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Mooer Studio V1.2.0 For GE300 The Missing Manual v1.1

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How to Use

Mooer Studio for GE300

The Missing Manual
How to use

Mooer Studio for GE300

The Missing Manual
Manual and Illustrations by Steven B. Schweitzer ● Instruction on how to use the physical Mooer
Some illustrations by Mooer Audio, where noted.
GE300 unit itself (refer to the current version
of the Mooer Owner’s Manual)
Mooer Studio is a highly capable software
● Using the Synth Module (this can be an entire
interface to help manage and control the Mooer
instruction manual in itself)
GE300 Amp Modeling, Synth and Multi-Effects
● Using the MIDI functions (this is highly
dependent on your midi controller and can be
This manual was written to help others
an entire instruction manual in itself)
navigate and use the Mooer Studio software
● Using Tone Capture for Guitar mode,
interface after my frustration of finding out there
amp/stomp box mode or IR mode
was no manual for the software. While Mooer
There are plenty of excellent videos on YouTube®
Studio is mostly intuitive, like most software, there
which cover the above topics in greater detail,
are little secrets and tricks buried within. Knowing
including any additional equipment you many
them can make your playing time more productive
need (such as microphones and pre-amps).
and use of the software easier. Finding those tricks
can sometimes be a challenge. Expectations of You, the Reader
The manual is written with the expectation that
What This Manual Is and Isn’t the user has fundamental knowledge of his/her
This manual is written for the Mooer Studio
computer operating system such as right-clicking,
software V1.2.0 on a PC platform, and all
left-clicking, saving files, how to find them,
instructions contained within will illustrate using
unzipping files, etc. For example, when the
PC-based screen shots. I am not a MAC user and
instructions say to unzip a file and double-click it
do not know of the nuances that may be in the
to run, no further instructions will be given on
MAC version of Mooer Studio. For the MAC
how to double-click or unzip files. Likewise with
audience, I am sure this manual can still provide
the instruction to ‘click-and-drag’. These are
general guidance on how to use the features within
fundamental knowledge requirements of your
Mooer Studio.
operating system and are assumed you already
This manual is designed to accompany the
know. If you don’t know how to perform
Mooer GE300 Owner’s Manual, not replace it.
operating-system level tasks, please Google how
This manual may contain some personal
to do so.
viewpoints and does not suggest they are the same
opinion of Mooer Audio.
This manual will not provide:
Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual

Section I - Installing Mooer Studio
Downloading Mooer Studio........................................................................................................................5
Installing Mooer Studio ..............................................................................................................................5
Connecting the GE300 Unit to a Computer ..............................................................................................7
Starting the Mooer Studio Software...........................................................................................................7
Troubleshooting Mooer Studio Start-up....................................................................................................8

Section II - Using Mooer Studio

The Mooer Studio Interface........................................................................................................................9
�The Preset Control Block........................................................................................................................10
Organizing Presets..................................................................................................................................10
Moving Presest Around..........................................................................................................................10
Backing Up Presets.................................................................................................................................11
�The Signal Chain Control Block............................................................................................................12
Re-Ordering the Signal Chain................................................................................................................12
Signal Chain Basics................................................................................................................................13
Conventional Order of Effects................................................................................................................13
Order of Effects in Mooer Studio...........................................................................................................13
Effects Loop and XLR Out......................................................................................................................14
�The Amp/Cab/FX Selector Block...........................................................................................................15
�The Parameters Block.............................................................................................................................16
�The Preset Identifier Block.....................................................................................................................16
�Expression & Trails Control Block.........................................................................................................17
Finding the Trails Settings.....................................................................................................................17
�Systems Control Block.............................................................................................................................18
FX Loop...................................................................................................................................................18
Looper .....................................................................................................................................................18
Assigning Effects to Foot Switches.........................................................................................................21
Assigning Multi-Effects to a Single Foot Switch....................................................................................22
�File Control Block...................................................................................................................................26

Section III - Smart Ways to Use Your GE300
Creating Custom Presets - A Suggested Workflow....................................................................................27
Creating A Reusable Preset The Smart Way.............................................................................................27
Making Your Foot Switch Colors Mean Something..................................................................................27
How to Import a Custom Speaker Cabinet IR...........................................................................................27
There’s More than One AUX-IN!...............................................................................................................28
Suggestions for Future Releases of Mooer Studio......................................................................................29

The main Mooer Studio graphical user interface for the GE300.

7 1
5 6

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual

Section 1
Installing Mooer Studio
Downloading Mooer Studio Downloading Mooer Studio Software
As of the date of this publication, the Mooer
Studio software V1.2.0 can be found at:
Download and save the zip file version suited
to your computer (PC or MAC). While you are
at it, download the GE300_Manual file in your
preferred language. It will contain some helpful
instruction on using the physical GE300 unit.
Follow the diagrams on the preceding page. Be
sure to remember where you saved the files on
your computer for future use!
Refer to the figures in the shaded column to the
right which illustrate the screen shots to download ABOVE: Visit
Mooer Studio software. http://www.mooeraudio.com/download.html to
download the necessary version for your computing
Installing Mooer Studio platform (PC or MAC).
BELOW: Choose the most current version of the
To unzip the Mooer Studio software, locate and software. At the time of this document, Version
double-click the setup file to run it. In this 1.2.0 for the PC or version 1.2.1 for MAC.
example the file name is pointed out below with a
red arrow.

Once the installation file starts, the sequential

screen shots on the following page will appear.
Follow the prompts on each installation screen
to proceed.

(eg: click on each button to continue

the installation.

SECTION I - Installing & Using Mooer Studio
Installation Sequence

Click [Next >] to continue

Click [Next >] to continue

Click [Next >] to continue
(It’s recommended to accept the default file location)

Click [Install] to continue Click [Finish] to complete


Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual

square connection that commonly is used for

Connecting the GE300 Unit to a printers, scanners and external storage devices.
If you purchased your GE300 unit new, it came Starting the Mooer Studio
with a USB-A to USB-B cable. The USB-A end is
the typical USB cable connection the world is
1. Turn on the GE300 unit with the rocker switch
familiar with. The USB-B end is the notched
20, shown in Figure A. Allow the unit to cycle
through its initialization process indicated by
s series of flashing lights and dancing colors.
NOTE: Don’t start the Mooer Studio software
until the unit has completed its start-up
2. Ensure your computer and the GE300 unit is
connect together via the USB-A/USB-B cable.
3. Double click on the Mooer studio icon If the
computer and the GE300 unit see each other,
a connection progress bar should show, like
the figure below. It will take a minute or two
for the Mooer Studio software and the GE300
ABOVE LEFT: USB-A connection (to the PC) unit to sync together. Be patient.
ABOVE RIGHT: USB-B connection (to the GE300 Unit)

Figure A - The USB-B connection goes into receptacle 17

on the GE300 unit shown below.

4. Upon a completed synchronization cycle and

connection, The Mooer Studio interface
should reveal the main interface, shown below.

SECTION I - Installing & Using Mooer Studio
Troubleshooting Mooer Studio
On occasion, you may experience a connection
error like the dialogue box below.

Most often it is a physical cable connection

error - ensure the USB-A/USB-B cable is securely
in seated at both ends.
Other issues you may experience:
▪ Sounds simple, I know, but check the power on
the GE300 unit. Is it on? Many times I simply
forget to turn on the GE300 unit in my mad
excitement of playing the guitar.
▪ Old version of Mooer Studio software. Ensure
the latest version is installed.
▪ Too many resources being used by the PC. Shut
down some of the running applications and

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual

Section II
Using Mooer Studio
Figure 1 - The Mooer Studio Graphical User Interface, illustrated with the eight (8) primary control blocks.

7 1
5 6

While the GUI is not the most visually

The Mooer Studio Interface appealing in the world of GUIs these days, it is
The main graphical-user interface (GUI) of very functional and highly efficient. The rest of
Mooer Studio V1.2.0 is comprised of eight (8) this section will cover each of the control blocks
control blocks (see Figure 1). in more detail.
Control Blocks 1-4 are dependent upon each NOTE: you cannot use Mooer Studio in stand-
other - meaning if something changes in one alone mode. You must be connected to the GE300
block it will affect options in another. unit for Mooer Studio to load and run.
Control Blocks 5-8 are independent of other ��Preset Selection Block
control blocks. Changes to or usage of these Allows the selection of a single preset at a
blocks are global in nature and are not reliant time, to edit or play. There are 256 Preset
upon other control block settings (there are locations to use. Sixty-Four (64) of them are
some minor exceptions, covered later). pre-populated with sample presets from the
SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
��Signal Chain Control Block � The Preset Control Block
It all starts here - this block provides the
The simplest task to achieve with Mooer Studio
ability to order and re-order the signal chain or
is to select a preset and begin using it. Instead of
to select an individual amp/cab/FX to edit with
using the up/down foot switches on the GE300,
precise tonal detail. Edits are done via Blocks 3
you can choose a preset by scrolling up and down
and 4.
the list and clicking on a preset to choose it. It’s
��Amp/Cab/FX Selector Block not ideal for live stage performances, but handy
Depending on the amp, cab or effect chosen in a studio setting.
in Block 2, the corresponding pull-down
selection list is provided offering many choices. Organizing Presets
For example, if the DS/OD effects pedal is One of the first things I did when I got my new
selected in Block 2, a list of overdrives, unit was to carefully evaluate each factory preset
distortions and fuzz stomp boxes is provided. and decide if I wanted it for future use or delete it.
��Parameters Block I do not play shredder-style guitar, so I deleted all
This is a context-sensitive block depending the ultra-high gain presets and focused on the rest.
upon the options selected in Blocks 2 and 3, the I then moved them around in an organization
corresponding controls are displayed and can be method that best suits me. I used the following
edited and saved. For example, if the DS/OD organizational structure, knowing I have 256
effects pedal is selected in Block 2, and the pedal preset locations to work with.
selected in Block 3 is DS/OD #2: 808 (clone of ▪ Bank 0-10 - Amp-based presets
the Ibanez Ts808), the corresponding controls (clean and overdriven tones from various amp/cab
for the Ibanez Ts808 clone are displayed in Block combinations that suit my playing style)
4. ▪ Bank 11-20 - Presets for Live Gigs
��Preset Identifier Block (presets which match set lists in order, all in a focused
few banks that minimizes the foot switch travel to access
This block simply indicates the preset
location and name of the preset being worked
upon. There are no interactive options to select in ▪ Bank 21-30 - Song-specific presets
(presets for songs which require unique parameters;
this Block.
stored for easy access and I can move around as necessary)
��Expression & Trails Control Block ▪ Bank 31-40 - Song-specific presets
When changes are made to the on-board and (ditto above)
external expression pedals, and changes to Trails
▪ Bank 41-50 - Original Patch Storage
(on:off) the status is displayed here. There are no
(original factory presets which have unique settings I can
interactive options to select in this Block. learn from in the future, or use as a starting point to
��System Controls Block create my own preset later)
Options in this block provide global preset ▪ Bank 51-60 - Original Patch Storage
and system-wide controls. (ditto above)
��File Control Block
As the options indicate, this is where you can
Moving Presets Around
You are probably wondering how to move a
save, import, export and check for software
preset from one location to another. Warning: it’s

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
Figure 2a - This screen shot illustrates copying Preset #21D (Move Example) from preset location 21D to location 22A.

All Mooer GE300 presets are saved with the preset location as the prefix and ‘.mo’ as the suffix.

tedious. This common function is conspicuously to the section later in this book entitled Creating
absent from the current version of Mooer Studio. A Reusable Preset the Smart Way for a nifty idea
So we have to manage presets like ancient on how to populate unused preset locations with
computer programmers used to do with storage a base preset loaded with all the stuff you like to
vairiables in the first generation native languages use on a regular basis.
like Assembler and Cobol. (This dates me.)
The process to move a preset to a new Backing Up Presets
location is as follows (refer to Figure 2a): Mooer Studio allows you to save one preset at
1) Locate and ensure a new location has nothing a time to your hard-drive as a back-up or to share.
stored in it that you may want later. Saving one preset at a time can be a time-
2) Click on the preset location you wish to move. consuming chore if you want to back-up all your
3) Click the SAVE button at the top of the screen. presets at once. (See my wish list to Mooer Audio
4) In the Name: field, enter a new name for the at the end of this document). For now, there is no
preset, if desired. way I can find to back-up all presets at once - even
5) In the Number: dropdown field, choose the new by trying to connect into the GE300 from my PC
location for the preset. directly. Each preset must be exported to your PC
6) Click the Save button in the “Save” dialog box one at a time.
to save the preset to its new location. For example, I own a Fender Blues Junior amp.
Phew! That’s 6 steps to perform in order to I swapped out the stock Jensen C12N speaker for
move a preset to a new location. But haven’t we a Celestion G12H-55 Heritage. I purchased and
forgot something? What about the old preset loaded the IR (impulse response) for the Celestion
location - the preset we just moved is still in the G12H-55 speaker for the GE300, instead of
its old location! Nothing happens to it until it is creating my own with the GE300 unit. (I cover
overwritten with a new preset or wiped clean with loading IRs later in this document) I then created
a ‘blank’ or a ‘default’ preset that contains a custom preset on the GE300 to mimic my
common effects you may use over and over. Refer
SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
Figure 2b - The save dialog box for saving a preset to your hard-drive.

physical amp and speaker, along with selected move amps, cabs and effects around to your liking.
effects pedals I like to use. This is one of the great powers of a modeling and
Figure 2b illustrates the dialogue box shown effects box like the GE300.
when I save the preset to my hard-drive. Once
saved, it can be shared or archived as a backup.
Re-Ordering the Signal Chain
Its quite easy to reorder the signal chain by
NOTE: If I shared my custom Fender Blues Jr
clicking, dragging and dropping. Click on an
preset, the recipient would need the Celestion
effect, hold down the mouse button and drag the
G12H-55 IR too. Since I purchased the IR, there
effect to the desired location. The replaced effect
are redistribution limitations which state I can only
will move to the location left vacant by the effect
use the IR for my personal use. Hence, do not share
you just moved. There are a few things to note
presets that embed 3rd party IRs, unless of course,
when re-ordering amps, cabs or effects:
you make your own IRs with the GE300.
● The Synth processor must stay in the very first

� The Signal Chain Control slot in the signal chain - it cannot be moved
● You can do some crazy things like place the
Block cab before the amp. Sounds silly, doesn’t it?
Once you have chosen a preset to work with, In a modeling world you can do that, but in
the next block to focus on is the Signal Chain the real world you will get literally nothing out
Control Block (Figure 3). It is here that you can of placing a cab before an amp.

Figure 3 - The Signal Chain Control Block (Block 2) with 14 effect positions.

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
● The TONE CAP effect position is rarely used by 10. CHORUS or ENVELOPS or TREMOLO or
most GE300 owners, so its best to put it at the VIBRATO
end of the signal chain to get it out of the way. (DELAY AND REVERB)
For those who use the tone capture for a guitar, 11. DELAY
for instance, will want to move it somewhere 12. REVERB
else in the signal chain that makes sense, like (VOLUME)
nearer the beginning. 13. VOLUME PEDAL

Signal Chain Basics ▪ Place effects that require a clean signal first
With an amp and effect modeler like the ▪ Then place signal boosters and gain next
GE300, it is easy to make unconventional changes ▪ Then use a noise gate to take out some of the
to the signal chain to hear what the outcome might “dirty” noise that boosters and gain can give
sound like. To do this with a traditional pedal ▪ Then add in modulation to a cleaned-up
board would take extraordinary time: unplug the driven signal
stomp boxes, move them around, re-affix them to ▪ Then add delay
the board, re-apply the power supplies and give it ▪ And finally add reverb, as you’ll find that some
a whirl. Don’t like the sound? Rinse, repeat. modulation effects and certainly delay will add
For this reason, an integrated effects processor a hint of reverberation already. Usually not
like the GE300 is ideal for experimenting. Let’s much reverb is needed for a heavily modified
review some signal chain basics to help you design signal.
your own signal path. ▪ After all that, place your volume up/down
pedal last to control the total level of output
Conventional Order of Effects without affecting the signal processed in the
While the list below can be debated, the order
chain. Well, you might say “that’s what I use
as follows is commonly used as a baseline for
my volume knob on my guitar for” - that
creating a signal chain path.
works too - sort of. Volume knobs on guitars
can tend to roll-off mids or high frequencies
when dialed down, so you are affecting the
beginning of the signal chain right away. If
2. EQ
that is your preference, which it is for some,
3. WAH/AUTO-WAH then you are all set! Otherwise, using a volume
4. COMPRESSOR pedal at the end of it all is a clean way to
(BOOSTERS and GAIN) control volume output without affecting
5. BOOST or DRIVE or OVERDRIVE tonality.
7. FUZZ Order of Effects in Mooer Studio
(NOISE SUPPRESSION) We have to think about the order of effects a
8. NOISE GATE little bit differently when using the GE300. There
(MODULATION) are 14 effects positions to work with (Figure 5),
9. FLANGER or PHASER or PITCH SHIFT but only 8 give us total control. Let’s explore…
Since we cannot move the Synth effect, it stays
in position #1. That leaves us with 13 positions to

SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
Figure 4 - Effects Send/Return input jacks 23 another two are used by dedicated noise
suppression and EQ. That leaves the final 6
positions to add stomp box effects at discretion.
But there are ways around that limitation, as we
will explore in a moment.

Effects Loops and XLR Out

One way to get around the perceived limitation
of having 6 onboard stomp box locations is to
insert your own physical stomp box collection
anywhere within the Mooer GE300 signal chain.
This can be accomplished by connecting your
physical stomp boxes to the effects send/return
Figure 6 - Effects Send/Return, XLR and Output Icons in jacks (23) on the backside of the GE300 unit. See
the Mooer Studio GUI. Figure 6.
Then, one of the least documented and under-
appreciated features of the GE300 can be used: the
ability to insert an external effects loop any where
within the GE300 signal chain. This is done by
moving the rather small Effects Send/Return icons
anywhere in between the effect positions in the
GUI. See Figure 7 for examples of what the circled
icons look like.

work with. The last position is occupied by the Figure 7 - Effects Send/Return, XLR and Output Icon
descriptions. (Source: Mooer GE300 Owner’s Manual)
Tone Capture feature; now we are left with 12
positions. (I moved the Tone Capture option to the
last position since it is rarely used - more on how to
move positions later.)
With the GE300, two of the remaining 12
positions are used by an Amp simulation and a
Cab simulation. That leaves 10 positions
remaining. Another two are used by a dedicated
wah pedal and a dedicated volume pedal. And yet

Figure 5 - There are 8 truly assignable stomp box effect positions.

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
Figure 8a - The effect send icon has been positioned just after the Synth and before Comp to “send” a clean signal. It is
then processed by the external FX loop and received back in after FXB (Modulation, in this case) and before Delay. This
will bypass everything in between the two markers, including the amp and cab selections.

For example, let’s say you prefer your favorite When it is on, the icon turns orange-yellow.
series of overdrive and distortion pedals that the FX Loop
Within the option Loop Mode , are two
GE300 cannot replicate. Connect them into the
important choices: Serial or Parallel (see Figure
physical effects send/return jacks and with your
8b). Choosing Serial mode sends the signal out to
mouse move the small “curly” triangle icons to
the FX Loop where the Send Icon is placed in the
anywhere in-between two effects positions within
signal chain. The signal is processed by the
the Mooer Studio GUI. The GE300 will send the
external effects and sent back into the GE300
signal to your pedal board where you told it to do
signal chain where the Return icon is placed. All
so, and expect to see the signal return, again, where
effects on the GE300 signal chain are bypassed
you told the GE300 to expect it. You don’t have
between the two Send/Return icons. The opposite
to “send” the signal and “return” it to the same
is true for Parallel. The signal is split at the Send
location in your signal path on the GE300. See
icon and is processed by both the external FX loop
Figure 8a for an illustration of placing the send
and the internal GE300 signal chain, being merged
and return icons for effects processing.
back together at the point of the Return icon.
Clicking on the FX LOOP button in Block 7 -
System Controls, turns the effects loop on or off. Most likely at this point, you can see the
advantages of both.

Figure 8b - When the FX LOOP option in the System

� The Amp/Cab/FX Selector
Control Block is selected, the menu options below appear.
Loop Mode Serial or Parallel have dramatic effect to how an
FX LOOP is processed.

SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
The Amp/Cab/FX selector block requires two
inputs to give proper context-sensitive results. � Parameters Block
The inputs are: a) a preset must be chosen in Like Block 3 (Amp/Cab/FX Selector), the
Block 1, even if blank, and b) an effects position Parameters Block is context-sensitive based
must be chosen in Block 2, e.g. - the DS/OD effect upon the options selected in Blocks 2 and 3.
position. Again, for example, if the DS/OD effects
Once the prerequisites are in place, the drop- pedal is selected in Block 2, and the pedal
down options for the Amp/Cab/FX become selected in Block 3 is DS/OD #2: 808 (clone of
context sensitive and only show options relative the Ibanez Ts808), the corresponding controls
to the effects position chosen. for the Ibanez Ts808 clone are displayed in the
For example, if I have selected the DS/OD pedal middle of the screen (Block 4). See Figure 9.
position to work with, only DS/OD pedal options This manual will not go into great detail
will show in the drop-down for Block 3. Likewise, about each parameter for all 272 amps, cabs and
if I have chosen the Amp position in Block 2, only effects. That’s just too much work! It is
amps will show in the drop-down list in Block 3. assumed you will know about the various
That’s it, pretty simple. parameter controls for the amps, cabs and effects
you choose. If not, just experiment with them -
there’s nothing to loose!

Figure 9 - The DS/OD effects position is selected, indicated by the yellow outline around the position, and the Ibanez Ts808
pedal emulator is chosen in Block 3, indicated by the red arrow. The result is the controls for the 808 are displayed in the
middle of the GUI.

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
based effects, presets or patches the signal
� Preset Identifier Block processing would stop for the current signal flow
This block simply indicates the preset and begin processing the new signal path. What
location and name of the preset being worked happened in-between this micro-second lapse
upon. There are no interactive options to select in between patches was a audible void and stark
this Block. transition from one to another. Time-based
effects are primarily reverb and delay. With the
� Expression & Trails Control Mooer GE300 and many other leading multi-
effects processors today, you can optionally turn
Block on “trails” so that the previous time-based signal
chain lingers on as you go to your new preset.
Once you generate a signal in your new signal
path ( by strumming the guitar for example), the
trail is replaced as the new signal takes over.
Trails “on” creates a seamless audible transition
between presets. I typically turn on trails for
most all presets that use reverb and delay. Why

Finding the Trails Settings

Not all reverb and delay effects on the GE300
Block 6 is a status block - it indicates the offer trails as a setting option.
status of trails and what is assigned to the on- Delays which offer the trails setting are:
board expression pedal (EXP1) and the optional ▪ Digital Delay
expression pedal (EXP2). Working with ▪ Analog Delay
expressions pedals are covered later in this ▪ Dynamic Delay
document. ▪ Real Delay
For now, let’s focus on trails. What are trails? ▪ Tape Delay
In the old days of time-based multi-effects signal ▪ Mod Delay
processors, if you were to switch between time-

Figure 10a - The Spring reverb parameters options. The trails setting is included but not readily visible until you click
either one of the double arrows on the slide bar.

SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
Figure 10b - The Spring reverb parameters options. The trails setting is included but not readily visible until you click
either one of the double arrows on the slide bar.

▪ PingPong Delay
2. Looper
Reverb effects which offer the trails setting are: 3. System
▪ Room 4. MIDI
▪ Hall 5. CTRL
▪ Plate 6. GLB-EQ
▪ FI-Reverb 7. EXP
▪ Swell Reverb 8. BPM
▪ Spring
▪ Mod

Finding the trails setting can be tricky. Some of

the setting parameters for an effect can be
extensive, spanning more than what the space in
Block 4 - Parameters, will allow in one screen.
Let’s look at the Spring Reverb effect, for
example - it’s a common reverb to use. It offers a
trails option, but it isn’t readily visible. See Figure
10a. Click on either double arrow on ends of the
slide bar to access more options, including the This section will cover all of the above except
trails option. See Figure 10b. for the MIDI functions. MIDI functions are highly
dependent on your specific midi controller and
NOTE: if you choose Trails:ON, the effect will
this topic can be an entire instruction manual in
be moved to the END of the signal chain by default
and you cannot move it from there.
As for the EXP1 and EXP2 settings, we will
FX Loop
cover those in the next section, 7 - Systems
In section Effects Loops and XLR Out, we
Controls Block.
discussed how to connect and use an external
pedal board (via an effects loop) with the GE300.
� System Controls Block Clicking on the FX Loop option turns the
The Systems Control Block contains 8 effects loop on or off. When it is on, the icon
functions: turns orange-yellow FX Loop .
1. FX Loop

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
import dialogue box will show progress as a
Figure 11 - Clicking the Looper button on the Systems When the import is finished, a dialogue box
control bar reveals an import/export option. will appear indicating the import was successful.
Exporting a loop file is just as easy as
importing. Click on LOOPER then the EXPORT
button. A filename dialogue box will open
allowing you to name the file and choose the
destination. The file export progress will be shown
as a percentage complete. Once complete, a
dialogue box will appear indicating the export was
The import and export process is not speedy,
have patience as the processes work.

The SYSTEM option allows you to make
changes at the preset and global level. See Figure

Figure 12 - The SYSTEM control box allows for changes to

a preset and for global settings.

The Looper option allows you to save a loop

you have created or load a loop for additional play
and editing. This option can be handy in saving
a loop you have created that isn’t entirely
complete, so that you can dub and overdub at a
later date. See Figure 11.
Importing a loop file is as easy as clicking on
LOOPER then the IMPORT button and
choosing the file you wish to load. NOTE: all
looper files must be in a .wav file format. The

SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
Figure 13 - The Output System menu option offers controls 3. Dry/Dry
for 1/4” outs (15) and XLR outs (16). Source: Mooer GE300 4. Effect/Effect
Owner’s Manual.
If you do not use stereo output and send a
mono signal to an external amp, you have two
choices: send a dry signal (option 1 or 3) or send
an effect (wet) signal (option 2 or 4). For mono
signal output, the Pan option is irrelevant. For
stereo signal output, Pan allows you to adjust the
signal from left to right. Most often, the setting is
best kept the center setting.
The GE300 offers simple controls for USB
Audio out, used to send signal out to a recording
device, like a computer running a DAW (Digital
Audio Workstation).
Audio Mode: Re-Amp or Normal is used to
send a signal that is going to be amplified further
or send a signal that is normal, meaning no further
INPUT Section
amplification will be applied. If you go direct into
The Input Level slider allows you to apply a
your DAW, Normal should be selected.
volume reduction or gain to all of the inputs on
Right Out and Left Out: similar to the settings
the back of the physical GE300 unit. It’s best to
in Output Mode, you can choose if you want a
keep this at the default 0dB unless you have a very
Direct (dry) or Effect (wet) signal. My Opinion: I
weak or strong input signal that requires
am not sure why Mooer software engineers chose a
pull-down menu selector in the OUTPUT section
OUTPUT Section
to select wet/dry mixes and radio buttons in the
The Output pull-down menu offers two
selections: XLR or Output. Output is selected in
Figure 13. Choosing Output controls the 1/4” out
levels noted by 15 and choosing XLR controls the Figure 14 - The USB connection jack (17) is required to
XLR out levels noted by 16 in Figure 13. Output connect your PC to the Mooer Studio software and/or a
DAW. Source: Mooer GE300 Owner’s Manual.
and XLR is used to send processed signal to a
powered amp or a mixing board. Most hobby
musicians would send the signal out to a guitar
amp with neutral tone settings for local
amplification. In this case, choose Output and
send the signal to the amp via a 1/4” line cable
from the left (mono) output jack 15.
The Level option is used to adjust the output
gain. The Output Mode has four options to
control stereo output for L/R output:
1. Dry/Effect
2. Effect/Dry

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
USB AUDIO menu. I like the radio buttons better, green for a global Preset color and adjusted the
but who am I to say. colors for the Looper function to my liking.
Rec Vol, Play Vol and Direct/Playback volume You have the option of changing the colors for
sliders are straight-forward, allowing you to each foot switch in individual Presets too. This is
control each of these volume levels to the USB out. discussed in the CTRL menu option later in this
See Figure 14. text.
The final control in the SYSTEM menu is TAP
control. This controls if the temp tap foot switch
should control the current preset or all presets. Figure 16 - The MIDI control box allows you to map MIDI
For most gigging situations, if you set the tap channels to an external MIDI controller.
control during live play, you’ll probably want the
tempo to carry-over to other presets, particularly
within a single song. Choosing Global is a safe bet
for most hobby guitarists.

Figure 15 - The FS COLOR control box allows you to change

the default color for the LED halos around the top row of
foot switches for a global Preset color, and for the Looper
foot switch colors.

The MIDI option allows you to map MIDI
control channels to your specific MIDI controller
hardware or software. See Figure 16.

Using the MIDI functions is highly dependent

on your midi controller and can be an entire
instruction manual in itself, and as such is not
covered in this guide. The Mooer GE300 Owner’s
Guide covers MIDI controls and mapping in
sufficient detail to get you started.

The CTRL menu option contains some
incredibly flexible features with regards to
At the bottom of the SYSTEM menu is an assigning one or more sim or effect to a foot switch.
awkwardly placed selection, FS COLOR. This At the top of the CTRL dialogue box are 8
controls the default colors of the foot switch LED rectangles which map directly to the eight foot
halos. See Figure 15. I have changed them to all
SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
Figure 17 - The CTRL control box gives you great flexibility switch is pressed down. When the foot switch is
in assigning a single or multi-effects signal chain to one foot released, the effects are ‘off’. This gives you
incredible control of your signal.
A common application can be to assign a
momentary signal chain for sustain and feedback.
For an entire song, you may not want any
significant sustain and feedback, but at the end of
the song you want to end with sustain and
feedback lingering on as you whammy bar vibrato
into the sustained signal. You would press down
the assigned foot switch for as long as you want
the sustain and feedback to linger.
You can also change the Led Color for the
selected foot switch, in this case I have chosen
RED as the color for the CTRL1 rectangle.
Now, you are probably wondering what are
those 8 control buttons in the middle of the screen.
These buttons allow you to assign other non-sim
and non-effect functions of the GE300 to a single
foot switch within a single preset.
▪ NA - choosing this option essentially turns off
any assignments to the selected foot switch.
▪ ON/OFF - choosing this option ‘activates’ the
switches on the GE300 unit. In the example in foot switch, which can be further controlled
Figure 17 shows the first rectangle CTRL1 is by how it is activated with Latching or
selected, allowing all the parameters below to Momentary.
change the settings for foot switch 1. ▪ TUNER assigns the tuner to the selected foot
switch. So, instead of pressing the two lower
Assigning Effects to Foot Switches left foot switches down to access the tuner, you
In the Figure 17 example, I have assigned a can assign one foot switch instead, right inside
DS/OD effect to the first foot switch. I can tell this of one preset. For example, this can be handy
by the red box outline and the highlighted CTRL1 if you are playing a song which is partially in
rectangle. I have chosen it to be for the current Drop-D tuning, but changes key midstream
preset only, as indicated by the radio button for requiring you to quickly re-tune between
1.Preset. I have also selected the foot switch stanzas.
action to be Latching in the Type selection area. ▪ MUTE simply mutes the entire signal chain.
Latching means the control parameters assigned You can assign this to be Latching or
in this box are turned on or off with each press of Momentary, as with any other effect.
the foot switch - consider latching to mean ‘on’ or ▪ SUB-PATCH can be viewed as an ‘over-ride’
‘off’; this is the most common setting to use. button. It’s a way to switch between all of your
Momentary means the control parameters foot switch settings whether on or off, and
assigned in this box are only ‘on’ when the foot return to a ‘clean’ base setting quickly.
Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
▪ TAP TEMPO assigns the on-board tap tempo EQ pedal and a noise suppression pedal, indicated
feature to any foot switch you choose. by the red rectangle. So now every time I press
▪ LOOPER assigns the on-board tap tempo foot switch #1 I turn the effects all on or off at the
same time. This frees up the other three top foot
switches to assign a singular or multiple effects in
Figure 18 - In this example, 3 effects (DS/OD, EQ and NS) the same manner.
have been assigned to a single foot switch (foot switch 1).
I suppose if you really wanted to be efficient,
you could have one preset serve up to 8 entirely
different signal paths, each having up to 7
amp/cab/FXs assigned. I could see this being
advantageous in limiting the amount of searching
you would need to do to find the correct preset to
use. Just stay on one preset and select the ‘patch’
you have pre-designed to one of the foot switches.
You could set up a base amp and cab and have a
foot switch for heavy metal, one for clean vibrato,
one for slapback delay, one for 70’s pop chorus
and so on. The downside is that you cannot turn
on/off individual effects within each foot-
switchable ‘patch’.

Figure 19 - GLB-EQ settings for a 3-band EQ and hi/lo
frequency bracket.

feature to any foot switch you choose.

▪ EXT CTRL assigns control to the external
expression pedal, if you use one.

Assigning Multiple Effects to a Single Foot

Another powerful feature of the GE300 is the
ability to assign several effects to one foot switch.
You can assign amps and cabs to a single foot
switch, or turn on/off an external FX Loop, for
example. Up to 7 Amp/Cab/FXs can be assigned
to a single foot switch, in any combination and
Illustrated in Figure 18, I have assigned three
effects to the first foot switch: a DS/OD pedal, an
SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
The GLB-EQ menu option displays an editable Figure 21 - EXP settings cover all the amp, cab and effects
3-band EQ and frequency bracketing setting. The offered in the GE300.

EQ settings can be unique for Headphones,

Output and XLR. See Figure 19.
Typically the mixing board of a PA system
handles the EQ role, so its best to send an

Figure 20 - EXP settings provide control for the on-board

and external expression pedals.

unchanged signal through Output or XLR.

However, some Headphones may require expression pedal to on-board effects and even the
sound shaping to get the best sound - it’s here external effects loop, if you use one.
where you can tweak the sound accordingly. The bottom section of the FUNCTION menu
For me, I leave these settings unchanged and (Figure 21) is context sensitive. If you choose
tweak the sound within the signal chain for greater DS/OD in the top section, DS/OD options are
control. Remember that changes in this control shown in the bottom section. If you choose
box affect ALL signal processing, hence global in DELAY in the top section, commensurate delay
nature. controls are shown in the bottom section. In this
section, you cannot choose which specific effect
EXP you want to control, e.g. - the type of DS/OD for
The EXP menu provides control options for example. The effects already assigned to the preset
the on-board and external expression pedals. See are the ones shown here. If you wish to change
Figure 20. the type of effect shown here, you need to change
Once you choose to edit either EXP1 or EXP2, it using Block 2 - the Signal Chain Control block.
clicking the FUNCTION reveals all the effects you In the example shown in Figure 21, I have
can assign to the expression pedal. See Figure 21. assigned EXP1 to control the amp’s master volume.
The top section of the FUNCTION menu (Figure I have also turned the ToeSwitch on, meaning that
21), labeled EXP FUNCTION, you can assign an before I can control the amp’s master volume, I
must press the toe of the expression pedal down
Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
all the way to turn the expression pedal ‘on’. I do Figure 22-2. EXAMPLE STEP 2 - Remember, we wanted
the same to turn it ‘off’. Using the ToeSwitch the delay repeats to increase at the same time as the
distortion decreases. Note, I am still working with EXP1.
on/off option prevents the volume to be altered
Click the blue EXP1 SET TOE button, then move the Gain
accidentally by bumping the expression pedal. slider where you wish the toe level to be. A circled blue T
Just turn the expression pedal off with a toe tap marker will be placed where you set it. Likewise, click on
until you need to use it - then turn it on with the blue EXP1 SET HEEL button and move the Gain slider
another toe tap. where you wish the heel level to be. A circled blue T marker
will be placed where you set it. Note that the feedback level
Outside of volume control, using an expression
is 0 (toe down) and when the heel is pressed down, the
pedal to control wah effects is the most common feedback (repeats) increase. At this point, I’ve assigned two
use. Essentially, you can control any effect in the controls to EXP1: pressing the heel of EXP1 down will
top EXP FUNCTION menu. Try getting crazy by decrease the distortion and increase the delay repeats.
controlling the DELAY repeats to get a repeat loop
into infinity!

The MERGE function on the EXP menu is truly
an experimenter’s tool. Essentially, it allows you
to assign specific parameters of an effect to an
expression pedal, as many as you wish. AND, you
can control the effects change to the direction of
travel on the expression pedal. It gets complicated

Figure 22-1. EXAMPLE STEP 1 - How to set the distortion

reduction as the EXP1 pedal’s heel is pressed down. Click
the blue EXP1 SET TOE button, then move the Gain slider
where you wish the toe level to be. A circled blue T marker
will be placed where you set it. Likewise, click on the blue A close-up of the toe (T) and heel (H) markers from the
EXP1 SET HEEL button and move the Gain slider where you image above.
wish the heel level to be. A circled blue T marker will be
placed where you set it.

Figure 22-3. EXAMPLE STEP 3 - By now, you get the gist

of how to assign multiple effect controls to one single sweep
of an expression pedal. In this step, the level of Ana-Chorus
is increased as the EXP1 heel is pressed down.

SECTION II - Using Mooer Studio
Figure 22-4. EXAMPLE STEP 4 - in the same way I
assigned the previous 3 effects simultaneously to EXP1, I � File Control Block
assigned an increase in Reverb.
The SAVE function simply lets you save a preset
to any one of the 256 preset locations. The SAVE
function is covered in detail in the section found
earlier in this guide called Moving Presets Around.

The IMPORT function allows you import or
load a preset to a pre-determined preset location.
quickly! (And unfortunately, the Mooer GE300
NOTE: Before invoking the IMPORT option, be sure
Owner’s Manual doesn’t do much to clear things
to choose and highlight an empty or unwanted
preset location. Once you start the IMPORT
It’s difficult to write the instructions without
function, a file selection dialogue box appears,
visuals and an example to work through. So, let’s
allowing you to locate and select a preset to import.
design an example.
When the file is loaded, a confirmation dialogue
I want the heel down on the EXP1 to reduce
box will appear, click OK to continue.
distortion and increase the delay repeats. Let’s
There are a few things to note when importing
make this more complicated - let’s also make the
a preset:
reverb more intense and chorus kick in. So we
▪ Only Mooer files, designated by a ‘.mo’
have 4 effects independently reducing and
extension are permitted to import.
increasing by pressing the heel of EXP1 down. We
▪ Not all files with the ‘.mo’ extension can be
can do this with the merge function. And you can
loaded into the GE300. Preset versions for the
add as many effects to the expression pedal as you
PE100, GE100, GE150, GE200 and GE250 are
wish, to the point of making the signal path sound
all named wih the “.mo” extension. If you try
downright muddled. To make things even more
to load a file format not designed for your unit,
complicated, you can assign these controls, as
a generic error dialogue box will appear.
many as you want, across expression pedals. The
following figures illustrate setting up the example
The EXPORT function simply lets you export one
Wow! Now you can see how complicated it
preset at a time to your hard drive. Remember,
can get in a hurry. Remember, the advantage of a
the filename has the ‘.mo’ extension and is only
digital modeler is akin to a digital camera -
shareable to other GE300 owners.
experiment as much as you want, you can always
delete unwanted results and try again! OPTION
At the time of writing this document, clicking the
BPM OPTION menu item takes you directly to the URL
The BPM function is a global setting. Simply
click on the digits to the right of the BPM identifier
html. At this URL, you can navigate around to
and enter the beats per minute you require.
find software and firmware updates.

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual

Section III
Smart Ways to Use Your GE300
Creating Custom Presets - A Suggested Step 5 - Organize the signal chain according to
how you want the signal processed. Refer to the
Workflow section entitled “Conventional Order of Effects”
Assuming you’ve read this far, you have a good
for guidance on how to order your own signal
understanding on how to navigate the GUI to get
to the GE300 features and drive the results you
want. Let’s explore the basic workflow in creating Step 6 - Now it’s time to tweak each of the sim
a new preset. and effects to your liking. Start with the amp and
cab, then follow your signal chain.
NOTE: The GE300 Owner’s manual contains
detailed tables which describe each of the options For example in Figure 23, I have selected the
for amps, cabs and effects. Refer to the Owner’s following sims and effects, in order:
Manual for these descriptions. 1. Compressor (S-Comp)
Step 1 - locate and choose an empty preset 2. DS/OD (Ibanex Ts808 - with mild breakup
location. parameters)
Step 2 - Choose an amp simulation to be at the 3. Fender Blues Jr amp (with the tube parameters
core of your preset sound tweaked to my liking)
Step 3 - Choose a cab simulation to reproduce 4. A custom IR for my speaker/cab (Celestion
the sound you desire. Do you want an American G12H-55)
tone? British tone? Hard driving tone? 5. A delay effect (Dual Delay)
Step 4 - Assign effects to the signal chain. 6. A reverb effect (Spring)
Don’t worry about the effects parameters for now,
That’s it. It’s not hard at all to create a custom
just assign the effects.

Figure 23 - The effect send icon has been positioned just after the Synth and before Comp to “send” a clean signal. It is
then processed by the external FX loop and received back in after FXB (Modulation, in this case) and before Delay. This
will bypass everything in between the two markers, including the amp and cab selections.

SECTION III - Creating Custom Presets
Creating A Reusable Preset the Smart Way ▪ In a live performance mode, if you accidentally
There’s an efficient way and a laborious way to stumble on a blank preset, it is assured to be
creating a “base” preset which can be used over loaded with your favorite or primary base rig,
and over. Let’s skip the laborious way and go so at least you can play through it until you
straight to the efficient method. have a moment between songs to find a preset
The efficient way is to create a blank “base” you were looking for.
preset that contains your primary favorite amp, ▪ Saves time paging up and down with the foot
cab and effects in the order you prefer. switches to get back to your base rig location.
For me, I have assigned the following, which Just look for the nearest ‘X’ and your set.
suits my style of playing, in order:
1. Simple Compressor
Making Your Foot Switch Colors Mean
2. DS/OD - Black Rat - just for an OD effect Something
(assigned to foot switch #1) When I design a preset and assign certain
3. Fender ‘65 Deluxe Reverb Amp effects to foot switches, I am consistent in the
4. Fender 1x12 Deluxe Reverb cab or a custom colors I use for the foot switch LED halos. I assign
IR for one of my Celestion speaker IRs colors in this manner:
5. Analog Chorus - not too thick (assigned to foot
switch #2) RED halo is for OD/DS effects
6. Analog Delay set for slapback - 113ms PURPLE halo is for chorus/vibrato/tremolo
(assigned to foot switch #3) GREEN halo is for Delay
7. Spring Reverb - just a touch (assigned to foot BLUE halo is for Reverb
switch #4)
So, no matter the preset, I always know that a
8. Volume Pedal - assigned to EXP 1, controlling
red halo means some sort of gain pedal is assigned
the master volume on the amp
to the foot switch, or blue means reverb is
assigned, and so on.
I name this preset “X”, as you can see in many of
I also place them in the same order on most all
the screen shots in this document. Why? Because
presets. The order just happens to be the order
the factory preset name of ‘Empty’ can look like
presented above.
another similarly short-named preset, and thus
Using consistent colors and order helps me
requires me to visually study the preset name more
build presets that I can visually use rather quickly
intently when playing live - maybe it’s time I do
without having to read the small screen when
not have.
playing live.
On the other hand, a preset with the name of
‘X’ is visually quick to scan. I simply know that X
How to Import a Custom Speaker Cab IR
is my base rig anywhere in my preset library.
One effective way to create custom presets is to
There are numerous advantages of creating and
assign unique IRs (impulse responses) to an
naming a base preset ‘X’ (or any other name that
amplifier choice. The speaker cabinet options that
means something to you):
come with the GE300 are nothing more than
▪ Saves significant time in setting up a preset
Mooer’s IRs loaded into the GE300.
from scratch; use your base and tweak it from
Many prominent speaker manufacturers offer
IRs (impulse responses) for the speakers they

Using Mooer Studio for GE300 - The Missing Manual
make. Some are free, some are for sale for a Figure 25. Scroll down the list of existing speaker cabs to
nominal cost each. For example, at Celestion.com, find the next open user-definable slot. Then click on the
“+” plus sign to add a new speaker IR.
one can buy 5 different speaker IRs of choice for
under $25 USD. Considering that buying the real
speakers can cost around $100 each and up, $5 per
IR doesn’t seem like a bad deal at all.
I just so happened to purchase a few Celestion
IRs to load into my GE300. The process is
somewhat hidden but very easy to use once you
know the where to look. You would think
IMPORT would be the option to use, but no!
Instead, you’ll add new speaker IRs in the
speaker cabinet selection drop down list. Access
this list by following the steps in Figure 24.
Scroll down the list of existing speaker cabs to
find the next open user-definable slot. There are
16 user-definable slots to store your own IRs
As you can see in Figure 25, I have loaded 6
custom IRs for Celestion speakers. Slot 50 is the
next available open slot to import an IR. Clicking
the “+” plus sign next to the open slot will open a
dialogue box to find and choose an IR file. NOTE: IR files for the Mooer GE300 should meet
Deleting an existing user-definable IR slot is as these criteria:
▪ Saved in the ‘.wav’ format.
▪ A sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.
Figure 24. The first step to importing a custom speaker IR
is to select the CAB effect position and then click on the ▪ A sample time of 500ms or less.
Amp/Cab/FX Selector pull-down to access an empty slot
for importing a new speaker IR. There’s More Than One AUX-IN!
A common way to make practice time more
effective is to plug in an iPad, cellphone or mp3
player into the AUX IN connection to play backing
tracks or songs through the GE300, allowing you
to jam along with them.
But did you know that when you connect your
PC (or MAC) to the GE300 via the USB-B
connection, you are effectively making a play-
through connection just like the AUX-IN?
Here’s the advantage: When connected to the
GE300, you can play a YouTube instruction video
easy as clicking the minus “-” sign next to the IR or backing track straight from your PC. You’ll
you wish to remove. most likely have a larger screen on your PC than
an iPad or cellphone and there’s one less gadget location, then clearing out the old location
to connect and manage. with a blank preset is tedious.
So, in essence, you have TWO Aux in ● Make trails on/off a global preset with the
connections; one labeled AUX-IN and the other is ability of individual presets to over-ride the
the USB connection from your PC. global setting.
● Provide a global setting to control the
Suggestions for Future Releases brightness of the LED halos for each foot
switch. The on/off brightness levels are still
of Mooer Studio too bright for dark stage use.
● My #1 request: Allow whatever is played in the ● Design a utility that can tell what version of
AUX-IN to be recorded in the looper. I have Mooer multi-effects pedal board a preset is
backing tracks played through my ipad into designed for. Since all presets have the ‘.mo’
the AUX-IN as I practice to them. It would be extension, there is no way to tell which
GREAT to be able to record them in the looper hardware the preset file is designed.
via the AUX-IN and be able to add layers of
● Design a utility to convert versions of ‘.mo’
loops on top of them.
preset files to the version desired. Essentially,
● Allow Mooer Studio to be run in stand-alone
make all ‘.mo’ presets universally compatible.
mode without connecting to a GE300 unit.
I know this can be difficult since not all multi-
Allow the user to make modifications on a
effects boards have the same sims and effects.
laptop and upon re-connection to the GE300
● Accept higher sampling rates of IRs -
unit, perform a quick sync. This permits the
44.1kHz is kind of old school these days -
user to manage presets sitting down at a desk,
96kHz is today’s new standard.
using a mouse, without having to be tethered
● Include a metronome that can be heard but
to the GE300. Maybe this requires a complete
not recorded when using the looper. Allow
back-up of the required system files and
the first beat of the metronome to be
presets to the computer to do so. If this is the
assignable to a different sound than the
case, then it solves another request below.
remaining beats of the measure, such as a
● Allow the user to manually backup ALL
woodblock as beat 1 and the rest are clicks.
system files and presets; or set up as an
auto-backup as a background process every
time the GE300 unit is connected to a PC.
Too many hours are spent by a musician
tinkering to get the perfect sound. I had a
GE300 completely freeze on me during a
firmware upgrade, never to recover - I had to
get a replacement unit. This suggestion would
solve many situations like this request and
● Allow the user to drag-n-drop presets to help
organize them more expediently. The
current method of saving a preset to a different


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