Power Words Glossery

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Throughout the text of Eco-Magick there are a number of “words of power” that
are in ancient languages. These are inserted in the text to add emphasis on a
conscious and unconscious level and to focus the intent of the ritualist. Here is a
list of these words and explanations and/or translations of them. The key explains
their origins. Others are free to disagree with these spellings, translations and so
on. All feedback is welcome.

GRK: Greek
EGY: Egyptian (ancient)
SAN: Sanskrit
CEL: Celtic
CHI: Chinese
LAT: Latin
TIB: Tibetan
OTH: Other

A Ka Dua: EGY, Unity uttermost shown

Adya: SAN, primal, great
AEIOU: OTH, Greek/Gnostic power word formed of the vowels
Ament: EGY, name of Isis; Isis ruler of the Underworld Amenta
Amenti: EGY, see above, same as Amenta
Amrita: OTH or Amrite SAN, Elixir, cosmic nectar, combined sexual fluids
Ankhat: EGY, Isis as the giver of the breath of life
Anquet: EGY, Isis who makes the land fertile
Ast netert urt heka khent neteru: EGY, “Isis the Goddess, the great one of words
of power, head of the Gods”
Ast urt hekauti: EGY, Isis utter words of power
Astu Ast: EGY, here now is Isis
Au shapset em sa en hau-k: EGY, “the 4 holy Goddesses protect your limbs”
Aui Ru; EGY, “Evil away!”
Bennu: EGY, phoenix
Bhadra: SAN, Auspicious, title of Kali
Bios: GRK, Life
Dakshine: SAN, divine offering, title of Kali
Devata: SAN, god/goddess
Digambara: SAN, naked, clothed in space, a title of Kali
Dum: SAN, bija or seed syllable of the Goddess Durga
Durga: SAN, Goddess, means “hard to reach”
Eulogia: GRK, Praise
Fiat: LAT, “so may it be,” also a magickal anagram
Fiat: LAT, So may it be
Gam: SAN, bija or seed syllable of the God Ganesh or Ganapati
Gao ming guan shi yin: CHI, “Lofty Kwan Yin” mantra
Gao wang guan shi yin zehn jing: CHI, “High Queen Kwan Yin“ mantra
Gauri: SAN, Goddess, “Golden One,” aspect of the Mother
Gloria: LAT, Glory to
Guan Shi Yin: CHI, Kwan Yin
Guan shi yin pu sa: CHI, “Goddess of Mercy we honor you,“ Kwan Yin mantra
Guru: SAN, “teacher” or Higher Self
Ha: OTH, from many cultures, primal power word; beginning, opening, power
Hamsa: SAN, the primal breath or prana, the beginning & end
Haya: OTH, cross-cultural: primal power word, emphasis; “sp be it”
Heiro: GRK, Holy
Heka: EGY, magick, magick words
Hen-a: EGY, “so be it”
Hrim Srim Krim Parameshvari Svaha: SAN, triple Goddess, supreme lady, so be it”
Hrim: SAN, bija or seed syllable of the Goddess Shakti or Devi, the Maiden.
Hu: OTH, cross-cultural; primal power word of calling; “come”
Hum: SAN, a bija or seed syllable of the God Shiva, called dispeller of sorrows, the
Ending power
Hut...Sut...Kut: OTH, ancient Gnostic call to the God, Goddess and their Child
IAEOU: OTH, Greek/Gnostic power word formed of the vowels
IAO: GRK, “heal,” also a magickal annagram
Io Evoe: GRK, “Hail, we call you”
Io: GRK, “Hail! Hurrah!”
Ipsos: LAT & OTH, “By the same mouth,” contemporary magickal power word
Isa: OTH, Another form of Isis
Jai: SAN, “victory”
Khesef khet hem hat met: EGY, “repulsing, turning away,driving back poison”
Khut: EGY, very strong power-word of Isis as Goddess of the innundation
Krim: SAN, bija or seed syllable of the Goddess Kali, the Crone
Kyria: GRK, Lady
Ma: OTH, SAN & GRK & etc...Primal form of Mother, the Great Goddess
Maat ert Ast netert nefer ker pu setem ankh ua semes ki:
Maha: SAN, “great”
Matrika: SAN, “Mother”
Meru: SAN, Sacred Mountain at the center of the world, abode of Shiva/Shakti
Meter: GRK, Mother
Namah: SAN, “offering”
Namaste: SAN, “greetings, I honor you”
Nammo Da ming guan shi yin pusa:
Nammo: CHI, same as Namah
Nefer: EGY, God, Gods, Great Power
Nuk Ast per kua: EGY, “I am Isis, I come forth”
Om a Hom soha: CHI, invitation mantra
Om Ah Hûm Svâha: SAN Invitation Mantra
Om bo ru lan zhe li:CHI, psychic armor mantra
Om Bu Lin: CHI, honor the jewel mantra
Om mani bei-me hum: CHI, “The Jewel in the Center of the Lotus”
Om mani padme hum: SAN,TIB: “The Jewel in the Center of the Lotus”
Om tare tuttare ture soha: TIB, key mantra of the Goddess Tara
OM: SAN, GOD, the First Cause, the Primal Source of All, seed syllable of Shiva
P’o t’o: CHI, the sacred mythic island of Kwan Yin, the jewel island
Pangenetira: GRK, Great primal goddess
Phat: SAN, bija or seed syllable of banishing, called the “thunderbolt”
Pujayami: SAN, offering ritual action
Punyajana: SAN, “good spirits”
Reneret: EGY, Great Isis of the Harvest
Ru: EGY, banishing power word, “be gone”
Salvé: LAT, Hail
Sapta: SAN, seven
Satis: EGY, Isis as the font or source of power
Sept: EGY, God/Goddess/Star Sothis, now called Sirius
Shakti: SAN, Goddess/term, “Energy”
Shanti: SAN, “peace”
Shiva: SAN, the God, “Blessed One”
Smashan: SAN, Cremation ground, title of Kali
Soha: TIB, CHI, same as svaha, “so be it!”
Srîm: SAN, bija or seed syllable of the Mother Goddess Lakshmi
Svaha: SAN, “so be it”
Tam: TIB,SAN, bija or seed syllable of the Goddess Tara
Tarpayami: SAN, offering oblations
Tat Tvam Asi: SAN, “I am that”
Tcheft: EGY, Isis, Goddess who feeds her children
Tefen...Befen...Mestet...Mestetef...Petet...Thetet...Maatet: EGY, the 7 Magick
Scorpion protectors of Isis
Terra: LAT, Earth
Thenenet: EGY, Isis as great Goddess of the Underworld
Tua Ast: EGY, Honor to the Goddess Isis
Tua: EGY, honor, hail!
Ture: TIB, power word of Tara in her wrathful aspect
Usert: EGY, Isis the Earth Mother
Utu metu Ast: EGY, “this is the command of Isis!”
Vanadurga: SAN, Nature Goddess, primal Forest Goddess
Vita Rota: LAT, Wheel of Life
Xiao chu zhu du hai: CHI, “abolish all dangerous injury”
Ya: OTH, cross-cultural power word, connotates nature and release of energy

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