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The document provides information about Canadian mining suppliers and technologies through company profiles and descriptions.

The document is a compendium that aims to provide information about Canadian companies that supply products and services to the mining industry from exploration to production.

The document discusses various industries and sectors that are involved in the mining supply chain such as mineral processing equipment, mining technology, engineering services etc.


A CompeNdium
E of Canadian
E Mining Suppliers 2017

c a m e s e c o m p e n d i u m o f c a n a d i a n m i n i n g s u p p l i e r s 2 0 17

Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40033359
Your guide to Canadian mining technology on the Internet


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Welcome Message

Moving Beyond Business as Usual

As Managing Director, I am proud to welcome you
to the 21st annual CAMESE Compendium of
Canadian Mining Suppliers. The Compendium is a
reminder of the remarkable breadth and depth of
products and services offered by Canadian
companies that supply the entire mining spectrum
Camese Compendium of
– from early exploration and development, mine
Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017
design and construction to production, processing,
refining, closure and rehabilitation.

The Compendium is set up in a format that
allows you to easily find a supplier using the
subsector index in the front or the alphabetical
Welcome Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 listings in the back. In addition, the added value of
a concise descriptive supplier profile with key contact information gives you a
Subsector Index of quick understanding of whether a supplier will fit your needs. For example, if
Member Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 you are interested in Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies, you will find
20 firms under that heading.
Corporate Profiles of Canadian In terms of the mining industry, we have been in a prolonged bottom of the
Mining Suppliers by Subsector . . . 13 commodity or business cycle over the past few years and it has made it clear to
many that exploration and mining companies cannot proceed to do business as
Tradeshow Calendar 2017 . . . . . . . 59 usual. This has created an opportunity for companies to look at doing things
differently and better; that is to say, to be more innovative. We are seeing this
Country Interests for Select change as mining companies are focusing on electrification of underground
Canadian Mining Suppliers . . . . . . 93 mines and implementation of autonomous vehicles, for example.
As the term innovation has been getting a lot of attention lately, for clarity
What is CAMESE? . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 here, when we say “innovative,” it is implied that a product or service can be
implemented in a commercially viable way. I state this point because if a
CAMESE Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 product or process that is innovative cannot yet be implemented commercially,
it is simply research and development. Also, when it comes to innovation as
CAMESE Board of Directors . . . . 95 defined here, this is where Canadian mining suppliers of products and services
shine – it is in their DNA.
Alphabetical Index of I encourage you to explore our Compendium and seek out our suppliers so
CAMESE Members . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 they can work with you to provide the innovative solutions your business
requires to be competitive in the current market.
Advertising Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Please contact our members directly for further information on their
products and services or visit our website at to learn more.
Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 You can also contact any one of our CAMESE staff members, who will
always be pleased to assist you in finding the right business partners to fulfil
ISSN 1485-8401 your needs.
Canadian Publications Mail Agreement
#40033359 Sincerely,
Printed in Canada

A hot metal operator inspects

converting equipment at Vale’s Ryan McEachern, B.Sc., MBA
Copper Cliff Nickel Refinery. Managing Director
Cover Photo: James Hodgins
P.S. On a final note, it is my pleasure to announce that R1 Airlines has
joined CAMESE as our first Corporate Silver Sponsor. To find out more
about R1, which flies anywhere, anytime, and has access to the world’s
largest private fleet of Dash 8 and CRJ series aircraft, please see page 84.

130–7111 Syntex Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8C3 Canada

Phone: 1-905-513-0046 o Fax: 1-905-513-1834 o Email: [email protected] o
Subsector Index of Member Companies

This index is a compilation of profiles briefly describing the activities and capabilities
of all members appearing in this year’s CAMESE Compendium of Canadian Mining
Suppliers. For ease of reference, members’ profiles are organized under the mining
industry subsectors they supply or serve.

Analytical Laboratories & Supplies Automation & Communications

Geochemical, ore, process and environmental Expertise, equipment and technology for process
sample analysis; umpire assay services; laboratory and machinery automation; business intelligence
equipment; density measurements; conductivity tools; robotics; underground and surface
measurements; susceptibility; IP/resistivity. communications; vehicle automation, monitoring
and safety.
13 Activation Laboratories Ltd.
Innovative geochemistry for 17 Denson Automation Inc.
mineral research and exploration Control application solutions
13 Laval Lab Inc. for industrial customers and OEMs
Leading supplier of laboratory 17 Hepburn Engineering Inc.
and pilot plant equipment Complete hoisting systems, electrical
14 Saskatchewan Research Council controls, software and automation
Smart mining solutions 18 K4 Integration Inc.
14 Sight Power Inc. Experts in the application of technology in mining
Underground data-modeling 18 Minelec Ltd.
systems and technology solutions Failsafe LV conveyor monitoring
13 XRF Scientific Americas Inc. control and mine communications
Platinum labware, borate 19 Northern Light Technologies Inc.
fluxes and technology needs Best-in-class communications
and lighting solutions
Associations 19 S&P Global Market Intelligence
Activities of national, provincial and regional trade The single-source solution for
associations for the Canadian mining industry. global mining intelligence

15 Canadian Institute of Mining,

Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Buildings, Permanent & Portable
Leading society of Canadian minerals, metals & Steel building systems, turnkey camp rental,
energy professionals structures for housing, storage and many other
15 Greater Sudbury Development Corporation
Building economic development partnerships for 20 BEHLEN
Sudbury’s mining community Canada’s largest manufacturer of
16 Prospectors & Developers Association of pre-engineered steel buildings
Canada (PDAC) 20 Britespan Building Systems Inc.
The voice of Canada’s mineral exploration and Steel-framed, fabric-covered buildings
development industry
21 Future Buildings
16 The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) Quality prefabricated steel buildings
The voice of the Canadian mining at factory-direct prices
industry since 1935
21 Sprung Structures Ltd.
High-performance fabric structures

4 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Subsector Index of Member Companies
Bulk Material Handling Equipment, Consulting Geologists & Engineers
Systems & Engineering Services Services in geology, project development, ore
Components, equipment, engineering design and reserve estimation, feasibility studies; due
consulting services for moving bulk materials, diligence, project monitoring, failure analysis,
including fabricators of skips, cages, loaders, engineering for mining, metallurgy, mechanical,
unloaders, mine-cars, rock breakers, samplers, civil, electrical, geotechnical; turnkey contracting,
conveyor systems, rollers, idlers, pulleys, research and development.
vulcanizers, mixers, filters, speed reducers, gear-
motors; stackers, reclaimers, grizzlies, chutes, 27 CEMI – Centre for Excellence
chute loading systems, slusher hoists, tramp in Mining Innovation
Poised to be a global leader in mining innovation
metal detectors, belt rip detection systems, drive
control systems, abrasion resistant piping, 28 Golder Associates Ltd.
castings and gears. Global organization providing consulting,
design and construction services
22 AG Mining Equipment Inc.
28 Mira Geoscience Ltd.
Bulk materials
Software and consulting
23 Carriere Industrial services for the mining industry
Prosper from outstanding people
28 Piteau Associates
delivering exceptional value
Meeting geotechnical, hydrogeological and
23 DESCH Canada Ltd. environmental engineering challenges worldwide
Complete system solutions
29 SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc.
for surface and salt mining
Consulting assistance from
24 Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Ltd. grassroots exploration through to closure
Bulk material handling
27 Ultra-Deep Mining Network (UDMN)
equipment experts since 1953
The business of mining: below 2.5km
23 Nordstrong Equipment Limited
Material handling solutions
from concept to completion Corporate Social Responsibility
Companies have a responsibility to provide
24 Phoenix Extreme Conveyor Belt Solutions principles and performance guidelines that
International supplier of Goodyear
respect all stakeholders equally within the
Engineered Product’s complete line
corporate framework, including employees,
25 PROMAT Engineering Sales (2003) Inc. customers, local communities and shareholders.
Trust PROMAT’s experience in business
29 PDAC – e3Plus: A Framework
24 Shaw Almex Industries for Responsible Exploration
Leader in conveyor belt A PDAC corporate social responsibility initiative
vulcanizing and repair equipment
25 Standard Machine
Precision solutions
Diesel Engines & Accessories
Exhaust insulation.

Camera Systems, Mobile 30 Firwin Corp.

Thermal night vision cameras, no-drill laptop Covering your exhaust insulation needs
mounts, remote control floodlights, side-view
cameras, backup cameras, video accident Doors
recorders; truck video products; digital incident/ Doors for mining and plant applications.
accident recording systems; rear-view video
systems; submersible lamps; emergency lighting, 30 TNR Industrial Doors
warning lights, D.O.T. lighting, backup cameras, Manufacturer of special purpose
reversing aids. high-performance doors

26 Motion Metrics
Advanced monitoring solutions
for mines and quarries
26 PROVIX Inc.
PROVIX = Now I can see!

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 5

Subsector Index of Member Companies
Drilling Contract Services Education & Training
Diamond core, rotary, reverse circulation, Products and services for training personnel in
raising, surface and underground contract mining skills, training program development.
drilling services.
36 Northern Strands Co. Ltd.
31 Energold Drilling Group Mine hoisting solutions
Environmentally sensitive
innovations in specialized drilling
Electric Power Equipment
31 Orbit Garant Drilling Services Inc. Electrical components and management tools,
A leader in the global drilling industry power resistors, power cables, power cable
couplers, ground fault protection systems, electric
Drilling Equipment & Supplies drive raise climbers, ruggedized equipment,
Drilling underground and surface: hydraulic, starters, high voltage equipment, switchgear,
pneumatic, reverse circulation, in-the-hole drills, electric generators, batteries.
jumbos, raise-boring equipment; auger drilling
38 Arkbro Industries
rods, drill steel and parts, hammers, diamond and Equipment for raise mining, horizontal
button bits, drill fluids, pump systems, carbide bit drifts/tunnels, inclined/vertical shafts
refurbishing, seals, wireline accessories.
39 Arrow Speed Controls
33 Atlas Copco Exploration Products Speed control for electric motors in North America
Diamond-core drilling equipment and
39 DLL Inc.
mineral exploration solutions
High quality mechanical, electronic and
33 Canun International electrical parts
Pneumatic rock drills – product
38 Littelfuse Startco
quality equals productivity
Powering and protecting in the harshest conditions
32 Control Chemical (1989) Corporation
37 Mine Cable Services Corporation
MATEX: Leader in environmentally
Cable connection systems, repair equipment
safe drilling fluids and lubricants
and handling systems
34 Dimatec Inc.
38 Staticon Ltd.
Diamond drilling tools and precision machining
DC and AC power supply solutions – by design
36 Hayden Diamond Bit Industries Ltd.
39 Unit Electrical Engineering Ltd.
Designs and manufactures diamond
Custom power cable coupling
impregnated drill and coring bits
systems and modular electrical rooms
33 Mansour Mining Technologies Inc.
Market-leading manufacturer
of integrated mining supply products Engineering Contractors
Engineering, procurement, construction and
35 Multi-Power Products Ltd. management services.
Drilling equipment manufacture, sales and service
34 National Compressed Air 40 EDC Mining Ltd.
Providing innovative compressed Engineering solutions and professional
air and drilling solutions worldwide supervision to ensure success

35 PHQ Global 40 Progesys Inc.

Canadian manufacturer of pneumatic Industrial plant commissioning, project
mining and exploration equipment management and engineering services

6 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Subsector Index of Member Companies
Environmental Equipment & Services Finance Consultants & Services
Information, professional services and Services including financing, banking, tariffs,
technologies covering environmental science, overseas fees, e-commerce trade, international
planning and engineering for mines and investments and loans, taxes, accounting or tax
processing; treatment of sewage and acid mine preparation software, contract support and
effluents; mine closure services, engine emissions customs documentation.
control, water treatment equipment and services,
wastewater treatment, environmentally sound 46 Export Development Canada
exploration practices; portable storage systems; Helping Canadian mining suppliers
go, grow and succeed internationally
liquid logistics; on-site storage tanks for water
and fuel; pest control; secondary containment for
hazardous fluids both military and commercial. Fuel Transportation &
Storage Equipment
41 Canada North Environmental Services Fuel and liquid handling equipment and services.
Quality, cost-effective environmental 46 SEI Industries Ltd.
services for mining developments Engineers remote site liquid logistics
42 Cypher Environmental Ltd. and environmental solutions
Solutions for dust and
haul-road construction problems
Geophysical Instrumentation
41 Saskatchewan Research Council Airborne, surface and borehole instrumentation
Smart mining solutions for mineral exploration and other applications,
42 SEI Industries Ltd.
including electromagnetics, magnetics,
Engineers remote site liquid magnetotellurics, induced polarization,
logistics and environmental solutions seismic, surveying.
42 Solmax 47 Crone Geophysics & Exploration Ltd.
Environmental solutions for Explore deeper and smarter with 3D Pulse EM
containment and fluid transport
47 GEM Systems
Overhauser, potassium and proton
Equipment Maintenance & Repair precession magnetometer technologies
Solutions to unique maintenance and repair 48 Instrumentation GDD Inc.
problems, filtration, rebuilds, portable align boring A reliable manufacturer of leading-edge
machines, abrasion resistant steel, blades, wear geophysical instruments
studs, plastic components, abrasion and
corrosion resistant coatings, rewinds and repairs 48 Phoenix Geophysics Ltd.
Save money – focus your drilling with geophysics
to motors, repairs and replacements for bushings,
wear plate impact pads and lining materials, jacks, 49 Terraplus Inc.
welding supplies, ground engaging tools, tires. One of the largest suppliers
of geophysical instruments
43 Aciers Lague Wear Parts
Wear protection wherever you need it
Geophysical Surveys & Consulting
43 Global Inspections-NDT Inc. Ground, airborne and borehole geophysical
Mining reliability, improvement and asset survey contractors and consultants for mineral
optimization condition assessment
exploration and mapping; compilation,
44 JKC Equipment, Parts & Services Inc. processing, enhancement and interpretation of
Your OTR tire repair specialist data; software for geophysical interpretation.
44 Normac Adhesive Products Inc. 49 Crone Geophysics & Exploration Ltd.
The protection of high-performance Explore deeper and smarter with 3D Pulse EM
urethane coating systems
50 Sander Geophysics Ltd.
43 Valley Blades Limited High-resolution airborne surveys
Replacement wearing edges for
earth and snow removal equipment

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 7

Subsector Index of Member Companies
Ground Control Equipment Hydraulic Components &
& Supplies Accessories
Equipment, supplies and applicators for grouting, Fluid and filtration products.
shotcrete, abrasion-resistant piping, paste
backfill, rock bolting, seismic monitoring and 54 Checkfluid Inc.
geotechnical instrumentation. First step in oil analysis sampling

50 ConMICO Inc.
Information & Marketing Services
Ground support systems you can build on
Services including advertising, e-commerce,
51 Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. mining sector information, marketing, corporate
Market-leading manufacturer of image development, print and electronic
integrated mining supply products publishing, and tradeshow exhibitions.

55 InfoMine
Grouting Equipment & Services Worldwide mining portal site
Onsite grouting services and supplies and business centre online
for water inflow projects.
55 Signature Group of Companies
51 Multiurethanes Creative solutions for your brand image
Grouting professionals –
water control for underground mines
Lubricants and lubrication technology.
Health & Safety
Health and safety supplies, footwear, cap lamps, 55 Lubri-Lab Inc.
communications and charging systems, protection Specialized lubricant for conveyors,
systems integration, warning systems, worker train and moving equipment
protection systems and components; health risk
management and environmental disease detection. Management Consulting Services
Consultation on social aspects of mining
52 Northern Light Technologies Inc.
development; mineral policy and mining
Best-in-class communications
and lighting solutions
legislation; mineral resource data management;
human resource management; employee search
52 STC Footwear Inc. and selection; intellectual property protection,
Supplier of comfortable, durable, representation services.
custom-crafted safety footwear
56 EDC Mining Ltd.
Engineering solutions and professional
Hoisting Equipment & Accessories supervision to ensure success
Services for the design, supply, upgrading and
refurbishment of mine hoists, rack and pinion 56 GeoResources Risk Solutions Inc.
hoists, winches, tuggers, sheaves, slushers, wire Adding value by providing enterprise
rope and wire rope testing equipment. risk management support
56 Ridout & Maybee LLP
53 Hepburn Engineering Inc. Patent strategies for mining innovation
Complete hoisting systems, electrical
controls, software and automation
Mapping Services
54 Northern Strands Co. Ltd.
Mine hoisting solutions
Digital topographic and orthophoto mapping;
geomatics; land surveying; GPS surveying,
53 Rotesco Inc. satellite image.
World leading non-destructive
testing of steel-wire ropes 57 Effigis Geo-Solutions Inc.
Experts in geospatial solutions
for the mining industry

8 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Subsector Index of Member Companies
Mine Maintenance, Repair & 61 Bradken Mill Liners
Operation Tools or Supplies Premium grinding mill liners and mill liner systems
Any sort of mechanical, plumbing or electrical 62 Canadian Wear Technologies
device that if out of order or broken requires fixing Wear solutions for critical and severe applications
with the applicable tools or supplies.
64 Fabrithane Industrial Products Inc.
57 IVAC Industrial Vacuum Systems Ltd. Manufacturer of cast-urethane wear parts
Affordable solutions for heavy-duty 61 Fournier Industries Inc.
cleanup needs worldwide From design and detailed engineering
to field installation
Mine Site Construction 64 Hayward Gordon ULC
Various equipment and components, including Supplier of agitators to the mineral
wood, steel and high-density polyethylene processing industry
construction products, corrugated metal 63 Heath & Sherwood
construction, land surveying. Sampling systems, online XRF analysis,
Tuyère line products
Advanced engineering solutions 63 IMP Automation Canada Ltd.
in crossings and retaining walls World leader in laboratory
optimization and automation
58 Armtec Limited Partnership
Steel culvert and high-density 66 Major Wire Industries Limited
polyethylene construction products Innovative screening media
solutions to maximize production

Mineral Processing – 65 McCloskey International Ltd.

Pumps, Pipes & Valves Manufacturers of portable crushers,
screeners and conveyors
Abrasion-resistant pipe, high density polyethylene
pipe and fittings. 64 Montreal Tractor Inc.
Produces MONTRAC crushing systems
59 Technosub
Fast and effective mining 65 NovaFlex Group
pumps and dewatering solutions Ultimate hose and connector solutions
for piping failures
68 P.R. Engineering Limited
Mineral Processing Your crusher specialist (new and
Equipment & Supplies reconditioned) since 1965
Crushers and parts, grinders, ore-processing
plants, electrical motors, grinding rod, mill liners, 66 Polycorp Ltd.
process heating equipment, centrifugal Engineered rubber liners for all grinding
mill applications
concentrators, wet and dry process filtration,
electrolytic cells, process control samplers, 67 Precisioneering DKG Corp.
retorts, grizzlies, screens, pumps, pump parts, Precision-engineered, corrosion-proof
castings and assemblies, clarifiers, samplers, fiberglass products for mineral processing
mixers, dryers, filters, agglomerators, cyclones, 67 State Industries Ltd.
gears, ceramic corrosion-resistant lining systems, Cast polyurethane solutions cast to last
rubber products such as abrasion-resistant liners,
65 Tega Industries Canada Inc.
corrosion control coatings, pinch valves, hoses
Total solutions for wear and abrasion
and expansion joints, rubber components, when separating ores
fiberglass reinforced parts such as pipe, grating
and solvent extraction systems, abrasion-resistant 67 Tramac Equipment Ltd.
piping, remanufactured and used equipment. Stationary rock breaker systems
and hydraulic attachments
60 AFX Mixing & Pumping Technologies 62 Westpro Machinery Inc.
Keeping fluid in motion Your process technology partner since 1985
61 Boundary Equipment Co. Ltd.
Engineered wear parts for mining, material
handling, smelting

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 9

Subsector Index of Member Companies

Mineral Processing Services Packaging Services

Process engineering; mineral processing, Services including design and manufacturing of
hydrometallurgical, pyrometallurgical and refining packaging, crating export packaging, tracking,
design and testing; crusher refurbishment; vacuum sealing cargo, packaging dangerous
flowsheet development; pilot plants; new, goods, loading containers, and project
remanufactured and custom-designed equipment management and warehousing.
for mineral processing.
73 Topax Export Packaging Systems
69 COREM Protecting assets from transportation
World-class expertise in mineral processing and storage hazards

68 P.R. Engineering Limited

Your crusher specialist (new and Smelting & Refining
reconditioned) since 1965 Equipment & Services
69 Saskatchewan Research Council Process consultants; copper electro-winning
Smart mining solutions equipment; material handling equipment;
automation services; insulators for
hydrometallurgical refining industry, Tuyère
Mining Engineering & Contracting punchers; insulators.
Contract services for shaft sinking, raise boring,
mine development and mining; engineering 74 CEC Mining Systems Corporation
services, including mining, metallurgical, Innovative, high-quality mining filtration systems
mechanical, civil, electrical and geotechnical; 74 EPCM Services Ltd.
turnkey contracting; ground control; construction Cathode manufacturing and
services; surveying. tankhouse handling equipment

70 DMC Mining Services 75 Mansour Mining Technologies Inc.

Your foremost provider of mining Market-leading manufacturer of
services and solutions integrated mining supply products

70 Progesys Inc.
Industrial plant commissioning, project Software
management and engineering services Management, processing, analysis, display and
presentation of exploration, mining,
Mining Instrumentation geomechanics, process and environmental data;
Control and monitoring instrumentation, airflow ore reserve calculations; mine-wide information
monitoring; laser alignment, cavity monitoring, systems, process control and optimization; mine
tramp metal detection, drill hole surveying, gas and planning, GIS; training; laboratory information
environmental monitoring, geotechnical monitoring. systems; hardware and business software,
information technology systems.
71 Accutron Instruments Inc.
Mine and industrial ventilation 76 AssayNet Canada Inc.
monitoring with vent-on-demand Solutions for automated information systems

72 Rapiscan Systems 75 iRing Inc.

Experience in metal detection Blast design and blast optimization software
and measuring magnetic components 76 Promine Inc.
71 RST Instruments Ltd. Geological modeling and mine planning software
High-quality geotechnical 76 RtTech Software Inc.
instruments, at a reasonable cost In-depth analytics. Optimized assets.
73 Saskatchewan Research Council 
Smart mining solutions
72 Sight Power Inc.
Underground data-modeling
systems and technology solutions
72 Teledyne Optech
World leader in advanced
lidar and camera instruments

10 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Subsector Index of Member Companies

Surface Mobile Trade Consultants

Equipment & Components E-commerce development and strategies;
New and used surface mining machinery, services for export promotion, subcontractor
dumpers, pins and bushings, engine cooling fans, searching, advice on international market planning
climate control systems, haulers, hydraulic seals, and development, financial support, and
pistons, pumps and bearings, wheels, rims, tires, tradeshow consulting.
tire handlers and manipulators, machinery parts
and attachments, braking resistors, brake 81 Can-Ceed Technologies Ltd.
systems, clutch systems, cable reelers, dozer Your trade bridge with China
blades, buckets; gears; used and reconditioned
equipment. Translation &
Interpretation Services
78 Boundary Equipment Co. Ltd.
Direct and value-added translation service,
Engineered wear parts for mining,
material handling, smelting
including unique cultural applications to
professional, marketing, export/customs, financial
78 Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group and legal documents.
Engineered wear parts for mining,
material handling, smelting 82 Technovate Translations
Fuelled by urgency and care
77 Hercules Equipment Ltd.
Built tough and designed to perform
78 Mobile Parts Inc. Transportation & Logistics
Your parts and brake specialist Service Providers
Services including customs documentation,
79 ORO Design & Manufacturing Ltd.
shipping, material handling, document preparation
Mobile service equipment
and cargo tracking, logistics software, export
79 Phoenix Extreme Conveyor Belt Solutions packaging, logistics, transportation, supply chain
International supplier of Goodyear management, freight forwarding, third-party
Engineered Product’s complete line contract charters for air/sea, transportation
79 Polar Mobility Research Ltd. management, risk management and heavy lift.
HVAC systems for extreme
climates and hazardous environments 82 Axxess International Inc.
Solving your worldwide importing
80 Reliable Wheel Products Ltd. and exporting needs
Making maintenance of heavy
equipment easy and safe 83 Branson International Incorporated
Specialists in exporting and importing
80 RIMEX project cargo worldwide
Building better wheels
82 Cole International Inc.
80 Valley Blades Limited The right solutions to your global logistics needs
Replacement wearing edges for
earth and snow removal equipment 83 Manitoulin Group of Companies
Strengthen your supply chain with
81 Vintech Ltd. the Manitoulin network
Shovel parts, brake assemblies,
reagents and QA/QC services 84 R1 Airlines
Fly anywhere, anytime

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 11

Subsector Index of Member Companies

Transportation Equipment, 90 Nelmaco Eastern Ltd.

Accessories & Services Manufacturer of JOY air and electric slusher units
Railcar covers, flat cars, highway trailers, tracked 90 Nordic Minesteel Technologies Inc.
vehicles, intermodal equipment and containers, Excellence that goes deeper
trucking and intermodal haulage, bulk handling.
89 Polar Mobility Research Ltd.
84 Ecofab Maintenance Ltd. HVAC systems for extreme climates
Rigid, easily removable fiberglass railcar covers and hazardous environments
88 Reliance Barker Davies Inc.
Wire rope attachments and
Underground Vehicles, supplementary technical services
Equipment & Components
New and used underground mining equipment; 90 Wabi Iron & Steel Corp.
diesel engines, wheels, rims, tires, tire manipulators, Mining conveyance and loading systems
rack and pinion hoists, machinery parts and 89 Walden Equipment
attachments, including powertrain components, Mining equipment supplier and parts distributor
buckets, tanks, hydraulic seals, gears, castings,
braking systems, wear products, electrical and
automation systems, mobile service equipment. Ventilation Equipment
& Components
86 Arkbro Industries Ventilation fans; flexible ducting and accessories;
Equipment for raise mining, horizontal airflow metering systems, gas sensors, venting
drifts/tunnels, inclined/vertical shafts systems.
86 Arva Industries Inc.
91 ABC Ventilation Systems
Quality heavy machinery that
Customized ventilation systems
improves productivity and safety
to fit your underground needs
87 BPT Components & Parts Inc.
91 Accutron Instruments Inc.
Clark parts and components for
Mine and industrial ventilation
underground mining equipment
monitoring with vent-on-demand
87 Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group
92 K.N. Equipment Inc.
125 years of expertise in wire rope solutions
Your global mining partner –
89 Dux Machinery Corporation flexibility, greater profitability
Underground mining equipment worldwide
92 Maestro Mine Ventilation
86 L&M Powertrain Parts Top-quality underground ventilation systems
Powertrain parts, the drive to serve you better
92 Mansour Mining Technologies Inc.
88 MacLean Engineering Market-leading manufacturer of
Mining solutions integrated mining supply products

85 Miller Technology Inc. 91 Rocvent Inc.

Custom utility vehicles for underground mining Engineered ventilation ducting of all types

88 Mobile Parts Inc.

Your parts and brake specialist

12 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Corporate Profiles of Canadian Mining Suppliers Associations
by Subsector
Analytical Laboratories & Supplies

l Activation Laboratories Ltd.

Activation Laboratories Ltd. is a Metallurgy department, with state- hydrogeochemistry, biogeochemistry
global contract laboratory with 25 of-the art FEG MLA (mineral and lithogeochemistry to aid in new
labs in 12 countries. Most locations liberation analyzer) and FEG- deposit discoveries. Count on Actlabs
are full-service, performing high- QEMSCAN, improves recovery of for all of your analytical needs.
quality analysis with fast turnaround metals and optimizes your exploration
times. Labs are accredited to the program. Actlabs offers unique Also see Country Interests section
ISO/IEC 17025 quality system for technologies to discover blind mineral for Worldwide.
specific registered tests or ISO deposits like SGH, enzyme selective
9001:2008 certified. Actlabs is one of extractions and bioleach, and offers Contact:
the world’s best-equipped contract other innovative packages like Ariella Hoffman
labs for solving any problem with its Email: [email protected]
wide range of techniques and services: 41 Bittern Street 
INAA (neutron activation), ICP/MS, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4V5
high-resolution ICP/MS, ICP/OES, Canada
XRF, AA, fire assay, isotopic ratios, Phone: 1-905-648-9611
age dating, radiochemistry and Fax: 1-905-648-9613
environmental services, and much Email: [email protected]
more. Actlabs’ Geometallurgy and

l Laval Lab Inc.

Laval Lab Inc. is the leading ovens and elemental analysis (LIBS) Contact:
Canadian supplier of laboratory spectrometers. Highly experienced Olivier Palun
equipment. Laval Lab’s easy-to-use staff takes pride in generating creative 2567 boulevard Chomedey
website displays the company’s solutions to help clients increase Laval, Quebec H7T 2R2
complete line available for delivery efficiency and accuracy in laboratory Canada
around the world. Product lines analyses. For a wide range of high- Phone: 1-450-681-3883
include sample preparation (crushers, quality products at a great price, visit Fax: 1-450-681-9939
grinders, pulverizers), particle-size Laval Lab online. Email: [email protected]
analysis (sieve shakers, particle-size
analyzers, sieves), zeta potential,
sample division, XRF-sample
preparation, platinum labware, drying

l XRF Scientific Americas

Part of the XRF Scientific Company as a complete product line for Contact:
group, XRF Scientific Americas temperature measurements and Hubert Coutu
supplies the platinum ware for all evaporation materials. In addition, General Manager
X-ray fluorescence machines, the XRF Scientific Americas offers Email: [email protected]
XrFuse electrical and the Phoenix refining services to reclaim value 620 Cathcart, Suite 259
gaz instruments, plus a full range from used precious metals. Its sales Montreal, Quebec H3B 1M1
of Li Tetraborate and Li Metaborate team can assist you in English, Canada
granular fluxes. Cylindrical basket Spanish and French. For more Phone: 1-514-871-4997
platinum electrodes and zirconium information, visit the website Fax: 1-514-908-1386
crucibles are also available, as well listed here. Email: [email protected]

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers

Suppliers 2017 13

l Saskatchewan Research Council

Saskatchewan Research Council analytical services offered through environmentally and economically
(SRC) works with industry clients to advanced equipment and techniques sustainable way. Pipe Flow
develop smart mining solutions for such as microprobe, XRF and XRD Technology Centre™ is equipped to
uranium, gold, potash, diamonds, rare analysis. Development Engineering enable full-scale physical modeling of
earths and base metal mining. SRC assists mining clients in the design, the complex pipe flow behavior of
provides a wide range of services development and integration of slurries and crude oil mixtures.
supporting the full cycle of mining electronic and electro-mechanical
operations: exploration, mine mining systems and instrumentation. Contact:
development, mine operation, Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Damian Rohraff
processing, waste management, Testing Services helps clients improve Sales Lead, Mining & Minerals
decommissioning and site processing productivity in an Email: [email protected]
reclamation. Geoanalytical 15 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 125
Laboratories has been providing Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 2X8
high-quality analysis to the Canada
exploration and mining industry since Phone: 1-306-933-5467
1972. Advanced Microanalysis Fax: 1-306-933-7446
Centre™ adds to the suite of

l sight power inc.

Sight Power Inc. is a leading provider underground mining operation: transformation of raw visual data into
of data-modeling enterprise-level increased hoisting time, high quality CAD models using pattern
systems and technology solutions for of shaft inspection, reduced time recognition methods, and information
the mining, oil and gas industries. spent by personnel in dangerous support for mineshaft design, sinking
Sight Power’s portfolio includes mining conditions, and real-time and equipping.
geological modeling, survey information for managerial decisions.
automation and informational support Sight Power has the best-in-class data Contact:
in mining operations. The company mining technology for spatial data Dr. Borys Vorobyov
also specializes in the design of analysis and processing through CEO & CTO
unique C&I technologies based on effective indexing and compression. Email: [email protected]
both static and mobile laser scanning. Other areas of expertise include 3049 Apple Hill Drive 
The flagship product – Mobile Shaft Ottawa, Ontario K1T 3Y8
Scanning System (MS3) – is designed Canada
for automated inspection and Phone: 1-613-793-5010
monitoring of operational mineshafts. Fax: 1-613-739-9062
MS3 brings immediate benefits to an

Internationally, Canada is one of the leading mining countries and

one of the largest producers of minerals and metals. The industry
accounted for 18.2% of the value of Canadian goods exports in
2014, selling a diversified array of minerals abroad. Exports of
aluminum, copper, gold, iron and steel, iron ore, nickel, silver,
MINING FAST FACT uranium, zinc, diamonds, potash and coal ranged from $500
million to $11.9 billion, respectively.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

14 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017


l C anadian Institute of Mining,

Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
Canadian Institute of Mining, and best practices. Its technical and hundreds of cross-country
Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) is leadership in standards definitions has meetings, events and lectures. Extend
the leading technical society of been highly acclaimed. Members also your network and help shape the
Canadian mining, minerals, metals gain access to an extensive and future of the industry by joining this
and energy industry professionals. influential network through the valuable community of decision-
With over 14,000 individual annual CIM Convention, special- makers now. Visit the website below.
members, 150 corporate members, 10 topic and international conferences,
technical interest groups, and over 36 Contact:
branches, it is the foremost voice for Angela Hamlyn
leading industry expertise. Through Director, Communications & Media
technical meetings, world-class Email: [email protected]
events, CIM Magazine, CIM Journal 3500 boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest,
and a portal to the OneMine online Suite 1250
global mining and minerals library, Montreal, Quebec H3Z 3C1
CIM is a vital conduit for the Canada
creation, curation and delivery of the Phone: 1-514-939-2710
latest information on industry Fax: 1-514-939-2714
developments, innovations, projects

l G reater Sudbury
Development Corporation
Greater Sudbury Development connections that count – whether it’s you’re looking for the latest in
Corporation: The City of Greater making introductions to local mining technology – or thinking of
Sudbury is home to North companies, providing market establishing a presence in the
America’s highest concentration of intelligence or providing investment industry – you should be looking to
mining expertise. From capital and exporting information. So, if the City of Greater Sudbury.
equipment to consumables,
engineering to mine construction Contact:
and contracting, mapping to Paul Reid
automation and communications – Email: [email protected]
its companies are innovators. More Tom Davies Square, 200 Brady Street 
than 300 mining products and Sudbury, Ontario P3E 5K3
services companies are located Over 300+ mining products and Canada
within the City of Greater Sudbury. services companies in the City of Phone: 1-705-674-4455
The Greater Sudbury Development Greater Sudbury. Fax: 1-705-671-6767
Corporation’s job is to make the

Despite challenges, the view is the Canadian mining sector’s

economic prospects remain strong over the medium to longer
term. Given long-term growth projections for China, India and
other emerging countries, and assuming a positive investment
environment, minerals and metals demand is likely to increase as
consumption patterns of middle classes of developing economies
MINING FAST FACT continue to more closely resemble those of industrialized countries.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 15


l Prospectors & Developers

Association of Canada (PDAC)
The Prospectors & Developers safety and social performance. PDAC March 5-8, 2017, in Toronto. Please
Association of Canada (PDAC) is is known worldwide for its annual visit the website shown here.
the leading voice of the mineral PDAC Convention, regarded as the
exploration and development premier international event for Contact:
community. With over 9,000 mineral industry professionals. The Prospectors & Developers
members around the world in all PDAC Convention has attracted over Association of Canada (PDAC)
sectors of the mining industry, the 25,000 people from 125 countries in 135 King Street East
PDAC’s mission is to promote a recent years and will next be held Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G6
globally responsible, vibrant and Canada
sustainable minerals industry. As the Phone: 1-416-362-1969
trusted representative of the sector, Fax: 1-416-362-0101
PDAC encourages best practices in Email: [email protected]
technical, operational, environmental,

l the mining Association

of Canada (MAC)
The Mining Association of Canada with the federal government to group of stakeholders recognize
(MAC) is the national association of improve the business and regulatory MAC as a source of reliable
the Canadian mining industry – climate in Canada. In 2004, MAC information and valuable consultation
comprising companies engaged in launched Towards Sustainable on matters concerning the industry
mineral exploration, mining, Mining, an award-winning and its place in Canadian society.
smelting, and refining. Member stewardship initiative focused on
companies account for the majority of improving the mining industry’s Contact:
Canada’s output of metals and major social, environmental and economic Pierre Gratton
industrial materials. MAC’s mission performance. The government, the Email: [email protected]
is to promote, through the collective public and the Association’s diverse 275 Slater Street, Suite 1100
action of members, the growth and Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H9
development of Canada’s mining and Canada
mineral processing industry for the Phone: 1-613-233-9391
benefit of all Canadians. An Fax: 1-613-233-8897
important function is to work closely

Canada remained the world’s top destination for nonferrous

exploration spending in 2014, but experienced a 22% decrease
in allocations year-over-year. This marks the third consecutive
year that Canada’s share of international exploration investment
has fallen, which is indicative of the fierce competition for global
mineral investment, and the financing challenges junior companies
MINING FAST FACT are facing. Canadian exploration spending is focused in many
regions, and more than 800 Canadian companies are exploring in
over 100 countries.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

16 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Automation & Communications

l D enson Automation Inc.

Denson Automation has over 30 modernization, including electrical special requests. Denson works in
years’ experience in designing and and control engineering services and several languages in Canada, the U.S.
manufacturing complete integrated local custom control panels for pumps, and throughout Latin America. For
control systems in the heavy industrial blowers, lighting and distribution. full details, visit the website.
area and offers technological PLC and communication are
capabilities and expertise for all levels programmed and tested at the factory Contact:
of automation and control systems for fast start-up and commissioning, Denis Poulin
panels for industrial customers and and its engineering and manufacturing President
OEMs. Denson provides underground facility means reduced delivery lead Email: [email protected]
and open-pit mining electrical and time, no additional overhead cost, 35 Lauzon, Suite 7
control containers for typical flexibility and faster response to your Boucherville, Quebec J4B 1E7
applications in new and existing Canada
mines, including control of mineral Phone: 1-450-449-1818
conveyors, crusher line, pumps and Fax: 1-450-449-7272
blowers, as well as automation and

l H epburn Engineering Inc.

Hepburn Engineering Inc. (HEI) new hoists to improve automation,
designs and supplies complete mine performance, productivity, safety
hoisting systems with fully and maintenance. See the Hepburn
integrated electrical controls, digital company profile under Hoisting
drives, digital safety monitors, PLC- Equipment.
based operating systems and hoist
management software for automated Also see Country Interests section
hoisting. The Hepburn Hoist for Asia-Pacific, Latin America and
Manager is the most advanced, the Caribbean, North America and
Hepburn Ergonomic Hoist Control Console
comprehensive and user-friendly Worldwide.
hoist-operating and management Through Hepburn Hoist Care,
system available today. It Hepburn engineers can remotely Contact:
incorporates advanced fault logging access the hoist controllers and John Hepburn
and diagnostics and can be perform remote diagnostics to solve President
configured to control hoists from a problems quickly. Hepburn electrical 73 Six Point Road
remote location. The new Hepburn controls and Hoist Manager can be Toronto, Ontario M8Z 2X3
Hoist Reporter software provides retrofitted to existing hoisting Canada
mine management with detailed, plants, as well as incorporated in Phone: 1-416-638-4425
real-time production reporting, hoist Fax: 1-416-638-2070
status and searchable fault history Email: [email protected]
using standard web browsers.

Mineral investment can help governments and communities

achieve public social and economic policy objectives for these
regions. Given this benefit, MAC recommends that government
seriously consider how it can advance this nation-building
MINING FAST FACT opportunity, specifically through tax incentives, infrastructure
investments, and public-private partnerships.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 17

Associations& Communications

l K4 Integration Inc.
K4 Integration Inc. is a Canadian- can also provide personnel locations solutions. For more information on
based company with expertise in the in case of emergency. K4 Integration’s these solutions, please contact K4
application of technology in mining Weigh Division is Measurement Integration.
to improve production, efficiency and Canada registered and can install,
safety. The TopVu suite of products service and certify truck, rail, Contact:
provides a mine-hardened, reliable platform and bench scales, as well as Marc Brunet
RFID solution for location services conveyor, bin and hoppers scales. The 11 Mary Street, Unit A
for material, personnel and Instrumentation Division provides Sudbury, Ontario P3C 1B4
equipment. The data collected from gas monitoring calibration services Canada
the TopVu eTag board and readers and fibre optic infrastructure design Phone: 1-705-682-3200
can improve process flow, such as and installation, as well as video Fax: 1-705-682-3201
ramp optimization and VOD monitoring systems, panel design/ Email: [email protected]
environmental systems and control. It build, and general automation

l Minelec Limited
type solutions cover the full after they are new. For Minelec, that
spectrum of manufacturing, means only extended duty materials
parts and distribution, as are used for long-term durability in
well as complete turnkey all of its control and communication
offerings to meet your solutions. Count on Minelec from
company’s needs. Minelec design to installation and to make
understands that mining things easier for both the client and
demands high-quality consultant alike. For full details,
equipment that stands up to please visit the website or call the
severe vibration and tough number shown here.
environmental conditions
day after day. Durable, Contact:
wear-resistant materials are Andrew Young
Since 1976, Minelec Limited has necessary to last in harsh conditions, Email: [email protected]
been the Canadian manufacturer and and to ensure products work long 5000 Dufferin Street, Unit J
distributor of choice for emergency North York, Ontario M3H 5T5
and critical control/communication Canada
solutions in the mining industry. Phone: 1-416-665-5900
Minelec conveyor control and/or Fax: 1-416-665-5901
PAGA (public address general alarm)

To better understand the transportation and related costs required

to overcome Canada’s vast geography, MAC undertook a study
that compared the costs of operating in a remote and northern
region to a comparable mine in a centrally located area. The
study determined that for base and precious metals, the premium
associated with developing and operating a remote and northern
MINING FAST FACT mine ranges from 2 to 2.5 times the cost compared to that of
a similar mine in a southern region. In addition, MAC found
that 70% of this cost increase is directly related to infrastructure
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

18 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Automation & Communications

l northern light technologies inc.

Founded in 1984, Northern Light operations, trust the experts at NLT Included in the lineup are the award-
Technologies (NLT) designs and who excel at the turnkey design, winning cordless Polaris and the
manufactures the world’s most manufacturing, deployment and tag-enabled Genesis. Improve the way
innovative underground networking support of scalable communication your mine sees, communicates,
solutions and mining cap lamps. Its technologies. Northern Light® cap collaborates, and operates. Contact
offerings are geared towards making lamps are designed for maximum NLT for details.
mines and other operations more light output, reliability and comfort,
efficient, safe and profitable. NLT’s while providing secondary power Contact:
Digital Mine® 5.0 software is the hub options for RFID and WiFi tags. 33 Laird Drive
of a more connected mine. Connected Toronto, Ontario M4G 3S8
solutions include personnel and asset Canada
tracking, voice/text communication, Phone: 1-416-425-6559
video and security, environmental Fax Toll Free: 1-888-425-6555
monitoring, and automation. When Email: [email protected]
networking your underground

l S&P Global Market Intelligence

S&P Global Market Intelligence proprietary reports, as well as profiles governments to make decisions with
integrates financial and industry data, on over 36,000 mines and over 12,000 confidence. For more information, visit
research and news into tools that help mining companies, available in a single the website listed here.
track performance, generate alpha, online platform. S&P Global Market
identify investment ideas, understand Intelligence is a division of S&P Contact:
competitive and industry dynamics, Global (NYSE: SPGI), which Michelle Patterson c/o Catherine Jodrey
perform valuation and assess risk. provides essential intelligence for Email: [email protected]
Additionally, SNL Metals & Mining’s individuals, companies and 1718 Argyle Street, Suite 300
database offers the industry’s only Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3N6
complete source of global exploration Canada
budget details, in-depth reserves Phone: 1-403-202-8683
replacement analysis and other

According to recent MAC research, there is over $140 billion

in potential mineral project investments over the next decade
in Canada, depending on market realities. This would translate
into multiple billions worth of investments in most of Canada’s
provinces and territories, namely British Columbia, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador,
Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. These projects may
face obstacles and delays, but the figure does suggest the scale of
mining-related jobs, supply contracts and tax revenues if these
projects come to production. The future of these projects is
shaped by many issues, domestic and global.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 19

Buildings, Permanent & Portable

manufacture 31 buildings for Shell
Canada’s heavy oil development, to be
completed with Edmonton-based
partner NWS Construction.
BEHLEN is recognized as one of
Canada’s 50 best managed private
companies, was the first steel building
manufacturer certified ISO 9001 in
North America, and is the first
company to use an innovative
automation manufactured
production process.

BEHLEN is Canada’s largest also manufactured the PEAK 2 Dave Fletcher
manufacturer of steel building PEAK gondola terminals – an iconic Director, International Sales 
systems, selling steel structures, landmark in the 2010 Olympics – and Email: [email protected]
including industrial, commercial, constructed the roof of the 927 Douglas Street
recreational and institutional facilities. Gangneung Arena in South Korea for Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7B3
BEHLEN trades on an international the 2018 Winter Olympics. Canada
scale, boasting the world’s largest BEHLEN has been manufacturing Phone: 1-306-529-1300
frameless building, located in Siberia mining projects in North and South Toll Free: 1-888-315-1035
and holding an international soccer America, too, and recently won the Fax: 1-204-725-4932
field certified by FIFA. BEHLEN biggest industrial contract to

l BriteSpan Building Systems Inc.

providing a hands-on experience from
start to finish, and a personalized
approach to building solutions. Its
structures are engineered to be
portable, temporary or permanent,
with rapid installs even in remote
areas. Britespan designs,
manufactures and constructs your
building. Its people are experts in
your industry, offering complete
project management from concept
to completion.

designed and engineered custom Contact:

structures for every industry, from Ben Hogervorst
custom widths and heights to President
foundations, entrances, openings and 37651 Amberley Road 
Britespan offers the widest product more. Because Britespan has the Lucknow, Ontario N0G 2H0
line in the fabric building industry, hands-on experience engineering Canada
with engineered structures from 24' these unique structures, you can have Phone: 1-519-528-2922
to 200' wide to any length. It provides the confidence that your Britespan Toll Free: 1-800-407-5846
building solutions for any need, any building will exceed expectations. Fax: 1-519-528-2890
size, and any height requirement. An Britespan’s authorized dealers are Email: [email protected]
industry innovator, Britespan has local to Britespan customers,

20 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Buildings, Permanent
& Portable

l Future Buildings
Future Buildings has more than 30 storm conditions, including Also visit the company’s straight wall
years of experience in manufacturing hurricanes. When you choose a steel division at the Toro Steel Buildings
prefabricated steel buildings of every building made by Future Buildings, it website shown here.
size and complexity. The company is backed with a 30-year rust
has grown to include the foremost perforation warranty and is compliant Contact:
engineering, production and customer with Canadian Welding Bureau and Candice Sheldon
service professionals in the industry. CAN/CSA A660 certification Commercial Marketing Manager
It has assisted thousands of consumers guidelines to guarantee you quality 1405 Denison Street 
in expanding and improving their workmanship at factory-direct prices. Markham, Ontario L3R 5V2
businesses by being able to work Canada
quickly and efficiently to deliver Phone: 1-905-477-1894
custom steel building projects on time Toro Division: 1-877-870-8676
and on budget. Future Buildings Fax: 1-905-477-3661
stands up to the tests of time, wear Email: [email protected]
and weather in the face of fierce
winds, heavy snow loads and extreme

l Sprung Structures Ltd.

maintenance, equipment storage,
dining facilities, milling operations,
bulk storage, ore processing and
more. Sprung’s modular rust-free
aluminum substructure is easily
accommodated in shipping
containers for international
transport, and a worldwide network
of structural engineers and strategic
alliances help ensure every project
exceeds expectations. Structures are
available in widths 30' to 200' by any
length, and optional fiberglass
Sprung Structures is the global Sprung has erected over 12,000 insulation packages are available.
leader in the design and manufacture structures in 100 countries. Lease or purchase. Proven
of engineered tensioned membrane Applications include onsite technology worldwide.
structures utilized by the mining warehousing, haul truck
industry for immediate relocatable Contact:
building solutions. Sprung invented Jim Avery
the stressed membrane structure in Vice President
the late 1970s in response to the P.O. Box 62
need for a rapidly deployable Aldersyde, Alberta T0L 0A0
building system that could be erected Canada
under rigid construction timelines Phone: 1-403-601-2292
and meet significant environmental Email: [email protected]
loadings in remote areas. Since then,

The Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export (CAMESE) is the
national voice for Canada’s mining equipment and service providers, delivering effective and efficient
services to help members connect to opportunities designed to grow their business.

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 21

Bulk Material Handling Equipment, Systems & Engineering Services

James Hodgins

Checking the conveyor for any safety issues at Goldcorp Dome Mill Complex.

l AG Mining Equipment Inc .

mining industry has been dedicated to clients in local
and international markets. Its manufacturing facilities
with up-to-date machinery and metallurgical laboratory,
as well as its expert staff of mechanics and technicians,
make it possible for AG Mining to produce top-quality
products. As a result, you benefit from AG Mining’s
firsthand experience in its quick and accurate response
to the drilling problems that arise in your daily

Andres Gatica
AG Mining Equipment Inc. was established in 151 Brunel Road, Unit 1
Mississauga, Ontario, in 1998 by Equipos Mineros Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 2H6
AG Mining’s parent headquarters and manufacturing Phone: 1-905-502-5878
facilities are located in Santiago, Chile, where the Fax: 1-905-502-5879
company’s more than 49 years of experience Email: [email protected]
manufacturing drilling equipment for the underground

22 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Bulk Material Handling Equipment, Systems & Engineering Services

l c arriere industrial
Carriere Industrial (CIS) has 50 hydraulic face shovels, mechanical services and a range of asset and audit
years’ experience in manufacturing and buckets, LHD mechanical management software. CIS listens to
delivering cost-effective wear products components, welded cast LHD lip its customers and responds to their
and services in order to meet the systems, bucket lip systems, wear needs with competitive, leading-edge
increasing demands of Canadian, U.S., liners, truck bodies, backfilling pipe solutions. Results are guaranteed.
Australian, African, and South and systems, grizzlies and the Descender
Central American mining markets. As manway, vent raise and ore/waste pass Contact:
a global leader, CIS aims to help lining system – as well as logistics Donald Brough
clients increase productivity and Sales and Marketing Manager
reduce operating expenses – delivering Email: [email protected]
leading integrated wear solutions that 190 Magill Street
result in lower lifecycle costs. Founded Lively, Ontario P3Y 1K7
in 1964, the company provides Canada
innovative products in both wear liner Phone: 1-705-618-5278
materials and bucket design, including

l DESCH Canada Ltd.

DESCH Canada Ltd. is an OEM solutions and adapts them to the the field of clutch and gear
for complete system solutions in the special conditions and requirements technology, taking pride in providing
surface and salt mining industry. Its of both the drive and power take-off top quality service to improve your
Planox clutches are used for surface ends of your mining machines. market position on a long-term basis.
mining and its planetary gearboxes DESCH is a top specialist and one
can be found in lifters for the salt of the most successful companies in Contact:
mining industry. With over 100 240 Shearson Crescent 
years of experience, power Cambridge, Ontario N1T 1J6
transmission and power conversion Canada
of high torques has always been Phone: 1-519-621-4560
DESCH’s specialty. True to its Fax: 1-519-623-1169
motto “Smart Drive Solutions,” Email: [email protected]
DESCH synchronizes its system

l N ordstrong Equipment Limited

Nordstrong Equipment Limited has field, offer unrivaled material Contact:
successfully designed and fabricated handling solutions. Nordstrong’s Lorne Moore
bulk material handling systems for motto: We succeed when you succeed. Technical Sales Representative
Canadian and international clientele Material handling solutions from Email: [email protected]
across a broad range of industries for concept to completion, for over 5895 Ambler Drive 
over 100 years. Its sales and 100 years. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5B7
engineering teams understand the Canada
large diversity of products handled by Phone: 289-562-6417
its clients and, along with its extensive Fax: 289-562-6444
capabilities and specialization in the

As an advocate for the mining supplier community to the federal governmental departments and
provincial governments, the CAMESE team ensures policies best serve the needs of our members
as they conduct and grow their business in Canada and around the world.

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 23

Bulk Material Handling Equipment, Systems & Engineering Services

l I ndustrial Equipment
Manufacturing Ltd.
Industrial Equipment grain elevators and similar industries. Contact:
Manufacturing Ltd. (IEM) has IEM products include rotary batch log John Hards
engineered and manufactured bulk debarkers, log infeed and outfeed President
material handling equipment for transfer decks, apron feeders, belt Mobile: 1-604-240-9349
mining and other heavy-duty industries feeders, belt conveyors, ball feeders Email: [email protected]
for over 55 years. At its plant in Surrey, with distribution conveyors, high-lift Victor Santisteban
British Columbia, onsite design and conveyors, bucket elevators and Director, Business Development
manufacturing allows for strict quality specialty pulley and belt cleaners. Phone: 1-604-513-5216
and production control, guaranteeing Standardized product designs allow Email: [email protected]
the highest standard of product quality for fast track availability and 19433 96th Avenue, Unit 109 
and reliability. Close proximity to modifications. Custom engineering, Surrey, British Columbia V4N 4C4
Pacific seaports allows IEM to readily design and manufacturing are also Canada
ship around the world. IEM equipment available for special needs projects. Phone: 1-604-513-9930
and systems convey bulk materials used Fax: 1-604-513-9905
in mining, port transfer and loading
facilities, pulp and paper mills,
sawmills, cement and aggregate plants,

l Phoenix Extreme
Conveyor Belt Solutions
Phoenix Conveyor Belts, offering a greater breadth of products, Contact:
headquartered in Hamburg, a larger global footprint and the latest Brad Baber
Germany, is an international company in extreme conveyor belt solutions. Phone: 1-780-569-5057
with over 150 years of innovation and Email: [email protected]
success. With the addition of Veyance
Technologies Inc., Phoenix Conveyor
Belts has enhanced its capabilities,

l Shaw Almex Industries

Shaw Almex Industries is an costs, operates safer and cleaner, and Also see Country Interests
industry leader in the design and improves productivity. The Fusion section for Worldwide.
manufacture of a full range of Systems division of Almex Group
vulcanizers and presses for splicing all provides splicing tools and repair Contact:
types of belting and stationary presses materials to complement the advanced Tim Shaw
for the fabrication of flat and profile Almex conveyor belt vulcanizers. President & CEO
conveyor belting. Almex continues to New to the product lineup is the EZ Susan Moir
revolutionize the conveyor industry Fix Max, a complete conveyor repair Director, Vulcanizer Sales
with innovative products, including kit designed to dramatically extend Shaw Almex Drive
the TiONE Titanium Press, the life of your conveyor belt. P.O. Box 430
featuring a game-changing modular Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 2X4
design, which is extremely durable, Canada
lightweight and easily maintained. Phone: 1-705-746-5884
Almex also offers the Almex Dust Toll Free: 1-800-461-4351
Suppression System that reduces Fax: 1-705-746-9484
Email: [email protected]

24 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Bulk Material Handling Equipment, Systems & Engineering Services

l PROMAT Engineering
Sales (2003) Inc.

PROMAT is dedicated to providing patented wetting and slaking smooth, seamless integration of
full service with its heavy-duty sector components, and dedicated pumping PROMAT expertise into your
focused on custom bulk material systems, all backed by proven design, important global projects while
handling equipment and systems for equipment field service, and meeting all of your application
the cement, steel and mining equipment installation supervision needs.
industries. PROMAT offers a full and commissioning. To provide
line of superior material handling highest quality customer service and Contact:
products, integrated into complete support, PROMAT maintains a fully David Lewis
system designs, ranging from dust- computerized engineering President
free retractable loading spouts to silo department that leverages the most 6790 Kitimat Road, Unit 2
discharging and process feeding current technologies, communicating Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5L9
systems. Specializing in customized accurate designs that ensure a Canada
Quicklime slaking systems to Phone: 1-905-567-7819
produce excellent lime slurries, and Toll Free: 1-877-567-7819
in unsurpassed flocculent wetting Fax: 1-905-567-6145
systems, PROMAT systems typically Email: [email protected]
include silos or bulk bag unloaders,

l Standard Machine
Standard Machine is one of North Contact:
America’s only complete gear/ Jason Young
machine facilities with a wealth of Email: [email protected]
experience in the requirements of the Standard Machine, Timken Gears &
mining industry. Standard Machine Services – Canada
provides complete engineering and 868 60th Street East
manufacturing of gear drives for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 8G8
conveyors, take-up winches, crushers Canada
and apron feeders. In addition to Phone: 1-306-931-3343
custom gear drives, Standard Toll Free: 1-800-329-4327
Machine manufactures gears up to 37 Fax: 1-306-931-4741
ft. for mill applications and provides
carburized gearing for every mining
need. Standard Machine also
manufactures replacement gearing for
electric shovels such as crowd pinions,
shipper shafts, and propel and swing
transmissions. Contact Standard
Machine and ask for its reverse
engineering services, or for its
expedited service to reduce downtime
along with comprehensive 24-hour
customer service for all your
particular requests and needs.

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 25

Camera Systems, Mobile

l M otion Metrics
easily monitor system health. With
laptop, tablet and smartphone
compatibility, equipment productivity
reports can be easily generated.
Motion Metrics backs all solutions
with comprehensive support, from
installation to training, maintenance
and more. For specifics, visit the
website listed here.

Joseph Tsang
Motion Metrics specializes in image-based rock fragmentation Sales Manager
developing camera and sensor-based solution by integrating three high- Email: [email protected]
monitoring solutions to improve resolution cameras into a rugged Jodie Davies
safety, efficiency and productivity in industrial package. PortaMetrics™ Marketing Manager
mines and quarries. With over 15 eliminates the need for reference Email: [email protected]
years’ experience, Motion Metrics objects, allowing users to safely 101-2389 Health Sciences Mall
takes pride in applying machine capture, process and manually alter Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3
learning techniques to extend machine images in seconds. MetricsManager™ Canada
senses and deliver exceptional results Pro – a cloud-based web application – Phone: 1-604-822-5842
for shovels, excavators and wheel provides a single platform to access Fax: 1-604-677-5191
loaders. The latest addition – all Motion Metrics system data. Email: [email protected]
PortaMetrics™ – offers a portable Customizable dashboards allow you to

l PROVI X Inc.
Provix supplies advanced video, be setup for both local and network enhanced productivity, and its
lighting, RFID and remote control viewing, as well as wireless in-cab solutions are incorporated by many
systems that offer enhanced viewing by operators. Provix supplies OEM mining suppliers. Contact
productivity and increased safety for and integrates rugged LED scene Provix to discuss your requirements.
surface and underground operations. and equipment lighting from the
Provix can design, build, install and world’s best manufacturers, Contact:
support any type of video camera including Hella, Nordic, VisionX Dave Winfield
system, including equipment-based and others. Provix provides RFID Email: [email protected]
video for remote operation in proximity detection and radar-based 6436 Highway 89 East
conjunction with cost-effective collision avoidance systems that Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V2
remote controls for any type of increase safety while providing Canada
equipment. Video systems include Phone: 1-705-434-0253
both cabled and wireless systems for Toll Free: 1-888-434-0253
drilling, mucking, hauling, bolting, Email: [email protected]
tramming and loading pocket and
chute operations. Video systems can

Since 1981, the experienced team at CAMESE has supported our members in identifying
business opportunities by providing key marketing intelligence, advice, networking events and a
comprehensive international marketing program. CAMESE amplifies marketing efforts in a number
of ways, including placing member profiles and news on our website and social media pages, and
placing member profiles in our annual Compendium.

26 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Consulting GeologistsAssociations
& Engineers

l C EMi– Centre for Excellence

in Mining Innovation
CEMI – the Centre for Excellence in and manages industry-focused applied integration to facilitate improved
Mining Innovation – is a national research and business-led programs mine performance and commercial
not-for-profit organization that such as the Innovation and Prosperity potential. CEMI is Canada’s leader
directs and coordinates step-change Office (IPO) and Ultra-Deep Mining for mining innovations that have a
innovation in the areas of exploration, Network (UDMN). CEMI global impact.
deep mining, integrated mine recognizes innovation is a four-phase
engineering, underground mine process: research, demonstration, Contact:
construction, and environmental and implementation and Douglas Morrison
other sustainable practices for the commercialization (RD+I&C). After President & CEO
metal mining industry. CEMI practical demonstration, 935 Ramsey Lake Road
engages in cross-sector collaboration implementation leads to operational Willet Green Miller Centre
with Canadian and global mining Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6
companies, universities and colleges, Canada
governments and innovative SMEs Phone: 1-705-673-6568
within the service and supply sector. Fax: 1-705-671-3878
With a seasoned team of program Email: [email protected]
directors, CEMI identifies, assesses

l Ultra-Deep Mining Network (UDMN)

The UDMN is a national business- The objective of the UDMN is to innovative technologies. Through this
led NCE network, managed through help the mining industry develop and network there are four strategic
CEMI and supported by members of adopt commercially viable research themes: rock stress risk reduction;
the mining and oil and gas industries, and development projects that result energy reduction; increased mine
along with the active participation of in the deployment of proven productivity; and improved human
small- to medium-sized enterprises, health and effectiveness.
industry agencies, research facilities
and academia. UDMN aims to Contact:
become the leading organization in Bora Ugurgel
ultra-deep (below 2.5km) research Managing Director
and innovation, and to solve the 935 Ramsey Lake Road
challenges that impact resource Willet Green Miller Centre
extraction in these environments. By Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6
supporting solution providers capable Canada
of creating the industry-needed tools Phone: 1-705-673-6568
and technologies, UDMN will lead Fax: 1-705-671-3878
the way in helping ultra-deep mines Email: [email protected]
operate more effectively and safely.

Other evidence of the industry’s vast economic reach is that

mining accounts for over one-half of all rail-freight revenues of
Canada’s major railways, CN and CP. As well, more than 3,700
suppliers provide expertise to the industry, making significant
MINING FAST FACT indirect economic contributions across Canada.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 27

Consulting Geologists & Engineers

l golder associates ltd.

With an experienced team of over permitting, mining engineering and Contact:
1,700 mining consultants operating stability, resources and economic Catharine Shaw
from over 150 countries, Golder evaluation and closure. Today, Golder Mining Client Program Manager, Canada
Mining is known as a leading global Mining provides clients with a more Mobile: 1-647-242-0964
brand in mining. As a leading provider responsive, more knowledgeable, and 141 Adelaide Street West, Suite 910
of advice and solutions, clients call more efficient business partner. Toronto, Ontario M5H 3L5
on Golder Mining for integrated Canada
engineering and environmental Phone: 1-416-366-6999
specialist services in the areas of Fax: 1-416-366-6777
mine waste management, water Email: [email protected]
management, mine environment and

l Mira Geoscience Ltd.

Since 1999, Mira Geoscience has validated by multiple datasets. Geoscience works with an extensive
supplied the mining industry with Guiding asset teams on working network of mining industry technical
the best tools and solutions to deliver together on a shared interpretation of experts to bring the right team to
better, faster business decisions in geological, geophysical, geochemical your project challenges.
mineral exploration and geotechnical and geotechnical data in order to
hazard assessment with a focus on build an integrated model of a Contact:
3D and 4D modelling and data complete geological framework, Gervais Perron
management solutions. Mira Mira Geoscience believes Director, Business Development
Geoscience provides software and understanding the relationships Email: [email protected]
consulting services for the creation of between geology, geophysical 310 Victoria Avenue, Suite 309
sound 3D geological models using an responses and rock properties is the Westmount, Quebec H3Z 2M9
approach that eliminates ambiguity key to success. With offices in Canada
and decreases uncertainty within 3D Montreal, Vancouver, Sudbury, Phone: 1-514-489-1890
models, supported and cross- Brisbane and Perth, Mira

l Piteau Associates
Piteau Associates offers a engineering. Projects include open-pit Piteau Associates has added value to
comprehensive range of geotechnical, slope design, slope depressurization, more than 200 mining projects from
hydrogeological and environmental mine water management, waste Alaska to Tasmania, and from Chile
consulting services to the mining and dumps, underground openings, plant to China.
resources sectors worldwide. site foundations, landslides and
Established in 1976, Piteau Associates geological hazards, route and site Contact:
provides practical, innovative, cost- selection, roads and pipelines, Mark Hawley
effective and environmentally sedimentation and retention ponds, President
responsible solutions that assist clients acid rock drainage and mine closure 300-788 Copping Street
in meeting their engineering planning. With offices in Vancouver North Vancouver, British Columbia
challenges. Areas of specialized and Kelowna (Canada), Reno (U.S.), V7M 3G6
practice include rock mechanics, soil Santiago (Chile) and Lima (Peru), Canada
mechanics, geotechnical engineering, Phone: 1-604-986-8551
hydrogeology, engineering geology, Fax: 1-604-985-7286
structural geology, photogrammetry, Email: [email protected]
terrain mapping and environmental

28 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Consulting Geologists & Engineers

l s rk consulting (Canada) inc.

SRK Consulting is an independent, many of SRK’s staff members ensures Contact:
international practice providing that advice is not only technically James Siddorn, Ph.D., P.Geo.
focused advice and solutions to the sound but thoroughly practical. President
earth and water resources industries. Among SRK’s clients are many of the Email: [email protected]
SRK offers specialist services to world’s major, medium-sized and 151 Yonge Street, Suite 1300
mining and exploration companies junior metal and industrial mining Toronto, Ontario M5C 2W7
for the entire lifecycle of a mining houses, exploration companies, Canada
project, from exploration through financial institutions, construction Phone: 1-416-601-1445
to mine closure. Formed in 1974, firms and government departments. Fax: 1-416-601-9046
SRK employs more than 1,400 1066 West Hastings Street,
professionals globally in over 45 22nd Floor
permanent offices on six continents. Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3X2
SRK’s specialists are leaders in fields Canada
such as due diligence, feasibility Phone: 1-604-681-4196
studies, mine waste and water Fax: 1-604-687-5532
management, permitting, and mine
closure. The industry background of

Corporate Social Responsibility

l PDAC – e3 Plus: A Framework

for Responsible Exploration
e3 Plus: A Framework for for responsible exploration and e3 Plus is a free online information
Responsible Exploration was includes guidance notes and toolkits resource accessible through the
developed by the Prospectors & with comprehensive information on PDAC website and by visiting the
Developers Association of Canada social responsibility, environmental website below.
(PDAC) to help companies exploring stewardship, community
for minerals improve their social, engagement, and health and safety. Contact:
environmental, and health and safety 135 King Street East
performance. The framework was Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G6
compiled through extensive Canada
consultation with industry Phone: 1-416-362-1969
representatives, NGOs, academia, Fax: 1-416-362-0101
government and communities. e3 Email: [email protected]
Plus is built around eight principles

As Canada’s largest private sector employer of Aboriginal people

on a proportional basis, the industry is in a good position to
increase Aboriginal employment if the right training and skills
programs are developed and maintained. Most Aboriginal
communities are located within 200 kilometres of a producing
MINING FAST FACT mine or an exploration property.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 29

Diesel Engines & Accessories

l Firwin Corp.
and open-pit mining. Input from confined spaces, reduce the danger of
leading mining companies resulted fire when diesel and hydraulic oils
in two products designed to meet spray onto hot piping, and help
the challenges of the industry: ensure optimal catalyst pollution
Minewrap™, a unique, innovative, burn-off. Where you need proven
solution-driven line of removable and superior safety and reliability,
insulation blankets specially choose Firwin.
designed for the rugged environment
and demanding safety standards in Contact:
Firwin Corp. manufactures retrofit mines; and Firwin HC hard-coat Paul Herman
removable and reusable insulation insulation, a permanent, high- President
blankets and permanent insulation temperature insulation ideal for Email: [email protected]
systems for complete exhaust limited space applications where the 1685 Flint Road 
systems, including engine-exhaust ability to remove insulation is not North York, Ontario M3J 2W8
manifolds, turbochargers, piping, required. Minewrap™ and Firwin Canada
silencers or purifiers. Firwin HC protect operators from burns, Toll Free: 1-866-359-0170
products are used in numerous shield fuel lines and cables from Fax: 1-416-745-0782
industries, including underground heat, reduce ambient heat in


l tnr industrial doors

TNR Doors is tough ’n’ ready for outperform and cost less to operate
your challenging environments. A than traditional rolling steel doors.
Canadian-based company specializing Repairs are inexpensive and, when
in the manufacturing of industrial impacted, doors can be operational
and commercial high-performance again in a very short time. TNR uses
doors, TNR’s leading products are a continuous improvement philosophy
high-speed rubber roll-up doors. and employs lean management
High-performance doors are custom techniques to stay on the leading
doors and require a knowledgeable edge of the industry.
workforce and flexible production
planning. TNR’s combined workforce Contact:
provides over 435 years of high- Wayne Carr
performance door industry National Sales Manager
experience, and its success is a result Email: [email protected]
of dedicated people working together 200 Fairview Road
and having fun. TNR’s ability to be Barrie, Ontario L4N 8X8
Tough industrial and flexible and innovative – in both Canada
commercial roll-up doors design and problem solving – is one of Phone: 1-705-522-8880
its key strengths. TNR products are Toll Free: 1-866-792-9968
distributed globally through its dealer Fax: 1-705-735-9564
network, and its roll-up doors

To find out more about CAMESE, the national voice for Canada’s mining technology, equipment and
service exporters – or for additional information about the many benefits of a CAMESE membership
– please contact us via email at [email protected] or visit us online at

30 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Drilling Contract Services

l energold drilling group

Energold Drilling is a global projects, while Energold Jerry Huang
drilling contractor with a large fleet Manufacturing has over 150 years Director, Corporate Development & IR
of conventional and modular frontier of history designing and building Email: [email protected]
mineral rigs servicing the mining multi-purpose and water drilling Christian Maudet
and energy sectors in 25 countries rigs. With industry-leading expertise Regional Manager (South America)
across the Americas, Asia and in exploration from early to Email: [email protected]
Africa. Energold explores in production drilling, and rigorous Marco Garrido
innovative ways, focusing on HSE standards, Energold is the Sales Director (South America)
minimizing environmental footprint drilling contractor of choice to Email: [email protected]
and maximizing social impact by explore and advance your project, 543 Granville Street, Suite 1100
employing locals. An industry-leader no matter where it is in the world. Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1X8
in drilling innovations, Energold has Canada
won awards such as “Environmental Contact: Phone: 1-604-681-9501
Excellence in Exploration” from Greg Girdler Fax: 1-604-681-6813
PDAC and “Exploration – Capital HR and Sales Manager (Asia-Pacific) Email: [email protected]
Equipment” from Mining Magazine. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Energold’s Energy division provides Richard Thomas
oil sands coring, geotechnical Vice President, Operations
drilling, and seismic drilling for the (Africa, Middle East, Europe)
oil and gas sectors and larger Email: [email protected]

l Orbit Garant Drilling Services Inc.

Orbit Garant Drilling Inc. is one of directional drilling and reverse manufacturing specialized surface
Canada’s largest drilling companies, circulation (RC) drilling. It also and underground computerized drill
operating across North America, provides geotechnical drilling services rigs to respond to the particular needs
Nunavut, the Arctic, Chile, South for mining and mineral exploration of its customers’ drilling projects.
America, West Africa and companies, engineering and
Kazakhstan. It provides services to environmental consultants, and Contact:
major, intermediate and junior government agencies. Key to Orbit Sylvain Laroche
mining companies through all stages Garant Drilling’s position as a leader Corporate Manager
of exploration, development and in the global drilling industry is its Email: [email protected]
production. The company operates a in-house capability of designing and 3200 boulevard Jean-Jacques Cossette
fleet of 226 drill rigs with an Val D’Or, Quebec J9P 6Y6
experienced staff of more than 900 Canada
employees skilled in surface and Phone: 1-819-824-2707
underground diamond drilling,

Because the mining industry is vital to daily life, its opportunities,

challenges, investments and needs are inseparable from those
of broader society. Thanks to the industry’s innovation and
investment, Canada has benefited from low-cost mineral and metal
products, good jobs, greater wealth and responsible stewardship of
MINING FAST FACT natural resources.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 31

Drilling Equipment & Supplies

James Hodgins

Point of view from the Jumbo Drills driver seat at Coleman Mine.

l Control Chemical (1989) Corporation

products, including drilling polymers, known for increased core recovery and
foams, tool lubricants, blast-hole reduced downtime. R.D.O. 302 E.S., a
stabilizers, thread compound, rock vegetable oil-based rock-drill lubricant,
drill oil, and non-alcoholic antifreeze is the industry standard for
fluids, are now manufactured in a performance. Control Chemical’s new
modern 50,000-sq.ft. plant. In 2010- training facility, complete with
11, over $800,000 was invested in miniaturized mixing tanks to
plant upgrades to increase production, demonstrate proper mixing methods,
efficiency and commitment to plant is now open.
and employee safety programs.
Control Chemical’s unique expertise Contact:
focuses primarily on the mining Bob Coak
industry for diamond drilling, Production Manager – Lubricants
percussive drilling and blast-hole Email: [email protected]
stabilization (underground and 7016–30 Street SE
Control Chemical (1989) surface). Control Chemical’s simplified Calgary, Alberta T2C 1N9
Corporation has manufactured high- and user-friendly MATEX system is Canada
performance drilling fluid systems and Phone: 1-403-720-7044
proprietary vegetable oil lubricants Toll Free: 1-800-267-6840
under the MATEX brand name for 25 Fax: 1-403-720-4951
years. Starting in a 6,000-sq.ft. facility, Email: [email protected]
Control Chemical’s MATEX

32 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Drilling Equipment & Supplies

l Atlas Copco Exploration Products

Atlas Copco Exploration Products is a world is handled through the network core drills, In-hole tools, Craelius,
company in the Atlas Copco Group, a of Atlas Copco local customer centers Hobic, Excore diamond products and
global industrial company that develops, and independent distributors. Its Swellex rock bolts.
manufactures and markets products and extensive range of products includes
services to a wide range of customers everything from the top of the drill rig Contact:
and end users. Headquartered in North to the tip of the bit, and comprises well- Brenda Hamilton
Bay, Ontario, Atlas Copco Exploration known products such as Christensen Communication Professional
Products specializes in products for the surface core drills, Diamec underground Email: [email protected]
mineral exploration industry. It 125 Ferris Drive
manufactures a complete range of North Bay, Ontario P1B 8Z4
diamond-core drilling equipment and Canada
distributes its products globally. Phone: 1-705-495-8768
Exporting Canadian-made products Fax: 1-705-494-1852
into the major mining areas of the

l Canun International
for the mining, quarrying (granite) emerging technology to develop and
and construction industries. Products strengthen its ability to meet market
include Canun Airleg, Stoper, Sinker needs. Canun International is ISO
and Quarry drills, Canun service 9001:2008 registered.
parts, and the Canun Canpush
Screen Pusher. Canun products are Contact:
manufactured in Canada on modern Peter Cirelli
CNC equipment, which performs all President
milling, turning and drilling Email: [email protected]
operations. Super-precision grinding 2896 Belisle Drive
Pneumatic Rock Drills by Canun provides the high-tolerance finishes Val Caron, Ontario P3N 1B3
and accurate fits that are so critical Canada
Canadian-owned Canun for today’s mining machines. Every Phone: 1-705-897-0400
International of Val Caron part Canun produces is inspected for Toll Free: 1-800-461-6226
(Sudbury), Ontario, designs and consistency and interchangeability. Fax: 1-705-897-3250
manufactures pneumatic rock drills Canun is continually applying new or

l mansour mining technologies inc.

Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. encompass Mansour Mining Contact:
is a market-leading manufacturer of Technologies Inc. After 40 years in the Jean Guy Coulombe
integrated mining supply products, mining industry, Mansour Mining President
including ground support, rock- Technologies Inc. understands that the Email: [email protected]
drilling tools, mine ventilation, and key to success is to develop close 2502 Elm Street
smelter and refinery hardware. working relationships with customers. P.O. Box 640
Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4P8
offers these integral products in order builds these customer relationships Canada
to keep mining operations safe, from the ground down. Phone: 1-705-682-0671
efficient and profitable. Innovation, Fax: 1-705-682-4658
quality and around-the-clock global Email: [email protected]
service represent the core values that

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 33

Drilling Equipment & Supplies

l Dimatec Inc.
Dimatec Inc., since the company’s registered quality management
formation in 1988, has specialized in system that is compliant with the
the manufacturing of impregnated, ISO 9001:2008 standard and the
surface-set, TSP-set and PDC-set ISO/TS 29001:2010 specification.
core bits as well as other related Dimatec’s quality objective, through
metal-bond “down the hole” tools continuous improvement and
primarily used by the mineral product development, is to maintain
exploration and geotechnical survey its position as the recognized
industries. Dimatec uses only the standard of quality, value and
highest quality raw materials and service.
state-of-the-art processing
technology to manufacture its Contact:
products, which have been designed Pat Chamberlin
for use in all drilling conditions. Technical Sales & Marketing
Dimatec’s objective is to meet and 180 Cree Crescent
exceed its customers’ requirements Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W1
for high performance in-hole Canada
drilling equipment. This objective is Phone: 1-204-832-2828
achieved through an experienced Toll Free: 1-866-202-5875
workforce and an ongoing Fax: 1-204-832-4268
commitment to R&D. Dimatec has Email: [email protected]
implemented and maintains a

l N ational compressed air

National Compressed Air (NCA) mounted PTO compressors for carriers, mud pump systems,
maintains four Canadian existing drill rigs, two-stage oil underground and exploration drill
manufacturing facilities in flooded screw packages to 500 PSIG, rigs, hammers and bits.
Mississauga, London, Sudbury and and booster compressors to 5,000
Edmonton, as well as a network of PSIG. Extensive experience with the Contact:
distributors throughout the world. mining and exploration sectors gives Derek Keddie
NCA manufactures screw and NCA a unique understanding of the President
reciprocating compressor packages for design necessary to meet rigorous Email: [email protected]
exploration, mining and stationary applications. NCA manufacturing 6890 Davand Drive 
applications, including diesel, electric, procedures permit design changes to Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1J5
gasoline or hydraulic drive packages meet specific operating conditions Canada
for numerous applications. Specialized such as high or low ambient Phone: 1-905-897-9800
compressor configurations include temperatures, high elevation, and Fax: 1-905-897-9900
man-portable systems, helicopter and dimensional and weight restrictions. Email: [email protected]
aircraft portable systems, deck- Additional products include track

Corporate members of the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export
(CAMESE) are located across the country and supply the entire mining industry spectrum – from
mineral exploration, mine development and refining to reclamation and closure – locally and globally.

34 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Drilling Equipment & Supplies

l Multi-Power Products Ltd.

Multi-Power Products Ltd. is provides integrated solutions
Canada’s most versatile tailored to your most demanding
manufacturer of turnkey drill rig specifications. With its
systems, components and ancillary commitment to continually
equipment, with a present product improving its products to meet its
offering that ranges from heli- customers’ ever-changing needs,
portable Pioneer auger and Multi-Power explores the latest
Discovery core drills to its large technologies and incorporates
Explorer reverse-circulation track them in equipment that delivers
systems. Water supply pumps, foot enhanced performance, efficiency
clamps and chucks, heli-portable and safety.
air/booster compressors, cyclones
and drill heads are just some of the Also see Country Interests
items on its ancillary equipment section for Worldwide.
list. While primarily catering to
the mineral exploration market, Contact:
Multi-Power has expanded its Thomas Ulm
product range to service the Sales & Marketing Manager
geotechnical, geothermal, 975 Crowley Avenue 
geophysical and seismic industries Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9R6
worldwide. Aided by sophisticated Canada
3D engineering software and Phone: 1-250-860-6969
computer simulation, Multi- Fax: 1-250-860-3340
Power’s experienced team of Email: [email protected]
project managers and engineers

l PHQ Global
PHQ Global has been providing drilling. Diamond coring drills include Contact:
pneumatic drill carriers and a wide JKS Winkie and Packsack gasoline- Alan Marsden
range of handheld, drifter and powered portable surface drills and President
diamond-coring drills to mining and JKS Bazooka, VEG and VAG Email: [email protected]
exploration since 1985. Quality- pneumatic-powered underground Robert Lee
certified to ISO 9001:2008, PHQ drills. PHQ also supplies column bars, International Sales Manager
assembles all machines in Canada. column clamps, mine jacks, lifting and Email: [email protected]
Handheld drills include JOY60, lowering tools, high-pressure water Jon Valera
PHQ250 and PHQ230 jacklegs, pumps, mufflers, bits, rods and IT Manager
stopers, sinkers, and pusher-feed legs, accessories for diamond drills. In Email: [email protected]
as well as JOY67 mounted quarry addition, PHQ supplies anti-vibration C2-1175 Appleby Line
drills, screen pushers and football-type control handles reducing transmission Burlington, Ontario L7L 5H9
lubricators. Long Tom drill jumbos of harmful vibration from jackleg drills Canada
and PHQ3000LHH drill carriers by 60 percent. Phone: 1-905-332-3271
mounting long-hole setups include Fax: 1-905-332-9497
PHQ36-IR and PHQBBC120 drifter
drills, screw feeds, centralizers, remote
controls and lubricators for blast-hole

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 35

Drilling Equipment & Supplies

l H ayden Diamond Bit

Industries Ltd.
Hayden Diamond Bit Industries products and to test new matrices/ diamond-coring bits to fit your
Ltd. is a young and dynamic company innovative designs through continued specifications within industry
founded in 2001. Hayden designs commitment to R&D. Quality standards for worldwide mining
diamond-impregnated drill and control, outstanding customer service exploration.
coring bits for the mining industry. and dedicated delivery assures
The combined expertise in designing, Hayden’s clients receive consistent Contact:
engineering and manufacturing places products, on time, where needed. Baljit Johal
Hayden at the forefront of drill bit With clients in Asia, Australia, Sales & Marketing Manager
technology. Using state-of-the-art North America, South America and Email: [email protected]
furnace techniques and experts in South Africa, Hayden is capable of 12020 No. 5 Road
powder metallurgy enables Hayden to designing and manufacturing Richmond, British Columbia V7A 4G1
manufacture a broad range of Canada
matrices to achieve the best possible Phone: 1-604-341-6941
bonds for everyday drilling demands. Fax: 1-604-271-6944
Hayden strives to improve its

Education & Training

l Northern Strands Co. Ltd.

company that offers high-quality,
economical and comprehensive solutions.
A dominant supplier for wire rope,
attachments, equipment and the associated
rigging, Northern Strands promises
consistent customer support, exceptional
product knowledge, and superior technical
support, capitalizing on the strength of its
position in the mining and industrial sector
and using its past achievements as a
benchmark for the future.

Garry Clarke
Tyson Vogel
Technical Sales Manager, Mining Division
Box 7799
Northern Strands was established in 1970 as a wire rope supplier to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 4R5
the mining industry and has grown to include the following Canada
divisions: Mining (Mine Hoisting Solutions), General Rigging, Phone: 1-306-242-7073
Engineered Fall Protection Systems, Suspended Access, and Toll Free: 1-800-242-7073
Training. Since its inception, the company has provided leadership Fax: 1-306-934-2920
and experience to diversified projects internationally, striving to Email: [email protected]
continually uphold its reputation and longstanding track record as a

36 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Electric Power Equipment

James Hodgins

Overseeing Totten Mines operations with its state of the art control room.

l Mine Cable Services Corporation

Cable Vulcanizing Systems include consist of cable reelers, stands, safety
portable, hydraulic and oven repair locks, crossover systems and strain
equipment with the use of Teflon- relief clamps. With facilities in
coated cable molds or pressure Canada and a network of distributors
cooking tapes to produce flexible and in Latin America, Europe and
waterproof cable repairs. MCS also Australia, MCS provides cable
provides a complete line of cable connections, repair and handling
Mine Cable Services Corporation repair materials, including Neoprene, solutions to clients worldwide.
(MCS) designs and manufactures Hypalon and TPU jacketing material.
medium voltage cable connection Cable handling and safety equipment Contact:
systems, repair equipment and 7731–16th Street NW
handling systems, offering a full • Cable Connection Systems Edmonton, Alberta T6P 1M1
range of cable couplers, including • Cable Repair Equipment, Canada
5kV, 8kV, 15kV and 25kV, compatible Materials and Training Phone: 1-780-439-1113
with all couplers of NA design. MCS • Cable Reelers Toll Free: 1-800-663-2889
junction boxes and cable posi-clamp • Cable Handling and (U.S. & Canada)
systems have been designed to meet Safety Equipment Fax: 1-780-439-4443
the rigors of minesite environments, • Mining Cable, 2kV-25kV Email: [email protected]
including dust and moisture. MCS’

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 37

Electric Power Equipment

l A rkbro Industries
Arkbro Industries is a manufacturer performance, technical and safety Also see Country Interests section
and supplier of mining equipment for features of its raise climbers and man for Asia-Pacific, Latin America and
applications in raise mining, to raise lifts surpass all existing machines in the Caribbean, Middle East and
everything from horizontal drifts and the market. North Africa, North America, and
tunnels to inclined and vertical shafts. Sub-Saharan Africa.
Arkbro’s proprietary products are
Raise Climbers ABI-5E and ABI- Contact:
5EE. An electric-drive raise climber Mohammed Alwazani
offers the advantage of faster traveling Email: [email protected]
speeds. Arkbro Industries has 889 Pantera Drive, Unit 1
designed and manufactured the Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2R9
necessary equipment for new mining Canada
methods and believes the endurance, Phone: 1-905-602-9291
Fax: 1-905-602-9296

l Littelfuse Startco
Littelfuse Startco is a leading manufactures its products, which are rugged products that can stand the
manufacturer of custom-engineered subject to rigorous inspection where test of time.
electrical equipment, portable power each wire is checked and all units
centres, E-Houses, and other modules must pass before delivery to the Contact:
for protection and control. With over customer. Customers benefit from Tyler Klassen
100 years of combined engineering having a dedicated engineering project Sales Engineering Manager,
and manufacturing expertise, the manager for their needs, ensuring the Custom Products
company provides both aboveground highest quality is maintained. The Email: [email protected]
and underground equipment for company utilizes lean processes and 3714 Kinnear Place
mining, oil and gas, utilities, and just-in-time manufacturing, resulting Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7P 0A6
infrastructure industries. Now with in 100% on-time delivery to the Canada
two manufacturing locations in customer. Backed by global resources; Phone: 1-306-373-5505
Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Saskatoon, Littelfuse Startco has built a Fax: 1-306-374-2245
Saskatchewan, Littelfuse Startco reputation for high-quality, extremely

l Staticon Ltd.
Since 1964, Staticon Ltd. has to 120 cells (240 VDC) and 1,500 International Underwriting
designed and manufactured fail-safe AH. The quick-charge 48-cell LT Association and Canadian Standards
regulated battery chargers and float Opportunity Chargers are rated up to Association standards.
charge rectifiers that meet the critical 40A/100AH and can save you
and harsh applications of the mining installation, interwiring, floor space, Contact:
industry. Staticon has more than and battery-operating and Don Newman
70,000 advanced, durable and field- maintenance costs. Other products Mobile: 1-416-318-7810
serviceable motive battery chargers in include a full range of float charge 390 Tapscott Road, Unit 5
service, charging all brands of rectifiers; DC traction rectifiers for Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2Y9
batteries with fail-safe IUa, IUI, trolleys, cranes and elevators; AC line Canada
IUoU regulation. The heavy-duty voltage regulator-conditioners; and Phone: 1-416-291-3723
Auto 2001 Mine Vehicle Charger “no break” AC UPS, online standby Fax: 1-416-291-3871
featuring drip-proof, low-profile and parallel redundant. All products Email: [email protected]
construction is available in ratings up are made in Canada and meet

38 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Electric Power Equipment

l A rrow Speed Controls

Arrow Speed Controls is the leading Its integration, service and product meet your needs, from a simple fan
variable frequency drive (VFD) offerings, along with its multi-million application to a coordinated
integrator in North America. Since its dollar inventory, are designed to underground conveyor system with
inception in 1980, Arrow has support customer needs from initial multiple drives networked together.
developed over 22,000 solutions for its startup to long-term support. Let
customers, specializing in heavy Arrow’s staff engineers, with more Contact:
industries with an emphasis on mining, than 100 years of speed control John Oldham
forestry, pulp and paper, automotive experience, design a complete system to President
and petrochemical. Arrow’s mining Email: [email protected]
customers rely on its knowledge to help 13851 Bridgeport Road
design and build solutions for Richmond, British Columbia V6V 1J6
applications such as mine hoists, mine Canada
ventilation, ore conveyors, pump Phone: 1-604-321-4033
applications, and centrifuges. Working Fax: 1-604-321-9415
with supplier partners, Arrow can offer Email: [email protected]
solutions up to 7.2kV and 30,000HP.

l D LL Inc.
DLL is a specialist in the design and the latest standards of manufacturing helping you with projects and
manufacture of electronic, methods to provide continued support challenges that may arise. Let
electromechanical and mechanical for custom products and those no DLL become and remain part of
parts such as contactors, relays, longer supported in market. For DLL, your success.
switches, voltage regulators, panels, this is a pledge of continuous
electrical cabinets and more. All parts improvement every day. DLL is Contact:
are manufactured by DLL and are committed to supporting your needs, Michel Mailloux
consistent with the OEM standards. Technical Director
With an emphasis on customer service, Email: [email protected]
DLL’s innovative efforts allow it to 370 St-Louis
continue offering quality products at a St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec J3B 1Y4
competitive price and lead time. To Canada
meet clients’ ever changing needs, DLL Phone: 1-450-346-7044
manufactures obsolete and newly Fax: 1-450-346-0643
engineered replacement parts, utilizing

l Unit Electrical Engineering Ltd.

Unit Electrical Engineering Ltd. value-added solutions you need – with provide simplified equipment
(UEE) is a leading solutions provider everything you require and nothing procurement for your complete
in the design and manufacture of you don’t. UEE’s products include electrical mining solutions.
electrical power, distribution and substations, E-Houses, trailing cable
control equipment. UEE maintains a couplers, laboratories, and pit Contact:
design and manufacturing team of over dewatering feeders. UEE also offers a Ryan Gates
100 skilled engineers, technologists, full range of services, including power Industrial Sales Manager
technicians and trades personnel to analysis, protection studies, and onsite Email: [email protected]
meet the exacting demands of mining testing and commissioning. Depending 1406 Maple Street
clients, supplying fully engineered and on code and customer requirements, Okanagan Falls, British Columbia V0H 1R2
customized electrical systems to mines UEE products are designed for CSA Canada
worldwide. Because its team has certification and used in classified Phone: 1-604-468-5574
engineering, manufacturing and field areas. You can count on UEE’s Fax: 1-604-944-1127
service specialists, UEE provides the international sales representatives to

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 39


l EDC Mining Ltd.

EDC Mining Ltd. (Engineering, which revolutionizes the mining of Contact:
Design and Construction) provides applicable ore bodies, and mechanized Mike Arriagada
cutting-edge engineering and support narrow vein Alimak mining. Further Vice President, Mechanical Engineering
services for mines around the globe. to mine engineering, EDC can Email: [email protected]
Specializing in shaft sinking and provide the experienced supervision 174 Spruce Street
utilizing the latest software, EDC required to ensure your projects unfold Aurora, Ontario L4G 3P3
provides complete engineering services as planned, with safety always being Canada
for whatever your needs may require. the highest priority. EDC has the Phone: 1-905-727-2489
Beyond current techniques and team and the experience required to Fax: 1-416-203-1254
methods, EDC is also heavily involved provide the engineering you need,
in the development of two entirely new while ensuring your project is
mining methods: double post mining, completed on time and on budget.

 rogesys Inc.
100 facilities in more than 25 projects. Progesys helps clients
countries, Progesys ensures worldwide get it right from the start.
operability in terms of performance,
reliability, safety and information Contact:
traceability, starting plants on time Rami Faour
Progesys is a world leader in the and within budget, maximizing Director, Business Development
commissioning of industrial plants, client return. Commissioning Email: [email protected]
project management and specialized experts plan and execute the 4020 le Corbusier, Suite 201
engineering services, with six offices transition and ramp-up phase with Laval, Quebec
worldwide. Progesys provides an proven methodologies, tools and H7L 5R2 Canada
array of services to the mining and experienced resources, resulting in a Phone: 1-450-667-7646
metals, oil and gas, aluminum and structured handover of systems to Fax: 1-450-988-1170
energy industries, and has a proven operations. Project management
track record of success in leading and experts oversee owner projects as an
managing all aspects of industrial extension of staff or act on behalf of
projects. Having commissioned over owners to monitor and execute

To better understand the transportation and related costs required

to overcome Canada’s vast geography, MAC undertook a study that
compared the costs of operating in a remote and northern region to
a comparable mine in a centrally located area. The study determined
that for base and precious metals, the premium associated with
developing and operating a remote and northern mine ranges from 2
to 2.5 times the cost compared to that of a similar mine in a southern
region. In addition, MAC found that 70% of this cost increase is
directly related to infrastructure investment.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

40 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Environmental Equipment
& Services

 anada North Environmental
Services (CanNorth)
Canada North Environmental defensible environmental study company to obtain ISO 9001,
Services (CanNorth) provides a full design and state-of-the-art ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001
range of environmental, risk technology for analyses, evaluation certifications.
assessment and heritage services. and problem-solving, emphasizing
100% owned by the Lac La Ronge local Indigenous participation. Contact:
Indian Band, Saskatchewan’s largest CanNorth also provides specialty Peter Vanriel, M.Sc., P.Biol.
band, CanNorth provides high- services to establish communication General Manager
quality, cost-effective services with a and relationship building between Email: [email protected]
focus on mining developments. Indigenous people, the mining sector HEAD OFFICE:
Clients include some of the largest and government. COR certified and 211 Wheeler Street
Canadian and international mining registered with ISNetworld, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7P 0A4
companies. Since 1981, CanNorth CanNorth is the world’s only Canada
has completed over 2,000 projects, Indigenous-owned consulting Phone: 1-306-652-4432
offering technical skills and Fax: 1-306-652-4431
knowledge to deliver environmental 345 Renfrew Drive, Suite 101
risk management solutions that Markham, Ontario L3R 9S9
benefit clients, satisfy regulatory Canada
requirements, and support local Phone: 1-905-604-7400
communities through employment, Toll Free: 1-844-700-4432
training and other economic benefits. Fax: 1-905-604-7405
Projects are undertaken using

l Saskatchewan Research Council

Saskatchewan Research Council analytical services offered through environmentally and economically
(SRC) works with industry clients to advanced equipment and techniques sustainable way. Pipe Flow
develop smart mining solutions for such as microprobe, XRF and XRD Technology Centre™ is equipped to
uranium, gold, potash, diamonds, analysis. Development Engineering enable full-scale physical modeling of
rare earths and base metal mining. assists mining clients in the design, the complex pipe flow behavior of
SRC provides a wide range of development and integration of slurries and crude oil mixtures.
services supporting the full cycle of electronic and electro-mechanical
mining operations: exploration, mining systems and instrumentation. Contact:
mine development, mine operation, Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Damian Rohraff
processing, waste management, Testing Services helps clients improve Sales Lead, Mining & Minerals
decommissioning and site processing productivity in an Email: [email protected]
reclamation. Geoanalytical 15 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 125
Laboratories has been providing Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 2X8
high-quality analysis to the Canada
exploration and mining industry Phone: 1-306-933-5467
since 1972. Advanced Microanalysis Fax: 1-306-933-7446
Centre™ adds to the suite of

Beyond contributions to governments, the average annual pay for

a mining worker in 2014 exceeded $100,000, which surpassed the
average annual earnings of workers in forestry, manufacturing,
finance and construction by a range of $21,000 to $33,000.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 41

Associations Equipment & Services

 ypher Environmental Ltd.
Cypher Environmental supplies emissions, mine water consumption methods. Overall, these technologies
significant cost-saving solutions for has been reduced by as much as 85% offer unique solutions to access and
better management of access and haul and costs reduced accordingly due to haul road management that help
road networks, in the form of 100% less fuel burn to maintain these roads. reduce operational costs.
environmentally friendly dust control EarthZyme can be utilized to
and soil stabilization solutions. The incorporate the use of marginal Contact:
products, Dust Stop and EarthZyme, engineering inputs to enable the Todd Burns
are applicable using standard construction of roads at a fraction of President
equipment found at any mine site, and the cost of traditional road building 1149 St. Matthews Avenue, 2nd Floor
can be used to improve and build Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0J8
existing and new road infrastructure. Canada
Both solutions offer lower lifecycle Phone: 1-204-489-1214
costing than traditional methods. For Fax: 1-204-489-7372
example, where Dust Stop has been Email: [email protected]
applied to roads to reduce dust

 Industries Ltd.
SEI Industries Ltd. provides turnkey and uses Arctic-Shield material while solution to fit your liquid logistics and
fuel, water and chemical systems for its berms meet the CAN/ULC-S668- environmental product needs.
remote sites. SEI is a world leader in 12 secondary containment
the manufacturing of collapsible fuel certification. SEI’s facility in Delta, Also see Country Interests section
tank bladders, secondary containment British Columbia, is certified to ISO for Worldwide.
for spill prevention, and fuel 9001, 14001 and 18001 and serves
transferring systems. It offers a trio of corporate, military and government Contact:
Arctic, Desert and Jungle King tanks customers worldwide. Consult with Paul Reichard
designed for harsh climates anywhere one of SEI’s highly experienced Divisional Manager
in the world, fuel modules such as its product specialists for a custom 7400 Wilson Avenue
GO-Station that transfers bulk fuels Delta, British Columbia V4G 1H3
and provides vehicle refueling, and a Canada
range of other products for hazardous Phone: 1-604-946-3131
materials management. SEI’s Arctic Fax: 1-604-940-9566
King tank meets the new CAN/CSA- Email: [email protected]
B837 national standard for bladders

l SO
Solmax is positioned among the top contamination in applications as Contact:
leaders in the manufacturing of PE critical as the landfills of the world’s Jean-Louis Vangeluwe
geomembranes and offers both most populated cities to the mines President
containment and fluid transportation operating in environmentally fragile Email: [email protected]
solutions, including HDPE pipes, ecosystems. Its vision: Covering the 2801 boulevard Marie-Victorin
valves, fittings and accessories. world. Protecting the Earth. Varennes, Quebec J3X 1P7
Manufactured in Canada, Malaysia Canada
and Chile, its products are sold Phone: 1-450-929-1234
worldwide and are used by the biggest Toll Free: 1-800-571-3904
names in the mining, petroleum, (North America)
waste management, water and civil Fax: 1-450-929-1277
engineering sectors. Solmax products
are vital in protecting soils from

42 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Equipment Maintenance
& Repair

l aciers lague wear parts

Aciers Lague Wear Parts is one of quality of every plate or pipe shipped Contact:
Canada’s premier hard facing and wear to it clients, and its products are made Andre Strebel
parts suppliers. In its plant in Howick, to be used in very harsh environments. President
Quebec, Aciers Lague Wear Parts Chromium carbide overlay plates are Email: [email protected]
manufactures a wide range of wear- widely used by some of the world’s 499 boulevard Guimond
resistant plates, pipes, elbows and largest mining companies, on conveyor Longueuil, Quebec J4G 1L8
custom parts – and the properties of liners, chutes, truck bed liners, dozer Canada
products can be custom engineered to blade liners and shovel bucket liners, Phone: 1-450-679-0037
provide extended service life at high for example. When the lifecycle is Fax: 1-450-679-1590
temperatures, high impact or high complete, Aciers Lague Wear Parts
erosion. The Aciers Lague Wear Parts also offers repair and refurbishing
laboratory conducts hardness, erosion service maximizing the payback of
and microscopic testing to ensure the your investments.

l Global Inspections-NDT Inc.

inventory time and quantity must be helping you make informed decisions.
kept low. To manage these assets, This standardizes cleaning and use of
many sites employ condition-based this non-destructive testing approach
monitoring techniques requiring for large girth gear and pinion
periodic inspection and assessment. inspections, delivering consistency,
With the introduction of ASTM efficiency and standardization – a
E2905, an improved cleaning and service valued worldwide.
tooth inspection method is available
that quickly detects and accurately Contact:
maps surface breaking indications and Tom Shumka
cracks on gear teeth. When combined President
with AGMA 6014 recommendations, Email: [email protected]
Girth gear asset management is a you get a complete snapshot of the Vancouver, British Columbia
difficult but critical task. Mill and kiln girth gear system’s condition that Canada
shutdowns are costly and girth gearing enables gear engineers to refine girth Phone: 1-250-762-5525
lead times are long. Large girth gears gear risk assessments and add clarity to Fax: 1-604-648-8645
and pinions are expensive so spare asset management recommendations –

l Valley Blades Limited

Valley Blades Limited, ISO replacement wearing edges and has Contact:
9001:2008 certified, manufactures built a strong dealer network that Randy Sauer
replacement wearing edges for earth supplies competitively priced, quality Sales Manager
and snow removal equipment, products and reliable service backed Email: [email protected]
including bulldozers, road graders, by an extensive inventory. Valley 435 Phillip Street
loaders, scrapers, excavators and Blades Limited manufactures Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z9
snowplows. These wearing edges replacement wearing edges for Canada
are manufactured using computer- Caterpillar, Komatsu, Deere, Case, Phone: 1-519-885-5500
assisted technology to rigid Terex, Volvo and more, and has Toll Free: 1-800-461-1824
specifications that meet or exceed manufacturing facilities located in Fax: 1-519-746-2780
those set by the original equipment Waterloo, Ontario, and Edmonton, Email: [email protected]
manufacturer. Since it began in the Alberta, to serve the mining industry
early 1960s, Valley Blades Limited nationwide and customers around
has grown into a world supplier of the world.

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 43

Equipment Maintenance & Repair

l JKC Equipment, Parts & Services Inc.

JKC offers tire repair materials, also offers customized training and Also see Country Interests section
equipment, tools and technical ongoing support to meet the needs of for Latin America and the
assistance to the truck and OTR tire each client. Its technical staff is Caribbean, North America and
repair industry. The repair techniques qualified, with experience in the Sub-Saharan Africa.
JKC offers, as well as the material industry, and Spanish-speaking staff
(TAP RAP system), provide the understands the needs of Latin Contact:
industry with viable alternatives, not American clients. Most importantly, Alfredo Chin
only in the repair of tires, but also in JKC takes pride in its excellent service President
the reduction of operating costs. JKC and customer support. 186-8120 No. 2 Road, Suite 258
provides truck and OTR Richmond, British Columbia V7C 5J8
vulcanization systems and other Canada
equipment such as air compressors Phone: 1-604-370-0552
installed under hood, wheel dollies, Skype: jkcequipment
hydraulic jacks, and a wide range of Email: [email protected]
high-quality workshop tools. JKC

l Normac Adhesive Products Inc.

sprayable polyureas, room rubber/urethane and rubber/urethane
temperature castable polyurethanes, to steel requirements. Coupled with a
grouts/putties and adhesive/primers. strong commitment to engineered
More than 25 years of continuous solutions and service, Normac can
research and development has provide that little extra to ensure
enabled Normac to develop and complete customer satisfaction.
manufacture unique products that
have proven themselves worldwide to Contact:
not only exhibit outstanding wear George MacGregor
and tear qualities and longevity, but President
to also be user friendly and safe to Email: [email protected]
work with. The company 1350 Heine Court
manufactures its own primer/ Burlington, Ontario L7L 6M4
adhesive systems for bonding all of Canada
Normac Adhesive Products Inc. is a its products to a wide variety of Phone: 1-905-332-6455
Canadian manufacturer of abrasion- substrates. Normac is also well Fax: 1-905-332-6880
and corrosion-resistant coatings known for its 900R and 600R room Email: [email protected]
based on sprayable polyurethanes, temperature curing adhesives for

Over the past decade, Newfoundland and Labrador,

Saskatchewan and British Columbia have seen their respective
shares of Canada’s mineral production value grow most
significantly. For example, the national share of Newfoundland
and Labrador, an important nickel and iron ore producer, has
risen fourfold over that time period.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

44 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017


EDC can help you get the financing you need.

Trying to grow your international sales but running into a cash crunch? Export Development Canada
(EDC) can help address 10 common cashflow challenges by providing your financial institution with up
to $10 million in total guarantees. This can give your financial institution the confidence to give you the
financing you need to manage work-in-progress costs, buy equipment, open an office outside of Canada
and more.

Learn more at

Finance Consultants & Services

l Ex
 port Development Canada
Export Development Canada East) and AngloAmerican (Africa). Contact:
(EDC) is Canada’s official export EDC can provide insurance coverage Tomas Cabanillas
credit agency, offering innovative to ensure you get paid; offer financing Email: [email protected]
solutions to help Canadian exporters to your buyers; protect your 150 Slater Street
and investors expand their investments against political risks; Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H6
international business. EDC has and work with your bank to provide Canada
participated in international mining you with additional cash flow. If you Phone: 1-613-598-3188
projects worth more than $7 billion would like to learn more, please visit Toll Free: 1-800-850-9626
over the past five years. EDC’s the website. Fax: 1-613-598-3834
country expertise and knowledge of Email: [email protected]
political and commercial risks has
enabled it to be a major player in
complex mining transactions such as
CODELCO (Chile), EGA (Middle

Fuel Transportation & Storage Equipment

 Industries Ltd.
SEI Industries Ltd. provides turnkey material while its berms meet the for a custom solution to fit your
fuel, water and chemical systems for CAN/ULC-S668-12 secondary liquid logistics and environmental
remote sites. SEI is a world leader in containment certification. SEI’s product needs.
the manufacturing of collapsible fuel facility in Delta, British Columbia, is
tank bladders, secondary containment certified to ISO 9001, 14001 and Also see Country Interests section
for spill prevention, and fuel 18001 and serves corporate, military for Worldwide.
transferring systems. It offers a trio of and government customers
Arctic, Desert and Jungle King tanks worldwide. Consult with one of SEI’s Contact:
designed for harsh climates anywhere highly experienced product specialists Paul Reichard
in the world, fuel modules such as its Divisional Manager
GO-Station that transfers bulk fuels 7400 Wilson Avenue
and provides vehicle refueling, and a Delta, British Columbia V4G 1H3
range of other products for hazardous Canada
materials management. SEI’s Arctic Phone: 1-604-946-3131
King tank meets the new CAN/ Fax: 1-604-940-9566
CSA-B837 national standard for Email: [email protected]
bladders and uses Arctic-Shield

Each year, Canadian governments receive considerable taxes and

royalties as a result of mining activity. Specifically, these payments
come from the first three stages of activity – extraction, smelting
and processing.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

46 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Geophysical Instrumentation

 rone Geophysics & Exploration Ltd.
Crone Geophysics & Exploration Crone was the first to provide three- now used routinely for deep surface and
Ltd. designs and manufactures component TDEM measurements borehole exploration and in sensor
geophysical equipment, including the down boreholes. During the 1990s, a arrays with full-waveform recording.
Pulse EM (or PEM) system – the step-response data transformation was Flexibility and state-of-the-art
leading time-domain electromagnetic introduced, using unique features of technology make Pulse EM the
(TDEM) system for surface and Crone’s PEM system. Soon after, ultimate TDEM system.
borehole mineral exploration. Crone SQUID and fluxgate magnetometers
also provides contract surveys and were first used with Pulse EM and are Contact:
consulting (see Geophysical Surveys Bill Ravenhurst
section). Since 1962, Crone has Email: [email protected]
pioneered instrument design and 2135 Meadowpine Boulevard
method development. Crone developed Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6L5
the first commercial TDEM system in Canada
the 1970s and continued to lead the Phone: 1-905-814-0100
industry with deep borehole logging Fax: 1-905-814-8617
and fully digital receivers. In 1991,

 em systems inc.
GEM Systems is a world leader in changes in earth declination and calibration. Systems are turnkey,
high-precision magnetometers for inclination, and the Super reliable and available with various
mineral and oil exploration, Gradiometer for measuring very options and configurations and a
environmental, UXO applications subtle gradient field changes. UAV 3-year warranty.
and earthquake research. GEM solutions include the ultra-
Systems pioneered the most precise lightweight potassium high-precision Contact:
potassium magnetometer and the UAV mag and lightweight Airbird Mike Wilson
high-speed Overhauser. Ground towed system for magnetometer Technical Specialist
systems include magnetometers and surveys from drones and a fixed Email: [email protected]
gradiometers available in walking wing gradiometer UAV. GEM also Shawn Kovacs
mode and featuring integrated GPS manufactures a stabilized magnetic Sales
and optional VLF EM for shallow field system for experimentation and Email: [email protected]
resistivity mapping. Airborne 135 Spy Court
systems include magnetometer and Markham, Ontario L3R 5H6
VLF sensors and towed bird systems Canada
for single sensor and gradiometer Phone: 1-905-752-2202
applications. Earth monitoring Fax: 1-905-752-2205
systems include the dIdD vector Email: [email protected]
magnetometer for measuring precise

According to the Mining Industry Human Resources Council

(MiHR), the Canadian mining industry will require 106,000 new
workers over the next decade. This deficit is compounded by the
approaching retirement of the industry’s skilled core of workers. By
2025, MiHR forecasts that more than 51,000 employees will retire
MINING FAST FACT from the sector.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 47

Associations Instrumentation

l Instrumentation GDD Inc.

Since 1976, Instrumentation GDD record conductivity and magnetic software-enhancing survey results
Inc. has manufactured, sold, rented susceptibility of drill cores, rock are also available.
and developed innovative and samples and outcrops. The Beep
dependable geophysical instruments Mat, with GPS, samples grounds Contact:
for exploration and mining. For to detect and localize sulphides, Pierre Gaucher, P.Eng., MBA
induced polarization or resistivity gossans or floats to 3m below the President
surveys, use the 32-channel IP surface. The SSW-EM Probe logs Email: [email protected]
Receiver, the GRx8mini and any blast holes outlining ore limits before 860 boulevard de la Chaudière,
of its 1,800W-3,600W-5,000W selectively loading explosives. The Suite 200
(15A)/2,400V IP Transmitters NordicEM24, a 24-bit/8-channel Quebec, Quebec G1X 4B7
(up to 10,000W/4,800V). The EM Receiver, tested successfully Canada
innovative Sample Core IP Tester with SQUIDs and coils, now comes Phone: 1-418-877-4249
(SCIP) measures full-wave electrical with the EM-IP Tx Controller, Toll Free: 1-877-977-4249
properties (IP/resistivity) of core allowing GPS synchronization for Fax: 1-418-877-4054
samples. The handheld MPP probe IP surveys and recording real-time Email: [email protected]
and new MPP3wifi instantaneously current. EM and IP post-process

l phoenix geophysics ltd.

Since 1975, Phoenix Geophysics has meters, at cost no greater than for frequency-domain transmitter, the
provided instrumentation and services shallow investigations. The Phoenix TXU-30, is a reliable, stable, high-
to clients in more than 75 countries line of transmitters provides users power-output EM solution, delivering
and has carried out surveys for many with flexible current-source solutions up to 40 amperes in loops of square-
of the world’s largest mining and a range of power outputs. kilometer area. It is a proven success
companies. Phoenix specializes in Phoenix’s time-domain and in Canada and other countries.
broadband magnetotellurics (MT/
AMT/BMT) and other Contact:
electromagnetic techniques, which Leo Fox
identify subsurface anomalies that can President
signal the presence of metals and 3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
diamond-bearing kimberlites. High- Toronto, Ontario M1W 3K5
sensitivity phase IP was instrumental Canada
in mapping anomalies associated with Phone: 1-416-491-7340
the Hemlo gold ore body in the Fax: 1-416-491-7378
1980s. Recent Phoenix surveys Email: [email protected]
detected ore bodies deeper than 1,000

The five main monetary aspects of the Canadian mining

industry – reserves, prices, financing, exploration and capital
investment – are by nature interrelated. Global prices influence
company confidence and, therefore, exploration and capital
investment. Companies need suitable financing to back their
exploration and investment programs. Government investments
MINING FAST FACT in geological mapping are closely linked to mineral exploration
and, therefore, to reserve levels.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

48 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Geophysical Instrumentation

 erraplus Inc.
One of the world’s largest suppliers of conductivity meters, seismographs); help you select the appropriate
geophysical instruments, Terraplus geotechnical applications (borehole instrumentation for your needs. Its
offers a vast selection of reliable logging equipment, including acoustic experience and vast selection also allow
products for a wide spectrum of and optical televiewers, full wave sonic, you to reduce shipping and training
applications, including mining conductivity probes); oil and gas costs by consolidating purchases with
exploration (magnetometers, gamma exploration (MT, seismic systems for one experienced source: Terraplus.
and infrared spectrometers, induced surface, marine and borehole
polarization, magnetic susceptibility/ applications (VSP systems, gyros)); Contact:
conductivity meters, borehole logging and geothermal, UXO, archeology, Claude Meunier
equipment, HLEM and TDEM utility locating and concrete President
systems); water exploration (resistivity investigations. Terraplus’ 25 years of 52 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 12
meters, HLEM, TDEM, CSAMT, experience qualifies the company to Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1L9
and borehole logging equipment); Canada
environmental and engineering Phone: 1-905-764-5505
investigations (gradiometers, ground Fax: 1-905-764-8093
penetrating radar (GPR), electric Email: [email protected]
resistivity tomography (ERT),

Geophysical Surveys & Consulting

 rone Geophysics & Exploration Ltd.
Crone Geophysics & Exploration in the exploration for base metals,
Ltd. provides worldwide geophysical gold, uranium, diamonds and other
surveys and manufactures Pulse EM minerals can therefore be realized with
equipment – the leading time-domain Crone’s leading-edge geophysical
electromagnetic (TDEM) system for instrumentation and services.
surface and borehole mineral
exploration (see Geophysical Contact:
Instrumentation section). With a staff Bill Ravenhurst
of experienced operators, geophysicists President
and manufacturing personnel, Crone Email: [email protected]
delivers top-quality survey design, data Brad Malpage
collection, processing and General Manager
interpretation with an unmatched level Email: [email protected]
of support from the people who built 2135 Meadowpine Boulevard
the equipment. Crone’s crews are Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6L5
trained extensively to safely and Canada
efficiently collect high-quality data Phone: 1-905-814-0100
under difficult conditions, anywhere Fax: 1-905-814-8617
in the world. Since 1962, Crone has
had a proud record of detecting and
pinpointing conductors at great
distances from boreholes or from
surface, and new tools such as SQUID
and fluxgate sensors, sensor arrays, and
higher power have added to that
success story. Significant cost savings

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 49

Associations Surveys & Consulting

l Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Sander Geophysics Ltd. (SGL) procedure, and provides clients with International Airborne Geophysics
provides worldwide airborne rapid results for evaluation while a Safety Association (IAGSA), and has
geophysical surveys for petroleum and survey is in progress. Sander developed and implemented a safety
mineral exploration, and geological Geophysics also offers a full range of management system (SMS) and
and environmental mapping. Founded data enhancement programs and comprehensive health, safety and
in 1956, SGL’s services include high- integrated interpretation services by environment (HSE) policies that
resolution airborne gravity, magnetic, experienced geoscientists. SGL is a govern all aspects of company
electromagnetic, radiometric and founding and active member of the operations.
methane sensing surveys, using fixed-
wing aircraft and helicopters. Sander Contact:
Geophysics offers gravity surveys Malcolm Argyle
with AIRGrav, which was designed 260 Hunt Club Road
specifically for the unique Ottawa, Ontario K1V 1C1
characteristics of the airborne Canada
environment and is the highest Phone: 1-613-521-9626
resolution gravimeter available. Fax: 1-613-521-0215
Immediate data processing is part Email: [email protected]
of SGL’s standard quality control

Ground Control Equipment & Services

l ConMICO Inc.
ConMICO Inc. of Concord, Ontario, repairs, forming water curtains, Contact:
with more than 52 years of experience, backfilling, roof bolting and grouting Stephen J. Miko
has expertise that lies in the of cracks in tunnels and mine shafts. President
application of utilizing high-pressure For pump systems, ConMICO 140 Bradwick Drive, Unit 11
water systems for mining applications manufactures high-speed colloidal Concord, Ontario L4K 1K8
with pressures up to 50,000 psi and up mixers, double-drum mixers and Canada
to 1,200 hp. Applications for jet- agitators, as well as long-lasting, well- Phone: 1-905-660-7262
boring and hydro-fracturing of hard designed packers, valves and certified Fax: 1-905-660-1843
rock are very successful. As a result, high-pressure fittings. Wet and dry Email: [email protected]
ConMICO can engineer a solution to shot-crete systems and dependable
fit many needs. Other products include concrete pumps are also available.
durable, lightweight grouting and
cement-injection plants for use in soil Ground support systems
consolidation, grout jetting to 10,000
psi, pile formation, tunnel forming and
you can build on.

The mining industry’s economic impact goes far beyond its

direct contribution to GDP. For instance, mining accounts for
approximately half of Canada’s rail-freight revenues and tonnage
annually, typically exceeding $6 billion in expenditure.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

50 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Ground Control Equipment
& Services

l mansour mining technologies inc.

Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. encompass Mansour Mining Contact:
is a market-leading manufacturer of Technologies Inc. After 40 years in the Jean Guy Coulombe
integrated mining supply products, mining industry, Mansour Mining President
including ground support, rock- Technologies Inc. understands that the Email: [email protected]
drilling tools, mine ventilation, and key to success is to develop close 2502 Elm Street
smelter and refinery hardware. working relationships with customers. P.O. Box 640
Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4P8
offers these integral products in order builds these customer relationships Canada
to keep mining operations safe, from the ground down. Phone: 1-705-682-0671
efficient and profitable. Innovation, Fax: 1-705-682-4658
quality and around-the-clock global Email: [email protected]
service represent the core values that

Grouting Equipment & Services

l Multiurethanes
Multiurethanes’ grouting the application of specific grouting literature, call or email using the
professionals offer unique technologies involving chemical and details shown here. Also visit the
engineering services to troubleshoot cement grouts, specialized websites for details and for a
challenging water inflow projects in equipment and accessories as showcase of mine grouting projects,
underground mines. Typical required to overcome difficult respectively.
problems resolved by Multiurethanes’ underground mining conditions.
hands-on engineers include large- Multiurethanes’ grouting Contact:
volume, high-pressure water inflows professionals deliver onsite training Customer Service
and construction through broken and and instruction of grouting 5245 Creekbank Road
water-bearing ground conditions. fundamentals to provide your crew Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1N3
Recent examples of projects with water control capabilities. For a Canada
successfully completed using summary of grouting services Phone: 1-905-564-7650
Multiurethanes’ products, equipment routinely provided to mining clients, Toll Free: 1-800-663-6633
and engineering services include or to obtain further information or Fax: 1-905-564-7998
shaft-sinking and mine-development
projects in Canada, Mexico and the
U.S. Multiurethanes’ expertise is in mining/

When it comes to payments to governments, noteworthy, from

a payment disclosure standpoint, is the Canadian government’s
resource revenue transparency legislation, which came into force
in July 2015. The practical effect of the new law means that
companies will disclose the payments they make to governments
MINING FAST FACT that exceed a $100,000 threshold, creating greater transparency
over the taxes, royalties and other forms of disbursement that
companies pay.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 51

Health & Safety

l northern light technologies inc.

Founded in 1984, Northern Light operations, trust the experts at NLT Included in the lineup are the
Technologies (NLT) designs and who excel at the turnkey design, award-winning cordless Polaris and
manufactures the world’s most manufacturing, deployment and the tag-enabled Genesis. Improve the
innovative underground networking support of scalable communication way your mine sees, communicates,
solutions and mining cap lamps. Its technologies. Northern Light® cap collaborates and operates. Contact
offerings are geared towards making lamps are designed for maximum NLT for details.
mines and other operations more light output, reliability and comfort,
efficient, safe and profitable. NLT’s while providing secondary power Contact:
Digital Mine® 5.0 software is the hub options for RFID and WiFi tags. 33 Laird Drive
of a more connected mine. Connected Toronto, Ontario M4G 3S8
solutions include personnel and asset Canada
tracking, voice/text communication, Phone: 1-416-425-6559
video and security, environmental Fax Toll Free: 1-888-425-6555
monitoring, and automation. When Email: [email protected]
networking your underground

l STC Footwear Inc.

and safety committees, STC has CHEMTECH with an ankle lock

developed mining boots that are and fusion construction, STC
best-of-class in all aspects of safety – Footwear has the boots you need
from ankle support to slip resistance to protect your miners.
and increased durability over the
lifecycle of the product. Within its Contact:
offering, STC has developed several Alain Croteau
exceptional boots for the mining President
industry. Its patented METATECH® Email: [email protected]
internal MetGuard system is 10100 rue Colbert
believed to be, by far, the best Anjou, Quebec H1J 2J8
STC Footwear is a manufacturer internal MetGuard in the Canada
and developer of technical industry- marketplace. From leather and nylon Phone: 1-514-355-0026
specific safety footwear. Having boots with GORE-TEX® and Fax: 1-514-355-6289
worked for many years with mining Vibram soles to its newest material

Mineral and metal prices are affected daily by global economic

events. Prices for mined products are driven largely by the strength
and performance of major economies. China, in particular, buys
approximately 45% of the world’s base metals, up from just 5%
in the 1980s. Additionally, as a means of controlling exports of
key commodities, China stockpiles iron ore, aluminum, copper,
MINING FAST FACT nickel, tin, zinc and oil when prices are low, making it difficult for
analysts to forecast prices for minerals.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

52 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Hoisting Equipment &Associations

l Hepburn Engineering Inc.

Hepburn Engineering Inc. (HEI) representatives supported by an
designs and supplies complete mine effective service organization and
hoisting systems for applications from remote access Hepburn Hoist Care.
shaft sinking up to the largest HEI owns the mine hoist technology
production requirements: single drum, of Canadian Ingersoll Rand (CIR),
double drum, Blair, friction (Koepe) Westinghouse Canada, F.H.& B. and
hoisting plants with integrated Ottumwa, and provides OEM parts
electrical controls, digital drives, safety and service worldwide.
monitors, PLC-based operating
systems and the powerful Hepburn Also see Country Interests section
Hoist Manager software. Hepburn Hepburn 160” Dia. Double Drum for Asia-Pacific, Latin America
Hoist Reporter software provides web- Production Hoist and the Caribbean, North
accessible, real-time hoist status and America, Sub-Saharan Africa
production reporting. HEI engineers and Worldwide.
provide efficient, functional designs
and fully integrated hoisting solutions Contact:
with single-source responsibility. HEI John Hepburn
supplies stage winches, sheaves, President
automated weighing systems and new 73 Six Point Road
braking systems, retrofit digital Toronto, Ontario M8Z 2X3
controls, engineering, hoist rebuilding Canada
and field services for existing hoists. Phone: 1-416-638-4425
Hepburn 192” Modified Blair Service
HEI has an extensive installed hoist Hoist during factory assembly.
Fax: 1-416-638-2070
population and strong international When installed, the hoist will be used to lift Email: [email protected]
presence maintained through local the world’s largest personnel cage.

l Rotesco Inc.
Rotesco Inc. manufactures the The loss of metallic cross-section, Also see Country Interests section
Magnetester, a dual-functioning, combined with the extent and nature for Latin America and the
electromagnetic, steel-wire rope- of the local fault trace, can be used to Caribbean, and North America.
testing instrument. The Magnetester help determine when a rope has
simultaneously indicates local faults reached the end of its safe working Contact:
(deterioration) in the form of broken life and should be removed. It can Rodney Pryde
wires, corrosion pitting, external also be used to estimate the loss of 150 Milner Avenue, Unit 25
wear, inter-strand wear and nicking, breaking strength of a rope. Rotesco Scarborough, Ontario M1S 3R3
and rope distortion, while also has been offering steel-wire rope- Canada
measuring loss of metallic cross- testing services for more than 30 years Phone: 1-416-291-9821
sectional area caused by corrosion, and has one of the most extensive Fax: 1-416-291-4343
broken wires, wear and local faults. testing services in the world. Email: [email protected]

The mining industry, even in a significant downturn, contributes

greatly to Canada’s economic strength. The industry employs more
than 375,000 workers across the country in mineral extraction,
smelting, fabrication and manufacturing.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 53

Hoisting Equipment & Accessories

l Northern Strands Co. Ltd.

company that offers high-quality, economical

and comprehensive solutions. A dominant
supplier for wire rope, attachments,
equipment and the associated rigging,
Northern Strands promises consistent
customer support, exceptional product
knowledge, and superior technical support,
capitalizing on the strength of its position in
the mining and industrial sector and using
its past achievements as a benchmark for
the future.

Garry Clarke
Tyson Vogel
Technical Sales Manager, Mining Division
Box 7799
Northern Strands was established in 1970 as a wire rope supplier to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 4R5
the mining industry and has grown to include the following Canada
divisions: Mining (Mine Hoisting Solutions), General Rigging, Phone: 1-306-242-7073
Engineered Fall Protection Systems, Suspended Access, and Toll Free: 1-800-242-7073
Training. Since its inception, the company has provided leadership Fax: 1-306-934-2920
and experience to diversified projects internationally, striving to Email: [email protected]
continually uphold its reputation and longstanding track record as a

Hydraulic Components & Accessories

l Checkfluid Inc.
Checkfluid is a leading supplier of drive system plugs (LEM) collect and wheel or track for draining or level
precision oil sampling valves, oil monitor ferrous debris with built in checking. Moisture sensors (MTL)
condition monitoring devices and venting. Service drive position can provide early warning for water in
technical support – for both fleet and indicators (DPI) wirelessly signal a stationary gearboxes. Checkfluid is
process mining equipment in over 50 spotter to help keep the space around ISO 9001:2008 registered.
countries worldwide. Centralized live the vehicle safe while positioning the
sampling centers (SC) combine Contact:
sampling from different mobile Sales
systems into one safe ground-level 4070 Eastgate Crescent
access manifold and box. Drive system London, Ontario N6L 1B2
plugs (LE) let you sample and level Canada
check without opening the system to Phone: 1-519-652-6373
inside built-up pressure or outside Fax: 1-519-652-0392
contamination with an optional (EL) Email: [email protected]
oil level check sensor probe. Magnetic

54 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Information & Marketing Services

l InfoMine
InfoMine is your online mining and Delivering multilingual information Contact:
mineral exploration community, via a suite of focused websites to more Christina Bowman
providing information on worldwide than 1 million unique visitors every Subscriptions
activities and a means to interact with month, InfoMine is also a great place Email: [email protected]
your colleagues via a suite of media to get your message out. Put your 580 Hornby Street, Suite 900
sites. Get all the project facts, find out product, service or investment Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6
in which companies to invest, find opportunity in front of InfoMine’s Canada
that perfect job, hire staff, contract a worldwide mining and mineral Phone: 1-604-683-2037
supplier, hire a consultant, buy exploration audience. Fax: 1-604-681-4166
equipment, expand your knowledge, Email: [email protected]
take courses, evaluate mine costs,
download technical papers, attend
events ... it’s all on InfoMine.

l Signature Group of Companies

As you consider a starting point to understand and, therefore, extraordinary. Connect with
enhance your brand image, understandable to buy. Signature Signature Group when the time
marketing and tradeshow program, Group created VIBE (visually is right. There is much to do.
Signature Group provides an all- inspiring brand engineering): a
inclusive creative solution to enhance well-planned creative and strategic Contact:
the perception of who you are, and to process that transforms your brand Tom Hewlett
better communicate what you do. image, marketing and tradeshow President
Over time your company has grown, program from ordinary to Email: [email protected]
but your image may have lagged 598 Falconbridge Road, Unit 15
behind. The objective here is to Sudbury, Ontario P3A 5K6
refresh your corporate image, and Canada
simplify your marketing message. Toll Free: 1-877-688-1989
This will make your solutions easy to


l L ubri-Lab Inc.
Lubri-Lab Inc. continually improves products encapsulate contaminates, amount of equipment downtime due to
the technology for producing lubricants preventing them from wearing out replacing prematurely worn parts.
to provide solutions that overcome bearings, pins, bushings, and other
complex maintenance problems with moving parts. They also separate water, Contact:
mining machinery and equipment not allowing it to come in contact with Suzanne Viger
while reducing operating costs. Lubri- internal metals causing rust and Vice President
Lab has a highly trained and educated corrosion. Lubri-Lab products extend Email: [email protected]
staff to assist you in making sure the the life of the parts and reduce the Claude Sauvageau
lubrication products and procedures Vice President, U.S. Sales
you use are best for your specific Phone: 1-813-469-1410
application. Lubri-Lab has developed Email: [email protected]
its lubricant products to not only meet 1540 de Coulomb
the needs of the harsh conditions the Boucherville, Quebec J4B 8A3
industry experiences such as dry Canada
deserts, humid tropics and the cold Phone: 1-450-449-1626
north on equipment and moving parts, Fax: 1-450-449-9174
but to exceed them. Lubri-Lab

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 55

Management Consulting Services

l ED
 C Mining Ltd.
EDC Mining Ltd. (Engineering, which revolutionizes the mining of Contact:
Design and Construction) provides applicable ore bodies, and mechanized Mike Arriagada
cutting-edge engineering and support narrow vein Alimak mining. Further Vice President, Mechanical Engineering
services for mines around the globe. to mine engineering, EDC can Email: [email protected]
Specializing in shaft sinking and provide the experienced supervision 174 Spruce Street
utilizing the latest software, EDC required to ensure your projects unfold Aurora, Ontario L4G 3P3
provides complete engineering services as planned, with safety always being Canada
for whatever your needs may require. the highest priority. EDC has the Phone: 1-905-727-2489
Beyond current techniques and team and the experience required to Fax: 1-416-203-1254
methods, EDC is also heavily involved provide the engineering you need,
in the development of two entirely new while ensuring your project is
mining methods: double post mining, completed on time and on budget.

l GeoResources Risk Solutions Inc.

GeoResources Risk Solutions is a cultures and ensure organizations most cost-efficient manner; ensure
Canadian-based organization with benefit from risk management as a risk profiles are properly managed for
global reach providing expert, core element of decision making; the benefit of the organization; and
independent and unbiased risk identify, evaluate and measure impartially assess, design and
management program support to enterprise-wide risks to facilitate implement effective and cost-efficient
enterprises of all sizes and operations. achievement of business objectives; risk-financing programs as part of the
GeoResources adds value to assess, develop, employ and monitor overall management of enterprise risk.
companies by using its wealth of practical risk treatment measures that
international mining industry-related can effectively manage risks in the Contact:
experience and knowledge to help Joseph MacDonald
organizations do the following: design Email: [email protected]
and execute dynamic risk management Phone: 1-289-337-8386
programs that foster risk-aware

 idout & Maybee LLP
Ridout & Maybee LLP was and technology. Ridout & Maybee and capitalize on your IP assets,
recognized by Canadian Lawyer as a LLP has assisted many CAMESE contact Ridout & Maybee LLP today.
top 10 intellectual property boutique. member firms in obtaining patent
The firm helps companies protect and and IP protection for their core Contact:
capitalize on their technologies, technologies, both domestically and Benjamin Mak
innovations and brands. Its team has internationally. Its goal is to ease the Partner, Patent Lawyer
serviced many existing Canadian IP challenges that may arise in foreign Email: [email protected]
companies in the mining sector to regions such as South America, the 250 University Avenue, 5th Floor
protect their valuable intellectual assets Middle East and Asia. If you are Toronto, Ontario M5H 3E5
and understands how to align your IP wondering how you can best protect Canada
assets with your goals to expand to the Phone: 1-416-865-3502
international market, along with Fax: 1-416-362-0823
export of your equipment, expertise

As an advocate for the mining supplier community to the federal governmental departments and
provincial governments, the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export
(CAMESE) ensures policies best serve the needs of our members as they conduct and grow their
business in Canada and around the world.

56 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mapping Services

l Effigis Geo-Solutions Inc.

For 25 years, Effigis Geo-Solutions Using state-of-the-art technologies costs. Benefits include lower financial
Inc. has been designing, developing that combine digital-image analysis, risks, faster ore-deposit discovery and
and implementing geospatial solutions DEM generation, data fusion and data support in your SD commitments.
and providing consulting services that modeling, Effigis’ services include
harness the power of geotechnologies, alteration mapping, structural Contact:
including stereoscopic satellite mapping, mineral potential assessment Michel Rheault
imagery, GPS, geographic information and environmental monitoring. By Vice President, Business
systems and location-based services. targeting the most favorable areas for Development in Earth Observation
Effigis’ group of geoscientists offers a exploration and supporting EIA Mining, Oil & Gas Sector
unique counter for mining solutions related to mine-site operations, Effigis Email: [email protected]
ranging from grassroots exploration to helps reduce your field investigation 4101 Molson Street, Suite 400
mine-site exploitation. Effigis assists Montreal, Quebec H1Y 3L1
you in getting maximum benefits from Canada
all available sources of satellite imagery Phone: 1-514-495-6500
and geoscience data for your area of Fax: 1-514-495-4191
interest, regardless of its location.

Mine Maintenance, Repair & Operation Tools or Supplies

l IVAC Industrial Vacuum Systems Ltd.

pocket, and take-up tower cleanups. pneumatic conveying units offer
Units are capable of handling the most unique solutions for your cleanup
difficult of materials, wet or dry, and requirements. The PV500 is IVAC’s
feature a unique delivery system as deluxe sand, sump, rock, slurry and
well as a powerful vacuum. Powered water handling industrial vacuum
by compressed air, IVAC units easily system. For further information on
move products such as gravel, sand, this and all IVAC products, visit the
rock, slimes and sludge to any desired website listed below.
location. Useable as fixed or portable
vacuum systems, the units are able to Contact:
transfer material short distances or Bob Zerebeski
kilometers to remote locations through General Manager
a pipeline. IVAC’s industrial vacuum/ Email: [email protected]
IVAC Industrial Vacuum Systems 35-111 Chartrand Avenue
Ltd. heavy-duty industrial vacuum Logan Lake, British Columbia V0K 1W0
units are known as being the most Canada
reliable and safest in the industry and Phone: 1-888-502-2468
are great for sumps, ditches, conveyor Fax: 1-888-502-2468
gallery, crusher station, loading

As of August 2015, 30 countries were safely operating 389 nuclear

power reactors, while 14 countries were constructing an additional
67 new nuclear plants, many in China. Some analysts have
suggested that 260 new reactors could be built worldwide by 2030.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 57

Mine Site Construction

l AIL mining
portals, vertical shafts and structural drawings, advising on specifications,
tunnel liner, bridges and drainage and supervising installations. Save
structures. Custom, value- time and money on mine site
engineered solutions from AIL infrastructure. Talk to the mine
MINING have been supporting infrastructure experts at AIL.
many of the world’s most successful They’re big on mining.
mine sites for more than 40 years. By
design, solutions ship and install Contact:
easily, making AIL MINING’s Don Michaluk
systems ideal for remote locations. Director of Mining
To ensure your project’s success, AIL Email: [email protected]
MINING’s in-house engineering Dave Worsley
teams will work with you through Manager, International Sales
the entire project cycle – providing Email: [email protected]
AIL MINING is a world leader in engineering support, interpreting 32 York Street
efficient mine infrastructure P.O. Box 6161
solutions in structural plate and Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 1G6
MSE wall systems for heavy-haul Canada
road and rail arches, MSE crusher Phone: 1-289-775-8958
walls and retaining walls, stockpile,
conveyor and escape tunnels and

l Armtec Limited Partnership

Armtec is a leading manufacturer and vertical shafts; and geotextiles for
distributor of steel and high-density environmental protection, slope
polyethylene construction products for reinforcement and soil stabilization.
the mining, infrastructure, natural Since 1908, Armtec has offered the
resource and municipal markets in industry innovative products, as
Canada and around the world. Many relevant today as 100 years ago.
facilities are ISO 9001:2000 certified,
which, together with its range of Contact:
products, allows Armtec’s experienced Douglas Leitch, P. Eng.
and technically trained salesforce and Manager, International Sales
engineering department to provide Email: [email protected]
customers with cost-effective, efficient 370 Speedvale Avenue West
solutions to meet their project needs. P.O. Box 3000
Armtec engineered solutions and Guelph, Ontario N1H 6P2
products are designed for the Canada
specialized needs of today’s mines, Phone: 1-226-314-1253
including site development, material Fax: 1-519-822-3267
handling and mining operations.
Products include corrugated HDPE
pipe for mine dewatering, heap leach
collection and drainage; corrugated
steel haul road bridges; mine portals;
culverts; stockpile, reclaim and
conveyor tunnels; liner plates for soft
ground, drift protection, raise bore and

58 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mineral Processing – Pumps, Pipes & Valves

l Technosub
Technosub understands these needs. industry. In addition to offering
Over the past 30 years, more than effective mining pumps and
70% of all mining companies in dewatering solutions, Technosub
Canada have put their trust in provides the fastest repair service and
Technosub because they know they equipment delivery in the industry.
can rely on its expertise to cope with
the challenges that arise from Contact:
dewatering. It’s how Technosub has Guy Lefebvre
made its name, by providing reliable National Sales Manager, Mining and
engineering dewatering solutions and Industrial
turnkey projects to the mines. As the Email: [email protected]
sole Canadian distributor for the 1156 avenue Lariviere
famous Tsurumi submersible pumps, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec J9X 4K8
Technosub: There are many pump Technosub manufactures Technojet Canada
companies, but very few understand high-pressure multistage pumps and Phone: 1-819-797-3300
the mining industry and the many VT-SS vertical turbine pumps along Toll Free: 1-866-797-3300
challenges mines are facing when it with its complete selection of pumps Fax: 1-819-797-3060
comes to pumping applications. specifically made for the mining

Tradeshow Calendar 2017

The best way to reach the world at large is to attend international mining exhibitions with CAMESE –
or let us represent you while we are there. Connect with key mining developers and procurement chain
partners as you explore new opportunities to export your products, services and solutions around the
world. Contact us for details.


Vancouver, Canada Toronto, Canada Antofagasta, Chile Belo Horizonte, Brazil
January 23-26 March 5-8 May 15-19 September 18-21


PRIOR TO MINING Saskatoon, Canada Perth, Australia September 18-22
INDABA April 4-5 May 22-24
February 1-3 Montreal, Canada Medellin, Colombia DE MINERIA
April 30-May 3 July 5-6 Guadalajara, Mexico
MINING INDABA October 23-28
Cape Town, South Africa ARMINERA AIMEX
February 6-9 Buenos Aires, Argentina Sydney, Australia CAMESE ANNUAL
May 9-11 August 29-31 PROCUREMENT
Colorado, U.S.A. Toronto, Canada
February 19-22 November Dates TBC

NOTE: Event dates are subject to change.

Visit and click on the tradeshows link for the most up-to-date list.

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 59

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

James Hodgins

Overlooking Goldcorp’s Dome Mill Complex in Northern Ontario.

 FX Mixing &
Pumping Technologies
AFX Mixing & Pumping process results through the agitation reputation for high-quality products
Technologies is a recognized leader system. In addition, AFX’s extensive resulting in high customer satisfaction
in industries including mining, paint range of peristaltic hose pumps is well and repeat business.
and pigments, fertilizer, chemical, suited to highly abrasive, high solids
waste and water treatment, and many slurry and sludge applications, as well Contact:
more. AFX has over 30 years’ as metering and dosing applications. Shaune McKinon
experience in the engineering and AFX manufactures one of the largest General Manager
manufacture of mixers and peristaltic hose pumps in the world, the Email: [email protected]
hose pumps. Global operations AFX150. AFX is proud of its Vanessa McKinon
include facilities in Canada, South Administration Manager
Africa and the U.K. All process Email: [email protected]
designs include FEA and 3D 13782-232a Street
drawings, with manufacture to ISO Maple Ridge, British Columbia V4R 0C2
9001. Ensuring drive units are suitable Canada
for application power requirements, Phone: 1-604-380-4458
impellers and shafts are specially Fax: 1-604-380-0810
designed to accomplish the desired

60 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

l Boundary
 Equipment Co. Ltd.
Boundary Equipment Co. Ltd. is the onsite product support. Customers to OEM parts has made the company
world’s premier aftermarket supplier of turn to Boundary engineers for a preferred supplier to major mines
castings for mining, material handling innovative solutions and design and smelters worldwide.
and smelting. Boundary supplies modifications that extend product
undercarriage for mining shovels and life and provide cost-effective Contact:
drills, apron feeder pans, ladles, and performance. International Service & Alex Tutschek
other standard and custom-designed Supply (ISS) is a division of Boundary President
castings. Manufactured to the highest that expands on the product offering 10740 181 Street NW
quality, Boundary replacement parts to mining customers. ISS specializes Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1K8
are fully compatible with P&H, CAT, in mine safety products and solutions Canada
BE, O&K, Hitachi and Komatsu for equipment maintenance efficiency Phone: 1-780-483-3133
OEM parts. The company’s challenges. Established in 1980, Fax: 1-780-484-1299
competitive strengths include Boundary’s dedication to providing Email: [email protected]
extensive engineering capability and customers with a superior alternative

l Bradken Mill Liners

Bradken’s Mineral Processing capabilities in the mineral processing optimization studies, including
Division is a market leader in the and quarrying markets include mill discrete element modeling (DEM) and
design, manufacture and supply of liners and fasteners for SAG/AG 3D scanning. Bradken’s international
differentiated high-quality mill and mills, ball mills and rod mills; liners network of sales and service centers
crusher products and services for for gyratory, cone and jaw crushers; provides top-quality products, service
mining and quarrying. Bradken engineered spare parts for mills and and technical support.
focuses on providing innovative, cost- crushers; chute liners and apron-feeder
effective, complete wear-liner solutions pans; vertical mill liners; wear Contact:
for mills and crushers, designed to monitoring and reporting; and liner Gabe Larose
increase performance and reduce Sales & Marketing Manager
operating costs in grinding and Email: [email protected]
crushing operations. Bradken 90 Richmond Street East, Suite 400
maintains an extensive regional-based Toronto, Ontario M5C 1P1
sales and product development Canada
workforce across North America, Phone: 1-416-975-8251
South America, Australia, Southeast Fax: 1-416-975-8253
Asia, Africa and Europe. Bradken’s

l fournier industries inc.

Fournier Industries Inc. was founded drawing, project management, Contact:
in 1960 to serve the mining industry manufacturing, logistics and field Gaston Tanguay
and continues to maintain its installation. The latest versions of Director, Sales and
leadership. Its experienced team of Autocad, Autocad 3D, Solid Works, Business Development
engineers, draughtsmen, project HPM Cad, ADA (Advanced Design Phone: 1-418-332-0913
managers, automation and control America) and Inventor Pro are used Email: [email protected]
technicians, and pneumatic and to better meet its customers’ 3787 boulevard Frontenac Ouest
hydraulic technicians, combined with specifications. Thetford Mines, Quebec G6H 2B5
skilled workers, allows Fournier Canada
Industries to successfully execute Phone: 1-418-423-4241
turnkey projects from conception to Fax: 1-418-423-7366
startup through detailed engineering,

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 61

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

l Canadian Wear Technologies

white iron materials that outperform making it easy for you to source
chrome carbide overlays by a replacement materials.
minimum factor of five – a composite
of wear-resistant, high-alloy, high- Also see Country Interests section
carbide cast white iron 700+ BHN for Europe. Latin America and the
(64 Rc) metallurgically bonded to a Caribbean, and North America.
mild steel backer plate providing weld
ability and impact resistance. The Contact:
Abreco Wear System™ significantly Keith Holbrook
increases production uptime in President
primary crushing circuits in hard- Email: [email protected]
rock mining. AbrecoPipe® is the Bill Lee
world’s first and only centrifugally Vice President
cast, bimetallic, seamless piping for Email: [email protected]
severe abrasion and erosion that can Nathaniel Elder
be formed into long radius elbows. Product Engineer
Services include onsite technical Email: [email protected]
evaluations, custom and co-design, 675 Brook Road North
Canadian Wear Technologies is complete fabrication, full CAD Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4J8
“your chrome white iron specialist,” service and a global distribution Canada
providing wear solutions for oils sands network with inventory replenishment Phone: 1-905-373-9327
and hard-rock mining since 1985. programs. Canadian Wear Fax: 1-905-373-4172
Canadian Wear Technologies Technologies: Helping you reduce Email: [email protected]
manufactures Abreco®, laminated operating costs related to wear and

l Westpro Machinery Inc.

Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Suriname,
Turkey and the U.S. Please contact Westpro
today. Your process technology partner. Por
favor contacte a Westpro, su aliado en
tecnología de procesos.

John Atkinson
3317 30th Avenue, Suite 202
Vernon, British Columbia V1T 2C9
Westpro Machinery wants to be your process technology partner. Canada
With more than 30 years of experience in the mining, aggregate and Phone: 1-250-549-6710
wastewater industries, Westpro’s multidisciplinary engineering team Fax: 1-250-549-6735
can provide you with the optimal process system or machinery for Mississauga, Ontario
your application. From crushing systems, grinding mills, flotation Canada
machines, agglomerators, lime slaking systems and flocculant dosing Phone: 1-905-795-8577
systems to thickeners, Westpro can be your partner for the lifecycle Fax: 1-905-795-1677
of the machinery. Globally focused, Westpro has installations in over Email: [email protected]
20 countries such as Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Guyana, Indonesia,

62 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

 eath & Sherwood
Phillip A. Cancilla
Mobile: 1-905-302-6684
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 340
Kirkland Lake, Ontario P2N 3J2
Phone: 1-905-275-2906
Fax: 1-905-275-3357

The Gaspé Puncher

Heath & Sherwood has been a supplier of quality

products to the mining industry since 1927. The
company is known for close contact with customers
and prides itself on client service that adapts the
product line to specific customer needs. Heath &
Sherwood supplies a complete line of standard and custom-designed
samplers used for feeding process control analyzers, metallurgical
accounting and inventory control requirements. A variety of samplers for
pipes (gravity or pressurized flow), high-flow launders, conveyors, chutes
and bulk containers is available. When following good sampling, profits
are protected within the process. Also in the product line is smelter
equipment, including the Gaspé Puncher, Gaspé, Tuyère Automation
Systems, Tuyère Silencers, Tuyère Pyrometers and Tuyère Line
Refractory Drills. Used in most copper and nickel smelters, Heath &
Sherwood’s smelting equipment helps customers maximize their smelter
process with quick payback. Headquartered in Kirkland Lake, Ontario,
with technical support in Mississauga, Ontario.

 Automation Canada Ltd.
IMP Automation challenges laboratory efficiency. A world leader in extraction; particle size measurement
conventional sample processing its field, IMP has a portfolio of patents solutions; inline online analysis; and
techniques to engineer ground- and operations in South Africa, iron ore automation projects.
breaking and innovative automated Australia, Canada, the U.S.,
sampling, sample preparation and Mongolia, Chile and Brazil, with over Contact:
analysis solutions. Using cutting-edge 250 employees globally. State-of-the- Brad McBain
technology, the best equipment art equipment for the mining industry General Manager – North America
available in the world, and customer includes wet and dry sampling Email: [email protected]
collaboration, IMP consistently components; automated bulk and 4361 Harvester Road, Unit 12
delivers products and systems that slurry sampling to analysis; complete Burlington, Ontario L6L 5M4
improve health and safety for turnkey sample stations; conventional, Canada
laboratory personnel, improve precision IR and microwave drying; a range of Phone: 1-905-829-2800
and accuracy of results, and improve splitters and dividers; dust and fume Fax: 1-905-829-5211

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 63

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

 ayward Gordon ULC
Hayward Gordon ULC, in its over combined with leading-edge CFD and conventional conditioning. To
60 years of successful mixer capability and its in-house mixing lab discover how you can extract wealth
installations, has established a for slurry sample testing, ensure your using Hayward Gordon expertise,
reputation for supplying reliable and process and mechanical expectations visit the company’s website.
robust mixing equipment. Hayward of its equipment are exceeded.
Gordon has been actively involved in Examples of successful agitator Contact:
the selection, design and manufacture installations include gold leach (CIL), John Pascual
of mixers for the mining and mineral cyanide destruction, solvent Product Manager, Mixers
process industry. During this time, extraction, autoclave agitators Email: [email protected]
Hayward Gordon has developed an (oxidation/reduction/leach), pipeline 5 Brigden Gate
expertise and installation portfolio storage, bio-leach, attrition scrubbers Halton Hills, Ontario L7G 0A3
second to none as it has moved to the Canada
forefront, serving many of the largest Phone: 1-905-693-8595
and most innovative projects in the Fax: 1-905-693-1452
world. Hayward Gordon’s experience Email: [email protected]
and expertise in mixing technology,

 abrithane Industrial Products Inc.
Some of the parts manufactured manufacturing, Fabrithane can
and relined by Fabrithane include custom manufacture urethane parts
pump and flotation parts such as to suit all customers’ needs.
Denver, Flyght, Galigher,
Outokumpu, SRL and Wemco; Contact:
jumbo drill parts like centralizer Jean-Guy Perreault
bushings, stinger pads, slide rails, President
wear pads, hose reels, etc.; and 6 - 10th Avenue North
conveyor parts that include belt P.O. Box 68
scrapers, skirting, guide rollers, Earlton, Ontario P0J 1E0
For more than 50 years, Fabrithane cable belt wheels, pulleys, idler Canada
Industrial Products Inc. has wheels, chute liners, cyclone parts, Phone: 1-705-563-2223
manufactured cast-urethane wear head liners, cover plates, vortex Fax: 1-705-563-8201
parts for the mining, construction, finders and apex liners. With Email: [email protected]
forestry, pulp and paper industries. in-house design, tooling and mould

l Montreal Tractor Inc.

Montreal Tractor Inc. is celebrating crushers, RD Olson Mfg, Eagle, Contact:
its 34th year as a distributor of heavy CEMCO and TCI high frequency Joseph Amato
equipment, components and parts for screens. Montrac offers clients a full President
the construction, mining and forestry range of services from crusher sales, Email: [email protected]
industries. Product lines represented parts and specialized services, 21601 avenue Clark Graham
are Roadtec, Gomaco, Midland and including the development of custom Baie D’urfe, Quebec H9X 3T5
Minnich. Montrac Crushing plants and turnkey projects. Canada
Systems, a division of Montreal Phone: 1-514-457-8100
Tractor, distributes Hazemag, Deister Toll Free: 1-800-361-2282
and Thor telescoping conveyors, Fax: 1-514-457-5051
Polydeck screen media, Minyu

64 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

l Mc
 Closkey International Ltd.
McCloskey International Ltd. leads waste recycling, compost screening Contact:
the screening and crushing industry and wood recycling. Since 1985, WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS
with a complete line of equipment McCloskey International has stayed John O’Neill
including crushers, vibrating screeners, ahead of its competition by listening Vice President, Sales & Marketing
trommels and stacking conveyors. to its customers and this feedback 1 McCloskey Road
Built with power and durability as continues to motivate the McCloskey Keene, Ontario K9J 0G6
standards, every product is field-tested engineering team to design and build Canada
before being deployed through a global equipment that exceeds industry Phone: 1-705-295-4925
network of dealers into a wide range of standards. Toll Free: 1-877-876-6635
industries, which include mining, Fax: 1-705-295-4777
quarries, aggregates processing, road Email: [email protected]
building, construction and demolition,
camese ad_2016 copy.pdf 1 2016-06-30 10:50 AM

 ovaFlex Group
® hand-built rubber hoses and designers and experienced hose
C connectors, custom-made material craftsmen developing and
M Resistant handling hoses, backfill hoses, manufacturing an appropriate hose.
Mining expansion joints, pump connectors, With this process, custom solutions
Slurry Hoses
pinch valves, and bellows and feed for every material-transfer

Custom spout hoses for ball mills, as well as requirement can be provided.
Handling Hoses
an extensive petrochemical line.
Based on the specifications of the Contact:
application, NovaFlex is able to 555 Beck Crescent
CMY Chemical
Transfer Hoses design virtually any required feature Ajax, Ontario L1Z 1C9
into a product. Throughout its Canada
development, the client is consulted. Phone: 1-905-731-9411
The process starts with Fax: 1-905-731-7086
NovaFlex is a leading North knowledgeable field staff evaluating Email: [email protected]
American manufacturer of quality the application followed by hose

l Tega Industries Canada Inc.

Tega Industries Canada Inc., an slider bars and beds, pulley lagging, the efficiency of its installed products.
ISO 9002 certified company, belt scrapers, idlers and pulleys; and Tega has its products installed in
specializes in designing, hydrocyclones for mineral separation. more than 72 countries with sales
manufacturing and supplying Tega’s expertise lies in assessing the offices in 12 of them.
solutions for wear and separation of problem, designing an effective
ores in the mining, mineral system, recommending a solution and Contact:
processing, material handling and monitoring performance to improve Vinay Grover
aggregate industries. Tega is a total Vice President, Canada and
solutions provider for wear and Latin America
abrasion problems. Products include Email: [email protected]
Rubber/PM mill linings for AG, 1305 Kelly Lake Road, Unit 1
SAG, primary, secondary, rod, ball Sudbury, Ontario P3E 5P5
and pebble grind mills; screen media Canada
made of rubber and polyurethane; Phone: 1-705-523-4158
wear pads for chutes, bins, hoppers Toll Free: 1-866-864-8342
and other transfer and loading points; Fax: 1-705-523-8647
spillage control systems for conveyors; Fax Toll Free: 1-877-923-8647
wear components for conveyors like

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 65

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

 ajor Wire Industries Limited
traditional woven wire.
Double-WeaveTM uses
two side-by-side,
lighter-gauge woven
Proud manufacturer of: wires that wear longer
and handle up to four
times more impact than
Major Wire manufactures and independently vibrating wires, it larger single strand wire.
distributes premium-quality screening provides up to 50% more screen
media to mining operations. Its high- capacity than woven wire and Contact:
performance screen media not only polyurethane panels, available from Andre Mathieu
increases screen capacity and 30 mesh (0.5 mm) to 4" (100 mm). Vice President, International Sales
throughput, it also eliminates Flex-Mat 3 Double-WireTM utilizes Email: [email protected]
blinding, pegging and clogging while two side-by-side wires to provide the 225 North Montcalm Boulevard
maximizing wear life and same benefits in higher impact Candiac, Quebec J5R 3L6
significantly reducing downtime. applications or when larger opening Canada
These innovative solutions include: sizes are required. 2) OptimumWire®, Phone: 1-450-659-7681
1) Flex-Mat® 3 in modular and the strongest woven wire in the Fax: 1-450-659-5570
tensioned versions. Constructed of industry, provides up to 40% longer
polyurethane strips that bond wear life when compared to

l polycorp ltd.
and cured and uncured sheet rubber for lining
pipes, tanks and other equipment. Polycorp
supplies mining customers around the world
with custom solutions based on decades of
proven performance.

Pramod Kumar
Director, Mining Division
Email: [email protected]
Dennis Nolan
Manager, Protective Linings
Email: [email protected]
33 York Street
Elora, Ontario N0B 1S0
Polycorp specializes in the design and manufacture of engineered rubber Phone: 1-519-846-2075
products that mitigate the risk associated with abrasion, corrosion, noise Toll Free: 1-800-265-2710
and vibration for customers in a wide range of industries. Products for Fax: 1-519-846-2372
the mining industry include rubber and rubber/steel grinding mill liners

In a recent RBC Dominion Securities report, analysts conclude that

output from the oil sands will continue to expand through to 2020,
albeit at a muted pace due to low oil prices. The report forecasts
the majority of growth will remain in-situ focused, followed by
brownfield mine expansions, with only relatively modest growth
MINING FAST FACT expected from greenfield mining projects before 2020.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

66 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

l Precisioneering DKG Corp.

Precisioneering DKG Corp. designs also find the company to be flexible, a rapidly growing global fiberglass
and manufactures corrosion-resistant, responsive, and highly reliable in equipment manufacturer with plants
engineered fiberglass equipment. meeting deadlines. Precisioneering has in the U.S. and Canada.
Standard products include fiberglass successfully supplied the mining
pollution-control scrubbers, ventilation industry in North America since 1964. Contact:
systems (fans, ducting and stacks), The company’s five engineers have David Wolf
tanks, brine makers, grating, more than 100 years of combined Vice President, Sales and Marketing
platforms, walkways and ladders. engineering experience in the mining Email: [email protected]
Customers continually challenge industry. A dedicated quality control 303 Nantucket Boulevard
Precisioneering with their most manager maintains tightly controlled, Scarborough, Ontario M1P 2P2
difficult process-engineering problems documented, quality systems, while a Canada
because they have learned that stable, long-term workforce ensures Phone: 1-416-751-9200
Precisioneering’s results are innovative, high-quality fabrication. Fax: 1-416-751-9382
cost-effective and long lasting. They Precisioneering is part of Group DKG,

l State Industries Ltd.

polyurethane has excellent abrasion the many examples of how State
resistance as well as high Industries cast polyurethane products
impermeability to oil and other can assist the mining industry and
chemicals. There are many products help keep maintenance time to a
essential to the mining industry that minimum.
work best in cast polyurethane,
including muck deflectors, rockdrill Contact:
mufflers, hose wrappings, hose Matthew Sauerbrei
State Industries is a cast drums, skip wheels, cable guides, Sales & Marketing Coordinator
polyurethane and CNC water jet hose protectors, inflatable chute Email: [email protected]
company with a long pedigree in liners, sheave liners and headlight 1390 Church Avenue
forming products for the mining encasements. These are just a few of Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 1G4
industry. State Industries has proven Canada
repeatedly that its cast polyurethane Phone: 1-204-697-2586
products can withstand the most Fax: 1-204-697-2592
difficult environments. Its cast

l Tramac Equipment Ltd.

Tramac Equipment Ltd. has applications, including telescoping the individual needs of the user. For
manufactured rock breaker boom booms, wheel loader scoop booms and your next project, contact Tramac
systems for the crushed stone and unique hydraulic articulating arm Equipment for personalized service.
mining industries for more than 30 systems. Tramac Equipment also
years. Used in large dump pockets, supplies boom lengths from 12 ft. to Contact:
the rock breaker systems have high- 67 ft. Its TR series booms are custom- Mike Pietroniro
capacity gyratory crushers, carrying made to individual site requirements. President & COO
hammers up to 15,000 ft.lbs., and For many applications, mounting Email: [email protected]
horizontal reach measurements towers and platforms are necessary. 3421 Industriel Boulevard
exceeding 20m. Tramac has models Such towers are available from Laval, Quebec H7L 4S3
that are either off the shelf or Tramac and are designed and built to Canada
customized through complex Phone: 1-450-663-8122
assembly, creating modern options Fax: 1-450-663-6797
and accessories for diverse

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 67

Mineral Processing Equipment & Supplies

l P.R. Engineering Limited

commitment to ensuring minimal downtime for
customers and the fact that each crusher that leaves its
facility is engineered or restored to factory specifications.
In addition to service quality, P.R. Engineering is proud
of its fabrication achievements, including the long-lasting
Birdsboro Buchanan line of crushers and its PREMAC-1
line of mobile access crushers for prospecting/exploration
and lab environments. As a full machining and
fabrication centre for all large components, P.R.
Engineering looks forward to providing the mining
industry with dependable, well-manufactured rock
crushers and crushing solutions for another 50 years.

Linda Grieco
Mini version of Birdsboro Buchanan Crusher President
Email: [email protected]
For 50 years, P.R. Engineering has excelled in the 249 Toronto Avenue
engineering innovation, manufacturing and servicing of Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3C2
rock crushers for mining. Its outstanding reputation for Canada
customer care and providing expedient and quality service Phone: 1-905-579-9721
is well-known in the industry, and is a source of pride for Fax: 1-905-434-6878
P.R. Engineering staff. This is evident in the company’s

Mineral Processing Services

l P.R. Engineering Limited

P.R. Engineering known “Total
manufactures the Birdsboro Remanufacturing Package”
Buchanan line of jaw crusher. starts where others leave off.
These crushers are so reliably To ensure downtime is kept to
built that some have even a minimum, P.R. Engineering’s
outlasted the plant from which standard operating hours are
they were originally purchased. 20 hours per day, six to seven
Totally committed to the days per week. For more details
crusher industry for more than on its extensive expertise and
50 years, P.R. Engineering not services, visit P.R. Engineering
only specializes in the online.
manufacture of new crushers
(up to 66 x 84), it is also an Contact:
authorized METSO Repair Linda Grieco
Center, where all types, makes President
and sizes of crushers are Email: [email protected]
remanufactured to original 249 Toronto Avenue
specifications with warranties. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3C2
Specially trained experts Canada
handle anything from minor to Phone: 1-905-579-9721
urgent catastrophic failures, Fax: 1-905-434-6878
and P.R. Engineering’s well-

68 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mineral Processing Services

l corem
COREM is the largest organization worldwide. Fields of expertise include COREM is also an international
in Canada totally devoted to mineral comminution, physical separation, leader in the development of iron-ore
processing R&D. Recognized as a flotation, extractive metallurgy, products and processes, including
world-class organization, COREM pelletizing, thermal processes and beneficiation, pelletizing and
provides a wide range of mineral mineralogy. COREM’s pilot plant is characterization. For more details,
processing and analytical services to unique in Canada for its size and visit COREM’s website.
companies that explore and develop diversity of equipment. Its analysis
ore bodies, and transform or recycle and characterization laboratories have Contact:
mineral substances. Its highly an impressive range of instruments Manon Vandal
qualified staff of more than 110 (MLA, ICP, XRD, XRF, SEM, etc.). Email: [email protected]
employees can carry out the most 1180 rue de la Minéralogie
complex research projects, complete Québec, Québec G1N 1X7
flow-sheet development, pilot testing Canada
and ore characterization for its Fax: 1-418-527-4818
members and all mining companies

l Saskatchewan Research Council

Saskatchewan Research Council analytical services offered through environmentally and economically
(SRC) works with industry clients to advanced equipment and techniques sustainable way. Pipe Flow
develop smart mining solutions for such as microprobe, XRF and XRD Technology Centre™ is equipped to
uranium, gold, potash, diamonds, rare analysis. Development Engineering enable full-scale physical modeling of
earths and base metal mining. SRC assists mining clients in the design, the complex pipe flow behavior of
provides a wide range of services development and integration of slurries and crude oil mixtures.
supporting the full cycle of mining electronic and electro-mechanical
operations: exploration, mine mining systems and instrumentation. Contact:
development, mine operation, Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Damian Rohraff
processing, waste management, Testing Services helps clients improve Sales Lead, Mining & Minerals
decommissioning and site processing productivity in an Email: [email protected]
reclamation. Geoanalytical 15 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 125
Laboratories has been providing Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 2X8
high-quality analysis to the Canada
exploration and mining industry since Phone: 1-306-933-5467
1972. Advanced Microanalysis Fax: 1-306-933-7446
Centre™ adds to the suite of

Potash plays a central role in helping feed the world’s growing

population, as approximately 95% of world potash production
is used as fertilizer. According to the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, agricultural production
needs to increase by 70% by 2050 to meet the rising demand for
MINING FAST FACT food. This rising demand is linked to projections of the global
population reaching 9.6 billion by 2050.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 69

Mining Engineering & Contracting

l DMC Mining Services

DMC Mining Services (DMC) is successfully applied at large-scale Contact:
one of North America’s premier mining sites for gold, nickel, copper, Darren Tschanz
mining contractors. With one of the potash, zinc and other metals and Vice President of Operations
lowest incident/accident frequency minerals. DMC’s dedicated team of Email: [email protected] 
rates in the industry, DMC has been professional engineers, miners and 191 Creditview Road, Suite 400
called upon by many leading mining support staff is ready to tackle your Vaughan, Ontario L4L 9T1
companies to fill critical roles in their challenges. Canada
success. Since 1980, the company has Phone: 1-905-780-1980
delivered a comprehensive list of Toll Free: 1-800-892-8293
mining services, ranging from shaft
sinking and raise boring to full mine
development and operation. DMC’s
extensive mining services have been

l Progesys Inc.
100 facilities in more than 25 projects. Progesys helps clients
countries, Progesys ensures worldwide get it right from the start.
operability in terms of performance,
reliability, safety and information Contact:
traceability, starting plants on time Rami Faour
Progesys is a world leader in the and within budget, maximizing Director, Business Development
commissioning of industrial plants, client return. Commissioning Email: [email protected]
project management and specialized experts plan and execute the 4020 le Corbusier, Suite 201
engineering services, with six offices transition and ramp-up phase with Laval, Quebec H7L 5R2
worldwide. Progesys provides an proven methodologies, tools and Canada
array of services to the mining and experienced resources, resulting in a Phone: 1-450-667-7646
metals, oil and gas, aluminum and structured handover of systems to Fax: 1-450-988-1170
energy industries, and has a proven operations. Project management
track record of success in leading and experts oversee owner projects as an
managing all aspects of industrial extension of staff or act on behalf of
projects. Having commissioned over owners to monitor and execute

Looking forward, the Canadian mining industry’s economic

prospects will likely be strong over the long term, even if the
interim period presents challenges. The prevailing view is that the
longer-term fundamentals are solid, and that the current period
of heightened volatility will pass. As the middle classes of the
world’s most populous countries continue to emerge, and as their
consumption patterns more closely resemble those of western
MINING FAST FACT industrialized countries, growth is expected to return.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

70 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mining Instrumentation

l Accutron Instruments Inc.

Established in 1993 in response to maintenance-free, these monitors are Contact:
needs of the underground mining the basis for today’s vent-on-demand Ray Charron
community, Accutron Instruments is systems, which have saved millions at Regional Sales Manager
a leading supplier of airflow facilities worldwide. As Canadian Email: [email protected]
monitoring devices for all ventilation- distributors for Trolex gas detectors, Christian Lanas
dependent industries. This same zest and along with its own popular Sales Manager
for problem-solving has led to further CLIMATRAX TM multi-variable 11 Mary Street, Unit B
product development, including air environmental monitor, Accutron also Sudbury, Ontario P3C 1B4
quality monitoring systems, laser- bundles these devices to offer total air Canada
based process measurement units, and quality monitoring systems. Phone: 1-705-682-0814
data network enhancement devices Rounding out the lineup is the ILR Fax: 1-705-682-2215
such as CommTRAX Port laser-based process measurement Email: [email protected]
Forwarding Protocol Translators. device used in level monitoring and
Accutron’s ultrasonic technology object positioning.
continues to be the most-effective and
reliable solution for continuous
monitoring of air movement in mines,
tunnels and other industrial venues.
Non-obstructive and virtually

l RST Instruments Ltd.

Since 1977, RST Instruments Ltd. solutions to site-specific problems. exceptional geotechnical instruments
has established itself as a world leader RST has developed a proven track with unmatched technical support.
in the manufacturing and distribution record for quality, long-term stability Committed to quality and
of innovative geotechnical, mining, and product reliability. Its 40,000-sq. satisfaction, the RST Instruments
environmental and structural ft. modern production facility Ltd. Management System is certified
monitoring equipment. RST’s incorporates CAD, CAM and CNC ISO 9001.
instruments are generally related to manufacturing techniques that assure
the measurement and monitoring of high-quality instrumentation at a Contact:
soil, rock, groundwater and reasonable cost and with timely Pierre Choquet
geohazards. RST’s products include delivery. RST is dedicated to offering Vice President, Market Development
borehole packers, inclinometer Email: [email protected]
systems/casing, extensometers, tilt 11545 Kingston Street
meters, strain gauges, pressure cells, Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 0Z5
load cells, data loggers, groundwater Canada
monitoring systems and other Phone: 1-604-540-1100
specialized instruments for mining. Fax: 1-604-540-1005
RST takes much pride in being able Email: [email protected]
to provide custom-engineered

The quantity and value of refined metal production in Canada

have become irregular due to the depletion of reserves and greater
dependence on imported concentrates. Production volumes for
refined metals over the past 10 years have been mixed. Lead and
aluminum have held steady while copper, nickel, cobalt, cadmium
and zinc have decreased.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 71

Mining Instrumentation

l Rapiscan Systems
With more than 40 years’ experience, conveyors with steel corded belts. The time of the Satmagan 135 is roughly
Rapiscan Systems is a manufacturer Satmagan 135 magnetic analyzer is one minute with an accuracy of 0.4%
and supplier of conveyor tramp metal an ideal instrument for analyzing (and can be as good as 0.1%).
detector Metcorr 117C and the mixtures of magnetic and non-
Satmagan 135 magnetic analyzer. magnetic components. Accurate Contact:
The Metcorr 117C metal detector is analysis of ferro-magnetic compounds Robert Hamilton
able to detect both ferrous and non- of iron such as magnetite is extremely Email: [email protected]
ferrous metals over a wide spectrum difficult and time-consuming using Director of Sales
of applications from mines to wood- chemical methods. The measuring 240 Macpherson Road
chip conveyors. The two-channel #07-01 Pines Industrial Building
method employed by the Metcorr Singapore 348574
117C ensures a uniform response Phone: +65 6846 3519
from rod- or bar-shaped objects Fax: +65 6743 9915
irrespective of their orientation. The
Metcorr 117C can also be used on industrial_mining

l sight power inc.

Sight Power Inc. is a leading provider brings immediate benefits to an raw visual data into CAD models
of data-modeling enterprise-level underground mining operation: using pattern recognition methods,
systems and technology solutions for increased hoisting time, high quality and information support for mineshaft
mining, oil and gas industries. Sight of shaft inspection, reduced time spent design, sinking and equipping.
Power’s portfolio includes geological by personnel in dangerous mining
modeling, survey automation and conditions, and real-time information Contact:
informational support in mining for managerial decisions. Sight Power Dr. Borys Vorobyov
operations. The company also has the best-in-class data mining CEO & CTO
specializes in design of unique C&I technology for spatial data analysis and Email: [email protected]
technologies based on both static and processing through effective indexing 3049 Apple Hill Drive 
mobile laser scanning. The flagship and compression. Other areas of Ottawa, Ontario K1T 3Y8
product – Mobile Shaft Scanning expertise include transformation of Canada
System (MS3) – is designed for Phone: 1-613-793-5010
automated inspection and monitoring Fax: 1-613-739-9062
of operational mineshafts. MS3

l Teledyne Optech
Teledyne Optech is widely CMS. The ILRIS Terrestrial Laser accurate and geo-referenced spatial
recognized in the mining and Scanner, with range capability of over data that will exceed your expectations
exploration communities for its 3km, is especially useful in open-pit – backed by industry-leading global
technological depth in terrestrial lidar mines where accurate ranging, robust 24/7 support.
and related technologies. Developed field performance and portability are
for underground mining crucial. The Lynx mobile surveying Contact:
environments, the Cavity Monitoring system has also proven effective in Wayne Szameitat
System (CMS) quickly collects mining applications. Mounted on International Sales Manager
thousands of accurately located points a moving vehicle, the Lynx collects 300 Interchange Way
to determine a cavity’s size, orientation geo-referenced datasets required for Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5Z8
and volume, and to create detailed 3D traditional surveying. Teledyne Canada
CAD drawings. The V500 model Optech’s hardware delivers dense, Phone: 1-905-660-0808
includes a unique integrated camera Fax: 1-905-660-0829
capable of image and video capture, Email: [email protected]
adding new inspection features to the

72 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Mining Instrumentation

l Saskatchewan Research Council

Saskatchewan Research Council analytical services offered through environmentally and economically
(SRC) works with industry clients to advanced equipment and techniques sustainable way. Pipe Flow
develop smart mining solutions for such as microprobe, XRF and XRD Technology Centre™ is equipped to
uranium, gold, potash, diamonds, rare analysis. Development Engineering enable full-scale physical modeling of
earths and base metal mining. SRC assists mining clients in the design, the complex pipe flow behavior of
provides a wide range of services development and integration of slurries and crude oil mixtures.
supporting the full cycle of mining electronic and electro-mechanical
operations: exploration, mine mining systems and instrumentation. Contact:
development, mine operation, Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Damian Rohraff
processing, waste management, Testing Services helps clients improve Sales Lead, Mining & Minerals
decommissioning and site processing productivity in an Email: [email protected]
reclamation. Geoanalytical 15 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 125
Laboratories has been providing Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 2X8
high-quality analysis to the Canada
exploration and mining industry since Phone: 1-306-933-5467
1972. Advanced Microanalysis Fax: 1-306-933-7446
Centre™ adds to the suite of

Packaging Services

l Topax Export Packaging Systems

reality in the mining industry. They world – if you can make it, Topax
are also the same challenges that can protect it.
have made Topax an invaluable
partner to its mining clients. Typical Contact:
of the products and services Topax Jo-Lynn Hoffmann
provides: expert protective packaging Email: [email protected]
for heavy equipment and machinery, Simon Trillwood
anti-corrosion and long-term Email: [email protected]
preservation, logistics and transport 380 Spinnaker Way
management, project marshalling, Concord, Ontario L4K 4W1
product life extension, and reduced Canada
or eliminated rework and downtime. Phone: 1-905-669-6464
The Topax team will develop a Fax: 1-905-669-6366
comprehensive strategy that will
Heavy equipment, vast geography, ensure your equipment and supplies
remote locations, severe are protected through transport and
environments – these are just some of are staged and action-ready onsite.
the challenges that are the everyday Across the country or around the

Historically, the value of minerals and metals to Canada’s economy

has ranged between 2.7% and 4.5% of the country’s GDP.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 73

Smelting & Refining Equipment & Services

l C EC Mining
Systems Corporation
For more than 25 years, CEC Mining environmental impact, CEC Mining Contact:
Systems Corporation has been also ensures its designers and Cameron Stockman
offering customers innovative, high- engineers are focused on producing Director, Operations and
quality mining filtration systems that products with low carbon footprints, Business Development
are cost effective and reliable. low energy consumption, and the Email: [email protected]
Responsible for the global sales, ability to recycle. Its manufacturing 400 - 602 West Hastings Street
distribution and support of filtration facility has also achieved ISO 14000 Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1P2
systems used in the refinery of Environmental Performance Canada
minerals, CEC Mining supports Management and ISO 9001 Quality Phone: 1-604-685-7823
customers in multiple countries. Management certification. For full Fax: 1-604-677-7289
All products come with full onsite details on the company’s system and
warranty and technical support. application solutions, visit the website
A strong believer in minimizing or contact a representative for details.

l EPCM Services Ltd.

Antofagasta, Chile, has manufactured over 800,000
permanent cathodes for 35 copper producers in six
countries. In 2016, EPCM also established a new Canadian
technology development and cathode manufacturing and
service center in Oakville, Ontario, employing the latest in
equipment and methods for equipment assembly, cathode
manufacture and repairs. EPCM’s Technology Group is
committed to creating leading-edge designs that
complement mining industry objectives for improved
quality for less cost. Its SP and SPU cathode designs and
robotic stripping system with new cathode wash technology
make EPCM your best choice for tankhouse technology.

John Jickling
Gord Iverson
For over 20 years, EPCM Services Ltd. has provided or Robert S. Jickling
permanent cathode technology: manufacturing; washing 2829 Sherwood Heights Drive 
and stripping systems; and robotic tankhouse handling Oakville, Ontario L6J 7R7
equipment for modernization and new projects for Canada
electrorefining and electrowinning plants. These Phone: 1-905-829-1711
installations utilize over one million cathodes and produce Fax: 1-905-829-1717
over five-million tonnes of copper annually. Tecnologias Email: [email protected]
Cobra S.A., EPCM’s modern manufacturing facility in

The Canadian mining industry supports the federal government’s

reduction of the federal corporate tax rate to 15% – the lowest
corporate tax rate in the G7, thus increasing Canada’s global
attractiveness as a business destination.
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

74 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Smelting & Refining Equipment & Services

l m ansour mining technologies inc.

Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. encompass Mansour Mining Contact:
is a market-leading manufacturer of Technologies Inc. After 40 years in Jean Guy Coulombe
integrated mining supply products, the mining industry, Mansour Mining President
including ground support, rock- Technologies Inc. understands that Email: [email protected]
drilling tools, mine ventilation, and the key to success is to develop close 2502 Elm Street
smelter and refinery hardware. working relationships with customers. P.O. Box 640
Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4P8
offers these integral products in order builds these customer relationships Canada
to keep mining operations safe, from the ground down. Phone: 1-705-682-0671
efficient and profitable. Innovation, Fax: 1-705-682-4658
quality and around-the-clock global Email: [email protected]
service represent the core values that


l iRing Inc.
and solutions. Its flagship product, Aegis, combines
never-before-seen speed and ease in ring design with
powerful forecasting capabilities. Using detailed cost
metrics, these designs can be compared and optimized to
provide more effective patterns, resulting in larger savings
and profits. iRing Inc.’s experienced team also offers blast
design consultation. Its diverse consultation team
combines more than 30 years of blasting experience with
leading-edge modeling techniques, and delivers optimal
solutions to difficult problems. iRing Inc. is based in
North Bay, Ontario, Canada, and has distributors
throughout the world.

Chris Preston
Email: [email protected]
19 Legaut Street 
P.O. Box 23040
North Bay, Ontario P1A 4K6
Phone: 1-705-840-6000
Fax: 1-705-840-6001
iRing Inc. is a software development company
specializing in blast design software for underground
mining. With an interdisciplinary team of blasting
experts, mining engineers, software developers,
mathematicians and computer scientists, iRing Inc.’s main
focus is to develop leading-edge blast design technologies

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 75


l AssayNet Canada Inc.

AssayNet is an IT company architecture; and offers high-end 43-101 of TXS. Products and services
specializing in LIMS (Laboratory features such as web access, barcoded are available in English, Spanish and
Information Management Systems) sample tracking, and integrated QA/ French, and programs can be used in
for mine-site and environmental labs. QC to assay labs. Immediate benefits different languages concurrently.
AssayNet offers total data to labs include a centralized data
management for mine operations, system with automated data exporting Contact:
making data available in real time to clients, reduced turnaround time Tania Orduz
from around the world to corporate and labor costs, and compliance with Marketing & Sales
offices. AssayNet has built its success ISO 17025 and National Instrument Email: [email protected]
on deep industry knowledge, with all 17 York Street, Suite 403
implementation, installation and site Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5S7
training done by its internal support Canada
group working 24/7 to assist in any Phone: 1-613-231-8444
time zone. Flagship system LIMS. Fax: 1-613-231-5552
NET is robust, scalable and user Email: [email protected]
friendly; uses a server-centric

l Promine Inc.
Promine combines a highly usable integration from exploration Contact:
AutoCAD integrated interface with through to the production phase. Rodrigo Villarreal
powerful, industry-focused modules Promine users are covered from Email: [email protected]
for planning vital mining and exploration and resource evaluation 4398 boulevard St. Laurent, Suite 307
geology planning tasks. Promine through planning, scheduling Montreal, Quebec H2W 1Z5
addresses one of the most critical operations and finally mine closure – Canada
issues in mining and geology guaranteeing smooth transitions Phone: 1-418-877-2769
software: the lack of complete between phases. Fax: 1-418-877-2760

l R tTech Software Inc.

RtDUET’s downtime tracking allows to provide operational intelligence RtTech solutions are deployed in over
open-pit mining operations to target operators can act on. Solutions 80 sites across 16 countries for
and eliminate root causes of integrate within areas with the biggest companies such as BHP Billiton,
equipment failure by proactively bottom line impact – asset utilization Barrick Gold and Rio Tinto.
decreasing downtime events, keeping and utilities consumption – for
machines running and commodities immediate results. Get a pulse on your Contact:
flowing with 16 real-time KPI entire production process, across sites Niall Robinson
calculations. RtTech Software and countries. Maximize production, North American Account Manager
provides the flexibility of IIoT with improve product quality, reduce Phone: 1-903-292-7628
its “equipment to apps” solution, downtime and unplanned shutdowns, Email: [email protected]
enabling you to benefit from cloud and optimize utilities consumption. 770 St. George Boulevard
technology with minimal startup costs Moncton, New Brunswick E1E 2C6
and a pay-per-use monthly Canada
subscription model. Industrial apps Phone: 1-506-383-8534
collect sensor data from across your Fax: 1-506-383-2845
operation and use advanced analytics

76 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Surface Mobile Equipment & Components

James Hodgins

Development work on Goldcorp’s Hollinger open-pit mine in Timmins.

l Hercules Equipment Ltd.

Hercules Equipment Ltd., based in mining trailers for transporting drills, Contact:
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, shovels, loaders and dozers. Other Peter So, P.Eng.
has long been internationally mining products include cable reel President
recognized as a leader in engineering handlers, water trucks, rock spreaders, Email: [email protected]
heavy equipment due to its innovative tire handlers and dump trailers. 8988 Fraserton Court, Unit 20
designs and superb craftsmanship. Backed with quality assurance, Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 5H8
Hercules Equipment Ltd. is also customer service and an engineering Canada
renowned for tailoring its quality staff with more than 20 years’ Phone: 1-604-988-9328
equipment to suit every customer’s experience, Hercules Equipment Ltd. Fax: 1-604-988-3239
needs. The company specializes in tow has acquired clientele from across the
truck attachments for recovering globe, ranging from North and South
disabled haulage vehicles and low-bed America to Asia and Southeast Asia.

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 77

Surface Mobile Equipment & Components

l Boundary Equipment Co. Ltd.

Boundary Equipment Co. Ltd. is the onsite product support. Customers to OEM parts has made the company
world’s premier aftermarket supplier of turn to Boundary engineers for a preferred supplier to major mines
castings for mining, material handling innovative solutions and design and smelters worldwide.
and smelting. Boundary supplies modifications that extend product life
undercarriage for mining shovels and and provide cost-effective Contact:
drills, apron feeder pans, ladles, and performance. International Service & Alex Tutschek
other standard and custom-designed Supply (ISS) is a division of Boundary President
castings. Manufactured to the highest that expands on the product offering 10740 181 Street NW 
quality, Boundary replacement parts to mining customers. ISS specializes Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1K8
are fully compatible with P&H, CAT, in mine safety products and solutions Canada
BE, O&K, Hitachi and Komatsu for equipment maintenance efficiency Phone: 1-780-483-3133
OEM parts. The company’s challenges. Established in 1980, Fax: 1-780-484-1299
competitive strengths include Boundary’s dedication to providing Email: [email protected]
extensive engineering capability and customers with a superior alternative

l B ridon-Bekaert Ropes Group

Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group is the company constantly pushes its works with you to provide the best-
world’s premier supplier of mission- manufacturing capabilities and performing steel cable products and
critical advanced cords and ropes for engineering to the next level, as the highest levels of service, allowing
mining, energy, crane and industrial, mining team pursues innovation to WRI-branded products to
structures, and fishing. The meet and exceed client expectations. outperform global competitors.
company’s WRI brand represents a The latest generation of WRI-
diversified product line of high- branded premium mining ropes have Contact:
performance wire ropes and industrial broken productivity records Steve Wood
steel cables manufactured in North worldwide and redefined client Direct: 1-514-426-6442
America. With its knowledge and performance expectations. The Email: [email protected]
expertise, Bridon-Bekaert Ropes company’s professional mining team 5501 Trans-Canada Highway
Group has refined the art of rope- Pte. Claire, Quebec H9R 1B7
making and turned it into a science. Canada
For decades, the Wire Rope brand Phone: 1-514-697-9711
has been synonymous with mining Fax: 1-514-697-2927
and high-performance ropes. The

l Mobile Parts Inc.

Mobile Parts Inc. (MPI) has been harsh underground conditions. As Contact:
supplying parts to over 30 countries well, MPI has an advanced driveline Martin Luttrell
worldwide for more than 30 years. As manufacturing shop that allows it to General Manager
well as exporting parts globally, MPI manufacture custom drivelines, and 2472 Evans Road
has become an innovator in the a cutting-edge machine shop for P.O. Box 327
mining industry. Proudly located in custom parts to meet clients’ needs. Val Caron, Ontario P3N 1P5
Sudbury, Ontario, the nickel capital MPI’s comprehensive database Canada
of the world, MPI produces special delivers the part you are looking for, Phone: 1-705-897-4955
purpose vehicles – some of the best in the first time. MPI prides itself on Fax: 1-705-897-6209
the industry. It offers several third- delivering exemplary service and Email: [email protected]
brake options for use on the Toyota support to all its customers. When
Land Cruiser, and dozens of inventive looking for fast and easy service,
ways to extend the life of the unit in remember MPI.

78 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Surface Mobile Equipment & Components

l ORO Design & Manufacturing Ltd.

ORO Design & after-sale service, one that its
Manufacturing Ltd. is a customers say is unsurpassed in
Canadian manufacturer the industry. Give ORO’s
specializing in medium- and technical sales staff a call today
heavy-duty service trucks to discuss your service
engineered to withstand harsh equipment needs and let them
mining and construction help you optimize your service
applications. ORO offers a full fleet investment.
range of field support
equipment, including Contact:
lubrication and fuel vehicles, Barry Smith
mechanics and crane trucks, Technical Sales
and tire service bodies. ORO’s Email: [email protected]
dedicated engineering staff also 3 Small Crescent
allows it to custom build Oro-Medonte, Ontario L0L 1T0
equipment for unique Canada
applications in the field. ORO Phone: 1-705-327-1567
prides itself on an unwavering Fax: 1-705-327-1506
commitment to quality and

l Phoenix Extreme
Conveyor Belt Solutions
Phoenix Conveyor Belts, offering a greater breadth of products, Contact:
headquartered in Hamburg, a larger global footprint and the latest Brad Baber
Germany, is an international company in extreme conveyor belt solutions. Phone: 1-780-569-5057
with over 150 years of innovation and Email: [email protected]
success. With the addition of Veyance
Technologies Inc., Phoenix Conveyor
Belts has enhanced its capabilities,

l polar mobility research ltd.

Polar Mobility Research Ltd. is Choose Sy-Klone Technologies. refrigeration system? Polar has it, so
your heating, cooling and clean air Looking for mobile heating call Polar today or check out the
solutions provider for mobile solutions? Turn to Polar fuel-fired website listed below.
equipment. For complete cab heating solutions. Need air-
comfort, use Polar Quality Cabin Air conditioning for a machine with Contact:
Systems to reduce operator exposure installation and system mounting Ian Duiven
to harmful particulates. For issues or a small to medium transport Canadian & International Sales
equipment working in a high Email: [email protected]
temperature or corrosive atmosphere, 7860 62nd Street SE
or if you need an HVAC system that Calgary, Alberta T2C 5K2
can handle fluctuating 50/60 Hz Canada
voltages, use Polar Vortex. Need a Phone: 1-403-279-3633
non-explosive air conditioning Toll Free: 1-800-309-8155
solution? Choose a product from the Fax: 1-403-236-2759
Polar FH Series. Looking to increase Email: [email protected]
the air filter life for your equipment?

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 79

Surface Mobile Equipment & Components

l Reliable Wheel Products Ltd.

hydraulic with power-drive capability. Certified quality systems –
These jacks are available in 50- to 350- ISO 9001:2015.
ton models with a range of lift points.
ManLift Work Platforms raise workers Also see Country Interests section
to a safe working height when working for Worldwide.
with large diameter tires and wheels.
RWP Tire Press Centres are electric/ Contact:
hydraulic tire presses for OTR tires. Monte Amyott
They provide safe and efficient Vice President, Production
mounting and demounting of tire sizes Email: [email protected]
25-in. through 63-in. Equipment Cameron Prior
Support Stands (Jack Stands) support Director, Business Development
equipment from 50 through 300 tons, Email: [email protected]
are engineer certified and are available 19299 94th Avenue, Unit 17
in a variety of support heights. Surrey, British Columbia V4N 4E6
Reliable Wheel Products Canada
manufactures products used in the Phone: 1-604-882-8994
maintenance of heavy equipment. Fax: 1-604-357-5100
SuperLift Jacks are air or electric/

Celebrating its 40th anniversary of wheels and rims on the market to the Contact:
excellence, RIMEX is recognized as TyreSense TPMS and peripheral 9726 186th Street
the premier manufacturer and technology that sets new standards Surrey, British Columbia V4N 3N7
innovator of wheels and rims for the for tire monitoring and asset Canada
world’s most challenging industrial management. With sales and Phone: 1-604-888-0025
applications. By focusing on the inspection/repair centers around the Fax: 1-604-888-7642
requests and requirements of its world, and a track record second to Email: [email protected]
customers, RIMEX builds custom none, RIMEX continues to strive for
solutions and specialized products shared success with its customers as
that range from the most advanced it explores and embraces the future.

l Valley Blades Limited

Valley Blades Limited, ISO replacement wearing edges and has Contact:
9001:2008 certified, manufactures built a strong dealer network that Randy Sauer
replacement wearing edges for earth supplies competitively priced, quality Sales Manager
and snow removal equipment, products and reliable service backed Email: [email protected]
including bulldozers, road graders, by an extensive inventory. Valley 435 Phillip Street 
loaders, scrapers, excavators and Blades Limited manufactures Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z9
snowplows. These wearing edges are replacement wearing edges for Canada
manufactured using computer- Caterpillar, Komatsu, Deere, Case, Phone: 1-519-885-5500
assisted technology to rigid Terex, Volvo and more, and has Toll Free: 1-800-461-1824
specifications that meet or exceed manufacturing facilities located in Fax: 1-519-746-2780
those set by the original equipment Waterloo, Ontario, and Edmonton, Email: [email protected]
manufacturer. Since it began in the Alberta, to serve the mining industry
early 1960s, Valley Blades Limited nationwide and customers around
has grown into a world supplier of the world.

80 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Surface Mobile Equipment & Components

l V intech Ltd.

Vintech Ltd. is an ISO 9001-certified excavators. Vintech’s disc-brake made for customer applications to
company that provides mining assemblies, snubbers, clutches and ensure optimal mineral recovery.
industry clients worldwide with linings meet or exceed OEM Professional QA/QC services
industrial products and technical specifications, are competitively include expediting and third-party
services. Vintech provides replacement priced, and are supplied within short inspections, offered to clients
parts for surface-mining heavy lead times. Vintech also offers custom- worldwide.
equipment, mineral processing made flotation reagents for bauxite,
reagents, and QA/QC services. For coal, iron, zinc and other mineral ores Contact:
over 20 years, Vintech has been for the removal of silica, phosphate, Sheldon Perry
providing fast, flexible service with alumina, sulphur and other impurities. 20 Regan Road, Unit 2 
highly competitive pricing. Its All of its flotation reagents are tailor- Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3
products include brake assemblies, Canada
shafts, pinions, snubbers, rollers, Phone: 1-905-840-3482
carbon brushes, hydraulic valves and Fax: 1-905-840-0852
additional parts for mining shovels, Email: [email protected]
haul trucks, drills, dozers and

Trade Consultants

l C an-Ceed Technologies Ltd.

Can-Ceed Technologies provides that enable them to acquire valuable represented in a large market that is
state-of-the-art Canadian technology market information to secure sales to just beginning to participate in the
and products to the booming Asian benefit both buyer and seller. Can- global mining scene. Contact
mining market, including China, Ceed has supplied various mines with Can-Ceed today, your trade bridge
India, Mongolia Republic and Canadian equipment and services, with Asia.
Myanmar, which are in need of ways thus establishing a connection that
to improve productivity, safety and benefits other Canadian firms. Now Contact:
environmental performance. With an is the time to ensure you are well Frank Yin
office in Cambridge, Ontario, and a General Manager
sales and service office in China, Email: [email protected]
Can-Ceed well understands the needs 358 Kerwood Drive
of Canadian suppliers and mining Cambridge, Ontario N3C 4M2
customers in Asia. Most of its Canada
employees, whether managers or sales Phone: 1-519-212-8158
representatives, have mining-related Fax: 1-647-427-1958
educational and career backgrounds

Mining has significant ties to Canada’s major cities. Some of

the largest Canadian and international mining companies are
headquartered or have significant presence in urban centres such as
Vancouver, Saskatoon, Toronto (Barrick Gold Corporation, Vale,
Glencore) and Montreal (ArcelorMittal, Iron Ore Company of
Canada, Rio Tinto Alcan).
MINING FAST FACT ~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 81

Translation & Interpretation Services

l Technovate Translations
Technovate Translations is your professionalism and quality, marketing and corporate documents,
bridge to global markets. Technovate Technovate offers services designed get Technovate on your side for
is a technical translation specialist with the client in mind, working with unbeatable translation services and
serving a wide range of technical 5,000+ skilled translators in 200+ client care.
areas. Its team-based philosophy of the world’s most widely spoken
allows Technovate to excel at project languages. Technovate also utilizes Contact:
management for superior results, from an onsite quality control process and Sandy Williams
the smallest documents to multi- project management best practices to Email: [email protected]
million word projects. Technovate can ensure transparency. Whether your 150 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 301
handle any project, any deadline, no project is a technical operator’s Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E8
matter how complex, how large, or or safety manual, a legal contract, Canada
how quickly it’s needed. A leader in spec sheets, engineering plans or Phone: 1-416-222-2896

Transportation & Logistics Service Providers

l axxess international inc.
Axxess International Inc. is an clients personalized service according multiple hub transfers, Axxess
international freight forwarder and to the criteria you set. For Axxess, any achieves timely, efficient delivery of
customs broker. With emerging remote location is Axxessible. Its your cargo by participating in
markets and increased worldwide team of logistics professionals respects C-TPAT, ACE and FAST. For more
demand for mineral resources, Axxess your schedules and projected costs specific information about its unique
International has the best practices while managing and supervising the services, visit the website listed below.
and most reliable partnerships to whole process of transporting mining
meet your transportation mining cargo to your jobsites. With no Contact:
logistics requirements. This includes Vagn Greve Danielsen
reliable, cost-effective solutions for Email: [email protected]
transportation of site materials and 360 St-Jacques Ouest, 12th Floor
uniquely shaped mining equipment, Montreal, Québec H2Y 1P5
including heavy-lift and oversized Canada
cargo, police escort arrangements or Phone: 1-514-849-9377
liaisons with public works and other Fax: 1-514-849-9428
authorities. The company offers all

l Cole International Inc.

Cole International Inc. is one of locations while navigating a web of the right specialized logistics
Canada’s largest privately owned complex foreign customs regulations. solutions to help your business
international freight forwarders and Its professionals have the technical compete and achieve your goals.
customs brokers, also providing a knowledge and experience to ensure
variety of customs and compliance your exports are handled smoothly, Contact:
consulting services. With offices in all efficiently and accurately every time. Derrick Sones
major Canadian cities and located at As a successful Canadian company Director – Freight
strategic points throughout the U.S. competing in the global marketplace, Email: [email protected]
(including all major Canada/U.S. Cole understands many of the 3033 34th Avenue NE
border crossings), Cole has been obstacles faced by CAMESE members Calgary, Alberta T1Y 6X2
meeting and exceeding requirements and is uniquely equipped to provide Canada
of the resource-based industrial sector Phone: 1-403-262-2771
for more than half a century. Cole Toll Free: 1-800-268-2965
recognizes the demands of delivering Fax: 1-403-262-7301
critical components to remote

82 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Transportation & Logistics Service Providers

l b ranson international
Branson International Incorporated global. Its highly motivated team of Contact:
is a Canadian-owned international international specialists provides start- Rod Morgan
freight forwarder providing specialized to-finish support when shipping air, Sales Manager
supply chain solutions and logistics. Be ocean and/or locally. Branson prides Email: [email protected]
it a small package or a heavy, out-of- itself in understanding your needs and Mobile: 1-647-280-2295
gauge cargo, Branson has a solution for offers the best possible options to give Doug Carlson
any piece, regardless of weight or size. you a competitive advantage in the President
Branson is an independent marketplace. When it comes to Email: [email protected]
international freight forwarder that shipping, choose Branson and you 3133 Orlando Drive 
offers customers flexible transportation can trust the job will get done. Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1C5
solutions for time-sensitive project Canada
cargo and international shipping for Phone: 1-905-672-1000
the mining industry. With its 24/7 Toll Free: 1-866-291-2585
personalized service and hands-on Fax: 1-905-672-6000
local support, Branson gives you that
competitive edge to act local and ship

l M anitoulin Group of Companies

Manitoulin Group of Companies is urban areas. In North America alone, Also see Country Interests section
Canada’s leading transportation and Manitoulin’s distribution coverage for Worldwide.
logistics solutions provider, with more consists of more than 70 Canadian
than 46 years in the mining industry. terminals and 250 U.S. service centers. Contact:
As a single-source provider, Manitoulin From small to large logistics programs, Terry Daly
offers a wide array of global services rest assured that Manitoulin has the Sales Director – Eastern Canada
that includes LTL/TL, intermodal, right locations, the right resources and Email: [email protected]
logistics, international freight the right knowledge to fulfill your 7035 Ordan Drive
forwarding, warehousing, heavy haul, shipping requirements. Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1T1
customs brokerage, crating, global Canada
time-critical delivery, supply chain Phone: 1-905-670-8990
management, and residential and Toll Free Customer Service:
commercial moving. Manitoulin 1-800-265-1485
leverages its extensive network to
deliver these services to major rural and

Canada has the third-largest oil reserves in the world, and 97%
(168 billion barrels) of Canada’s reserves (173 billion barrels) are in
the oil sands. The majority (81%) of world oil reserves are owned
or controlled by national governments. Only 20% of total world oil
reserves are accessible for private sector investment, 56% of which
MINING FAST FACT are found in Canada’s oil sands. Given this ratio, foreign direct
investment in this sector has been increasing, and foreign interest
is anticipated to continue in the coming years.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 83

Transportation & Logistics Service Providers

l R1 Airlines
R1 Airlines flies anywhere, anytime. surfaces, in all weather conditions and menu, ground transportation and
R1 caters to the corporate travel needs and in remote or high-density areas – cargo capacity, there are no limitations
of business executives and provides safely and reliably. Backed by the to what R1 Airlines can offer. It is –
workforce transportation logistics and strength of its parent company, quite simply – boundless.
cargo moving for projects of all sizes Avmax, R1 has access to a global
and scope. R1 also supports MRO support network and supply Contact:
peacekeeping and humanitarian chain. Convenience and comfort, Brent Knight
mandates and offers short- and long- customized schedules, personalized Email: [email protected]
term ACMI leasing contracts. R1 has departure and pickup, in-flight services 100 - 680 Palmer Road
access to the world’s largest private fleet Calgary, Alberta T2E 7R3
of Dash 8 and CRJ series aircraft and Canada
has the plane capacity businesses need Phone: 1-403-250-3079
– when and wherever they need it. R1’s Fax: 1-403-291-5304
fleet can land on short and unpaved

Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services

l Ecofab Maintenance Ltd.

Ecofab Maintenance Ltd. designs, maintenance, cover handling, cover and/or deterioration with Ecofab’s
manufactures and services fiberglass safety and fleet management in order efficient, cost-effective system.
railcar covers to contain and protect to maximize efficiency in the
bulk commodities shipped in open- movement of bulk materials. Contact:
top railcars. Rigid, easily removable Servicing the mining industry for Doug Bock
Ecofab railcar covers convert open- over 40 years by protecting bulk Email: [email protected]
top gondolas or hoppers into wind materials in transit, and currently 1645 Lonsdale Avenue
and moisture-proof containers. As logging millions of covered railcar North Vancouver, British Columbia
a service contractor protecting bulk miles every month, the Ecofab V7M 2J5
commodities in transit, Ecofab offers Railcar Cover System has a proven Canada
a comprehensive service package record of reliability and safety. Toll Free: 1-800-222-3130
including railcar covers, cover Secure your concentrates from losses Fax: 1-604-903-2025

Richly endowed with natural resources, Canada ranks among the

top five countries in the global production of 14 major minerals
and metals: first in potash, second in uranium and niobium,
third in cobalt, aluminum, tungsten and platinum group metals,
fourth in nickel, salt, sulphur and titanium, and fifth in diamonds,
cadmium and gold. In fact, Saskatchewan, is a major player in
the world uranium industry. Cameco’s McArthur River mine in
northern Saskatchewan is the world’s largest and highest grade
uranium deposit, with an average ore grade of 21% and annual
production of around 8,200 tonnes of uranium oxide.
~ Taken from: Facts & Figures 2015, The Mining Association of Canada

84 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Underground Vehicles, Equipment & Components

James Hodgins

Underground scoop removes muck for the next phase of drilling.

l Miller Technology Inc.

Miller Technology Inc. is a privately graders; Miller Truck personnel develop product that meets your
owned and operated business, in carrier; Triple 4ce multi-functional increasing needs for improved safety,
operation since 1979. The Miller utility carrier, scissor lift, aerial boom productivity and utilization while
team designs and manufactures and work platform; cable reel lowering your total operating costs
mobile equipment that supports the handling; compact road grader; through your global base of mining
specific safety and productivity goals ANFO loader, forklift and tele- operations.
of clients as demanding as the global handler; and cable/ANFO hose
mining industry. Working closely inserter and torque test bench. The Contact:
with the end user to select available mission of Miller Technology is to Steve Dunlop
options and/or develop specific Director, Sales and Service
solutions to meet end user Mobile: 1-705-665-0453
requirements, Miller Technology 175 Eloy Road
offers products that are designed and North Bay, Ontario P1B 9T9
built for underground applications, Canada
including the Miller Max Extreme Phone: 1-705-476-4500
Duty Underground Utility Truck, Fax: 1-705-476-8811
Toyota Land Cruiser personnel Email: [email protected]
carrier; Jeep J8 Platforms and HBM

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 85

Underground Vehicles, Equipment & Components

l Arkbro Industries
Arkbro Industries has been servicing produced by Sweden’s Alimak Hek Also see Country Interests section
world markets since 1967 and is a Group. Having Arkbro Industries’ for Asia-Pacific, Latin America and
leading designer, manufacturer and raise climber systems and other the Caribbean, Middle East and
supplier of pneumatic (ABI-5A/AA), world-class manufacturing North Africa, North America,
electric (ABI-5E/EE) and diesel- technologies and solutions will Sub-Saharan Africa, and
driven (ABI-5D/DD) raise climbers improve your working conditions, Worldwide.
to national and international markets. safety, speed and accuracy in raise
Raise climbers are used for mining at any mine or hydro project Contact:
underground horizontal-, vertical- anywhere in the world. Mohammed Alwazani
and inclined-shaft drilling, and to Email: [email protected]
enlarge pilot raises for ventilation 889 Pantera Drive, Unit 1
shafts, transport shafts and Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2R9
production mining (long-hole Canada
drilling) of narrow ore veins or wide Phone: 1-905-602-9291
ore bodies. As well, Arkbro Industries Fax: 1-905-602-9296
has acquired the raise climber
business and raising methods

l Arva Industries Inc.

Arva Industries Inc. is an Utility vehicles come with air value. Let ARVA design and build
engineering company manufacturing suspension on a four-wheel drive, what you need in your applications.
robust, underground mining four-wheel steer chassis for multiple Its machines are “built to order,
machines. Specializing in operating applications, including vehicles for built to last.”
underground in the maintenance and mechanics, water and lubrication. The
safety markets, its vehicles feature a latest design is a belt service vehicle – Contact:
rugged purpose built design. Ranging a safe, fast tool developed for conveyor Wayne O’Shell
in size from 10 to 25 tons, ARVA’s belt roller maintenance that saves time Sales Representative, Rail & Mining
underground mining cranes upgrade and money. ARVA works with its 43 Gaylord Road
mining practices and drive capital cost customers to maximize efficiency and St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3R9
reductions. With large lift capacities Canada
at low boom angles to facilitate Phone: 1-519-637-1855
maximum utility underground, one Fax: 1-519-637-1848
ARVA crane replaces many and Email: [email protected]
creates an excellent value proposition.

l L&M Powertrain Parts

Since 1959, L&M Powertrain Parts supplying transmission, torque Contact:
has set the standard for performance converter, differential and planetary Tony Mainelli
and quality in powertrain parts and axle parts for dealers, distributors and 201 Snidercroft Road
components for off-road vehicles and re-builders servicing machines such Concord, Ontario L4K 2J9
has become one of the leading as Atlas Copco, Dux, Eimco, Jarvis- Canada
suppliers to the mining industry Clark, GHH, JCI, MTI, Sandvik, Phone: 1-905-669-2292
worldwide. L&M specializes in Tamrock, Toro, Volvo and Wagner. Toll Free: 1-800-387-3765
Fax: 1-905-669-6319
Email: [email protected]

86 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Underground Vehicles, Equipment & Components

l B ridon-Bekaert Ropes Group

Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group is the company constantly pushes its works with you to provide the best-
world’s premier supplier of mission- manufacturing capabilities and performing steel cable products and
critical advanced cords and ropes for engineering to the next level, as the highest levels of service, allowing
mining, energy, crane and industrial, mining team pursues innovation to WRI-branded products to
structures, and fishing. The meet and exceed client expectations. outperform global competitors.
company’s WRI brand represents The latest generation of WRI-
a diversified product line of high- branded premium mining ropes Contact:
performance wire ropes and industrial have broken productivity records Steve Wood
steel cables manufactured in North worldwide and redefined client Direct: 1-514-426-6442
America. With its knowledge and performance expectations. The Email: [email protected]
expertise, Bridon-Bekaert Ropes company’s professional mining team 5501 Trans-Canada Highway
Group has refined the art of rope- Pte. Claire, Quebec H9R 1B7
making and turned it into a science. Canada
For decades, the Wire Rope brand Phone: 1-514-697-9711
has been synonymous with mining Fax: 1-514-697-2927
and high-performance ropes. The

l BPT Components & Parts Inc.

BPT Components & Parts Inc. with OEM parts at competitive Contact:
is a leader in the Clark Powertrain prices. Turn to BPT to keep your Tim Edwards
market. With its state-of-the-art equipment up and running with the Email: [email protected]
dyno-test machine to ensure its highest quality parts and components 430 Westmount Avenue  
products meet or exceed OEM at exceptional savings for you, P.O. Bag 4100
standards, BPT inventories more than the customer. Sudbury, Ontario P3A 5Y9
$5 million in Clark/Dana Powertrain Canada
components and replacement parts for Phone: 1-705-524-8400
the mining, logging and construction Fax: 1-705-524-8422
industries. In addition, BPT is a
Carraro warehouse distributor and
Funk authorized dealer. Now BPT
can provide you with more lines to
help keep your machines running

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 87

Underground Vehicles, Equipment & Components

l MacLean Engineering
MacLean Engineering specializes personnel carriers, fuel/lube trucks, Contact:
in underground mobile equipment cassette trucks, fan and pipe handlers, Global Product Sales & Marketing
solutions based on hard rock mining and service drills in the utility Stuart Lister
experience, multi-discipline vehicles and attachments category. Marketing Manager
engineering capability, unit-of-one MacLean has been innovating for Mobile: 1-705-241-3247
manufacturing expertise, and hard rock mining mobile equipment Email: [email protected]
worldwide customer service and safety and productivity for over Tony Caron
support. Its product suite includes 40 years, supporting customers General Manager,
platform and utility bolters, shotcrete worldwide with branch offices and Latin America and Quebec
sprayers, and transmixers in the a dealer network across Canada and Mobile: 1-705-690-1325
ground support category; remote- the U.S., as well as in Mexico, Peru, Email: [email protected]
operated blockholer drills, mobile Chile, Brazil, South Africa, 1000 Raglan Street 
rock breakers, water cannons, and the Australia, and Mongolia. Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 3Z1
ability to supply grizzly breakers in Canada
the ore flow facilitation category; and Email: [email protected]
Mine-MateTM scissor lifts, boom
trucks, ANFO/emulsion chargers,

l Mobile Parts Inc.

Mobile Parts Inc. (MPI) has been harsh underground conditions. As Contact:
supplying parts to over 30 countries well, MPI has an advanced driveline Martin Luttrell
worldwide for more than 30 years. As manufacturing shop that allows it to General Manager
well as exporting parts globally, MPI manufacture custom drivelines, and 2472 Evans Road
has become an innovator in the a cutting-edge machine shop for P.O. Box 327
mining industry. Proudly located in custom parts to meet clients’ needs. Val Caron, Ontario P3N 1P5
Sudbury, Ontario, the nickel capital MPI’s comprehensive database Canada
of the world, MPI produces special delivers the part you are looking for, Phone: 1-705-897-4955
purpose vehicles – some of the best in the first time. MPI prides itself on Fax: 1-705-897-6209
the industry. It offers several third- delivering exemplary service and Email: [email protected]
brake options for use on the Toyota support to all its customers. When
Land Cruiser, and dozens of inventive looking for fast and easy service,
ways to extend the life of the unit in remember MPI.

l Reliance Barker Davies Inc.

Reliance Barker Davies (RBD) working load followed by non- ropeways and more. RBD: The quality
provides a full range of wire rope destructive testing so that with and innovation you need, and
attachments and supplementary regular inspection and maintenance dependability when it matters most.
technical services to the mining they can last 10 years or more. RBD
industry. Products include everything also offers inspection and overhaul Contact:
from hoist, balance and guide and rope attachment inspection and Stephane Godin
rope attachments to lifting and recertification services and can assist Email: [email protected]
maneuvering attachments, overwind with the design of suspension 2777 Belisle Street
catchgear and miscellaneous equipment for all types of mine Val Caron, Ontario P3N 1B3
equipment such as hydraulic machine conveyances used in drum winding Canada
banding and drum glands. RBD rope or multi-rope friction installations, Phone: 1-705-897-2828
attachments are proof load tested to balance rope suspension equipment, Fax: 1-705-897-1101
at least 2.5 times the required safe all types of rope fittings for aerial

88 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Underground Vehicles, Equipment & Components

l Dux Machinery Corporation

and tunneling projects worldwide. intensive training for operators and
With more than 40 years’ experience, maintenance personnel, and fast parts
DUX offers a full range of products, service and technical backup through
including articulated haulage trucks a worldwide network of distributors.
(dump, teledump and ejector), scalers,
remix trucks, multipurpose cassette Contact:
systems, boom trucks and scissor lifts. Hermann Bumueller
All DUX products come with onsite President
commissioning by factory technicians, 615 rue Lavoisier
DUX SI–SL6000 Scissor Lift Truck Repentigny, Quebec J6A 7N2
DUX Machinery Corporation Canada
is a privately owned Canadian Phone: 1-450-581-8341
manufacturer and supplier of heavy- Fax: 1-450-581-5138
duty underground equipment Email: [email protected]
designed to meet the needs of mining

l polar mobility research ltd.

Polar Mobility Research Ltd. is Choose Sy-Klone Technologies. has it, so call Polar today or check out
your heating, cooling and clean air Looking for mobile heating solutions? the website listed below.
solutions provider for mobile Turn to Polar fuel-fired heating
equipment. For complete cab comfort, solutions. Need air-conditioning for a Contact:
use Polar Quality Cabin Air Systems machine with installation and system Ian Duiven
to reduce operator exposure to harmful mounting issues or a small to medium Canadian & International Sales
particulates. For equipment working in transport refrigeration system? Polar Email: [email protected]
a high temperature or corrosive 7860 62nd Street SE
atmosphere, or if you need an HVAC Calgary, Alberta T2C 5K2
system that can handle fluctuating Canada
50/60 Hz voltages, use Polar Vortex. Phone: 1-403-279-3633
Need a non-explosive air conditioning Toll Free: 1-800-309-8155
solution? Choose a product from the Fax: 1-403-236-2759
Polar FH Series. Looking to increase Email: [email protected]
the air filter life for your equipment?

l Walden Equipment
Walden Equipment, part of the cost-effective, simple to operate, easy of equipment available and quick,
Walden Group, is a family-owned, to troubleshoot and designed for the efficient service.
Sudbury-based company that has end user has resulted in Walden selling
become a significant player in the machines in China, Honduras, Contact:
mining and industrial service sectors. Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, the U.S. Ryan Lougheed
Founded in 1993, Walden offers new and Australia, as well as across General Manager
and used equipment on a sale or lease Canada. To fill all your equipment Mobile: 1-705-562-0079
basis to its extensive client list. The needs, you can trust Walden’s team of Email: [email protected]
Walden Group has tripled its multifaceted mechanics, welders and 106 Fielding Road
workforce over the past three years and millwrights to provide the best brand Lively, Ontario P3Y 1L5
has locations in Sudbury, Spanish and Canada
Timmins, Ontario, as well as Phone: 1-705-682-2084
Zacatecas, Mexico. The company’s Fax: 1-705-682-2564
ability to provide machines that are

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 89

Underground Vehicles, Equipment & Components

l Nelmaco Eastern Ltd.

JOY units and parts are made Nelmaco continues to expand its
to JOY’s original specifications. capabilities in rebuilding and repairing
Nelmaco provides all the accessories smaller mining equipment, giving
required to work with JOY units. better serviceability and the best
These items include scrapers, air quality to its customers. Nelmaco
motors, throttle valves, sheave blocks provides its services on a global scale.
and non-rotating wire rope. Nelmaco
also specializes in repairing, rebuilding Contact:
and servicing all makes and models of Fred Delabbio, P.Eng.
slushers, tuggers, hoists and winches. Email: [email protected]
Rentals of slusher units are available. 2355 Lasalle Boulevard 
Nelmaco stocks full-sized portable Sudbury, Ontario P3A 2A9
Nelmaco Eastern Ltd. is the OEM of toilets and hand carry units, along Canada
all JOY Canadian air and electric with many sanitation supplies. In Phone: 1-705-560-3705
slusher scrapers. Nelmaco also addition, Nelmaco provides Fax: 1-705-560-6983
manufactures parts for both Canadian maintenance for mine ventilation fans Email: [email protected]
and American-made JOY slushers. All and supplies parts for these units.

l NORDIC minesteel technologies Inc.

Nordic Minesteel Technologies clientele have relied on NMT to frames and structures, shaft steel,
(NMT) provides progressive solutions provide lasting, cost-effective solutions loading pockets, conveyances, design
for increased production and reduced for their mining-related requirements services and more.
operating costs in underground in equipment, service and design.
mining. An ISO 9001-certified NMT’s capabilities include in-house Contact:
company, NMT has extensive design, engineering, fabrication and Ronald P. Elliott
experience in the design and installation of continuous loading and President
manufacture of mining-related unloading rail haulage systems, Barry Hogan
equipment and structures. NMT loading chutes for rail, truck and Parts Sales
products are designed and built to conveyor, unloading stations, head 373 Main Street West, Unit 1
meet the specific needs of each client North Bay, Ontario P1B 2T9
and all industry standards. NMT’s Canada
highly skilled team incorporates the Phone: 1-705-474-2777
latest technology and innovative Fax: 1-705-474-7651
designs into all products, resulting in Email: [email protected]
long-term value for clients. Worldwide

l Wabi Iron & Steel Corp.

Wabi Iron & Steel – Mine industry. Foundry Division: Contact:
Equipment Division: Specializes in Specializes in heat, corrosion and Steve Hill
underground mining conveyance and abrasion-resistant iron and steel Business Development Manager
loading systems. Wabi custom- castings, using a mix of alloys Mobile: 1-705-948-0225
designs, engineers and manufactures including Ni-Hard, high-chromium Email: [email protected]
a wide range of equipment iron, manganese steel, grey and 330 Broadwood Avenue
specifically developed for the mining ductile iron, carbon steel, low-alloy P.O. Box 1510
steel and stainless steel. New Liskeard, Ontario P0J 1P0
Phone: 1-705-647-4383
Fax: 1-705-647-6954

90 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Ventilation Equipment & Components

l ABC Ventilation Systems

ABC Ventilation Systems has been flow fans now offers some of the ABC offers the experience, quality
the world’s leading supplier of flexible quietest fans in the industry, and rigid and expertise needed in the most
ventilation ducting and vane axial duct is now being offered to North demanding environments.
fans to underground mining and and Central American customers.
tunneling customers for more than ABC still provides assessments Contact:
40 years. ABC Ventilation offers a and education to mine customers Gary Thorinson
complete ventilation system, throughout the world. With reference Sales Manager
including ducting, fans, cassettes and projects in more than 40 countries, 1802 Quebec Avenue
ventilation design. ABC’s engineers Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 1W2
can customize your ventilation system Canada
to fit your needs, and its dry and wet Phone: 1-306-653-4303
dedusters have been used in many Fax: 1-306-653-3890
coalmines and on some of the largest Email: [email protected]
tunnel projects. A new line of mixed

l Accutron Instruments Inc.

Established in 1993 in response to Non-obstructive and virtually Contact:
needs of the underground mining maintenance-free, these monitors are Ray Charron
community, Accutron Instruments the basis for today’s vent-on-demand Regional Sales Manager
is a leading supplier of airflow systems, which have saved millions at Email: [email protected]
monitoring devices for all ventilation- facilities worldwide. As Canadian Christian Lanas
dependent industries. This same zest distributors for Trolex gas detectors, Sales Manager
for problem-solving has led to further and along with its own popular 11 Mary Street, Unit B
product development, including air CLIMATRAX TM multi-variable Sudbury, Ontario P3C 1B4
quality monitoring systems, laser- environmental monitor, Accutron Canada
based process measurement units, and also bundles these devices to offer Phone: 1-705-682-0814
data network enhancement devices total air quality monitoring systems. Fax: 1-705-682-2215
such as CommTRAX Port Rounding out the lineup is the ILR Email: [email protected]
Forwarding Protocol Translators. laser-based process measurement
Accutron’s ultrasonic technology device used in level monitoring and
continues to be the most-effective and object positioning.
reliable solution for continuous
monitoring of air movement in mines,
tunnels and other industrial venues.

l rocvent inc.
Rocvent Inc. is a global manufacturer advanced radio-frequency (RF) of the highest quality products at
and supplier of a full line of positive welding techniques to ensure consistent competitive prices.”
and negative pressure ventilation ducts, strong welds on tubes in diameters
fans and accessories. With more than from 1' to 10' (0.3m to 3.1m). Custom Contact:
30 years’ experience, Rocvent also lengths and special in-house-designed Don Turgeon
offers a complete range of products suspension and Snap-Roc couplings, Email: [email protected]
for 50 and 60 Hz system-design zipper joints and Velcro connections 55 Magill Street
capabilities based on supplied are also available, as are inflatable head Lively, Ontario P3Y 1K6
parameters. Its ducting is especially covers that have protected miners from Canada
designed for rough, hostile falling loose ore in passes and raises for Phone: 1-705-692-5854
underground mining and tunneling nearly 20 years. The Rocvent team has Fax: 1-705-692-9044
environments, and for the use of earned its reputation as “manufacturer

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 91

Ventilation Equipment & Components

l K.N. Equipment Inc.

K.N. Equipment has been serving various industry partners to reduce Contact:
the mining industry since 1989, fan noise in the mines, and Bob Nieminen
primarily as a manufacturing manufactures a more efficient and President
company and seller of new and used durable muffler. The company also Email: [email protected]
mining equipment and shipping manufactures all accessories for mine R. Payne
worldwide. A leader in the ventilation and performs repair work International Partner, Mexico Mine Supply
distribution and manufacturing of for a range of fans in its workshop in Email: [email protected]
accessories for mine ventilation in Rouyn-Noranda. With an extensive David Yomsi
addition to the repair of any brand inventory of new and used pumps, International Partner, Lemac (Cameroon)
of axial fan, K.N. offers the most parts and repair services, K.N. Email: [email protected]
efficient pumps on the market, consistently meets the needs of its 8254 Rang du Vieux Pont
enabling a significant reduction in clients. As well, its crushing Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec J9Y 0H4
maintenance costs and repair. The equipment and solutions ensure rapid Canada
company is actively working with deployment and low-cost operations. Phone: 1-819-797-4919
Fax: 1-819-797-4924
Email: [email protected]

l Maestro Mine Ventilation

Maestro Mine Ventilation provides safety, productivity and energy Contact:
ventilation solutions to improve savings. Maestro’s vision is to become Michael Gribbons
underground work environments the main facilitator of automated Vice President, Sales & Marketing
and extend miners’ lives while also mine ventilation systems by providing Email: michael.gribbons@
allowing companies to increase advanced instrumentation for
production, conserve energy and measurement and control. If you want 87 Magill Street
reduce greenhouse gases. Maestro has to reduce your power consumption Lively, Ontario P3Y 1K6
collaborated with some of the largest and costs for top quality air systems in Canada
global mining companies and mine your mining operations, you need to Phone: 1-705-805-6918
research centers to understand the key contact Maestro Mine Ventilation. Email: [email protected]
requirements for this specialized field.
Maestro is a benefit to people
responsible for mine ventilation,
management and automation who are
concerned with worker health and

l mansour mining technologies inc.

Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. encompass Mansour Mining Contact:
is a market-leading manufacturer of Technologies Inc. After 40 years in Jean Guy Coulombe
integrated mining supply products, the mining industry, Mansour Mining President
including ground support, rock- Technologies Inc. understands that Email: [email protected]
drilling tools, mine ventilation, and the key to success is to develop close 2502 Elm Street
smelter and refinery hardware. working relationships with customers. P.O. Box 640
Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4P8
offers these integral products in order builds these customer relationships Canada
to keep mining operations safe, from the ground down. Phone: 1-705-682-0671
efficient and profitable. Innovation, Fax: 1-705-682-4658
quality and around-the-clock global Email: [email protected]
service represent the core values that

92 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Country Interests for Select Canadian Mining Suppliers

World Trading Regions

(in alphabetical order)
On the following pages, you will find CAMESE members with representation in various parts
of the world, where they offer local support and service to other Canadian mining suppliers, clients
and trading partners. Browse the list and then, to find out more about CAMESE members,
visit the pages where the respective profiles are listed.


(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES lPeru
lChina (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 (HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 CANADIAN WEAR TECHNOLOGIES . . 62
lHong Kong, SAR (AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC.
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 JKC EQUIPMENT, PARTS &
SERVICES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
lIndia lBrazil ROTESCO INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
(AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 NORTH AFRICA
(AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 lMorocco
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC. (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ROTESCO INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
(AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES ARKBRO INDUSTRIES
HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC. (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES ARKBRO INDUSTRIES
lKorea, Republic (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
(AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC.
(AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 NORTH AMERICA
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES (HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 lMexico
lPakistan & SERVICES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES ROTESCO INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES
lColombia (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ARKBRO INDUSTRIES HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC.
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 (HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 JKC EQUIPMENT, PARTS &
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES PARTS & SERVICES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 SERVICES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ROTESCO INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
lTaiwan lU.S.A.
(AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
EUROPE (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 (AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 93

Country Interests for Select Canadian Mining Suppliers


OF COMPANIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
PARTS & SERVICES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 (ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Manitoulin completes your global supply
chain requirements.
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 MULTI-POWER PRODUCTS LTD. . . . . . . 35
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES Representative: Thomas Ulm – seeks
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 representation worldwide
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ACTIVATION LABORATORIES LTD. . . . . 13 Fax: 1-250-860-3340
lSouth Africa Perth, Australia; Kempele, Finland; Email: [email protected]
Coquimbo, Antofagasta, and Copiapo, Services: Exploration Drilling Equipment
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Chile; Medellin, Colombia; Georgetown,
Guyana; Tonosi, Panama; Zacatecas, Mexico; RELIABLE WHEEL PRODUCTS LTD. . . . 80
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Tumeremo, Venezuela; Ougadougu, Burkina 18935 96 Avenue, Suite 108
Faso; Windhoek, Namibia. Within Canada, Surrey, British Columbia V4N 3P3
HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC. there are laboratories in British Columbia, Phone: 1-604-882-8994
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Ontario, Quebec and Fax: 1-604-357-5100
lTanzania New Brunswick. Email: [email protected]
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES ARKBRO INDUSTRIES Services: Helps maintain heavy equipment
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 (UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 SEI INDUSTRIES LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 46
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 (AUTOMATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Delta, British Columbia V4G 1H3
HEPBURN ENGINEERING INC. Phone: 1-604-946-3131
lZambia Fax: 1-604-940-9566
(HOISTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES Email: [email protected]
(ELECTRIC POWER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Services: Remote site liquid logistics and
ARKBRO INDUSTRIES environmental solutions
(UNDERGROUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 SHAW ALMEX INDUSTRIES . . . . . . . . . . 24

What is Camese?

The Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export

(CAMESE) is the national voice for Canada’s mining equipment and service providers,
delivering effective and efficient services to help members connect to opportunities
designed to grow their business. Our corporate members across the country supply
the entire mining industry spectrum – from mineral exploration, mine development
and refining to reclamation and closure – locally and globally.

Since 1981, the experienced team at CAMESE has members as they conduct and grow their business in
supported our members in identifying business Canada and around the world.
opportunities by providing key marketing intelligence,
advice, networking events and a comprehensive To find out more about CAMESE, the national voice for
international marketing program. CAMESE amplifies Canada’s mining technology, equipment and service
marketing efforts in a number of ways, including placing exporters – or for additional information about the many
member profiles and news on our website and social media benefits of a CAMESE membership – please contact us.
pages, and placing member profiles in our annual
Compendium. Canadian Association of Mining Equipment
and Services for Export (CAMESE)
CAMESE is also a key conduit for brokers and end users 130-7111 Syntex Drive
searching for reliable Canadian sources of all types of Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8C3
goods and services used in the mining industry. As an Phone: 1-905-513-0046
advocate for the mining supplier community to the federal Fax: 1-905-513-1834
governmental departments and provincial governments, Email: [email protected]
our team also ensures policies best serve the needs of our

94 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017


The CAMESE team (l-r): Cindy Chesney, Director, Business Development; Stacey Hunt, Editor, Website and Compendium;
Linda Collins, Office Manager; Ryan McEachern, Managing Director; Spencer Ramshaw, Director, Information and
Communications; Dolores Wharton, Exhibition Manager; and Barb Fletcher, Office Assistant.

All CAMESE staff can be reached at [email protected].

CAMESE Board of Directors

(As of the association’s Annual General Meeting held June 2, 2016)


Derek Lawrence Michael Gribbons Mansour Mining Technologies
B.I.D. Canada Ltd. Maestro Mine Ventilation [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Linda Greco
Catharine Shaw Eric Brouillette [email protected]
Golder Associates Laird Technologies
[email protected] [email protected] David Jesse
Lassing Dibben Consulting Engineers Ltd.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT Enoch Chow [email protected]
Phil Cancilla Motion Metrics International Corp.
[email protected] Heidi Levitt
Heath and Sherwood Northern Light Technology
[email protected] [email protected]

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 95

Alphabetical Index of CAMESE Members

Below is a list of CAMESE members with profiles in this year’s Compendium.

Members not appearing in this issue may still be viewed on their
respective member pages on the CAMESE website at

ABC Ventilation Systems . . . . . . . 91 Can-Ceed Technologies Ltd. . . . . 81 Ecofab Maintenance Ltd. . . . . . . . 84
Accutron Instruments Inc. . . . . 71, 91 Canada North Environmental EDC Mining Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 56
Services (CanNorth) . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Aciers Lague Wear Parts . . . . . . . 43 Effigis Geo-Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . 57
Canadian Institute of
Activation Laboratories Ltd. . . . . . 13 Mining, Metallurgy and Energold Drilling Group . . . . . . . . 31
AFX Mixing & Petroleum (CIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 EPCM Services Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Pumping Technologies . . . . . . . . . . 60 Canadian Wear Technologies . . . 62 Export Development Canada . . . . 46
AG Mining Equipment Inc. . . . . . . 22 Canun International . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
AIL MINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Arkbro Industries . . . . . . . . . . 38, 86
Carriere Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
CEC Mining Fabrithane Industrial
Armtec Limited Partnership . . . . . 58 Systems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Products Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Arrow Speed Controls . . . . . . . . . 39 CEMI – Centre for Excellence Firwin Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

in Mining Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Arva Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Fournier Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . 61
Checkfluid Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
AssayNet Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 76 Future Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Cole International Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 82
Atlas Copco
ConMICO Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Exploration Products . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Control Chemical (1989)
Axxess International Inc. . . . . . . . . 82 GEM Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
COREM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Risk Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
B Crone Geophysics &
BEHLEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Global Inspections-NDT Inc. . . . . 43
Exploration Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 49
Boundary Equipment Co. Ltd. 61, 78 Golder Associates Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 28
Cypher Environmental Ltd. . . . . . . 42
BPT Components & Parts Inc. . . . 87 Greater Sudbury
Development Corporation . . . . . . . 15
Bradken Mill Liners . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Branson International Denson Automation Inc. . . . . . . . . 17
Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
DESCH Canada Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Hayden Diamond
Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group 78, 87
Dimatec Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Bit Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Britespan Building Systems Inc. . 20
DLL Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Hayward Gordon ULC . . . . . . . . . . 64

DMC Mining Services . . . . . . . . . . 70 Heath & Sherwood . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Dux Machinery Corporation . . . . . 89 Hepburn Engineering Inc. . . . 17, 53

Hercules Equipment Ltd. . . . . . . . . 77

96 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Alphabetical Index of CAMESE Members

IMP Automation Canada Ltd. . . . . 63 MacLean Engineering . . . . . . . . . . 88 Orbit Garant Drilling
Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Industrial Equipment Maestro Mine Ventilation . . . . . . . . 92
Manufacturing Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ORO Design &
Major Wire Industries Limited . . . . 66 Manufacturing Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
InfoMine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Manitoulin Group
Instrumentation GDD Inc. . . . . . . . 48 of Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
iRing Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Mansour Mining P
Technologies Inc. . . . . 33, 51, 75, 92 P.R. Engineering Limited . . . . . . . . 68
IVAC Industrial
Vacuum Systems Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . 57 McCloskey International Ltd. . . . . 65 PDAC – e3Plus: A Framework
for Responsible Exploration . . . . . 29
Miller Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 85
Phoenix Extreme
J Mine Cable
Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . 37
Conveyor Belt Solutions . . . . 24, 79
JKC Equipment, Phoenix Geophysics Ltd. . . . . . . . . 48
Parts & Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Minelec Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
PHQ Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mira Geoscience Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . 28
Piteau Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
K Mobile Parts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 78, 88
Polar Mobility Research Ltd. . 79, 89
K.N. Equipment Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Montreal Tractor Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 64
K4 Integration Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Polycorp Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Motion Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Precisioneering DKG Corp. . . . . . 67
Multi-Power Products Ltd. . . . . . . 35
L Multiurethanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Progesys Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 70

L&M Powertrain Parts . . . . . . . . . . 86 PROMAT Engineering

Sales (2003) Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Laval Lab Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Littelfuse Startco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
N Promine Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
National Compressed Air . . . . . . . 34 Prospectors & Developers
Lubri-Lab Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Association of Canada (PDAC) . . 16
Nelmaco Eastern Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . 90
Nordic Minesteel PROVIX Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Nordstrong Equipment Limited . . . 23
Normac Adhesive Products Inc. . . 44
Northern Light
Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 19, 52
Northern Strands Co. Ltd. . . . 36, 54
NovaFlex Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017 97

Alphabetical Index of CAMESE Members Masthead

Stacey Hunt
R1 Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Technosub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Email: [email protected]
Rapiscan Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Technovate Translations . . . . . . . . 82 MANAGING DIRECTOR
Ryan McEachern
Reliable Wheel Products Ltd. . . . . 80 Tega Industries Canada Inc. . . . . . 65 Phone: 1-905-513-0046, ext. 301
Email: [email protected]
Reliance Barker Davies Inc. . . . . . 88 Teledyne Optech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 DIRECTOR – INFORMATION
Ridout & Maybee LLP . . . . . . . . . . 56 Terraplus Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 R. Spencer Ramshaw
Phone: 1-905-513-0046, ext. 304
RIMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 The Mining Association Email: [email protected]
of Canada (MAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 COPY EDITOR
Rocvent Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Theresa Rogers
TNR Industrial Doors . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Phone: 1-905-707-3524
Rotesco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Email: [email protected]
Topax Export Packaging Systems 73
RST Instruments Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . 71 CREATIVE DIRECTOR
Sharon MacIntosh
Tramac Equipment Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 67 Phone: 1-905-886-6641, ext. 311
RtTech Software Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Email: [email protected]
director, SALES

S U Beth Kukkonen
Phone: 1-905-707-3506
Ultra-Deep Mining Email: [email protected]
S&P Global Market Intelligence . . 19 Network (UDMN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ACCOUNT MANAGER
Sander Geophysics Ltd. . . . . . . . . 50 Kim Cristini
Unit Electrical Engineering Ltd. . . 39 Phone: 1-905-707-3510
Saskatchewan Email: [email protected]
Research Council . . . 14, 41, 69, 73 ACCOUNT MANAGER

SEI Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 42, 46 V Mike Forbes

Phone: 1-905-707-3526
Valley Blades Limited . . . . . . . 43, 80 Email: [email protected]
Shaw Almex Industries . . . . . . . . . 24 OFFICE MANAGER
Vintech Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Linda Collins
Sight Power Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 72 Phone: 1-905-513-0046, ext. 306
Email: [email protected]
Signature Group
of Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 W OFFICE ASSISTANT
Barb Fletcher
Wabi Iron & Steel Corp. . . . . . . . . 90 Phone: 1-905-683-0696
Solmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Email: [email protected]
Walden Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 PRODUCTION MANAGER
Sprung Structures Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 21
Crystal Himes
Westpro Machinery Inc. . . . . . . . . 62 Phone: 1-905-886-6641, ext. 331
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. . . . 29
Email: [email protected]
Standard Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PHOTOGRAPHER

State Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 X James Hodgins

Phone: 1-705-561-3686
XRF Scientific Americas Inc. . . . . 13 Email: info@miningindustrial
Staticon Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
STC Footwear Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Dovetail Communications Inc.
Advertising Index Susan A. Browne, President
Phone: 1-905-886-6641, ext. 314
Email: [email protected]
BPT Components &
Parts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 130-7111 Syntex Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8C3
Export Development Phone: 1-905-513-0046
Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Fax: 1-905-513-1834
Email: [email protected]
L&M Powertrain Parts. . . . . . IFC
ISSN 1485-8401
Greater Sudbury Printed in Canada. All rights reserved.
Development Corporation . . . IBC Canadian Publications Mail Agreement

98 Camese Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2017

Home to the world’s highest concentration of


The City of Greater Sudbury has the combined resources of more than 20,000
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other professionals in over 330 manufacturing, service and supply companies.

If you’re looking for the latest in mining technology, bring your business to
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