Article1379515879 - Nakpodia and Dafiaghor
Article1379515879 - Nakpodia and Dafiaghor
Article1379515879 - Nakpodia and Dafiaghor
This paper is a review on lateness in public schools, which has posed a major problem to school
administrators in Delta State, Nigeria; especially at the primary and secondary school levels. The author
delimited his focus on students, staff and supporting staff in the school system. The salient point is
that, lateness to schools plagues school administrators, bringing about inefficiencies at work by way of
administration. Therefore, this paper highlights the meaning, causes and effects of lateness to schools
as related to the school administrator in Delta State, Nigeria. The study also highlighted various
remedies to the sordid situation. This review will therefore help school administrators alleviate
lateness, a hydra-headed monster plaguing schools in Delta State, Nigeria, and as such bring about
easy administration of schools in the region.
to describe “people not showing up on time”. Breeze et he is more likely to be punctual because the level of
al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is distraction would be lesser.
synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to
act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or
usual timing. It is obvious therefore that, lateness could Keeping friends of different status
be seen as a system of network breakdown
(Peretomode, 1991), a situation of not meeting up with Friends and acquaintances that are not of the same
programme… a function of time… time is the criteria and status with an individual tend not to understand the
determinant of lateness. Having therefore known the responsibilities of the individual, most especially those of
meaning of lateness, the causes of lateness should be lower status. For instance, a teacher spending most of
highlighted. the leisure time with a motorcyclist; the motorcyclist is
likely not to motivate the teacher in the aspect of
punctuality as compared with a fellow teacher.
There are numerous causes of lateness to school. Engagement in untimely domestic chores/activities
Amongst others, the following are the major causes of
lateness to school. These activities are necessary but doing them at a wrong
timing is what cause lateness to school. In some cases,
most parents even oblige their wards to help carry their
Going late to bed goods to the market and other such kind of chores before
going to school. Activities like these inevitably cause
This is one of the major causes of lateness to school. lateness to school, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
Going late to bed could result in waking up late, as could Furthermore, Oghuvwu (2008) concurred to this when he
be deduced from the literal meaning of the saying “early opined that “lateness is common as a result of students’
to bed early to rise”. involvement by parents”.
The individual involved in watching films and home Most people always have that relax mind in anything they
videos may be so captivated and hypnotised by it that, do; they do not even care if they are running late or not;
he/she forgets that he/she has to be in school; and at they just do not beat that their relax temple or mood of
sudden realisation, he/she hurries off and likely may not doing things. Even when a little hurry could make them
be punctual (Ukoshi, 2004). punctual, they prefer to be late than beat their innate
temple; this is a glaring situation.
Religious background on… both teachers and students turn to look at him/her…
the system and flow is distracted and distorted… he/she
Every individual in this world is loyal or faithful to one thinks where do I start from to catch up?.. asks a fellow
religion or the other. Even the atheist is loyal to his own student “is he just starting?.. how long has be been
beliefs, thus he/she is his/her own religion. Individuals teaching?.. what has he/she taught?... let me see your
tend to swallow hook, line and sinker, whatever their note. From this simple analogy, it is glaring that the late
religious leaders teach, and those which the religious comer is both a problem him/herself and the entire school
teacher does not teach is considered less or not system. In addition, according to “Clackmannashire
important by them. The salient point is that, if religions Council Online”, “lateness is disruptive to the individual
frown at lateness, it would reduce; and if they do not and to the work of the class and may be an early warning
speak of it or speak encouraging it (they may say, no of other difficulties”.
matter what happens, God will always favour you); the
tendency is that lateness would be on the increase, most
especially in Delta State, Nigeria, Africa, where religion is Lateness inhibits the process of achieving the goals
tenaciously adhered to because of the fear of witchcraft of the school
and wizardry (African Science).
The basic reason for the human component is to enable
easy achievement of the goals and objectives of
Lack of functional and effective punctuality policy establishing the school. Thus, if the employers’ goal is to
make money, and the individual’s contribution to the
Obviously, individuals could come late to school, if they organisation could bring the school N20 per h. If he/she
perceive that there are no consequences to it. It is a then comes 30 min late every day, thus N10 is lost every
consensus that “if black man no see strong thing, e no day as a result of lateness. The point is that as small as
they hear”. This consensus is more pronounced in Delta this, multiplied by the days of the years and a good
State, Nigeria, where the probability of misdemeanour number of employees with this habit… this would be a
and stubbornness is high. Furthermore, school head’s very great loss to the school. Thus, Ali (2007) clearly
fairness or equal treatment between different subjects, as posited that
perceived by individuals, could cause lateness.
Individuals are likely to be more punctual, if they perceive “… showing up 10 min late could add up to lots of lost
obvious “rule of law” in terms of punctuality revenue for the company (school) and the individual.”
(Clackmannanshire Council Online, 2010). Furthermore, ETC’s (2009) attendance and punctuality
policy clearly states that “regular and punctual
attendance is of paramount importance in ensuring that
Too much body care and excessive facial/body make- all students have full access to the curriculum… valuable
up learning time is lost when students are absent or late”.
needs to carry out the function of maintaining punctuality help identify and proffer solutions to this quality and
policy without favouritism. disturbing problem that could lead to students’ drop-out
2. Staff and students in the school system should be from school, and also inefficiency and ineffectiveness on
sensitised and made aware of the effects of lateness to the part of the school administrators, by way of school
them and the entire school system, and also the benefits administration and management; knowing fully well that
of punctuality to them first and then to the entire school lateness could be reduced by providing free education
system. This should be carried out by both school heads, counselling and discipline among students, in addition to
governmental and non-governmental agencies, religious the use of electronic systems, truancy sweep by school
bodies, and other such bodies and individuals. heads. It should also be noted that, lateness is common
3. The school administrator must teach punctuality by among female students, and as such they should be of
example… he/she must act as a model for all to copy. more concern to the school administrator in Delta State.
4. School administrators should impose compulsory Finally, the remedy to any situation is in the situation;
beginning and closing of the day meeting of staff and thus, the school administrator, should study the peculiar
students. In the meetings, there should be strict situation and respond as the situation suggests. The fact
attendance register. is no two situations are the same, no matter how similar.
5. School administrators should build in staff and
students, the virtue of “time-consciousness”. For
instance, putting wall clocks in conspicuous locations for
all to see could instil the time-consciousness attitude in Ali M (2007). Attendance and Punctuality cost companies big money.
individuals in the school. Retrieved 23rd September, 2010 from:
6. As an individual, try to be 15 min early to school, as
this could help you make friends and say hello to already- punctuality.cost...
Breeze S, Woosh C, Batt C, Fine M (2010). “How to be punctual”.
made friends; get one’s self prepared for the day’s WikiHow: thehow to manual that you can edit. Retrieved 23rd
activity; possibly even read a book, and most importantly September, 2010 from:
could help make up for unforeseen causes of lateness, Catt F (2010). The lateness game: Coincidence or equilibrium?
and still be punctual. Retrieved 20th September, 2010 from:
7. There should also be activities /acts to motivate and punctuality-coincidence-or-equilibrium/.
reinforce punctuality. For instance, awarding prizes for Clackmannanshire Council Online (2010). Attendance and Punctuality
punctuality could go a long way in enhancing punctuality. (Secondary Schools). Retrieved 23rd September, 2010 from:
8. Parents and school administrators should join efforts in
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9. Truancy patrol… is a situation where members of the September, 2010 from:
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times. In this kind of situation, the pupil would likely be 2010 from:
punctual since the only convenient environment would be Nakpodia ED (2006). Educational Administration: A new approach.
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punished… he is then forced to come early. Oghuvwu PE (2008). “Absenteeism and lateness among secondary
10. Parents involving students in domestic activities school students in Nigeria: Profiling causes and solutions.” Academic
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should be mindful of punctuality.
11. Government on its part, should improve Online J., 6: 3.
transportation and other economic activities in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (1995). 5th ed.,
country… as some students walk/trek to school, as a Oxford: University Press.
Peretomode VF (1991). Educational Administration: Applied concepts
result of fair… even those that have the fair, sometimes and theoretical perspectives for students and practitioners. Lagos:
no transport service or no good roads, causing hold-ups Joja Educational Research and Publishers, pp. 25-26.
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SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Delta State. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Abraka: Delta State
UK Government (2010). Fourteen approaches to improving attendance.
Conclusively, lateness among students, staff and Retrieved 23rd September, 2010 from:
supporting staff in public primary and secondary schools Ukoshi RE (2004). “Absenteeism in Nigeria work organisation: A
comparative study of private and public organisation in Ondo State.”
in Delta State is a major and continuous administrative Unpublished M.B.A. Thesis, Benin: University of Benin.
problem, and there is need for students and parents to