Fox Foundation for Parkin-
set off on a mission to from 6-8 p.m. with two of his brothers son’s research. Donations
find Pops. The candidates Mandy attended  the Art and a friend when they are appreciated.
include NFL legend Terry Institute of Colorado and  were involved in a serious For more information,
Bradshaw (playing him- Art Institute of Charlotte, car accident. Vangsnes contact Richard at 404-
self), powder keg J.K. Sim- North Carolina, for inte- was nearly killed but was 8001 or Dot Kennedy at
mons and more. It should kept alive by a first re- 404-8000 or richardken-
be a hilarious road trip of sponder that was traveling [email protected].
self-discovery that is pop- along the interstate. He Tryon Fine Arts Center
ulated with solid comedi- was left with a traumatic is located at 34 Melrose
ans and big personalities, brain injury and almost Ave., Tryon, NC.
which sounds like a recipe full paralysis.
for success. It’s not. It’s a Vangsnes became re- FURMAN PERCUSSION
comedy that’s not really sponsive a few months TO PERFORM APRIL 7
funny, and the poten- after the incident, partic- The Furman University
tial to warm the heart is ularly by shaking his left Percussion Ensemble will
epically squandered. Hard leg, and in 2011 his sis- present a concert Satur-
pass. ter noticed that he could day, April 7, at 8 p.m. in
communicate by shaking Daniel Recital Hall on the
his leg to a corresponding Furman campus.
letter of the alphabet. Be- Directed by Furman mu-

cause of hearing loss
DEAR DR. ROACH: I ten to you. However, I do
have worked in a loud TO YOUR hope your father listens to
facility for 35 years and you, because I agree with
have always worn protec- GOOD HEALTH you that his eating posi-
tion and had my hearing tion may contribute to me-
tested annually. Several chanical acid reflux: The
years ago, I had a thresh- KEITH increased pressure from
old shift (a loss in my ROACH, M.D. his bent-over position may
hearing range), and the be forcing acid up into his
plant nurse sent me to a esophagus.
hearing specialist. He said of America (on the Web at However, being on hol-
that my hearing loss is not can iday may lead to oth-
due to noise exposure. I provide you some support er reasons he was not
asked how he could tell, and guidance through this bothered. Maybe he was
but I didn’t get a satisfac- process. avoiding foods that cause
tory answer. I later asked symptoms. Maybe he was
my primary care physi- *** feeling less stressed. It’s
cian, and he didn’t know. possible he ate earlier and
How do you determine DEAR DR. ROACH: My went to bed a longer time
from the result of a test father suffers from GERD after eating, which allows
whether hearing loss is and takes medication for the stomach to empty so
caused by noise exposure it. After returning from there is less acid at night,
or other factors, such as a recent holiday, I asked when more damage to the
illness or injury? Would a him about his symptoms. esophagus can occur due
hearing aid be effective? He replied that he was not to the loss of gravity and
-- J.G. bothered by heartburn for swallowing.
the 10 days he was away. Sometimes several life-
ANSWER: A compre- You see, my father takes style choices are needed
hensive exam and hearing all his meals sitting on the to address GERD. I always
testing can show whether couch, eating off of a low prefer to work on those
the hearing loss is likely coffee table. Taking a bite, before prescribing medi-
due to loud noise expo- sitting back to chew, bend- cation treatments, espe-
sure, based on the pattern ing forward toward the cially because the proton
of hearing loss across dif- table, over and over. It al- pump inhibitors like ome-
ferent frequencies. Howev- most looks like he’s doing prazole have long-term
er, I don’t think that there sit-ups while seated, and I side effects that are best
is 100 percent certainty think this must contribute avoided, if possible.
about making or exclud- to stomach acid pushing
ing noise exposure as the up. During the 10 days Dr. Roach regrets that
cause of the hearing loss that he was away, he was he is unable to answer in-
from the pattern. sitting at a proper-height dividual letters, but will
I would think that an table when eating all his incorporate them in the
independent evaluation, meals. column whenever possi-
by a certified audiologist What are your thoughts? ble. Readers may email
and your own ENT doctor, He won’t listen to me, be- questions to ToYourGood-
might give you addition- cause I’m not a doctor! -- [email protected].
al information, including A.C. To view and order health
a discussion about how pamphlets, visit www.rb-
much benefit you might ANSWER: Believe me,, or write to
get from a hearing aid. The being a doctor doesn’t Good Health, 628 Virginia
Hearing Loss Association mean people always lis- Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Soap Updates
BY DANA BLOCK about Elizabeth. Nina
looked to Curtis for ad-
THE BOLD AND vice. Nathan’s actions
THE BEAUTIFUL were finally recognized.
A celebration ensued Peter demanded answers.
when Ridge was released Anna got the help she
from jail. Eric and Wyatt needed. Michael worked
both wondered where the to preserve his family’s
investigation stood now legacy. Carly and Bobbie
-- and if there was an at- reminisced. Ava couldn’t
tempted murderer among help herself. Franco was
them. Thorne stated that terribly shaken. Elizabeth
Ridge’s absence proved and Jake inadvertently put
that Forrester Creations MICHAEL LARSEN | BRAVO themselves in harm’s way.
could do just fine without Drew showed a softer side
Ridge as CEO. Hope was of himself. Wait to See:
honest with Liam about
Eileen Davidson stars as Mike’s condition worsens.
her true feelings. Brooke ‘Ashley’ on ‘The Young and
agreed with Steffy about The Restless’ THE YOUNG AND
being angry at Bill for his THE RESTLESS
false accusations, but re- identity of the mystery Hilary gloated to Lily
minded her that they still woman. Paul and Will grew about spending the night
needed to find out who closer, while Sonny got to with Devon. Abby met Ar-
really shot Bill. Thomas know Leo better. Justin turo at the GCAC and was

and Sally shared some big had to scramble when he quickly charmed by him.
news with the Forresters. realized that he messed Nick snapped at Sharon THE SPATS by Jeff Pickering
Steffy gave Liam a thank- up with Adrienne. Kayla when she tried to get him
you kiss for helping to free relayed some bad news to open up to her. He later
her father. Justin pressed about Lani’s baby. Steve apologized, but she was
Bill for more details about delivered a stern warning still irked by their previ-
the shooter. Wait to See: to Stefan after meeting ous exchange. Later, Ma-
Thorne meddles in Katie him for the first time. Jen- riah asked Sharon about
and Wyatt’s affairs. nifer and Eric shared a ro- her true feelings for Nick.
mantic evening together. Simone visited Devon at
DAYS OF OUR LIVES Marlena met “Laura.” Wait the office, and Lily decid-
Laura and Gabby bat- to See: Vivian takes the ed she would concoct a
tled for control of Abigail. next step in her plan to scheme to push them to-
Chad and Stefan played a bring down her enemies. gether. Ashley and Abby
high-stakes chess match. struggled with the validity

As Lani’s world unraveled, GENERAL HOSPITAL of a family secret. Ashley
Eli offered to be there for Maxie felt smothered. contemplated sharing the RFD by Mike Marland
her and the baby. Steve Lulu got the encourage- news with Jack, but Abby
adjusted to life without ment she needed. Spinelli warned her of the con-
his vision. Fearing that she prepared to leave. Alex- sequences. Nick found
was losing her mind, a des- is offered some words himself more comfortable
perate Abigail turned to of caution. Peter manip- opening up to Phyllis rath-
Marlena for help. As Chad ulated a situation to his er than Sharon. Wait to
pressed him for answers, advantage. Griffin was See: Kyle presses Dina to
Stefan finally revealed the conflicted. Jason worried reveal her secret.

AMBER WAVES by Dave T. Phipps  |

OUT ON A LIMB by Gary Kopervas  |

Our Schools
The Greer Citizen


Research positive for K-5

summer reading program
In Greenville Research findings from are powerful in confirm-
Make Summer Count 2017 ing the value of continu-
County Schools reveal a consistency in re- ally investing in resourc-
sults from Make Summer es to support summer
For the second consecu- Count 2016 research, em- learning,” said Dr. An-
tive year, Public Education phasizing positive trends drea A. Rizzo, Director
Partners (PEP), Greenville in family engagement as of Research & Validation,
County’s only nonprofit well as positive student Scholastic Education. “The
focused solely on improv- attitudes, beliefs, and be- great work that Public
ing K–12 public education, haviors about reading. Education Partners and
collaborated with Scholas- Key findings from the Greenville County Schools
tic, the global children’s research in 2016 and 2017 is doing to enrich summer
publishing, education, include: literacy experiences has
and media company, to • For the second year, gone a long way in pre-
determine the impact of more than 75 percent of venting the common loss
PEP’s award-winning Make students agreed they were of literacy skills that many
Summer Count (MSC) ini- better readers in the fall students experience over
Collin Neel Taylor Pagan tiative, which reaches because of the reading the summer months and to
more than 18,000 K–5 stu- they did over the summer. engage families. We hope

RHS names ACE winners

dents across 29 elemen- • Over two consecutive that successful and sus-
tary schools in Greenville summers, MSC students tainable initiatives such
County. reported reading more as Make Summer Count
MSC is a reading initia- than 14 books, compared will continue to serve as a
Taylor Pagan and Collin male character and educa- of students who have over- tive, led and sponsored by to the national average of model for districts nation-
Neel have been named Riv- tion award winners from come tremendous odds to PEP, in partnership with 12 books – a statistic re- wide in their missions to
erside High School’s 2018 all 35 Greenville County achieve wonderful things Greenville County Schools ported in the Scholastic help students succeed in
ACE Award Winners. middle and high schools in their churches, schools, (GCS), with the goal to Kids & Family Reading Re- literacy year-round and be
The ACE (Advocates for are recognized and hon- homes or communities help eliminate summer port™: 6th Edition. an inspiration for commu-
Character and Education) ored. but have not been recog- reading loss by supporting • In 2016, 98 percent nity partnerships.”
Awards is an annual end These students quite nized for doing so. learning while students of families agreed that “Ensuring high-interest
of the school year banquet often are the “Unsung He- are out of school through reading books over the books are in every child’s
in which 70 male and fe- roes” who are comprised increased access to books summer would help their home and promoting
and family engagement ac- children during the school family literacy are valu-
tivities. The initiative con- year; in 2017 this in- able goals,” said Dr. Ansel
sists of two opportunities creased to a full 100 per- Sanders, PEP’s President


Twenty-two members of
Riverside Middle will
for literacy engagement:
MSC Book Celebrations,
which helped students
cent of families agreeing
to a similar statement.
• In 2017, 95 percent of
and CEO. “To develop,
implement, and scale in-
tentional programming to

News the Riverside High School

Speech and Debate Team
will compete at the nation-
hold its annual Communi-
ty Spirit Fest on Tuesday,
April 10, from 5-7:30 p.m.
build home libraries by
allowing them to self-se-
lect 10 free, age-appropri-
families agreed that Fam-
ily Reading Nights were
valuable in learning how
meet these goals, coupled
with a sound research
study to evaluate the pro-
al competition in Fort Lau- Visitors are invited to ate, high-interest books to to support their children’s gramming’s impact, is

derdale in June. cheer on the Riverside take home and read over reading. what makes Make Summer
They are: Royals as the soccer, base- the summer. • While student achieve- Count unique.”
• Jaimie McKeel and ball and softball teams Family Reading Night ment data was not avail- Since MSC began in 2011
Matthew Yoon in Public play against Northwood events, where at 27 dif- able in 2017, in 2016 we at Monaview Elementary
GREER MIDDLE COLLEGE Forum Debate Middle. ferent schools over the found 78 percent of stu- as the Early Grades Read-
TO HOLD SPECIAL ELECTION • Pratamesh Ramasu- They can also visit the summer, families were dents maintaining or in- ing Initiative, PEP has
Due to the recent resig- bramanian and Abby Hick- students visual arts dis- invited to learn strategies creasing their reading lev- provided Greenville chil-
nation of another board ey  in Public Forum Debate play and stroll the Model to support their children’s el from spring to fall. dren with almost 850,000
member to the Board • Emma Dell Fletcher in UN Festival of Nations. reading and children went “The findings from the books, a number that will
of Directors, Greer Mid- Humorous Interpretation The Crayon Initiative home with additional second year of research cross 1 million this year.
dle College Charter High • Phillip Martin in Dra- will collect broken and books. on Make Summer Count
School will hold a special matic Interpretation used crayons to be melted
election on Tuesday, April • Julia Murray in Inter- and made into new cray-
24, to fill one vacant seat national Extemporaneous ons that will be donated to
for the remainder of a two- Speaking children in the hospital.
year term, ending June 30, • Michael Gallagher in Food will be available
2019. United States Extempora- from food trucks includ-
Online ballots will be neous Speaking ing Robino’s, Henry’s
sent via Survey Monkey • Priyanka Shah in Unit- Smokehouse, Baking Sweet
at 8 a.m. Tuesday, April ed States Extemporaneous Scents, Resident Dogs, The
24, and voters will have Speaking Chuck Truck, Kona Hawai-
until 8 a.m. on Wednes- • Mit Patel in Original ian Ice and RMS PTSA.
day, April 25, to submit Oratory
the ballot. The results
will be published on
• Sooruj Bhatia in Pro-
gram Oral Interpretation HIGHER EDUCATION  |
the school website by 3 • Shantal Gomez in Pro-
p.m. on Wednesday, April gram Oral Interpretation KATIE BARNES AWARDED
25. Nomination forms • Daniella Herrera Guti- SCHOLARSHIP BY NGU
will be accepted via email errez in Program Oral In- Katie Barnes, a homes-
from Monday, April 9, at 8 terpretation chooled senior, has been
a.m.-noon on Friday, April • Ian Chiu in Informa- awarded the Foothills
13. tive Speaking Scholarship by North
A Meet and Greet for the • Stephan Voelk in Infor- Greenville University. She
candidates will be held mative Speaking was chosen to receive the
on Monday, April 23, at • Ivana Ramirez in Con- scholarship on the basis
5:30 p.m. in the Confer- gressional Debate, Senate of her academic achieve-
ence Room at Greer Mid- • Audrey Dods in Con- ment, school, church, and
dle College during the reg- gressional Debate, House community involvement.
ular board meeting. • Laurel Holley in Con- She interviewed and
The election results will gressional Debate, House competed for the schol-
be ratified at the board • Elizabeth Dods in arship during Scholarship
meeting on May 21. World Schools Debate Interview Day at North
All board members are • Janine D’Souza in Greenville University on
expected to attend month- World Schools Debate February 23. With satisfac-
ly board meetings, any • Brook Reid in World tory academic progress,
called meetings, partici- Schools Debate this scholarship will guar-
pate on committees, at- • Rohit Yarlagadda in antee up to $48,000 over
tend school events when- World Schools Debate the course of four years
ever possible and assist of attendance at North
with fundraising for the HARVEY ELECTED Greenville University.
school. TO GMC BOARD Barnes has been accept-
For more information, Jamie Harvey has been ed into the Class of 2022
email pbaucom@greer- elected to the Greer Mid- and plans to enroll in Au- dle College Charter High gust.
GMC will hold its Annu- School Board of Directors She is the daughter of
al Board Election on Mon- following a special elec- Jeff and Cheri Barnes, of
day, May 7, to fill four tion last week. Taylors.
seats for a two-year term
ending on June 30, 2020.


Greer Middle College is
seeking businesses and in-
Stress & Worry Free Living
dividuals to help print its
first ever print edition of
The Forge News.
Trusted by Residents
Proceeds from the spon- and Their Families.
sorships will go toward al-
lowing students to publish
the print edition and pos-
sibly purchase software
and equipment for future
journalistic endeavors.
For more information,
email gmcnewspaper@


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