Existing Proposed: Government of The Punjab Services, General Administration and Information Department Notification
Existing Proposed: Government of The Punjab Services, General Administration and Information Department Notification
Existing Proposed: Government of The Punjab Services, General Administration and Information Department Notification
The 26th October, 1978
No. SORIII- 1-49/73. In exercise of the powers conferred by No. SORIII- 1-49/73. In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section 10 of the Punjab Public Service Commission Section 10 of the Punjab Public Service Commission Ordinance,
Ordinance, 1978, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to 1978, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following
make the following rules: - rules: -
1. (1) These rules may be called the Punjab Public 1. (1) These rules may be called the Punjab Public
Service Commission (Functions) Rules, 1978. Service Commission (Functions) Rules, 1978.
(2) They shall come into force at once. (2) They shall come into force at once.
2. In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the 2. In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context - subject or context -
(1) “Grade” means the National Scale of Pay in (1) “Grade” means the National Scale of Pay in which
which a post or group of posts is placed: a post or group of posts is placed:
Provided that in the case of a post or Provided that in the case of a post or group
group of posts which have not been placed in of posts which have not been placed in any
any National Scale of pay, Grade means the National Scale of pay, Grade means the “National
“National Scale of Pay”, corresponding to the “ Scale of Pay”, corresponding to the “ existing scale
existing scale of pay”, in which a post or group of pay”, in which a post or group of posts would
of posts would have been placed; and have been placed; and
& (2) “Test” includes written examination, (2) “Test” includes written examination, psychological
psychological test, appraisal of record, test, appraisal of record, interview and viva voce.
interview and viva voce.
(See Rule 3) (See Rule 3)
Posts excluded from the purview of the Commission. Posts excluded from the purview of the Commission.
*1. Services and General Posts of *1. Services and General Posts of Additional
Administration Additional Administration Department; District and Session
Department; District and Judges and posts of
Session Judges District and Session
and posts of Judges.
District and
Session Judges. @2. Governor’s House Comptroller
@2. Governor’s House Comptroller **3. Chief Minister’s Secretariat Assistant Director
**3. All Departments Posts to be filled
in under Rule ***4. Board of Revenue, Punjab Tehsildar
16(2) of the (Revenue Department)
Punjab Civil
and Conditions [ Added Rule 3(2) ]
of Service)
Rules, 1974.
Original version of rule 3(1)(i) which was substituted vide Original version of rule 3(1)(i) which was substituted vide
notification No. SOR.III-1-49/73 dated 5th June, 1979. notification No. SOR.III-1-49/73 dated 5th June, 1979.
3. (1) (i) the provincial services and civil posts 3. (1) (i) the provincial services and civil posts
connected with the affairs of the province connected with the affairs of the province
falling in Grade 17 to 22 except those falling in Grade 17 to 22 except those
specified in Schedule-1; specified in Schedule-1;
Original version of rule 4(ii) which was substituted vide Original version of rule 4(ii) which was substituted vide
notification No. SOR-III –1-29/81 dated 14th June,1982. notification No. SOR-III –1-29/81 dated 14th June,1982.
4. (ii) for a period of six months or less pending 4. (ii) for a period of six months or less pending selection
selection of a candidate on the basis of test of a candidate on the basis of test conducted by the
conducted by the Commission; Commission;
Provided that the above period may be extended:-
Provided that the above period may be extended:-
(a) for a further period of six months with the
(a) for a further period of six months with the approval of the commission if a requisition
approval of the commission if a requisition for filling the post was sent to the
for filling the post was sent to the Commission before filling of the post on ad
Commission before filling of the post on ad hoc basis and the Commission had failed to
hoc basis and the Commission had failed to nominate a candidate; or
nominate a candidate; or
(b) in any other case, by order of the Governor;
(b) in any other case, by order of the Governor;
Original version of rule 2(2) which was substituted vide
Original version of rule 2(2) which was substituted vide
notification No. CAB-I/1-3/85 dated 24th June,1985.
notification No. CAB-I/1-3/85 dated 24th June,1985.
2. (2) “Test” includes written examination, interview and
2. (2) “Test” includes written examination, interview
Viva Voce.
and Viva Voce.
1. (1) These rules may be called the Punjab Public Service Commission
(Functions) Rules, 1978.
3. (1) The Commission shall conduct tests and examinations and take all steps
ancillary thereto for recruitment to: -
(i) the Provincial Services and Civil Posts connected with the affairs of
the Province falling in Grade (16 to 22) on regular or contract basis;
(2) Recruitment to the following posts shall be excluded from the purview of
the Commission:-
(3) the Government may associate the commission in the framing of rules
regulating appointments to Provincial Services or such posts connected with
the affairs of the Province, as may be prescribed, in such manner as it may
(a) for a further period of six months with the approval of the
Commission if a requisition for filling the post was sent to the
Commission before filling of the post on ad hoc/contract basis and
the Commission had failed to nominate a candidate; or
Explanation: - for the purpose of clause (iii), “regular basis” means other than
adhoc, contract or temporary basis for a specified period.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 3, the Chief Minister may, in the Public
interest, specify posts which may be filled, without reference to the Commission, by
persons possessing such qualifications and experience and in such manner as he may