5.02 Muscular Disease and Muscular Dystrophies: Mild None
5.02 Muscular Disease and Muscular Dystrophies: Mild None
5.02 Muscular Disease and Muscular Dystrophies: Mild None
Padua, Palabrica, Palanas, Palima, (messenger)
1 10
NOTES: (Chapter 22, Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine)
Doc marked this part of the chapter*
• In addition, the EMG may demonstrate myotonic discharges • Thyroid function tests (e.g. thyrotoxic myopathy and/or
that will narrow the differential diagnosis (2019B) thyrotoxic periodic paralysis): there are myopathies related to
• Another important EMG finding is the presence of short- endocrine dysfunction !
duration, small-amplitude, polyphasic motor unit action
potentials (MUAPs) (2019B) II. TWO TYPES OF WEAKNESSES
• Such MUAPs can be seen in both myopathic and neuropathic Intermittent vs. Persistent
disroders; however, the recruitment or firing pattern is different • Two algorithms as your approach to suspected myopathy
(2019B) (2019B)
• In myopathies, the MUAPs fire early but at a normal rate to • When you are analyzing myopathic weakness, the first thing
compensate for the loss of individual muscle fibers, whereas in you would like to decide on is if you are dealing with intermittent
neurogenic disorders the MUAPs fire faster (2019B) weakness or persistent weakness (2019B)
• EMG can also be invaluable in helping to choose an • Intermittent – on and off; paiba-iba !; patient may be
appropriately affected muscle to sample for biopsy (2019B) completely normal at the time of examination (2019B) (e.g.
Myasthenia Gravis)
• Persistent
! Question to distinguish between the two, “Does the patient
have Myoglobinuria?
Master the algorithms as this is where doc will get exam questions
from !
C. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis GGG NOTES:!
• Onset in adolescence
• Men more than women
Hypokalemia: (-) Myotonia
• Attacks provoked by meals high in CHO or Na
• May accompany rest following exercise Hyperkalemia: (+) Myotonia
• Ocular and bulbar muscles involvement less likely
F. Diagnostic Evaluation
• Respiratory muscles usually spared. Not Fatal !
Note: For the algorithm on Diagnostic evaluation of Intermittent
• May take 24 hours to resolve on itself.
Weakness please check the Appendix. IMPORTANT To read and
• DNA test confirms the diagnosis understand the Algorithms for they will come out on the exam.
! Those affected will start to feel weak and is presents as
proximal muscle weakness. Forearm Exercise Test
! By history you will have several episodes.
! Example given by Doc. A young muscular man after working ! Important component in the algorithm, this test will differentiate
very hard goes home, eats a large carbohydrate meal then a glycolytic defect to fatty acid metabolism defect.
sleeps. Upon waking up he feels weak and goes to hospital • Indwelling catheter at antecubital vein
after which he is found to be hypokalemic. • Blood sample extracted for lactic acid and ammonia for baseline
! Work-up for patients with Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis is to • Patient closes an opens hand for 1 minute
make sure you rule out a potassium losing nephropathy • Blood samples taken again at 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 minutes
(rapid loss of potassium in the urine. The first thing to do is • Failure of lactic acid to rise indicates glycolytic pathway
measure urinary potassium excretion. defect
• Failure of ammonia to rise indicates myoadenylate
NOTES:! deaminase deficiency.
Several years ago, the department of clinical neurosciences at
G. Metabolism of Muscle Contraction
UERM (Dr. Carandang) developed an interest in Bangungut • Chemical energy for muscle contraction is provided by the
syndrome (Also known as sudden adult death syndrome). He hydrolysis of ATP to ADP
collected cases and had a theory on the possibility of defining • ATP is restored by phosphocreatine and ADP
the pathogenesis of Bangungut. The usual phenotype is • Rephosphorylation requires the availability of CHO, fatty acids
patients with hypokalemic periodic paralysis, so Bangungot and ketones
syndrome is part of the spectrum of Hypokalemic Periodic • Glycogen is the main source of energy in muscle. Other
Paralysis; except that it is so severe it causes ventricular sources are blood glucose and fatty acids.
• Glucose is utilized first; then fatty acids
fibrillation cardiac arrest and the patient expires. Most if not all
• Myophosphorylase is the enzyme that initiates metabolism of
patients who experience Bangungut do not survive, only those
who had CPR done early have increased chances of survival. • Increase in blood lactate reflects anaerobic metabolism of
Even previously healthy individuals are at risk. The usual glucose.
finding upon autopsy is acute pancreatitis, but the cause is
still unknown. Disorders of Glycolysis
! Just know the diseases that fall under glycolysis
D. Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis • Symptoms are precipitated by high-intensity exercise
• Onset in 1st decade of life • Myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle’s disease) – most
• Attacks last 30 minutes to 4 hours
• Often normokalemic during attacks • & caused by mutations in the PYGM gene leading to
myophosphorylase deficiency. Symptoms of muscle pain
• Attacks precipitated by potassium administration.
and stiffness usually begin in adolescence. With severe
& Attacks are precipitated by rest following exercise and fasting.
episodes myoglobinuria can occur.
& HyperKPP is caused by mutations of the voltage-gated sodium
channel SCN4A gene. Acetazolamide or dichlorphenamide • Phosphofructokinase deficiency
can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. Mexiletine to • Phosphoglycerate kinase deficiency
be helpful in patients with significant clinical myotonia. • Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency
• Beta-enolase deficiency
E. Paramyotonia Congenita
• A Na+ channel disorder of muscle (like Hyperkalemic periodic Disorders of Fatty Acid Metabolism
paralysis) • Carnitine Palmitoyl transferase deficiency (CPT)
• Attack of weakness is either cold-induced or spontaneous & CPT2 deficiency is the most common recognizable
• Myotonia is the prominent feature; weakness is mild. cause of recurrent myoglobinuria. Onset is usually in the
• Myotonia worsens with activity, in contrast to classic teenage years or early twenties.
myotonia. • Muscle biopsy for diagnosis
! In classic myotonia you have a problem with the relaxation of & Serum CK levels and EMG findings are both usually
the muscle. With repeated activity the problem disappears. The normal between episodes. A normal rise of venous
difference is that in Paramyotonia, the myotonia will worsen lactate during forearm exercise distinguishes this
with activity. condition from glycolytic defects. Muscle biopsy does
& This is in contrast to classic myotonia in which exercise not show lipid accumulation and is usually normal between
alleviates the condition. attacks. The diagnosis requires direct measurement of
& Paramyotonia Congenita is inherited as an autosomal muscle CPT or genetic testing.
dominant condition; voltage-gated sodium channel
mutations are responsible, and thus this disorder is allelic with Carnitine
HyperKPP • Practically all of the body carnitine is stored in muscle
• Two main functions:
o Transports long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs from the cytosol ! There are three inflammatory myopathies (emphasized by doc):
compartment of the muscle fiber into the mitochondria for o polymyositis - proximal > distal weakness
beta-oxidation. o dermatomyositis - proximal > distal weakness
o Preventing accumulation of acyl-CoAs in the mitochondria. o inclusion body myositis - proximal and distal weakness
o Involvement of extraocular and facial muscles • The weakness can be mild, moderate, or severe enough to lead
o Family history of a neuromuscular disease to quadriparesis
o History of exposure to myotoxic drugs or toxins • Muscle biopsy shows significant perivascular and perimysial
o Endocrinopathy inflammation
o Neurogenic disease
o Muscular dystrophy
o Biochemical muscle disorder (deficiency of a muscle Inclusion Body Myositis
enzyme) or Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) as excluded by • Most common of the inflammatory myopathies
muscle biopsy analysis • Common in patients ≥50 years of age
• Polymyositis is rarely diagnosed as solitary disease: more • Suspected only later when a patient with presumed PM does
commonly, polymyositis occurs in association with a systemic not respond to therapy
autoimmune or connective tissue disease or with a known viral • Weakness and atrophy of the distal muscles, especially foot
or bacterial infection. extensors and deep finger flexors
o On occasion, may be asymmetric in distribution
• Some patients present with falls because their knees collapse
due to early quadriceps weakness
• Dysphagia is common
• Sensory examination is normal
• Progression is slow but steady
• Pathognomonic pattern characteristic: atrophy and weakness of
the flexor forearm (e.g., wrist and finger flexors) and quadriceps
muscles that is often asymmetric.
• Dropped head syndrome - important diagnostically; indicative
of selective neck extensor muscle weakness
• Glucocorticoids (first choice) – prednisolone or prednisone
• Other immunosuppressive drugs
o Azathioprine
o Methotrexate
o Mycophenolate
o Monoclonal antiCD-20 antibody (rituximab)
o Cyclosporine
o Cyclophosphamide
Figure 7. Features Associated with Inflammatory Myopathies. Not o Tacrolimus
included in the lecturer's PPT. Lifted from Harrisons.
• Immunomodulation – IVIg
Polymyelositis: Typical symmetric; proximal than distal
Dermatomyositosis: Typical symmetric; proximal than distal
Inclusion Body Myositosis: Proximal and Distal + involvement
of Quadriceps; may be asymmetric
• Presentation of muscle weakness is similar to that of
polymyositis, but the denominative feature is a rash.
! Dermatomyositis is polymyositis + rash
• Heliotrope rash – rash consist of a blue-purple discoloration on
the upper eyelids with edema
• Gottron’s sign – flat red rash on the face and upper trunk and
erythema of the knuckles with a raised
violaceous scaly Figure 9. Progressive Muscle Dystrophies. Figure shows comparison
eruption between normal muscle tissue and affected muscle tissue. (Left) Normal
• V-sign – erythematous rash on anterior chest muscle tissue. (Right) Tissue has become disorganized and the
• Shawl sign – rash on the back and shoulders
concentration of dystrophin (green) is greatly reduced.
• Rash may worsen after sun exposure
Table 3. Progressive Muscular Dystrophies • The boys fall frequently and have difficulty keeping up with
Table 387-5 Progressive Muscular Dystrophies friends when playing
• By age 5 years, muscle weakness is obvious by muscle testing
Type Inheritanc Defective Onset Clinical Other Organ
• On getting up from the foot, the patient uses his hands to climb
e Gene/Protein Age Features Systems himself up (Gower’s Maneuver)
Involved • Loss of muscle strength is progressive, with predilection for
Duchenne's XR Dystrophin Before 5 Progressive Cardiomyopathy proximal limb muscles and the neck flexors
years weakness of
girdle muscles Mental
• Leg involvement more severe than arm
impairment • Progressive scoliosis often develops that may be associated
Unable to with pain. Chest deformity impairs pulmonary function
walk after age
• By age 16-18 years, patients are predisposed to serious
sometimes fatal pulmonary infections. Other causes of death
Progressive include aspiration of food and acute gastric dilation
kyphoscoliosi • Intellectual impairment in Duchenne dystrophy is common
• Impairment of intellectual function appears to be non-
Respiratory progressive and affects verbal ability more than performance
failure in 2d • Treatment: Glucocorticoids
or 3d decade
o Administered as Prednisone, 0.75 mg/kg/day, significantly
Becker's XR Dystrophin Early Progressive Cardiomyopathy
childhood weakness of slow progression of Duchenne dystrophy for up to 3 years
to adult girdle muscles
Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Able to walk
after age 15 • Less severe form of X-linked recessive muscular dystrophy
results from allelic defects of the same gene responsible for
Respiratory Duchenne dystrophy
failure may
develop by • The pattern of muscle wasting closely resembles that seen in
4th decade Duchenne
Limb-girdle AD/AR Several Early Slow ± • Proximal muscles, especially of the lower extremities, are
(Tables 387-6, childhood progressive Cardiomyopathy prominently involved
387-7) to early weakness of
adult shoulder and • Significant facial muscle weakness is not a feature
hip girdle • Hypertrophy of calves muscles is an early and prominent finding
• Most patients with Becker dystrophy first experience difficulties
Emery-Dreifuss XR/AD Emerin/Lamin Childhoo Elbow Cardiomyopathy between ages 5 and 15 years
s A/C d to adult contractures,
humeral and • Patients with Becker dystrophy walk beyond age 15, whereas
Nesprin-1, peroneal patients with Duchenne dystrophy are typically in a wheelchair
Nesprin 2, weakness by the age of 12
! “I only included the table for you to get dizzy but I will not be asking • Mental retardation may occur in Becker dystrophy, but it is not
questions from this as it would be unfair to you. What I would want as common as in Duchenne
you to know is the GENERAL APPROACH to muscle diseases” • Treatment: the use of glucocorticoids has not been adequately
(from ppt) studied in Becker dystrophy
! I will not ask any questions in this table. “I WiLl NOt aSk anY qUeSTionS iN Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
this tABLe”
• Both males and females are affected, with onset ranging from
late in the first decade to the fourth decade
• Dystrophin
o Dystrophin is a rod-shaped cytoplasmic protein and a vital • The LGMDs typically manifest with progressive weakness of
part of a protein complex that connects the cytoskeleton of a pelvic and shoulder girdle musculature
muscle fiber to the surrounding extracellular matrix through • Respiratory insufficiency from weakness of the diaphragm may
the cell membrane. occur, as may cardiomyopathy
o Dystrophin deficiency has been definitively established as • A systematic classification of LGMD is based on:
one of the root causes of the general class of myopathies o Autosomal dominant (LGMD1) inheritance
collectively referred to as muscular dystrophy o Autosomal recessive (LGMD2) inheritance
o Dystrophy is the degeneration of tissue (muscle disease) due
to disease or malnutrition, most likely due to heredity Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy
• There are at least five genetically distinct forms of Emery-
NOTES: EXAM QUESTION Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD)
Which final diagnostic test is most useful in diseases associated • Emerin mutations are the most common cause of X-linked
EDMD, although mutations in FHL1 may also be associated
with Myoglobinuria? MUSCLE BIOPSY
with a similar phenotype, which is X-linked as well
• Mutations involving the gene for lamin A/C are the most
The following readings towards the end are not part of the lecture common cause of autosomal dominant EDMD (also known as
nor was asked to read about, included only for completion purposes. LGMD1B) and are also a common cause of hereditary
Types of Muscular Dystrophies & cardiomyopathy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy • Prominent contractures can be recognized in early childhood
and teenage years, often preceding muscle weakness
• X-linked recessive disorder, also called pseudohypertrophic
• The contractures persist throughout the course of the disease
muscular dystrophy
and are present at the elbows, ankles, and neck
• Deficiency of dystrophin
• Muscle weakness affects humeral and peroneal muscles at first
• Duchenne Distrophy is present at birth, but the disorder usually and later spreads to a limb-girdle distribution
becomes apparent between ages 3 and 5 years
• The cardiomyopathy is potentially life threatening and may b. Knee extensor muscle weakness
result in sudden death c. Upper facial muscle weakness
• A spectrum of atrial rhythm and conduction defects includes d. None of the above
atrial fibrillation and paralysis and atrioventricular heart block
• Some patients have a dilated cardiomyopathy. Female carriers
of the X-linked variant may have cardiac manifestations that Answer key: B, B, C, B, A
become clinically significant
• Treatment:
o Supportive care should be offered for neuromuscular
disability, including ambulatory aids, if necessary
o Stretching of contractures is difficult
o Management of cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias (e.g.
early use of a defibrillator or cardiac pacemaker) may be
life saving
• Steroid Myopathy (also related to Endocrine)
o Number 1 side effect: MYALGIA
o Elevation of CK follows Myalgia
o Solution: Find an alternative drug that lowers
cholesterol besides statins: Ezetimide
o Cause both Toxic periodic paralysis (TPP) associated
with hypokalemia
o TPP is an intermittent weakness like HypoPP
o Why you always do Thyroid Function Tests
o Treatment: treat the Thyrotoxicosis
1. Lecture Notes
2. Lecture Recording
3. Powerpoint “Muscle Diseases” by Dr. Punsalan
4. Harrisons 19e Chapter 462e; Harrisons 20e Chapter 441
Figure 10. Diagnostic Evaluation of Intermittent weakness. Take from Harrison’s 20th edition Chapter 441, pg. 3241. IMPORTANT to study
the Algorithms – Focused on Exams.
Figure 11. Diagnostic Evaluation of Persistent weakness. Take from Harrison’s 19th edition Chapter 462e, IMPORTANT to study the
Algorithms – Focused on Exams.
Table 4. Progressive Muscular Dystrophies. For completion, Dr. Punsalan will NOT take any questions from this. NO NEED to memorize
this. Just read for your knowledge.