PG Etce Syllabus Ju

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First Semester

Category: Departmental / Specialization Basket


PG / ETCE / T / 111A - Statistical Communication Theory (Comm)

Discrete Time Random Processes: Random Variables, Ensemble Averages, Jointly
distributed random variables, Uncorrelated and Orthogonal Random Variables, Linear
Mean Square Estimation, Gaussian Random Variables, Parameter Estimation: Bias and
Consistency, Random Processes, Stationary Processes, Autocovariance and
Autocorrelation, Ergodicity, Power Spectrum.
Filtering Random Processes: Spectral factorization, Wiener Filtering, the FIR Wiener
filter, Linear Prediction, Noise Cancellation, IIR Wiener filter, Noncausal IIR Wiener
filter, Causal IIR Wiener filter Discrete Kalman filter, Adaptive filtering-LMS algorithm.
Spectrum Estimation: Bay’s estimation, Nonparametric methods, Minimum variance
spectrum estimation, Frequency estimation

PG / ETCE / T / 111B - Operating Systems (Comp)

Introduction: hierarchical and extended machine view. Memory management: Single
contiguous allocation, partitioned allocation. Paged and demand-paged memory
Processor management: State model, job scheduling, Process scheduling. Multiprocessor
scheduling. Process synchronization, Deadlock problem.
Device management: Dedicated, shared and virtual devices, channels and I/O control
units, device allocation consideration I/O traffic controller, I/O scheduler.
Information management: File systems, allocation strategy, recovery of files, Design of
loaders and linkage editors
Case study: UNIX, DOS.

PG / ETCE / T / 111C - Digital Control System (Con)

Z-transform, the state-variable representation, stability analysis. Time domain analysis,
frequency domain analysis, controllability and observability, Design of controllers, pole
placement, state feedback. Observer design. Implementation of digital control law on
microcomputer and digital computer.

PG / ETCE / T / 111D - Advanced Logic & Computer Organization (Con)

Implementation of Logic functions using MSI & Programmable Devices: Shanon’s
expansion theorem, multiplexer implementation of logic functions, Type-0,1,2,3 etc.,
analysis of multiplexer design, multiplexer design, multiplexer tree implementation of
logic functions, implementation of logic functions using PLDs-PROM, PAL & PLA,
their characteristics, comparison and applications.
Sequential Logic Circuits: Models for synchronous and asynchronous circuits, Algorithm
state machines, Transition and Flow map, concept of gated latch, binary decision diagram
Computer System Organisation: Processors, instruction execution, concept of interpreter,
data path, Flynn’s classifications, multiplicity of functional units, pipeline machines,
linear & non-linear pipelines, reservation tables, vector ALU, array processor, techniques
for error detection & Hamming codes.
Instruction formats: Design criteria, trade off between address & opcode, expansion of
op-codes, instruction repertoire.
Addressing: Immediate, direct, indirect, register, indexing, stack
Flow of Control: Sequential flow, jump, nested subroutine, subroutine linkage, LIFO
Control Logic Design: Data processor, control logic – their relationship, Hardwired and
Microprogram control approach.

PG / ETCE / T / 111E - Optoelectronic Devices (ED)

Black body radiation sources of light and their spectral characteristics. Interaction of
radiation with matter, photo conductivity, photodetectors and their figures of merits, PIN
and APD diodes and their temperature dependence. Solar Cells, luminescence and their
uses, Image Intensifier, light amplifiers. Display devices. Optical sources, LCD, LED
optocouplers. TV camera and Photo-transistor, Photo SCR. Principles of stimulated
amplification, optical resonators. Theory of stimulated emission and optical oscillator in
solid state Semiconductor, dye lasers. Laser Diode, Nonlinear optical effect. Propagation
characteristics of optical fibre, Material and wave guide dispersions. Modulation and
detection of optical signals, nonlinear propagation and interaction, organic and inorganic
optical wave guides, fibre amplifiers, integrated optical devices.

PG / ETCE / T / 111F - Photonics & Integrated Optics (ED)

Electronics, Photonics, Propagation of optical Power through Dielectric waveguides –
Circular, rectangular and planer, Single mode and multimode waveguides, Evanescent
field of single – mode waveguides. Dispersion flattened fibers, polarization maintaining
fibers, principle of soliton propagation.
Propagation characteristics of the waveguides, Helmholtz wave equation, Beam
Propagation method (BPM), Fourier Transform BPM (FTBPM), Finite difference BPM
(FDBPM), Cylindrically Symmetric BPM, Non paraxial and paraxial mode, coupled
Mode Theory – circular, rectangular and planar waveguides.
Integrated Optical Devices – Beam splitter, directional coupler, switches, modulators,
periodic structures for filters. Bragg diffraction grating, fiber to fiber and Thin film
couplers. WDM devices, optical amplifiers, polarization transformation. Optoelectronic
integration, Optical sources (LED,LD) optical Detectors (PIN, APD) Optical bias
stability and digital optics, optical computation.
Inorganic and Polymer Optical waveguides, Electro-optics and Nonliner waveguides –
fabrication and characteristics, Nonliner optical polymers and applications.
PG / ETCE / T / 111G - Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits (MW)
Circuit Theory in terms of Fidder Concept of Equivalent voltage, current etc. Scattering
Matrix, Periodic Structures and Filters, Impedance Transformation, Matching.
Microwave and Millimeter wave Devices including ferrite devices. OSNR and dynamic
range measurements for PCM/DM/ADM systems. Measurements of Prop. of error of a
typical binary data communication systems. Simulation of transversal filter type linear
equalizer and measurement of its Performance. Simulation of an adaptive Equaliser and
study its performance Error rate measurement in a typical Optical communication system.


PG / ETCE / T/ 112A - Advanced Digital Communication (Comm)

Baseband Transmission Systems: Spectral Density of Digital Baseband Signals,
Fundamentals of Band Limiting and Eye Diagrams, Pulse-Shaping Techniques, Nyquist’s
minimum-bandwidth theorem, Nyquist’s vestigial symmetry theorem-Raised Cosine
Filter, Gaussian Pulse-Shaping Filter. Inphase and Quadrature(I-Q) Modulation and
Demodulation: Real and Complex Signal Models, Geometrical Representation of
Modulation Signals, Constellation Diagram, I-Q Diagram. Modulation Techniques used
in Wireless Systems: BPSK, DPSK,QPSK, Offset QPSK, π/4 QPSK, π/4-DQPSK, MSK,
GMSK, GFSK, QAM, OFDM, FQPSK, FQAM, FBPSK. Interference: Carrier-to-
Interference and Carrier-to-Noise Limited Systems, Cochannel Interference, Adjacent
Channel Interference, Externally caused Cochannel Interference Equalization:
Fundamentals of Equalization, Training a Generic Adaptive Equalizer, Linear Equalizers,
Nonlinear Equalization, Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE), Maximum Likelihood
Sequence Estimation (MLSE) Equalizer.

PG / ETCE / T/ 112B - Programming Methodology (Comp)

Programming language features: Syntax and semantics- axiomitation of languages, the
weakest pre-condition calculus.
Data: Values and types, abstraction concepts, type systems-homomorphism,
polymorphism, overloading, inheritance. Parameterized types and modules.
Encapsulation, ADT vs object oriented approach.
Program construction: Requirement analysis, specification and related languages,
program construction through refinements, concept of verifiable program

PG / ETCE / T/ 112C - Programmable Logic Controller (Con)

PLC: Sequential and Programmable Controllers, architecture, programming of PLC,
Relay logic, Ladder logic, industrial applications, industrial communication and
Microcontrollers: Architecture, Assembly Language programming and applications

PG / ETCE / T/ 112D - Distributed Digital Control (Con)

Distributed system Model : Dynamical mathematical model, Identification – finite
element method, finite difference method, Fourier transform technique and control of
Distributed parameter system by singular perturbation method and C-coupling and by
decomposition & Coordination, Distributed system synchronization and inter process
communication Distributed model simulation, simulation software, Simulation
verifications. Hierarchical system and distributed control. Digital Hardware Architecture
for distributed control: networking & software. Typical commercially available systems.
Honeywell TDC 3000 systems, case studies, Batch controller , Enhanced boiler drum
level control.

PG / ETCE / T/ 112E - Microelectronic Technology (ED)

Semiconducting materials and their characterization, capital growth, wafer processing-
lapping, polishing and cleaning.
Doping techniques – Thermal diffusion, Ion implantation, epitaxy, liquid phase, CVD,
Mask fabrication, photolithography, X-ray and electron beam lithography.
Thin film deposition, oxidation, Isolation.
Assembly techniques – Scribing, cleaning, bonding, encapsulation. High package density
LSI/VLSI consideration.
Characterization and measurements – I-V and C-V measurements, carrier concentration
and doping profile measurements, automated testing techniques for micro-circuits and

PG / ETCE / T/ 112F - Antenna Analysis & Synthesis (MW)

Theories of radiation, Kirchoff’s principles, Schelkunoff’s equivalent principles. Integral
transform methods, Green’s function, Linear antennas as boundary value probe current
distribution and impedance.
Radiation from apertures, general formulas for scattering and diffraction in and effective
area of apertures. Different kind of aperture antennas. Reflector antennas. Appropriate
methods for solving reflector antenna problems. Primary feed system design, Shaped
beam antennas.
Cassegrain antenna system.
Antenna array analysis and synthesis. Synthesis optimizations, Phased arrays.
Integrated antennas.


PG / ETCE / T/ 113A - Computer Communication Network (Comm/Comp)

Introduction to transport of data traffic over networks of digital transmission media,
architecture concepts in 150’s OSI layered model in computer communication . Physical
layer standards, Data link layer. ARQ scheme and their analysis. Delay models based on
queueing theory. Network layer, Topology, routing, flow control, configuration control,
inter networking. Multiple access, local area network (LAN) IEEE standards for LAN’s
Transport layer; issues and standards integrated service network.
Communication protocol: Higher protocol layer, transport layer, session layer, design
issue and RPC’s presentation layer, Design issue. ASNI data compression technique,
cryptography, Application layer design issue, File transfer, concurrency control,
Electronic mail, virtual protocols.
Formal specification of protocols, specification languages, Estelle, SDZ, Lotos,
validation techniques, protocol analysis and synthesis, executable protocol. Validation of
IBM’s SNA. Reliability and vulnerability of computer communication network.

PG / ETCE / T/ 113B - Computer Architecture (Comp)

Pipelining and Vector processing, Array processor, Multiprocessor architecture and
programming, Data flow computing, RISC architecture, VLSI computing structure,
Content addressable memory, Multidimensional Access memory.

PG / ETCE / T/ 113C - Nonlinear Control System (Con)

Introduction: Comparison of linear and nonlinear control loops, general methods for
solving nonlinear control problems. Models of nonlinerarities in closed-loop.
Filtered nonlinear system-the Describing Function (DF) analysis. Quasi linearisation and
DF evaluation of common nonlinerarities. Sinusoid input/random input DF.Limit cycle &
stability analysis using DF. Circle criterion.
State space analysis and formulation of phase trajectory equations for type 0,1 land 2
systems. Response analysis using phase plane, phase trajectory selection for optimal
control, bang bang control.
State variable analysis, controllability and observability, Stability analysis of nonlinear
systems, Lyapunov’s direct method, Lyapunov’s stability theorems, generation of
Lyapunov functions.
Numerical solution of state equation. Euler’s method, Runge Kutta algorithm. Adam’s &
Gear’s predictor corrector method, case studies.

PG / ETCE / T/ 113D - Microwave & Millimeter Wave Devices & Applications

Principles of IMPATTS and Transferred Electron Devices, modes of operation, power
frequency consideration.
Principles of MESFET, Bipolar Transistor HEMTS- Basic operation, Device
performance analysis, Equivalent circuits and parameter extraction.
Principles of MASER and super conducting Devices, device modeling and
characterization. Design principles of oscillators and amplifiers and their evaluation

Category: Inter - Disciplinary Basket


PG / ETCE / T/ 114A - Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing

Reasoning, Machine Learning, Intelligent Search, Intelligent Planning, Perception,
Applications in Expert Systems, Machine Vision and Robotics, Control, Signal
Processing and Pattern Recognition. Applications in System Design, Prediction,
Optimization and Identification problems, Use of Fuzzy Logic, Neurocomputing and
Evolutionary Algorithms in the above problems.
PG / ETCE / T/ 114B - Physical Electronics
Theory of atomic collision – gaseous break down and plasma. Plasma waves in electron
beam, Plasma wave introduction, Helicon waves, Ideal periodic lattice, periodicity,
energy bands in semiconductor.
Block wave functions, concepts of effective mass, quantisation of vibrational energy,
phonons, defect dislocation and impurity states.
Free carrier in semiconductor, statistical distribution, Fermi energy in degenerate and
non-degenerate semiconductors, of quasi-Fermi levels, Transport phenomena in
Semiconductor – Bolzman transport equation, scattering mechanism, mobility diffusion,
galvano-magnetic, thermoelectric and acoustoelectric amplification. Carrier generation &
recombination process, intrinsic & extrinsic surface-recombination & interpretation of
typical time dependent diffusion equation, photoconductive method of measuring lifetime
and surface recombination velocity.


PG / ETCE / T/ 115A - Neuro-Fuzzy & Evolutionary Computation

Fuzzy sets and Logic, Fuzzy reasoning, Fuzzy pattern recognition, Fuzzy control,
Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Neutral Algorithms, Genetic Algorithm,
Swarm and Differential Evolutionary Algorithms, Applications in Image Processing,
Pattern Recognition and Robotics.


PG / ETCE / T / 116A - Digital Signal Processing

Structures for the implementation of LTI systems: Direct form I and II structures, linear
constant co-efficient difference equation, recursive and non-recursive systems, canonical
form, Moving Average System, cascade realizations, parallel form realizations, design
examples, FIR and IIR systems.
Composite-Radix FFT: Radix-3 and Radix-4 FFTs, DIT and DIF FFT algorithms, Flow
diagram, decomposition of DFTs.
Design of FIR filters: Linear-phase FIR filters, symmetric and antisymmetric impulse
responses, magnitude and phase characteristics of the frequency response, design
examples, linear-phase zeros and their implementations, Window techniques, concept of
main and side lobes, Rectangular, Hamming, Haning, Blackman and Bartlett Window
functions, comparison of different types of windows.
Digital Signal Processor: Architecture, Instructions, Assembly level Programming,
introduction to Code Composer Studio.

Category: Sessional Courses


PG / ETCE / S / 111- Laboratory


PG / ETCE / S / 112- Seminar

Second Semester
Category: Departmental / Specialization Basket


PG / ETCE / T/ 127A - Satellite Communication (Comm)

Historical development of satellites: Communication satellites; orbits and description,
orbital period and velocity, azimuth and orbital inclination, coverage angle and slant
range, eclipse, placement of satellite in geostationary orbit.
Satellite Description : Communication subsystem, Telemetry, command and ranging
subsystem, Altitude control subsystem, electrical power subsystem.
Earth Station : earth station Antenna type, gain, pointing loss. Antenna gain-to noise
temperature ration G/T. G/T measurements. Antenna tracking power amplifier, low noise
amplifier, Up conversion , Down conversion – Conversion process; transponder Hopping,
Polarization hopping, redundancy configuration. Spurious effect of frequency conversion.
Satellite transponder : Transponder model, transponder channelization, Frequency plans
and processing transponders.
Satellite Link : Basic link analysis, interference analysis, Rain induced attemation.
Satellite link design, link with frequency reuse and link without frequency reuse. Satellite
Multiple access system.
Frequency Division Multiple Access : Principle. SPADE, FDM-FM-FDMA, Companded
FDM-FM-FDMA and SSB-AM-FDMA. Intermodulation products in FDMA, optimized
carrier-to-intermodulation plus noise ration.
Time division Multiple Access: Principle, TDMA frame structure, TDMA Burst
structure, TDMA Superframe structure, Frame acquisition and synchronization. Satellite
position determination. TDMA timing. Demand Assignment Multiple Access and Digital
Speech interpolation. ERLANG B Formula. Type of demand assignment, DAMA
characteristics, Real time frame reconfiguration, DAMA interfaces, SCPC-DAMA,
Digital Speech interpolation. Satellite packet communication.
Satellite spread spectrum communication : Direct sequence spread spectrum system,
Direct sequence code division multiple access. Frequency hop spread spectrum system,
Frequency hop CDMA DS and FH Acquisition and synchronization. Satellite on-board
Very small Apertime technical network (VSAT) VSAT- Technologies, Network
configurations, Multiacess and networking. Network error control polling VSAT
Mobile satellite network – operating environment. MSAT network concept, CDMA
MSAT relink. Worldwide timing by satellite relay.

PG / ETCE / T/ 127B - Distributed Processing & Networking (Comp)

Concept of distributed systems : Definition, Enslow’s model, motivation and objective,
application areas. Inter process communication : building blocks, client server
communication, group communication, case studies. Remote procedure calls: Design
issues and implementation. Distributed operating system Kernel, definition of process
and threads, naming and protection, communication and invocation File service, Name
service model, Time and coordination, synchronization, physical clocks, concept of
logical clocks and logical time. Distributed coordination. Replication, Basic architectural
and model, consistency and request ordering. Gossip architecture, process group and
ISIS. Shared data and transaction, conversation between client and server, simple
distributed transaction and nested transaction, Atomic commit protocol, concurrency
control, distributed deadlocks transaction with distributed data. Recovery and Fault
Tolerance: Transaction recovery, hierarchical and group masking of faults. Security
issues, Language for concurrent processes, ADA, CSP. Networking: Network topology,
different network structures related to distributed processing.

PG / ETCE / T/ 127C - Stochastic Control (Con)

Review of Stochastic Processes: theory of Stochastic processes, Gauss Markov process
model. Review of system theory: Linear, Nonlinear, Continuous and discrete systems.
Modeling: state space model of system with noise, AR, AM and ARMA models.
Estimation, Prediction & filtering: Problem formulation, optimal estimation, prediction
and filtering for discrete linear systems. Fixed interval, fixed-point and fixed-lag
smoothing. Wiener-Hopp Egn. & optimal filtering, Kalman filters. Stochastic optimal
control of continuous linear system: Problem formulation, equivalent discrete time
model, optimal control and its performance measure.

PG / ETCE / T/ 127D - Quantum Well & nano Structured Devices (ED)

One-dimensional and two-dimensional solutions of Schorodinger equation.
Concept of super lattice, Electrical and magnetic field effect on quantum well structures.
Transport properties, Optoelectronic effects,Porous silicon and other hetero-structure

PG / ETCE / T/ 127E - Microstrip Components & Circuits (MW)

Analysis of Microstrip lines, Method of conformal transformation, Numerical method or
analysis of Microstrip lines, Hybrid Model Analysis. Other methods of analysis, Losses
in Microstrip.
Slot line and coplaner waveguide. Coupled microstrip and directional couplers. Even and
odd mode analysis. Theory of coupled Microstrip directional couplers, Branch line
Lumped elements for MICS Design of lumped elements.
Microstrip circuit design – Impedance transformers, Filters, Isolator and Phase-shifter.


PG / ETCE / T/ 128A - Coding Theory (Comm)

Introduction to Algebra: Groups, identity element, inverse of an element, finite group,
fields, modulo addition and multiplication, characteristic of field, Galois field,
polynomial over GF(2), irreducible and primitive polynomials, construction of GF(2m),
power, polynomial and m-tuples representations, Vector spaces, properties, subspace,
linear combination, linear interdependence, spanning of a vector space, basis and
dimension of a vector space, dual space, row space, orthogonality.
Linear Block Codes: Definition, message and code words, Generator matrix, systematic
code word, parity-check matrix, encoding circuit, syndrome, error detection, syndrome
circuit, minimum distance and minimum weight, error-detecting and error-correcting
capabilities, standard array and syndrome decoding, decoding circuit.
Convolutional codes: Encoder, constraint length, code tree, code trellis, state diagram,
fractional rate loss, generator polynomials, structural properties, branch and path gains,
generating function, Viterbi algorithm.
Spreading Codes in CDMA: Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), LFSR Generator
Implementations- Fibonacci and Galois implementation, Maximal length sequences-
generation, properties, Generation of Gold codes, Kasami sequences, Walsh codes.
Turbo Codes: Generation and properties.

PG / ETCE / T/ 128B - Digital Image Processing (Comp/Comm/Con)

Image representation and Modeling : Monochrome and color representation, color-
ordinate systems Monochrome and Color vision Model, sampling and Quantization –
Rectangular and Nonrectangular Grid sampling and interlacing. Optimum Lioyd-Max
quantizer, Compandor design, Practical limitations.
Image Trnsforms : Two dimensional Orthogonal Transforms, Basic Image, Kroneekes
products and Dimensionality: proportion Algorithm etc. for D F T. Hadamard Haar,
Slant, DCT and KL Transforms, SUD techniques Image Enhancement, Point operation,
Histogram Modeling, Spatial operations, Transform cooperations, Image Restoration-
Increase and Weian Filtering, Filtering using transforms, Least square and constrained
least square restoration. Maximum Entropy Restoration.
Image Analysis and Vision : Spatial features extraction, Transform, Features, Edge
detection, Boundary detection, region representation, Moment Refresevation,
Structuctures sgape, Texture, Scene Matching, Image segmentation and classification
Image Data Compression : Paxel coding: Entropy coding, Runlength coding, Bit plane
coding. Predioctive coding. Delta and DPCM techniques, Transform coding –zonal
versus threshold coding. Adaptive transform coding. Vector quantization for

PG / ETCE / T/ 128C - Robotics & Computer Vision (Comp/Con)

Introduction, Homogeneous transformations, Kinematics equations and their solutions:
Differential relations, motion trajectories, dynamic & control: Principles of computer
vision, three dimensional representation, three dimensional shape recovery from line
drawing, extracting shape from shading, range image analysis, stereo vision, machine
learning of computer vision algorithm, relational matching, three dimensional object
recognition, fundamental principles of robot vision.
PG / ETCE / T/ 128D - VLSI Design (ED)
Analysis & Design techniques for Bi-polar/CMOS integrated circuits, Analytical &
Numerical Methods. Analog & Digital Integrated circuits, models, optimization methods,
package density & Linewidth discrimination. Computer Aided Design of linear & Digital
Integrated circuits, special consideration for LSI & VLSI Design.

PG / ETCE / T/ 128E - EMI & EMC (MW)

Introduction to electrical Noise Pollution. and introduction to EM Specifications and
EMI Test Method and Procedures: Basic Terms and Definitions, A Summary of EMI
and Related instruments, Error Analysis, Conducted Emission Test procedures, Radiated
–Emission Test Procedures, Radiated – Susceptibility Test Procedures.
EMI Control Methods and Techniques : An introduction to EMI Control, Sources of
Electromagnetic Interference, EMI Receptors and Susceptibility Criteria, Intra-System
EMI Prediction and control, EMI Control in Components, EMI Control in Circuits and
EMI Test Instrumentation and Systems: The EMI Test Environment, Shielded
Enclosures, EMI Emission Antennas, Special Susceptibility Antennas, Conducted
Sensors and injectors, Receivers and spectrum Analyzers, Signal and Susceptibility
sources, Automatic EMI Measuring Systems.
EMI Production and Analysis Techniques : An introduction to EMI Prediction,
Transmitter Models for EMI Prediction, Receiver Models or EMI Prediction, Propagation
Models for EMI Prediction, System Models for EMI Prediction, Intra-System EMI
Prediction and Control.

PG / ETCE / T/ 128F - Computational Electromagnetics (MW)

Requirement of Computational Electromagnetics, Boundary Value problems, Source
Modeling, Method of Moments (MOM), Finite Difference (FD), Finite Difference Time
Domain (FDTD), Finite Elements Method (FEM), Method of Lines, Application of these
techniques to open and closed boundary problems, Numerical Convergence and


PG / ETCE / T/ 129A - Optical Communication System (Comm)

Optical waveguides, Electromagnetic mode theory for optical wave propagation,
Transmission characteristics of optical waveguides. Single mode & multimode
Optical fibres types : polymer fibre, silica fibre, polarization maintaining fibre, fluoride
fibre rave-earth doped fibres and their characteristics.
Fabrication of optical fibres, fibre parameter measurements.
Passive fibre optic components, fibre optic switches, fibre gratings etc. Fibre amplifiers.
Optical sources for fibre communication. Optical detectors for fibre optic
communication, Modulation techniques, Optical transmitters, design considerations of
fibre optic digital communication systems, Design consideration of analog
communication systems. Calculations of Power budgets.
Fibre optic networking topology & principles, LAN, MAN, CSMA, CDMA, FDDI
networking. Multiplexing methods in fibre optic networks. Fibre optic CATV network
systems. Concepts of WDM. Principles of soliton wave propagation through optical
fibres. Principles of coherent communication in optical fibres.

PG / ETCE / T/ 129B - Wireless & Mobile Communication Systems (Comm)

Introduction: Why Wireless Mobile Communication? Location dependent services,
Mobile and Wireless devices, History of Wireless Communication, a simple reference
Wireless Transmission: Frequencies for Radio Transmission, Regulation act, Modulation
used, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum.
Cellular Systems: Cellular networks, Frequency reuse, GSM and its services, GSM
architecture, Protocol architecture of GSM.
Mobile Tracking: Location updated and paging, Handover, Security,
New Data Services: GRRS, UMTS and IMT-2000.
Wireless LAN: Overview, advantages/disadvantages, IEEE 802.11, Protocol/architecture,
Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP-goals, Entities and terminology in MIP, IP packet
delivery, Agent advertisement and discovery, Registration, Tunneling-Encapsulation,
Reverse Tunneling, Routing.

PG / ETCE / T/ 129C - Compiler Construction (Comp)

Introduction : structure of a compiler, overview of different modules.
Lexical analysis: concept of regular expression, NFA, and DFA, implementation issues.
Use of LEX program for lexical analysis. Parsing techniques: specification of
programming language, context free grammars, derivation of parse trees, ambiguity.
Different bottom up and top down parsing techniques. Use of YACC. Syntax directed
translation: Intermediate codes, semantic routines and code generation, symbol tables,
storage organization. Code optimization techniques, error detection and recovery.

PG / ETCE / T/ 129D - Pattern Recognition (Con)

Recognition as a classification process, Decision theoretic classification. Bayes’
classifier, Syntactic classification. Learning through clustering. Convex and concave
decision regions. Linear and nonlinear separability, Neural classifier for convex and
concave regions, Fuzzy clustering, Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, cluster validity,
Somentic classification. String matching, Sub-graph isomorphism in pattern matching.
Applications in speech recognition, image understanding and territory planning for
mobile robots.

PG / ETCE / T/ 129E - Adaptive and Optimal Control (Con)

Optimal Control: Introduction to optimal control, Performance measure for optimal
control problems. The principle of optimality, Concept of dynamic programming,
Continuous linear regulator problem.
The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, The calculus of variations, Fundamental
concepts, Functionals of a simple function, Functionals involving several independent
functions, Constrained minimization of functionals. The variational approach to optimal
control problem: Linear regulator problems, Pontryagin principle and state inequality
constraints, minimum time and minimum control-effort problems, matrix Riccati
equation, case studies.
Adaptive Control: Concept of Adaptive control systems, input adaptation, Model
adaptive systems, general criteria for adaptive systems, Plant identification, automatched
identification of process dynamics, methods of process identification: cross correlation,
parameter adjustment, Implementation of adaptive controllers: usng the direct method of
Lyapunov, using Neural Networks, Neuro- Fuzzy adaptive controllers, case studies:
aircraft adaptive control systems.

PG / ETCE / T/ 129F - Electronic Design Automation (ED)

Device Physics and Models, Device physics of BJT and MOSFET, Short-Channel and
hot-electron effects. LDD and LDS structures, BJT Models, Ebers Moll and Gummel
Poon models; MOSFET Models; Simple (Sah) Model, BSIM and CSIM Models, Small
signal models of BJT and MOSFETS. Model parameters. Device Scaling.
VHDL Simulation: Basic concepts in VHDL, Structural specification, VHDL description
of Inverter, NAND gate and 4-bit comparator, VHDL grammar.
Design Organisation and Parameterization: Subprograms, Design Parameterization and
Configuration, Illustrative example of an 8-bit Register.
High Level Description: Type declaration and Usage, Parameter Types and Overloading,
Types and type related issues, predefined and user-defined attributes.
Dataflow Description in VHDL: Multiplexing and Data Selection, MOS implementation
of a multiplexer. State machine Description.
Behavioral Description of Hardware: Process Statement, Assertion Statement
Sequential Wait Statements, Formatted I/O Operations. Illustrative example of MSI
Based Design using 74LS00 Logic Family.
HW-SW Codesign: Issues in Codesign, Language Level Modeling and Computation for
Embedded Systems. Techniques and Tools for Synthesis of Embedded Hardware and

PG / ETCE / T/ 129G - Adaptive and Smart Antenna (MW)

Adaptive Array Concept: Motivation of using Adaptive Arrays, Adaptive Array problem
statement, Signal Environment, Array Element Spacing considerations, Array
Performance, Nulling Limitations due to miscellaneous array effects, Narrow band and
broad band signal processing considerations
Optimum Array Processing: Steady state performance limits and the Wiener solution,
Mathematical Preliminaries, Signal Description for conventional and signal aligned
arrays, Optimum Array Processing for narrowband applications, Optimum Array
Processing for broadband applications, Optimum Array Processing for perturbed
propagation conditions
Adaptive Algorithms: The least mean square error (LMS) algorithm, the Differential
Steepest descent algorithm, the accelerated gradient approach, Gradient algorithm with
constraints, Simulation studies.
Recursive Methods for Adaptive Error Processing: The weighted Least Square Error
Processor, Updated Covariance Matrix Inverse, Kalman Filter methods for Adaptive
Array Processing, the minimum variance processor, Simulation studies.
Effect of Mutual Coupling on Adaptive Antennas: Accounting for mutual effects for
dipole array- compensation using open-circuit voltages, compensation using the
minimum norm formulation, Effect of mutual coupling- Constant Jammers, Constant
Signal, Compensation of mutual coupling- Constant Jammers, Constant Signal, Result of
different elevation angle.

PG / ETCE / T/ 129H - Remote Sensing (MW)

Techniques for measuring the structure, content, properties nd motions of the atmosphere
by remote means. Interactions between propagated wave and the atmospheric medium.
Scattering absorption and radiation of electromagnetic waves in microwave, between and
optical spectrum. Application to measurement of temperature, humidities, rain, invertion
layers, wave winds, turbulance etc.
Realtime processing of large volumes of data including high data rate signal and image
processing, optical, accousto optical and optical and optical and optical-electronic hybrid
processing, realtime pattern recognition processors for such airborne applications as
target recognition, tracking, and terminal guidance.
Physical description of continuous image prosperities of the human visual system,
sampling and quantization of imager, matrix representation of image forming and image
processing systems, unitary transforms and image compression and image enhancement
and restoration.
Volume scattering and emission theory. Radiation transfer method. Behaviour of various
surfaces, vegetable connopies.
Principle of spectro radio metry, Meterological satellite system, radio meters, Infrared
spectrometer and multispectral scanner, System on the LAND SAT satellites airborn
scanner etc.

Category: Inter-Disciplinary Basket


PG / ETCE / T/ 1210A - Broadband Wireless Networks

Review of Broadband communication networks DSL, ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, VDSL,
Introduction to Broadband Wireless, Evolution of broadband Wireless: Narrowband, First
Generation, Second Generation, Emergence of Standard Based Technology, Mobile
Broadband Wireless: Market Drivers and Applications, WiMAX and Other Broadband
Wireless Technologies, brief of 3G cellular systems, WiFi Systems, WiMAX versus 3G
and WiFi, Other comparable systems, Spectrum options for broadband wireless, Business
and technical challenges of broadband wireless and WiMAX.
Overview of WiMAX: IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX, Salient features of WiMAX, WiMAX
Physical and MAC layer Overview, OFDM Basics, OFDM in WiMAX, Advanced
features for performance improvement, WiMAX Reference Network Architecture,
Handoff Mechanism, Different types of Services, QoS Architecture.
PG / ETCE / T/ 1210B - Embedded Systems
Review of Sequential State machines, Application Specific IC design, PLA, PAL and
PLD, Complex PLD and FPGA systems, Logic realization on FPGA, VHDL and
VERILOG programming, Microcontroller, Hardware/Software partitioning problems,
Verification and validation of Embedded Systems, Embedded operating systems,
Embedded In-Circuit Emulators, Drivers for printers/monitors and digital camera, Case
study of Embedded design with digital camera as an example.

PG / ETCE / T/ 1210C - Advanced EM Theory

Propagation of E.M. wave in Anistropic Medium e.g. Plasma and Ferrities. E.M.W
Scattering and Diffractions, E.M.optics. G.T.D.
Application of Numerical Techniques to Electromagnetics : Over view of Numerical
Techniques like Finite Difference. Finite Difference Time Domain Method, Integral
Equation Technique, Method of Moments, Spectral Domain Approach. Rayleigh-Ritz
variational procedure, Perturbation Techniaques, Finite Elements Methods, TLM etc.

PG / ETCE / T/ 1210D - Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Alignment of pairs of sequences, Multiple sequence alignment, Prediction of RNA
secondary structure, Phycogenetic prediction, Gene prediction, Protein classification and
structure prediction, Generic Analysis.

Category: Sessional Courses


PG / ETCE / S / 121- Term paper leading to thesis


PG / ETCE / S / 122- Seminar

Third and Fourth Semester

Category: Sessional Courses


PG / ETCE / TH / 21- Thesis Work


PG / ETCE / VV/ 22- Viva-Voce

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