Quarter 1 – Module 3: Use
Modals Appropriately
English– Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1– Module 3: Using Modals Appropriately
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Using Modals Appropriately
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the English 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Using Modals
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the English 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Using Modals
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.
Assessment This is another 15-item task which aims to
evaluate your level of mastery in achieving
the learning competency.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master Properties of Matter. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the textbook you are now using.
a. Do
b. Is
c. Are
d. Have
11. ____ you decided yet?
a. Have
b. Had
c. Did
d. Has
12. ____ everybody going to be there?
a. Is
b. Are
c. Do
d. Does
13. ____ they live near you?
a. Are
b. Does
c. Do
d. Did
14. I _____ finished it.
a. didn’t
b. haven’t
c. hasn’t
d. aren’t
15. I ____ had time to do it yet.
a. didn’t
b. haven’t
c. hasn’t
d. aren’t
Auxiliary Verbs:
1 Introduction to Modals
What’s In
a. Live!
b. Enjoy!
c. Go travel!
(You) live!
(You) enjoy!
(You) go travel!
a. are considered
b. were being tested
c. had been married
d. could travel
e. should go
What’s New
Take your time in reading the following comic strips below. Take
note of the verbs that the speakers used:
What is It
Auxiliary (or Helping) verbs are used together with a main verb to show the verb’s
tense or to form a negative or question. The most common auxiliary verbs are:
have, be, and do.
Auxiliary verbs almost always appear together with a main verb, and though there
are only a few of them, they are among the most frequently occurring verbs in the
English language.
1. Have
“Have” is a very important verb that can stand alone in all its tenses, including has,
have, having, had, and hadn’t or had not. It is usually used to denote ownership,
and it can also be used to discuss ability or describe appearance. “Have” is also a
very popular substitute for the verbs “eat” and “drink.” For example: “Let’s have
When used as an auxiliary verb, have is always teamed up with another verb to
create a complete verb phrase, making it easy to differentiate between uses. You
can see the difference in the sentences below:
Jerry has a large coffee stain on his shirt. → Has = action verb
Jerry has bought a new shirt to replace the one that was ruined earlier. →
Has = auxiliary verb; bought is a past participle that competes the verb
Jerry should have been more careful! → Have = auxiliary verb; phrase
“should have been” expresses time and evaluates Jerry’s actions.
2. Do
“Do” can be used as an action verb that stands alone in all its tenses, including to
do, do, does, done, did and didn’t, doesn’t or did not.
When used as an auxiliary verb, do is always paired up with another verb to create
a complete verb phrase. In some cases, it is used to add emphasis: “I did put the
garbage out!” Do is often used to form questions and negated clauses. It is also
used in elliptical sentences, where the main verb is understood and is omitted as a
result. For example: “He plays piano well, doesn’t he?” or “They all had dinner, but
I didn’t.”
Because he spills things so often, Jerry does more laundry than most people.
Does = action verb
Jerry didn’t put his coffee in a cup with a lid. Didn’t = auxiliary verb
Jerry doesn’t always spill things, but it happens a lot. Doesn’t = auxiliary
3. Be
“Be” or “to be” is an important verb that has a multitude of uses in English. It can
be used as an action verb that stands alone in all its tenses including be, to be,
been, am, are, is, was, were, wasn’t, was not aren’t, are not, weren’t and were
When used as an auxiliary verb, be is always paired with another verb to create a
complete verb phrase. It can be singular or plural, present or past. Negative
sentences are formed by adding the word “not”.
What’s More
Be ready now and brace yourself for these activities, write your
answers in your notebook.
The conditional perfect 'would have + participle' (would have done) is used for the
result clause in unreal past conditional sentences.
Use the simple future with will for result clauses for the first conditional.
Always use 'were' in the unreal conditional for the verb 'be'.
Use the past perfect continuous 'had been + verb + ing' to express that had been
happening up to another point in time in the past.
Activity 2 Instructions: This time, without the help of the guide rules, try to supply
the missing auxiliary verbs by choosing from the letters given in each numbers.
7. She ______ thinking very clearly when she had the accident.
a. don't
b. didn't
c. weren't
d. wasn't
20. The students ______ allowed to go off campus during school hours.
a. don't
b. aren't
c. didn't
d. wouldn't
1. What ________________ the kids doing when you last saw them? (was, were,
are, did, been)
2. Carla ________________ always wanted to try skydiving. (was, doesn’t, has, is,
3. Where __________________ you go on your summer vacation? (were, been, are,
did, does)
4. Why do you think she __________ call you like she said she would? (didn’t, is,
hasn’t, has been, have)
5. Mary _____________ going to be upset when she hears what happened. (will,
don’t, is, didn’t, has)
6. Jeremy _____________ want to go to the movies; he wants to stay home
instead. (doesn’t, isn’t, wasn’t, hasn’t, was not)
7. I _________________ appreciate his jokes. They weren’t funny. (did, have,
been, didn’t, haven’t)
8. I really like fish but I _______________ care for meat. (weren’t, been, don’t, is,
9. Where _____________ you going when I saw you last night? (were, was, is, do,
10. Tara ________________ called yet; she’s late as usual. (are, were, has, hasn’t,
What I Can Do
Instructions: Connect the words in each sentence. Find your way from
the beginning of the maze to the end.
Instructions: Supply the appropriate auxiliary verbs
needed in the given statements.
8. She ____ have finished the work by the time you get back.
a. does
b. is
c. had
d. will
9. We ______ sitting on the beach this time next week.
a. are
b. will be
c. will have
d. are going to
10. _____ you had lunch yet?
a. Did
b. Has
c. Have
d. Will
Additional Activities
Instructions: Below is a memory game. Supply the missing auxiliary verbs on the
blank provided. Once you are done supplying the missing auxiliary verbs, try to
memorize the response given after each questions, then try to cover them with your
hands. No peeking!
Answer Key
What I Know
1. b What I can Do
2. a Start
3. a The inner planets are very hot.
4. a Mr. Einstein did not know everything.
5. d I must not talk during my interview.
6. c That mushroom could be poisonous.
7. b That ostrich will never fly away.
8. c Canoes with holes should not be
9. c used.
10.c I am moving to Delaware.
11.a Finish
1. a
2. a
3. b
What's more 4. c
Activity 1 5. b
1. c 6. c
2. b 7. c
3. c 8. c
4. d 9. b
5. b 10.a
Activity 2
1. b
2. d Additional Activities
3. b Does he go to bed early?
4. b Does she like hiking?
5. b Do you have any money?
Do they go to church?
Does DooDun read a lot?
What I have Learned Do the girls have boyfriends?
1. were Does it taste good?
2. has Is it interesting?
3. did Are they stupid?
4. didn't Is she American?
5. is Are you fighting?
6. doesn't Do you play often?
7. didn't Are you crazy?
8. don't Are the boys sleeping?
9. were Do the dogs eat a lot?
10. hasn't
Internet Sources
What I Know
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form
of the following modals: can, could, be able to, may,
might, shall, should, must, have to, don’t have to, need
Note: You may have to make the modals
negative according to the context of the sentence,
There may be more than one possibility and lastly
DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER. Answers to the different
activities in this module must be written in your notebook.
What’s In
2 Modals
Instructions: Read and analyze each statement then underline the modals found in
Notes to the Teacher
Learning is fun.
What’s New
Instructions: Choose the correct modal from the two choices from an
article in a magazine about Regrets.
As we get older and when we think about our past, we sometimes ponder the
things that we (1) should/can have done. And we also (2) may/shall regret those
things we did badly and the mistakes we made. In reality, we be able (3)
to/can always learn from our mistakes and hope to never make them again. For
example, if I failed a test because of a lack of study, the next test I (4)
will/must hope to pass because of hard work. Remember too that some regrets are
not based in reality and we (5) must/may waste time thinking that they are. (6)
Would/should I have really not have been involved in a car crash if I had been
driving more slowly? After all, the other driver ought (7) to/will have been
concentrating and not playing with their radio. We have (8) to/would be honest
with ourselves and live in the now. The only things we used (9) to/can control are
the things happening now, in this moment.
What is It
Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are
special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal
verbs like "work, play, visit..." They give additional information about the function
of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety of communicative
Here are some characteristics of modal verbs:
They never change their form. You can't add "s", "ed", "ing"...
They are always followed by an infinitive without "to" (i.e. the bare infinitive.)
They are used to indicate modality allow speakers to express certainty,
possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity, ability.
Ma y , Mig ht
Fo rm a l Pe rm issio n / Fo rm a l Pro hib itio n
m a y / m a y no t + b a se fo rm o f the ve rb
1. Yo u m a y sta rt yo u r e xa m n o w .
2. Yo u m a y n o t w e a r sa n d a ls to w o rk.
Po lite Re q ue st
Ma y + sub je c t + b a se fo rm o f the ve rb
1. Ma y I h e lp yo u ?
Po ssib ility / Ne g a tive Po ssib ility
m a y / m ig ht + b a se fo rm o f the ve rb
1. We m a y g o o u t d in n e r to n ig h t. Do yo u w a n t to jo in u s?
2. O u r c o m p a n y m ig h t g e t th e o rd e r if th e c lie n t a g re e s
to th e p ric e .
m a y no t / m ig ht no t + b a se fo rm o f the ve rb
1. Ad a m a n d Su e m a y n o t b u y th a t h o u se . It’s ve ry e xp e n sive .
2. Th e y m ig h t n o t b u y a h o u se a t a ll.
To Ma ke a Sug g e stio n (whe n the re is no b e tte r
a lte rna tive ) m a y a s we ll / m ig ht a s w e ll + b a se
fo rm o f the ve rb
1. Yo u m a y a s w e ll c o m e in sid e . J o h n w ill b e h o m e so o n .
2. We m ig h t a s w e ll ta ke Frid a y o ff. Th e re ’s n o w o rk to b e
d o n e a n yw a y.
Po lite Sug g e stio n
m ig ht + b a se fo rm o f the ve rb
1. Yo u m ig h t like to try th e 18 sa lm o n fille t. It’s o u r sp e c ia l to d a y.
Shall, Should, Ought to
Adverbs are often used with modals to add to their meaning. See for example the
sentences below: (adverbs are in bold letters; modals are underlined)
There would be times when adverbs do not need to work with certain modal verbs
to give possibilities. In their own way, they can function and show some possibility.
See examples below:
However, "possibly" and "probably" are stronger (more likely to occur) than "Maybe"
or "Perhaps." These are placed immediately after the subject.
It possibly will rain tomorrow. (There is a definite possibility it will rain).
It definitely will rain tomorrow. (It is certain it will rain).
What’s More
Be ready now and brace yourself for these activities, write your
answers in your notebook.
Task 1 Instructions s: Fill in the correct form of can, could or be able to as in the examples.
1. _______ Tony run long distances when he was a boy?
2. ______ you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke down. (polite)
3. The students _______ to buy their textbooks today. The bookstore is all out of them.
4. ______ you teach me how to fix my computer? You’re so good at it.
5. ______ you ______ reach the customer if you call him at 4:00 his time?
Task 2 Directions: Fill in the correct form of may or might as in the example.
1. They ______ finish the project on time. The main engineer is ill.
2. You _____ want to stop by the museum gift shop on your way out.
3. _____ I have your autograph?
4. He _______ visit the Louvre. He’s in Paris anyway.
5. You ______ park your car here. It’s reserved for guests of the hotel only.
Task 3 Instructions: Fill in should, shouldn’t or ought in the following sentences as in the example.
1. You _____ get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
2. The house ______ be ready to move into by next month. It’s almost finished.
3. Ron ________ to improve his attitude. If he doesn’t, he might get fired.
4. ________ I get your jacket? It’s cold in here.
5. You ________ put your feet on the table. It’s not polite.
Task 4 Instructions: Fill in the blanks with one of these modals: must, must not, have to, has to, don’t
have to, doesn’t have to, needn’t as in the examples. There may be more than one correct answer.
1. You ______ tell Anna about the party tomorrow night. It’s a surprise! (must not, need
to, doesn’t have to)
2. Tina _______ register for her classes on Monday, otherwise she won’t get a place in
them. (doesn’t have to, mustn’t, has to)
3. You ________ send that fax. I’ve already sent it. (must, will have to, don’t have to)
4. A dog ______ get special training in order to be a guide dog. (must, need to, don’t
have to)
5. Jeremy _______ get up early tomorrow. His class was cancelled. (mustn’t, doesn’t have
to, don’t need to)
Task 5 Directions: Fill in the blanks with one of the following words: will, won’t, would,
1. I ______ like to order the onion soup please.
2. The manager _______ be pleased to hear that a customer slipped on the wet floor.
3. _______ it be okay if I slept here tonight?
4. When Igor lived in Russia, he ________ call his mother as often as he does now.
5. I can assure you sir, the order ______ be shipped out tonight.
1. If you are sick, you ________ go to work. You’ll infect everyone there.
2. Drivers _______ stop at red lights.
3. You _______ finish the proposal today. You can finish it tomorrow.
4. She ______ hear much better with her new hearing aids.
5. ______ I order us a bottle of wine?
6. Sam ______ pick his daughter up from school. She’s taking the bus home.
7. You _____________ smoke here. It’s a smoke-free building.
8. You ________ eat so many sweets. They are bad for you.
9. _________ you mind walking a little faster? We’re going to be late.
10. I’m sorry. I _______ help you. I don’t know how to do it.
Mo d a l ve rb s (c a n , c o u ld , m u st, sh o u ld , o u g h t to , m a y, m ig h t, w ill, w o u ld ,
sh a ll) a re m o d a l a u xilia ry ve rb s th a t e xp re ss a b ility, n e c e ssity, o b lig a tio n ,
d u ty, re q u e st, p e rm issio n , a d vic e , d e sire , p ro b a b ility, p o ssib ility, e tc .
Mo d a l ve rb s e xp re ss th e sp e a ke r's a ttitu d e to th e a c tio n in d ic a te d b y
the m a in ve rb .
Th e y n e ve r c h a n g e th e ir fo rm . Yo u c a n 't a d d "s", "e d ", "in g "...
What I Can Do
You Can Do It!
Instructions: Supply the appropriate modals to the given
1. Marco’s flight from Manila took more than 5 hours. He _____ be exhausted after
such a long flight.
2. The book is optional. My teacher said we could read it if we needed extra credit.
But we _____ read it if we don’t want to.
3. Marilyn _____ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
4. The television isn’t working. It _____ damaged during the move.
5. Kathrin _____ hold your breath for more than a minute?
6. You _____ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know
haven’t got a penny to their name.
7. I’ve redone this Math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong
according to the answer key. The answer in the book _____ be wrong.
8. You _____ do the job if you didn’t speak English fluently.
9. You _____ worry so much. It doesn’t do you any good. Either you get the job, or
you don’t. If you don’t, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find
10. You _____ be kidding! That can’t be true.
Additional Activities
Express Yourself!
Direction: Write an essay expressing your own opinion on the Do’s and Don’ts in
overwhelming the challenges of COVID- 19. Make use of the modal verbs (e.g. may,
can, would, etc.) See rubrics below.
Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning Rating
Content 4 3 2 1
Presented an Presented Presented Presented
in- depth essential essential minimal
information knowledge knowledge knowledge
adhered to about the about the about the
the topic. topic. topic; topic;
committed 1 committed
to 2 factual several
errors; errors; did
inadequately not adhere to
adhered to the theme
the theme.
Structure Presented Presented Organizatio Organization
and ideas ideas n is clear is clear but
Organizatio logically with logically with and made with
n clear clear use of modal incorrect
structure. structure. verbs in usage of
Made an Correctly expressing modal verbs
excellent use used modal thoughts; in expressing
of modal verbs in but with few thoughts.
verbs in expressing errors.
expressing thoughts.
Mechanics Made an Made a Contains Poor usage of
and excellent use correct usage minimal grammar,
Grammar of grammar, of grammar, grammatical punctuation,
punctuation, punctuation, & capitalization
capitalization capitalization mechanical and spelling.
and spelling. and spelling. errors.
Answer Key
What I know
1. shouldn’t 6. needn’t 11. couldn’t
2. must 7. mustn’t 12. can
3. don’t have to 8. shouldn’t 13. could
4. can 9. would 14. couldn’t
5. shall 10. can’t 15. might
3. don’t have to 1. definitely 1. must
4. can 2. surely 2. don’t have to
5. shall 3. probably 3. couldn’t
6. needn’t 4. certainly 4. musthave been
7. mustn’t 5. Probably 5. can you
8. shouldn’t 6. Surely 6. have to
9. would 7. perhaps 7. must
10. can’t 8. Maybe 8. couldn’t
9. Maybe 9. shouldn’t
10. definitely 10. have to
What I Can Do
K to 12 Curriculum Guide (may, 2016) p. 181
Grade 8 Competencies
Internet Sources
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