National Savings Fund (Collection of Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015

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National Savings Fund (Collection of Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations


GN No. 54 of 2015
Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 37 of 18 April 2015


Regulations made by the Minister, after consultation with the Committee, under section
24 of the National Savings Fund Act

1. These regulations may be cited as the National Savings Fund (Collection of

Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.

2. In these regulations —

―principal regulations‖ means the National Savings Fund (Collection of Contributions)

Regulations 1997.

3. The principal regulations are amended —

(a) in regulation 6A, by inserting, after paragraph (1), the following new paragraph –

(1A) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a member of the National Assembly who
employs a constituency clerk or driver, or both, who is or are paid out of public funds.

(b) in regulation 6E, by inserting, after paragraph (1), the following new paragraph —

(1A) Paragraph (1) shall also apply to a member of the National Assembly who
employs a constituency clerk or driver, or both, who is/or are paid out of public funds.
(c) By revoking the Second and Third Schedules and replacing them by the Second and
Third Schedules set out in the Schedule to these regulations.

4. These regulations shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 2014.

Made by the Minister, after consultation with the Committee, on 9 April 2015.


[Regulation 3(c)]


[Regulation 2]

Maximum basic wage or salary on which contributions are payable —

(a) in respect of a monthly pay period, wage or salary not exceeding 14,805 rupees;

(b) in respect of a half monthly pay period, wage or salary not exceeding 7,403 rupees;

(c) in respect of a fortnightly pay period, wage or salary not exceeding 6,833 rupees;

(d) in respect of a weekly pay period, wage or salary not exceeding 3,417 rupees;

(e) in respect of a daily pay period, wage or salary not exceeding 569 rupees;

(f) in respect of any other pay period, wage or salary not exceeding the sum arrived at by
multiplying 569 rupees by the number of days in that pay period, excluding Sundays.


[Regulation 3(3)]



In respect of an employee in (RS) In respect of an employee who (Rs)

the domestic service is not in the domestic service

Paid for — Paid for-

(a) one day’s work 55 (a) one day’s work 87

(b) one week’s work 329 (b) one week’s work 523

(c) one fortnight’s work 658 (c) one fortnight’s work 1,045

(d) half a month’s work 713 (d) half a month’s work 1,133

(e) one month’s work 1,425 (e) one month’s work 2.265


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