Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun: Suggested Presentation & Format of The Training Report
Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun: Suggested Presentation & Format of The Training Report
Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun: Suggested Presentation & Format of The Training Report
2. Acknowledgements
It is necessary to acknowledge members of faculty, the institute and the individuals and organizations
from whom assistance has been taken.
3. Internal Guide Certificate.
4. Company Training Certificate (Where ever applicable)
5. Executive Summary
A summary of the project, of maximum 2 A-4 size pages are required. This should briefly state the main
aims and conclusions of the project.
6. List of Contents
This should list in sequence, with page numbers, all sections of the project from objectives to
7. List of Tables & Figure
The list of tables & figures (diagrams, graphs, illustrations) should follow the list of contents & each have
their own numbering sequence.
8. Objectives
A clear & conclusion statements of the major objective of the work should be given.
9. Introduction
Discussion of the theory, concept, technique or issue on which the project is based. This should include a
review of the literature on the topic and the development of the hypothesis, which you plan to test.
10. Methodology
A clear and concise sequential statement of the methods, which have been used to test the hypothesis, i.e.
the methods used for the collection and analysis of relevant data / information.
11. Findings
Presentation & analysis of the salient information, which has been gathered in order to test the
hypothesis. This section will vary considerably in both length and content depending on the nature of the
topic. It may include models or systems constructed by the student as a result of the investigation.
Significant features of the findings must be clearly indicated. Raw data, if appropriate, should be
presented in Appendices.
12. Analysis finding 13. Conclusions 14. Recommendations
Evaluation of the material presented in the finding section. Comparison of findings and conclusions with
those of previous authors.
Reassessment of the hypothesis and discussion of the broader implications for management, industry,
government organizations or other appropriate bodies.
This section should also include your conclusions recommendations and suggestions for the further
development. Where you have extended recommendations (this may be the case with a practical
organization based project) you may wish to cover recommendations in a separate chapter.
15. References
Use the following convention for listing references to published papers/ articles:
List all references used in the test in alphabetical order by the author’s surnames according to the
convention detailed as follows:
Surname and initials of author(s), year of publication, title of article, name of journal-accepted
abbreviations may be used, Volume number (issue number if possible): pages.
For example:
Articles - Drucker, P (1984), Managing the Computer, Management Today, 9(7): 35-42
Bryan, FL Smith, JD McKinley TW (1980), Hazard analysis of Frozen
Dinners prepared at a Catering establishment, J Food Protection. 43:
Thesis - Marsden, SR (1986), Developing Systems of Management Control, BA thesis.
Leeds Polytechnic
Books - Richards, M (1978), Organizational Goal Structures. (2nd Edn.) West: NewYork
Chapters - Young, LR (1986), Management information in his systems of control. PrenticeHall
Pages - Young, LR (1986), Systems of Control. Prentice Hall Pp 23-37
N.B. When the author is not stated, use Anon or the name of the organization responsible for the
16. Annexures
This includes Questionnaire, Address of the contacted persons, Company literature, Product literature etc.
2. Section Heading
It is often helpful to use section headings within a chapter such as the introduction. The hierarchy and
system of numbering chapter section headings should be consistent.
4. Referencing
The following system must be consistently throughout the dissertation:
When a reference is made to a book or article, the author’s surname should be given with the date of
publication in brackets, e.g. Richards (1978) has expressed the view that master strategy is a vital but
neglected component. Alternatively, the author’s name and date may be given in brackets after the
reference, e.g. (Richards, 1978).
Where referencing journals or newspaper articles, quote the name of the journal if the author is unknown.
5. Quotations
If a quotation from any source is included, it must be correct to the last comma & quotation marks must
indicate exactly where the quotation begins and ends. At the ends of the quotation, which should be
indented from the main text and single-spaced, the author, date of publication and page reference must be
given, as follow:
“ The research findings suggest that style alone is not the answer to effective leadership” (Handy, 1976, p
6. Abbreviations
Only recognized abbreviations should be used and each should be given in brackets, on the first occasion,
e.g. Department of the Environment (DOE).
7. Style
(a) Clear, simple language should be used.
(b) When an ordinary word is used in a technical or special sense, explain its meaning briefly.
(c) A general rule for numbers in the body of the text is that, up to ten, they are expressed in words
(one, six) and above ten in figures (124, 1,762). However, ‘one hundred’, ‘five thousand’, ‘ten
million’ etc. are expressed in words.
(d) Use paragraphs as an aid to developing an argument. As a rule, paragraphs are often about one
third to half a page in length. Within each paragraph it should be clear to the reader where the
literature search ends and your own original work begins.
(e) The project should normally be written in the past tense using the third person singular (e.g. “a
questionnaire was sent to all, equal authority leisure departments” rather than “ I sent
questionnaires to……”):
3. Layout - The margins at the binding (left hand) edge should be not less than 40mm & other
margins not less than 20mm. Type should be in double line spacing, except for indented quotations or
footnotes, where single line spacing should be used. Typing should be on one side of the paper only.
4. Binding -
Spiral bindings are accepted.
The number of copies of Project Report to be made is Two (02) (one with CD)