Daily Journal
Daily Journal
Daily Journal
Judge doubts gay marriage ban’s backers can appeal backing out of a parking space in a
Belmont IHOP restaurant Friday
afternoon, according to police.
By Paul Elias and Lisa Leff should grant a stay of Walker’s The woman was treated at the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS order requiring state officials to scene and transported to a local hos-
cease enforcing Proposition 8 “to pital.
SAN FRANCISCO — The feder- avoid the confusion and irreparable At approximately 12:50 p.m.,
al judge who overturned injury that would flow from the cre- the woman was walking to her car
California’s same-sex marriage ban ation of a class of purported same- in the parking lot at 510 El
has more bad news for the mea- sex marriages.” Camino Real with the aid of a
sure’s backers: He doubts they have The appeals court ordered the walker when the the driver, a 46-
the right to challenge his ruling that plaintiffs to file their responses to year-old San Mateo man, backed
gay couples can begin marrying the request by 11 p.m. PDT Friday. into her.
next week. Depending on how the 9th Circuit The driver said he did not see the
Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn rules, same-sex couples could begin woman, according to police.
R. Walker on Thursday rejected a tying the knot in California as early
request to delay his decision barring as next week or be put off while the
Proposition 8 from taking effect appeal works its way through the Residents invited to meeting
until high courts can take up an court and potentially the U.S.
appeal lodged by its supporters. Supreme Court as well. on new waste services
One of the reasons, the judge said, California voters passed County residents are invited to a
is he’s not sure the proponents have Proposition 8 as a state constitution- series of community meetings to
the authority to appeal since they al amendment in November 2008, view the new recycling and garbage
would not be affected by or respon- REUTERS
five months after the California carts and answer any questions
sible for implementing his ruling. A bus passes a group opposed to same-sex marriage in San Francisco. Supreme Court legalized same-sex about the new curbside services.
By contrast, same-sex couples are unions and an estimated 18,000 The meetings will include a video
being denied their constitutional appeal is resolved,” he said. of Appeals on whether gay mar- same-sex couples already had mar- on the new services, information on
rights every day they are prohibited “Proponents have not, however, riages should start before the court ried.
argued that any of them seek to wed considers their broader appeal. changes and a question-and-answer
from marrying, Walker said. In refusing to suspend his ruling
a same-sex spouse.” Their lawyers filed a request asking period. The new CartSMART col-
The ban’s backers “point to harm for more than a few days, Walker
Walker gave opponents of same- the 9th Circuit to intervene and agreed with the lawyers who sued to lection services include recycling,
resulting from a ’cloud of uncertain-
sex marriage until the end of the block the weddings on an emer- strike down the ban that it’s unclear garbage and compost.
ty’ surrounding the validity of mar-
riages performed after judgment is business day on Aug. 18 to get a rul- gency basis late Thursday. if Proposition 8’s sponsors have The first meeting is 6 p.m. to 7:30
entered but before proponents’ ing from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court They argued the appeals court legal standing to appeal. p.m. in the Oak Room of the San
Mateo Library at 55 W. 3rd Ave.,
San Mateo.
Aid helps states escape layoffs, but for how long? Other meetings are listed below
but further details on meeting times
will be posted on the
By Beth Fouhy record federal deficits. While appetite ly when the private sector is faltering. lion to school districts to rehire laid- www.RethinkWaste.org website:
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for such cash infusions is wearing The last thing this economy needs is off teachers or to ensure that more • Redwood City, Sept. 15
thin, some analysts say the latest people not working.” teachers won’t be let go before the • San Carlos, Oct. 5
NEW YORK — Cash-strapped package is essential to preserving the The latest federal aid package, new school year begins. An addition- • Menlo Park, Oct. 14
states from Maine to Hawaii are tear- fragile economic recovery. signed Tuesday by President Obama, al $16 billion would extend for six • Belmont, Oct. 28
ing up the pink slips — for now — “What states are experiencing is was designed to prevent widespread months increased Medicaid pay- • North Fair Oaks, Nov. 4
relieved that the $26 billion state aid the largest drop-off of revenues layoffs of teachers and other public ments to the states, freeing up money • Foster City, Nov. 10
bill passed by Congress this week has they’ve ever faced, so to suggest they employees and to help states pay for other state programs. The bill is • East Palo Alto, Nov. 16
saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. shouldn’t get help overlooks the their share of Medicaid, the public expected to protect 300,000 jobs, just • Burlingame, Nov. 17
But it might be the last time the fed- magnitude of the problem,” said Jon health program for the poor. over half of them teaching positions. • Hillsborough, Nov. 30
eral government comes to the rescue. Shure of the Center on Budget and Medicaid costs have soared during In Colorado, the bill is expected to • West Bay Sanitary District, Dec. 1
The legislation is a stopgap for Policy Priorities, a Washington think the recession, eating up a larger por- save 2,700 teaching jobs. About • Unincorporated San Mateo
long-term budget problems, letting tank. “State and local government is a tion of state budgets each year. 1,400 teachers in Nevada will avoid County, Dec. 2
states put off hard choices at a time of huge driver of the economy, especial- The legislation provides $10 bil- pink slips, as will 1,800 in Iowa. • Atherton, Dec. 6
6 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL
espite the down economy,
Wells Fargo and companies
Principal Diana Hallock of College Park Elementary, left, was giving to Bay Area nonprofits
presented a check in the amount of $1,250 from the Rotary increased 30 percent to a record $21.6 In March, the Rotary Club of Foster City awarded Mitch Labbie the student of the
Club of Foster City.School President Diana Hallock,center,and million in 2009. Nationwide, Wells month. Labbie,second from the left,is a student at San Mateo High School.He was
Rotarian Craig Courtin were in attendance.The donation will Fargo’s giving totaled $202 million, joined by Assistant Principal Cynthia Rapaido,left to right,teacher/counselor Heather
go to the school’s Parent-Child Tutoring Program. surpassing $200 million for the second Vasquez and Rotary President Linda Grant.
year in a row. among the 25 highest-scoring juniors in spirit of giving and camaraderie was
Wells Fargo’s charitable contribu- the country. At the same time, Ellen felt.
tions in San Mateo County increased 7 Ebert ’10 was one of the 48 highest - The Easter basket drive has been an
percent from the previous year to more coring seniors nationwide. Other Notre annual tradition for Notre Dame, with
than more than $1.3 million. Wells Dame students who excelled in the the past four years being organized by
Fargo Foundation grant recipients in meet included Chantal Guegler ’11 the UNIDAS club.
San Mateo County include Palo Alto and Kristina Garrido ’10. More than “This has been a fun experience put-
Housing Foundation, The Shelter 52,000 students from the United States ting together these baskets,” said
Network and Second Harvest Food and three foreign countries entered the Andrea Peña ’13. “It gave me a chance
Bank. meet. to mingle with girls outside of my
*** *** grade.”
Rita Gleason, Principal of Notre With colorful woven baskets lining With donations from the Notre Dame
Dame High School, recently the tables and artificial grass cover- staff, community and fellow peers, the
announced that the following students ing the floors, the students at Notre students were able to assemble 30 gift
earned high honors in this year’s Dame High School continued the baskets to distribute.
WordMasters Challenge, a national tradition of preparing Easter baskets
competition requiring close reading and to give as gifts to teen mothers and
analysis of many different kinds of their children at Redwood High Class notes is a twice weekly column dedi-
prose and poetry. School. As each girl meticulously cut cated to school news. It is compiled by edu-
cation reporter Heather Murtagh. You can
In this year’s third meet held in construction paper or counted out contact her at (650) 344-5200, ext. 105 or at
February, Olivia Bauer ’11 placed chocolate covered bunnies, a true [email protected].
THE DAILY JOURNAL Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 7
Enjoy fun time with Mom, Dad or your favorite grown-up. The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for adults.
Kids Across 13. At a concert, it’s the right 2. Beyonce’s original girl
I Love Music!
1. Feathered animals that time for the finale group: ____ Child
love to sing 14. You need one of these to 3. Making merry: What the
3. Disney’s song of hope: play a violin (or, Seven Dwarfs did while
“When You ___ Upon a pronounced differently, they worked
Star” what a violinist might take 4. Song of loss that became
5. Keeping the beat: The after he does) Kelly Clarkson’s gain:
sound of an old-fashioned 15. A rock star’s trip around “____ U Been Gone”
metronome is tick-____ the country 5. Wonderfully wireless way to
(just like a clock) 16. If you have a horn, you have your musical message
6. For Lady Gaga, this just might ___ it delivered: singing ____
instrument’s keys are one 18. A short word for a 7. Rewind your mind to recall This Week’s Solution
of the keys to her saxophone this musical format of
success 19. What you do to make yesteryear
8. What music becomes music with your mouth 10. Ad makers’ addictive ditties
when someone turns the closed 11. Group that proved it’s “Hip
volume way up 20. You have to use these to To Be Square”: Huey
9. O say can you see?: “The snap your fingers to the Lewis and the ____
Star-Spangled Banner” is beat 14. A tuba, trombone or any of
our national _____ their shiny metal kin: ____
12. People in cars all over Parents Down instruments
the nation 1. Vocal supporters behind 17. In addition to money, it’s
use these to hear music every lead singer, like what Gene Kelly got from
on their favorite station Gladys’ Pips “Singin’ in the Rain”
[email protected] Visit www.kapd.com to join the KAPD family! 8/15/10 © 2010 Jan Buckner Walker. Distributed by
Tribune Media Services, Inc.
8 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 LOCAL/NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL
straight declines
By Christopher S. Rugaber
economy. But the benchmark interest
rate controlled by the Fed has been
almost zero for more than a year now.
The Fed this week took a new step by
was the first overall gain in three
Still, most retailers reported
declines. Excluding autos and gasoline
rising gas prices. After stripping out
volatile food and gas prices, the so-
called “core” index increased 0.1 per-
cent. Over the past year, core consumer
announcing it would use the proceeds sales — which accounted for one- prices rose 0.9 percent — the slowest
from its huge portfolio of mortgage fourth of the July figures — retail sales pace in more than four decades.
securities to buy government debt. The
WASHINGTON — A rise in the cost of gas drove consumer
idea is to make cheap credit a little Sure, the Fed still has options. It could Economics. “It’s frozen them into inac-
prices up last month by the most in nearly a year, but overall
cheaper, particularly for things like launch another trillion-plus-dollar pro- tivity.”
inflation remained tame.
mortgages. gram to buy government debt or mort- Congress has the power to regulate the
The Consumer Price Index, the government’s most closely
The problem there: Americans who gage securities like it did when it was economy by adjusting tax rates and pass-
watched inflation measure, increased 0.3 percent in July, the
are worried about their jobs, not to men- battling the recession and financial cri- ing stimulus programs — the side of the
Labor Department said. That followed three months of
tion volatility in the stock market, don’t sis. equation known as fiscal policy, as
want to borrow. They saved 6.2 percent Or the Fed could cut to zero the rate it opposed to the Fed’s monetary policy.
Pushing the index up was a 4.6 percent increase in the price
of their disposable income this spring. pays banks to keep money parked there, But there is little interest on Capitol
of gas. Excluding volatile food and energy prices, the so-
Before the recession, it was more like a move aimed at getting banks to lend Hill to undertake a major new stimulus
called “core” price index increased 0.1 percent in July.
1.2 percent. more. But banks are not exactly feeling effort. The midterm elections are less
Over the past year, core consumer prices rose 0.9 percent —
“You can’t force people to take out a free with their cash, either. than three months away, and
the slowest pace in 44 years.
loan or spend money that they don’t “It’s a pervasive level of uncertainty Republicans and Democrats alike fear
One small benefit of the weak economy is that it is keeping
want to spend,” says Alice Rivlin, who that people and businesses feel about voters are worried about the federal bud-
prices in check. Consumers are spending cautiously and sav-
served as the Fed’s No. 2 official in the their economic futures,” says Ken get’s $1.4 trillion — and rising —
ing more, which makes it harder for companies to raise prices.
late 1990s. Mayland, president of ClearView deficit.
But low prices have not been enough to boost the recovery.
A separate report Friday showed that retail sales rose modest-
ly in July, but that was mostly due to higher auto and gasoline
purchases. Outside those categories, most other retailers saw
their sales fall.
Shareholders file suit against HP over Hurd’s exit
Tame inflation allows the Federal Reserve to keep the key THE ASSOCIATED PESS sue executives or board members over Hurd, Interim CEO and Chief Financial
interest rate it controls at a record low of nearly zero percent claims that their actions harmed the Officer Catherine Lesjak and HP’s other
in an effort to bolster economic growth. The Fed usually fights NEW YORK — Shareholders of company as a whole. board members.
rising inflation by raising rates. Hewlett-Packard Co. have filed a “deriv- The lawsuit seeks unspecified dam- The suit claims HP lost “significant
And the first increase in overall prices in four months is ative lawsuit” against the technology ages and changes to HP’s corporate gov- credibility” due to the controversy that
likely to ease concerns about deflation, which some Fed offi- company and its board over former CEO ernance. It was filed in California erased more than $9 billion in market
cials had raised in recent weeks. Deflation is a widespread and Mark Hurd’s abrupt resignation last Superior Court in California Tuesday on capitalization when HP’s shares started
prolonged drop in the price of goods, real estate and stocks. It week. behalf of shareholders by Brockton trading on Monday following the resig-
also reduces wages and makes it harder to pay off debts. A derivative lawsuit lets shareholders Contributory Retirement System against nation.
Weekend, Aug. 14-15, 2010
Continued from page 11
third on Alexi Casilla’s sacrifice bunt and
scored on Drew Butera’s squeeze to make it 4-
Daric Barton and Jack Cust had the A’s
Span reached on an error to start the first
and scored when Gonzalez walked Jason
Kubel with the bases loaded. Valencia made it
2-0 with an RBI single later in the first.
disabled list with a stress fracture in his right
ankle, and recalled infielder Steve Tolleson
from Triple-A Sacramento to take his spot. ...
A’s reliever Andrew Bailey, out since July 21
RBIs. Mark Ellis had three hits for Oakland, The Twins continue to win without the serv- with a right intercostal strain, threw from 140
utility infielder Mike Fontenot, who was which outhit the Twins 14-5 but left a season- ices of All-Star first-baseman Justin Morneau. feet on Friday and might throw of a mound by
already in the ballpark with the Chicago Cubs high 14 runners on base. The former MVP has been out since July 8 Sunday. ... A’s prospect Chris Carter was 0 for
before switching teams. Twins reliever Jesse Crain got Coco Crisp to with a concussion and said before Friday’s 4 on Friday and is 0 for 13 with six strikeouts
ground into a bases-loaded double play to end since being called up on Monday.
Sabean found the lefty reliever the Giants
needed when he acquired Javier Lopez from
the Pittsburgh Pirates at the July 31 trade
deadline. San Francisco also acquired righty
reliever Ramon Ramirez from the Boston Red
Padres continue to own Giants
Sox at the deadline. That’s after the Giants got San Francisco.
resurgent slugger Pat Burrell in June follow-
By Janie McCauley
Padres 3, Giants 2 “This is a showdown,” Black joked of the sig-
ing his poor start with Tampa Bay. Burrell is Francisco second baseman Freddy Sanchez hus- nificance of this series considering it’s still only
thrilled with the fresh start and has jump-start- SAN FRANCISCO — Ryan Ludwick narrow- tled to field Chris Denorfia’s grounder that hit off mid-August. “When you get into September,
ed the offense of late. ly beat Juan Uribe’s throw home to score the go- Jonathan Sanchez, but Scott Hairston ran in front that’s really the line for me.”
The 34-year-old Guillen signed a $36 mil- ahead run in the sixth inning, and the NL West- of Freddy Sanchez and caused the infielder to The game sure had a playoff feel with a bois-
lion, three-year contract three years ago that leading San Diego Padres held off the San stop his motion. First base umpire Marvin terous sellout crowd of 42,722.
Francisco Giants 3-2 on Friday night for their Hudson first ruled Hairston out for interference, The Padres have won eight of the first nine
made him the Royals’ highest-paid player per
fifth straight victory. then the crew met about the play. with the Giants, including the initial seven
year in team history. He spent the 2003 season matchups.
in the Bay Area with the Oakland Athletics. Clayton Richard (10-5) earned his third Padres manager Bud Black came out to argue.
straight win over the Giants this season, helping After a discussion that lasted several minutes, San San Francisco jumped to a quick 2-0 lead
Just a month ago, Guillen put together a hit- against Richard, who walked leadoff man Andres
San Diego extend its division lead to 3 1/2 games Diego decided to play the game under protest.
ting streak that stretched to more than 20 Torres and allowed him to advance on a wild
over San Francisco in a game the Padres played The Padres took the lead in the fifth when a
games. He is batting .255 and led the Royals sliding Ludwick beat the close play at the plate on pitch. Aubrey Huff then hit an RBI double and
with 16 home runs and 62 RBIs when he was under protest. It became a moot point when they later scored on Pat Burrell’s groundout.
won. Chase Headley’s grounder. That came moments
designated for assignment last Thursday. The after hefty San Francisco third baseman Pablo The Padres tied it in the top of the second.
The Padres quieted Jonathan Sanchez (8-8), Sanchez plunked Yorvit Torrealba on the left
move allowed Kansas City to play highly tout- Sandoval ran down the line and made a forward-
who no-hit them here July 10, 2009, after he shoulder to start the inning, then Headley tripled
ed prospect Kila Ka’aihue every day, and guaranteed a sweep of San Diego following his diving tag on Adrian Gonzalez to save a run.
Guillen also didn’t like being a reserve. Sandoval’s head whipped back upon impact with him home and Hairston followed with a sacrifice
outing at Atlanta last Sunday. fly.
Guillen struggled with injuries in Kansas “We’re going to play San Diego, and we’re the ground and knocked the wind out of him. He
was briefly down and examined by trainers Richard allowed six hits in six innings. He
City. He played in only 81 games last year and going to beat them three times,” Sanchez said. “If
before returning to third. owns a 2.05 ERA in four starts against the Giants
hit nine home runs, tied for his fewest since we get to first place, we’re not going to look in 2010. Heath Bell pitched the ninth for his
2002. He was out for weeks after injuring his The teams, each having changed significantly,
back.” hadn’t met since May 18 at Petco Park but still majors-leading 35th save in 38 chances. He need-
knee while he was putting on a shin guard and Sanchez’s comments only added fuel to this ed nine pitches to get Burrell on a popup for the
face off seven times after this series — four
missed several days of spring training in 2009 highly anticipated weekend series between the games in San Diego in early September and a first out.
after deciding to rip out an ingrown toenail two contenders. season-ending three-game series from Oct. 1-3 in San Francisco’s starters are winless over their
with a pair of pliers. In the fourth, with the score tied at 2, San last 10 outings, going 0-6.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 13
Raiders’first-team offense Leinart not taking
struggles in preseason opener
By Josh Dubow missed tight end Zach Miller on his final throw first game lightly
By John Marshall past two seasons as an understudy to Warner,
The Raiders gained 48 of their 73 yards with
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS who led the Cardinals to the Super Bowl in 2008
ALAMEDA — The talk of a revitalized Campbell at quarterback on that last drive, and another division title last season before retir-
offense for the Oakland Raiders under new offering Cable some sense of optimism that
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The first preseason ing.
quarterback Jason Campbell and coordinator improvement could be coming. game is a chance for the veterans to shake the rust Leinart gets another shot this season, no longer
Hue Jackson has been put on hold after the “The rhythm thing was most important. I did off, the youngsters to show if they can handle as a star-in-the-making, but as a 27-year-old for-
exhibition opener. not like the second series very much,” Cable game speed instead of training camp pace. mer Heisman Trophy winner still trying to prove
The first-team offense struggled to move the said. “It just felt like we were going to put the Matt Leinart is taking a different tact. This ini- himself in the NFL five years after being drafted
ball and was unable to generate any points in a line and the quarterback back out there togeth- tial preseason game is his chance to build trust with the 10th overall pick.
little more than a quarter of action in Thursday er and see if they can kind of put some cohe- with his teammates, show them he’s ready to han- So far, it’s been a ho-hum start.
night’s 17-9 victory over the Dallas Cowboys. siveness together which they were able to do a dle all the responsibilities Leinart was pushed by new arrival and former
The Raiders scored all of their points — little bit. The thing I am encouraged about is it that come with being Pro Bowler Derek Anderson in offseason camps
including a late interception return for a touch- was a guy here or a guy there that were break- Arizona’s starting quarter- and, after a decent start to training camp, had an
down by Jerome Boyd — in the fourth quarter, ing down. I look for us to be better this week.” back. average-at-best initial scrimmage at the end of the
long after most of the reg- Saturday’s game against first week.
Second-year receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey,
ulars on both teams had Houston begins Leinart’s This first preseason game will be a chance to
called it a night. who had nine catches in a disappointing rook-
ie year, was unable to generate the production second go-round as the sea- see if he can sharpen his accuracy — he missed
“It’s a guy here and a son-opening starter and he on several deep balls in the scrimmage — and
the Raiders hoped for based on his drastic
guy there,” coach Tom knows how important it will prove to the coaches and his teammates that he
improvements in practice.
Cable said Friday. “It looks be. can be a take-charge leader like Warner was in the
to be probably a little bet- Campbell threw only one pass Heyward- Matt Leinart “It’s huge. I’m definitely huddle.
ter than what I thought last Bey’s way on the first play of the game, but not taking this preseason “I would like to see assertiveness,” Cardinals
night after the game. So I Terrence Newman broke it up. When lightly,” he said. “I don’t think you ever do, but coach Ken Whisenhunt said. “I would like to see
think we can fix it, and fix Campbell did go deep, it was to Murphy. The there’s always that mindset that ’I’m only going how he handles the huddle and the team.
Jason it rather quickly.” first pass was knocked away by a defender and to play a series.’ I’m going in knowing I’m not Obviously, you want to see production but there’s
Campbell Campbell was 7 for 13 the second led Murphy to far outside and he going to play a whole lot, but I want to take a lot of things we’ll evaluate from Matt that may
for 49 yards in his first game with the Raiders, caught it out of bounds. advantage of those opportunities.” not necessarily be seen from the fans perspective.
with most of his completions coming on short The bright spots offensively came from run- Leinart’s initial stint as Arizona’s starter didn’t “I’m excited to see if he can take what he’s
passes underneath. ning backs Rock Cartwright and Michael go so well. progressed with in the offseason and carry it onto
The Raiders will be counting on much more Bennett, who are battling for a spot behind It was 2007 and the heralded first-round draft the field in this role he’s in now.”
from Campbell when the regular season starts. Michael Bush and Darren McFadden, and pick out of Southern California was coming off a Whisenhunt wasn’t sure exactly how much
They acquired him in a draft-day trade from receiver Nick Miller, who made a leaping decent rookie season in which he threw for over Leinart would play against the Texans, saying cir-
Washington and then cut loose former No. 1 touchdown grab of a pass from Kyle Boller for 2,500 yards and 11 touchdowns after replacing cumstances of the game would dictate the quar-
overall pick JaMarcus Russell shortly after Oakland’s first score. Kurt Warner in Week 5. terback rotation.
that. That gave Leinart the edge over the veteran the However long Leinart is out there, it will likely
Bennett, a former Pro Bowler with next training camp and the left-hander opened as go a long way in determining how much his
With Russell getting the bulk of the playing Minnesota, carried 12 times for 68 yards and starter. He lasted five games, sharing time with teammates trust his leadership.
time last year, the Raiders finished second-to- also had 33-yard reception off a screen pass. Warner while throwing four interceptions and Leinart took his offensive linemen, along with
last in the league in scoring with 197 points Cartwright added seven carries for 25 yards two touchdowns with a quarterback rating of 61.9 their wives and girlfriends, on a bonding trip to
and gained the second-fewest yards on the way and caught two passes for 28 yards. before a broken collarbone ended his season. Hawaii during the offseason and Saturday he’s
to their record seventh straight season with at The biggest positives for the Raiders came Leinart has started one game since — after looking to take the first big step toward solidify-
least 11 losses. Warner suffered a concussion — and spent the ing his connections with the rest of the team.
on the defensive side of the ball, where they
That led owner Al Davis to bring in Jackson held the Cowboys to 263 yards, no touch-
to replace Cable as the play-caller and to trade downs and came up with six sacks.
for Campbell, who had fallen out of favor after
five years in Washington. The bulk of the pressure came from young
defensive ends Matt Shaughnessy and rookie
The Raiders generated only one first down in
Lamarr Houston, who each had two sacks.
three drives in the opening quarter with
Campbell and the first-team offense. Cable “It’s exciting,” Cable said. “They were pro-
then sent them out for an additional series that ductive. They were productive not only rush-
was a little more successful, although Dallas ing the passer but against the run. They can do
was resting some of its starters by then. better at some things for sure. I think definite-
Michael Bush ran for a first down and ly an encouraging start.”
Campbell got two through the air on passes to Notes: The Raiders reported no major
Louis Murphy and Todd Watkins as the injuries from the game. CB Walter McFadden
Raiders moved the ball to the Dallas 30. Then had a minor shoulder injury and could practice
on a fourth-and-1, Jackson called for a pass Saturday. LB Sam Williams had a possible
play out of the shotgun and Campbell badly concussion and his status is unknown.
14 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Continued from page 11
“I’m very pleased with the way
I’ve been playing. It’s been a great
year,” said Kuchar, who has eight
those were the holes, if I was going
to take advantage, those were going
to be them.”
top 10s, including a tie for sixth at His only trouble of the day came
the U.S. Open. “Not too much trou- on No. 6, when he hooked his tee
Though the fog has made the
PGA seem more like a British Open ble to report. I’m putting well, stay- shot left and the ball bounced on a
— there was rain Friday afternoon, ing out of trouble and I find myself path trampled down by spectators
too — Kuchar was proof that decent at 8 under par.” and rolled down a hill before finally
scores were available on the 7,514- He’s hit 23 of 28 fairways through coming to a stop on a service road.
yard, links-style monster. Maybe the first two rounds, and needed Kuchar took relief — if you can call
that was a good sign for Tiger only 52 putts. it that. His ball was on a slope so
Woods, who finished his first round The back nine has been more for- steep he couldn’t even see the green,
at an encouraging 1-under 71 and giving than the front, playing about but he actually had a chance to save
had to wait until dinnertime to begin a stroke easier, and Kuchar took full par, leaving his putt a few feet short.
a second round he certainly would- advantage. “It seems like now, the position
n’t complete by sundown. He was just over the green in two I’ve put myself in this year, the log-
Bubba Watson and Francesco on No. 11, at 618 yards the longest ical next step would be to win,” said
Molinari, whose 68s gave them the REUTERS par-5 on the course, and chipped Kuchar, whose victory at Turning
clubhouse lead before the first Matt Kuchar shot a 3-under 69 for a two-day total of 8-under par.He is the within 2 feet for the first of three Stone last year was only his second
round was suspended for darkness leader in the clubhouse after two days of the PGA Championship, which straight birdies. on the PGA Tour and first since
Thursday night, also had late tee has been delayed by severe fog. “Those were the downwind 2002.
decision Friday morning. diately look to bring in another run- five years and I’ve seen backs come Dixon has been eager to get his
Continued from page 11
“I appreciate his honesty and I
appreciate him not coming out here
and going through the motions,”
ning back.
Robinson averaged 4.7 yards per
carry as a backup to Gore in 2007
in and I’ve seen backs leave. We all
have to elevate our games now.”
The 49ers had been bringing
chance since he was drafted. The
233-pounder from Mississippi State
led the Southeastern Conference in
Singletary said. “He said his heart but has seldom been used as a run- along Dixon gradually, but his rushing last year with a school-
1,000-yard rushing season. isn’t in it. It’s his decision. He is a ning back the past two seasons. learning curve now will accelerate. record 1,391 yards.
man, and the last thing that I’m Robinson is San Francisco’s special Dixon will be Gore’s top backup in
Singletary, who said Coffee “was “This puts no more pressure on
going to do is disrespect him and try teams captain and a standout per- Sunday’s exhibition opener at
having a fine camp,” said Coffee’s to drag something out.” former on those units. Indianapolis. me than there already was,” Dixon
abrupt decision caught the team by Coffee’s departure leaves the “We had no indication this was Singletary said Dixon is “going to said. “I knew they were going to call
surprise. 49ers with Dixon and fifth-year vet- coming,” Robinson said. “Glen’s a have to grow up real quick.” on me, and now it’s time to step up.
Coffee didn’t show up for eran Michael Robinson as the only good friend and it’s like I’m losing a Dixon’s workload will increase and This is what I’ve been waiting for,
Thursday’s afternoon practice and halfbacks on the roster behind Gore. brother. With Glen not being here, he will start seeing more snaps in and I’m definitely out to show some
then informed Singletary of his Singletary said the 49ers will imme- there is a void. But I’ve been here practice. people what I’m capable of.”
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 15
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
vs.Padres vs.Padres OFF vs.Phillies @Phillies @Phillies @ Cardinals
1:10 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 5:15 p.m. EASTERN CONFERENCE East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
W L T Pts GF GA New York 71 43 .623 — Atlanta 67 48 .583 —
Columbus 11 4 4 37 28 17 Tampa Bay 69 46 .600 2 1/2 Philadelphia 64 51 .557 3
@Minnesota @Minnesota vs.Toronto vs.Toronto vs.Toronto vs.Rays vs.Rays
4:10 p.m. 11:10 a.m. 7:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 7:05 p.m. New York 9 6 4 31 21 21 New York 58 57 .504 9
7:05 p.m. Boston 66 51 .564 6 1/2
Toronto FC 7 7 5 26 21 21 Toronto 61 54 .530 10 1/2
Washington 50 66 .431 17 1/2
Chicago 5 5 6 21 21 21 Baltimore 41 75 .353 31
Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 5 Sept. 11 Sept. 15 Sept. 25
vs.Kansas City vs.LA Galaxy @ N.Y. @ Houston vs. Dallas vs.Philly Kansas City 5 8 5 20 15 21 Central Division
7 p.m. 1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. @Toronto FC Central Division W L Pct GB
CSN+ CSN-CAL 1 p.m. New England 5 9 3 18 17 27
Philadelphia 4 10 4 16 22 33 St.Louis 65 49 .570 —
Minnesota 66 50 .569 — Cincinnati 65 51 .560 1
Aug. 14 Aug. 22 Aug. 28 Sept. 1 Sept. 5 Sept. 11 D.C. 3 13 3 12 12 32
Chicago 65 51 .560 1 Milwaukee 54 63 .462 12 1/2
vs.Washington @ Chicago @Atlanta vs.Philly
7 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. @Sky Blue FC vs.Boston Detroit 55 60 .478 10 1/2 Houston 49 65 .430 16
FSC 4 p.m. 6:05 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Playoffs TBA
WESTERN CONFERENCE Cleveland 48 68 .414 18 Chicago 48 68 .414 18
W L T Pts GF GA Kansas City 47 68 .409 18 1/2 Pittsburgh 39 76 .339 26 1/2
Continued from page 11
strict diet. Posing plays a huge part in the sport. In
fact, posing is a competition and art in itself. If two
competitors are on equal footing physically, the
until he realizes his dream of making — and per-
haps winning — a Mr. Olympia competition.
“One step at a time,” he said. “It takes a lot of
sity for the school’s wrestling and track and field
teams to go along with playing at the junior varsi-
ty level for the baseball and basketball squads.
one who can best sell his or her poses to the judges time, but I’m willing to do what it takes.” Baseball was Croon’s favorite activity growing
will prevail. Croon still comes back to the Bay Area a cou- up, and he played the sport in the summer every
Croon getting workout advice from Cutler In addition to the mandatory poses — of which ple of times a month to train with renowned train- year starting in the first grade. Football became his
would be like a wide-eyed freshman quarterback there are many — bodybuilders need to incorpo- er Hany Rambod, who also trains Cutler and a No. 1 love in high school, and it was only as a
receiving guidance from Peyton Manning or rate other poses in their routine to be successful. number of other top pro bodybuilders. Croon will freshman at UNLV did Croon’s bodybuilding
Tom Brady — he was learning from the Once bodybuilders get on stage, they pose nonstop usually stay a week each time he visits, working career begin to take shape.
absolute best in the industry. Croon never played for 30 minutes at a time, and up to two hours total
a down for UNLV, taking a redshirt his freshman out at the Gold’s Gym in Campbell under the Of course, one could say it was years in the
for a show. Just how important and tiring is pos- guidance of Rambod. making. Croon was 5 and visiting relatives in
year. Right after the season was done, Croon ing?
decided to give up the sport. “I spend a week with Hany and then come back Atlanta when his uncle took him to a gym for
“I’d rather go to the gym and lift a thousand to Vegas and try out all the new tricks I’ve which Lee Haney was working. Haney is a leg-
“It just wasn’t for me,” he said. “I wasn’t hav- pounds for an hour than do 20 minutes of posing,”
ing fun anymore.” learned,” Croon said. endary figure in the bodybuilding industry, win-
Croon said. “(In posing) you have to flex every ning the Mr. Olympia crown a remarkable eight
Croon decided to focus hit talents elsewhere, single muscle in your body from your feet to neck. Hard-core dedication consecutive years, from 1984-1991.
and that’s when his bodybuilding career began. Bodybuilding is like an illusion — you’re trying to
Croon had only trained for a year when he did his It takes serious dedication to become a top-cal- “That kind of started everything (bodybuilding
make your muscles look bigger than they actually
first show five years ago at age 20, and since then iber bodybuilder. In addition to posing, Croon said dreams),” Croon said. “What inspired me was see-
are. It’s like art to us. We look in the mirror and see
has gone on to do 10 more competitions, winning one of the toughest parts of his sport is the strict ing him and how successful he was, and how
if we need bigger shoulders, then we work on
the Junior Nationals in Chicago last year. diet regimen he employs starting 10 to 12 weeks everyone looked at him and said, ‘Wow,’ when he
developing bigger shoulders. It takes a lot of prac-
leading up to a competition. walked into the room. I wanted to be that person.”
tice to master the art of posing. Some (body-
‘Amateur’ in name only builders) just don’t get it, and they never get it.” “That’s the period when you have to start grind- In a way, Croon has done just that. When he was
But the ones who do are the ones who move up ing down,” he said. “I’m eating every two and a a freshman at UNLV, heads would start spinning
Even though Croon is technically an amateur, as soon as Croon entered the on-campus fitness
in the sport’s ranks, and all signs seem to point to half to three hours, but it’s a very low calorie
he seemingly lives a pro lifestyle.He’s sponsored center. Girls would be staring at him wanting to
Croon having a bright future. In technical body- intake, and you’re still lifting heavy. The last 10
by MuscleTech, one of the best-selling supple- hook up, and guys would constantly come up to
building terms, Croon explained his muscles weeks (leading up to a competition) it’s a lot of
ment companies in the world. Croon has also him to ask for workout tips.
aren’t fully mature yet, meaning it will take a cou- protein and no sugar (at all). At times I’ll go as low
appeared numerous times in some of the sport’s “It was uncomfortable because I’d have eyes on
ple of more years for his muscles to become as zero to 50 (grams of) carbs a day, which is like
most popular magazines, including Flex and me the whole time,” Croon said. “I couldn’t con-
“rounder and fuller” on par with many of the pros. three slices of bread (whole wheat of course). I’ve
Muscular Development, along with a number of centrate, so I had to find a hard-core gym. In the
“In bodybuilding, the older you get, the better gone as long as six days with no water (usually in
different European publications. Croon’s career college gym, they weren’t used to seeing a freak.
you are,” he said. “You really don’t get muscle the week leading up to weigh-ins). This is the time
has taken him to photo shoots throughout Europe That’s when I started going to Gold’s.”
maturity until you’re 27, 28, and for a male body- when start feeling miserable and when it’s hard
and the U.S., with plenty of fun times — aka
builder your prime years start around 33. I still sometimes to get up in the morning, but you have When Croon first met Cutler, the reigning Mr.
partying — along the way.
have young muscle belly fat.” to be a warrior and love what you do. And there’s Olympia told him, “You have a good physique and
Say what? With veins popping out all over his nothing I’d rather do than this.” could do well in the sport.” Almost seven years
It’s not easy body, legs the size of tree trunks and trapezius Because of the 24/7 demands of bodybuilding, later, Croon has done nothing to disappoint his
But most of the time Croon spends his time muscles that could be mistaken for a volcano, Croon said it’s the hardest sport he’s ever compet- mentor, friend and one of the sport’s all-time
training diligently for competition. Bodybuilding Croon resembles a Greek statue. Having said all ed in. Here’s an athlete who not only was a stand- greats.
18 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 THE DAILY JOURNAL
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Writers analyze
100 must-read
thriller novels
By Waka Tsunoda
Continued from page 19
who rocketed to stardom in 2001 but have
been in a hibernation of sorts since 2006, will
make a much-anticipated appearance on
Saturday as well. Also performing will be
Wolfmother and My Morning Jacket.
Outside Land returns today at Golden Gate But this weekend isn’t just about the music.
Park in San Francisco, with more than 40 For yet another year, Outside Lands has man-
musical acts across four stages. Tickets for the aged to round up a great menu of over 30 local
two-day festival range from $75 to $140 (plus food vendors to satisfy the taste buds with “A
pricier VIP packages are also available) and Taste of the Bay Area.”
while the titanic names of yesteryear may not Festival goers are also encouraged to visit
be coming, organizers of the event have put “Wine Lands” — a collection of 26 fine local
together what they hope will be a fantastic vintners.
sample of what the Bay Area has to offer. “Eco Lands” will once again be the epicen-
The aforementioned Kings of Leon will ter of the Outside Lands’ sustainability mis-
grace the stage Sunday night. Headlining a sion and environmental commitment.
festival of this magnitude is a first for Kings Throughout its existence, Outside Lands has
and it’s something to which they look for- continued to implement innovative approach-
ward. es to ensure the most environmentally sustain-
“We love playing festivals and we love San able event possible, including a completely
Fran,” said Kings of Leon drummer Nathan solar powered stage, a refillable water pro-
Followill. “So I think with those two things gram, cell phone recycling and urban garden-
together ... it should be a great time. There are ing workshops.
so many great bands playing as well so I’m And there will be plenty of other things to
more excited to listen than actually sing I’m enjoy at the festival like the Chase Freedom
pretty sure.” Lounge, the Pulse Lounge and the Inside
Kings of Leon will be preceded by acts like Outside Lands Lounge to name a few.
Al Green, Phoenix and Social Distortion on For more information on the events, includ-
Sunday. ing what you can or can’t bring, a map of
In day one of the festivities, Grateful Dead event and box office hours visit www.sfout-
spin-off Furthur featuring Bob Weir and Phil sidelands.com.
22 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 WEEKEND JOURNAL THE DAILY JOURNAL
Continued from page 1
under 18. For more information call
problems. The more cuts to health care Art, a collective of local artists,
portation system, maintain critical health invites you to an Art Show featuring
care and social services and to prevent and social services that are made just the paintings of Marjory Wilson,
voters in the district. make the problem grow and then jewelry by Sheryl Tappan and pho-
the state from taking any more money tography by Ken Mahar. Free to
“It is hard to reach out to all of them,” become a bigger burden on the county,”
out of the county to fix its $20 billion attend, refreshments served. For
Park said. deficit. Yee said. more information call 579-4462 or
Park’s most pressing issue is strength- visit www.avenueart.org.
“I will continue to fight state take- Park’s focus is primarily on patching
ening the state’s building codes to better aways,” Yee said. up roads in San Francisco and improving Coastside Comedy Improv. 7:30
prepare for a catastrophic earthquake. traffic flow in the city through engineer- p.m. Enso, 131 Kelly Ave., Half
He wants to get as much funding as Moon Bay. Community-based
Park was impressed with how Chile possible from the California High-Speed ing solutions. improv comedy troupe brings people
weathered a recent earthquake and wants “We need better streets in San together for the common good and a
Rail Authority to help improve the coun- laugh-out-loud good time. Tickets
to make sure the state, particularly San ty’s transportation system. Francisco,” Park said. are $10. For more information call
Francisco, will be prepared for a big “They have a major pot of money. It The general election is Nov. 2. 726-1409.
temblor. needs to be leveraged as much as possi- Pacific Film Night. 7:30 p.m.
“We need to fix up our infrastructure Mildred Owen Concert Hall, 1220
ble for improvements in the county,” he Linda Mar Blvd. Come for northern
Bill Silverfarb can be reached by e-mail: sil-
with an emphasis on safety,” Park said. said. [email protected] or by phone: California’s premier of ‘Broken
Yee, 62, has been in Sacramento for Yee also described San Mateo County Hills.’ $12 for admission. For more
(650) 344-5200 ext. 106. information call 355-8001.
Continued from page 1
departments]. There’s still a lot of
money to be saved,” he said.
The fire engine at Station 36 will no
On Friday, firefighters started a
Facebook page registered
CentralCounty Firefighters to keep peo-
p.m. Angelica’s Bistro, 863 Main St.,
Redwood City. Returning to
Angelica's Bistro for a special
acoustic performance in the Bell
Theater Room. $5. For more infor-
longer be in service. Central County ple abreast of the changes. mation call 365-3226.
support the closure, said District Vice office positions will remain at the site SUNDAY, AUG. 15
‘Mystery Castle’ Tours. 9:45 a.m.
Monday through Friday. Calls normally to 3:15 p.m. 900 Mirador Terrace,
President Rob McNichol. Heather Murtagh can be reached by e-mail:
handled by the Rollins Road location [email protected] or by phone: Pacifica. Come and participate in our
90 minute self-guided tours of the
“If any good can come of this is possi- will be overseen by Station 34, located at (650) 344-5200 ext. 105.
24 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 COMICS/GAMES THE DAILY JOURNAL
Saturday, Aug. 14, 2010 as negotiating a delicate matter. Primal insight can give you
a definite edge.
Something to which you’ve devoted considerable time and
effort is likely to begin to yield some rewards in the year AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - A personal interest can be
ahead. It’ll be just the beginning of what’s to come as long as advanced, but only if you are able to operate independently,
you continue to stay on top of it. free from all outside interference. You need plenty of time and
space in order to do your own thing.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - The best way to make certain a joint
endeavor will be successful is to make sure the workload is PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - Something in which you’re
equally distributed. Once done, each contributor must focus interested has a greater array of ancillary benefits than you
solely on doing his/her part. ever thought possible. You might begin to see things in a new
light that’ll help you see them.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Your mental faculties are extra
sharp right now, so you shouldn’t have any trouble handling ARIES (March 21-April 19) - The impression you make
whatever assignments are thrown at you. Concentrate on encourages others to look at you in a new light and appreci-
using your logic and keen imagination. ate some of your wonderful qualities that previously went
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Pals know you understand how to
gather the right people together to have a good time. Whether TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - You’ll get a lot further if you
you want to or not, you’ve been chosen to arrange the social find a way to pursue your objectives as unobtrusively as pos-
activities. sible. When you screen your work and intentions from others,
you’re free to be more effective.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - Even if you have to put aside
your social plans for the moment, finalize the serious mat- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - The probabilities for success
ter that’s hanging fire so that it doesn’t become critical and would be enhanced if you test your ideas out as rapidly as
cause all kinds of problems. you conceive them. The fact is, sitting on them is likely to
dilute your belief and interests in them.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - Make an effort to get Previous
in touch with the friend who has been on your mind lately. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - Logic, not forcefulness, is
Something could be up with the person of your thoughts, and what can make your achievements come easier for you. Sudoku
they could use some help. When trying to make something happen, use your head, not
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
14 15 16
17 18
19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40
41 42
43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51
52 53 54
55 56 57
110 Employment 110 Employment 104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi-
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia- Elder Care Aides, CNA's live in. The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
bility shall be limited to the price of one Great Jobs, competitive pay. for ambitious interns who are eager to
insertion. No allowance will be made for jump into the business arena with both
Hourly and live in available. Two feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
errors not materially affecting the value years experience with excellent
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- of the newspaper and media industries.
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis-
references. Great Benefits! This position will provide valuable
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate Home Sweet Home Care experience for your bright future.
Fax resume (650)344-5290
Card. (650)556-9906 email [email protected]
[email protected]
106 Tutoring
127 Elderly Care
Spanish, French, ACTIVITY LEADERS The San Mateo Daily Journal’s
needed for our medically twice-a-week resource guide for
Italian based day program in Bur- children and families.
lingame serving individuals Every Tuesday & Weekend
Certificated Local with developmental disabili-
Look for it in today’s paper to
Teacher ties. Previous experience find information on family
All Ages! required. Monday-Friday, resources in the local area,
day shift only. including childcare.
(650)573-9718 FAX Resume to
(650)692-2412. 129 Cemetery Plots
seeks aggressive Sales Representative SAN MATEO - 2 Veteran Cemetery
110 Employment for SF Bay Area. Require at least 2 years Plots for $2500 each in Skylawn Memori-
DELIVERY DRIVER experience in marketing food service, al Park. (209)480-7268
safety & hospitality supplies. Must cre-
AVON ate new customers & will turn over exist-
Wanted: Independent Contractor ing customers. Send resume to: 180 Businesses For Sale
SELL OR BUY to provide service of delivery of [email protected]
Earn up 50% + bonuses the Daily Journal six days per BURLINGAME & SAN MATEO HAIR
Hablamos Espanol week, Monday through Satur- STATION for rent. Free 1st Month! Call
day. Experience with newspa- NEWSPAPER INTERNS Hellen @(650)520-4474
Independent Sales Rep per delivery required. Must JOURNALISM
have valid licenses and appro- 201 Personals
The Daily Journal is looking for in-
priate insurance coverage to terns to do entry level reporting, re-
BOOKRENTER.COM, INC. seeks Direc- provide this service in order to search, updates of our ongoing fea-
BRIGITTE, I am trying to con-
tor of Search Engine be eligible. tures and interviews. Photo interns al- tact you. Saw you on Meetic
Optimization/Search Engine Marketing so welcome. Affinity. Peter (315)749-5211
(SEO/SEM) in San Mateo, CA office: Papers are available for pickup
Please email resume to We expect a commitment of four to
[email protected]. Must refer- in San Mateo at 3:00 a.m. eight hours a week for at least four FUN WOMAN WAITS!
ence job title and code DSEM610. Book- months. The internship is unpaid, but
110 Employment 110 Employment renter.com, Inc. is an EOE. Please apply in person Monday- intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
SF, 23 yrs. Loves FUN,
romantic dinners, sweet
Friday only, 10am to 4pm at The terns have progressed in time into talk & flowers.
Daily Journal, 800 S. Claremont paid correspondents and full-time re- Affectionate guy a +.
St #210, San Mateo. porters. Lets talk soon.
CAREGIVERS College students or recent graduates
Call me NOW!
2 years There are currently no openings,
but we will store your application
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper
experience is preferred but not neces-
Must be 18+.
experience on file for the next opening. sarily required.
Putnam Auto Group STATEMENT #239975
Buick Pontiac GMC The following person is doing business
as: Yu-Raku, 104 S. El Camino Real,
$50,000 Average Expectation SAN MATEO, CA 94401 is hereby regis-
a must… tered by the following owner: Yuizumi
5 Men or Women for Inc., CA. The business is conducted by a
Career Sales Position Corporation. The registrants commenced
to transact business under the FBN on
• Car Allowance 07/01/2010.
• Paid insurance w/life & dental /s/ Sakae Yuizumi /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
• 401k plan sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
• Five day work week County on 07/16/10. (Published in the
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/24/10,
Top Performers earn $100k Plus!! 07/31/10, 08/07/10, 08/14/10).
Bilingual a plus
Paid training included
Call Mr. Olson
Must pass a drug test
& background check.
26 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 THE DAILY JOURNAL
Drabble Drabble Drabble Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 298 Collectibles 304 Furniture 306 Housewares
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME POSTER - framed photo of President CABINET - Real wood, $70., BOWL - light green heavy glass swirl de-
STATEMENT #239996 STATEMENT #240313 Wilson and Chinese Junk $25 cash, (650)367-1350 sign bowl, great centerpiece, $25.,
The following persons are doing busi- The following person is doing business (650)755-8238 (650)834-2804
ness as: Manyi House Rental Company, as: Amerimac Financial, 177 Bovet CAPTAIN BED - with mattress, solid
2268 Bunker Hill Drive, SAN MATEO, Road, Ste. 600, SAN MATEO, CA 94402 PRECIOUS MOMENTS DOLLS -15 inch wood head & foot board, 4 door chest, BRAND NEW Chinese Wok Non-stick
CA 94402 is hereby registered by the fol- is hereby registered by the following vinyl 3 sets of 2 for $33/set, (650)518- storage under bed, SOLD! surface with aluminum lid and cooking
lowing owners: Zhiming Wang and Pin- owner: Allwin Capital, 160 Bovet Rd., 0813 impliments, $10, 650-595-3933
gying Han, same address. The business Ste. 308, San Mateo. The business is CHAIR, IKEA. Very Good cond. Recliner
is conducted by Husband & Wife. The conducted by a Corporation. The regis- SALEM CHINA - 119 pieces from 50’s. shaped, flexible. Lt brown wood on can- CANDLEHOLDER - Gold, angel on it,
registrants commenced to transact busi- trants commenced to transact business Good condition, $225., appraised at vas 26-1/2"x38”x29" $15. 650-704-2497. tall, purchased from Brueners, originally
ness under the FBN on 08/15/2010. under the FBN on $800., (650)345-3450. $100., selling for $20.,(650)867-2720
/s/ Zhiming Wang, Pingying Han / /s/ Jannie Mar /
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- SWATCH WATCH '86 Worlds Fair. CHAIR: BLUE upholstered swivel rocker CHOPSTICKS- 7 sets, unopened, deco-
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo Like New w/receipt $85.00, (650)591- w/matching footstool. SOLD! rative, variety of colors and designs,
County on 07/19/10. (Published in the County on 04/07/10. (Published in the 210 Lost & Found 6596 $10., (650)578-9208
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/24/10, San Mateo Daily Journal, 08/07/10, CHANDELIER WITH 5 lights/ candela-
07/31/10, 08/07/10, 08/14/10). 08/14/10, 08/21/10, 08/28/10). FOUND IPHONE in Shoreview area, San TWO FIGURINES, European men, one bre base with glass shades $20.
Mateo last week of July. Please provide Bavarian, one English or French, $19 for (650)504-3621 COUNTERTOP WATER DISPENSER :
proof of ownership. Call (650)868-7321 both, 650-595-3933 Oasis water cooler Hot N Cold, Durable
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COFFEE TABLE - $60., (650)367-1350 & excellent condition,$86, (650)278-2702
STATEMENT #240160 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FOUND SONY Power Shot digital cam- VASE - with tray, grey with red flowers,
STATEMENT #240238 COFFEE TABLE - Square, oak Coffee
The following person is doing business era, July 14th at Fox School in Belmont. perfect condition, $30., (650)345-1111 Table with leather top, $30., (650)771- CUT CRYSTAL Glasses, Set of six, per-
as: The Godfrey Group, 533 Airport The following person is doing business (650)593-9294 fect, no chips/cracks or imperfections,
as: Lolonis Vineyards, Inc., 2038 Alame- VICTORIAN VICTON talking machine- 1888
Blvd., Suite 400, BURLINGAME, CA only $15 650-595-3933
94010 is hereby registered by the follow- da de las Pulgas, SAN MATEO, CA LOST SMALL white female dog Shih 1910, works and looks fine, $650.,
ing owner: Lingane, Forte and Aronis, 94403 is hereby registered by the follow- Tzu mix. Last seen July 18th Crystal (650)579-7020 ELECTRIC BBQ - nonstick, $40.,
ing owner: Lolonis Vineyards, Inc., same COFFEE TABLE light brown lots of stor-
Inc., 1058 Hawthorne Circle, ROHNERT Springs Road Senior Center. Wearing a age good condition $75. (650)867-2720 (650)592-2648
PARK, CA 94928. The business is con- address. The business is conducted by a
ducted by an Individual. The registrants Corporation. The registrants commenced
red/pink collar that has the phone num- 299 Computers LUIGI BORMIOLI "Strauss" 9 oz. drink-
bers 415-609-3333 and 415-279-5127
commenced to transact business under to transact business under the FBN on and the name “Moe” on tag. She an- ing glasses, set of 10 for $25. Matches
04/01/1971. PORTABLE EXTERNAL hard drive COFFEE TABLE SQUARE shaped. "Strauss" 13.5 oz. Call (650)630-2329.
the FBN on 02/01/2009. swers to the name “Mattie.” We are offer- small light 40GB $25. (650)219-7836 Lightweight, 28”x28x19" includes large
/s/ Patrick Forte / /s/ Frank Lolonis / ing a $500.00 reward for her safe return,
This statement was filed with the Asses- storage space, $11 650-704-2497 NON-STICK TOP over pan, $3., SM,
This statement was filed with the Asses- no questions asked. Thanks, Duncan.
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo FOUND! 300 Toys (650)343-7250
County on 07/28/2010. (Published in the County on 08/02/10. (Published in the
San Mateo Daily Journal, 08/07/10, GIRLS PINK Corvette life size runs good COMPUTER DESK - $70., (650)367-
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/31/10, 1350
08/07/10, 08/14/10, 08/21/10). 08/14/10, 08/21/10, 08/28/10). LOST: CAMERA in case. Burlingame $75. (650)583-2767 OVEN ROASTING PAN WITH RACK.
Avenue / Washington Park area. Lost New, non stick, large, never used $55.,
Saturday, July 31 around 1pm. Bummed CURIO CABINET, Hand tooled lighted
RADIO CONTROLLED Beetle car buggy Curio cabinet Blonde. 5.5" X 23" X 1.5" (650)341-0418
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME NOTICE OF APPLICATION about losing camera; mostly bummed $10. (408)249-3858
about losing family photos in camera. If $98. San Mateo. 650-619-9932
The following person is doing business Date of Filing Application: July 30, 2010 found, please call Joe, (650) 867-6652 SCOOTER "STREET SURFER" $30 REVEREWARE, 1,3.4 qt. pots, 5",7"
obo never used, (650)349-6059 DESK 60 inches w 28 inches h 30 inches
as: Archer Strategy Group, 209 Highland To Whom It May Concern: d two shelf extension 4 drawers $60 pans, stainless steel w/copper bottoms,
Ave., SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 is here- The Name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: excellent cond., $60/all. (650)577-0604
by registered by the following owner: SANKAKU INC 295 Art 302 Antiques
FBE, Inc. (First Brick Ent), same ad- The applicant(s) listed above are apply- DESK, EXTRA LONG. LIKE new. Brown ROASTER OVEN up to 22lb Turkey -
ing to Department of Alcoholic Beverage PICTURE PAINTING "jack vettriano" NEW in Box - $30 SOLD
dress. The business is conducted by a Portland gallery 26 x 33. $65. (650)345- ANTIQUE SOLID mahogany knick-knack wood .5 drawers; 2 sliding doors.
Corporation. The registrants commenced Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: or bookshelf with 4 small drawers, good 18"x28"x72"$18. 650-704-2497
SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL 1111. VASE - beautiful butterfly design, gold
to transact business under the FBN on condition, $95., (650)726-2443
01/01/2010. AIRPORT DOMESTIC TERMINAL 2 color, perfect condition, $25., (650)867-
/s/ Michael T. Adams / (BOARDING AREA D), SOUTH SAN PICTURE WITH Frame Jack Vettriano 2720
ANTIQUE STROMBERG – Carlson ra- DINING TABLE with 4 chairs 2 leafs
This statement was filed with the Asses- FRANCISCO, CA 94128 with light attached $100. (650)867-2720 $95. (650)483-3693
Type of license applied for: dio Floor modelm $75., needs new tubs, WINE GLASSES, Two hourglass shaped
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo RWC, Photo by email: [email protected], sets, one plain (6), one etched (5), $15
County on 07/14/2010. (Published in the 41 - On-Sale Beer And Wine - Eating
296 Appliances (650)592-5591 DINING TABLE with 4 chairs with leaf
each 650-595-3933
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/31/10, light wood 42 x 34 $99. (650)341-1645
08/07/10, 08/14/10, 08/21/10). San Mateo Daily Journal FOOD PROCESSOR, Sumbeam, dual CHINA CABINET - Vintage, 6 foot,
August 7, 14, 21, 2010 head. slices, chops, grinds, liquifies, etc. solid mahogany. $300/obo.
seat, $35., (650)355-2996
307 Jewelry & Clothing
perfect condition, $19 650-595-3933 (650)867-0379
STATEMENT #239972 KENMORE DISHWASHER, almond, various shades of red and blue artfully
The following person is doing business NOTICE OF APPLICATION EDISON MODEL B STANDARD + 20 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - Oak designed $100. (650)991-2353
works great. $ 50. Please call 650-961- wood, great condition, glass doors, fits
as: TMM Consulting Services, 735 Cara- TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 9652 CYLINDERS OAK CASE - Serviced
vel Lane, FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 is Date of Filing Application: August 9, yearly, beautiful, $550.00 obo, large TV, 2 drawers, shelves , $100/obo.
(650)261-9681 SMALL JEWELRY cabinet - 17” H, 12”
hereby registered by the following owner: 2010 MAYTAG WASHER & DRYER - $350., (650)344-6565 W, 2 glass doors, plus 2 drawers, very
Thomas M. Matsumoto, same address. To Whom It May Concern: (650)341-2813 pretty, $35., (650)592-2648
The business is conducted by a Corpora- The Name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: FANCY COCKTAIL SIDE TABLE - 2
ENGLISH ARMOIRE with stand. Bought door, 1 drawer, excellent condition, anti-
tion. The registrants commenced to DVI RAD SFO LLC. MINI FRIDGE - 34 inches high, runs well, for $415. Sacrifice for $330. WOMAN’S PEARL NECKLACE - ivory
transact business under the FBN on The applicant(s) listed above are apply- $85., (650)355-2996 que, $95. obo, (650)349-6059.
(650)771-1888 & blue cultured, blue pearl collar, 10
06/22/2010. ing to Department of Alcoholic Beverage strands, 18”, $40., (650)834-2804
/s/ Thomas M. Matsumoto / Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: FRAMED MIRRORS - Pair of dark wal-
PERSIAN RUG - Mashad 10ft 8in X 8ft., nut, simple framed mirrors, 29” X 22”,
This statement was filed with the Asses- 5000 SIERRA PT. PKWY. MINI-FRIDGE - 32" tall; White Kenmore blue floral borders. Center medallion
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo BRISBANE, CA 94005 $70. Call (650)229-4735 with beige feraghan design field, $2000,
perfect, each $25., pair $44., (650)344- 308 Tools
County on 07/16/2010. (Published in the Type of license applied for: 6565
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/31/10, 47 - On-Sale General Eating Place ADJUSTABLE WRENCHES, New 12",
08/07/10, 08/14/10, 08/21/10). San Mateo Daily Journal PORTABLE GE Dishwasher, excellent FRENCH END TABLE - exquisite inlaid 10", 8" and 6", softgrip handles,
August 14, 2010 condition $75 OBO, (650)583-0245 303 Electronics rich mahogany wood, custom glass tray,
20” x 27” X 19”H, $100., (650)347-5104
metric/SAE markings, $25 650-595-3933
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME RADIATOR HEATER, oil filled, electric, 19” COLOR TV - 2 yrs. old, perfect con- CRAFTSMAN 16” SCROLL SAW -
STATEMENT #240043 1500 watts $25. (650)504-3621 dition. Sold! HUTCH - maple finish, 4 shelves, 52
NOTICE OF PETITION TO inch W, $75., (650)341-1645 good condition, $85., (650)591-4710
The following person is doing business
as: Shanghai Bistro, 1055 El Camino ADMINISTER ESTATE OF TOASTER "PROCTOR Silex" one slice,
VIRGINIA JEAN BRINK, aka VIRGINIA 27" PHILLIPS standard tv with wooden MAHOGANY BEDROOM DRESSER - HAND SAWS - $5/each 3 total. Daly
Real, Millbrae, CA 94030 is hereby regis- works fine $5. (650)345-1111 stand with glass doors--30"X17X19 City, call for details, (415)333-8540
tered by the following owner: Xiaojing J. BRINK, aka VIRGINIA BRINK 37 L x 19 W 9 drawers and attached mir-
Case Number 120311 $99 barely used. SOLD! ror 37 H x 36 W , $75., (650)341-1645
Qian, 23 Cork Road, Alameda, CA UPRIGHT FREEZER - like new, $100 ., PRESSURE WASHER 2500 PSI, good
94502. The business is conducted by an To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- (650)257-7562 46” MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great condition, $350., (650)926-9841
Individual. The registrants commenced to tingent creditors, and persons who may condition. $400. (650)261-1541. OTTOMAN/ FOOTREST Clean. Like
transact business under the FBN on otherwise be interested in the will or es- VACUUM CLEANER heavy duty like new. Circular. Light brown 'felt like' mate- ROYBI 8-1/4 inch Radial Arm Saw, with
/s/ Xiaojing Qian / tate, or both, of: Virginia Jean Brink, aka new $45. (650)878-9542 rial. $6.Call cell: 650-704-2497 portable stand. Mitor cuts, 0 degrees to
This statement was filed with the Asses- Virginia J. Brink, aka Virginia Brink. A CELL PHONE, Older AT&T phone, 90 degrees. $78. (650)588-8926
Petition for Probate has been filed by: WEBER GRILL - Never used! Porcelain home charger and car charger, $10 all,
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo enamel bowl and lid, 22-1/2” with ash
County on 07/21/2010. (Published in the Madie Sperry in the Superior Court of 650-595-3933 PATIO TABLE with 4 chairs includes RYOBI 10” PORTABLE TABLE SAW -
California, County of San Mateo. The catcher. $50. (650)588-5991 umbrella with stand all metal $80/all with stand and guards. SOLD!
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/31/10,
08/07/10, 08/14/10, 08/21/10). Petition of Probate requests that Madie INTELLIVISION CONTROLLER with 13 OBO, (650)367-8949
Sperry be appointed as personal repre-
sentative to administer the estate of the
297 Bicycles game cartridges $50., (650)592-5591
PATIO TABLE: 40-inch diameter round
TABLE SAW 10", very good condition
$85. (650) 787-8219
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME decedent. BICYCLE - womens, made in Austria JVC DVD cd player $25. (650)834-4926 glass-top table w/2 chairs. SOLD!
STATEMENT #240273 The petition requests authority to admin- $50., (650)483-3693 309 Office Equipment
The following person is doing business ister the estate under the Independent JVC VHS recorder - Like new, $15., PEDESTAL TABLE beautiful, round,
as: Saggio, 2397 Broadway St., RED- Administration of Estates Act. (This au- (650)367-8949 wood inlay, $90/obo, (415)271-7602
BICYCLE WICKER BASKET -quality CALCULATOR - Casio, still in box, new,
WOOD CITY, CA 94063 is hereby regis- thority will allow the personal representa- thick weave, never used, $25. obo, $25., (650)867-2720
tive to take many actions without obtain- MAGNOVOX 32” TV - excellent condi- RECLINER - Beige, $40., (650)771-1888
tered by the following owner: Bijan Gila- (650)260-2664 tion, refurbished, $100.obo., (650)260-
ni, same address. The business is con- ing court approval. Before taking certain RECLINER - Brown leather, slightly
very important actions, however, the per- 2664 CORNER OFFICE DESK with hutch
ducted by an Individual. The registrants MENS MOUNTAIN bike 26 inch new 18 worn. SOLD! $90/obo, (415)271-7602
commenced to transact business under sonal representative will be required to speed $99
give notice to interested persons unless MICRO TEK SCANNER/COPIER - ex-
the FBN on 9/1/2010 919-740-4336 San Mateo cellent condition, $25., (650)368-0748 ROCKING CHAIR white with gold trim DELL ALL IN ONE COLOR PRINTER
/s/ Bijan Gilani / they have waived notice or consented to excel cond $100. 650-755-9833 SCANNER with 4 extra ink cartridges,
This statement was filed with the Asses- the proposed action.) The independent PANASONIC COLOR tv with Vhs combo $40. obo., (650)290-1960
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo administration authority will be granted 298 Collectibles 20 inches like new $70. 650-347-9920 ROLL-A-WAY SUPERB, wood book-
County on 08/03/10. (Published in the unless an interested person files an ob- case/entertainment center $70. LADIES SWIVEL ADJUSTABLE office
San Mateo Daily Journal, 08/07/10, jection of the petition and shows good 49ER REPORT issues '85-'87 $35/all, PHILLIPS VCR plus vhs-hu 4 head Hi-Fi (415)585-3622 desk chair, burgundy upholstery with
08/14/10, 08/21/10, 08/28/10). cause why the court should not grant the (650)592-2648 like new, San Mateo. $35. (650)341- black frame, never used, $35/obo, exc.
authority. 5347 SHELVING - 2000 square foot of shelv- cond. ,(650)260-2664
A hearing on the petition will be held in ing, $500. obo, (650)212-6666
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME this court as follows: September 3, 2010 5 COLORIZED territorial quarters uncir- SAMSUNG COLOR tv 27 inches good
STATEMENT #240321 at 9:00 a.m., Dept: 28, Superior Court of culated $7/all. (408)249-3858 condition $90. 650-347-9920 TABLE & CHAIR SET - new, perfect OFFICE LAMP - new in box, $35/obo,
The following person is doing business California, County of San Mateo, 400 condition, $475., (650)638-1285 (650)303-3568
as: Everybody’s Market, 916 E. 4th Ave., County Center, Redwood City, CA BASEBALL CARDS - 50-100 cards, SANIO CASETTE/RECORDER 2 way
SAN MATEO, CA 94401 is hereby regis- 94063. If you object to the granting of $25., (408)420-5646 Radio - $95.obo, call for more details, TV STAND beige color good condition OFFICE LAMP brand new $8. (650)345-
tered by the following owner: Guo Qin the petition, you should appear at the (650)290-1960 $25. (650)867-2720 1111
Tang, 2655 Edison St. #307, SAN MA- hearing and state your objections or file BAY MEADOW coffee mug in box $15.
TEO. The business is conducted by an written objections with the court before (650)345-1111 TWO END tables: $35 or $20 each.
SILVER TONE stereo and phonograph
Individual. The registrants commenced to the hearing. Your appearance may be in player inside wood cabinet $60.,
(650)787-8219 310 Misc. For Sale
transact business under the FBN on N/A. person or by your attorney. If you are a CARNIVAL GLASS WATER PITCHER - (650)483-3693
beautiful design, $25., leave message WICKER FURNITURE, 5 pieces, $100 2 LIGHT fixture shades - vintage, 1960’s,
/s/ Guo Qin Tang / creditor or a contingent creditor of the or best offer. (650)588-5991
This statement was filed with the Asses- decedent, you must file your claim with (650)365-1797 SONY RADIO cassette recorder $20 square ceiling glass shades, 11”X11”x1”,
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo the court and mail a copy to the personal black good condition. (650)345-1111 original beauty, $15. (650)347-5104
County on 08/03/10. (Published in the representative appointed by the court DANCING FIGURINE by Bradley Dolls - WOODEN BOOKCASE with doors, $20.,
San Mateo Daily Journal, 08/07/10, within four months from the date of first Musical, plays “If You Love Me”, 8 1/2 “ TV - Big Screen, $70., ok (650)771-1888
tall, $20., (650)518-0813 condition,(650)367-1350 ALUMINUM FOLDING fabric camping
08/14/10, 08/21/10, 08/28/10). issuance of letters as provided in Pro- chair, new, $15., SM, (650)343-7250
bate Code section 9100. The time for fil- WOODEN DINING ROOM TABLE &
ing claims will not expire before four DJ RECORDS all different types also 304 Furniture CHAIRS - 42” x 42”, 4 padded arm
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME have lighting $1 & up, (650)367-8949 BAG OF CRAFT ITEMS - $30., ask for
months from the hearing date noticed chairs, 18” extension to enlarge table, Denise, (650)589-2893
STATEMENT #240392 above. You may examine the file kept by 3 PIECE COFFEE TABLE SET: $100. $99., (650)364-7777
The following person is doing business the court. If you are a person interested (650)787-8219
as: Technics Auto Body, 898 San Mateo in the estate, you may file with the court BALANCING DISC for back by "Body
HISTORY BOOK in color of "Superbowls WOODEN KITCHEN China Cabinet: $99 Sport" $15. (408)249-3858
Ave., SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 is hereby a Request for Special Notice (form DE- (great condition!), (650)367-1350
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- by the bay" game 1-18, $35., (650)592- 3 TIERED stainless rolling cart gently
registered by the following owner: Ram- praisal of estate assets or of any petition 2648 used $100 firm, (650)341-0418 BARBIE DOLL - 36 inch "my size" Bar-
iven a Corporation, same address. The bie doll, fully dressed, $35., (650)583-
business is conducted by an Individual.
or account as provided in Probate Code
section 1250. A Request for Special No-
306 Housewares 5233
46" ROUND dining table $90. Call
The registrants commenced to transact tice form is available from the court clerk. JACK TASHNER signed ball $25. Ri- (650)430-4884
business under the FBN on Attorney for Petitioner: chard (650)834-4926 "PRINCESS HOUSE" decorator urn
"Vase" cream with blue flower 13 inch H BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR - travel
/s/ Venancio Rodriguez / Matthew J. Duncan, Esq. ANTIQUE SOLID oak end table size, wrist, fast reading, used only a few
1516 Oak St., Ste. 225 $25., (650)868-0436
This statement was filed with the Asses- JOE MONTANA cover photo, '85 "in marble top, carved door $50. (650)342- times, $25/obo, (650)223-7187
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo Alameda, CA 94501 flight" magazine, $30, (650)341-8342 7568
County on 08/11/10. (Published in the Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal
BISSEL STEAM CLEANER - easy to BOOKS (150+) - Ency,novels, etc.,
San Mateo Daily Journal, 08/14/10, POSTAL JAPANESE stamp album col- BANQUET TABLE - 3’ x 8’, $25., use, used 3 times, cleans great, great condition, 1960-70’s, $30. for all,
on August 7, 14 and 21, 2010. $35.obo, (650)260-2664
08/21/10, 08/28/10, 09/04/10). lection. SOLD! (650)368-0748 SSF, (650)583-8069
THE DAILY JOURNAL Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 27
610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 312 Pets & Animals 322 Garage Sales 335 Garden Equipment
ROYAL CANINE Vet. Diet misc. dry food TREE PRUNER 5ft long good condition
for old or ailing, $25/ea. 2-Calorie Con-
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle trol CC 5lbs. or Urinary SO 5.5 lbs., ea.
$10. All 5 bags for $50. (650)630-2329. ESTATE
$10. (408)249-3858
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis 345 Medical Equipment
ACROSS DOWN 32 Ballpark chorus 46 City S of
316 Clothes SALE ADULT ALUMINUM crutches for tall per-
son adjustable $30. 650-341-1861
1 Year in Pope 1 Sanskrit for 34 G.I. fare Florence BLACK LEATHER MOTORCYCLE
381 Homes for Sale 381 Homes for Sale 470 Rooms 620 Automobiles 310 Misc. For Sale 310 Misc. For Sale
NISSAN ‘08 SENTRA, 2.0, gray,
SAN MATEO - Close to Hillsdale #9936P, $14,588.Toyota 101. Please
Mall, Utilities included, $735/mo., mention the Daily Journal. (650)365-
(650)349-8043 5000
380 Real Estate Services Move in BMW ‘07 X5 - #38485, 3rd seat, sport
package, nav, panorama roof, low,low
mention the Daily Journal. (650)365-
the Daily Journal. (650)365-5000
1 Day Bath Remodel! HANDYMAN
Bay Area’s exclusive installer of Fences • Decks • Arbors
Luxury Bath Systems products •Retaining Walls • Concrete Work
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Cabinetry Free Estimates
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151 Old County Rd.,
San Carlos
NORTH FENCE CO. - Specializing in:
(650)593-1888 Redwood Fences, Decks & Retaining
Walls. www.northfenceco.com
(650)756-0694. Lic.#733213
$25 OFF First Cleaning SERVICE
• Commercial - Residential
(we also clean windows)
• Good References • 15 Years Exp.
• FREE Estimates for all your electrical needs
30 Years Experience
Free Design Assistance
Excellent References Call Carlos (650)576-1991
K.A.Mattson • Recessed Lighting
Call 650-652-9664 • Panels, Jacuzzie, A/C
CA Lic # 839815 • Residential in general
• Troubleshooting
All services Up To Code
Bath Remodeler KEITH A. DAVEY
Free Design Assistance Driveways, Patio, Walkways, (Your Current Connection)
Serving Locally Retaining Walls, Pavers, Stamped & Two Man Operation, Specializing
More! 30 Yrs Experience! Free Est., in Recessed Lighting.
30+ Years Affordable Rates, Liability Insurance, All Phases of Electrical
BBB Honor Roll Bonded, Lic.#917401 Lic.#767463 & Bonded
(650)591-8378 (650)270-8549 (650)759-0440
CABINET OAK, fits over toilet water
tank, like new $25. (650)341-5347
Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels
Electrical, All types of Roofs.
Decks & Fences Fences, Tile, Concrete, Painting,
Plumbing, Decks
All Work Guaranteed
•Hardwood & Laminate
LEAVER Installation & Repair
In Business Since 1976 & DECK CO. •High Quality @ Low Prices
• Remodeling Call 24/7 for Free Estimate
•Patios •French drains • New Construction• Additions State License #377047
• Bathrooms • Kitchens • Decks
Free Estimates/Lic. Since 1986
Licensed • Insured • Bonded
Fences - Gates - Decks 800-300-3218
Stairs - Retaining Walls
•Retaining Walls •Stone
Free Est. & Affordable Rates [email protected] 10-year guarantee 408-979-9665
Quality work with reasonable prices
Lic. #598762 (650)871-5308 (650)465-0796 Call for free estimate (650)571-1500
Lic. #794899
30 Weekend • Aug. 14-15, 2010 THE DAILY JOURNAL
California law requires that contractors
taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor
or materials) be licensed by the Contrac-
tor’s State License Board. State law also
requires that contractors include their li-
cense number in their advertising. You
can check the status of your licensed
contractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-
321-CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking
jobs that total less than $500 must state
in their advertisements that they are not
licensed by the Contractors State Li-
cense Board.
Roti Indian Bistro has
Huge credit card debt?
Job loss? Foreclosure?
on-site computer services
www.BWGrill.com TAQUERIA done it again!
World Training Center
Free Roundtrip Limo Pickup We offer more than just tacos! Martial Arts & Tae Bo Training
Medical bills? Desktop, Laptop, Printers, (94010 zipcode) It’s the Grand Opening of
11617 San Carlos Ave., SC Kashi Bistro
YOU HAVE OPTIONS Wireless, Installation/Repair Live, Ride, Dine in Style www.dojousa.net
Call for a free consultation We fix any PC issues (650)551-1400 @ Hillsdale Mall Food Court
1400 Broadway, Burlingame 1123 Burlingame Ave., Burl 731 Kains Ave, San Bruno
(650)363-2600 (650)477-2927 Our special...
This law firm is a debt relief agency (650)343-9333 (650)340-1300 Buy 1 Combo, Get The 2nd At (650)589-9148
1/2 Off!
would net the city $122,109 to offset any Fast food restaurants aren’t listed as need- need for another so close by.
Continued from page 1
traffic problems based on an estimated 93
nighttime peak hour trips. Although the traf-
fic study finds that traffic won’t be insur-
ing an odor buffer but the company wants to
maintain good relations, Lewis said.
A staff report on the project also notes that
“It makes no sense to have one in San
Carlos,” Thunstrom wrote to the city, saying
that the Redwood City site is near enough to
mountable, the consultants did note six the smells will be carried out toward the visit but far enough from any troublesome
intersections will operate at “unacceptably highway, away from residential areas, elements it might attract.
building with patio dining, a drive-through high” levels when coupled with other because prevailing winds are from the west.
aisle that can accommodate up to 17 vehi- On the other hand, residents Doug and
growth allowed under the general plan. The city has been marketing the surplus Fran Boone say they are looking forward to
cles and a 46-space parking lot. Two drive- Since the plan was proposed, submitted land parcel since March 2005 and last
ways will sit off of Industrial Road. frequenting an In-N-Out in their own city
revisions include moving one driveway October first considered the $1.6 million rather than driving to Millbrae for the
Traffic experts estimate the already con- north by 29 feet to allow more cars to line up offer for In-N-Out. It will be the fourth for
gested intersection will feel the impact but gluten-free protein wrap.
on Industrial Road. San Mateo County, after other restaurants in
nothing not allowed in the city’s general Although In-N-Out doesn’t typically use Daly City, Millbrae and Redwood City.
plan. air scrubbers, it has agreed to use the indus- The Redwood City restaurant on Veterans
At the current mitigation fee of $1,313 per The San Carlos Planning Commission meets 7
trial air filters at the San Carlos site, said Boulevard is in the midst of construction and p.m. Monday, Aug. 16 at City Hall, 600 Elm St.,
trip, a building permit for the restaurant Associate Planner Jill Lewis. resident Brett Thunstrom questioned the San Carlos.
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903 Main Street, RWC
The Community
stabbing spree in the United States was also a suspect in a stab-
bing near his hometown in Israel. But what drove Elias
Abuelazam remains a mystery: Relatives describe a shy man
from a respected family who had recently become despondent.
Profilers say the case is baffling because, despite five deaths,
murder did not appear to be the goal.
Abuelazam is suspected of attacking people in Michigan,
Ohio and Virginia, leaving 13 people wounded in addition to the
dead. He was arrested Wednesday in Atlanta as he prepared to
board a flight to his native Israel, where relatives said he lived
As your local San Mateo County newspaper it is important to the Daily Journal to be involved until his family sent him to the U.S. when he was 18.
The 33-year-old man appeared briefly Friday in an Atlanta
in the community, support local charitable organizations, fundraising events and local events. courtroom and agreed to return to Michigan to face an attempt-
ed murder charge in one of the attacks — a July 27 stabbing in
Flint, Mich., that put the victim in the hospital for a week.
Authorities said more charges were expected in the three
Events supported by the Daily Journal in 2009 A family member in this poverty-stricken community said
Abuelazam had become unhappy about his personal life in
Jan. 24, Health & Wellness Faire, Millbrae July 25, Bluesfest, Redwood City recent months. And others in the Arab neighborhood where he
Feb. 7, San Mateo Library Health Resource Fair, San Mateo July 25, Cars in the Park, Burlingame grew up expressed shock that the man they knew could be a sus-
pect in the gruesome attacks.
Feb. 13, Nine Lives Foundation Valentine Event, Redwood City July 26, Festa Italiana, San Mateo
“I wouldn’t believe it even if I saw it with my own eyes,” said
Feb. 15, Wedding Faire, Foster City Aug. 2, Tour de Peninsula Bike Ride, San Mateo
Abuelazam’s 49-year-old cousin, also named Elias Abuelazam.
Feb. 28, Miss Redwood City pageant, Redwood City Aug. 15, Mutt Strutt, San Mateo
March 1, Peninsula Humane Society Fashion for Compassion, Burlingame Aug. 23, Paint Burlingame, Burlingame 100-year-old Scotch pulled from frozen crate
March 6, Burlingame High School Taste of the Town, Burlingame Aug. 29, Chili Cookoff, San Mateo WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A crate of Scotch whisky
March 14, SSF Senior Health Fair, South San Francisco Sept. 5-6, Millbrae Art & Wine, Millbrae that was trapped in Antarctic ice for a century was finally opened
March 15, NAACP Dinner, Burlingame Sept. 12, Disaster Preparedness Day, South San Francisco Friday — but the heritage dram won’t be tasted by whisky lovers
March 28, Daraja Academy Fundraiser, Los Altos Sept. 14, Community Gatepath Golf Tournament, Palo Alto because it’s being preserved for its historical significance.
April 1, Foster City Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Foster City Sept. 19, SSF Day in the Park, South San Francisco
The crate, recovered from the Antarctic hut of renowned
explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton after it was found there in 2006,
April 4, Downtown San Mateo Assn. Spring Fling, San Mateo Sept. 23, Business Expo and Mega-Mixer, San Mateo
has been thawed very slowly in recent weeks at the Canterbury
April 11, Eggstravaganza, San Mateo Sept. 25, Gary Yates Golf Tournament, San Mateo Museum in Christchurch on New Zealand’s South Island.
April 11, Millbrae Easter Hunt, MIllbrae Sept. 26, Burlingame Pet Parade, Burlingame The crate was painstakingly opened to reveal 11 bottles of
April 25, Peninsula Arts Council Forum, Redwood City Oct. 4, Strides for Life, San Francisco Mackinlay’s Scotch whisky, wrapped in paper and straw to pro-
April 25, San Carlos Rotary Spring Fundraiser, San Carlos Oct. 10, CRUSH Aids, San Carlos tect them from the rigors of a rough trip to Antarctica for
April 26, Pacific Coast Dream Machines, Half Moon Bay Oct. 10, Hoskins Black History Museum Fundraiser, Belmont
Shackleton’s 1907 Nimrod expedition.
Though the crate was frozen solid when it was retrieved earli-
April 27, Mills Peninsula Women’s Luncheon, San Mateo Oct. 10-11, San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, San Carlos
er this year, the whisky inside could be heard sloshing around in
May 1-3, Millbrae Spring Faire, Millbrae Oct. 18, New Mom Fair, San Mateo the bottles. Antarctica’s minus 22 Fahrenheit (-30 Celsius) tem-
May 7, Yan Can Cook Library Foundation Fundraiser, San Mateo Oct. 22, Operation Save Manila, South San Francisco perature was not enough to freeze the liquor, dating from 1896
May 8, Hiller Aviation Museum Golf Tournament, San Mateo Oct. 24, Halloween Fun Fest, San Mateo or 1897 and described as being in remarkably good condition.
May 9, Asian Pacific American Heritage Celebration, San Mateo Oct. 30, Community Gatepath Breakfast, Foster City This Scotch is unlikely ever to be tasted, but master blenders
May 15, Henry Ford School Pasta Dinner & Carnival, Redwood City Nov. 6-8, Library Book Sale, San Mateo
will examine samples of it to see if they can replicate the brew.
The original recipe for the Scotch no longer exists.
May 17, San Carlos Rotary Fun Run, San Carlos Nov. 13-15, Harvest Festival, San Mateo
May 17, Green Street Fair, Burlingame Nov. 13, JackAces Band benefitting CORA, San Carlos Trinidad oil company denies spill reached ocean
May 30, Redwood City Pet Parade, Redwood City Nov.14, SSF Police Activities League Fundraiser, South San Francisco PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad — Trinidad’s petroleum company
May 30-31, Foster City Art & Wine Festival, Foster City Nov. 15, San Mateo Rotary Fun Run, San Mateo said Friday that crews are cleaning up a spill that seeped into
June 6, Green Car Show, Redwood City Nov. 21, Turkey Fun Run, South San Francisco rivers, but denied claims by fishermen that the oil had reached
June 7, Posy Parade, San Bruno Nov. 28-29 & Dec. 5-6 Peninsula Youth Ballet Nutcracker the ocean.
June 12, HIP Housing Luncheon, Redwood City Dec. 4, Night of Lights, Half Moon Bay
Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. said it fixed
a leak in an underground transfer pipe that released oil into the
June 13-14, Burlingame Art in the Park, Burlingame Dec. 5, Hometown Holidays, Redwood City
Godineau River and tributaries on the Caribbean island this
June 15, Peninsula Humane Society Golf Tournament, San Mateo Dec. 5-6, Caltrain Holiday Train week.
June 25, SSF Adult Ed. Golf Tournament, San Mateo An estimated five barrels of oil spilled, Petrotrin supervisor
June 26, Wine Walk, San Mateo To inquire about Daily Journal event Andrew Sinnon Trunkline told reporters at the cleanup site.
June 28, Burlingame Criterium &Ryan's Ride, Burlingame sponsorship call (650)344-5200 x114 Fishermen at San Fernando’s King’s Wharf, about 15 miles
(24 kilometers) to the north, said oil was contaminating their
nets. They told the Guardian newspaper that oil had spread at
least five miles (eight kilometers) into the sea.
Petrotrin denied that, saying it collected water samples at the
Gulf of Paria. “Investigations so far have not established any link
between the Company’s operations and the oil like substance,”
its statement said.