CHAPTER 2-Review

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Related Literature

1 Kreag (2001) stated that tourism development has impacts on a variety

of aspects like economy, community, society, environment, culture, and many

more. When tourism is handled properly, all aspects benefit from it.

Likewise, this is appropriate to the current study as it discusses impacts of

tourism, and how tourism should be developed. The researchers must know what

tourism can affect to formulate an effective plan for Sorsogon Province’s tourism

2 Harrill (2004) stated that concluded that although threatened by many

obstacles like war and recession, the tourism industry continues to grow at a

gradual rate. The author also stated tourism planners need to protect the social,

economic, and environmental quality of life enjoyed by tourists and residents


Likewise, this is appropriate to the current study because the article stated

to protect the quality of life in a place to grow tourism. The researchers must take

note of this when planning because tourism must improve when the people

affected by it are benefitted.

3 Roberts (2008) observes that travelers are pushing to luxury tourism,

represented by expensive eco-tourism. Chawla (2006) states that eco-tourist

visits to relatively underdeveloped areas in the spirit of appreciation, participation,

and sensitivity. Ranade (2008) focused on eco-tourism experiences and

strategies of various countries, including island nations and how eco-tourism

generates economic benefits and income opportunities for local communities.

Furthermore, this compilation of literature is relevant to this study as it

provides the major developments in eco-tourism, which is important factor in the

tourism in Sorsogon. Most of Sorsogon Province’s tourism attractions are

engaged in eco-tourism, thus making it important to this research.

4 Aziz et. al (2015) stated that eco-tourism in Malaysia have gained

significant attention from the tourism market. The authors also states that the

government should plan with proper policies and law to benefit from the tourism.

Furthermore, this study will need to recommend a plan that coordinates

the government in boosting the tourism in Sorsogon Province. The government,

communities, and other affected parties should cooperate to insure success in


5 Zeng (2013) stated that social media plays an important role in tourism; it

gives basic information, interaction with customers, and promotion of tourism.

The rise of new technologies gives new opportunities in promoting tourism


Likewise, this research aims to use social media as a method to promote

Sorsogon Province. With this, the tourism in Sorsogon Province integrates

technology into its practices.

6 Republic Act no. 9593 “The Tourism Act of 2009” approved by former

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on May 12,2009 and Congress as Senate Bill

2213/ House Bill 5229 designate a national policy for tourism for economic

benefit and strengthening the Department of Tourism.

Likewise, this study treats tourism with importance because it is a means

for economic benefit for Sorsogon Province. The researchers must treat tourism

with such importance to know the implications of tourism in Sorsogon Province.

7 Tariella (2014) stated that rural areas are becoming popular because of

local cuisine. Rural areas have more authentic cuisine experience because of the

natural amenities of the area.

Likewise, food tourism is important to every location in the Philippines

because of the country’s exotic qualities that every tourist wants. This is

important to the current study as it puts importance to food tourism like how

important food tourism is to Sorsogon Province.

8 Parducho (2015) stated that there are three dimensions are necessary to

sustain tourism. These dimensions are optimizing natural resources, respect

culture, and ensure long-term economies.

Likewise, these dimensions are important to the current study because

these dimensions are necessary to improve the state of tourism in Sorsogon

Province. These dimensions must considered by the researchers to properly

formulate a plan for tourism.

9 Aballa et. al.(2013) stated that Lucban, Quezon has a variety of

speciality foods like pancit habhab, tikoy, espasol, and many more; these foods

could function as attractions to many tourists. Tourists are attracted to more

exotic foods.

Likewise, food tourism is very important to the tourism in the Philippines.

This is significant to the current study as food tourism will be important in

recommending a plan to the tourism department.

10 Terol (2013) stated that most tourist tune in to social media to get

information from different tourism locations. To get the best of tourism, people in

charge of tourism should use social media more to reach more tourists.

Likewise, social media should be instrumental in promoting Sorsogon.

This study should recommend a plan that embraces these ideas.

Related Studies

11 Havitz and Dimanche (2009) stated that there are different contexts in

recreational and tourist behavior. They suggested propositions that can help in

affecting tourist behavior like relationship between involvement and time,

relationship of involvement with search and purchase behavior, and many more.

These propositions are intended to stimulate empirical research related to

tourism contexts. Furthermore, these propositions are relevant to this research

because these propositions could be factors in the tourism of Sorsogon Province.

12 Milne and Fathimath (2011) stated that local food is used to enrich

tourist experiences and differentiate destinations. Food tourism can enrich

tourism promoting. Likewise, food is an important factor in promoting the

Philippines, or more importantly Sorsogon Province; this is relevant to the current

study as it provides context on how important food is to tourism.

13 Anh (2012) states that there are three parties that affect an image of a

place, the public and media, the target customers, and the corporation that is in

charge of promotion. The author also stated that for tourism strategies to be

functioning properly, all parties must coordinate. Likewise, this is very similar to

the current study as both are concerned with improving the state of tourism of a


14 Ahmed (2016) stated that tourism is a great source of revenue for

Bangladesh. The study also stated that the government should use natural

resources sustainably to conserve eco-tourism. Likewise, this is relevant to the

current study as it discusses conservation of natural resources are important to

tourism; this is important to the tourism in Sorsogon Province.

15 Kesmanee and Charoensri (1995) stated that participatory planning in

tourism planning by all affected parties to make recommendations a reality. This

is relevant to the current study as it tells how to make the formulated

recommendation of this study a reality by including all affected parties.

16 Levine (2015) researched that the technique of the campaign, “It’s More

Fun in the Philippines”, is proven to be successful; the campaign used viral

images in social media to promote the Philippines. Likewise, this technique could

be applicable to Sorsogon Province and could improve the state of tourism of it.

17 Ylagan and Laguador (2014) stated that tourism provides opportunity to

create employment for local residents through small businesses and investment

in large scale industries in Batangas. Tourism also nourishes Batangas’ traditions

through festivals and religious activities. Likewise, this study is relevant to the

current study because this study discusses how tourism affects different aspects

like culture and economy, and the current study should recommend a plan that

benefits these aspects.

18 Jalani (2012) stated that the eco-tourism in the Subterranean River has

been a source of income for many households in Sabang, Palawan, and the

residents, as part of their livelihood, conserve the natural resources in the area to

preserve the eco-tourism. Furthermore, the current study wants to recommend a

plan that helps Sorsogon’s communites like in Sabang, Palawan, where

residents are engage in the preservation of eco-tourism.

19 Capellan et al. (2015) stated that government, tourism industry, and

residents of Lobo, Batangas should be cautious of the sustainability and

conservation of eco-tourism because it is one of their sources of revenue. Since

Lobo is economically viable and environmentally sound, they should keep up

their habits in conservation. Likewise, conservation of natural resources is very

important in the tourism in Sorsogon, since most tourist attractions rely on natural
resources. The researchers should formulate a plan that should help conserve

these resources.

20 Barcenas et al. (2016) stated that an impact of eco-tourism in Borawan,

Quezon Province is the conservation of the area; beautification of the place is an

impact of the conservation. There is also economic benefit for the stakeholders

and communities. Furthermore, the current study should plan that conserves

natural resources and generates income for affected parties.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

Roberts (2008), Chawla (2006), Ranade (2008), Aziz (2015), Ahmed

(2016), and Jalani (2012) all stated that eco-tourism is the emerging trend in

tourism, where tourists engage in activities and destinations without causing

harm in the environment. Furthermore, these works are important to the current

study as it establishes eco-tourism as a form of tourism for Sorsogon Province.

Parducho (2015) and Capellan (2015) both stated that conservation of

natural resources is important in sustaining the tourism in the area. The

government should assist in conserving the tourism in the Philippines as stated in

the Republic Act no. 9593. Furthermore, these works are important to this study

as it provides an idea on what to do with natural resources to benefit tourism.

Harrill (2004), Anh (2012), Kesmanee and Charoensri (1995) stated that

planning for tourism needs the participation of all affected parties so that the plan

could function properly. Likewise, the current study would formulate a plan that
boosts tourism and with this information, the plan should also benefit all affected

parties like communities, private business organizations, and etc.

Anh (2012) Havitz and Dimanche (2009) stated that factors affecting

tourism; these are the tourist behavior, the media, the public, the corporation in

charge of tourism. Likewise, these factors could be observed in Sorsogon

Province as the public and corporation could function as respondents in this


Tariella (2014), Aballa (2013), Milne, and Fathimath (2011) all stated that

food is essential in tourism as it helps in integrating tourists to the culture and

society. Likewise, the food tourism is very important to the Philippines as it gives

another commodity that tourists can enjoy. Food tourism is also important in

Sorsogon Province; the food could help in promoting Sorsogon Province.

Zeng (2013), Levine (2015), and Terol (2013) all stated that social media

and new technology could be essential in tourism. These technologies could

provide information and interact with potential tourists. Likewise, technology

could play a key role in the recommendation of this research to the tourism


Research Gaps

Harrill (2004), Anh (2012), Kesmanee and Charoensri (1995) all stated

that the participation of all affected parties are all needed in planning for tourism

for it to function properly. It would formulate a plan that boosts tourism and

should also benefit all affected parties like communities, private business
organizations, and etc. Those research studies and this study is about the

strategies on promoting and boosting tourism. The difference between these

studies is the place where they are conducted. The studies of Jalani (2012),

Capellan et al. (2015), and Barcenas et al. (2016) study tourism in different parts

of the Philippines and how could it improve. The only difference between those

studies and this study is the location it is based around; this study is based in

Sorsogon while those studies are at Lobo, Batangas; Sabang, Palawan; and

Borowan, Quezon Province.

Theoretical Framework

21 The “Development Theory” by Harrison (2015) states that tourism can

be developed using factors like economy, modernization, society, and

globalization. It also gives context on how tourism functions; tourism needs

interactions and destinations; and tourists and their motivations. It also shows

how tourism impacts the economy, society, culture and environment.

Likewise, the researchers are interested on how tourism works in

Sorsogon Province and how it can be improved. With this knowledge, the

researchers could know how to develop the tourism in Sorsogon Province.

22 The “Social Exchange Theory” by Yoon (2002) states how supports for

various tourism spots are generated; they are generated by tourism development

impacts, environmental attitudes, and place attachment of communities to the

tourism spot. It also states that with this support, the community could have

benefits in supporting the tourism in their area.

Likewise, the tourism department of Sorsogon Province should apply a

plan that benefits communities and tourists alike. The researchers would

recommend a plan where, tourists and communities work together to benefit off

of tourism.

23 The “Tourism Area Life-Cycle Theory” by Butler (2006) stated that

tourism areas undergo stages throughout its lifetime; these stages are

exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, and either

decline or rejuvenation. When a tourism area has a gain in tourists, it undergoes

early stages, then when effects and the number of tourists get out of control, it

undergoes decline. It is up to the governing bodies to rejuvenate these areas or

abandon them completely.

Furthermore, the researchers need to know how tourism spots develop

and grow to understand tourism development and formulate a plan that further

develops tourism in Sorsogon Province. With this knowledge, they can formulate

a plan that benefits Sorsogon Province.

24 The researchers theorize that use of social media and visual assets can

boost tourism. With the advent of info-tech advancement, promotion of tourism

can be improved using info-tech. It has been proven many times by statistics like

use by tourism operators, effectiveness in promoting the Netherlands

Theoretical Paradigm

Development Theory
by Harrison (2015)

Tourism is affected
by several factors
like environment,
economy, and etc.

Use of Social
Tourism Area Life- Media and Visual
Cycle by Butler Social Exchange
Assets can boost Theory by Yoon
(2006) tourism (2002)

Tourism areas Support for

undergo different tourism can be
stimulated by
stages in its various factors
Conceptual Framework

This study will tackle four different concepts. Concepts that is

relevant to this research and to be stepping stones in planning the end-goal of

this research. The end-goal of this research will be the recommendation to the

tourism department that will aid in boosting tourism in Sorsogon.

Conceptually speaking, the study will start by knowing the tourism profile

of Sorsogon. The tourism profile includes known tourist destinations, the number

of tourist per year, and the income generated by this industry. This is asked to

give a background on the tourism of Sorsogon; the researchers need to know the

current state of the industry in Sorsogon to analyze it properly.

The research will continue to go in-depth on the tourism department by

asking what their established tourism strategies for Sorsogon Province are. The

researchers need to know the plans and mechanics of their strategies to further

this research. With this knowledge, the researchers will have an overview of the

tourism departments’ operations. The information at this point would need

confirmation by the affected parties.

Next, this research will tackle the different problems related to the tourism

in Sorsogon faced by different affected parties. These parties include the

community near tourism spots, local government units (LGU), non-government

organizations, and private business entities. These problems will give the

researchers an idea about the problems in tourism, the handling and application
of it. With this idea, along with the previous ideas, the researchers would get a

general view of the current state of the tourism in Sorsogon.

In the final stage of this study, the researchers must formulate a plan that

can help the tourism department, using the different concepts tackled and further

research on marketing trends. With this plan, the research could come to an end.

The four concepts that will be tackled by this study are all relevant in

making the plan that helps the tourism department. With the information from the

different respondents, key-informants, and sources of data, this study could be

helpful to all its benefactors.

Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

Statement of the Documentary Analysis Formulated recommendation for

Problem the tourism office
Structured Interview

Survey Questionnaire


Improvement in the state

of tourism in Sorsogon
Definition of Terms
25 Tourism strategy. Through tourism strategy, the Government is

supporting the tourism sector to reap the benefits of growth in visitor numbers

while managing the pressures this places on businesses, communities and

infrastructure. The tourism strategy both aligns and coordinates government

efforts supporting the sector to boost the economic contribution of tourism across

the country and plan for the future.

Furthermore, this is the focus of this study. The tourism strategy of

Sorsogon Province and how could it be improved is the main point of this study.

Tourism Profile - Contains tourism statistics and the itsTravel Regions.

The profiles include reports on visits, visitor spending, hotel performance, and

number of tourism related businesses.

Furthermore, this is the background of tourism in Sorsogon Province. To

know the background of Sorsogon Province, the researchers would need to know

the tourism profile of Sorsogon Province.

26 Tourist attraction/ spots/ destinations. Tourism spots are places of

interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited natural or cultural

value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure, adventure

and amusement.

Furthermore, tourist attractions are factors in determining how to promote

Sorsogon Province to potential tourists. The researchers need to know how to

promote these places to formulate a plan that benefits every party involved.














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