Measurement Lab
Measurement Lab
Measurement Lab
6, 2011
Correspondence: Sinan Uslu, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Darusafaka mah. Acelya sok. Yonca sit.
1B blok D:9 Istinye, 34460, Istanbul, Turkey; Sisli Etfal Children Hospital, Halaskargazi Cad. Sisli, 34360, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tel: þ90 532 737 00 15, Fax: þ90 212 234 11 21. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
We aimed to compare the accuracy of digital axillary thermometer (DAT), rectal glass mercury therm-
ometer (RGMT), infrared tympanic thermometer (ITT) and infrared forehead skin thermometer (IFST)
measurements with traditional axillary glass mercury thermometer (AGMT) for intermittent tempera-
ture measurement in sick newborns. A prospective, descriptive and comparative study in which five
different types of thermometer readings were performed sequentially for 3 days. A total of 1989
measurements were collected from 663 newborns. DAT and ITT measurements correlated most closely
to AGMT (r ¼ 0.94). The correlation coefficent for IFST and RGMT were 0.74 and 0.87, respectively.
The mean differences for DAT, ITT, RGMT and IFST were þ0.02 C, þ0.03 C, þ0.25 C and
þ0.55 C, respectively. There were not any clinical differences (defined as a mean difference of
0.2 C) between both mean AGMT&DAT and AGMT&ITT measurements. Our study suggests that
tympanic thermometer measurement could be used as an acceptable and practical method for sick
newborn in neonatal units.
Key words: Temperature, newborn, thermometers, axillary, rectal, tympanic, digital, infrared.
The Author [2011]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] 418
doi:10.1093/tropej/fmq120 Advance Access published on 18 January 2011
comparative study in which three temperature read- 3 min was needed for axillary and 2 min for rectal
ings were performed sequentially 3 days from each thermometer, approximately 1–3 min with digital
newborn in incubator by the same neonatal nurse. thermometer, 3 s with tympanic thermometer and
A health worker helped the nurse for stabilization 1 s with infrared skin thermometer. All measurements
of the patients. Prior to the onset of data collection, were terminated nearly at 8–10 min.
the data collector nurse was instructed for correct Five temperature measurements were obtained by
temperature measurements procedures utilizing the data collector for each sample. Data analysis
five methods. An oral informed and written consent included Pearson’s r coefficients (to determine the
were obtained from the parents of the infants. strength of the correlation), paired t-tests (to deter-
Temperature was measured using the following: mine statistically significant difference), standard de-
glass mercury thermomether (for axillary and rectal viation, mean and range using SPSS statistical
tools separately), digital thermometer (Microlife package. Scatter plot method was used in order to
digital thermometer, model MT 3001, Microlife AG compare axillary glass thermometer with every other
Swiss Corp., Widnay, Switz), tympanic thermometer devices. Clinical signifance was defined as a mean
(First Temp Genius, Tyco Healthcare Kendall, difference of 0.2 C between axillary glass tempera-
Mansfield, Massachusetts) with disposable probe ture and other four measurements [9].
covers and infrared skin thermometer (Thermoflash
LX-26, Visiomed France, Mountreuil, France). Results
The glass mercury thermometers and the tympanic
thermometer were supplied by hospital’s central ser- During the study period, 742 patients were hospita-
vice. The infrared skin thermometers and digital lized in the NICU. Seventy nine neonates who met
thermometers were provided by the authors of the the exclusion criteria were not included in the trial.
study. The glass mercury thermometer (GMT) and Six hundred sixty-three newborn infants were
digital thermometer were used separately for each included in this study and 1989 measurements of
patients. data were used during statistical analysis. Three hun-
Bilateral axillae were utilized for glass and digital dred and forty-one of them were males (51.4%) and
thermometers, and right ear was chosen for tympanic the average gestational age, birth weights and post-
thermometer. Infrared skin temperature was ob- natal age during the study period were 36 3.6
tained on the central part of forehead. Axillary and weeks, 2468 11 g and 11 7.4 days, respectively.
forehead region were dried using a towel before the Among the babies in the study group, 305 (46%)
measurement. The GMT was shaken before using in were preterm whereas 358 (54%) term. The study
order to decrease the reading below 35 C. Infrared group did not include any postmature baby.
skin thermometer was put in incubator or it was kept Among the babies, 319 (48.1%) were found to be
at room temperature for 15 min before using. First, low birth weight (LBW) (<2500 g) whereas 344
digital and glass mercury thermometers were ran- (51.9%) had a birth weight 2500 g. The temperature
domly placed in bilateral axillas separately in values of the patients and mean differences according
supine position at the same time. Patients were sta- to gestational age (preterm and term) and birth
bilized by a health worker. Simultaneously tympanic weight (<2500 g and 2500 g) were summarized in
thermometer was inserted into the right external Table 1. When all methods of temperature measure-
auditory canal by pulling the pinna straight back ment were taken into consideration, any clinical dif-
and the probe was directed toward the eye. The ference which was defined as a mean difference of
prob was held in the ear canal until a beep was 0.2 C was not observed between patients regarding
heard. After this procedure according to principles gestational age and birth weight. The hospitalization
and precautions of manufacturer, infrared skin etiologies of patients in the study group were shown
thermometer readings were recorded three times by in Table 2.
placing the device approximately 5–15 cm above fore- The correlation between five methods were given
head skin (mean value was accepted). Immediately in Table 3. DAT and ITT measurements correlated
after IFST measurement, a rectal glass thermometer most closely to AGMT (r ¼ 0.94). The correlation
was inserted upwards to a depth of 3 cm in a term coefficent for IFST and RGMT were 0.74 and 0.87,
and 2 cm in a preterm baby. respectively. The comparison of measurement of
All the temperature measurements were recorded DAT, IFST, RGMT and ITT with AGMT were
in the morning between hours of 08:00 till 12:00 shown in Figs 1–4, respectively. The comparison of
during the study period. The room air temperature the temperature readings done by AGMT and DAT,
and relative humidity were kept constantly at and AGMT and ITT is seen in Figs 1 and 2, respect-
22–26 C and a relative humidity of 30–60%, respect- ively. A significant correlation was found between
ively [7]. The temperatures of the incubators were comparable methods (Fig. 1, Rsq 0.886, Fig. 2, Rsq
adjusted according to the standard temperature 0.885). The comparison of AGMT and RGMT tem-
reccommendations based on gestational age [8]. All perature measurements were shown in Fig. 3. There
readings were done by celcius ( C) scale. A time of is good correlation between these methods (Fig. 3,
The temperature measurement of the patients according to gestational age (preterm and term) and
birth weight (<2500 g and 2500 g)
AGMT 36.71 0.41 36.76 0.41 0.05 36.70 0.40 36.77 0.41 0.07
DAT 36.72 0.41 36.77 0.40 0.05 36.72 0.40 36.78 0.41 0.06
ITT 36.73 0.41 36.78 0.41 0.05 36.72 0.41 36.80 0.41 0.08
RGMT 36.94 0.42 36.98 0.41 0.04 36.94 0.41 36.99 0.42 0.05
IFST 37.21 0.47 37.24 0.48 0.03 37.21 0.48 37.23 0.48 0.02
Values were given as mean SD by celcius ( C) scale.
There were no clinical differences (defined as a mean difference of 0.2 C) between patients according to gestational age
(preterm and term) and birth weight (<2500 g and 2500 g).
The hospitalization etiologies of patients in Correlation coefficents for temperature
the study group measurements between axillary glass thermometer
and other four methods
Etiologies Infants (n ¼ 663) n (%)
Types of Pearson’s correlation
Respiratory diseases 273 (41.2) Thermometer coefficents
Perinatal asphyxia 109 (16.4)
Sepsis 91 (13.7) AGMT 1.0000
Prematurity 78 (11.8) DAT 0.94
Hyperbilirubinemia 41 (6.2) ITT 0.94
Surgical diseases 23 (3.5) RGMT 0.87
Other diseases 48 (7.2) IFST 0.74
FIG. 1. Scatter plot of the difference between tem- FIG. 2. Scatter plot of the difference between tem-
peratures measured by AGMT and DAT. peratures measured by AGMT and ITT.
FIG. 3. Scatter plot of the difference between tem- FIG. 4. Scatter plot of the difference between tem-
peratures measured by AGMT and RGMT. peratures measured by AGMT and IFST.
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