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Hanif, et al.

Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

International Journal of Pharmacy

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Research Article CODEN: IJPNL6



M. Rafiq1, Muhammad Hanif2,*, Akhtar Ahmed2, Asim Awan3, Salman Habib2, Amir Awan4,
Ajaz Rasool4, Miandad Zardari1
Department of Microbiology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur
Karachi Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine, KIRAN, Karachi
Department of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Karachi
Jinnah Hospital, Karachi
Department of Microbiology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Prognosis of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is very poor. Chemotherapeutic agents in allopathic medicines are
hardly effective. Long time of survival is possible only in cases of full surgical excision or liver transplantation. Use
of herbal medicine in the treatment of liver cancer and other cancers has a long tradition. A total of 30 HCC patients
(66% were chronic hepatitis patients) treated with four well known herbal aqueous extracts (viz Bergenia ciliata,
Nigella sativa, cassia fistula and Picrorhiza scrophulariflora) in which 17 patients were females and 13 males in
age group ranges from 42-72 years. Over all six cases were HBV positive, 11 cases were HCV positive and one case
with co-infection HBV and HCV viruses. All others were HBV/HCV negative. All individuals were diagnosed as
HCC and further monitored on ultrasound, CT scan and alpha fetoprotein; some of them were confirmed
additionally with MRI and tissue biopsy. Their liver function tests and serological tests, to determine the status of
HBV and HCV were also performed. Out of 30 confirmed HCC patients 10 showed hundred percent improvements
displaying no evidence of mass in liver. Ten patients showed remarkable reduction in their size of tumor/mass and
are still on medication. Eight patients were having non compliance who had started treatment but either left in the
mid of treatment or lack of follow up while the two patients were passed away. All on medication patients showed
remarkable improvement and reduction in the size of tumor. However, no adverse effects were observed. To obtain
a convincible data it is proposed to treat all the patients approximately for a minimum period of 5 years.

Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Traditional herbal medicines, Hepatoma

INTRODUCTION related to its rapid progression and its aggressive

biological behavior that leads usually to the diagnosis
Liver cancer (Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC) is at an advanced stage [3]. Hepatitis B (HBV) and
considered as one of the most challenging tumors Hepatitis C (HCV) infections are the main causes of
with high incidence, prevalence and mortality rates liver disease worldwide. The incidence of HCV
. According to WHO, 2010 report, it is the sixth infection is hard to quantify as large number of
most common cancer worldwide, accounting for 7% patients are asymptomatic and no vaccination is
of all cancers and an estimated incidence that is effective yet [4]. Human hepatocellular carcinoma
almost identical to the mortality rate. Moreover, it (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies all
represents the third cause of cancer related deaths [2]. around the world, especially in Asia [5, 6]. It occurs
HCC used to be described as a tumor with an with great frequency and is becoming more common
ultimately poor prognosis. This poor prognosis is as a complication of chronic Hepatitis B or Hepatitis 289
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

C [4, 7, 8]. Though the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is still traditional Hakeems for the cancer treatment either
the main etiological agent for HCC in many Asian for specific cancer or group of cancers.
Pacific countries, hepatitis C virus (HCV) related B.ciliata bears potent anti-neoplastic activities that
disease is the single largest cause of HCC in Pakistan may have prospective clinical use as precursor for
[9, 10, 11]
. In a country of about 200 million, 4.8% of preventive Medicine [16, 17, 18]. Methanolic and
general population is positive for anti-HCV antibody aqueous B. ciliata rhizome extracts were found to
and 2.5% for HBV surface antigen [9, 10, 11]. HCV possess antioxidant activity, including reducing
HCC dominance appears to be related to this higher power, free radical scavenging activity and lipid
prevalence of hepatitis C. HCV related HCC is seen peroxidation inhibition potential. The methanolic
in about 60 – 70% of cases. Only about 20% of cases extract displayed greater potential in all antioxidant
are positive for HBV and 10 – 15% is non-B non-C. assays. It is, however, interesting to note that the
High contamination rates with aflatoxin in Pakistan aqueous extract demonstrated considerably higher
also contribute to liver carcinogenesis [9, 10, 11]. The DNA protection, although lagging behind its
age-standardized rate of HCC in Pakistan is about 7.6 methanolic counterpart as an antioxidant [16]. The
per 100,000 persons per year for males and 2.8 for major chemical constituents of plant include tannic
females.13-16. The male to female ratio for HCC is acid, gallic acid, glucose, metarbin, albumen,
3.6:1. Most of the patients present in their 5 th and 6th bergenin, (+)-catechin, gallicin. Bergenia ciliata was
decade. Genotype 3a of HCV, and genotype D of subjected to bioactivity analysis. The plant has
hepatitis B, which is the most common genotypes in antitussive, antiulcer, antioxidant, antibacterial,
Pakistan, are also seen in the majority of HCC hypoglycemic, toxicological activity. It was observed
patients [9, 10, 11]. Other significant factors associated that root and leaves extract were promising as
with HCC were older age, male gender and higher antifungal agent. The root and leaves extract were
alkaline phosphatase. effective against Microsporum canis, Pleuroetus
oustreatus and Candida albicans[17]. Methanolic and
Many therapeutic approaches have been applied aqueous extract of Bergenia ciliate rhizome were
clinically such as surgery, interventional or micro- found to have promising potential towards the
traumatic techniques, physical or chemical methods development of drug that might be used to target
. HCC prognosis is very poor. Classical tumors for chemoprevention/chemotherapy to check
chemotherapeutic agents are barely effective. Long neoplastic growth and malignancy.
time of life is possible only in cases containing
surgically full-excision or liver transplantation. Nigella sativa, also known as black cumin, black
seed, Kalonji and Haba al-barakah (Arabic name) has
Herbal medicine and their extract in the treatment of been proven with countless peer reviews to
liver cancer have a long tradition [13]. The compounds effectively treat cancer. There have been more than
derived from the herb and herbal composites are of 450 peer reviews in the past 40 years for a wide range
considerable interest among oncologists [14]. Natural of diseases, such as diabetes, MS, Alzheimer’s
products, herbs and spices have been used as disease, hepatitis C and more. Originally, Nigella
remedies for various diseases, including Cancer since sativa was used to treat migraines and allergies, but
ancient times. The bioactive constituents of various recent discoveries have shown that this little black
herbs seem to be promising targets for isolation, seed is effective in destroying cancer cells. For
cancer activity screening and clinical evaluation. thousands of year, the seeds, oils and extracts of N.
Finally, herbal preparations may offer a cost effective sativa have been used as an anticancer agent by
protective alternative to individuals known to have a Unani, Ayurveda and the Chinese system of medicine
high risk for HCC and possibly other cancers, that have originated from the Arab, Ind-Bangla and
through maintaining cell integrity, reversing China, respectively. The modern scientific research
oxidative stress and modulating different molecular with the investigation of anticancer activity of N.
pathways in preventing carcinogenesis [15]. The sativa is a comparatively recent affair (for the last
current trend of cancer research is the investigation of 2~3 decades) [19].
medicines of plant origin because of their
affordability and accessibility with minimal side Ingredients of N. sativa have beneficial effects
effects. In this study we have specifically selected the against many diseases, including cancers. For
following four herbs Bergenia ciliate, Clongi (Nigella example, it is effective in the diminishing the risk of
sativa), Cassia fistula linn and Picrorhiza atherosclerosis by decreasing the serum low density
scrophulariflora. All of these plant(s) have been tried lipoprotein cholesterol level and increasing the serum
and reported individually for cancer treatment and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels[20, 21]; it
mostly tested earlier by herbalists, botanists and exerts therapeutic and protective effect in diabetes by 290
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

decreasing morphological changes and preserving used as antidiabetic, antiasthmatic, cardioprotective,

pancreatic beta-cell integrity[22] and by beneficially anti healing, antioxidant and antiradical activities,
changing the hepatic enzyme activities[23], it is antiulcer and anticancer activity, and a selective
effective against hypertension[24, 25], its oil protects enhancer of neuron growth [33]. A wide range of
kidney tissue against oxygen free radicals, preventing biological activities have been attributed to iridoids,
renal dysfunction and morphological abnormalities[26, such as antihepatotoxic, choleretic, hypolipidemic,
27, 28]
. The cytotoxic activity of N. sativa seed was anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antitumor,
tested on the human hepatoma HepG2 cell line by antiviral, purgative, immunomodulatory, antioxidant,
Thabrew et al., (2005) [29], and 88% inhibitory effect antiphosphodiesterase, neuritogenic, antidiabetic,
on HepG2 was found after 24-hr incubation with antiasthmatic, cardioprotective, molluscicidal and
different concentrations (0–50 mg/ml) of the N. leishmanicidal activities. Similarly, the
sativa extract. Nagi and Almakki (2009) reported that hepatoregenerative and hypolipidemic effects of
oral administration of Thymoquinone (TQ) is Picroliv, the preparation was shown to have similar
effective in increasing the activities of quinone or more potent activities than silymarin, a purified
reductase and glutathione transferase and makes TQ a fraction of Silybum marianum (Asteraceae),
promising prophylactic agent against chemical commonly used in the treatment of liver disorders [33].
carcinogenesis and toxicity in hepatic cancer [30].
Cassia fistula belonging to the family Leguminosae
Casesalpinaceae is commonly called as Amaltas an Patient samples: A total of 30 HCC/and or
Indian Laburnum and is native to India, the Amazon, hepatoma confirmed patients in which 13 males and
and Sri Lanka and is extensively diffused in various 17 females were selected for this study. The male age
countries [31]. Main property of Cassia fistula is mild group was 50 to 72 years, while, the female age
laxative and also used as a purgative due to the wax group was in the range of 42 to 70 years. All
aloin and has been used to treat many intestinal individuals were diagnosed with HCC and/or
disorders like ulcers. The plant has a high therapeutic hepatoma on histopathology, ultrasound, CT scan and
value and it exerts antipyretic and analgesic effects. It Alpha fetoprotein, some of them were confirmed
has been reported to possess antitumor, hepatopro- additionally with, MRI and Tissue Biopsy. These
tective, antifertility, and antioxidant properties. persons opted to be treated with herbal remedy. Their
Cassia fistula plant organs are known to be an liver function tests and serological tests, to determine
important source of secondary metabolites, notably the status of hepatic virology were also performed. In
phenolic compounds [31]. The herb contains some cases Bone Scan was also performed. After
anthraquinones, flavonoids and flavan-3-ol registration of all subjects a repeat liver function test,
derivatives. The seeds are rich in glycerides with CBC and an ultrasound was also performed before
linoleic, oleic, stearic and palmitic acids as major initiating the herbal treatment. On follow up
fatty acids together with traces of caprylic and (minimum 6 months) all patients were monitored by
myristic acids. Besides phenolics and their either ultra sound or C.T scan or both.
derivatives, a certain amount of alkaloids have also The samples of patients were further divided into
been reported in the flowers, while traces of three groups viz; A, B and C. Group A (Hepatitis C
triterpenes have been observed in both flowers and Reactive) Group B (Hepatitis B Reactive) and group
fruits. Four new compounds, 5-(2- C (Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B Non-Reactive).
hydroxyphenoxymethyl) furfural, (2'S)-7- hydroxy-5-
hydroxymethyl-2-(2'-hydroxypropyl) chromone, Herbal Drugs Used: To achieve this goal a survey
benzyl-2- hydroxy-3, 6-dimethoxybenzoate, and of ancient medical literature (manuscripts) regarding
benzyl 2β-O-D-glucopyranosyl- 3,6-dimethoxy herbal medicinal plants used as therapeutic
benzoate, together with four known compounds,5- intervention was undertaken at Department of
hydroxymethylfurfural, (2'S)-7-hydroxy-2-(2'- Botany, university of Karachi and Hamdard
hydroxypropyl)-5- methylchromone, and two University Karachi. Following four candidate
oxyanthraquinones, chrysophanol and chrysophanein, traditional herbal plants viz., Bergenia ciliate, Clongi
were also isolated from the seeds of Cassia fistula (Nlgella sativa), Cassia fistula linn and Picrorhiza
. scrophulariflora were finally selected for this study.
The crude extracts of plants were obtained in
Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora extensively used in different solvents but water extract was found most
traditional as well as modern medicinal system in effective in different clinical trials (According to
India, China, Tibet, Nepal and Sri Lanka for the ICH-GCP guidelines). Before starting the study, an
treatment of various immune-related diseases. It is 291
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

approval from ERB and patients informed consent patients showed remarkable improvement and
was obtained. reduction in size of tumor as is evident from their
ultrasound, CT scan and AFP results (Table 1).
Extraction of Plant Material: 5 gram of plant
materials was extracted three times with 100 ml of Many studies were published on the role of herbal
distilled water, under reflux for three hours. The medicines in treating liver cancer patients [14-18, 20- 23,
30, ]
extract was than filtered and vacuum dried for use for some studies are on individual plant extracts[16-20,
31, 33]
further research investigations as a therapeutic and very few on group of plants and their
interventions. extracts [14, 15, 34, 35, ]. Moreover, most of these studies
are on animal models[23, 24, 26, 31] or on cell lines[17, 18,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Among our study plants, all plants have been tried
and reported earlier for cancer treatment and mostly
Out of 30 confirmed Hepatoma or HCC patients 10 tested by herbalists, botanists and traditional
patients showed hundred percent improvements Hakeems for the cancer treatment either for specific
having no evidence of mass in liver confirmed by cancer or group of cancers.
ultrasound, CT scan and Alpha fetoprotein (Table 1).
Among these 10 patients six cases had diagnosed Chemotherapy as well as conventional treatment for
liver cancer (Hepatoma), one has liver mets from gall the cure of cancer causes the adverse and toxic side
bladder one has liver mets from pancreas and two had effects therefore fails to control the cancer disease
liver mets but were basically breast cancer patients. . The alternate solution for the harmful effects of
Among these six hepatoma cases five were HCV synthetic agents is the use of medicinal plants [36].
positive and one was HBV positive while among The plants have been used for the cure of cancer from
patients having Mets either from GB, pancreas and a prolonged period of time. The medicinal plants
both breast cancer patients were negative for both contain chemical constituents of therapeutic value.
HCV and HBV. All of these patients responded very These chemical substances produce physiological
well soon after the start of treatment and on action on the human body. It has been shown
subsequent visits all of these patents reported that the currently by clinical studies and phytochemical
therapy was effective in reducing their cancer-related investigation that many herbs exhibit anti tumor
pain, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, constipation and potential against various cancers [35]. In this study, no
improving appetite, and weakness. These were also adverse side effects were observed however, very
confirmed after examining the participants clinically. few patients reported to have mild oral and local
Improvements were also observed in the lab stomach irritations which were successfully
investigations like Complete Blood Count (CBC), controlled by the supportive cares. Our herbal
Liver Function Test (LFT), Kidney function test, and treatment was also effective in improving the disease
AFP level. These lab investigations were done as a symptoms and the quality of life of the participants.
part of their routine clinical checkups (data not Almost all patients reported that the therapy was
presented). effective in reducing their cancer-related pain, nausea
and vomiting, fatigue, constipation and improving
Other ten patients also showed remarkable reduction appetite, and weakness. These were also confirmed
in size of tumor/mass monitored on ultrasound, CT after examining the participants clinically (data not
scan and AFP and are still on medication. Their presented). Improvements were also observed in the
follow up results are evident of regression in size of lab investigations like Complete Blood Count (CBC),
tumor (Table 1). Although these patients are still on Liver Function Test (LFT), Kidney function test, and
medication and responded very well and all are AFP level. These lab investigations were done as a
happy with treatment and reported similar results of part of their routine clinical checkups. To obtain a
reduction in pain, nausea, vomiting fatigue, convincible data it is proposed to treat all the enrolled
constipation and improving appetite, and weakness. persons approximately for a minimum period of 5
In these ten cases also two were breast cancer years.
patients and both had no history of HBV and HCV.
Among other eight cases of hepatoma one is HBV
positive 4 were HCV positive, four were negative for
both HBV and HCV while one case had both HBV
and HCV positive report. Eight patients were having
non compliance who have started treatment but either
left in the mid of treatment or lack of follow up while
two patients were passed away. All on medication 292
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

Table 1: History of patients, clinical diagnosis, followup and status of tumor(s) on different stages of treatment
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

S.No. Name of Age Sex Diagnosis Viral Status of Liver at Tumor CT/ Ultrasound /MRI Size of Tumor/ Remarks
patient Yrs. & date profile prsentation marker on diff. stages & Hepatoma and on
Follow up visits F/U stages
1 Salma Bibi 60 F Hepatoma HBV +Ve Cirrhosis, Ascitis 1) u/s 3-8-2013 1) 3x2.6cm Focal mass
3-8-2013 2) u/s 21-3-2014 2) 2.2x1.9cm not present
3) 6-6-2014 3) Not seen
2 Surayya 55 F Hepatoma HCV +Ve CLD/Splenomegaly AFP 1) u/s 22-6-2004 1) 5.6mm No evidence
Qamar 22-6-2004 Cirrhosis 29-6-2004 2) CT 8-7-2004 2) 1.7x1.2x1.2cm of mass seen
31.5IU/ml 3) u/s 26-8-2004 3)
4) MRI 6-9-2004 4) Not seen
3 Kishwer 59 F Neoplastic HBV/HCV Liver Mets from GB 1) u/s 30-4-2010 1) 2.8x2.0 cm Focal mass
Sultanan mass, GB negative 2) CT 5-5-2010 2) not present
to Liver 3) u/s 6-8-2010 3) 2.2x2.2 cm
4) 10-2-2011 4) Not seen
4 Nargis 51 F Hepatoma HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis/ portal AFP 1) CT 7-5-2009 1) 2.2x2.0 cm Mass
Kafeel 7-5-2009 hypertension 10-5-2009 2) u/s 9-9-2009 2) 1.4x1.0 cm disappears
3) 1-6-2010 3) 1.4x1.0 cm
4) 13-1-2011 4) Not seen
5) 14-11-2011
5 Naseem 58 F Hepatoma HCV +Ve Cirrhosis, Ascitis AFP 1) u/s13-12-2012 1) 2.0x1.2 cm No Obvious
Akhtar 25-4-2013 Splenomegaly 24-4-2013 2) CT24-12-2012 2) 2x1 cm mass seen
3) u/s 4-4-2013 3) Not seen
6 Abdul 71 M Hepatoma HBV/HCV Normal 1) CT 19-12-2012 1) 22x16 mm No Obvious
Haleem 01-2-2013 negative 2) CT 20-12-2012 2) No mass seen mass seen
Mets from 3) ERCP 18-12-2012 3) No mass seen
pancreas 4) u/s 26-8-2013 4) No mass seen
5) u/s 28-10-2013
6) u/s 3-3-2014
7 Saeeda 28 F Hepatoma HBV/HCV Normal 1) CT 18-8-2012 1) 7x9 mm in Focal mass
Mets from negative 2) CT 30-1-2013 right lobe not present
breast 3) u/s 26-9-2013 2) No mass seen
cancer 3) No mass seen 293
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

8 Qudsia Khalid 63 F Hepatoma HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis/ portal AFP 1) CT 2-4-2011 1) 2.9x2.9 cm Focal mass
2-4-2011 hypertension/ 2) CT 26-4-2011 2) 3.0x3.0 cm not presen
Splenomegaly 3) u/s 1-4-2012 3) No mass seen

9 Zulfiqar 52 M Hepatoma HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis/ portal AFP 4) CT 27-1-2012 1) 2.3x2.0 cm No hepatic
27-1-2012 hypertension 5) CT 14-5-2012 2) 2.1x1.9 cm mass seen
6) u/s 16-11-2012 3) No hepatic
10 Johar Begum 50 F Hepatoma HBV/HCV Normal CA-15-3 1) u/s 24-9-2009 1) 9x5 cm Remarkable
METS negative 22-3-2013 2) u/s 13-8-2010 2) 10.3x5.8 cm reduction in
from breast 3) u/s 4-7-2012 3) 9.0x3.6 cm size of
20-4-2009 4) u/s 15-11-2012 4) 8.2x3.4 cm hepatoma
5) u/s 20-9-2013 5) 6.7x4.9 cm
6) u/s 28-3-2014 6) 0.9x0.9 cm
11 Ishrat Murtaza 50 F Hepatoma HBV +Ve Normal AFP 31.3 1) u/s 14-5-2014 1) 2.3x2.1 cm On
14-05- IU/ml 2) CT 20-5-2014 2) 2.4x2.7 cm medication
2014 17-5-2014
12 Raham Jan 50 F Hepatoma HBV/HCV Normal 1) u/s 5-2-2014 1) 1.6 cm On
5-02-2014 negative 2) u/s 7-4-2014 2) 2.4x2.0 cm medication
13 Tanveer Raja 46 M Hepatoma HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis/ AFP 883.0 1) u/s 03-05-2014 1) 5.4x5.2 cm On
3-05-2014 Splenomegaly IU/ml 2) CT 27-05-2014 2) 5.8x6.8 cm medication
14 Arifa 48 F Hepatoma HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis/ AFP 224.0 1) u/s 31-8-2013 1) 4.4x4.1 cm On
31-08- Splenomegaly/ Ascitis IU/ml 2) u/s 04-3-2014 2) 7.5x6.5 cm medication
2013 2-9-2013 3) u/s 20-6-2014 3) 8.7x7.4 cm

15 Hadia Samar 43 F Hepatoma HBV/HCV Hepatospleenomegaly 1) u/s 12-9-2013 Multiple nodules, On

Mets from negative 2) u/s 28-2-2014 consist with mets medication
breast 3) u/s 13-6-2014 1) 3.1 cm
cancer 2) 3.2 cm 294
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

16 Said 62 M Multifocal HBV/HCV Ascitis AFP 200.0 1) u/s 17-9-2013 1) 9.8x8.1 cm Size reduced,
Muhammad HCC negative IU/ml 2) CT 26-9-2013 2) 10.2x11.7 cm On
19-2-2014 18-9-2013 3) u/s 3-10-2013 3) 6.8x6.3 cm medication
4) u/s 3-4-2014 4) 6.7x7.6 cm
17 Jan 50 M Hepatoma HCV +Ve Enlarged liver AFP 650.0 1) CT 5-5-2014 1) 10.0x8.5 cm Size reduced,
Muhammad 5-05-2014 IU/ml 2) u/s 19-6-2014 2) 8.9 cm On
Mahar 5-5-2014 medication
18 Muhammad 47 M Hepatoma HBV/HCV Hepatospleenomegaly AFP 274.0 1) CT 10-6-2014 1) 10.0x8.0 cm On
Bux HCC positive IU/ml 2) CT 17-6-2014 2) 10x11 cm medication
10-6-2014 3-6-2014
19 M. Aslam Babu 65 M Hepatoma HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis/ AFP 9.8 1) u/s 3-9-2013 1) 3x3 cm Size increased
HCC Splenomegaly/ portal ng/ml 2) CT 12-9-2013 2) 2.8x2.5 cm after TACE
3-9-2013 hypertension 13-6-2014 3) CT 16-11-2013 3) No change Now on
4) u/s 15-2-2014 4) No lesion seen herbal
5) CT post TACE 5) New lesion medication
14-6-2014 identified
20 Saeeda Noor 30 F Hepatoma HBV/HCV Normal 1) CT 24-6-2014 3) 6.7.0x4.3 cm On
Mets from negative 2) u/s 27-6-2014 4) 3.5x3.2 cm medication
CA breast
21 Haji Zain 56 M Hepatoma HBV +Ve CLD, Splenomegaly, AFP 1) CT 8-11-2013 1) 7.5x7.5 cm Non
8-11-2013 Ascitis 5-9-2013 2) CT 29-10-2013 compliance
3) CT 13-11-2013
22 Maqsood Bibi 60 F Hepatoma HBV +Ve Splenomegaly AFP 1360 1) u/s 19-3-2013 1) 10.3x8.8 cm Non
19-03- ng/ml compliance
2013 19-5-2013

23 Arshad Ali 55 M G.B mass HBV/HCV Normal 1) u/s 1-2-2012 1) 6.0 cm Non
infiltrating negative 2) CT 4-12-2012 compliance
into Liver
24 Zainul Islam 53 M Multifocal HBV +Ve Normal AFP 71.0 1) u/s 17-1-2013 1) 2x2 cm Non
HCC ng/ml 2) CT 10-7-2013 2) 1x1 cm compliance
17-1-2013 15-6-2013 295
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

25 Haji M. Akram 71 M Hepatoma HBV/HCV Enlarged liver AFP 58.7 3) u/s 24-4-2014 1) 7.1x5.9 cm Size reduced
22-04- negative IU/ml 4) CT 24-4-2014 2) 6.7x6.4 cm but Non
2014 9-4-2014 compliance
26 M. Israael 64 M Multifocal HBV/HCV Normal AFP 20.6 1) u/s 01-01-2014 1) 6.1x5.8 cm Non
HCC negative IU/ml 2) CT 2-01-2014 2) 7.5x5.5 cm compliance
17-1-2013 28-1-2014
27 Shahnaz Bibi 45 F Hepatoma HBV +Ve Hepatomegaly AFP 372.8 1) u/s 08-01-2014 1) 6.5x5.8 cm Non
8-01-2014 IU/ml 2) CT 9-01-2014 2) 6.4x7.6 cm compliance
28 Pinda Jan 50 F Multifocal HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis AFP 200.0 1) u/s 19-02-2014 1) 2.5x2.4 cm Non
HCC IU/ml 2) u/s 24-03-2014 2) 6.0x4.0 cm compliance
19-2-2014 24-3-2014 3) CT 27-03-2014
29 Najma Khatoon 70 F Multifocal HBV/HCV Liver cirrhosis/ portal AFP 820.5 1) u/s 26-3-2014 1) 4.6x4.0 cm Passed away
HCC negative hypertension ng/ml 2) CT 28-3-2014 2) 4.0x4.0 cm
26-3-2014 28-3-2014
30 M. Riaz 61 M HCC HCV +Ve Liver cirrhosis AFP 39.0 1) CT 15-6-2013 Patchy multiple Passed away
15-6-2013 IU/ml 2) CT 30-9-2013 mass
H/O post 23-9-2013 3) CT 29-5-2014 1) 2.8x4.4 cm
TACE 2) 2.0x4.9 cm
HCC 3) 10x2.5 cm
4) 1.5x1.7 cm
1. All patients were already diagnosed based on Histopathology, Ultrasound, CT, MRI and tumor marker reports. Liver METS were also considered as
2. Serology reports (Anti HCV and HBs-Ag) of all patients and PCR reports of positive patients were recorded
3. Based on Ultrasound and CT scan interpretation
4. Tumor markers of only selected patients for diagnostic purpose were investigated, not for followup treatment
5. All radiological tests including X-rays, CT scan and MRI were from ARC, AKU, KIRAN, LNH or other well known registered departments. Ultrasound
reports were also from these departments and usually followed up from same departments.
6. Size of tumor were recorded on each follow up usually estimated by radiologist or sonologist in comparison of previous reports
7. Remarks are copied from radiology reports. In cases of complete regression (disappearance of mass), five year followup is advised. Non compliance is
not due to side effects of medication. Few patients were showed promising results but they could not follow up. 296
Hanif, et al. Int J Pharm 2015; 5(1): 289-297 ISSN 2249-1848

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