Lecture13 Pointers Array

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Problem Solving and Programming

A pointer is a variable that represents the location (rather than the value) of a data item.
• They have a number of useful applications.
• Enables us to access a variable that is defined outside the function.
• Can be used to pass information back and forth between a function and its reference
In memory, every stored data item occupies one or more contiguous memory cells.
• The number of memory cells required to store a data item depends on its type (char,
int, double, etc.).

Whenever we declare a variable, the system allocates memory location(s) to hold the
value of the variable.
• Since every byte in memory has a unique address, this location will also have its own
(unique) address.
Consider the statement
int xyz = 50;
• This statement instructs the compiler to allocate a location for the integer variable xyz,
and put the value 50 in that location.
• Suppose that the address location chosen is 1380.
• During execution of the program, the system always associates the name xyz with the
address 1380.
• The value 50 can be accessed by using either the name xyz or the address 1380.
Pointer Declaration
A pointer is just a C variable whose value is the address of another variable!
After declaring a pointer:
int *ptr;
ptr doesn’t actually point to anything yet.

We can either:
• Make it point to some existing variable (which is in the stack), or
• Dynamically allocate memory (in the heap) and make it point to it
Pointer variables must be declared before we use them.
General form:
data_type *pointer_name;
Three things are specified in the above declaration:
• The asterisk (*) tells that the variable pointer_name is a pointer variable.
• pointer_name needs a memory location.
• pointer_name points to a variable of type data_type.
Illegal usage
int *count;
float *speed;
Once a pointer variable has been declared, it can be made to point to a variable using an
assignment statement like:
int *p, xyz;
p = &xyz;
• This is called pointer initialization.
Types of Pointers
Pointer variables must always point to a data item of the same type.
float x;
int *p;
p = &x; // This is an erroneous assignment
Assigning an absolute address to a pointer variable is prohibited.
int *count;
count = 1268;
‘&’ operator
The address of a variable can be determined using the ‘&’ operator.
• The operator ‘&’ immediately preceding a variable returns the address of the variable.
p = &xyz;
• The address of xyz (1380) is assigned to p.
The ‘&’ operator can be used only with a simple variable or an array element.
Pointer definition
int xyz = 50;
int *ptr; // Here ptr is a pointer to an integer
ptr = &xyz;
Since memory addresses are simply numbers, they can be assigned to some variables
which can be stored in memory.
• Such variables that hold memory addresses are called pointers.
• Since a pointer is a variable, its value is also stored in some memory location.
How it works!!
int a=10, b=5;
int *x, *y; a: 1054 10 42 42
x= &a; y=&b;
*x= 40;
b: 1058 5 45 45
*y= *x + 3;
y= x;
x: 2074 1054 1054 1054

x: 2078 1058 1058 1054

Illegal usage
Following usages are illegal:
• Pointing at constant.
int arr[20];
• Pointing at array name.
• Pointing at expression.
Pointer Expression
Like other variables, pointer variables can be used in expressions.
If p1 and p2 are two pointers, the following statements are valid:
sum = (*p1) + (*p2);
prod = (*p1) * (*p2);
*p1 = *p1 + 2;
x = *p1 / *p2 + 5;
Pointer Expression
What are allowed in C?
• Add an integer to a pointer.
• Subtract an integer from a pointer.
• Subtract one pointer from another
• If p1 and p2 are both pointers to the same array, then p2–p1 gives the number of
elements between p1 and p2.
What are not allowed?
• Add two pointers.
p1 = p1 + p2;
• Multiply / divide a pointer in an expression.
p1 = p2 / 5;
p1 = p1 – p2 * 10;
Scale Factor
We have seen that an integer value can be added to or subtracted from a pointer variable.
int x[ 5 ] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
int *p;
p = &x[1];
printf( “%d”, *p); // This will print 20
p++; // This increases p by the number of bytes for an integer
printf( “%d”, *p); // This will print 30
p = p + 2; // This increases p by twice the sizeof(int)
printf( “%d”, *p); // This will print 50
Scale Factor
struct complex {
float real;
float image;
struct complex x[10];
struct complex *p;
p = &x[0]; // The pointer p now points to the first element of the array
p = p + 1; // Now p points to the second structure in the array
The increment of p is not by one byte, but by the size of the data type to which p points.
This is why we have many data types for pointers, not just a single “address” data type
Pointer Expression
Data Type Scale Factor
char 1
int 4
float 4
double 8
• If p1 is an integer pointer, then
will increment the value of p1 by 4.
Pointer Expression
Data Type Scale Factor
char 1
int 4
float 4
double 8
• If p1 is an integer pointer, then
will increment the value of p1 by 4.
Scale factor
• The exact scale factor may vary from one machine to another.
• Can be found out using the sizeof function.
#include <stdio.h>
void main( )
printf (“No. of bytes occupied by int is %d \n”, sizeof(int));
printf (“No. of bytes occupied by float is %d \n”, sizeof(float));
printf (“No. of bytes occupied by double is %d \n”, sizeof(double));
printf (“No. of bytes occupied by char is %d \n”, sizeof(char));
Number of bytes occupied by int is 4
Number of bytes occupied by float is 4
Number of bytes occupied by double is 8
Number of bytes occupied by char is 1
Passing Pointer to a function
Pointers are often passed to a function as arguments.
• Allows data items within the calling program to be accessed by the function, altered,
and then returned to the calling program in altered form.
• Called call-by-reference (or by address or by location).
Normally, arguments are passed to a function by value.
• The data items are copied to the function.
• Changes are not reflected in the calling program.
Call by reference
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
main( ) main( )
{ {
int a, b; int a, b;
a = 5; b = 20; a = 5; b = 20;
swap (a, b); swap (&a, &b);
printf (“\n a=%d, b=%d”, a, b); printf (“\n a=%d, b=%d”, a, b);
} }
void swap (int x, int y) void swap (int *x, int *y)
{ {
int t; int t;
t = x; x = y; y = t; t = *x; *x = *y; *y = t;
} }
Output Output
a=5, b=20 a=20, b=5
Pointers and Arrays
When an array is declared:
• The compiler allocates a base address and sufficient amount of storage to contain all the
elements of the array in contiguous memory locations.
• The base address is the location of the first element (index 0) of the array.
• The compiler also defines the array name as a constant pointer to the first element.
Pointers and Arrays
Consider the declaration:
int x[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
• Suppose that the base address of x is 2500, and each integer requires 4 bytes.
Element Value Address
x[0] 1 2500
x[1] 2 2504
x[2] 3 2508
x[3] 4 2512
x[4] 5 2516
Pointers and Arrays
Both x and &x[0] have the value 2500.
p = x; and p = &x[0]; are equivalent
• We can access successive values of x by using p++ or p-- to move from one element to
Relationship between p and x:
p = &x[0] = 2500
p+1 = &x[1] = 2504
p+2 = &x[2] = 2508 *(p+i) gives the value of x[i]
p+3 = &x[3] = 2512
p+4 = &x[4] = 2516
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