Avoiding Plagiarism - Student Handout
Avoiding Plagiarism - Student Handout
Avoiding Plagiarism - Student Handout
4 Provide proper citations for your paraphrased,
quoted, or summarized information.
sources properly is the most important thing you
can do when including thoughts that come from another
source. Be sure to give proper credit when you quote,
paraphrase, or summarize another person’s words or
ideas. This means including in-text citations as well as
bibliographic material at the end of your writing.
5 Use the Turnitin Similarity Report to revise
your writing.
The Turnitin Similarity Report can help you see where
you are missing citations or where your citation skills
could be improved. Use the Understanding the Turnitin
Similarity Report: A Student Guide document to help
you edit and revise your writing using the results of your
Turnitin Similarity Report.
6 Own your own academic integrity and ask
your instructor questions when you need help.
honest about the work that you are doing. Rather
than copying someone else’s work or paying someone
online to complete the project for you, speak with your
instructor about your situation to see what your options
are. It’s likely that they will be more understanding if you
ask questions than if you plagiarize and try to get away
with it.