Chariots of Rome Rules
Chariots of Rome Rules
Chariots of Rome Rules
of Rome
Chariots of Rome is a competitive, chariot-racing board
I. Game Overview������������� 2 X. Endurance�������������������� 8
game for 2 to 8 cunning drivers set in Ancient Rome’s grand
II. Preparing XI. Rattled������������������������ 8
stadium, the Circus Maximus. Each player controls a unique
For Race Day��������������������� 3 XII. Chariot Elimination� 8
“Two things only the people anxiously desire: bread charioteer competing on the giant oval track for two laps.
III. Racing a Round���������� 4 The Wreckage�����������������������������������8 You can also play with up to four teams of two chariots, each
A Matter of Life or Death��������9 and circuses.” - Juvenal
IV. Initiative Phase������������ 4 representing a Roman color faction.
V. Favor of the Gods��������� 4 XIII. The Finish Line & Rome, 10 BC: Caesar Augustus has erected a mighty
Victory������������������������������ 9 obelisk in the center of the Circus Maximus in tribute to his There is more to winning the laurel wreath of victory than
VI. Charioteers Phase������� 4
Speed Step�������������������������������������������4
The Sole Survivor���������������������������9 conquest of Egypt. Filling the arena are more than 150,000 just handling dangerous corners! Charioteers can whip and
The First Place Finish�������������������9 Romans of all classes, from Senator to slave. While this is ram their opponents to hinder them during the race (much
Adjustments Step���������������������������4
Driving Step����������������������������������������5 XIV. Optional Rules��������� 9 normally an uncommon sight, they have assembled to watch to the crowd’s delight). Along with the tens of thousands in
Completing the 7 Laps���������������9 the ludi circenses, the chariot races. the crowd, the gods are watching, and they may be inclined
VII. Tactics����������������������� 6
Charioteer Drafting����������������������9 to influence the race in their favor!
Spending Tactics�����������������������������6
Racing Teams�������������������������������������9 Banners of the Red, White, Green, and Blue factions wave
VIII. Action Alternate Tracks�������������������������������9 in the stands as the fans cheer on their favorite drivers and So mount your chariot, tie the reins around your waist,
Card Effects���������������������� 7
XV. Special Reminders����� 9 teams. Soon, the thunder of a dozen quadriga, four-horse- tightly grasp your whip, and pay tribute to Caesar in
Hazard Timing���������������������������������7
Hazard Effects�����������������������������������7 Game Credits�������������������� 9 drawn chariots, will roar as they race at breakneck speeds. Chariots of Rome!
Swerving������������������������������������������������7 XVI. Extended Only the whims of the gods and the skill of the drivers, or
Wounding��������������������������������������������8 Example of Play�������������� 10 aurigae, will determine the victor.
IX. Crashing��������������������� 8
Initiative cards determine who takes the Tactics represent your charioteer’s energy, skill, and focus during the race. You spend
next turn each round, by color and stripe. Tactics to attack opponents and to mitigate losses from their attacks and other racing
hazards. You gain Tactics primarily from thoughtful cornering and moving at low speed.
All card text
The Rattled marker reflects the declining status of the charioteer’s balance, nerve,
supersedes these
control, and the condition of the chariot itself, ranging from 0 ( fit) to 6 ( fallen,
rules. When there
at which point that chariot is removed from play). Rattled is increased primarily by
is a conflict, use
hazards and it is decreased primarily from slowing down.
the card text! Speed Lap Start Debris Wreck
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
II. Preparing C. Chariot Teams are Readied D. Caesar is Hailed and Seated
Each player selects one Chariot mat and receives the Separately shuffle the Fate and Action cards to form their
For Race Day
on Breeder corresponding components. If racing both chariots of respective Draw piles and place them near the stadium.
the same color team, also take its other Chariot mat and Collect each competing chariot’s Initiative card and shuffle
A. Entering the Stadium corresponding components: those together to form the Initiative stack.
Place the Stadium map in the center of the table where all • A Lap marker; place it on the 0 space in the lower-left corner.
E. Mount Your Chariot and Take Your Position
players can reach it. Banners, drums, and trumpet fanfares
• An Endurance marker; place it on the 12 (XII) space.
are optional. Reveal the cards in the Initiative stack one at a time. As each
• A Tactics marker; place it in the space corresponding to the is revealed, the indicated chariot is placed on a Start space (a
B. Charioteers Arrive to an Ovation
number of chariots that are in the race (up to a maximum of 8). carceres: the starting triangle space printed on the track) of its
Shuffle the Charioteer cards and deal them to each player, one owner’s choosing from among those not yet occupied. The
• A Rattled marker; place it above the main track on the word
per chariot in the race. Players (spectators and touts) should read horses go in front, by the way!
ve Phase, after that “Faction.” (Think of that as the 0 space for the main track and
each charioteer’s ability and start formulating a strategy. As it
ack is shuffled but before offer sacrifices to ensure your Rattled marker stays there!) F. Caesar Proclaims, “Let the Race Begin!”
is still a friendly race at this point, players may, by unanimous
aled, you may secretly
consent, allow a redraw of their charioteer, if requested. • A Speed Level marker; place it above the Speed Level section
ve stack and freely You are ready to play the first round! In Chariots of Rome,
of the mat. (Think of that as the “dead stop” space for speed.)
in it, if you desire� a typical race is 2 laps long, but before commencing, players
Charioteer cards with the 3+ in their lower • A Start marker, Chariot token, and Initiative card; place can agree by unanimous consent (or by decree of the Mater
3+ right hand corner can only be used in races these in front of you for now. Familias) to play a 1-lap, or a grueling 3-lap, race. Your strategy
with three or more chariots. Return any unused components to the box. must adapt to the length of the race; pace yourself accordingly!
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
III. Racing a Round VI. Charioteers Phase Your base movement is now 10 spaces. By risking
everything, there is no recovery for you: Lose 1 Endurance
Each round of play has these phases completed in order: Each chariot takes its turn in Initiative order, and each turn (or 1 Tactics, per VII Tactics: Sparing the Horses).
is composed of three steps: Exempli Gratia: Vitellius’ Chariot mat looks grim, showing
1. Initiative (compose the Initiative stack for that round)
5 Endurance, 1 Tactics, and 4 Rattled. He selects Speed Level
1. Speed Step (set as desired and allowed);
2. Charioteers (once per chariot in Initiative order) I as his stratagem. Although he is granted only 4 spaces of
2. Adjustments Step (chivvy your horses, if desired); and movement this turn, his team regains 1 Endurance (now
• Favor of the Gods ( first charioteer that round, only)
3. Driving Step (mark your position with that chariot’s Start raised to 6), 1 Tactics (increasing it to 2), and his dangerous
Once the last charioteer that round has completed the Rattled of 4 is reduced to a much less fearful 2.
marker and drive as if the Furies were pursuing you).
Charioteers phase, a new round begins unless at least one
chariot has crossed the Finish Line on the final lap (at which After a charioteer completes their turn, determine which
point, that charioteer has won). charioteer’s turn is next by revealing the next card in the Adjustments Step
Initiative stack. Continue play with that charioteer’s turn.
The round ends when all chariots have taken their turn, after You may adjust your chariot’s movement before
which (if there is not yet a winner) a new round begins.
IV. Initiative Phase maneuvering it along the track this turn.
1. Special Adjustments
The Initiative phase determines the chariots’ turn order
that round. Each round, gather the Initiative cards for the
Speed Step Some Charioteer and Fate cards’ effects occur during
the Adjustments step, as explained on those cards.
surviving chariots, shuffle them, and place them face down Beginning every race from a standing start, all chariots must Unless otherwise stated on the card itself, these Special
to form the Initiative stack. set their Speed Level marker to Speed Level I (4 spaces) on Adjustments are resolved before your decision to do
Reveal the top card of the Initiative stack; that chariot their first turn. Do not adjust resources (Endurance, Tactics, Hard Driving.
now performs its turn. After that chariot completes its and Rattled) for moving at Speed Level I on the first turn of
turn, reveal the next card to determine the next chariot to a race! 2. Hard Driving (Chivvying the Horses)
perform its turn, and continue doing so until the Initiative The Adjustment step is when your driver shows his
stack is exhausted (i.e., after all chariots have had their turn Skip this step if your chariot has a Cornering stack from
skill, chivvying your chariot’s horse team by shouting at
that round). its last turn (see VI Charioteer Phase: Driving Step 3b).
them, snapping the reins, and cracking the whip above
To perform the Speed Step: Adjust your chariot’s Speed Level them to startle these magnificent beasts to move a few
If the race continues, reshuffle the Initiative stack and place
marker to the base speed at which you will drive your chariot additional spaces this turn.
it face down to complete the next round’s Initiative phase.
this turn (i.e., 4, 7, or 10 spaces). You may maintain your
current Speed Level, increase it by one level (maximum), or Spend 1 Endurance OR 1 Tactics from your Chariot
decrease it by any amount desired (or required). Whatever mat to chivvy the chariot’s horses. Then, roll the Tri die
V. Favor of the Gods Speed Level you select (or maintain), it has an immediate and add that many spaces (1, 2, or 3) to your chariot’s
effect, as listed below: movement this turn.
Skip this step until all the chariots have exited the track’s
3. Total Spaces to Move
first corner. Speed Level I (Minimus)
Determine the total number of spaces to move this
Only the first charioteer each round (the first one drawn from This is a very safe speed for cornering and when you need to
turn by adding together the chariot’s current Speed
the Initiative stack) rolls to determine the Favor of the Gods. recover from a run of bad luck.
Level, any Special Adjustments, and Hard Driving.
This first charioteer precedes their turn by rolling the Fate Your base movement is now 4 spaces. This speed allows you to That is the total number of spaces it moves during the
die to determine, and then apply, the Favor of the Gods – regain control over your chariot and horse team, as follows: ensuing Driving step.
and only afterwards performs their turn.
Gain 1 Endurance (up to a maximum of 12);
Exempli Gratia Continuate: Vitellius, having chosen to
This Fate roll reflects certain random events often
Gain 1 Tactics (up to a maximum of 8); and move at Speed Level I (moving only 4 spaces in exchange for
originating from the crowd’s energy and actions, or credited
Lose 2 Rattled (down to a minimum of 0). improving the situation on his Chariot mat), is worried about
to the influence of the gods when imponderables occur.
falling farther behind in the race.
The Fate roll outcomes are: Speed Level II (Medius)
Fortunately, during the Adjustments step this round, there
Neptune Blesses Horses: Each chariot immediately
This is a competitive pace. It is okay for taking wide turns is a Fate card to resolve, Castor and Pollux Arrive (granting
gains 1 Endurance (up to a maximum of 12).
and affords you a moment to think and compose your spirit. two gifts, from the gods, of his choice: +1 space of movement;
inerva Steadies Drivers: Each charioteer
M +1 Endurance; or -1 Rattled). Cursing his slow movement,
Your base movement is now 7 spaces. For not stressing yourself
immediately removes 1 Rattled (to a minimum of 0). Vitellius chooses from the gods the +1 space blessing twice ( for
or your horses: Lose 1 Rattled (down to a minimum of 0).
endacius Whispers to Drivers: Each charioteer
M +2 spaces), meaning his chariot will now be moving 6 (4 + 2 = 6)
Speed Level III (Maximus) spaces this turn.
immediately gains 1 Tactics (to a maximum of 8).
The crowd will cheer when you are driving at this all-out,
J upiter’s Wager (Vox Dei): Reveal the top card of Not satisfied with that, he spends 1 Endurance (reducing it
breakneck pace. This is fine on straightaways but dangerous
the Fate deck, read it aloud, resolve its effects, and to 5) to chivvy the horses and, on the Tri die, he rolls a III
in turns, and maintaining this speed will exhaust your horses.
place it in a Discard pile next to its Draw pile. Some (3). Thanking the goddess Fortuna for that roll, Vitellius will
effects are immediate while others occur throughout move 9 (4 + 2 + 3 = 9) spaces this turn and maintain his
that round. When exhausted (Ye gods!), reshuffle the competitive position in the race.
discards to form a new Fate deck and continue.
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
Driving Step If the result is 0 or less, your chariot draws no (0) a. Going the Distance (or Not)
Action cards and continues its movement through
To overtake, your chariot must have enough
This step is, of course, the heart of Chariots of Rome. You the corner, either straight ahead or making desired
remaining spaces left to move in order to reach
must employ consummate skill and guile to drive effectively lane changes to the right (that is, into a longer,
an unobstructed space just beyond whatever is
and win. “outside” lane).
blocking it.
1. Taking the Reins
If the result is 1 or more, count that number of If it lacks sufficient spaces to move beyond the
During the Driving step, you maneuver your chariot Action cards off the top of the Action deck, face obstacle, that chariot must stop short, ending its
forward the required number of spaces (determined down, to create that chariot’s Cornering stack. move immediately behind that obstruction. It then
during its Speed and Adjustments steps) and may make See VII Tactics: Defense Tactics. loses either 1 Endurance or 1 Tactics.
one Attack. Before moving, place your chariot’s Start Exempli Gratia: During his Driving step, Apollinaris enters b. Hazarding this Maneuver
marker in its space as a reminder (players often count a corner lane where the Safe Speed is VI (that’s 6, for Roman
out alternate paths before deciding which to take, and it Skip this penalty until all chariots have exited the
numeral learners). As the first chariot into that corner, he gains
is easy to forget where you began that turn). race’s first corner. Thus, at the start of a race, players
no Tactics.
can overtake in a civilized manner and without risk
2. Down the Straightaways To determine the Cornering Hazards, the chariot is moving 9 as charioteers vie for position coming out of the
spaces this turn and has 2 Rattled on its Chariot mat, making first corner.
When advancing spaces along a straight section of the
a total of 11. From that sum, subtract the Safe Speed of 6.
track, you must enter the next space straight ahead of After reaching an unobstructed space beyond the
This means Apollinaris counts off a Cornering stack of 5 cards
the chariot OR make a lane change into an adjacent, obstacle(s), draw 1 Action card per obstacle space
(11 – 6 = 5) from the Action deck.
forward-diagonal space, as illustrated here: traversed and immediately apply its (their) Danger
Thinking that 5 cards is a lot to hazard, Apollinaris decides result(s) (See VII Tactics: Defense Tactics, and
to spend 1 Tactics at this juncture to return one card from his VIII Action Card Effects).
Lane Change
Cornering stack back to the top of the Action deck. His Cornering
stack of 4 Action cards now awaits his trip around this corner. c. Concentrate!
Reveal and resolve 1 Action card’s Corner result from A chariot cannot Attack while overtaking. It must
that chariot’s Cornering stack at each space your chariot move from its overtaking exit space before being
Lane Change enters after the first space of that corner (where it eligible to Attack.
acquired its Cornering stack), until its Cornering stack
is exhausted. See VIII Action Card Effects.
3. Around the Corners
Yes, this requirement means a chariot could be
The shaded spaces where the track bends around are resolving its Cornering stack cards even after exiting a
corner spaces. Once a chariot enters the first space of a curve! It continues moving normally after completely
corner, and until it enters the last space of its cornering resolving its Cornering stack.
lane, it can no longer maneuver to its left in that corner And, yes, this requirement also means a chariot could
(i.e., it cannot take that corner any “tighter” once it enters continue to resolve its Cornering stack on its next
the corner, moving or ramming to the “inside;” it is turn! When this occurs, skip its Speed step that turn.
simply too dangerous). It can still do Hard Driving (per VI Charioteers Phase:
There are two other matters to attend to when entering Adjustments Step 2), if desired. Exempli Gratia Unus: The green chariot is literally and figuratively
a corner: Cornering Tactics (which you can spend to Chariots assess Cornering Hazards only once per against the wall (or spina). Red and white have conspired to
assist in taking that corner) and assessing Cornering corner, per lap, and only as they enter the first space of box him in.
Hazards, as explained below. their chosen lane at that corner. You do not make any Consequently, green must overtake, and in this case can exit in
a. Cornering Tactics recalculations mid-corner for acquiring Rattled or if front of either red or white with equal risk. The green driver opts
Each lap, the first chariot to enter a space of each that chariot begins its next turn still in that corner and to overtake the white chariot (seeking more room to maneuver
corner gains no (0) Tactics. Each following chariot changes speed. That corner’s hazards have already been on the other side) and moves 2 spaces to the one just past this
gains 1 Tactics immediately upon entering their first determined! now-overtaken obstacle. Upon reaching that space, green draws
space of that corner, except for the last chariot. one Action card and resolves its Danger result (in this case,
4. The Overtake Maneuver suffering 2 Rattled) before continuing the rest of his move.
The last chariot gains 2 Tactics instead.
Only one chariot, wreck, debris, or other obstruction
Reminder: 8 Tactics is a chariot’s maximum! can remain in a space. There is no “stacking” allowed at
b. Cornering Hazards the end of any move.
While it is preferable to find a clear path along which
After receiving any (or no) Tactics for entering the
to maneuver your chariot, when other chariots or
first space of a corner, add how fast your chariot is
debris block your chariot’s path, you must then gird
moving (i.e., the number of spaces it is moving that
your loins and attempt an Overtake Maneuver to drive
turn) to how Rattled that charioteer is. From that
through them.
sum, subtract the Safe Speed posted on that lane’s
corner entry space.
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
Whip VII. Tactics
b A B Tactics are the “universal resource” for charioteers, representing
their driving skill, experience, pluck, and cunning.
c Whip
Ram Tactics are acquired from driving at Speed Level I, following
into a corner (instead of leading into it), through some
Exempli Gratia Duo: Facing two obstacles to progress, the green Exempli Gratia: Here you see the Attack Zones for the blue charioteers’ special abilities, and by the will of the gods.
chariot at the back of the pack is in a world of hurt (orbis mala). chariot in space A. As that chariot moves straight ahead 2
No chariot can acquire more than 8 Tactics (maximum, as
Not wanting a Speed Level that will be risky, the green driver spaces to B, it pauses there to announce an Attack.
indicated on each Chariot mat).
chooses Speed Level I (4 spaces) and refuses to chivvy his horses. After spending 1 Tactics, the blue driver must declare if he is
He must choose space A, B, or C in order to come out from making his one Attack that turn a Whip Attack versus the red
behind the obstacles. Deciding to forge straight ahead, the green chariot, or a Ram or Whip Attack versus the white chariot. Spending Tactics
chariot moves to space A and draws two Action card Danger d. Ram Attacks
results for overtaking the two spaces (with the red and white You spend Tactics for the following benefits:
chariots). In an incredible stroke of luck, only 1 Rattled results Ram Attacks are effective at reducing the target
from that hair-raising overtake maneuver, and the green chariot’s Endurance and offer a high chance of • Attacking
chariot stops on its fourth space, directly in front of the IV turn forcing it to swerve away from the attacker, but It costs 1 Tactics to make an Attack (See VI Charioteers
lane. Hopefully, green’s options will look brighter next turn! there is also risk to the attacking chariot. Phase: Driving Step 5c).
After paying for and declaring the target of a Ram
5. Attacking • Defense Tactics
Attack (making sure it is to your right while in a
Attacking is prohibited until all chariots have exited corner; you cannot maneuver toward the “inside” Whenever you draw an Action card or cards, prior to
the race’s first corner. Charioteers must maintain, at while cornering), that opponent immediately draws revealing the first one (if there is more than one drawn),
least for a short duration, the pretense of conducting a 3 Action cards and applies their Ram results, one at you may spend Tactics to reduce the number of cards you
“clean race.” a time, in the order drawn. must reveal and resolve (up to all of them) on a one-for-
a. Restrictions one basis. That is, each Tactics spent reduces that chariot’s
Note: Unlike a Cornering stack, these all take effect Action card obligation by one.
A charioteer can make only 1 Attack per Driving step immediately.
from any space along its route that turn; however: Return these unrevealed cards back to the top of the
Afterward, the attacking chariot draws 1 Action
Action deck and thank the gods you do not have to deal
• That chariot must have moved at least 1 space card and immediately applies its Ram result. If the
with them.
prior to Attacking. attacking chariot’s result is to Swerve, it must do so
into the target chariot’s space if it is vacant, or away Exempli Gratia: When you are attacked, overtake obstacles,
• It cannot Attack while overtaking obstacles,
from the target chariot’s space if it is not vacant speed through a corner, crash, or suffer from other hazards, if
including from the overtaking exit space. It must
(See VIII Action Card Effects). your charioteer has sufficient Tactics to spend, he can avoid the
move at least 1 space from its overtaking exit space
pending hazards of one or more Action cards.
prior to Attacking. e. Whip Attacks
It is quite exhilarating to speed through a corner where you
b. Cost
The larger Attack Zone for Whip Attacks makes them would draw 7 Action cards, and then spend 7 Tactics to brush
Pay 1 Tactics to launch an Attack. Your charioteer easier to conduct. Whipping produces a wider variety of them away and safely take the lead!
must then declare the type of Attack (Ram or Whip) results (although less devastating than Ram Attacks) and, • Sparing the Horses
and designate the target chariot. best of all, there is no backlash to the attacking chariot.
When your chariot’s team of horses suffers an Endurance loss
c. Attack Zones After paying for and declaring the target of a Whip
for any reason (such as from choosing Speed Level III, chivvying
Attack, that opponent immediately draws 3 Action
Ram and Whip Attacks each have different “Attack the horses, Action card results, etc.), you may choose to spend a
cards and applies their Whip results, one at a time,
Zones” where they can strike. You can only conduct Tactics instead. That is, 1 Tactics = 1 Endurance, as desired. It
in the order drawn.
Ram Attacks versus a chariot you are passing. While is generally easier to recover Tactics than Endurance.
cornering, you can only conduct Ram Attacks Note: Unlike a Cornering stack, these all take
versus a chariot immediately to your right. You can effect immediately. Since losing your last Endurance means elimination from
make Whip Attacks as you reach or pass the target the race, in this case you must lose Tactics instead of
f. Defense Tactics
chariot, as illustrated in the next column. Endurance, if able.
See VII Tactics: Defense Tactics.
Exempli Gratia: Crysapsis begins his turn by increasing his
6. Earning a Lap chariot’s Speed Level from II to III. Rather than losing 1
When a chariot crosses the Finish Line after completing Endurance for moving at Speed Level III, he “spares the horses”
a lap around the track (i.e., not when just starting the and spends 1 Tactics instead.
race), advance the Lap marker on its Chariot mat. Then, Crysapsis chivvies the horses, causing another loss of 1
Endurance, and again he spends 1 Tactics instead. The crowd
When the first charioteer completes the last lap of the
goes wild as he speeds past!
race (usually the second, unless a different race length was
agreed upon), the race is over at the end of that round.
(See XIII The Finish Line & Victory.)
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
VIII. Action Card Reading the Whip effect on each card, he receives: 1 No Effect
(whew!), 1 Rattled, and 1 Endurance. Adjusting his Chariot
From space B, his 9th space sees the path straight ahead clear of
obstacles. He proceeds straight ahead to space C, where the next
Effects mat, Oriens increases his Rattled by 1 and decreases his horses’
Endurance by 1; but then, thinking better of that, he quickly
of the three remaining cards in his Cornering stack reveals an
Endurance result. Again, having no Tactics to lose instead,
Your chariot draws Action cards when hazarding corners, restores the Endurance and decreases his Tactics by 1 instead he reduces his horses’ Endurance by 1.
attacks, obstacles, etc. (see VII Tactics: Sparing the Horses).
From space C, his 10th and final space takes him straight
Defense Tactics to Reduce the Action Draw ahead to space D where the penultimate card in his Cornering
Whenever your chariot receives one or more Action cards, Swerving stack is another Swerve! Again, the red chariot must move over
prior to revealing the first Action card from the triggering 1 lane to the outside of that curve and back 1 space, ending
occurrence, you may employ Defense Tactics to reduce the Swerving is not movement, per se; it does not count against that swerve in space E.
number of Action cards you must resolve (See VII Tactics: spaces that chariot can or has moved.
Because he still has a Cornering stack remaining, on his next
Defense Tactics). Swerving displaces a chariot by one lane away from the turn, Apollinaris cannot increase his Speed Level (per VI
hazard (with some exceptions noted below) and backward Charioteers Phase: Speed Step). Thus, during his next Driving
When the Action card Draw pile is exhausted, immediately
by one space. If a chariot must resolve multiple swerves, it step, he will still be at Speed Level II (moving 7 spaces).
reshuffle its Discard pile to form a new Action card Draw pile.
moves multiple lanes away and multiple spaces backward. On that turn, Apollinaris sticks with a basic 7 space move to
Each type of hazard that causes a chariot to swerve complete the corner. (He does not want to lose more Endurance
works differently.
Hazard Timing by chivvying his horses.) From space E he advances forward to
In Corners space F and reveals the last card of his Cornering stack which,
After employing Defense Tactics (VII Tactics: Defense Tactics) thank the gods, is No Effect. Moving ahead his remaining 6
When cornering, swerving forces that chariot to move into spaces, he proceeds around the corner without further incident.
or not, all Action cards received from an occurrence are
the adjacent outer lane as there is no maneuvering allowed
resolved one by one in the order in which they were drawn. From a Ram Attack
toward the inside lane while in a corner. If there is an obstacle
• Cornering there, then see Swerving into Obstacles in the next column. If the attacking chariot swerves as a result of its own Ram
Action cards are resolved one per space advanced when Attack, it must occupy the space the target chariot was in
they have formed a Cornering stack (per VI Charioteers when Attacked (momentum carries it there). If the target
Phase: Driving Step 3b). Resolving these might be spread chariot is still in that space (i.e., it was not forced to swerve
out over multiple turns. away from the Ram Attack), then the attacking chariot must
• All Other Occasions swerve away from the target chariot (“bouncing off ” the
F target chariot).
Other than from cornering, all Action cards are resolved
immediately, before the next activity takes place. D Up Against the Wall
A chariot cannot be forced to swerve into a wall (i.e., go
A off the track). If it otherwise would have to, that chariot
Hazard Effects E ignores the lane change part of the Swerve result (remaining
C adjacent to the wall) and moves directly back 1 space at a
Each Action card has four different hazard effects: Whip, time until it finally reaches a clear space (i.e., one without an
Ram, Corner, and Danger. Apply the appropriate result(s) B obstacle). Afterward, it crashes (See IX Crashing).
when consulting each Action card. These results include:
Swerving into Obstacles
• No Effect (Lucky you; nothing happens).
A swerving chariot, either by its forced lane change or
• Lose 1 Endurance (or Tactics, if you have any; upon
displacement directly backward 1 space, can enter a space
reaching 0 or fewer, that chariot is eliminated; see XII Tactics).
Exempli Gratia: Apollinaris, at Speed Level II with +3 from with an obstacle.
• Lose 1 Tactics (if you have none to lose, gain 1 Rattled
chivvying his horses, is moving 10 spaces this turn. He enters If that obstacle is immobile, such as a wreck or debris, the
the VI lane of the corner as his 7th space. As the first chariot swerving chariot must swerve an additional space in the
• Gain 1 Rattled (upon reaching 6 or more Rattled, that into this corner, he gains no Tactics, which is a shame as he same direction and crash (See IX Crashing).
chariot is eliminated; see XII Tactics). currently has none and really could use some! If that obstacle is another chariot, both must swerve. First,
• Swerve 1 lane away from that hazard the target chariot enters the obstacle chariot’s space and
Going “4 over the speed limit” (10 – 6 = 4) and unable to
(see VIII Action Card Effects: Swerving). crashes (See IX Crashing). Then, the obstacle chariot swerves
spend Tactics to reduce the number of Action cards drawn, he
• Charioteer is Wounded in the same direction and it crashes!
places in front of himself a Cornering stack of 4 Action cards
(see VIII Action Card Effects: Wounding). and drives boldly into the corner, the crowd on their feet! Note that it is possible for a “traffic jam” to cascade, creating
even more forced swerving events, with each chariot
Exempli Gratia: Oriens is the target of a Whip Attack and On his 8th space, he enters space A and reveals the first card of
swerving back in the same direction and crashing in turn!
draws 3 Action cards. Employing no Defense Tactics, he peels his Cornering stack. Its Corner result is Swerve, and so the red
off the top 3 cards from the Action deck and creates a mini chariot must move over 1 lane to the outside of that curve and
Whip Attack stack that must be resolved immediately, in its back 1 space, ending that swerve in space B.
entirety, and in the order drawn.
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
X. Endurance
If a chariot’s Endurance reaches 0, the horses collapse,
eliminating that chariot (See XII Chariot Elimination).
Exempli Gratia: The white chariot moves into position and Exempli Gratia Unus: The red chariot Ram Attacks the blue Reminder: When a chariot loses Endurance, it can instead
conducts a Ram Attack against the blue chariot. The first chariot as the crowd gasps. lose Tactics (See VII Tactics: Sparing the Horses).
Action card Ram result suffered is a Swerve, causing the blue Blue draws 2 Swerve results, causing the blue chariot to swerve
chariot to be displaced 1 lane away from the attacking white 2 lanes away and 2 spaces back from the red chariot (as shown).
chariot and 1 space back, as shown by the diagram above.
This causes the blue chariot to crash into the white chariot as it
XI. Rattled
If another Ram result from that Attack was a second Swerve, is an obstacle for the purposes of blue’s second swerve. Blue takes There is much that can “rattle” a charioteer in the Action
the blue chariot would then have to move a second lane over, the white chariot’s space and draws 1 Action card and resolves and Fate decks.
causing it to crash into the green chariot’s space. This would its Danger effect from crashing. Displacing the white chariot
force the green chariot to swerve from its space in the same occurs next. Rattled charioteers corner poorly (See VI Charioteer Phase:
direction to make room for the blue chariot, and then the green Driving Step 3b).
chariot would also crash! It cannot swerve in the same direction because of the wall
If a charioteer’s Rattled is 6 or more, he has fallen out of the
(which it hits). The white chariot must move straight back 1
chariot, eliminating it (and himself !) from the race (See XII
Then the white chariot draws its Action card from this Ram space, and crashes twice — once from the swerving blue chariot
Chariot Elimination).
Attack, resulting in a swerve. It must move into the space it and again from hitting the wall! The white chariot draws 2
attacked (i.e., where blue was originally), since that space is Action cards and resolves their Danger effects. Fortunately, it is easy to reduce Rattled by driving at a lower
vacant (per VIII Action Card Effects: From a Ram Attack). Speed Level or, perhaps, from attracting the gods’ favor.
It is a rare Danger effect that wounds a charioteer, but such XII. Chariot
are the hazards of racing. When wounded, that charioteer
loses his special ability; flip his Charioteer card face down to Elimination
show this.
A chariot is eliminated when any of the following
Should he suffer a second wound, that charioteer is killed
calamities occurs:
and his chariot is eliminated (See XII Chariot Elimination).
• Its Endurance is 0 or less;
• Its Rattled is 6 or greater; or
IX. Crashing b • Its charioteer suffers a second Wound.
A Crash occurs when a chariot must swerve into a wall or a
space containing an obstacle (i.e., a wreck, debris, or another
chariot). After its displacement from that crash, the crashing
A The Wreckage
chariot draws 1 Action card and immediately resolves its When a charioteer is eliminated, perform these steps:
Danger effect. This could happen multiple consecutive times!
1. Remove its Initiative card from play.
2. Replace that Chariot in its space with a Wreck marker.
Exempli Gratia Duo: Zephyrus, in the green chariot, makes a
3. Th
e eliminated charioteer rolls the Tri die and places
Whip Attack against the white chariot to his right and behind
this wreckage the indicated number of spaces forward
him in the curve. The first Action card’s Whip result is Swerve.
on the track, without changing lanes (via momentum).
The white chariot must move toward the outside of the curve
and back 1 space, and so is displaced to space A. Should the wreckage reach a space containing an
obstacle, it immediately stops. That obstacle then
If, instead, Zephyrus was being Whip Attacked by the white swerves away (per VIII Action Card Effects: Swerving
chariot (because charioteers can Whip Attack to their left into Obstacles) and, if the obstacle is a chariot, that
in corners, but not Ram Attack; see VI Charioteers Phase: chariot crashes (See IX Crashing).
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
Chariots of Rome Rulebook Ver. 1.0
For its 5th space entered that turn, the red chariot proceeds directly ahead 1 space in the V lane and then reveals the first Action card in its Cornering stack; a Swerve result. This moves the
red chariot to the next-higher numbered lane (i.e., toward the outside wall, which is how centrifugal force works) and backward one space.
For its 6th space that turn, red moves forward in its new (VI) lane and then reveals the second card in its Cornering stack; an Endurance result (losing 1 Endurance brings the red horse team
down to 5). On its 7th space for that turn, moving straight ahead and revealing the final card in its Cornering stack, the red chariot must lose 1 Tactics. Since Acacius has no Tactics, having
spent them all to reduce his Cornering stack, he must gain 1 Rattled instead. This increases his total to 2 Rattled. With his Cornering stack completed, he moves his remaining 4 spaces as
shown and bursts out well ahead of the pack, beat up but making great time. “So long, Derisor!,” he shouts while passing. “Wreck this!” he adds, waving his fool’s forefinger.
3) The next Initiative card reveals the blue chariot, driven
by Crysapsis, who sets his Speed Level to II, allowing him
to lose his last Rattled while maintaining a good pace into 3)
the approaching corner. Crysapsis, looking for additional
movement, decides to chivvy his horses, spending 1
Endurance (reducing his team to 7). Because he is a crack
whip artist (or is that a whip crack artist?), Crysapsis’ ability
has him rolling the Tri die twice when coaxing his horses,
resulting in a I and a III. With consummate guile, he
chooses the I result, as moving 10 spaces this turn would be
too hazardous through the corner. Touts say that Crysapsis’
horses understand him; that he is on good “speaking terms”
with them, including the famous equine, Mr. Ediquette.
With a grim visage, blue drives straight ahead at an 8 space On Mercury’s Wings
clip. He enters the corner’s IV (4) space (i.e., the “inside This round, chariots draw 1 less Action card (but not fewer
than 0) when drawing a Cornering stack.
Sequence of Play Charioteer Turn Favor of the Gods
Remain at current Speed Level
Shuffle Initiative cards to -or-
determine charioteer Initiative. Increase Speed Level by one All chariots gain one Endurance.
CHARIOTEER TURNS Decrease Speed Level by one or two.
Charioteers take their turns -then-
in Initiative order. All chariots lose one Rattled.
Resolve Speed Level effects.
Move equal to total movement. Draw and resolve a Fate card.
May make one Attack during move.