Pointers Parameters Strings

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Pointers: Parameter

Passing and Return

Passing Pointers to a Function
 Pointers are often passed to a function as
 Allows data items within the calling function to be
accessed by the called function, altered, and then
returned to the calling function in altered form
 Useful for returning more than one value from a
 Still call-by-value, but now the address is copied,
not the content

Example: Swapping
int main()
int a, b;
a = 5; b = 20;
swap (a, b);
printf (“\n a=%d, b=%d”, a, b); Output
return 0; a=5, b=20
void swap (int x, int y) passed by
{ value, so
int t; changes done
t = x; on copy, not
x = y; returned to
y = t; calling
} function
Example: Swapping using pointers
int main()
int a, b;
a = 5; b = 20; Output
swap (&a, &b);
printf (“\n a=%d, b=%d”, a, b); a=20, b=5
return 0;
void swap (int *x, int *y) passed by
{ address,
int t; changes done
t = *x; on the value
*x = *y; stored at that
*y = t; address
 While passing a parameter to a function, when
should you pass its address instead of the
 Pass address if both these conditions are satisfied
 The parameter value will be modified inside the function body
 The modified value is needed in the calling function after the
called function returns
 Consider the swap function to see this

Passing Arrays as Pointers
Both the forms below are fine in the function body, as
arrays are passed by passing the address of the first
element. Calling function calls it the same way
int main() int main()
{ {
int n; int n;
float list[100], avg; float list[100], avg;
: :
avg = average (n, list); avg = average (n, list);
: :
} }

float average (int a, float x[]) float average (int a, float *x)
{ {
: :
sum = sum + x[i]; sum = sum + x[i];
} } 6
Returning multiple values from a
 Return statement can return only one value
 What if we want to return more than one value?
 Use pointers
 Return one value as usual with a return statement
 For other return values, pass the address of a
variable in which the value is to be returned

Example: Returning max and min
of an array
Both returned through pointers (could have returned one of
them through return value of the function also)
int main()
{ void MinMax(int A[], int n, int
int n, min, max, i, A[100]; *min, int *max)
scanf(“%d”, &n); {
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) int i, x, y;
scanf(“%d”, &A[i]); x = y = A[0];
MinMax(A, n, &min, &max); for (i=1; i<n; ++i) {
printf(“Min and max are %d, if (A[i] < x) x = A[i];
%d”, min, max); if (A[i] > y) y = A[i];
return 0; }
} *min = x; *max = y;
Example: Passing structure pointers
struct complex {
float re;
float im; void add (struct complex
}; *x, struct complex *y,
struct complex *t)
int main() {
{ t->re = x->re + y->re;
struct complex a, b, c; t->im = x->im + y->im;
scanf(“%f%f”, &a.re, &a.im); }
scanf(“%f%f”, &b.re, &b.im);
add(&a, &b, &c) ;
printf(“\n %f %f”, c.re,
return 0;

• 1-d arrays of type char
• By convention, a string in C is terminated by the
end-of-string sentinel ‘\0’ (null character)
• char s[21] - can have variable length string
delimited with \0
• Max length of the string that can be stored is 20 as
the size must include storage needed for the ‘\0’
• String constants : “hello”, “abc”
• “abc” is a character array of size 4

String Constant
• A string constant is treated as a pointer
• Its value is the base address of the string
char *p = “abc”;

p a b c \0

printf (“%s %s\n”,p,p+1); /* abc bc is printed */

Differences : array & pointers
char *p = “abcde”; char s[ ] = “abcde”;
The compiler allocates ≡ char s[ ] = {‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’e’.’\0’};
space for p, puts the
string constant “abcde” The compiler allocates 6 bytes
in memory somewhere of memory for the array s
else, initializes p with which are initialized with the
the base address of 6 characters
the string constant

S a b c d e \0
a b c d e \0
Library Functions for String
 You can write your own C code to do different
operations on strings like finding the length of a
string, copying one string to another, appending
one string to the end of another etc.
 C library provides standard functions for these
that you can call, so no need to write your own
 To use them, you must do
#include <string.h>
At the beginning of your program (after #include
String functions we will see
 strlen : finds the length of a string
 strcat : concatenates one string at the end
of another
 strcmp : compares two strings
 strcpy : copies one string to another

strlen() You cannot change contents
of s in the function

int strlen(const char *s)

 Takes a null-terminated
strings (we routinely refer int strlen (const char *s) {
to the char pointer that int n;
points to a null-terminated for (n=0; *s!=‘\0’; ++s)
char array as a string) ++n;
return n;
 Returns the length of
the string, not counting
the null (\0) character

strcat() You cannot change contents
of s2 in the function
 char *strcat (char *s1,
const char *s2); char *strcat(char *s1, const char
 Takes 2 strings as *s2)
arguments, {
concatenates them, char *p = s1;
while (*p != ‘\0’) /* go to end */
and puts the result in
s1. Returns s1. while(*s2 != ‘\0’)
Programmer must *p++ = *s2++; /* copy */
ensure that s1 points *p = ‘\0’;
to enough space to return s1;
hold the result. }

Dissection of the strcat() function
char *p = s1;
p is being initialized, not *p. The pointer p is initialized
to the pointer value s1. Thus p and s1 point to the
same memory location

Dissection of the strcat() function
char *p = s1;
p is being initialized, not *p. The pointer p is initialized
to the pointer value s1. Thus p and s1 point to the
same memory location
while (*p != ‘\0’) ++p;
As long as the value pointed to by p is not ‘\0’, p is
incremented, causing it to point at the next
character in the string. When p points to \0, the
control exits the while statement

Dissection of the strcat() function
char *p = s1;
p is being initialized, not *p. The pointer p is initialized
to the pointer value s1. Thus p and s1 point to the
same memory location
while (*p != ‘\0’) ++p;
As long as the value pointed to by p is not ‘\0’, p is
incremented, causing it to point at the next
character in the string. When p points to \0, the
control exits the while statement
while(*s2 != ‘\0’) *p++ = *s2++; /* copy */
At the beginning, p points to the null character at the
end of string s1. The characters in s2 get copied
one after another until end of s2

Dissection of the strcat() function
char *p = s1;
p is being initialized, not *p. The pointer p is initialized
to the pointer value s1. Thus p and s1 point to the
same memory location
while (*p != ‘\0’) ++p;
As long as the value pointed to by p is not ‘\0’, p is
incremented, causing it to point at the next
character in the string. When p points to \0, the
control exits the while statement
while(*s2 != ‘\0’) *p++ = *s2++; /* copy */
At the beginning, p points to the null character at the
end of string s1. The characters in s2 get copied
one after another until end of s2
*p = ‘\0’; put the ‘\0’ at the end of the string
int strcmp (const char
*s1, const char *s2);
Two strings are passed
as arguments. An
integer is returned
that is less than,
equal to, or greater
than 0, depending on
whether s1 is
lexicographically less
than, equal to, or
greater than s2.
int strcmp (const char
*s1, const char *s2); int strcmp(char *s1, const char *s2)
Two strings are passed for (;*s1!=‘\0’&&*s2!=‘\0’; s1++,s2++)
as arguments. An {
integer is returned if (*s1>*s2) return 1;
that is less than, if (*s2>*s1) return -1;
equal to, or greater
if (*s1 != ‘\0’) return 1;
than 0, depending on if (*s2 != ‘\0’) return -1;
whether s1 is return 0;
lexicographically less }
than, equal to, or
greater than s2.
char *strcpy (char *s1, char *s2);
The characters is the string s2 are copied into s1 until
\0 is moved. Whatever exists in s1 is overwritten. It is
assumed that s1 has enough space to hold the
result. The pointer s1 is returned.

char *strcpy (char *s1, const char *s2);
The characters is the string s2 are copied into s1 until
‘\0’ is moved. Whatever exists in s1 is overwritten. It
is assumed that s1 has enough space to hold the
result. The pointer s1 is returned.

char * strcpy (char *s1, const char *s2)

char *p = s1;
while (*p++ = *s2++) ;
return s1;
Example: Using string functions
int main()
char s1[ ] = "beautiful big sky country", Output
s2[ ] = "how now brown cow";
printf("%d\n",strlen (s1));
printf("%d\n",strlen (s2+8)); 9
printf("%d\n", strcmp(s1,s2)); -1
printf("%s\n",s1+10); big sky country
strcpy(s1+10,s2+8); beautiful brown cows!
printf("%s\n", s1);
return 0;

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