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The Gazette of India: Ministry of Surface Transport (Ports Wing) New Delhi

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The Gazette of India


(Ports Wing)
New Delhi

G.S.R., 1272. - ,In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 124 and sub-section (1) of
section 132 of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963), the Central Government hereby approve of
the Regulations entitled "The Calcutta Port Trust Employees' (Leave Travel Concessions) Regulation, 1976"
made by the Board of Trustees of the Port of Calcutta in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 28
read with sub-section (2) of section 124 of the said Act and published in the Calcutta Gazette dated the 2nd
September, 1976 and the 9th September, 1976 and as amended by the notification of the said Board
published in the Calcutta Gazette, dated the 14th July, 1977 and the 21st July, 1977.





IN exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of section 28 of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of

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1963), the Board of Trustees of the Port of Calcutta hereby publish the following regulation as required
under sub-section (2) of section 124 of the said Act:




1. Short title and commencement : (1) These regulations may be the Calcutta Port Trust
Employees' (Leave Travel Concession) Regulation 1976

(2) They shall come into force from the date of publication of Government's approval
to the regulations in the official Gazette.

2.Interpretation: In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires,__

(1) "Board", "Chairman", "Deputy Chairman" and "Head of a Department" have the
meanings respectively assigned to them in the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963).

(2) "Accounts Officer" means the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer of the Board
and also any other officer (s) from the Accounts Department of the Board, designated by the Financial
Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer, to regulate claims of employees under these regulations.

(3) "concession" means the leave travel concession admissible under these regulations.

(4) "employee" means an employee of the Board.

(5) (i) An employee of the first grade means an employee in receipt of pay of Rs.875 or more
per month;

(ii) An employee of the second grade means an employee in receipt of pay of Rs.261 or
more, but less than Rs.875 per month;

(iii) An employee of the third grade means an employee in receipt of pay of Rs.61 or more,
but less than Rs.261 per month,

(iv) An employee of the fourth grade means an employee whose pay is less than Rs.161
per month.

Note : The above gradation of employees is for the purpose of leave travel concession only and is in
terms of pay in the scales of pay adopted in implementation of the Government's decisions on the
recommendation of the Central Wage Board for Port and Dock Workers, the Major Ports (Class I and Class
II Non-Marine Services) Pay Committee or the Major Ports (Class I and Class Non-Marine Services) pay
Committee or the Major Ports (Excluding Bombay) Marine Services Enquiry /committee, 1969.

3. Extent of application : (1) Save as otherwise provided in these regulations, the concession is
admissible to the Board's employees of all grades including the employees appointed on a contract basis, if
the period of contract is more than one year, and re-employed employees on completion of one year's

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continuous service.

(2) The concession is not admissible to -

(i) persons not in the whole time employ of the Board; or

(ii) persons paid from contingencies.

(3) Class III employees drawing a basic salary of Rs. 200 per mensem or less and Class IV employees,
who are entitled to the benefits of the existing "P.T.O. Concession Scheme", will be allowed an option to
come over to the new scheme or to retain their existing entitlements. For those who enter service on or after
the 1st April, 1976, the new regulations shall automatically apply.

(4) The concession is not admissible to an employee who has not completed one year of continuous
service on the date of the journey performed by him or his family, as the case may be.

The condition of one year's continuous service on the date of the journey for admissibility of the
concession is applicable equally to permanent employees and probationers as well as the temporary and
officiating employees.

4. Frequency of entitlement : (1) The concession shall be admissible to an employee once in a

period of two calendar years for journeys to his home-town and once in a period of four calendar years for
journeys to any place in India. It shall cover the employees and their families as defined hereunder.

Explanation : The term "once in a period of two calendar years" means once in each block of two
calendar years, commencing from the calendar year 1976. Thus, the concession on the first occasion will be
admissible during the block of two consecutive calendar years 1976-77. On subsequent occasions it will be
admissible during the calendar years 1978-79, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83 and so on. The concession
already availed of by an employee for the block 1976-77 under the arrangements in force before the
commencement of these regulations will be deemed to have been availed of by him for the block 1976-77
under these regulations.

The term "once in a period of four calendar years" means once in each block of four calendar years,
commencing from the calendar year 1976. Thus the concession on the first occasion will be admissible
during the block of four consecutive calendar years 1976-79, 1980-83 and so on.

(2) An employee who has a family living away from his place of work may, instead of having the
concession for his family as well as for himself once in a block of two calendar years, avail of the concession
for himself alone once every year during each block for visiting his home-town,

(3) The employees and their families who are unable to avail themselves of the concession in a block
of two years, or in a block of four years, as the case may be, may be permitted to avail of the concession
before the end of the first year of the next block of two years or before the end of the first year of the next
block of four years, as the case may be.

Explanation : In a case where the employee and his family could not avail themselves of the
concession in the two-year block, namely, 1976-77 or in the four-year block, namely, 1976-79 they may
avail of it respectively in the calendar year 1978, and the calendar year 1980. The concession due for the
two years 1976-77 block or the four years 1976-79 block should, however, be availed of by them before
31st December, 1978 and before 31st December, 1980. In case they fail to avail themselves of the
concession before the respective date, their entitlement to the concession for the relevant block shall be
treated as having lapsed. The benefit of the concession shall be available to employees and their families

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separately. The usual prescribed tow-year blocks, namely 1976-77, 1978-79, 1980-81 etc. or four-year
blocks, namely, 1976-79, 1980-83 etc. shall remain unchanged.

(4) In the event of the return journey falling in the succeeding calendar year, the concession shall
be counted against the calendar year in which the outward journey had commenced.

(5) Entitlement : *(1) Every employee shall be entitled to the concession for visiting home town
once in a block of two years. In every case, the journey should be home town and back and the claim
should be for both inward and outward journeys. The journey to home town need not necessarily
commence from or end at the headquarters of the employee either in his own case or in the case of his
family. But the assistance admissible shall be the amount admissible for the actual distance travelled, limited
to the amount that would have been admissible had the journey been performed between the head quarters
and the home town of the employee.

*(2) Employees of all grades shall be entitled to the concession for journeys to any place in India
once in a block of four years. In every case the journey should be the place visited and back and the claim
should be both for outward and inward journey. The journey to any place in India need not necessarily
commence from, or end at, the headquarters of the employee either in his own case or in the case of his
family. But the assistance admissible shall be the amount admissible for the actual distance travelled, limited
to the amount that would have been admissible had the journey been performed between the head quarters
and the place visited by the employee.

(3) An employee who is entitled to the concession for journeys to his home town under
sub-regulation (1) will also be entitled to the concession for journeys to any place in India once in a block of
four years under sub-regulation (2) but if the concession for journeys to any place in India one in a block of
four years is utilised, it will be in lieu of, and adjusted against, the concession for visiting the home-town
including the concession, if any, carried forward under sub-rgulation (3) of regulation 4, to which he may be
entitled at the time the journey to any place in India is undertaken. Further, such an employee will be
entitled to carry forward the concession to the first year of the next block of four years, only if he is entitled
to a carry forward concession to home town for that year. *** If the leave travel concession to visit any
place in India in a block of four years is utilised by an employee for visiting home town, full re-imbursement
may be allowed in respect of such visit to home town, as if it were a visit to any place in India.

Explanation : If an employee has carried forward the concession to home town pertaining to
the block 1974-75 to 1976 under the regulations in force prior to the commencement of these regulations,
only one out of the three journeys (including this carried forward) that he is entitled to in the block of years
1976-79 can be utilised for performing a journey to a place other than the home-town. In view of the
provision for carry forward, this journey can either be performed in the period 1976-79, or if not performed,
it can be carried forward to 1980, the first year of the next block, provided that the concession for visiting
the home-town for the block 1978-79 has not been utilised.

(4) * For the purpose of sub-regulation (1) and (2) there shall be no objection to an employee
travelling in a lower or higher class, but the Board's assistance shall be limited to the fares of the
accommodation by the entitled class or the lower class, as the case may be, to the extent actually used.

6. Definition of family : The term "family" shall be interpreted in the same manner as in
supplementary rule 2(8) as amended from time to time of the Posts and Telegraphs Compilation of the
Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules for the purposes of travelling allowance on transfer. Where
both the husband and the wife are employees, the concession shall be admissible to the family on the scale
admissible to the husband or wife and not both.

* Provided, however, that the family shall include spouse and dependent children of an

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employee even though the spouse and dependent children may have been left by the employee at a place
other than his or her place of residence.

7. Employee and family independent units : An employee and his family members may travel
either independently or together, as may be convenient to them and the claim for reimbursement in respect
of the journey of the one need not depend on the journey performed by the other. The members of the
family of the employee (other than those who actually accompany him) may either travel together, or
separately in different groups, as may be convenient to them. Where they travel in different groups at
different times, reimbursement of expenditure may be allowed in respect of each such group provided the
return journey is performed during the currency of the block in respect of which the first group performed its
journey and the return journey of each group shall be completed within six months from the date of
commencement of the outward journey by that group. This conditions may be relaxed in special cases by the
Chairman or the Deputy Chairman /General Manager, Haldia Dock Project.

** (2) Carry forward of leave travel concession would be permitted even if one group had availed
of it during the block period itself, by other groups who have not availed of the concession, while availing of
the concession to visit " any place in India" the employee and/or members (s) of his family, may vist the
same place or different places of their choice.

8. Home-town: 'Home-town" means the permanent home-town or village as entered in the

service book or other appropriate official record of the employee concerned or such other place as has been
declared by him, duly supported by reasons (such as, ownership of immovable property, permanent
residence of near relatives, e.g. parents, brothers, etc.) as the place where he would normally reside but for
the absence from such a station for service under the Board. The criteria mentioned below may be applied to
determine whether the employees' declaration of home-town may be accepted :

(i) Whether the place declared by the employee is the one which requires his physical presence
at intervals for discharging various domestic and social obligation, and, if so, whether after his entry into
service, the employee had been visiting that place frequently ;

(ii) Whether the employee owns residential property in that place or whether he is a member of
a joint family having such property there ;

(iii) Whether his near relatives are resident in that place;

(iv) Whether, prior to his entry into the Board's service, the employee had been living there for
some years.

The criteria, one after the other, need be applied only in cases where the immediately preceding
criterion is not satisfied. Where the employee or the family of which he is a member owns residential or
landed property in more than one place, it shall be left to the employee to make a choice of any such place
as his home-town giving reasons for the same, provided that the decision of the Head of the Department in
which the employee is employed whether or not to accept such a place as the home-town of the employee
shall be final. Where the presence of near relations at a particular place is to be the determining criterion for
the acceptance of declaration of home-town the presence of near relations should be of more or less
permanent nature.

9. Declaration of home-town : (1) Every employee shall make a declaration of his home-town.
A declaration already made by an employee under the regulations in force before the commencement of
these regulations shall be treated as the declaration made by him or the purposes of these regulations. Every
new entrant to the Board's service shall make a declaration as to his home-town before the expiry of six
months from the date of his entry into the Board's service.

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(2) The declaration made by an employee, other than a Head of the Department, shall be subject
in each case to the acceptance by the Head of his Department who shall satisfy himself about the
correctness thereof after calling for such evidence as he may consider necessary. The effective date of
declaration of home-town shall be the date on which the employee made it and not the date of its
acceptance by the Head of his Department or the date of communication conveying such acceptance. The
declaration made by a Head of a /department shall be subject to the acceptance by the Deputy Chairman or
the Chairman. A declaration made by an employee and accepted by his Head of Department, or the
Chairman, as the case may be, under the regulations in force before the commencement of those regulations
shall be treated as the declaration accepted by the Head of a Department or the Chairman for the purposes
of these regulations.

(3) A declaration of home-town once made shall ordinarily be treated as final, but in exceptional
circumstances the Head of a Department (and in the case of a Head of Department, the Chairman, or the
Deputy Chairman) may authorizes a change in such declaration provided that such a change shall not be
made more than once during the period of service of the employee. In the case of persons on deputation to
the Board, such requests shall be granted only with the approval of the lending authority.

(4) The declaration of the home-town made after the prescribed time limit may be accepted by the
Head of a Department (and in the case of a Head of a Department, by the Chairman or the Deputy
Chairman) against the one chance for changing the declaration and this will be treated as a final declaration
of home-town and no further change of home-town will be allowed in such cases.

(5) The Head of Department may, for his own convenience, maintain a register of home-towns in
respect of employees in that department.

(10.) Journeys between places connected by rail : (1) ***When travelling by railways, employees
will be entitled to Class of accommodation as follows :-

Employees of the third grade - Sleeper Class

Employees of the fourth grade - Sleeper Class.

(2) The class of railway accommodation to which an employee and his family shall be entitled is
the class to which he is entitled at the time the journeys are undertaken. It is permissible for an employee or
his family or both to travel in a class higher or lower than that to which he or his family is entitled, in the
former case, the Board's liability for the distance shall be restricted to the fare by the class to which the
employee is entitled and in the latter case, the fare by the class in which the employee or his family had
actually travelled.

(3) An employee or his family members may avail themselves of any concessional return journey
tickets offered by the railway authorities (e.g., seasonal concession, students concession, etc.) in
conjunction with the leave travel concession. It will be permissible while utilising such a concessional ticket
to travel in any class, higher or lower, than the entitled class.*The leave travel concession of the employee
shall be regulated between the headquarters and the home town/ the declared place of visit by the shortest
direct route by the class of accommodation actually used or entitled class, whichever is less".

(4)*** Deleted

(5)*** An employee (or his family members) normally entitled to travel by first class railway
accommodation may travel either by Sleeper Class or Second Class and avail reservation facility. In such
cases the extra cost incurred incurred for reservation shall be borne by the Board. An employee (or his

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family members) normally entitled travel by Sleeper Class of railway accommodation will be entitled to
reimbursement of reservation charges. An employee (or his family members) if travelled by Second Class
will also be entitled to reimbursement of reservation charges for a seat (for day journeys).

(6) Employees of the third and fourth grades may travel by mail or express trains when availing
themselves of the concession and may claim reimbursement accordingly. In such cases, a certificate to the
effect that the journey was actually performed by a mail or express train should be recorded by the
claimant on his travelling allowance claim.

(7) When an employee or any member of his family performs a journey by a long route (which is
not the cheapest) in the different classes of railway accommodation , for example partly by first class to
which he is entitled and partly by second class, the entitled class rate is admissible for the corresponding
proportion of the shortest or the cheapest route and the lower class rate for the remaining mileage by such

(8) Where an employee or his family or both travels by air or by road or by steamer between two
places connected by rail, the expenditure on the Board's assistance shall be limited to what would have been
admissible had the employee or his family travelled by rail in the authorised class, or the actual expenses,
whichever is less.*(Deleted)

11. Journeys between places not connected by rail : (1) The Board's assistance for journeys
between places which are not connected by rail shall be admissible to the employees for that portion of the
journeys for which the leave travel concession is admissible as under.

(i) for the journey which is covered by a recognised transport system, the Board's assistance
shall be on the basis of the fares actually charged by such a system for the appropriate class of
accommodation; where there are more than one class of accommodation, the appropriate class may be
determined as follows :

(a) where there are only two classes, employees drawing pay of Rs.500 per mensem or above
shall be entitled to the higher class and those drawing pay less than Rs.500 mensem shall been titled to the
lower class:

(b) where there are more than two classes, employees drawing pay of Rs.500 per mensem or
above shall be entitled to the highest class, those drawing less than Rs.500 per mensem but not less than
Rs.260 per mensem shall be entitled to the second highest class and those drawing less than Rs.260 shall be
entitled to the lowest class :

(ii) for the portion of the journey which is not connected by a recognised public transport, the
Board's assistance shall be on the basis of the road mileage at the appropriate reduced rate as prescribed in
the Government of India's order No.(1) below supplementary rule 46 in the Posts and Telegraphs
Compilation of the Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules for the Central Government servants of the
corresponding grades.

In either case the amount of the Board's assistance should be calculated on the basis of actual fares, or
mileage allowance, as above, as the case may be, at single rate for the employee himself and each entitled
member of his family for whom full fares are payable and at half the rates for children between the ages of 3
and 12 years for whom half fares are payable.

(2) In respect of places which are not connected by rail, the employee may travel by steamer or air
where an alternative means of travel is either not available or his more expensive. In such cases the Board
shall bear the same proportion of cost as in the case of rail journeys.

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(3) * Animal transport like, Pony etc.- Between places not connected by any other means of transport,
an employee can avail animal transport like, pony, camel, elephant etc. In such case mileage allowance may
be allowed in respect of such journey @ 35 pais per kilometer if the animal was hired by him in full. If the
animal was shared, the mileage allowance would be admissible at half of the rate i.e. 17 1/2 paise per
kilometer or the actual expenditure, which ever is less.

12. No incidentals admissible: No incidental expenses shall be admissible for journeys performed
under the concession.

13. Concession based on shortest route : The Board's liability for the cost of railway fare between
Headquarters and the place visited by the employee or his home-town, as the case may be, shall be limited
to the share of the fare by the shortest route calculated on a "through" ticket basis. The employee or his
family members may travel by any route or halt anywhere on the way to or from the place visited by the
employee, or home-town , as the case may be, but the Board's assistance shall be limited to their share of the
fare as above.

* (2) Where the shortest route is disrupted due to accidents or other causes, reimbursement of
expenditure by the actual route travelled may be made with the approval of the Chairman or the Dy.

* (3) In case an employee actually performs journey by railway to Kanyakumari via Trivandram,
Leave travel concession claim by that route may be admitted although this route is longer and more costly
than the journey by rail to Kanyakumari via Tirunelveli.

14. Journeys of weighted mileage for visiting home-town : If for the entire leave travel journey
or a part thereof an employee has to pay railway fare on the basis of an assumed or weighted mileage (as for
example, on the Kalka-Simla Section). or at inflated rates (as for example, on the Siliguri- Darjelling Section)
and if the fare for the total distance travelled by rail (including the fare on the basis of assumed or weighted
mileage or at the inflated rate, as the case may be), be more than the fare at ordinary rates, the employee
concerned shall be entitled to the travel concession irrespective of the actual distance between his head
quarters and the place visited by the employee or his home town, as the case may be. In such a case the
amount reimbursable by the Board to the employee in respect of each journey shall be the cost of actual
railway fare (inclusive of the passenger tax) from this headquarters to the place visited by the employee or
his home town, as the case may be.

15. Concession for one way journey : The concession shall be admissible to the members of
the employees' family with reference to the facts existing at the time of the forward and return journeys

Illustrations :(I) Entitled to reimbursement in respect of the outward journey only : (i) A dependent son or
daughter getting employment or getting married after going to home-town or remaining there for prosecution
of studies.

(ii) The family having performed the journey to home-town have no intention of completing the
return journey from home-town, provided the employee forgoes in writing the concession in respect of the
return journey if performed by the family members at a subsequent date.

(II) Entitled to reimbursement in respect of return journey only : (i) A newly married wife coming from
home-town to Calcutta or a wife who has been living at home -town and did not avail herself of the leave
travel concession in respect of the outward journey.

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(ii) A dependent son or daughter returning with parents or coming alone from home-town
where he or she has been prosecuting studies or living with grand-parents etc.

(iii) A child who was previously below three or twelve years of age, but who has completed
three or twelve years of age only at the time of the return journey.

(iv) A child legally adopted by an employee while staying in the home-town.

16. Concession restricted within India : (1) The concession shall be restricted to journeys
within India and shall be admissible for journeys between places connected by rail or partly connected by
rail and partly connected by road or by steamer services and not connected by rail.

(2) An employee who declares, subject to the satisfaction of the Head of his Department, that
his home-town is outside India shall be entitled to the concession for visiting his home-town. The Board's
assistance in such a case shall be limited to the share of the fares for journey (i) up to and from the railway
station (by the shortest route) nearest to the home-town in India or (ii) the railway station for the nearest
port of embarkation/disembarkation in India.

* (3) For journey to Port Blair under Leave Travel Concession, the journey upto the port of
embarkation will be regulated as usual. From the port of embarkation to Port Blair, the employee will be
entitled to the cost of sea passage by the entitled class as follows :-

(a) First grade employee drawing pay of Rs3475 or more per month - De-luxe Cabin.

(b) Other first grade employees 1st Class Cabin.

(c) Second Grade employees 2nd Class (A) Cabin.

(d) Third Grade employees - 2nd Class (B) Cabin

(e) Fourth Grade employees - Bunk.

Explanation : In this regulation, "nearest port" means the port in India nearest to the home-town
of the employee.

17. Nature of leave : * (1) The concession shall be admissible for journeys performed by the
employee during regular leave including medical leave, leave on average pay, earned leave, leave on half
average pay , or extraordinary leave or special casual leave or casual leave irrespective of its duration. The
concession shall not be admissible to an employee who proceeds on regular leave including medical leave,
leave on average pay, earned leave, leave on half average pay, or extraordinary leave or special casual leave
or casual leave, as the case may be, and then resigns his post without returning to duty. The above
mentioned conditions of leave shall not apply to journeys performed by the members of family of the
employee. .

(2) * The concession shall be admissible to an employee and his family both ways during leave
preparatory to retirement; provided the return journey is completed before the expiry of the leave
preparatory to retirement. No concession shall be admissible to an employee and his family during refused
leave and terminal leave.

(3) An employee or his family members or both shall be entitled to the concession irrespective of

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the actual period of his stay in his home-town.

* (4) If the leave applied for by an employee is refused in writing by the authority competent to
sanction the same in the interest of work and if it is also certified by that authority that leave cannot be
granted at any time during the calendar year, the concession may granted in respect of the family of the
employee during that year. In that case the concession will be deemed to have lapsed for that occasion so far
as the employee himself is concerned.

* (5) If an employee in under suspension, the leave travel concession shall be admissible only to
the family of the employee.

18. Contract employees: Every employee appointed on contract basis shall be eligible for the
concession on completion of one year's continuous service if the period of contract is more than one year.
Where the initial contract is for one year but is later extended, the total duration of the contract shall be
taken into account for this purpose. The grant of the concession to employees on contract shall be subject to
the condition -

(i) that the successive blocks of two years, or the successive blocks of four years, in the case of
such employees shall be reckoned from the actual dates of their joining posts under the Board.

(ii) that the appropriate administrative authority certifies at the time the employee concerned
avails himself of the concession that he is likely to serve under the Board for a period of two years, or four
years, as the case may be, from the date of his joining a post, under the Board. The admissibility of the
concession during the subsequent two-year period, or four-year period, as the case may be, will also be
subject to similar conditions.

19. Retired employees re-employed: Retired employees who are re-employed are eligible for
the concession on completion of one year's continuous service, subject to the conditions laid down in
regulation 18. But in the case of re-employment immediately after retirement, the period of re-employed
service may be treated as continuous with the previous service for the purpose of this concession and the
concession allowed for the re-employed period (provided that the concession would have been admissible to
the employee had he not retired).

20. Mode of preferring claims : * Cash reimbursement to the extent of the full fare shall be
made on presentation of claims in travelling allowance bill forms with the usual certificate to the effect that
they had actually performed such journeys and travelled by the class of accommodation not lower than the
one for which reimbursement is claimed.

21. Prescribed certificates : Two certificates, one from the concerned Head of Department
and the other from the employee, as early as possible, as at Annexures A and B, shall be submitted to the
Accounts Officer along with travelling allowance bill for travel concession.

22. Obligatory evidence : The employee shall inform the Head of his Department or an
officer designated by the Head of Department in this behalf, before journeys for which assistance under
these regulations is claimed are undertaken,; He shall also produce such evidence of his having actually
performed the journeys, for example, serial numbers of railway tickets, cash receipts, as the Accounts
Officer may prescribe from time to time. Relaxation of a minor nature, viz, in respect of production of serial
numbers of railway tickets or cash receipts for railway tickets, prior intimation to the Head of Department
before the journeys are undertaken by the employee or their families or both under these regulations may be
made by the Head of Department, Deputy Chairman or Chairman, if he is otherwise satisfied in regard to the
genuineness of the claim and the bona fides of the journey having been performed.

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23. Record of assistance : A record of all assistance under these regulations shall be suitably
maintained. The record should be in the form of entries in the service sheet or other appropriate record and
should indicate the date or dates on which the journey or journeys commenced. The authority responsible
for the maintenance of the service sheet shall ensure that whenever an employee proceeds on leave and
avails of the concession the concession the fact that he has done so is indicated in the record.

24. Advance : To enable the employee to avail of the travel concession, an advance may be
made on the following terms and conditions, namely :

(a) the amount of advance in each case shall be limited to *90 per cent of the estimated amount
which the Board would have to reimburse in respect of the cost of journeys both ways :

(b) where the employee and members of his family avail themselves of the travel concession
separately, i.e., at different times, the advance may be drawn separately to the extent admissible and
adjustment of claims may be made separately. Where, however, a consolidated advance is drawn by the
employee in respect of the members of his family, the adjustment claims shall be drawn in a single bill ;

(c) the advance may be drawn for both the outward and return journeys of the employee or the
members of his family or both at the time of commencement of the outward journeys, provided that the
period of leave taken by the employee or the period of anticipated absence of the members of their family
does not exceed ninety days. Where the period of leave or the period of anticipated absence exceeds the
said limit, the advance may be drawn for the outward journey only. Where an advance has been drawn for
both the outward and return journeys and later it becomes clear that the period of absence of either the
employee or the employee' s family from Calcutta is likely to exceed the said limit, one half of the advance
should be refunded to the Board forthwith ;

(d) the advance in respect of the temporary employees and their families will be sanctioned
subject to the production by them of surety of a permanent employee;

(e) the advance will have to be refunded forthwith if the outward journey is not commenced
within *Sixty days of the grant of the advance ;

(f) the travelling allowance claim in adjustment of the advance drawn should be prepared
within one month of the completion of the return journey;

(g) the account of advance drawn for leave travel journeys will be rendered after completion
of the journeys in the same way as for an advance of travelling allowance on tour;

(h) The adjustment of the advance will be watched through appropriate registers by the
Accounts Officer.

24. A. The right of an employee for reimbursement of L.T.C. Claim where no advance was drawn
by him, shall stand forfeited or be deemed to have been relinquished, if the claim is not preferred within 3
months of the date of completion of the return journey, In cases where advance has been drawn towards
L.T.C., the final bill will have to be preferred within one month of the completion of the return journey. If
that is not done, the entire advance should be recovered in lump sum after which it will be taken as if no
advance had been drawn and the claim allowed to be preferred within a period of 3 months on completion of
the return journey, failing which it shall stand forfeited.

24. B. Chairman or Deputy Chairman may condone delay in preferring L.T.C. claims by the
employees depending upon the merit of each individual case.

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25. Head of Accounts : The expenditure on the concession shall be debited to the respective cost
center under type 525, "Leave Travel Concession".

26. Interpretation: In all cases of doubt regarding the applicability of these regulations to any
employee or their interpretation, the decision of the Central Government shall be final.

27. Repeal and saving: All regulations corresponding to these regulations and in force
immediately before the commencement of these regulation and hereby repealed save and expect that "P.T.O.
Concession Scheme" shall continue in force till such date it is necessary to continue it for the purpose of
clause 3 (3) above, provided that any order made or action taken under the regulations so repealed shall be
deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these regulations

* Deleted/Substituted/inserted by First Amendment Regulations.

** Deleted/ Substituted/Inserted by Second Amendment Regulations.

*** Deleted/ Substituted/Inserted by Third Amendment Regulations.

NOTE : - C.P.T. employees' (Leave Travel Concession) Regulation, 1976 were approved by the
Central Government vide notification No. GSR 1272 dated the 3rd September, 1977 and published in the
Calcutta Gazette dated the 17th November, 1977, C.P.T. Employees' (Leave Travel Concession) First
Amendment Regulations, 1989 were also sanctioned by Government vide G.S.R No.644(E), dated the 26th
June, 1989 and published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated the 26th June, 1989, C.P.T.
Employees' (Leave Travel Concession) Second Amendment Regulations, 1993 were sanctioned by
Government vide G.S.R. No.65(E) dated the 12th February, 1993 and published in the Gazette of India
(Extraordinary) dated the 12th February, 1993,C.P.T. Employees' (Leave Travel Concession) Third
Amendment Regulations, 1994 were sanctioned by Government vide G.S.R. No.101(E) dated the 18th
February, 1994 and published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated the 18th February, 1994.


Certificate to be given by the Head of a Department

(See regulation 21)

Certified that -

(1) Shri/Shrimati/Kumari (name of the employee) .................................has rendered continuous

service for one year or more on the date of commencing the outward journey.

(2) the necessary entries as required under regulation 23 have been made in the service sheet of
Shri/Shrimati/Kumari .........................................................

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Signature of Head of Department.


Certificate to be given by an employee

(See regulation 21)

1. I have not submitted any other claim so far for leave travel concession in respect of myself or
my family members in respect of the block of ...............years 19........... to 19......... to 19..................

2. I have already drawn travelling allowance for the leave travel concession in respect of a journey
performed by me/my wife with ....................children/...............children.. This claim is in respect of journey
performed by my wife/myself with children/ ..............none of whom travelled with party on the earlier

3. I have not already drawn travelling allowance for the leave concession in respect of journey
performed by me/my wife with ..................children/....................children in respect of the block of
...................years 19.........to 19.........and 19........to 19................. This claim is in respect of the journey
performed by my wife/myself with ......................children/...................children, none of whom availed of the
concession relating to the block.

4. I have already drawn travelling allowance in respect of a journey performed by me in the year
19...............to 19................in respect of block of .................years 19.....................to 19..................and
19..................to 19................. This claim is in respect of the journey performed by me in the year
19................to 19.................This is against the concession admissible once every year in a prescribed block
for visiting home-town as all the members of my family are living away from my place of work.

5. The journey has been performed by me/my wife with..................children/..................children to

the declared home-town, viz.

6. That my husband/wife is/is not employed in Board's service and the concession has not been
availed of by him/her separately for himself/hereself or for any of the family members for the concerned
block of ......................years.



Signature of the employee

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