2018 Assignment Cover-1

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International University of Management

Individual Assignment

Due date of Assignment:


Name of Subject:


Subject Code:


Mode of Study (FT/PT)


Student Number


Student Name & Surname


Subject Lecturer:

International University of Management

Group Assignment

Due date of Assignment:


Name of Subject:


Subject Code:


Subject Lecturer:


Name & Surname………………………………………..Student Number: ………………………….Mode of Study: FT/PT

Name & Surname………………………………………..Student Number: ………………………….Mode of Study: FT/PT

Name & Surname………………………………………..Student Number: ………………………….Mode of Study: FT/PT

Name & Surname………………………………………..Student Number: ………………………….Mode of Study: FT/PT

Name & Surname………………………………………..Student Number: ………………………….Mode of Study: FT/PT


The following minimum standardized technical prescriptions must be adhered to in detail for all
assignments to ensure consistency and uniformity.

a. Page layout:
Left Margin : 3cm
Right Margin : 2cm
Top Margin : 2cm
Bottom Margin : 2cm
b. Line Spacing: Double spacing all through the document, including the reference section.
c. Font size: A font of 12 (Times New Roman, Verdana or Arial) is the required font. Main headings
may have a larger font size.
d. Indents: No indenting is allowed, except where bullets and symbols are used in a section.
e. Typing: Typing should be done on A4 size pages (on one side of the page only)
f. Documentation/Writing Style: Those points in the text that you document must follow the
“Author (Date; Page) system” e.g. Somosu (1998; pp.55-60) for direct quotations in APA
style of writing for your in-text reference, while for acknowledgement and backing up
factual statements, you should adopt the “Author (Date) system e.g. Smith (1999)
g. Reference List: The full list of citation must appear on a separate page after every chapter or as a
last page. It must follow the APA House style of referencing. Every source you quote or paraphrase
must be acknowledged here.
h. Numbering: Sections must be numbered numerically e.g. 2.1 Introduction, 2.2 Market
Segmentation etc.
i. Pagination: Numbers before actual text, which range anywhere from Table of Contents to
acknowledgment, prefaces, etc. must carry Roman numerals (I, ii, iii, iv etc.). Page number should
be placed either at the upper right hand corner or centered at the bottom of the page.
j. When a list of subjects, arguments characteristics, hints and so forth appear in the text, they can
be indicated by use of bullets or alphabetical notations. This must be consistently adhered to
throughout the research work. Do not underline headings.
k. All other materials related to the assignments like questions, maps etc. must be placed as
Marks shall be awarded for all these!!!!
Example for illustrations purpose:


Question 1

Study the Organisational Theory and Behavior from different sources to differentiate between
Classical Theory and Neoclassical theory. Research on a corporate institution of your choice and
evaluate the applicability of these theories. Identify potential gabs and suggest how this can be

Marks allocation

 Introduction 4Marks
 Body 40Marks
 Conclusion 2Marks
 Referencing 4 Marks

Total Marks: 50

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