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Wiladat Bibi Fatima (SA)

Issue #4 2009

Fatima(SA) and Ali(AS) took place in the simplest

Bibi Fatima (SA) possible manner. Ali(AS)sold his shield of armor for
200 Dirhams,brought the money to the Holy
Bibi Fatima (sa.) was born That here Prophet who added a similar amount and asked his
on the 20th of Jamad al companions to buy household goods to set up
are the home for the Holy Family. Marriage was
Awal. She was born to the assets of
Prophet of Islam and to Bibi solemnized by the Prophet himself and after
Khadija (sa.). She has many Prophethood marriage the couple went to live in a separate
titles including Zahra (Lady of Fatima her house next to the House of the Prophet around the
Light) and Syedatun Nisa al husband, Mosque.
Alamin (Leader of the women and her two Bibi Fatima (sa) had four children. Imam
of the worlds). She looked
after her father devoutly sons. Hasan (as) was born in the 3rd year of Hijra, Imam
With my Hussain (as) was born in the 4th year of Hijra,
when Bibi Khadija (sa) and Zainab was born in the 6th year of Hijra, Umme
Abu Talib (a.s.) died in the prophet her Kulsoom was born in the 7th year of Hijra. It was in
same year and after that she father; these the same house that the famous Verse of
continued to look after him. are the Purification (Sura 33.Verse 33) was revealed on
When bibi Khadija passed the Holy Prophet and its narration by Fatima has
away, Prophet Muhammad ones.
become so famous that it is read in every muslim
married Umme Salama to These are
house as Hadith-e-Kisa. The Reading of this
look after the household the five Hadith brings blessings to the household.(Tafseer-
chores. within the e- Kabir by Al-Razi).
When the migration took cloak.*
On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat
place, Fatima was left in Fatima(SA) died. This was about 90 days after the
Makka with the rest of the family which included death of her Holy father. Imam Hasan and Husain
her step mother Umme Salama, Ali’s(AS) mother (as) arrived and
Fatima binte Asad and many others. Imam Ali (AS) Usma brought
was in charge of the family. He stayed in Makka for some food for
another 3 days to give back the deposits to the them. They said
Makkans who entrusted these to the Prophet for
safe keeping. After fulfilling this duty Ali(AS)
they do not eat In This Issue
without their
brought the family to Madina. mother and she
After a year in Madina, Bibi Fatima (sa) was had to tell the
about 9 years old when marriage proposals were children of the
received by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He would death of their • Bibi Fatima (SA)
tell people that it was up to Allah to decide who was mother. Both
entered the • Wordsearch
the best person for Bibi Fatima (sa). Fatima
prayer room and
(SA)was the model of Prophet’s teaching among
stayed with her • Excerpts from
women just as Imam Ali(AS) was for the men.
for a while. Hadith E Kisa
They were the most suitable couple to be married.
Imam Ali (as) though was very shy to ask the Hazrat Ali
(AS)arrived and • Cartoon section
Prophet's daughter's hand in marriage. After being
prepared for the
convinced by family and friends, Imam Ali (as) went
last rites. When
• Featured
to see the Prophet in the mosque and asked him wordsearch
for his daughter's hand in marriage. The Prophet he was giving
went to ask Fatima (sa) and she agreed. her last bath he
cried loudly. • Imam Ali Naqi puzzle
After receiving her consent the marriage of Asma asked the solution
reason and he said he rippling seas
could not bear to see the
On which ships float and
wound by her side when
sail with ease:
the door of the house fell P Q L M A M I T A F O Z I W
on her due to And the rest of creation
commotion by some of and all things alive, A N J A K T A J I D A H K E
the companions of the
Prophet when they all I created for the sake D R M Z W O A Z E H R A B D
wanted Ali(AS) to come and love of these five,
out of the house for the Theses five persons M A J S W W H H D S R Z E E
oath of Allegiance to inside the cloak.”
Abubakr (may the curse H Z W B N H A J I W B M B C
of Allah be upon him). At this, Archangel
Gabriel spoke, B I D Q I W S L V R M I A S
After performing the last
rites she was taken to Asking: “who are these W A Z A A B U D A A A S T L
the cemetery of Baqii in five O Lord,
the darkness of the night Z K J A S R M H H D A U O L
for burial. Very few That You honour them
family members were by this special Word?” N R D A S V L O D L A O O V
present at the burial of The Lord replied: “Let it
the daughter of the R H P O U G M K I N F M L S
be understood
Prophet. Some
That here are the assets I T L R H Q G S Y E D A A X
historians say that she
was buried in her own of Prophethood-
house which became Fatima, her husband,
part of the Masjid-e- and her two sons, I S D H T E I T N E W T S B
Nabavi during the reign
of Umavi Caliph Umar With my prophet her L O T Y L L F I N S I A T O
Ibne Abdul Aziz. father: these are the
These are the five within
the cloak.”
Hearing this, again ali khadija
Excerpts Gabriel spoke:
batool mohammed
from the “O Lord! Your
permission I wish to take
fatima razia

Hadith E to join these five, the

hasan syeda
sixth to make.” hussain tahira
Kisa Then said the Lord: “My insia twentieth
permission is given.”
Then said Almighty jamad al awwal zehra
Allah, the Lord: So Archangel Gabriel
came down from the
“Listen O Angels, to My heaven, the Gracious Lord Rotating planets, and
Word! rippling seas
And said: “Peace on For you I have brought:
And inmates of heaven you, O Prophet of Allah! this is His Word: On which ships float and
listen well- sail with ease:
And greetings from “By my Grace and
To what I am about to Almighty Allah! Grandeur! For your sake I created
tell: all this- and more,
His Grace and Mercy He I am the Creator!
This solid firmament, does bestow And for those who
and well-stretched earth, This solid firmament,
ardently follow and
On you, His Prophet, and well-stretched earth,
Well-lighted moon, and adore.
here below.
sun’s blazing girth, Well-lighted moon, and
A message is sent by sun’s blazing girth,
Rotating planets, and
"I sat at the door, and the Prophet (S) uncovered the
plate, in privacy, to find a cluster of dates and a bunch
of grapes; he ate until satisfied and drank his need of
water. He then extended his hands to be washed, so
Gabriel poured the water, Michael washed his hands,
and Israfil dried them. Thereafter, the remaining food
with the plate ascended to heaven. Then he (S) started
to prepare himself for prayers when Gabriel said to

When Sahm had delivered the message, the Prophet (S) said: `Take the necklace to
Fatima and I give you to her also.' When the slave had told Fatima the
message, she (A) took the necklace and told the slave that he was free.
Upon hearing Fatima, Sahm laughed, so Fatima asked him about the
reason that made him laugh. He answered: `I smiled when I thought
of the abundance of goodness put in this necklace; it fed a hungry
man, clothed a naked man, satisfied a poor man, freed a slave and
came back to its original owner."

"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall call from the sole of the Throne:
"O people of Resurrection,
cast your eyes down, so that
Fatima Bint Muhammad may
pass-while holding Al-
Hussain's shirt, which will
(still) be saturated with blood.'
She will then embrace the leg
of the Throne and say:

"O Allah! grant me

intercedence for everyone who
cried for his disaster; Allah
will then grant her intercedence for them."
Imam Ali Naqi (AS) Solution Riyadul Jannah
It is narrated from Prophet Muhammad (p)
that a piece of Jannat is between his
Mimber (pulpit) and his Zaree (the burial
place). Some historians say that Bibi Fatema
(a) is buried there.

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