Greer Citizen E-Edition 3.15.17
Greer Citizen E-Edition 3.15.17
Greer Citizen E-Edition 3.15.17
fees hang
in the
Attorney General
opinion sought
would be in architectural
would increase pavers.
The plan includes street
the Countys Road BY KAELYN PFENNING lights, furniture, bollards
STAFF WRITER and landscaping, accord-
Program Budget by ing to Driggers.
As the Community Mas- It is a plaza, festival
about $4 million... ter Plan moves forward, area with no step-down
Greer officials are consid- curb areas, Driggers said.
ering some major changes You (will) have the flex-
Butch Kirven on Trade Street. ibility of starting to do
Greenville County Council Chairman The city has been work- some real creative things
ing with consulting firm relative to outdoor dining,
but the results remain un- Kimley-Horn and Associ- relative to festivals and
certain due to the number ates to map out a plan to those types things.
of votes. The ordinance make downtown Greer a The improvements
passed with seven votes, more attractive destina- would be made on Trade
which is the required tion. That plan could in- from Poinsett to the rail- PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN
amount according to the clude resurfacing streets road tracks. The new sur-
state. But, the county re- leading to downtown busi- face will need to be thick The Community Master Plan includes major improvements for Greers Trade Street.
quires nine votes, due to a nesses. to accommodate the vehi-
super majority needed for (Kimley-Horns) rec- cle traffic, Driggers said. ter for rain water, Drig- The work will be done Its going to be a dis-
a fee. ommendation is to retain I dont know if its brick gers continued. Weve in phases to prevent ma- ruptive project, Driggers
The South Carolina At- the two-way traffic with or block, he said. got to make sure theres a jor traffic problems. But said. Were going to want
torney General has been parallel parking (on Trade A bigger challenge is very intentional and good inconveniences are to be to do some temporary sig-
asked to provide an opinion Street), but to do that in drainage because we no design plan for storm wa- expected when the project nage. Were going to want
SEE FEES | A6 a shared street surface, longer have curb and gut- ter. begins. SEE PROGRESS | A6
Wellford sells
sewer system
to Lyman
BY KAELYN PFENNING and Safe Home Coalition
STAFF WRITER has reached out to us.
The state is going to
The City of Wellford has take all of our money
officially handed over its back, Guy said. Theyre
sewer system to Lyman. taking it all but $25,000.
Following months of dis- We would rather the mon-
cussion, Wellford Council ey stay in Spartanburg ver-
unanimously approved sus going to the state.
two readings of the pur- SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis
chase agreements at a re- Coalition has a 24-hour
cent meeting. crisis line and a 52-bed
The ordinance specifies facility, the largest in the
for the town of Lyman state, Guy said.
WILLIAM BUCHHEIT | THE GREER CITIZEN to provide wastewater or In 2016, they assisted
sewerage collection and 5,604 victims of domestic
Locals enjoyed lunch at Chon Tuesday afternoon. The restaurant is located at 219 Trade Street, the site of the former treatment service within violence and sheltered 316
Greer Station Diner. the City of Wellford for adults and children as well
the longer of forty (40) as assisting 438 victims of
Thai restaurant
years or the maximum pe- sexual assault, Guy said.
riod allowed by law. That money will be put to
In other business, Well- use rather than just sit in
ford is making a dona- our bank account.
tion of $50,000 to SAFE The state has only a
to determine the 2017
Cornhole Derby Champi-
Henrys BBQ, Liquid Ca-
tering, and Snohut will be
PAGEANT REGISTRATION onsite selling food, drinks,
OPEN NOW and shaved ice to partici-
The Little Miss & Mas- pants and observers.
ter Blue Ridge Pageant is General admission is
scheduled for 3 p.m. on free.
Saturday, March 25 for Attendees will enjoy a
ages 0 to 5th Grade. fun day of tailgating, bar-
For more informa- beque, and competition.
tion, contact Kelly at kle- To sign up for a team,
[email protected] or Blue visit www.CornholeDerby.
Ridge High School Main com. To be a corporate
Office at 355-1819. sponsor or for more infor-
mation about teams and
OPEN STUDIOS AT sponsoring, contact Joy
CENTER FOR THE ARTS Blue at (864) 331-1314 or
The new Greer Center [email protected].
for the Arts is holding CDS is the largest
Open Studios for the art- multi-disciplinary treat-
ists in residence from 5-8 ment facility in the Up-
p.m. on Thursday, March state for children with
16, at 100 Davis Avenue, disabilities and develop-
Greer. mental delays.
Visit the artists in their In one location, chil-
studios for a chance to dren receive services in
win a piece of artwork. PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN therapy, diagnosis, school
Light refreshments will placement, day care needs
be served. for the medically fragile,
For more information,
Greer Community Ministries held a Sidewalk Sale last Saturday to clean out fall and winter clothing, making room for and a family support net-
visit greerculturalarts. spring and summer items. work.
com. CDS and its partners
will be held from 7-11 p.m. vices for auction or dona- CDS ANNOUNCES Registration is at 1 p.m., serve over 6,000 children
TAYLORS MARKET on Friday, March 24, at The tions to assist the Knights 2017 CORNHOLE DERBY and games begin at 2 p.m. and their families each
ACCEPTING VENDORS Spinning Jenny, located at efforts for Birthright of The Center for Devel- Teams of two players year on property donated
The vendor application 107 Cannon St., Greer. Greenville may contact opmental Services (CDS) may sign up for a corpo- by the First Presbyterian
deadline for the Taylors The adults-only event John atgk.kofc9184@ is proud to announce the rate or individual team. Church at 29 North Acad-
Mill Spring Festival is is $60 per person until 2017 Cornhole Derby at Corporate sponsorships emy Street in Greenville.
March 17 for first deci- March 15 or $75 at the More information can be the Trailblazer Park in are available. For more information
sions and admission into door. found Travelers Rest on Satur- During the event, par- about CDS or its partners,
the Taylors Mill Spring Reserved seating is a day, April 1. ticipants will engage in a visit
Festival on May 4. $600 Table for 8 or a $300 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
The application cov- Table for 4. FOR TAX ASSISTANCE
ers the following dates: Proceeds support Greer VITA, Volunteer Income
Taylors Farmers Market Relief. Tax Assistance, is a free
on Thursdays, May 11 tax preparation service
through August 24 from TOUCH A TRUCK for households earning
4-8 p.m.; Spring Festival BY GREER STATION $60,000 or less.
on Thursday, May 4, from Touch a Truck is sched- No prior tax experience
4-8 p.m.; Summer Harvest uled to take place from 6-8 is necessary, and training
Festival on Thursday, Au- p.m. on Tuesday, March is provided by the United
gust 31, from 4-8 p.m. and 28, at Greer Station, 111 S. Way of Greenville County.
Fall Festival on Sunday, Main St., Greer. Volunteer Greeters and
October 22, from 2-7 p.m. Residents are invited to Preparers are needed on
Sign up online at taylors- attend the free event in Tuesdays and Thursdays downtown Greer to see from 5-8 p.m. and on Sat- Helping people love
trucks ranging from street urdays from 10 a.m. to 2 what they do for a living:
faith-based Whole Fitness 4 p.m. to allow for set-up welcome, whether that Students have different reasons for taking courses as a Transient
class takes place from time. be once a month or a few Visiting Student at GTC, but no matter what the reason, most find that
the cost per credit hour here is lower than at their home school, many
8:30-9:30 a.m. to read times a week. classes are smaller, and if they stay at home, theres no room and board
Scripture and workout LUCK OF THE IRISH For more information, to pay. Choose from five campuses and hundreds of courses offered in
at the Victor Field & Gym COMING TO GREER contact Evan McLeod at convenient formats with condensed and full summer schedules.
Park, located at 108 S Line Knights of Columbus [email protected]. To get started, visit
St, Greer. 9184 is hosting its annual
Each week is a different Luck of the Irish benefit
activity with March 18 be- for Birthright of Greenville
ing Cardio and Strength from 6:30-10 p.m. on Sat-
and March 25 being High urday, March 25, at Greer
Intensity Interval Training Cannon Center in down-
(HIIT). town Greer.
The class is open to any- Attendees will enjoy an
one who is 18 or older, and evening of casino-style
no childcare is provided. games, a silent and a spir-
Jenn Mair, Instructor, ited live auction, food and
is CPR/First Aid certified fun.
and Kettlebell certified Birthright of Greenville
through National Exer- continues their 37-year
cise Trainers Association mission offering loving al-
(NETA). ternatives to abortion for
For more information, women in crisis.
email Jenn Mair at whole- The Knights of Colum-
[email protected] or bus support Birthright as
visit part of their ongoing Cul-
ture of Life initiative.
MTCC TO HOST Knights of Columbus
WINDOWS OF COMPASSION 9184 Foothills Council
Middle Tyger Commu- presented Birthright of
nity Center is holding its Greenville with a check for
first inaugural Windows $23,000 to help fund their
of Compassion event from ongoing work supporting
6-8 p.m. on Thursday, women experiencing un-
March 23, at Pacific Place, planned pregnancies after
located at 59 Groce Road, the 2016 Luck of the Irish
Lyman. event.
The council looks for-
WINTER BEACH BLAST ward to offering an ex-
COMING MARCH 24 panded evening of Irish
The beach-themed party themed Las Vegas style
will warm spirits with a games, music and fun.
mid-winter getaway fea- Pre-Sale tickets are $25;
turing food and beverages, At the Door tickets are
entertainment and a silent $35.
auction. Anyone wishing to con-
The Winter Beach Blast tribute either items or ser-
As a lifetime resident of Greer, Kelly Her love for lending developed when
Long has a unique understanding of she began going to work with her
the area and its people. After 27 years grandfather, James Bennett, at a local
helping Greer residents fulfill their community bank during her summer
homeownership dreams, and serving breaks. My grandfather taught me
in her local community, Kelly recently the importance of serving people and
joined Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group. understanding their lending needs.
Thrive Assisted Living and Memory Care at Greer is
building a powerful team to serve seniors: [email protected] Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All loans subject to credit approval and property appraisal. Not a
commitment to lend.
Enclosed $28.00. - Please send The Greer Citizen for one full year to:
Kidney needed
ve got to hand it to Chris Storie.
Most of the car rear-window decals
Ive seen in the south seem to be in the SAYING
vein of In memory of #3, (if you have
to ask, dont) or the bootlegged cartoon STORIE2TELL
of the beloved Calvin character peeing PAM STONE
on a Ford logo (what did Ford ever do to I NEED A KIDNEY!
anybody?), or even, Yall just got passed BLOOD TYPE O
by a country girl!
And listen, Ive certainly had my own That was a pretty brilliant
ideas for decals: If youre texting and
plow into me, Ill beat you like a rented marketing move, if you ask
mule, along with Stop checking your
make-up, you look fine. me...
But the decal on the back of Chris
Honda Civic?
I NEED A KIDNEY! BLOOD TYPE O I leave there, Ive got to leave and go to
A couple of years ago, the 28 year old work. It takes away more time from my
family man from Asheboro, NC, wasnt kids, more time from my family. I just friends have taken it upon themselves know me from Adam, would actually
feeling well and he went to see his want to get back to normal. to have their own cars adorned with the call and risk their own lives for him, is
doctor. At first suspecting he needed That was a pretty brilliant marketing same decal. an absolute blessing.
a blood transfusion, the doctor then move, if you ask me, and heres some Even if 100 people see it, and only I agree. And heres hoping thousands
determined he was in kidney failure uplifting news: in his first year driving one calls, thats one more phone call that of blessings are heading your way, Chris.
and immediately sent his patient to life around with the decal which includes his I get, thats one more shot I get at get- To help Chris, please call 704-223-
saving dialysis that Chris now describes phone number and email address, Chris ting that kidney, Storie said to WCNC. 5414 or send an email to cstorie12@
as, Three days a week, I have to go sit received forty calls, one from as far He hasnt yet found a match but
in a chair for five hours. And, as soon as away as Kansas and twenty three of his says the fact that people, who dont
Q: What has been going on
with the city trash service?
The quality of service seems
to have declined.
he day is almost here.
A: Trash service is some- It is hard to believe that
thing most folks dont even so many hopes and dreams
think about until something are coming true this weekend
goes wrong with it. as I embark on a new adven-
Its easy enough to roll your ture with my best friend.
can out to the curb on a cer- As with any major change,
tain day each week, but when there are ups and downs.
the pickup service is late or Most of the time, I am soar-
garbage cans are damaged ing on the heights of a love
or left laying in the road, it unexplainable and a friendship
becomes an issue. indefinable.
Reality occasionally tries to
One of the main sink into my mind.
But it is hard to imagine
reasons complaints are
something you have never
so notable is that no
GUEST EDITORIAL experienced, so I am taking
one day at a time, hoping to
he Greer Citizen accepts Let- their health, 92 percent say it enables them to where they want to be. Meals on Wheels pro- man.Therefore a man shall
ters to the Editor. Letters remain living at home, and 90 percent say it grams have come together each March since leave his father and his mother
should be 125 words or less makes them feel more safe and secure. The pro- 2002 to celebrate this proven collaboration of and hold fast to his wife, and
and include a name and a phone gram provides senior citizens independence, local community organizations, businesses, all they shall become one flesh.
number for verification. dignity and self-respect because they can stay levels of government and compassionate indi- And the man and his wife
The Greer Citizen reserves the in their own homes knowing they will receive a viduals to ensure that our seniors are not for- were both naked and were not
right to edit any content. nutritious meal. Often, the visit from a volun- gotten. ashamed.
Letters to the Editor can be teer driver may be the only contact that these
mailed to 317 Trade St., Greer homebound, elderly and disabled recipients This guest editorial was submitted by Krista Gibson of Greer Community Ministries. [email protected] | 877-2076
29651. have with the outside world.
Lions add members
The Blue Ridge Lions
club recently welcomed
DAVE new members.
Becky Bagwell, spon-
RAMSEY sored by Paula Crane, was
inducted into the club.
Documents related to the requests are available for public
the same kinds of rewards teaching the bible, provid- will open at 5 p.m. Cost inspection in the Planning and Zoning Office located at 301
programs that credit card ing leadership in Christian is $15 in advance and $20
companies do, with one education and conducting on the day of the concert.
E. Poinsett Street.
big exception you dont
have to go into debt!
Studies have shown
News weekly bible study. The
pastor must be willing to
work collaboratively with
For more information, call
Vine Worship Center Baptist
New Trinity Church
4373 Wade Hamtpon Blvd. Taylors
BAPTIST Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Sharon United Methodist Church
ADDITIONS CABINETRY & 1002 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer 877-6436 1421 Reidville Sharon Rd., Greer 879-7926
COUNTER Abner Creek Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Baptist Church St. Mark United Methodist Church
ROOFING DECKS 2461 Abner Creek Rd., Greer 877-6604 4899 Jordan Rd., Greer 895-3546 911 St. Mark Rd., Taylors 848-7141
FLOOR PRIVACY Airport Baptist Church Providence Baptist Church St. Paul United Methodist Church
COVERINGS 776 S. Batesville Rd., Greer 848-7850 2020 Gibbs Shoals Rd., Greer 877-3483 3856 N. Highway 101, Greer 895-5570
Free Estimates - 35 Years Experience
Apalache Baptist Rebirth Missionary Baptist Church Victor United Methodist Church
864-578-4100 1915 Gap Creek Rd., Greer 877-6012 2375 Racing Road, Greer 877-0449 1 Wilson Ave., Greer 877-5520
Bible Baptist Church Riverside Baptist Church Woods Chapel United Methodist Church
6645 Mountain View Rd., Taylors 895-7003 1249 S. Suber Rd., Greer 879-4400 2388 Brown Wood Rd., Greer 879-4475
Blue Ridge Baptist Church Second Baptist Church Zoar United Methodist Church
3950 Pennington Rd., Greer 895-5787 570 Memorial Drive Ext., Greer 877-7061 1005 Highway 357, Greer 877-0758
600 Bridge Rd., Taylors 244-2774
Burnsview Baptist Church
Southside Baptist Church
410 S. Main St., Greer 421-5686 PRESBYTERIAN Greer Storage
9690 Reidville Rd., Greer 879-4006
St. Johns Baptist Church
2 Groveland Rd., Taylors 879-2904
Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church
2094 Highway 101 North, Greer 483-2140
Calvary Baptist
101 Calvary St., Greer 877-9759
Suber Road Baptist Church
445 S. Suber Rd., Greer 801-0181
Devenger Road Presbyterian Church
1200 Devenger Rd., Greer 268-7652
Let us handle
Calvary Baptist Taylors First Baptist Church Fellowship Presbyterian
3315 Brushy Creek Rd., GreerChurch
your storage needs!
108 Forest St., Greer 968-0092 200 W. Main St., Taylors 244-3535
864-469-0409 1105 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer 877-3267
Calvary Hill Baptist
100 Edward Rd., Lyman
Calvary Road Baptist Church
United Family Ministries
13465 E. Wade Hampton Blvd., Greer 877-3235
First Presbyterian Church
100 School St., Greer 877-3612 FREE
715 South Buncombe Road
Greer, South Carolina 29650
108 Bright Rd., Greer 593-2643
Victor Baptist
121 New Woodruff Rd., Greer 877-9686
Fulton Presbyterian Church
821 Abner Creek Rd., Greer 879-3190
Camp Creek Baptist Church Washington Baptist Church 1100 Camp Creek Rd., Taylors 14372 E. Wade Hampton Blvd.
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
3500 N. Highway 14, Greer 895-1510 OTHER DENOMINATIONS Greer, SC 29651
[email protected] Welcome Home Baptist Church
109 Elmer St., Greer 877-6216 1779 Pleasant Hill Rd., Greer 901-7674
Agape House 900 Gap Creek Rd., Greer 329-7491
Anglican Church of St. George the Martyr 864-879-2117
Community Baptist Church 427 Batesville Rd., Simpsonville 281-0015
642 S. Suber Rd., Greer 848-3500
Double Springs Baptist Church
CATHOLIC Bartons Memorial Pentacostal Holiness
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Highway 101 North, Greer
3800 Locust Hill Rd., Taylors 895-1314 901 River Rd., Greer 879-4225 Bethesda Temple 125 Broadus St., Greer 877-8523
Ebenezer-Welcome Baptist Church
4005 Highway 414, Landrum 895-1461
3315 Brushy
Beulah Creek Rd.,
Christian Greer 877-8090
Fellowship Church
1017 Mauldin Rd., Greenville 283-0639 McCullough
El Bethel Baptist Church Calvary Bible Fellowship
313 Jones Ave., Greer 877-4021
Riverside Church of Christ
2103 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer 322-6847
Holiday Inn, Duncan 266-4269
3315 Brushy
Calvary CreekofRd.,
Chapel Greer 877-8090
Emmanuel Baptist Church
989-0099 423 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer 877-2121 104 New Woodruff Rd. Greer 877-8090 864-879-2117
1409 W. Wade Hampton Blvd. Church of God - Greer 343 Hampton Rd., Greer 879-8446
100 Enoree Circle, Greer 268-4385
10% DISCOUNT WITH CHURCH BULLETINS ON SUNDAYS Fairview Baptist Church 500 Trade St., Greer 877-0374 Christian Heritage Church
1300 Locust Hill Rd., Greer 877-1881
Church of God of Prophecy 900 N. Main St., Greer 877-2288
First Baptist Church 2416 N. Highway 14, Greer 877-8329 Christian Life Center 2 Country Plaza 322-1325
202 W. Poinsett St., Greer 877-4253
Eastside Worship Center Christian Outreach 106 West Rd. 848-0308
BENSON Freedom Fellowship Greer High 877-3604
Friendship Baptist Church
601 Taylors Rd., Taylors 268-0523
ONeal Church of God
El-Bethel Holiness 103 E. Church St. 968-9474
Faith Family Church
Collision Repair Center
For information 1600 Holly Springs Rd., Lyman 877-4746
3794 Berry Mill Rd., Greer 895-4273 3339 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors 244-0207
Faith Temple 5080 Sandy Flat Rd., Taylors 895-2524
Good News Baptist Church Pelham Church of God of Prophecy
Free Estimates about advertising Office Hours: 1592 S. Highway 14, Greer 879-2289
139 Abner Creek Rd., Greer 801-0528 Glad Tidings Assembly of God
120 Years Combined Experience on this 7:30-6:00
page,Mon.-Fri. Grace Baptist Church Praise Cathedral Church of God Highway 290, Greer 879-3291
Harmony Fellowship Church
call 864-877-2076.
Rental Car Competitive Rates 848-5330 760 W. Gap Creek Rd., Greer 879-3519
3390 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer 879-4878
468 S. Suber Rd., Greer 877-8287
State of the Art Equipment & Facilities 400 W. Wade Hampton Blvd. Grace Place Harvest Christian Church Greer 407 Ridgewood Dr., Greer EPISCOPAL 2150 Highway 417, Woodruff 486-8877
Greer Freewill Baptist Church Good Shepherd Episcopal International Cathedral of Prayer
110 Pine Ridge Dr., Greer 968-0310 200 Cannon St., Greer 877-2330 100 Davis Avenue Greer 655-0009
Groveland Baptist Church Journey Fellowship
2 Groveland Rd., Taylors 879-2913 LUTHERAN 1846 Old Hwy. 14S 877-2442
Heritage Chapel Baptist Church Abiding Peace Ev. Lutheran Church Lifesong Church
218 Alexander Rd., Greer 989-0170 401 Batesville Rd., Simpsonville 288-4867 12481 Greenville Highway, Lyman 439-2602
Highland Baptist Church Apostolic Lutheran Church Living Way Community Church
3270 Hwy. 414, Taylors 895-5270 453 N. Rutherford Rd., Greer 848-4568 3239 N. Highway 101, Greer 895-0544
DILL CREEK COMMONS Hillcrest Baptist Church Immanuel Lutheran Church & School LCMS New Beginnings Outreach 301 McCall St. Greer
2820 Woodruff Rd., Simpsonville 297-5815 104 New Woodruff Rd., Greer 968-2424
1379 W. Wade Hampton, Greer
111 Biblebrook Dr., Greer 877-4206
Redeemer Lutheran Church, ELCA New Covenant Fellowship
864-848-5222 Hispanic Baptist Iglesia Bautista Hispana
300 Oneal Rd., Greer 877-5876 2425 Racing Rd., Greer 848-4521
199 Hubert St., Greer 877-3899
Saints Peter and Paul Ev. Lutheran New Hope Freedom
Holly Springs Baptist Church
109 W. Wade Hampton Blvd. Greer 205-8816
250 Hannon Rd., Inman 877-6765 400 Parker Ivey Dr., Greenville 551-0246
New Life in Christ 210 Arlington Rd. 346-9053
Greer Locust Hill Baptist Church Point of Life Church
5534 Locust Hill Rd., Travelers Rest 895-1771
879-2913 Wade Hampton Blvd. Duncan 426-4933
Maple Creek Baptist Church Bethel United Methodist Church 4389 Wade
information 609 S. Main St., Greer 877-1791 105 E. Arlington Ave., Greer 879-2066
Shekhinah Kind Glory Church Blvd.
600 N. Main St., Greer 655-4545
about advertising Milford Baptist Church
1282 Milford Church Rd., Greer 895-5533
Covenant United Methodist Church
1310 Old Spartanburg Rd., Greer 244-3162
Springwell Church awn Taylors
on information
this page,
4369 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors 268-2299
For Mount Lebanon Baptist Church Ebenezer United Methodist Church Trinity Fellowship Church
& ractor
508 North 864-877-2076.
about advertising
Main St. 877-4043 572 Mt. Lebanon Church Rd., Greer 895-2334
New Hope Baptist Church
174 Ebenezer Road, Greer 987-9644
Faith United Methodist Church
3610 Brushy Creek Rd., Greer 877-0419
1700 N. Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville 244-6011
7 am - 10 pm Mon.-Sat.
on this page, 561 Gilliam Rd., Greer 879-7080
New Jerusalem Baptist Church
1301 S. Main St. (S. Hwy. 14), Greer 877-0308
Fews Chapel United Methodist Church
United Anglican Fellowship
1001 W. Poinsett St., Greer 629-3350
call 864-877-2076. 413 E. Poinsett St., Greer 968-9203 4000 N. Highway 101, Greer 895-2522 United Christian Church
New Life Baptist Church Grace United Methodist Church 105 Daniel Ave., Greer 895-3966
90 Becco Rd., Greer 895-3224 627 Taylor Rd., Greer 877-7015 United House of Prayer
For information Northwood Baptist Church Lee Road United Methodist Church 213 Oak St., Greer 848-0727 To have your
1377 East Lee Rd., Taylors 244-6427 Upstate Friends Meeting (Quaker)
about advertising 888 Ansel School Rd., Greer 877-5417
ONeal Baptist Church Liberty Hill United Methodist Church P.O. Box 83, Lyman 439-8788 pastor featured
Upstate Tree of Life
on this page, 3420 N. Highway 101, Greer 895-0930 301 Liberty Hill Rd., Greer 968-8150
203 East Bearden St., Greer 848-1295
on this page,
Pelham First Baptist Church Liberty United Methodist Church
call 864-877-2076. 2720 S. Old Highway 14, Greer 879-4032 4276 Highway 414, Landrum 292-0142 Victorian Hills Community Church call 864-877-2076.
Memorial United Methodist Church 209 Victor Ave. Ext., Greer 877-3981
Peoples Baptist Church Vine Worship Center
310 Victor Avenue Ext., Greer 848-0449 201 N. Main St., Greer 877-0956
4373 Wade Hampton Blvd., Taylors 244-8175
Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church Mountain View UMC
201 Jordan Rd., Lyman 879-2646 6525 Mountain View Rd., Taylors 895-8532
Police and Fire
The Greer Citizen
to Woodruff,
As youll no doubt no-
tice, theres nowhere for
you to park and its a lot
colder than it should be
this time of year.
fter spending last teams in the 1950s and Pitino said he thought PRESTON BURCH | THE GREER CITIZEN
week on press row that others followed him. they were going to win
in my first Atlantic There is a true connec- and were the better team. The Eastside baseball team earned two wins over non-region foe Greenville last week.
Coast Conference Tourna- tion. Then he added, We want- The Eagles will take on Union County this week.
ment, I marvel at all I saw But Swofford also called ed to really play Carolina
and the many ideas going Michael Jordan a Brook- badly because it was one
through my head as we
go full speed ahead into
March Madness this week.
Here are some of those
lyn native who scored
a winning basket for an
ACC team in a national
of few games we didnt
play well, and we wanted
to have that opportunity.
I missed my chance to ask
Eagles handle Greenville
thoughts: a great question. I was BY BILLY CANNADA good at bats, with TJ Gist season.
I admire the National Who could have so surprised by what he SPORTS EDITOR and Tyler Stewart having We have Union this
Invitational Tournament said I didnt think quickly two good games at the week, Erwin said. With
(NIT) selection commit- seen the run Duke enough to ask Pitino, The Eagles were locked plate. the regions being smaller
tees humor in selecting Coach, do you think you in last week, securing two The offense has been now, every game is im-
UNC-Greensboro as the put together in could have done a little wins over non-region foe improving, according to portant. You want to stay
opponent for No. 1 seed better against Duke if you Greenville. Erwin, whose team has at the top and not fall be-
Syracuse after the Orange the ACC Tourney werent looking ahead to Head coach Scott Erwin worked its way to 3-0 hind.
missed out on a bid to the a game with Carolina that said his teams pitching overall. We have done well so
NCAA Tournament. coming? Wins will now not happen? was strong during the 3-0 We are getting better at far, but are no where near
For those of you not at The North Caroli- and 3-2 victories. the plate, he said. I think as good as we need to be,
least smiling, perhaps you over Clemson, na-Duke game was par- The pitching was real- this is part of getting at he added. We will work
missed it. After his teams ticularly interesting since ly good in both games, bats against good pitching on improving every aspect
62-57 loss to Miami on Louisville, North the Tar Heels were totally he said. Cody Coffey, and gaining some confi- of our game so we can be
the second day of the ACC dominant for 26 of 40 Tank Harrison and Noah dence. ready for region play.
Tournament last Wednes- Carolina and Notre minutes. But Duke made a Mitchell all pitched great. The Eagles open confer-
day, Syracuse coach Jim run in the last 14 minutes The defense played well. ence play this week, begin- [email protected] | 877-2076
Boeheim was asked about Dame. I am pretty partially because Duke al- We (also) had some really ning the race for the post-
playing the tournament ways makes runs and be-
in places like New York, sure Dukes coach cause the Tar Heels shot
Washington, D.C. and 26 percent from the field
Atlanta, as opposed to
Greensboro, N.C., where
Mike Krzyzewski in those last 14 minutes.
After the game UNC coach
The Greer Citizen
the tournament gained
its reputation for exciting
used the words Roy Williams said he was
ticked and My team Classified ads
basketball. Holy Mackerel to needs time away from me work for you!
Theres no value in right now. Williams, who
playing Greensboro, open almost every has a reputation fair or
line ad PriCing line ad Categories
none, Boeheim said. unfair -- for not taking
For the rest of the week, post-game press the ACC Tournament as Per Insertion Announcements Rentals
every other coach in the seriously as some fans Legal Notices Apartments
tournament was asked conference. think he should, then add- $13.50 Lost & Found Houses
whether they saw any val- ed, Theres a lot to still first 20 words Personal Mobile Homes
ue in playing the tourna- True, Michael Jordan play for. Im not trying to $0.68 each additional word Financial Services Condos/Townhouses
ment in Greensboro. did score the game winner make anybody mad. Our Discounts for consecutive runs. Shows/Events Duplexes
I picture one of the against Georgetown in final goal was not to win Training/Schools Business Property
NIT selection committee North Carolinas 1982 the ACC Tournament. Our Misc. Rentals
members suggesting it national championship. final goal was to play on disPlay ad PriCing Employment Wanted to Rent
as a joke and the rest of And yes, MJ was born in the last Monday night and Help Wanted MH Lots for Rent
them laughing uncontrol- Brooklyns Fort Greene win the game there. 1 Column Inch = Help Wanted - Drivers Vacation Rentals
Employment Wanted
lably. Likely, the matchup neighborhood. But he only We shall see if Williams 1 Tall x 1 1/2 Wide Call For Services
was chosen because it will lived here a few months is still standing after the including typesetting
get people like me to give after his birth before his championship game on Transportation
and/or art of your choice. Autos
it attention. But Ill bite. I family moved to Wilming- April 3. Its very possi-
will even try to watch that ton, N.C. ble, as long as they dont Rate Per Column Inch Auto Parts Merchandise For Sale
game just to see how cre- As great a tradition as shoot 26 percent. Starting at $9.50 Miscellaneous Appliances
Call for size and frequency discounts. Pets
ative the UNC-G fans are Brooklyn basketball is, Finally, ACC basketball Real Estate For Sale Firewood
with their signs. Mission Jordan did not learn the is always good, but I have Business Property Fruit - Produce
accomplished selection game here. to agree with Swofford Houses Household Items
committee. Maybe Swofford was and all the others who deadlines Mobile Homes Lawn - Garden
Count me as a man born still trying to figure out say that the league this Condos/Townhouses Recreation Equipment
in the South who liked if the ceiling really is the year is better than any No straight line classified or display Duplexes Miscellaneous
the ACC Tournament in roof when he said that college basketball con- classified (block ads) accepted, changed, Farms, Acreage Cemetery Lots
Brooklyn. about MJ. ference ever. Twelve of or cancelled after noon Monday for Auctions Yard Sales
I think the league runs Who could have seen the 15 teams are going Wednesdays edition. Miscellaneous Wanted to Buy
from New York and the run Duke put together to either the NCAAs and Real Estate Wanted
Massachusetts all the way in the ACC Tourney com- the NIT. At least three
to Florida and we have ing? Wins over Clemson, teams Louisville, Duke
to move the tournament Louisville, North Carolina and North Carolina have Call 877-2076
around. and Notre Dame. I am a legitimate chance to be or mail to:
It will be in Greensboro pretty sure Dukes coach the national champion.
in two years after getting Mike Krzyzewski used the That is amazing.
Classified Advertising
another year here, but words Holy Mackerel to Let the madness that PO Box 70, Greer, SC 29652
the Brooklyn people did a open almost every post- started in Brooklyn last Please read your ad carefully. The publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. The
great job with the tourna- game press conference. week continue all over the publisher will not be responsible for purely typographical errors or misprints beyond cancellation of the charge for the space
ment. The games were that good nation. of the item affected. Errors must be reported within 48 hours of publication. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors
in any advertisement for more than the cost of the advertisement.
It was exciting. and even the legendary
Crusaders earn sweep over Emmanuel
Bet North Greenvilles Clark
Scolamiero finished the Crusader
on sports
day with seven hits and
five RBIs, leading the Cru-
saders to a recent sweep
of Emmanuel College.
BY MARK VASTO Game one saw Canaan
FOR THE GREER CITIZEN Crooper get his seventh
start of the season. He the score 9-7 in favor of
here are foolish things pitched five innings, giv- NGU.
to do ... like, say, hit- ing up six earned runs, six With no runs scored in
ting the snooze button hits, and four walks while the seventh, the Crusad-
one too many times or striking out six. Cooper ers took the victory. Crop-
eating too much chocolate Murphy started the game per earned the win while
or having unprotected for the Lions. He allowed Murphy was charged with
sex. None of those things, six earned runs, eight hits, the loss. Kyle Kadlub, who
however, comes close to and two walk while strik- came in to pitch in the
the most foolish thing you ing out three. sixth inning, earned his
can do: trying to drink a Scolamiero led off the first save of the season.
coffee on an Atlantic City game with a solo shot to In Game 2, Blake Hamil-
Jitney bus. right field to give NGU a ton took the start for NGU
For the uninitiated, quick 1-0 lead. Emmanuel while Austin Copeland
the Jitney is a small responded in the bottom was given the start for
bus that seats 13 people of the inning with an RBI the Lions. Hamilton would
and costs $2.25 per trip single by Hanon Price to pitch six strong innings, PHOTO | SUBMITTED
around town. According tie the game. allowing just three earned
to folklore, jitney meant With two outs in the top runs, six hits, and no The North Greenville baseball team earned back-to-back wins over Emmanuel College
nickel, and thats what of the second, Scolamiero walks while striking out last week, improving its record to 20-5.
it used to cost to ride would strike again with seven. Copeland pitched
throughout town. It also a two-RBI single to right 4.2 innings. He gave up with an RBI double to right With the wins, the Cru- team with three service
should mean zero shock field. the Lions would not five earned runs, six hits, center. Josh Black would saders improve to 20-5 aces each. North Green-
absorption or hits every only strike back, but take and five walks while strik- then cap off the inning overall, and are tied for ville turned in a solid per-
pothole dead on. the lead in the bottom of ing out five. with a 2-run home run to second in conference play formance on defense with
Atlantic City, you may the inning with a run scor- After a scoreless first left field. with an 8-1 record. 21 assisted blocks, led by
have heard, has an image ing due to a balk, an RBI inning, North Greenville In the eighth, Connor McManaway who had sev-
problem. The city used single by Brock Baughcum, scored two in the second Grant hit a home run of NGU DROPS MATCH en. Four other players fin-
to have 16 casinos, and and Tim Manning advanc- thanks to A 2-RBI field- his own to left field to TO EAGLES ished with three each.
through attrition, now has ing to home on a throw to ers choice by Brandon score two runs. North Greenville suf- North Greenville led
seven. Its a small town, take a 4-3 lead. Odachowski. The ninth inning would fered a non-conference 17-13 in set two when a
out on an island, with In the top of the fourth In the fourth, Bennette go to NGU as well as three loss to the University of Matthew McManaway kill
about 40,000 residents. inning, Scolamiero would Hill drove a run in with more runs were scored. Charleston (WV) on Mon- extended NGUs lead to
It has one of the largest come through again with an RBI single through the With runners on first and day, falling 3-1 to the Ea- four points. The Eagles
unemployment rates in a 2-RBI single to right cen- right side. Emmanuel add- second, Alex Williams gles. stormed back late in the
the country, and nearly ter. With a runner in scor- ed a run of their own in the singled through the right The Crusaders dropped match though to tie the
one-third of the town ing position, Nathaniel inning with a home run to side to bring in Scolamie- the first two sets as the score at 24-24, forcing
Maggio would add another left field by Josh Viveros. ro, who hit a double ear- Eagles earned wins of extra volleyball. Points
What Atlantic run with an RBI single up Ryan Brown would drive lier in the inning. Daniel 25-19 and 25-23, putting were traded the next few
the middle to give NGU a in two runs in the fifth Myers then grounded out NGU in an early 2-0 hole. serves before the Crusad-
City really needs is 6-4 lead. The Lions would with a single up the mid- to bring in a run. With a North Greenville struggled ers gained a 28-27 lead on
respond once again with dle. runner on third, Jackson to find a rhythm on the a Charleston attack error.
sports. an RBI single up the mid- An additional run was Muldowney hit a sacrifice offensive side o he net, The crusaders would be
dle by Baughcum to cut scored in the sixth thanks fly to right field. Emman- hitting .036 in the open- the beneficiaries of anoth-
the Crusader lead to one to a Josh Black sacrifice uel added one run in the ing frame. The Crusaders er error from the Eagles to
makes ends meet under run. fly. The Lions scored two ninth with a Daniel High- turned in their best set of earn the 29-27 win.
the poverty line. There North Greenville added runs in the inning with a tower sacrifice fly, but the night in frame two, hit- Set four also went into
are more strip clubs than three more runs in the home run by Eric Pape to NGU ultimately took the ting .261 with 10-kills and extra sets ad NGU fought
grocery stores. fifth with a sacrifice fly by make the score 6-3 in fa- game with a final score of 4-errors. back to even the score
On the plus side, its Taylor McCuen and a 2-RBI vor of NGU. 17-4. Matthew McManaway at 24-24 with an Aaron
where the boardwalk and single by Wheeler Smith. The Crusaders would Hamilton received the led the team with 12-kills Campbell kill. After trad-
salt water taffy were in- Emmanuel added a run score six runs in the sev- win and Copeland was while Aaron Campbell ing points, the Eagles
vented, and its the long- in the inning with a solo enth to put the game out charged with the loss. turned in 11. Jake Boldog would capitalize, getting
time home of the Miss home run by Josh Viveros. of reach. A 3-RBI double North Greenville relievers dished out 17-assists. another service error and
America pageant. When The Lions would add an- down the line by Andrew Sal Lovaglio, Sam Pruitt, NGU struggled from the an attack error from the
you play Monopoly, all of other run in the sixth due Frazier increased the NGU and Avery Greer made service line with 16 service Crusaders to take the 27-
the street names are real to an error that allowed lead to six. Scolamiero relief appearances in the errors. Kyle Brandt and Al- 25 win.
Atlantic City streets. And, Manning to score to make would add to his huge day game. exander Schinzing led the
yes, it still has plenty of
casinos, the booze is free,
and it hosts world-class
entertainment (Frankie
Valli and bunch of other
big shots call it home) and PUBLIC
NOTICE than March 17, 2017.
some of the best restau- For a protest to be valid,
rants and shopping in the
world. Start strong ANYONE CLAIMING A
it must be in writing, and
should include the follow-
One of the towns great
hobbies is chatting about
what can be done to re-
FROM B1 CALL 864-877-2076 1GR7JA752103068 needs
to claim the vehicle at Del-
ta Self Storage, 2260 River
ing information:
(1) the name, address and
telephone number of the
vitalize the place. Ideas We have stolen 32 bases RATES Road, Greer, SC 29650- person filing the protest;
abound. A water park in in the first seven games 20 words or less: $13.50 first insertion 4506, or call 864-877- (2) the specific reasons
one of the old casinos, of the pre-season tourna- Discount for additional insertions 0594. If no one claims why the application should
legalized marijuana or a ment and regular season. DEADLINE within 30 days an affidavit be denied;
Ferris wheel are always Henson said his team for a title on an abandoned (3) that the person pro-
bandied about. Some want has benefited from the
5pm Monday vehicle will be filed. testing is willing to attend a
to attract college cam- leadership of upperclass- for insertion Wednesday 3-1,8,15 hearing (if one is request-
puses and others want to men early on. TERMS ed by the applicant);
NOTICE OF (4) that the person pro-
legalize prostitution. As This game is certainly Cash in advance. We accept Visa, MasterCard, NOTICE OF testing resides in the same
if the town needed more a players game, Henson American Express, and Discover Card APPLICATION
vice. said. Coaches can mo- APPLICATION county where the pro-
What Atlantic City tivate, prepare, plan and posed place of business is
really needs is sports. strategize, but it all comes Notice is hereby given that located or within five miles
I was lucky enough to down to players taking SPARK INVESTMENTS, of the business; and,
score tickets to a boxing ownership and executing. INC. d.b.a. TOBACCO (5) the name of the appli-
match at Ballys the other We have a tremendous se- NOTICES PLUS intends to apply to cant and the address of the
day. Five fights for $50, nior class. Brandon (South- PUBLIC NOTICE or an intention to make such the South Carolina Depart- premises to be licensed.
ringside seats because the ern) and Elijah (Hender- preference, limitation or dis- ment of Revenue for a li- Protests must be mailed
woman I met outside had son) have set the tone, but NOTICE All real estate ad- crimination. This newspaper cense/permit that will allow to: S. C. Department of
comps and extra tickets. all of our upperclassmen vertised in this newspaper is will not knowingly accept any the sale and ON premises Revenue, ATTN: ABL, P.O.
It was great. And it didnt have taken on leadership Subject to the Federal Fair advertising for real estate consumption of beer and Box 125, Columbia, SC
take long for a few of the roles. Housing Act of 1968 which which is in violation of the law. wine at 1921 HIGHWAY 29214-0907; or faxed to:
old-timers in the audience Coming off a season makes it illegal to advertise Our readers hereby informed 101 SOUTH, GREER, SC (803) 896-0110.
to reminisce about the old where the Tigers won a re- any preference, limitation or that all dwelling advertised in 29651. To object to the 3-1,8,15
days ... when Mike Tyson gion championship, Hen- discrimination based on race, this newspaper are available issuance of this permit/li-
fought his way to belts son said his guys are feel- color, religion, sex, handicap, on an equal opportunity basis. cense, written protest must
in the 1980s, when MMA ing the pressure. familial status, national origin 3-1,8,15,22,29-TFN be postmarked no later
started up in the 90s. One of our favorite
This is a town with mottos is never allow the
great transportation: a pressure of competition to
train and bus hub, a great
airport where flights can
outweigh the pleasure of
competition. I wouldnt PLACE YOUR AD IN
cost as little as $9. It
boasts an empty mi-
say that we feel any pres-
sure based on last sea-
and reach more than 2.1 million readers
nor-league baseball stadi- sons success. If anything, using our small space display ad network
um, and despite all of the it gives us a certain mea-
competition with one-off sure of confidence, he Statewide or regional buys available
casinos in Philly, Delaware said. It is tougher to sus-
and Connecticut, those tain and maintain than it is Alanna Ritchie 888.727.7377
places are boring. No, in to attain. Our players and
order to revitalize AC, the coaches understand that
city has to turn to the oth- we are entitled to nothing
er side of gaming: sports. and must earn everything South Carolina
Newspaper Network
Evander Holyfield is daily.
starting a boxing league Henson said the Tigers
and plans on marketing it will need to nail down a
Luxury is Affordable
and conducting fights in consistent approach from
AC. Dana White has plans the plate if they want to
to bring the UFC back to see another 17-game win
town. Rumor has a horse streak.
park coming to town. This team is certainly
Now, if only the state can capable of making a run, ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE
get its act together and Henson said. (But), we
legalize sports betting -- a will have to make steady
GOING OUT OF Drive with Uber. No ex-
RALPHS ANTIQUES but youll need a Smart- EVER! Only $39.99/mo. to PILLS? Talk to some- Saturday, March 18th, BUY IT!
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Friday, March 17, 2017 call: 1-800-913-4789 Streaming. FREE Install Line for a free assess- Storage shelves, leather
and Saturday, March (up to 6 rooms.) FREE ment. 866-604-6857 recliner, too much to list.
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HELP WANTED HD-DVR. Call 1-800-635-
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Business has been open HELP WANTED 60+? You And Your Fam- Saturday, March 18th,
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DRIVER JOBS in 99 Affordable, high speed
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Over 1,000 items to be
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than 2.1 million readers.
tiques, tools, saws, strip-
Call Alanna Ritchie at at $39.99/month. Call Tuesday, March 21, 2017 lots more. 877-2076
ing system, too many 1-800-404-1746 is the last day to redeem
items to list. 116 Bright the S.C. Newspaper Net- winning tickets in the fol-
Road, Greer, SC 29651. work, 1-888-727-7377. lowing South Carolina
FAST Internet!
Auctioneers: Danny Gam- HughesNet Satellite In- Education Lottery Instant
brell - License #392 and FOR
SALE ternet. High-Speed. Avail Games: (SC839) DOU- NOTICE
Steven Grambrell - Li- Anywhere. Speeds to 15 BLE JACKPOT, (SC843) The following vehicles have been abandoned in Spartanburg
cense #719. OXYGEN - Anytime. $5,000 TAXES PAID
mbps. Starting at $59.99/ County to Copart Auto Auctions. If you are the registered
Any questions, please call Anywhere. No tanks to
mo. Call for Limited Time
David at 864-616-6077. refill. No deliveries. The SOCIAL SECURITY owner of any of the following vehicles please call Copart at
Price. 1-800-280-9221
3-15 All-New Inogen One G4 DISABILITY BENEFITS. 864-877-9113 or come to 2465 Highway 101 South, Greer, SC
is only 2.8 pounds! FAA Unable to work? Denied
Florence Auction - Over Spectrum Triple Play. 29651 to reclaim vehicle. You must provide proof of owner-
approved! FREE info kit: benefits? We Can Help!
85 Guns - Boats - Golf TV, Internet & Voice for
$29.99 ea. 60 MB per WIN or Pay Nothing! ship and pay all required accrued charges. Copart will pro-
Cart & More - Saturday, Contact Bill Gordon &
March 25, 10 AM - Swamp second speed. No con- ceed with the Abandonment/Lien Sale Process if no contact is
Fox Campground, 1600
WANTING TO BUY tract or commitment. We Associates at 1-800-614- made by the owner/lien holder within 30 days from the first
buy your existing contract 3945 to start your appli-
Gateway Road, Flor- cation today! date of this publication.
WANT TO BUY Used up to $500! 1-800-830-
ence, SC - Damon Shortt Vehicle Color Vin
Furniture and Antiques at 1559
Auction Group 877-669- 00 CHEV K3500 BLACK 1GCHK39J3YF445190
a reasonable price. Call YARD
4005 SCAL2346 damon-
864-303-0679. 08 DODG CHARGER GRAY 2B3LA43G38H294030 3-15,22,29 EDUCATION
Saturday, March 18th, 06 GMC YUKON DENA SILVR 1GKFK66U46J124538
TION City of Charlotte & TRAINING - Get FAA
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Ritchie at the S.C. News- 01 LINC LS SILVR 1LNHM87A01Y727450
Saluda, NC 1.17 acres
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Residential only, will do 2017 QuadPackaging All rights reserved. | 02.17 |QP17-0006
MTCC to host
Windows of
BY KAELYN PFENNING of the original 250 avail-
STAFF WRITER able. Tickers are $100 per
person or $1,000 to spon-
Middle Tyger Communi- sor a table.
ty Center will host its in- Anyone is welcome to
augural Windows of Com- attend, but they do need
passion event from 6-8 to call and have a ticket
p.m. on Thursday, March because we need to know
23, at Pacific Place, located exactly how many people
at 59 Groce Road, Lyman. are going to be there,
Weve done a number Moore said.
KAELYN PFENNING | THE GREER CITIZEN of different types of fund- Im excited about the
raising events for Middle idea of a sit-down dinner,
Tyger Community Center she continued. Im really
Locals viewed historical photos and articles during the Taylors TownSquare meeting last Tuesday night at Taylors in the past, said Andrea looking forward to that.
Ministry Center. Moore, Executive Director The video inspired the
for MTCC. I wanted to do theme of the event as
Moonlight illuminates
unconventional subject matter
Rating: 8 out of 10
Run time: 111 minutes
Rated: R for language, REVIEW
violence and sexual situations
WARNER BROS. oonlight is the most WILLIAM
Eddie Redmayne in Fantastic
unconventional film BUCHHEIT
to win a Best Picture
Beasts Oscar in a long time.
COUCH THEATER | drugs, fear, violence and
homosexuality, and there
isnt a white character to Rating: 7 out of 10
But even though it may Run time: 139 minutes
NEW RELEASES not be for everybody, Rated: R for language and
FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 27 director Barry Jenkins graphic violence
story of a poor black kid
PICKS OF THE WEEK trying to make his way Virtually any viewer
Fantastic Beasts and out of a tough Miami would dismiss the story
Where to Find Them neighborhood is a beau- of WW2 hero Desmond PHOTO | SUBMITTED
(PG-13) -- Long before tifully executed work. Doss as completely un-
Harry Potter got his first Jenkins breaks the work realistic were it not true. Moonlight recently won Best Picture at the Academy Awards, beating out La La Land.
acceptance letter to Hog- down into three distinct Doss grew up in a violent
warts, an adorably awk- chapters that examine alcoholic household that
ward floppy-haired Brit our protagonist Chiron left him unwilling to the faint of heart. Indeed,
comes through 1920s at ages 9, 16 and 26. His shoot or even carry a gun even gore tolerant viewers
Ellis Island, but chooses situation is a sad one. even after he enlisted in will have a difficult time
not to declare the menag- Living in a single-parent the Army following Pearl watching it. But it is the
erie of magic monsters in home with a crack-addled Harbor. On the Japanese electric intensity and
his suitcase. That fella is mother, he is bullied at killing fields, he saved realism of these battle-
named Newt Scamander school and marginalized more lives than any US field scenes that propel
(Eddie Redmayne), a wiz- by his budding homo- medic before or since, all Hacksaw Ridge, into a
ard researcher of mystic sexual urges. His savior without even a pistol to superior realm.
critters visiting the U.S. for comes in the form of defend himself. Without the incessant
the first time. (Super)nat- Juan (Mahershala Ali in Hacksaw Ridge is images of terror and
urally, some of the beas- an Oscar winning turn), a split into three distinct agony, Dosss faith-based
ties escape into Prohibi- drug dealer with a good sections, Dosss turbulent courage and heroics
tion-era New York, just as heart and compassionate childhood and adoles- would have lost much
tensions flare between the girlfriend. The couple take cence, the bootcamp of their resonance. As
American wizard commu- Chiron in and teach him experience and the battle honestly as Gibson pres- PHOTO | SUBMITTED
nity and their non-magical the value of love, family for Okinawa. The first ents this footage to us,
counterparts. and self-acceptance. of these chapters is the however, Dosss stunning Hacksaw Ridge features the talents of Andrew Garfield.
J.K. Rowlings whimsical Jenkins, who also weakest, as much of the heroics, like several of
vision expands to a new cowrote the screenplay, characters, settings and the films scenes, will be pain with narcotics and from the Motley Crue
setting, with new play- hands in a masterpiece dialogue are steeped in branded into your mind overprescribing the pills song), Dr. Feelgood is
ers and backgrounds and of character development clich and artificiality. for some time. to people who want to a documentary everyone
simmering subplots. Its and artistic control. The The set-up is redeemed abuse or sell them. should see. Director Eve
exciting to open up a new
place and time, but the act
films use of classical
music, combined with
somewhat, however, by
the flashback sequences DVD REVIEW | The X factor in the
equation was Oxycontin,
Marson does a good job
portraying both sides of
of world-building gets in James Laxtons colorful which illustrate the acts the time-released opiate the great opiate debate
the way: You can feel the cinematography, creates of violence that turned manufactured by Purdue as fairly and objectively
pressure of five planned a sweeping canvas of Doss into a conscientious Pharmaceuticals in 1995, as possible. There are a
sequels weighing down on emotional depth. The objector. which hooked millions of bunch of on-camera inter-
this adventure. directors fusion of slow The bootcamp section Americans and caused an views of doctors, addicts
motion action and close- is a little better, thanks explosion in fatal over- and families of both.
Silence (R) -- Two Jesu- up shots is also highly mostly to the casting of doses that continues to Perhaps most insightful
it priests (Andrew Garfield effective when it comes Vince Vaughan, who plays this day. though are the segments
and Adam Driver) smuggle to showcasing the trauma a vengeful drill instruc- Dr. William Hurwitz with Hurwitz wife and
themselves into feudal Ja- that defines our protago- tor hell-bent on getting Dr. Feelgood was just one of the pain daughter, who support
pan -- where Christianity nists existence. Doss kicked out of the management doctors in the doctor but remain
is outlawed -- in search Like all of Moonlights Army. These sequences CHRONIC PAIN IN THE AGE Virginia that wrote pre- blown away by his naivet
of their missing mentor technical elements, the effectively establish our OF THE OPIATE EPIDEMIC scriptions for Oxycontin and willingness to keep
(Liam Neeson). While Jap- casting and acting are protagonists ironclad like state troopers write prescribing even when it
anese inquisitors punish superb. The biggest issues determination and intro- Rating: 7.5 out of 10 speeding tickets. In 2004, was clear to everyone else
and execute the faithful of I had with it were an un- duce us to many of the he was convicted of drug addicts were conning him.
a small town, Father Ro- comfortable sex sequence men he will save on the Run time: 84 minutes trafficking and sentenced There have been tons of
driguez (Garfield) suffers and a final chapter that battlefield. Rated: Not Rated but contains to 25-years in prison for books and articles written
with the silence he gets in drags on a bit too long. But Gibsons movie course language overprescribing pre- on the 21st centurys
response to his prayers, Moonlight is by no reaches its crescendo in scription painkillers. He opiate epidemic, but Mar-
with guilt from people means for everyone. It is, the final 45 minutes, once Chronic pain has been a served about five years in sons documentary is one
dying to protect him, and however, an ambitious Doss and his battalion are part of life since the dawn total, enduring a series of of the first films I have
with literal physical tor- and challenging film that hoisted into the hell of of man. Unfortunately, so appeals and retrials that seen on the subject. Her
ture. Father Rodriguez deserved to win an Acad- Okinawa. This war foot- has the disease of addic- finally set him free but investigation examines
refuses to believe that his emy Award and will likely age, just as graphic and tion. Dr. Feelgood: Dealer permanently cost him his both sides of a line that
mentor turned from God be studied in film and even more horrifying than or Healer explores the medical license. isnt as clear, distinct and
while under torture, but sociology departments for that of Spielbergs Saving blurry line doctors face Despite its corny name ethical as many would
can he justify keeping the decades to come. Private Ryan, is not for between treating chronic (shamelessly stripped like to think.
faith when innocent peo-
ple are killed each time he
To Do
since The Last Tempta- Furman University Lyric Call for Artists 285-9013 Escape from Cultivation
tion of Christ. Its a long Theatre will stage two per- 44th Annual Anna Kell
movie, and one full of formances of Gilbert and Juried Exhibition Lights, Camera, Cure! Reception: March 24, 6 p.m.
spiritual doubt and bodily Sullivans H.M.S. Pinafore Through March 17 Saturday, March 25 Thompson Gallery
pain, but never without a Thursday, March 23, and Artists Guild of Spartanburg TD Convention Center Furman University
point. Even the anti-Chris-
tian inquisitors are shown NEW LISTINGS | Saturday, March 25, at 8
p.m. in McAlister Auditori-
770-0276 294-2995
as men protecting their um on campus. Llama, Llama Focus on Youth Juried Exhibit
homes from dangerous FOOTHILLS PHILHARMONIC Open to the public, the Sister Act The Musical SCCT 2nd Stage Artists Guild of Spartanburg
foreign beliefs. Its not CONCERT SET MARCH 25 performances are present- March 16-April 8 March 25-April 2 Through March 30
a cheerful validation of FoothillsPhilharmon- ed by the Furman Univer- Centre Stage Chapman Cultural Center
faith, but an unafraid ex- iccontinuesits 16th con- sity Department of Music. 233-6733 Receptions and awards:
amination of it. The sky cert season on Saturday, Tickets for the event are March 16
doesnt crack open and re- March 25, at 7:30 p.m. $20 for adults, $15 for
veal the truth of the Lord, with Masterworks Con- seniors and $10 for stu- Themis Spring Show
but the devout carry on. cert III at Riverside Baptist dents. Dance Theatre of Greenville
Church. Directed by Professor March 18, 8 p.m.
Patriots Day (R) -- In this final concert of Voice, Grant Knox, the March 19, 2 p.m.
Mark Wahlberg stars as a of the Masterworks se- popular operetta (a.k.a. Peace Center
fictional Boston cop act- ries,Foothills Philhar- The Lass That Loved a Sail- Gunter Theatre
ing fast in the aftermath monic's full symphony or) will be performed with
of the real 2013 bombing ensemble will feature the Furman Opera Orches-
of the Boston Marathon. Shostakovich'smighty tra led by Music Professor NGU Concert Choir
The film is mindful of Symphony No. 5. Hugh Ferguson Floyd. March 21, 7 p.m.
the many complicated is- Performing in Greenville Since its London pre- North Greenville University
sues swirling around the since 2000,FoothillsPhil- miere, Gilbert and Sulli- Hamlin Recital Hall
events, but still has a very harmonicis committed vans wildly popular op-
procedural feel. While to providing high-quality, eretta H.M.S. Pinafore has
Wahlbergs everyman pro- classical music perfor- delighted audiences with a Men are from Mars, Women
tagonist interacts with mances to the Upstate nautically-tinged story of are from Venus Live
characters pulled from communityfree of charge. star-crossed lovers. March 21, 22, 8 p.m.
real life (played by Kevin Each concert is followed For more information, Centre Stage
Bacon, John Goodman, J.K. by a complimentary recep- contact the Furman Mu-
Simmons), timestamps tion that allows patrons to sic Office at 294-2086, or
appear on screen and the meet our musicians and email the department at Music Sandwiched In:
alphabet soup of agen- artistic director. FurmanMusic@furman. Philharmonic Flutes
cies get involved. Theres Riverside Baptist is lo- edu. General admission March 22, 12:15 p.m.
still room to argue about cated at 1249 South Suber tickets may be ordered Spartanburg County
the ethics or wisdom of Road in Greer. through Eventbrite. Libraries
dramatizing such recent
tragedies -- intentional or
not, it casts a narrative in
bronze -- but director Pe-
ter Berg shows restraint
and consideration.
Bad hip
isnt always painful
DEAR DR. ROACH: It ANSWER: I applaud your
would be helpful if you TO YOUR civic-mindedness, but you
described some of the should not give out nitro-
warning signs/symptoms GOOD HEALTH glycerine. It is an extreme-
of a bad hip that requires ly powerful medication
replacement. I now know that should be used only
that such a condition does KEITH when sure of the diagno-
not necessarily announce ROACH, M.D. sis. I recall the chief resi-
itself with chronic severe dent during my training
pain in the hip. Indeed, warning a fellow intern
what sent me to the doc- to help us decide whether that he needed to do a
tor was a recurrent pain in the complaints are likely careful exam before giving
my groin. My hip was rel- from the hip joint or from nitroglycerine, because it
atively pain-free, and even another location. can be fatal in people with
then I had only a mild dis- Pain is common with severe aortic stenosis, a
comfort that I thought was internal rotation (such blockage in one of the
simply some arthritis. as placing the outside of heart valves. It made quite
What I failed to appreci- your ankle on the opposite an impression on me.
ate over the past few years knee and letting the ele- Trained first-responders
was the very gradual loss vated knee fall to the side). carry aspirin, nitroglycer-
of my range of motion, I think the main message ine and oxygen for heart
leading to difficulty with is that pain in the hip or attack victims. The key is
simple activities, such as groin, especially if worse to get the person to defin-
tying my right shoe or cut- with exercise, suggests itive medical care as soon
ting my toenails. In retro- arthritis, and an X-ray can as possible. I do recom-
spect, I feel rather foolish confirm the diagnosis. mend that everyone who
that I did not realize soon- The arthritis booklet is physically capable of
er that I was having hip discusses rheumatoid ar- providing CPR learn to do
problems. Perhaps you can thritis, osteoarthritis and so. You can save the life
alert others to the signs of lupus. Readers can order a of a loved one or a total
gradual hip degeneration copy by writing: Dr. Roach stranger.
that fall short of acute hip -- No. 301W, 628 Virginia
pain. -- B.A. Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. ***
Enclose a check or money
ANSWER: You have order (no cash) for $4.75 Dr. Roach regrets that
done a lot of the work for U.S./$6 Canada with the he is unable to answer in-
me. The groin is the most recipients printed name dividual letters, but will
common location for pain and address. Please allow incorporate them in the
from hip osteoarthritis, four weeks for delivery. column whenever possi-
but other locations -- espe- ble. Readers may email
cially pelvis and knee -- all *** questions to ToYourGood-
can be coming from the [email protected].
hip. We suspect arthritis DEAR DR. ROACH: I al- To view and order health
when pain is worse after ways have nitroglycerin pamphlets, visit www.rb-
activity and improves with with me, as I have heart, or write to
rest. But it is the range disease. If I see someone Good Health, 628 Virginia
of motion and pain with having a heart attack, can I Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
movement that we as in- give them one? -- J.G.
ternists look for on exam (c) 2017 North America Synd., Inc.
Soap Updates
BY DANA BLOCK a warning for Valentin.
Dante and Lulu suffered
THE BOLD AND a minor setback. Franco
THE BEAUTIFUL was troubled by what he
Brooke accused Katie learned during a therapy
of seeking revenge and session. Sam was touched
making up the story of by Lizs gift. Alexis was
Ridge and Quinns affair. ready to learn the truth.
Witnessing the love and Dante urged Sonny to
appreciation that Ridge change his ways. Ava was
and Eric had for each oth- besieged with guilt. Alexis
er convinced Brooke even reflected on her feelings
more that Katies allega- for Julian. Wait to See:
tion was false. Quinn had Valentin catches Lulu off
a difficult time concen- CHRIS HASTON | NBC guard.
trating on work. The bride,
groom and wedding party Vincent Irizarry stars as THE YOUNG AND
embarked on a luxurious Deimos on Days of Our THE RESTLESS
journey to Australia for Lives Sharon enrolled in some
Steffy and Liams desti- courses at GC University.
nation wedding. Thomas Adrienne to a day of pam- The guilt of knowing the
surprised Sally by asking pering. Abigail and Chad truth about Christians
her to be his date to the held a press conference paternity weighed heavi-
wedding. On the plane to to publicize the Salem ly on Chelsea, especially
Australia, Katie felt bad High charity event. Chad after Victor threatened
for Bill having to watch couldnt get Gabi out of her not to tell Nick. Juliet
Brooke and Ridge togeth- his head. Julie organized offered to be Canes tour THE SPATS by Jeff Pickering
er. Having decided to ac- a Horton gathering to wel- guide in Tokyo. Lily was
cept Thomass invitation, come Eli to the family. Cia- shaken when an obsessed
Sally caught a flight to ra finally told Claire about fan cornered her in the
Sydney that fit more with her feelings for Theo. green room at the bridal
the Spectra budget than Steve and Kayla received fair. A judge refused to
the Forrester one. Wait to some new information on make Hilary and Devons
See: Picturesque Sydney, Avas son. Wait to See: Eric divorce official until all
Australia, becomes the pushes Jennifer away. the financial matters were
backdrop to a momentous settled first. Billy remind-
occasion. GENERAL HOSPITAL ed Victoria that she could
Lulu asked Kevin for always count on him. Ravi
DAYS OF OUR LIVES some help. Carly sought impressed everyone at the
Nicole hid out with Hol- revenge. Curtis ques- charity benefit with his
ly. Victor was angry that tioned Andres motives. knowledge of opera. Neil
Brady was once again en- Liz struggled with Hele- offered to lend Colin some RFD by Mike Marland
snared in Nicoles web. nas influence over Jake. money so he could leave
Kate commended Chad for Sonny tracked down town. Billy was furious to
his sneaky move against Rudge. Liv tried to escape. learn that Jabot -- Jack --
Deimos. Sonny told Paul Sonny knew what he must was trying to steal his deal
that he needed incriminat- do. Jordan took Ava to the with the NHL. Wait to See:
ing evidence against Dei- PCPD. Alexis feared the Jack encourages Hilary to
mos. With help from Kate, worst. Kiki found com- fight dirty.
Justin and Lucas treated fort with Dillon. Laura had
Bonds Career Center will tary.
be accepting applications Adams is a 6th grade
for the 2017-18 school ELA/Social Studies teach-
year through the Backpack ers at Beech Springs. She
portal ( is a phenomenal teach-
STUDENTS CAN APPLY through March 31. er who ignites a passion
FOR SCHOLARSHIP Offers of notification within her students to
McDonalds restaurants of admittance into the know more once they
of Greenville, Spartanburg program will be sent out leave her classroom for
and Asheville and 107.3 through the students the day.
JAMZ have once again Backpack beginning April
teamed up for the 2017 8. Students will accept or CARROLL, LEE SELECTED
McDonalds Future Histo- decline their admission of- FOR ALL-STATE ORCHESTRA
ry Makers Scholarship. fer by April 21. Byrnes High student
The second annual Emily Carroll was select-
scholarship program was
designed to help offset DISTRICT FIVE | ed for the Senior All-State
Orchestra, and Florence
the cost of tuition fees, Chapel Middle student
books, supplies and/or MENTORS NEEDED Peyton Lee earned a spot
equipment required for FOR CITIZEN SCHOLARS in the Junior All-State Or-
college courses, and will District Five is excit- chestra this year.
award two $5,000 scholar-
ships to local high school Teachers ed to have a new class of
Citizen Scholars this year.
The All-State Orchestra
Clinic was held at Lexing-
seniors who are making an The current 6th graders ton High School Feb. 24-
impact through their aca-
demic achievement and
pets are participating in a six-
year program to help them
community involvement. become college and career
Applications are be- Students in Ms. Posleys ready.
ing accepted through Chandler Creek Elementary Students will attend Sat-
March 26 online at www. kindergarten class were urday classes, volunteer Entrants treated to an in-house visit with the community, and VIRGINIA COLLEGE
will have to submit an es- by the Greenville Humane participate in a variety of HOSTING SPRING FLING
say and two letters of rec- Society Monday. Above: activities to prepare them Virginia College cam-
ommendation. Jamareia Anderson (left) for a successful future. puses in Spartanburg and
and Mikaela McAbee match These Citizen Scholars Greenville will each host
GREENVILLE COUNTY| puppy and kitten pictures need adult mentors with
a variety of backgrounds
a free Spring Fling for the
to their pet parents. Right: and education. If you The fairs will both be
RHS STUDENTS WIN Ridglea Olivas (left) pets are interested in becom- open to the public with
REFLECTIONS CONTEST Remington, a boxer/basset ing a mentor, contact Dr. food, giveaways and
Two Riverside High stu- hound mix, held by Wanda Amy Kitts at amy.kitts@ spring-themed activities
dents are winners in the Hughes. or call 949- for all ages.
South Carolina PTA State 2300. The Spartanburg event
Reflections Content. is set for Thursday, March
Jieying Tong received an Photos by HAULBROOK, ADAMS 16,from 10a.m.-1p.m.
Award of Excellenceand Preston Burch HONORED AS FIVES FINEST The school is located at
an Award of Merit in Music Molly Haulbrook, of 8150 Warren H. Abernathy
Composition. bags for Greenvilles Relay The week will culminate ipate in school-related ac- Lyman Elementary, and Highway, Spartanburg, SC
Nayha Hussain received for Life. with a student dance on tivities including: academ- Christie Adams, of Beech 29301.
an Award of Merit in Film The bags will be sold Saturday, March 25, from ics; drama, science and Springs Intermediate, Greenvilles Spring Fling
Composition. for $10 each and can be 6-8 p.m. at Clement Farm EDP enrichment; the arts, were named Fives Finest will be held Friday, March
An awards ceremony personalized in honor or near the school. technology and PE; Lego teachers recently. The 17, from 10a.m.-1p.m.
will be held on May 7 at memory of a loved one A Community Fest will robotics; and Battle of the award recognizes teachers The school is located at
Irmo High in Columbia. touched by cancer. be held on Monday, March Brains. who are going above and 78 Global Drive, Ste. 200,
The bags will be illumi- 27, from 5-7:30 p.m. Visi- Community organiza- beyond, both inside and Greenville, SC 29607.
REED, MCCULLOUGH WIN nated at dusk on May 19 at tors can stroll through the tions will be on hand with outside the classroom, to For more information,
REFLECTIONS CONTEST Conestee Park during the building to see the Model activities and demonstra- see students succeed. visit
Greer High art students Relay for Life event. United Nations Festival tions including the Lions Haulbrook, who has
Kira Reed and Ryan Mc- The deadline for order- of Nations and the PTA Club, fire department and taught art in District Five
Cullough recently won ing a bag is March 24. family multicultural ex- the Blood Connection. for more than 30 years, is
awards at the state PTA For more information or hibits, see the visual arts
Reflections contest. a form to complete, visit display created exclusive-
Reeds drawing, Im an the schools website. ly by RMS students, drop
Open Book, won a first off Mirrors & Windows do-
place Excellence Award, MOUNTAIN VIEW TO HELP nations, and cheer on the
and McCulloughs paint- CHILDRENS HOME Riverside Royals as the
ing, Mapping Out My Pos- Mountain View Elemen- soccer, baseball, and soft-
sibilities, won the Merit tary is collecting toilet- ball teams play.
Award. ries for the Miracle Hill For more information,
Both are students of art Childrens Home through visit the RMS website.
teacher Alison Duncan. March 31.
Items needed include EHSS COLUCCI PLACES IN
ALL-STATE HONOR BAND toothpaste, toothbrushes Eastside High student
Riverside High band stu- and other toiletry items. Mia Colucci recently
dents Jieying Tong and Items should be dropped placed second in the Lit-
Tyler Gillespie recently off in the blue buckets in erature category of the
performed with the SCB- the school atrium. South Carolina PTA State
DA All-State Honor Band. Reflections competition.
They were chosen from MIDDLE
hundreds of high school BRMS TO HOST FAMILY FUN
instrumentalists from Riverside Middle will NIGHT MARCH 28
across the state to earn hold Spirit Week March Blue Ridge Middle will
the honor. 20-27. host Family Fun Night on
All proceeds raised will March 28, 5-7 p.m.
BRUSHY CREEK RAISING benefit the Ronald McDon- Parents will learn about
MONEY FOR RELAY FOR LIFE ald House Charities of the their students MAP Scores
Brushy Creek Elementa- Carolinas. The school goal and MAP Goals.
ry will be selling luminary is $9,000. Visitors will also partic-
Bears...Oh My!BY Greer
On the firstCultural Arts Council
day of camp,
pick-up in the afternoon and Greer Cultural Arts Cou
Ages 5-16 bring in signed and completed
Summer Camp
Camp ARK 20
stage make up form (will be
June 26-30 9 a.m.-3 p.m. emailed to you)
Summer Cam
Advanced Camp: Several forms
will Greer
be emailed to you that will
PRESENTED BY Cultural Arts Council
need to be signed, completed,
Ahoy! Camp ARK
Mermaids 2017
Oh and
and turned in to the Arts
Councils at least one week
before camp starts
Cultural Arts Council Summer Camp
me for all camps is Please pack a lunch that does
mp ARK 2017 Registration
not require any&heating
Art Camp
mmer Camp
k your camper inside refrigerationAges 5-16
of camp
the afternoon and
gned and completed using latex paint thatGreer Cultural Arts Council
does not
ke up form (will be
BY out of clothes
Camp ARK 2017
Summer Camp
Camp: Several forms
ailed to you that will
signed, completed,
d in to the Arts
at least one week
mp starts
For more information, visit
ck a lunch that does
e any heating or