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Berlin, 20 – 23 September 2022

InnoTrans 2022 Report

Industry  No. 1 25th annual set May 2021
Internationale Fachmesse
für Verkehrstechnik

3? 6? 7?
FOCUS ON Meeting the challenge Berlin in Bioreactor Ambitious
Components and systems must focus on board tunnel project
comply with ever more diverse Interview with A new approach to train The Fehmarn Belt Tunnel
and challenging requirements. Eva Kreienkamp: toilets. On-board biore- will be the largest struc-
It is here that the industry is The CEO of Berliner actors increase the avail- ture of its kind – under the
demonstrating its power of Verkehrsbetriebe ability of toilets, reduce Baltic Sea. In the future,
innovation and is equipping discusses the future orientation of public trans- the workload of sanitation staff and only release there will be no need for trains to take detours across
railways for the future. port in Berlin and its metropolitan region. purified water and compost into the environment. the mainland or to cross the Baltic Sea by ferry.

Back on track:
On rails into
the future

Andre Rodenbeck,
VDB President
(German Railway

Photo: VDB

In September 2022 InnoTrans will

open its doors again to provide
insights into the future of mobility.
And sustainable transport concepts
are more relevant than ever, despite

Great international interest – InnoTrans Podcast

– or perhaps because of – the current
pandemic. Because Berlin and
Brussels are relying on climate-
friendly growth for the upswing out

in serial production by September 2022 of the crisis. Investments in

sustainable rail technology have a
double effect: they strengthen
climate-friendly industries
worldwide and significantly reduce
emissions in the transport sector.
As of 1 June, podcast guest Cornelius Weitzmann will become Chairman of the Board of Voith Turbo and a member of the Corporate Board of Management of the Voith Group. Photo: Voith Turbo Global Communications
Investments in green innovations
– from research to application – are
Since February the InnoTrans Preview Expanding personal contact The InnoTrans Podcast is creating a beginning of February. At the start,
has been enriched by a new format: the special relationship between InnoTrans Dr. Ben Möbius, Managing Direc- the key to a Green Re-Start. And
InnoTrans Podcast combines the latest The idea for the new audio format and its community in this respect. “Lis- tor of the Railway Industry Associ- they offer the opportunity for
news directly from the organiser team arose from the strong desire of exhib- teners receive our news, such as the ation in Germany, spoke about the disruptive new rail transport. The
with global insights into current and itors and trade visitors of the world‘s commissioning of our new streaming effects of the pandemic in relation game changer here is digitisation:
future trends in mobility. The monthly leading trade fair for transport technol- studio, directly from us. This creates to the emission-free mobility of Rail 4.0 makes it possible to
podcast offers the InnoTrans communi- ogy to exchange their views more inten- a personal, direct and uncomplicated tomorrow. transport more people and goods
ty a perfect foretaste of the innovations sively despite the COVID 19 pandemic. way of communicating,” says Kerstin Further to associations such as VDB even more comfortably and quickly
to be showcased at InnoTrans 2022. The “We have received plenty of positive Schulz, Director of InnoTrans. or Swissrail, the first exhibitors such on existing lines. Good for the
first episode already made it into the feedback for our InnoTrans Preview. as Siemens Mobility or Voith Turbo climate, good for customers, good
Apple Business Podcast Charts in five As organisers, we are always look- International interest is growing are already taking advantage of the for the economy.
countries. After the success of the first ing for new ways to actively partici- opportunity to exchange information Tomorrow‘s mobility must be geared
season, InnoTrans decided to continue pate in facilitating a global industry The first episode of the InnoTrans with the InnoTrans community via the to its customers – not the other way
the podcast until InnoTrans 2022. exchange.” podcast celebrated its premiere at the podcast. around. Because only the best offers
are convincing. Mobility on demand
is the future: from door to door,
intermodal, barrier-free, safe.

Amtrak‘s hope
is a powerful and indispensable way to Modern trams bring passengers to
carry us all into a leaner, cleaner, green- their destination flexibly, without
er 21st century.” The re-entry into the traffic jams or the search for a
Paris Agreement on Climate Change on parking space. Autonomous metros
the day of his inauguration and the ap-
On 20 January 2021, the 46th President of the United pointment of Peter Paul Montgomery
increase frequency: less waiting
time, more free seats, higher
States of America was sworn in: Joseph ( Joe) Robinette Buttigieg as Secretary of Transporta- punctuality. And they save around
tion are matching his climate-friendly
Biden, Jr – also known as Amtrak Joe. statement. The latter is considered a
30 percent energy in the process.
Low-emission regional trains
supporter of climate protection meas- seamlessly connect rural areas to
His nickname dates back to the years days several times. He has never made ures such as a CO2 tax. His appoint- cities. High-speed trains connect
from 1973 to 2009 during which he was a secret of his passion for train travel, ment was also welcomed by Amtrak‘s metropolises as fast as aeroplanes.
a Democratic senator for the State of and as early as 2009 he emphasised CEO Bill Flynn, “His commitment to This is how rail mobility could be – if
Delaware and commuted daily between the importance of rail transport for invest in infrastructure and climate ini- Biden‘s proposed infrastructure package investments are made now in digital
his home in Wilmington and his offi- the environment in a magazine article, tiatives will create jobs, help the nation amounts to about 2 trillion US dollars, technologies and forward-looking
cial residence in Washington D.C. He “Support for Amtrak must be strong – recover from the pandemic, and pro- of which about 600 billion US dollars are climate industries.
undertook this round trip by Amtrak not because it is a cherished American vide for a more sustainable transporta- earmarked for transport infrastructure.
an estimated 7,000 times – on some institution, which it is - but because it tion system in America.” Photo: Adam Schultz, Official White House photo

Mobility revolution is a central task

One platform – NEWS
a thousand possibilities INTERVIEW WITH …
The InnoTrans Virtual Market Place –
Thiele: Family foundation
When searching for a specific
product, the VMP supports the inter-
EVA Since 1 October 2020, Eva Kreienkamp has been chairwoman of the board of Berliner
being set up
ested party and creates an overview of KREIENKAMP
fully covering the market for mobility all relevant suppliers. Numerous filter Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Germany‘s largest public transport operator. Kreienkamp holds a
Chairwoman of Berlin BVG
options lead to more than 2,000 prod- degree in mathematics. Before she was appointed to Berlin, she spent five years at Mainzer
ucts, which are presented using texts,
photos and videos and are constantly Verkehrsgesellschaft, where she held various posts, such as responsibility for the “Mainzer
updated. If a user finds an interesting Mobilität 2030” concept and managing director of CityBahn GmbH. For many years Heinz Hermann Thiel
product, he or she can contact the ex-
hibitor directly. This offers both trade Eva Kreienkamp has been committed to more diversity within companies. She is a founding Photo: Knorr-Bremse

visitors and international companies member of the association “FidAR - Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte” (Women into board positions). The family of Heinz Hermann Thiele, who
the ultimate opportunity to establish died at the end of February 2021, will
new business contacts and then inten- remain the main shareholder of both
sify them live at InnoTrans 2022. Those railway engineering manufacturer Vossloh
cantly lower demand, we are running modern vehicle fleet as well as an effi- be electric. There will be new routes
who want to spend the time until the and Knorr-Bremse through a family
the full programme so that our bus cient infrastructure and - last but not and lines. And – this is something
world’s leading trade fair for transport foundation. To this effect, Thiele had laid
and rail passengers can remain as far least - many well-trained and motivat- which is particularly close to my heart
technology in a productive way can down the exact provisions in his will.
apart from each other as possible. The ed colleagues who want to share this – BVG will be far more digital. With our
make use of the extensive range of Accordingly, Thiele‘s Vossloh shares held
people of Berlin highly appreciate journey with us. Jelbi platform, we are already showing
on-demand webinars and product in- via KB Holding GmbH will initially pass to
that they can rely on us even in these the possibilities which digitisation of-
formation offered by exhibitors. his wife Nadia before their transfer to the
times. I am therefore convinced that Not only the mobility revolution, fers for networked mobility. We want to
The VMP picks you up passenger numbers will also increase ? but also digitisation and the steady continue on this path and will do so –
family foundation by virtue of his will.
This foundation is to be established by
significantly again when the pandemic growth of cities, some of which are in in transport services, but also in sales
before you have arrived eases, if we offer the quality that peo- the centre of enormous metropolitan and passenger information.
the end of the year.
“Heinz Hermann Thiele‘s wish was to
ple expect from us. But it also means regions – all of this also affects Berlin.
The VMP offers trade visitors the secure his life‘s work in the long term,”
that we have to adjust certain factors. What challenges for BVG will this bring You were previously at Mainzer
opportunity to find out about the
portfolio of exhibitors even before In- Working conditions, but also leisure about in the next decade? ? Verkehrsgesellschaft. What is the
explained the chartered accountant and
fiscal advisor Robin Brühmüller, who has
behaviour will change permanently. We biggest difference to BVG, apart from the been appointed as executor of the will.
noTrans. From spring 2022 InnoTrans
have to react to this - with tailor-made Eva Kreienkamp: Transport compa- size and the presence of underground “This is exactly what is being implement-
visitors will be able to compile their
personal tour of the trade fair on- offers and ticket types. We are already nies have always been thinking ahead trains, and how does it show? ed through the establishment of the
The Virtual Market Place offers many options to network internationally and learn about the current state of the industry. Photo: Messe Berlin
line using the Virtual Market Place® Eva Kreienkamp having very constructive discussions in long time frames. With courage and family foundation.” Thiele‘s daughter Julia
trade fair planner and then retrieve Photo: BVG/Oliver Lang about this with our partners of the foresight, our forefathers created a local Eva Kreienkamp: Actually, there are Thiele-Schürhoff will keep the shares she
A global digital market place which brings together interested parties, buyers and sellers in one place it on all mobile devices or synchro- public transport association. As far as transport system for Berlin from which rather more similarities. Every trans- holds through KB Holding. As a result, the
I n n oTran s Re po r t : longer-term plans are concerned, many we still benefit today. It is our duty to port company lives first and foremost
In March 2020, the business world that they were suitable virtu- As a digital representation of ent their products and services here to
nise it with the InnoTrans app. En-
tries which have been recorded in the
? Ms Kreienkamp, on 1 October 2020 of them have long since been set on a leave future generations a legacy of a thanks to the people who serve their
Thiele family as a whole will continue to
own 50.09 percent of Vossloh AG shares.
world was suddenly supposed to be al trading places. With the Virtual InnoTrans, it networks the global a much larger target group of interna- trade fair planner can be individually you took up your new role as chairwom- course for growth, and rightly so. Be- system which is tailor-made for the passengers around the clock with pas- There is a similar procedure for Heinz
digitised very quickly. Within a very Market Place® (VMP), InnoTrans had players in the industry and brings tional trade visitors and, by means of managed: Notes can be added, e-mails an of the BVG board, right in the middle cause - and despite Corona, we must challenges and opportunities of tomor- sion and know-how to provide them Hermann Thiele‘s shares in Knorr-Bremse
short time, numerous new platforms brought such an interactive, virtual them into contact with each other be- an optimal connection to their own sent, appointment requests sent and of the Corona period. As a result, passen- not forget this - climate change is an row. This is why we are now starting with the best possible services on road AG: Here, too, his shares held via KB
sprouted from the ground and tried market platform into digital life as yond the duration of the trade fair – online presence, control and coordi- confirmed appointments exported to ger numbers have dropped massively; issue that will keep us occupied much the procurement process to consist- and rail. To be at the head of such a Holding will first go to his wife Nadia
to convince the industry and business early as 2002. around the clock. Exhibitors can pres- nate their new offers. their calendar. people seem not only to rely more on longer and more intensively. The mo- ently modernise our fleets well into the strong team is a privilege. The biggest Thiele and then, as provided for in the
home offices but also more on individual bility revolution is one of our central 2030s. And this is why new tram routes difference between Mainz and Berlin will, be transferred to the family
transport. To what extent has the virus tasks. Attractive and intelligently net- are already being planned and built in is certainly the public perception. BVG foundation. The Thiele family holds
changed your short- and medium-term worked local transport services are the Berlin, and underground lines may also is, after all, the largest local transport 59 percent of Knorr-Bremse.
plans at BVG? key to a liveable future, especially for soon be planned and built again. In ten company in Germany. And this inev- The boards of both companies expressed
(FS) in 2002, where he held various Expertise in European issues the metropolitan areas. As BVG, we are years, our underground and tram net- itably makes us a heavyweight whose relief at the forward-looking arrange-

Alberto Mazzola is
positions. His last position was Head IMPRINT Eva Kreienkamp: The pandemic is a committed to playing an active role in works will to a large extent be equipped actions are much more under public ments for the succession of their
of International Government Affairs Over the years, he has become an challenge for all of us. Despite signifi- shaping this future. For this, we need a with new vehicles, and our buses will scrutiny than elsewhere. deceased main shareholder.
in Brussels, dealing with international outstanding expert not only on EU Publisher

Executive Director affairs and European legislation, mar-

ket regulation and technical stand-
policy but also on the European rail-
way business. As CER‘s Executive
Messe Berlin GmbH
MS Mobility & Services
Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin
of the CER ards. Prior to joining FS, he worked in Director, he will strongly represent the
the global business unit of Leonardo European rail sector at the European GERMANY
Finmeccanica (1988 - 2002). From institutions and position rail as the T +49 30 3038 2376
for the operation of both partial erating with Transdev Regio Ost. All
2015 to September 2020, Mazzola was backbone of the EU‘s sustainable and [email protected]
networks. participants have submitted bids for
Vice-President of the Transport, Energy
and Service of General Interest Sec-
tion and President of the International
smart mobility strategy, amidst the
opportunities offered by the 2021 - 2027
Multiannual Financial Framework to-
Concept, Advertising S-Bahn Berlin: International participation Well-known names in the procedure
both partial networks.

Applicants from Hong Kong

in the procurement procedure
Alberto Mazzola Photo: CER DVV Media Group / Eurailpress,
Trade Agreements Follow up Commit- gether with the EU‘s COVID-19 recov- Hamburg Applications were possible for the
tee of the European Economic and So- ery package. The first months of 2021 four individual lots, for a total of four With MTR, the application of a
The year 2021 has started for the tor Alberto Mazzola, who was unan- cial Committee. Alberto Mazzola holds have already shown that COVID 19 is Advertisements further lot combinations and also for large non-European operator has also
Community of European Railway and imously elected by the CER General a Master‘s degree in Business Adminis- dominating the scene across Europe, [email protected] overall performance (all lots). The been received. MTR operates almost
Infrastructure Companies (CER) with Assembly already in September 2020. tration and graduated as a doctor cum and rail transport will not be spared. In Editorial management future contracts for operation will all rail transport in China’s Hong Kong
the arrival of the new Executive Direc- He joined Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane laude in nuclear engineering. the immediate future, Alberto Mazzola Messe Berlin GmbH, Berlin last for 15 years, while the contracts Special Administrative Region, but is
will therefore also focus on the cur- [email protected] for maintenance will last for 30 years, also active in Australia (Sydney and
rent COVID 19 challenges and will be and [email protected] which is intended to ensure the quali- Melbourne), for example. In Europe,
Ad working hard with the members to win in cooperation with ty of the vehicles over their entire ser- MTR is established as MTR Europe,
back the confidence of the customers. [email protected] vice life. Siemens, Stadler and Alstom and besides the London Elizabeth Line,
The year 2021, which has been declared (formerly Bombardier) have applied the company operates regional pas-
TO JOIN Layout and dtp
the “European Year of Rail” by the EU, as manufacturers. On the operator senger transport services in Sweden
GrafoService GmbH, Norderstedt
should also highlight the great poten- side, bids have been submitted by (Stockholm) as well as long-distance

[email protected]
tial of railways to achieve the European Deutsche Bahn, Transdev Regio Ost, trains on the Stockholm-Gothenburg
climate objectives. This requires a Translation Die Länderbahn (DLB)/Netinera and route. In a next step, the qualified
leader who can guide the association [email protected] S-Bahn Berlin Photo: C. Müller
Simply stay on track MTR from Hong Kong. In addition applicants will be invited to submit
through these challenges and who can to the individual offers, there are also indicative bids before the final deci-
Sponsored by Picture credits
show the many advantages that rail can The Berlin S-Bahn, the heart of the of track, is about to re-award two par- railway) lots was 11 February. Com- at least two overall offers: Siemens sion on the award is expected to be
Messe Berlin GmbH as well as photos
offer as an employer and provider of capital’s transport system with 16 tial lots. The submission deadline for panies could apply for the supply/ and Stadler have joined forces with reached in October 2022. Operations
from the mentioned manufacturers
sustainable mobility services. lines, 168 stations and 340 kilometres the North-South and Stadtbahn (city maintenance of vehicles as well as S-Bahn Berlin GmbH, Alstom is coop- are then scheduled to start in 2027.

Multifunctional and compatible

product of the company’s many years
FOCUS ON of experience and its comprehensive
knowledge. It has a number of future-
proof features such as self-optimi-
sation, IoT, user-friendly interfaces Health protection
in local transport
– such as monitoring diagnostics via
RAILWAY It is technology which drives any successful railway operation and it continues to be at the heart a cloud-based solution – predictive
The surface coating
can simply
TECHNOLOGY of it. Nowadays, systems and components mostly offer more than just one function; they are often maintenance and automatic project
configuration functions, as well as an
be sprayed on.
Photo: Hübner Group

compatible with other systems or applications for the widest possible range of application. In the exceptional immunity to all sorts of
environmental conditions.
European Year of Rail, the industry shows that it is prepared for the challenges of the future. This product provides the infra-

For tomorrow‘s Protecting passengers from viruses and bacteria has

structure undertaking with trouble-
free management of the diagnosis
system as well as with reliable opera- become increasingly important in local transport.
Railtrailer – the base model NEWS
signalling systems tions.
For transport companies, this is also a question of

On the right track

with many equipment options
Project: Standards for
Modern INDUSI train manpower resources and increases in costs, not least
For the base model AMT Railtrailer, protection not just for because the number of passengers has been falling
hydrogen applications
just as for its other vehicles, AMT offers Exemplary application of the ALTPRO system Graphic: ALTPRO d.o.o. mainline railways
the possibility of adapting the modu- since the beginning of the Corona pandemic.
The German Centre for Rail Traffic
INDUSI train protection systems
lar system of the trailer with various Research at the Federal Railway At InnoTrans 2022, the Zagreb, Croatia-based are long-standing and have been wide-
options such as containers, frame fas- Authority has awarded a new develop- The HÜBNER Group has concluded a Surfaces which have been treated do
tening or ballast distribution systems ment contract: TÜV Rheinland InterTraffic company ALTPRO d.o.o. will present its new solutions ly used, especially in Europe. They
cooperation agreement with AIRDAL and not require cleaning and disinfection as
have been attractive to users for many
to exactly suit the planned application. GmbH is to develop a standard for in the fields of train detection and INDUSI-based years due to their combination of cost-
will distribute the antiviral surface protec- often – while providing the same level of
This makes the AMT Rail Road’s equip- hydrogen applications in rail vehicles. tion product of the same name in the mo- protection against infection. Independ-
ment compatible for both current and Regulatory and technical specifications train protection systems. With this, ALTPRO aims at efficiency, reliability and simplicity, and
bility sector. As a leading supplier to the ent tests have shown that the quantity of
they have also persuaded first-time
future operations and ensures a better are required to ensure the fundamental strengthening its name in the industry. users. ALTPRO’s new solution not only
mobility industry, HÜBNER is now offer- micro-organisms on the surfaces is
return on investment. safety of hydrogen vehicles. To date, the ing the antiviral surface coating for all ur- reduced by approx. 99.9 percent after only
With a continuous focus on safety, authorities have relied on technical gives the system a modern look.
ban and regional public transport equip- a short period of application.
all rail vehicles are tested under real regulations and standards from the
ALTPRO will present two new flag- (Automatic Train Protection), which is It is now possible to add new fea-
ment. The product prevents viruses or
ship products in the train detection and widely used worldwide. tures without compromising the orig-
conditions at the production site: on a automotive industry for the approval bacteria from surviving on surfaces such Cost savings for users
300-metre-long track system for brak- process of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles protection market segment: ALTPRO‘s inal benefits, making it possible to
as on grab rails, in seating, boarding and
ing tests and a ramp for gradient tests when assessing conformity. Dedicated new axle counter concept constitutes Axle counters as use the system in applications other
gangway areas and in the driver‘s cabin.
The invisible surface protection,
up to 250 permille. technical regulations and standards are a new generation of a modular, scala- a proven solution than regular mainline operations, for which does not adversely affect the mate-
ble and network-based axle counting example in metro networks. The de- rials, remains on surfaces for up to twelve
With the AMT Railroad Configu- now to be drawn up for the approval of Physical effect
rator, the vehicles can be configured hydrogen-powered rail vehicles. This system for railways, trams, metros and Axle counters are indispensable velopment has taken into account the months. The application is very simple:
online to fully meet individual require- should facilitate the use of hydrogen other applications. The new INDUSI- systems today and they are governed challenges faced by both infrastructure The effect of the coating is purely phys- After pre-cleaning, AIRDAL is applied to
ments. A written quotation is made and fuel cell technologies, simplify the based train protection solution for by strict requirements. For their pro- undertakings and railway operators. ical. After application, an ultra-thin pro- the surfaces to be treated. Thus, only two
The Railtrailer is proving its strength in daily use. Photo: AMT Rail Road BV available within only four hours after approval process and thus promote and the i60 and PZB90 configurations is duction, both international regulations Thanks to a large number of state-of- tective film of amorphous glass is formed: persons can disinfect a complete vehicle
completion of the configuration. sustainably strengthen the use of designed to offer operators a high de- and national legislation, as well as the art updates (including CAN com- it contains very tiny spikes that destroy within a short time. Additional chemical
alternative traction systems in rail gree of flexibility and cost efficiency, the implementation of the most ad- munication and cloud-based diagnos- the cell walls of viruses and bacteria. This disinfection is no longer necessary, only
Rail excavators, dumpers or other commercial vehicles: the construction of Environmentally friendly transport. The project comprises two while retaining the well-known and vanced technologies, are indispensable. tics), this INDUSI system will continue eliminates disease-causing pathogens and cleaning should be carried out at the
road-rail vehicles requires a high degree of flexibility and knowledge from their operation work packages. First, all relevant appreciated benefits of INDUSI ATP ALTPRO’s new axle counter is the to perform well in the future. prevents them from spreading further. usual intervals.
national and international regulations
manufacturers. Built for a wide range of applications, these vehicles not only have With this modular system, the and standards applicable to hydrogen
to comply with EN 15954, but of course also with all the laws and regulations overall number of machines required is vehicles and fuel cell systems will be
reduced, furthermore, the AMT vehi- reviewed. This will include an analysis of
applicable in the respective country. cles are equipped with low-emission their application to the rail vehicle sector InnoTrans_Report2021_Ausgabe01_01.qxp_Layout 1 03.03.21 07:30 Seite 1
engines which run on hydrogen or and their evaluation. In a second step, a Ad
AMT Rail Road BV, a company of the es, including rack railways. All machines fail-safe brakes and have a variety of oth- electricity. This is not only an impor- draft for a railway-specific standard to

We are on Track!
AMT Group, manufactures and supplies are developed together with the custom- er options, such as fully integrated and tant benefit for the environment, but facilitate the implementation of
unique vehicles from the Netherlands ers and built according to their specifi- intuitive RCI (Rated Capacity Indicator) also for the people working on the track hydrogen and fuel cell technologies will
for daily use on and around the tracks. cations and requirements. As a standard, systems, cameras, tracking systems and and nearby. Low pollution and noise be developed. The project will last
These can be used on various track gaug- the road-rail vehicles are equipped with fire warning systems. levels ensure healthier workplaces. twelve months.
Electronic control for rail vehicles
For high speed Ethernet connections via
train couplings and existing cabling

High-speed data transmission via

Safe display systems for ECx ECx for more comfort on

conventional lines
existing cabling
• Data security with 128 Bit AES
• Max. data transfer 950 Mbit/s
Centralp, a French specialist in embedded systems, is The ECx for Deutsche Bahn is based
• Voltage range from 24 V up to 110 V
• Type test acc. EN50155
supplying its K-Vision DMI (Driver Machine Interface) on the lightweight Talgo 230 plat- • Compliant to EN45545
form and is intended for conventional • Temperature range -40 °C to + 75 °C
to the Spanish rolling stock manufacturer Talgo. long-distance transport as well as in- • Transmission method G.HN
It is intended for use in the new ECx for Deutsche
ternational connections. In the tender • Dynamic line management to
concluded in 2019, Talgo was awarded optimize frequency usage
Bahn AG (DB). • Frequency range up to 200 MHz

a major framework agreement for the

using OFDM with 4096 QAM
Photo: Centralp

delivery of up to 100 train units. As
Versatile operating displays cab displays of the K-Vision series (Train Communication and Manage- from 8 to 15 inches. The specifications of part of this agreement, DB immediate-
are available in different versions for ment System) user interface. It also EN 50155 and EN 50121 are met. ly placed a firm order for 23 multiple
For more than two decades, Lyon- various applications (TCMS, CCTV provides a SIL2 display, with or without To date, Centralp has delivered units worth 550 million Euros. These
based Centralp has been producing or even ETCS, CBTC). In the ECx, the redundancy. The K-Vision Extended around 45,000 DMIs worldwide, meet- are currently in the final stages of tech-
Lütze Transportation GmbH • D-71384 Weinstadt • Tel.: +49 71 51 60 53 - 545
embedded systems for future-orient- K-Vision DMI is dedicated to the dis- SIL2 is immediately operational, eas- ing the requirements of renowned in- nical development, with delivery and [email protected] •
ed railway applications. The driver‘s play and management of the TCMS ily customisable and available in sizes dustrial and railway operators. commissioning scheduled for 2023.

DC/DC converter in compact design: one for all

NEWS erected the elements will then be towed
to their appropriate location, lowered

Fehmarn Belt:
one after the other into a trench on the
For a safer and
seabed and connected to each other
more comfortable
The HFBC60-W/Ks for chassis installation offers an ultra-wide input voltage range from 14.4 volts DC to on-site. The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will
passenger experience consist of 79 elements, each 217 metres

Under-Sea Tunnel Construction

154 volts DC with a power rating of 60 watts. This means that the DC/DC converter covers all international long and weighing 73,000 tonnes. In
on-board voltages for rail vehicles (24 volts, 36 volts, 72 volts, 96 volts and 110 volts), including the tolerance addition, a total of ten special elements
will be installed at intervals of about
range of +/- 40 percent required by EN 50155, with just one device. Companies operating throughout Europe two kilometres, equipped with a base-
can thus cost-effectively carry out the qualification of assemblies by using a single converter. ment for operating and maintenance
equipment. The sea trench is to be up
to 60 metres wide and 16 metres deep;
The “plug-and-play” concept has integrated as standard. The convert-
the deepest point will reach 30 metres
proven successful and enables an er can be started via the enable sig-
below the water surface.
easy implementation in many appli- nal. The reverse polarity protection
Denmark is in charge of planning,
cations. Typical applications for the is solved passively, but there is a new
building and maintaining the tunnel
HFBC60-W/Ks include fan controls, version with active reverse polarity
This is what trains in Lombardy could look and will finance the Euro 7.1 billion
displays in passenger information protection. The converter is idle-proof
like. (as of 2015) project with support from
systems, box PCs, locomotive driver and permanently short-circuit-proof, Graphic: Alstom
the EU’s “Connecting Europe Facility”
cab displays, door opening systems, the output voltage can be adjusted by
The on-board solutions of Teleste fund. Germany will finance its own
actuators for wheel flange lubrication +7 percent and -10 percent by means
Compact DC/DC
Corporation from Turku, Finland, road and rail hinterland connections.
systems, energy meters/tracking tools converter HFBC60-W/Ks
of resistors, in order to compensate for
have been developed continuously According to the current planning,
in trains and other applications which Photo: Autronic Steuer- und Regeltechnik GmbH losses via the lines, for example.
over the years in close cooperation the project is set to be completed in
must be highly sturdy. The interna- The combination of booster and ac-
with vehicle manufacturers and 2029. On the Danish side, construction
tional standard EN 50155:2017 regard- and emitted interference via the cables x 35 mm) unique. The power supply tive clamp at the optimised operating
infrastructure undertakings. The of the working port has been underway
ing damp heat, temperature, shock and housing are within the limits of can be operated in the temperature point achieves a high efficiency of ap-
sophisticated systems are now in since mid-2020, and work on the pro-
and vibration is of course fulfilled; the criterion and class A. In addition, range from -40 degrees Celsius up to proximately 91 percent. Heat is dissi-
use in around 2000 rail vehicles in duction facility for the tunnel elements
the railway-specific criteria of EMC the converter has an integrated pow- 85 degrees Celsius - according to class pated via the lateral mounting surface.
more than 20 countries. already began in early 2021. To this end
according to EN 50121-3-2:2016, such er failure bridging of 10 milliseconds OT4, ST1+ST2 - without derating. Available output voltages are 5 volts,
the state-owned Danish project com-
as surge, burst and ESD, are complete- (class S2) over the entire temperature An inrush current limiter and pro- 12 volts or 24 volts. Other output volt-
ly complied with without additional and input range, which makes the tective functions against overvoltage, ages or modifications to the unit can Soon also in Italy Special element with basement Photo: Femern A/S pany Femern A/S has signed contracts
with two construction consortia: the
components. Immunity to interference compact converter (113 mm x 46 mm overcurrent and overtemperature are be made on request.
The Teleste on-board solutions will Construction on this large project has begun: The Fehmarn Belt tunnel aims to close The tunnel will be approved for speeds FLC consortium is responsible for the
now also be installed in Alstom’s of up to 200 kilometres per hour. It will immersed tunnel, the production of
Coradia Stream trains. The parties a gap in the Northern European rail network and will shorten the connection be equipped with a derailment pro- the elements as well as the tunnel por-
have reached an agreement with between the major cities of Hamburg and Copenhagen. The civil engineering work tection system and emergency escape tals. Members are, among others, Vinci
Ferrovienord, the infrastructure paths. Emergency exits will also be pro- (France), Waiss & Freytag, Max Bögl
undertaking in Lombardy, Italy, to under the Baltic Sea will be the largest of its kind in the world. vided every 110 metres. The Fehmarn (Germany) and CFE (Belgium). The
NEWS use the Teleste solution in 31 Belt tunnel will be the longest im- Dutch consortium FBC is responsible

Bioreactor –
Coradia Stream trains. With an It will take trains a mere seven min- hagen is anticipated to take less than The four-tube structure will be pro- mersed tunnel for rail and road traffic for the excavation and construction of
TRB continues to option for a further 30 trains, the utes to cross the 18-kilometre-long three hours thanks to this link under vided with two tubes for cars and two in the world. The individual tunnel ele- the working port. Other contract pack-
deliveries now agreed will start tunnel, connecting Puttgarden on the the Baltic Sea. Until now, trains on single-track electrified tubes for pas- ments will be manufactured and sealed ages which have not yet been awarded
cooperate with Hitachi

the future on board

later this year. Teleste’s deployment German island of Fehmarn and Rødby this route have had to cross the Baltic senger and freight trains. There will to make them watertight in a specially include the mechanical installations
in the Coradia Stream trains on the Danish island of Lolland. Trav- Sea by ferry or take detours across the be a Train Control Centre (TCC) in built factory in Rødbyhavn, Denmark. such as ventilation, lighting or safety
includes Passenger Information elling between Hamburg and Copen- mainland. Copenhagen to monitor railway traffic. From a working harbour to be newly systems.
Systems (PIS), on-board video
surveillance, intercommunication
The idea is frightening: a long train journey, the and public address systems, as well
as the latest generation of
passenger has to give in to his or her needs, but full-colour RGB LED information
West Line” (NW Line), which runs 35 metres below the seabed and almost

Sydney Metro: Record-breaking

from Tallawong eastwards to Chatwood 70 metres below the water surface.
the toilet is closed. Thanks to appropriate systems, displays, which provide excellent
station north of the inner city. It will The Australian joint venture Systems
visibility for passenger information
these times will hopefully soon be over. Today, and other content such as advertis-
be followed by the “City & South West Connect, consisting of UGL and CPB
Line” (CSW Line), which will run Contractors, was entrusted with the
there are low-maintenance closed toilet systems
project in Australia
Composite doors for Hitachi ing. The open architecture of the
on-board systems ensures
southwards under the harbour basin, project under a 1.38 billion Australian
which discharge only purified water onto the Photo: TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd.
interoperability with all other the inner city and the central busi- dollar contract. Work is currently un-
ness district and then continue west- derway on equipping the tunnel and on
tracks at the end of the process. TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd. has systems. Commands can also be
wards via Sydney Central Station to building the stations.
been active for about 40 years in received from an external source
the field of lightweight composite via the Railway API. All of Teleste’s Bankstown. The NW Line has already been in
materials, including for the railway on-board solutions are designed for Tunnelling work which started operation since May 2019, and the
Example of a Protec bioreactor for internal installation industry. The company has now easier, safer and more enjoyable in 2018 has been completed for the 22 Alstom-Metropolis trains which
Photo: Protec Rail announced a new project as part of travel and support seamless approximately 30-kilometre CSW Line, are operating there carried around
its long-standing partnership with integration and management of with an existing line to be connect- 20 million passengers in the first year
Conventional train toilets have hygienic treatment unit. After passing be installed inside a conventional toi- Hitachi. It includes the manufacture systems even as part of larger ed on the westernmost section. In the after launch, according to the New
collection tanks which have to be through this process, the water, which let module or in a horizontally aligned of toilet panels, partitions and public transport infrastructures. inner city area, 15.5 kilometres of twin South Wales state government. Around
emptied every three days at the latest. has been completely purified without underfloor arrangement. doors, as well as modified storage “We are pleased to partner with tunnels were excavated, using five 28 kilometres of the line run under-
This requires the appropriate dispos- chemicals, is automatically discharged Compared to conventional collection units for bicycles and large items of Alstom and their Coradia Stream tunnel boring machines (TBMs) from ground, with 15 kilometres of double
Tunnel breakthrough with a Herrenknecht TBM under Sydney Harbour Photo: Sydney Metros
al stations which enable emptying onto the tracks - and this only when tank systems, the decision in favour luggage for 23 new trains due to train platform to further advance German manufacturer Herrenknecht. tunnels bored between Bella Vista
at short intervals. Nowadays, how- the train is in motion. The solid res- of Protec Rail bioreactors initially enter service in the UK by 2022. smooth and safe public mobility in Two double shield TBMs, each with and Epping. Four 120-metre long and
ever, a modern vehicle fleet needs idues are compostable, but can also results in higher acquisition costs, Since its founding in 1954, TRB Italy. Having been deployed on Australia’s first metro network is developing in Sydney. The first line of the a drill head diameter of about seven 900-tonne double shield TBMs bored
closed toilets and at the same time a be disposed of via the sewage system but due to the long disposal intervals, has invested in its people and has several public transport networks in metres, worked their way from the a total of 30 kilometres of tunnel in
network-wide disposal concept. without hesitation. By cleaning the this results in significantly lower a team of over 130 experts in the the country, we are confident that
“Sydney Metro” went into operation only about two years ago, but work is already northern edge of Sydney Harbour 16 months. A consortium consisting
With bioreactors, Protec Rail offers a waste water while the train is in mo- annual operating costs (break-even fields of design, engineering, our solution will provide passen- underway on an extension through the city centre. In total, more than 30 kilometres northwards to Chatwood, while two of the companies Thiess, John Holland
sustainable and ecological toilet sys- tion, the operators have the greatest after three to four years). In addition, manufacturing and quality gers in Lombardy with a pleasant others drilled their way from the south (both Australia) and Dragados (Spain)
tem which, with disposal intervals of possible flexibility in the scheduling there are lower infrastructure costs: assurance. TRB‘s cross-functional travel experience while meeting of double tunnels have already been constructed for this project. towards the southern edge of the har- was responsible for the tunnel work.
two to six months, guarantees signif- and availability of their vehicles, as the number and equipment of the dis- teams work closely with clients the requirements of the railway bour basin. The fifth TBM, equipped The tunnelling works for this section
icantly higher availability than con- they can operate their trains largely in- posal stations to be installed are con- to overcome the challenges of operator,” said Jarkko Vehkala, Big plans for Sydney: In three years, the existing suburban railway network to the business districts, the city centre with a mix shield, drilled the one- started in September 2014; the contract
ventional train toilets. Each bioreac- dependently of disposal stations. The siderably lower, which means that their reducing weight while improving Head of the Rolling Stock the Australian metropolis will have will be complemented and up to 40,000 and the harbour. The construction of kilometre long connecting tubes be- for the drilling and construction works
tor consists of three main elements: seating capacity in the trains remains subsequent operation is also more performance, safety and Manufacturers business segment a 66-kilometre long driverless metro passengers per hour will benefit from the metro is taking place in two phas- tween the tunnels under the har- at stations on the line had a volume of
a solid reactor, a liquid reactor and a unchanged, the Protec bioreactor can economical. durability. at Teleste. system with 31 stations. From 2024, better connections from the suburbs es: The first is the 36-kilometre “North bour basin, where the tubes run up to 1.15 billion Australian dollars.

Harsco Rail: ETCS to equip

for an up to three times longer time
than what can be achieved with con- Your contact persons
ventional tamping methods. Equipped for InnoTrans

maintenance machines
with ETCS Level 2 on-board devic-
Network Rail as part of a three-year es from Thales, the heavy machines,
maintenance contract. They intrude which travel at up to 60 miles per
the ballast by blowing it in between hour, can easily switch between ETCS ORGANISER
Harsco Rail, a Harsco Corpora- for use in the UK with ETCS Level 2 the tracks in order to restore the cor- Level 2 equipped lines and others us- MESSE BERLIN GMBH
tion company, is equipping a total on-board devices. The multipurpose rect track geometry. This process is ing the UK‘s national train protection
of four of its maintenance machines stoneblower machines will be used by said to keep the track position stable system, TPWS/AWS. Matthias Steckmann,
Senior Vice President
Business Unit Mobility & Services
Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin,
hibits, which will be delivered by road DEUTSCHLAND
T +49 30 3038 2376

The master of the tracks

and positioned on the open-air tracks
[email protected]
or on temporarily installed tracks by
means of huge cranes or ramps.

In the course of your time at DIRECTOR InnoTrans

? InnoTrans, you have experienced Kerstin Schulz
quite a lot when it comes to equipping the T +49 30 3038 2032
track area. What do you remember most?

Klaus Seipold: An Asian exhibitor did

not allow his almost 100-tonne lo- Kai Mangelberger
comotive to be moved by shunting T +49 30 3038 2356
locomotives. It had to be moved by
hand with muscle power, and every- PRODUCT MANAGERS
one involved had to wear white cloth
Lena Ritter
gloves. Such care by our exhibitors for
T +49 30 3038 2389
their exhibits happens quite often. On
Josephine Ruhp
one occasion, a locomotive from the
T +49 30 3038 2358
Czech Republic was delivered to the
exhibition grounds by a heavy goods Erik Schaefer
T +49 30 3038 2034
vehicle five days before InnoTrans.
The manufacturer’s technician stayed
Has lived through a lot in more than 20 years - siding manager Klaus Seipold. Photo: Messe Berlin in the locomotive during the entire PROJECT ORGANISATION
assembly period and never let the ex- Tim Hamker
hibit out of his sight. But sometimes
A look behind the scenes of the outdoor track and display areas the reverse is also true: once we were
T +49 30 3038 2376
Manuel Ruben
It is always an absolute highlight For more than 20 years, railway siding far away, so it can easily take some expecting a freight wagon to be deliv- T +49 30 3038 2011
of every visit to InnoTrans to see the manager Klaus Seipold has been exhibitors two to three months to ered by train from the Wustermark
Shereen Spangenberg
outdoor track and display areas. On moving the vehicles on the tracks get them to Berlin on time. Three collection station, but it simply never
T +49 30 3038 2371
3,500 running metres of tracks, trade which mean the world. days are planned for the train de- arrived. It seemed to have literally dis-
Jana Zöllner
visitors can admire mobility innova- liveries to InnoTrans itself. On the appeared into thin air. Its whereabouts
How long does it take before the
T +49 30 3038 2095
tions from all over the world through- first day, Tracks 6 – 11 in car park remained unknown even days later.
el B
out each day of the trade fair. But be- trains are finally on the track? P18 will be equipped, on the sec- ȕ
A few weeks after InnoTrans, it was
hind this globally unique attraction is ond day the tracks in the yard27area
found on a siding in Hanover. It had PRESS
someone who is affectionately known Klaus Seipold: Well in advance of the and on the third day Tracks 12–5 5.
Tor been left there while being transport- Tim Benedict Wegner
in InnoTrans circles as the “railway event, we coordinate the delivery of In addition, the last set-up day of ed to the collection station and was Press Officer InnoTransMes
Log se-
siding manager” and who also has a the exhibits with the exhibitors, our InnoTrans is planned as a time simply forgotten. Every InnoTrans T +49 30 3038 2282 Point
private affinity with the beauties on contract freight forwarders and DB reserve. Before the trains arrive, a brings new exciting stories. I am very

the tracks. For him, it involves a lot Cargo as the railway undertaking. further three days are planned for much looking forward to the one at

of hard work and precise planning. Many of the exhibits come from very the delivery and unloading of ex- InnoTrans 2022.

fés Martin Eckhardt
ße T +49 30 3038 1850

Exhibition grounds
InnoTrans 2022 Internationale Fachmesse
für Verkehrstechnik

Railway Technology
Media partners
Interiors incl. Travel Catering & Comfort Services for InnoTrans
Railway Infrastructure
Tunnel Construction
Public Transport incl.
Mobility+ / Mobility+ Corner
Outdoor Display
Bus Display
Opening Ceremony
InnoTrans Convention
Speakers’ Corner
InnoTrans Campus
Business Lounge (Marshall-Haus)
Press Center

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