Zoroastrianism The Five Prayers
Zoroastrianism The Five Prayers
Zoroastrianism The Five Prayers
Look at some of the similarities between the Zoroastrian’s prayer times and the false sects
of so-called Islam. Names were slightly changed but the basic concepts are there. Hadithic
prayer times are near dawn (fajr), just after noon (dhuhr), in the afternoon (asr), just after
sunset (maghrib) and around nightfall (isha’a).
The Quran only orders us to pray three times daily (‘Salah’).There is also an additional
hourly prayer that occurs at night. The five daily prayers observed by so-called Orthodox
Muslims (Sunni, Shia, and Sufi) actually originated in Zoroastrianism. This religion was
founded by a man named Zarathushtra, a Persian who supposedly lived about 500
BCE. Zoroastrians worship a deity called Ahura Mazdā, meaning “light” and “wisdom.” They
kindle and adore fire and the light that creates the flame. Zoroastrianism has five daily
prayers called Geh, which they recite from their holy book. The five daily prayers are
Havan, Rapithvan, Uziren, Aevishuthrem and Ushen Geh.
Note: Zoroastrianism came before the Sunni, Shia, Sufi, or any hadith came along. Also
understand that the Quran never tells believers to pray five times a day. Pure Islam neither
teaches any such thing nor does it align itself with prior religions.
Zoroastrianism was the religion of the Persians before Sunni/Shia Islam. It was the largest
religion during it’s time and it existed 1100 years before Sunni Islam. When Persians came
into Islam they brought their prayer times with them. Consider that historically the Persians
and Turks are responsible for today’s Islam. The pale Arabs you see today are composed
mainly of Turkish blood (See Lesson: Who Are The Original Arabs).
=Compare Contrast
Maghrib Just after sunset (some schools Aevishuthrem 72 minutes after sunset ends
of thought say it end at midnight) midnight
One can clearly see where the Sunni Muslims got their five daily prayers. They surely didn’t
get their prayer instructions from the Quran.