Kabbala Genesis
Kabbala Genesis
Kabbala Genesis
It does not say in Genesis 2:8 that Jehovah (which is the name of Chokmah)
planted a garden; or that Eheieh Asher Eheieh (I shall become what I am
becoming), which is the name of Kether, planted a garden. It clearly says that
Jehovah Elohim, which is the name of the Holy Spirit (Binah) in the Tree of Life,
planted a garden. Jahavah Elohim, or Jehovah Elohim, or as the Bible translators
say Jehovah, God, or as others translators say - because they are afraid to say
Jehovah, since they state Iod, Hei, Vav, Hei is a sacred name that should not be
pronounced in vain - so they translate it as The Lord God; so in many Bibles you
find The Lord God instead of Jehovah Elohim
The first triangle (Kether, Chokmah and Binah) is governed by Kether. The second
triangle (Chesed, GeburahTiphereth) is governed by Chokmah. The third triangle
(Netzach, Hod and Yesod) is governed by Binah. In other words, from the top to the
bottom of the letter Vav, the three primary forces (Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit; Kether,Chokmah, and Binah) control the Tree of Life in the center column.
In Kabbalah the letter Vav symbolizes the spinal medulla; Vav the foundation of the
property of hearing the word; Vav means and, connection.
demon, devil, fiend, goblin, gremlin, sprite, bogey, fantom, genie, ghost, ghoul,
gnome, hobgoblin, incubus, kobold, mephistopheles, phantom, poltergeist, puck,
shade, spirit, bogy, daredevil, field, lea, sphere."
Chaioth: animals
Otz Chaim: tree of lives above Yesod
The letter Chet is made from two letters: on the right is a Vav that is joined to a
letter Zayin on the left; together they form the letter Chet, which is similar in
Hei. The left line in the letter " Chet" touches the top, yet
the left line in the letter Hei does not touch the top. Hei is the letter related with
the name Iod, Hei,Vav, Hei.
shape to the letter
Chet we find the letters Vav and Zayin together. If we write the
letter Iod to the left, we then form the word Chai, which means life. Thus the
So, in the letter
letter Chet is associated with the two fiery polarities (Ida and Pingala) of Nun (the
seed of man and woman): the letter Vav is masculine and the letter
Zayin is
feminine. The letters Vav and Zayin, Adam and Eve, together make the letter
Chet which - with the letter Iod - you pronounce Chai, which means life. In other
words, Nachash the fire of life in the spinal column is in the seed.
The life-force (represented in the letter Shin) of the Tree of Life Otz Chaim
develops in the spinal column; the fire of life is enclosed within the two polarities of
the letter Nun: the zoosperm and the ovum, the seeds "fish" of the man and the
woman. The man is represented by the letter Vav and the woman by the
letter Zayin, and together they make the letter Chet (the sound of the "ch" as in
So, this Satan or Prince of Darkness, or the symbol of it, goes back in time not only
within us, but also in the creation of the Cosmos. Darkness is not a person, but a
Force that belongs to the Uncreated Light. Let us see: in Kabbalah we study three
aspects of the Uncreated Light that we call the Absolute, these are three Forces
which are beyond the first triangle that we talked about, namely, the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. The three aspects of the Uncreated Light are called
in Hebrew Ain (the first aspect), Ain Soph (the second aspect), and
Ain Soph Aur (the third aspect).
So this " Aur" or the third aspect means Light in Hebrew , it is written
with Aleph, Vav, and Reish. You read it in English "Aur" but you pronounce it "Or"
meaning Light. So Ain Soph Aur is the third aspect of the Absolute. The third aspect
is Aur, because the first is the Ain, and the second is the Ain Soph these were
explained many times in our lectures. Thus, when we talk about the Ain or the Ain
Soph, we refer to them as eternal darkness. But in order to explain it better, we
address them as Abstract Light or Uncreated Light, a type of Light that if we want to
see it we will see only darkness because we do not have the proper sight in order to
see it, therefore it is called darkness; yet it is darkness for us, but it is pure Light for
the Paramarthasattyas, which are the inhabitants who live within the bosom of that
darkness, which is Light, Uncreated Light. An example of one of those
Paramarthasattyas is Master Jesus of Nazareth; he is an inhabitant of that
Uncreated Light, which is the Ain, which is translated as "nothingness." Well, when
you read the Bible from the very beginning, it explains there that the darkness is
from where the Light emerged. It is written in the Book of Genesis:
Od and Obd
Category: O
Pingala is associated with solar energy. The word pingala means "tawny" in Sanskrit. Pingala has a
sunlike nature and masculine energy.[10] Its temperature is heating and courses from the right testicle
to the right nostril. It corresponds to the river Yamuna.
Ida is associated with lunar energy. The word ida means "comfort" in Sanskrit. Id has a moonlike
nature and feminine energy with a cooling effect.[10] It courses from the left testicle to the left nostril
and corresponds to the Ganges river.
The Ida and Pingala nadis are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain. Pingala is
the extroverted, solar nadi, and corresponds to left hemisphere . Ida is the introverted, lunar nadi,
and refers to the right hemisphere of the brain. Ida nadi controls all the mental processes while
Pingala nadi controls all the vital processes.