Review of Related Literature Tardiness Affecting Academic Performance
Review of Related Literature Tardiness Affecting Academic Performance
Review of Related Literature Tardiness Affecting Academic Performance
have shown that school tardiness has a negative impact on learning outcomes. By the
mere nature of arriving late and missing school hours, students receive fewer hours of
instruction than students who are in class when the bell sounds. But not only does a
student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad punctuality habits, their
tardiness also disrupts the learning of other students in their classes. And there are
some causes why students come late, they sleep too late at night. Most students
nowadays sleep too late at night because of the worthless doings just like playing video
games that causes them to wake up late at the next morning. Second, trying to get one
last thing done. This is a common cause of tardiness. Nowadays students always try to
answer one more email or Facebook, messages before they get out of their houses to
go to school. This may lead to distractions and forget what they are doing. Another,
under-estimating the commute time. Some students may tell themselves it takes only
twenty minutes to get to school, but it actually takes forty minutes to go. And sometimes
they can’t find things they need. Nothing is more annoying than searching for lost objects
when you’re running late. This problem will take most of the time of the students to find
Adrian Scott (2016), a principal from Swan Christian College explained that
for a child, arriving late to school occasionally won't cause major disruption. Inevitably,
children will feel sick or tired some mornings, or other situations will prevent them from
being on time. But chronic lateness eventually takes its toll on a child's overall
educational experience.
percent of the school year in the early grades causes many students to struggle in
primary school, and lateness in later grades is associated with increased failure and
dropout rates. Fortunately, parents can help prevent tardiness from becoming frequent
enough to negatively impact their child's school life. Disrupted Routines, one of the most
depend on the structure of the day. They know where they have to be and when. They
know the main purpose for being in school is to learn and that routines are in place
precisely to help them focus on that learning. When students are repeatedly tardy, these
routines are disrupted. Children who are often late have trouble settling in and mastering
routines. Tardiness can throw off their whole morning or even their day, especially if the
late commute to school was stressful. Social Criticism, the social experience has a
powerful impact on a child's feelings about school and his or her ability to be
students are distracted. Attention is drawn away from the teacher or assignment and
toward the child who has just arrived. Over time, classmates may begin to criticize this
child, affecting how they feel about themselves in school. During adolescence, children
are especially conscious of fitting in and being accepted by peers. If your child is
repeatedly tardy, they may become a target or outcast over time, and negative peer
Encyclopedia of Children's Health, children with steady friendships throughout the school
year enjoy school more, and children who can make new friends tend to perform better
and lower scores on standardized tests. It is also linked to low graduation rates. In
addition, students who are routinely late at the primary and middle school levels are
more likely to fail in senior school -- or even drop out. In many classrooms, particularly at
the primary level, morning routines are critical to daily lessons. Warm-up activities may
introduce topics that will be learned later in the day, or review work offers students an
meet expectations. They learn to follow schedules, obey rules, complete assignments
functioning in the working world, as noted by William Kirby in his 2010 article "School
Attendance Tied to Academic Success”. Attendance is one of the ways children show
they can meet their obligations. In many cases, a child's attendance depends on his
parents' ability to help him be on time. Parents can teach their children organizational
techniques that will help them get out of the house faster, such as packing their bags
and laying out their clothes the night before school. But parents who drive their children
must also remember to be punctual and responsible. After all, you are the primary role
“people not showing up on time”. Breezes et al. (2010) contributed by saying that
lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to
respond, thus not meeting up with zproper or usual timing. It is obvious therefore that
determinant of lateness.
Lyons and Griffins (2008) stated that tardiness or lateness affects not
only the student who is late for class, but also the other students in class,
school district ratings, eventually reaching work places, and in extreme cases,
students using teacher-written praise notes. The researchers found that students who
are frequently late to school often miss out on important opening announcements and
academic activities. ‘Teachers can become frustrated as late students disrupt instruction,
often requiring reteaching of what they have missed. Tardy behavior can also negatively
Arriving late to school can also mean that students miss out on activities designed to
build connections with their peers, potentially impacting their social interactions and
from classes among students nowadays is a global issue that is not only occurs in
Malaysia. Various researches on absenteeism only focused on the absenteeism but lack
Thus, this study aimed to find the relationship between class attendance and academic
enrolled in Calculus course in 2016 in UiTM Penang Branch involved in this study. Two
important data were recorded during the 2016 session namely, the student attendance
for 14 weeks and the final scores of the students. The statistical analysis used in this
research is descriptive, student’s t-test, Pearson correlation and regression model. The
findings of this study indicated that there are significant differences between class
describes a student missing more than 10% of academic instruction due to unexcused
students missed three weeks or more of school in 2015-2016. That is about 100 million
school days lost. With that many days of missed instruction, it is evident that chronic
academically if they’re missing three weeks of academic content. For students in upper
grades, chronic absenteeism can be a barrier to high school graduation and ultimately
concern for elementary and secondary school educators. The effects of absenteeism
show that it hurts both students' academic achievement and the school, where it can
cause time loss and morale problems. Absenteeism has many causes and effects. The
causes of absenteeism of students are according to were the following; Lack of subject
interest, lack of personal interest in studies, available opportunities for entertainment like
malls, movie halls etc., the mental capacity of a students does not match with the course
opted, Too much pamperness from family, the poor teaching skills of a teacher also
keep away student from the school, lack of confidence ,ragging also cause
absenteeism , lack of allied activities also causes absenteeism like no sports program,
no fresher or farewell parties ,no annual day celebration etc. , poor food of canteen may
also be considered as one of the reasons for absenteeism and poor infrastructure facility
in school such as no place in a library to sit is also one of the reason of absenteeism.
Excess of homework and sometimes fear from examination keep away students from
school. Preparation for the participation in TV shows in dance musical or acting G.K.
attendance of a student when she/he is unable to cope with parent nature of making
comparison among their own children of with the friends of their child. Too much
socialization causes absenteeism. And also inferiority complex within student causes
“Tardiness in Relation to the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students
of La Verdad Christian School”, tardiness has already become a habit of some students
nowadays, being tardy means coming late on school even their house is just beside their
school and it can lead to more serious problems affecting their academic learning as well
as in their performances, if a student is not on time every day the student cannot perform
well in class discussions, when passing their output after deadline is also an example of
being tardy But up to now students are still unaware of what will be the consequences to
their academic performance wherein this study the researchers will aim on finding an