Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy: Original Article
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy: Original Article
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy: Original Article
Original article
Hubei Cancer Clinical Study Center, Hubei Key Laboratory of Tumor Biological Behaviors, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Department of Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Keywords: Cervical cancer remains one of the main factors leading to tumor-related death worldwide. Many strategies of
Cervical cancer cancer treatment such as chemotherapy are developed and used nowadays. However, for the cancer che-
CDK4 motherapy resistance, reduction of the limitation of cancer chemotherapy efficacy is one of the aims of several
CDK6 oncology teams. Moreover, the cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6-cyclin D-retinoblastoma protein-E2F pathway is an
important mechanism for cell cycle control and its dysregulation is one of the key factors for cancers devel-
Cell cycle
Cell apoptosis
opment including cervical cancer. Ribociclib is one of the selective CDK4/6 inhibitors and is a new therapeutic
approach showing promise as a good strategy of therapy in many human cancers. However, there are not the
studies regarding the investigation of effects of Ribociclib in cervical cancer yet. In the present study, by western
blotting and immunofluorescence assay, we found respectively that CDK4, CDK6 and cyclin D1 are highly ex-
pressed and are mostly localized in the nucleus with some localized in the cytoplasm of cervical cancer cell lines.
Moreover, Ribociclib induced cell cycle arrest in G0-G1 phase and cell apoptosis, and inhibited C33A cell
proliferation in dose – dependent manner following by decreased expression of certain related genes such as
CDK4, CDK6, E2F1, P-Rb, and increased Bax expression. In C33A xenografts, Ribociclib inhibited tumor growth
associated with decreased expressions of CDK4, CDK6, cyclin D1, Rb and Ki-67, and also significantly increased
tumor cell apoptosis. However, we didn’t find side effect of Ribociclib concerning heart, liver and kidney per-
turbation and any Ribociclib anti-tumor effects on HeLa in vitro and in vivo which may be due to Hela cell
infection by HPV. Based on our findings, the Rb-E2F pathway can be considered as an important factor in human
cervical cancer pathogenesis and as a mechanism of Ribociclib, a potential strategy of treatment for the im-
provement of new therapeutic measures for the treatment of HPV-negative cervical cancer which application for
HPV-positive cervical cancer is desired in further study.
1. Introduction can be considered as an important public issue and need strong stra-
tegies of treatment for its curative treatment as for its preventive
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and treatment.
represents the leading cause of death among women in the world [1]. Many strategies of curative treatment of cervical cancer such as
More than 85% of the global burden occurs in developing countries surgery which including pelvic lymphadenectomy and radical hyster-
where it accounts for 12% of all female cancers. Cervical cancer re- ectomy in early stages, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy in more
presents the 2nd common cancer in less developed regions and the 11th advanced stages are developed and used in nowadays. Radical hyster-
in more developed regions [1]. It was estimated that 528.000 new cases ectomy and radiotherapy were considered as a treatment for localized
occurred in 2012 and its incident cases were increased by 9% (95% UI, disease, while concurrent radiochemotherapy remains the main cor-
2%–17%) between 2006–2016 [2].Based on these data, cervical cancer nerstone intervention for advanced cancer [3]. However,
Abbreviations: CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; Rb, retinoblastoma; HPV, human papillomavirus; FDA, the Food and Drug Administration; HR, hormone receptor;
HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; HE, Hematoxylin-eosin staining
Corresponding author at: Department of Radiation Oncology & Medical Oncology, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, 169 Donghu Road, Wuhan, 430071,
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Zhou).
Received 31 October 2018; Received in revised form 17 January 2019; Accepted 18 January 2019
0753-3322/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
radioresistance and chemotherapy resistance represents the limitation (Hyclone, USA) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (Wisent, Canada),
of the effectiveness for the use of radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy in 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin. All cells were in-
clinical treatment for patients with cervical cancer [4] which suggests cubated in 5% CO2 at 37 °C.
that the availability of effective therapeutic measure is limited and need
the alternative treatment strategies for the patients with cervical 2.2. Immunofluorescence assay
cancer. Although target therapy became a research hotspot in recent
years for the treatment of cervical cancer [5,6].However, the survival The immunofluorescence assay was used to determine CDK4, CDK6
rate of cervical cancer did not significantly increase or increased with and cyclin D1 background expression of cervical cancer cells, C33A,
adverse events. and HeLa cells were grown in 12-well plates for 12 h and fixed with 4%
Moreover, the families of cyclin-dependent-kinase (CDK) are the key paraformaldehyde for 15 min following by the permeabilization with
regulator of cell cycle progression, which represents one of the hall- 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS for 20 min and blocked with bovine serum
marks of cancer [7]. As one of the essential signaling pathways involved albumin(BSA) for 30 min at room temperature. The cells were then
in cell cycle progression, the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6-cyclin incubated with the CDK4 primary antibody (1:100
D-retinoblastoma protein (Rb)-E2F1 pathway (CDK4/6-cyclin D-Rb- dilution,#A0366,ABclonal,USA),CDK6 primary antibody (1:100
E2F1 pathway) is frequently found to be over-activated in cancer [8] dilution,#A1545,ABclonal,USA) and cyclin D1 primary antibody
where Cyclin D is a catalyst for CDK4 and CDK6 and interacts with (1:100 dilution,#A10757,ABclonal,USA) at 4 °C overnight. Then wa-
CDK4/CDK6 to form the Cyclin D-CDK4/6 complexes [9,10]. CDK4 or shed with 1% BSA in PBS following by its incubation with Alexa Fluor
CDK6 are kinds of the serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) protein kinases im- 594 (Red) conjugated donkey anti-rabbit antibody (1:200 dilution,
plicated in cell cycle progression through the G1-S phase [11]. Cyclin D #SA00006-8, Proteintech, China) for 2 h. The coverslips were mounted
including cyclin D1, D2 and D3 combine with CDK4 or CDK6, and in VECTASHIELD mounting medium with DAPI (#H-1200, Vector,
phosphorylates the tumor suppressor protein Rb [12]. This phosphor- USA). Finally, cells were imaged on a Nikon Eclipse Ti-U fluorescence
ylation in turn, via the activation of the transcription factor E2F1, leads microscope (Diagnostic Instuments Inc., USA) equipped with a digital
to the transition from the G1 phase to the S-phase and finally, cell camera.
proliferation [13,14].Amplification of cyclin D1 or CDK4 genes, or
overexpression of their protein products has been found in cervical 2.3. Pharmacologic treatment
cancer and overexpression of cyclin D1 was an independent poor
prognostic marker in cervical carcinoma suggesting that target CDK4/6- 10 mg of LEE011 powder (M.W.:434.54 g/mol, HY-15777,MCE) was
cyclin D-Rb-E2F1 pathway by inhibiting CDK4 or cyclinD1 would be a solubilized in 2.3013 ml of DMSO and 10 mM stock solution was
good treatment strategy for cervical cancer patients [15]. made,2 mg of LEE011 powder was solubilized into 20 mM stock solu-
Ribociclib(LEE011) is one of the small-molecule selective inhibitors tion. Finally, 0–20 μM of LEE011 was produced from stock solutions by
of CDK 4/6, developed to target the ATP-binding site of CDK4/6 by using serum-free media. C33 A and HeLa were incubated under the
inhibiting CDK4 and CDK6, by restoring the activation of Rb which treatment of various concentrations of LEE011.
leads to cell cycle arrest in G1/S phase. The Food and Drug For animal experiments, animals bearing engrafted tumors of 100-
Administration (FDA) have approved the CDK 4/6 200 mm3 are randomized to oral treatment with 200 mg/kg of LEE011
inhibitors,Palbociclib(PD0332991), Ribociclib, and Abemaciclib in 0.5% methylcellulose or vehicle daily for 21 days.
(LY2835219) as initial endocrine-based therapy for the treatment of
postmenopausal women with hormone receptor (HR)-positive, human 2.4. Morphological observation assay
epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative advanced or me-
tastatic breast cancer in combination with an aromatase inhibitor, le- The effect of LEE011 on cell proliferation and viability were as-
trozole [16–20]. Ribociclib anti-cancer effect has been reported with sessed by morphologic changes. C33A and HeLa cells were seeded into
tolerable safety [21,22]. Moreover, CDK 4/6 inhibitors have been de- 6-well plates at a density of 30%–40% per well, and incubated for 48 h
monstrated to suppress tumor growth in preclinical models with neu- in various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 μM) of LEE011.At the end of
roblastoma [23], liposarcoma [24], ovarian cancer [25], thyroid cancer cell treatment, C33A and HeLa cells were observed after 2 days of
[26], synovial sarcoma [27], non-small cell lung cancer [28], gastric LEE011 exposure. Cells were finally imaged on a Nikon Eclipse Ti-U
cancer [29] and other malignant tumors. However, the potential me- fluorescence microscope (Diagnostic Instuments Inc., USA) equipped
chanism of targeting CDK4/6 by using the specific inhibitor Ribociclib with a digital camera.
as a putative therapeutic strategy needs to be elucidated in cervical
cancer. Our study aimed to evaluate the anticancer effects of Ribociclib 2.5. Western blotting
on cervical cancer in vitro and in vivo where we could discover the
mechanisms of CDK 4/6 selective inhibitor-mediated reduction of Protein lysates were extracted from C33A and HeLa cells with RIPA
cancer growth. lysis buffer (#P0013B,Beyotime biotechnology, China) supplemented
with 1XPMSF (#ST506,Beyotime biotechnology, China) and phospha-
2. Materials and methods tase inhibitor tablets (#4906837001,Roche,USA). The concentrations
of the protein lysates were quantified by BCA assay (#23227, Thermo,
2.1. Cell lines and cell culture USA), and then incubate the samples in boiled water for 10 min.These
samples were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE and then transferred to
The human cervical cancer cell lines C33A and HeLa were obtained PVDF membranes. After blocking with 5% skim milk in TBST for 2 h,the
from the Shanghai Life Science Institute Cell Library (Shanghai, China) membranes were incubated with primary antibodies human RB (1:1000
and were maintained in the Key Laboratory of Tumor Biological dilution,#25628-1-AP, Proteintech, China);pRBSer780 (1:1000
Behavior of Hubei Province. The cell lines were cultured in DMEM dilution,#9307,Cell Signaling Technology, USA);E2F1 (1:1000
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
dilution,#12171-1-AP, Proteintech, China);Cyclin E1 (1:1000 (ALT,AST,ALB,ALP,BUN,CR,LDH-L,CK) were detected from these blood
dilution,#A14225,ABclonal,USA);CDK2 (1:1000 dilution,#2546,Cell samples by using different kits (Changchun Huili Biotech Co., Ltd.,
Signaling Technology, USA);CDK4(1:1000 dilution,#A0366,ABclonal, China) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, the samples
USA);CDK6(1:1000dilution,#A1545,ABclonal,USA);Cyclin D1 (1:5000 were analyzed by an automatic biochemical analyzer (Chemray240,
dilution,#60186-1-lg, Proteintech, China);BCL-2 (1:2000 dilu- Rayto, China).
tion,#12789-1-AP, Proteintech, China);BAX (1:5000 dilution,#50599-
2-lg, Proteintech, China);P16 (1:1000 dilution,#10883-1-AP, 2.10. Hematoxylin-eosin staining of tissues
Proteintech, China);GAPDH (1:5000,#60004-1-Ig,Proteintech,China)
at 4 °C overnight. At the end of time of the primary antibodies in- The tissues sections were mounted on glass slides and treated with
cubation, the membranes were washed with TBST for 5 times, 10 min hematoxylin-eosin staining solution (#G1005, Servicebio, China) based
per time of washing following by the incubation with Horseradish on the manufacturer’s instructions, which were stained with hematox-
peroxidase-conjugated to the secondary antibody diluted at 1:10000 for ylin for 5 min after routine de-waxing and washing. The color was se-
2 h and specific bands were visualized by ECL (Advansta, USA).The parated and the sections were changed from back to blue, dyed with
bands were detected using the ChemiDoc XRS + system (Bio-Rad, eosin for 5 min, dehydrated in increasing concentrations of alcohol,
Hercules, CA, USA) and quantification for the interested proteins was hyalinized with dimethylbenzene, followed by sealing with neutral gum
performed using ImageJ program. for observation under the microscope.
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Fig. 1. CDK4, CDK6 and Cyclin D1 are highly expressed in cervical cancer.
A. Expression of CDK4, CDK6 and cyclin D1 in C33A and HeLa cells was assessed by immunofluorescence. Cells were imaged on a fluorescence microscope equipped
with a digital camera after incubation with Alexa Fluor 594 (Red) conjugated donkey anti-rabbit antibody or DAPI (blue), the magnification is 200X(scale bar,
100 μm). B. Expression levels of CDK4, CDK6 and cyclin D1 in human cervical cancer cell lines C33A and HeLa were detected by Western blotting. C. Relative
expressions of CDK4, CDK6 and cyclin D1 compared with GAPDH in C33A and HeLa.
3.2. LEE011 inhibits cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis by targeting dose-dependent increase of the expression of the pro-apoptopic protein
the Rb-E2F1 pathway in C33A Bax and decrease of the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2
were also observed after treating with LEE011 in dose dependent
Morphologic changes were observed after 2 days of LEE011 ex- manner (Fig. 2B).But the expressions of these proteins did not have a
posure. When treated with increased doses of LEE011 (0, 5, 10, 15, significant change in HeLa cells (Fig. 2B).
20 μM) for 48 h, C33A cells show pronounced morphologic signs of
toxicity, including abnormal shape and appearance, cellular lysis, and 3.3. LEE011 induces cell cycle G1 arrest and cell apoptosis in C33A
destruction (Fig. 2A). C33A cells have started to show observable signs
of toxicity in the form of cells reduction and abnormal cells morphology We assessed the effect of LEE011 on cell cycle and cell apoptosis by
when treated with 10 μM LEE011, and cellular death becomes more treating C33A and HeLa cells with high concentrations of LEE011. After
pronounced when the drug concentration increased up to 20 μM. the treatment with LEE011 (10 μM),C33 A and HeLa cells were in-
However, HeLa cells show little changes in morphology and little cel- cubated for 48 h. LEE001 induces a significant G1 cell-cycle arrest ac-
lular death (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, western blotting showed that companied by a reduction in the fraction of cells in S phase and G2/M
treatment of C33A cells with LEE011 significantly reduces the expres- phase in C33 A cells (P < 0.05), compared with the control (Fig. 3A
sion of CDK4,CDK6,E2F1,P-Rb,P16,cyclin E1,CDK2 in a dose-dependent and B). Moreover, after treatment of C33A cells with 10 mM of LEE011,
manner, whereas the expression of Rb remains unchanged (Fig. 2B). A G0/G1 portion increased with 19.23%, S portion decreased with 9.68%,
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Fig. 2. LEE011 inhibits cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis by targeting the Rb-E2F1 pathway in C33A but not HeLa.
A. C33A and HeLa cells were treated with increasing concentrations of LEE011, and the morphologic changes of cells were observed by microscopy after 48 h of
LEE011 treatment (the magnification is 200X, scale bar, 100 μm).
B. The expression of proteins in Rb-E2F1 pathway and apoptosis in C33A cells were detected by western blotting after 2 days of LEE011 treatment.
C. The expression of proteins in Rb-E2F1 pathway and apoptosis in HeLa cells were detected by western blotting after 2 days of LEE011 treatment.
and G2/M portion decreased with 10.18% were observed. However, These results indicate that cell treatment with LEE011 could only
HeLa cells treated with LEE011 did not have a significant result on cell induce cell cycle and cell apoptosis in C33 A with no significant influ-
cycle arrest (Fig. 3C and D). ence on HeLa cell lines cycle and apoptosis process.
Otherwise, LEE011-induced apoptosis was measured by AnnexinV-
FITC/PI Apoptosis Kit and flow cytometric analysis (Fig. 4). C33A cells 3.4. LEE011 effectively suppresses in vivo tumor growth in xenograft models
were cultured on 10 μM of LEE011 for 48 h. LEE011 treatment led to
apoptosis 2.24 times (31.7%) more than control (14.13%) in C33A For performing the in vivo test of the effectiveness of LEE011, we
(P < 0.05) (Fig. 4A and B), while LEE011 treatment did not sig- conducted the C33A and HeLa xenografts. The xenograft models were
nificantly increase the apoptotic index compared with control, in HeLa treated with 200 mg/kg of LEE011 in 0.5% methylcellulose or vehicle
cells (Fig. 4C and D). daily during a total of 21 days.LEE011 effectively hindered tumor
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Fig. 3. LEE011 induces cell cycle G1 arrest in C33 A but not HeLa.
A.B. After treatment of C33A cell lines with LEE011 (10 μM) during 48 h, G0/G1 portion increased with 19.23% (P < 0.05), S portion decreased with 9.68%
(P < 0.05), and G2/M portion decreased with10.18% (P < 0.05). C.D. After treatment of HeLa cell lines with LEE011 (10 μM) during 48 h, there are no significant
changes in the cell cycle process.
growth in C33A xenograft models. The result shown that there are the 4. Discussion
reduction of kinetic of the tumor volume growth in C33A xenografts
treated with LEE011 compared with the untreated control group, With recent development and FDA approval of highly specific
(Fig. 5A–C). Moreover, LEE011 had no significant effect on body weight CDK4/6 inhibitors (Palbociclib, Ribociclib and Abemaciclib) for ad-
in C33 A xenografts (Fig. 5D). For HeLa xenografts, LEE011 did not vanced metastatic breast cancer, there has been more interest in clinical
induce suppression of tumor growth (Fig. 5A–C), but caused the mice trials with these drugs in various tumors (
lost weight (Fig. 5D).In another hand, we confirmed the suppression of ).But we have not found the clinical trials concerning the effect of
the CDK4/6-cyclin D-Rb-E2F1 pathway by immunohistochemical Ribociclib on cervical cancer yet. In order to find and confirm that the
staining for CDK4,CDK6,cyclin D1, Rb and assessed the anti-pro- therapies with CDK4/6 inhibitors may be beneficial for cervical cancer
liferative effect by the proliferation marker Ki-67 immunostaining. treatment, we investigated the effects of Ribociclib, as one of the target
Furthermore, we also performed TUNEL assay to detect apoptotic cells therapies on cervical cancer. We found that the human cervical cancer
on the xenografts (Fig. 5E and F).We found that the expression of cell lines exhibited high levels of CDK4, CDK6 and cyclin D1 expression
CDK4,CDK6,cyclin D1 and Rb were reduced, and the proportion of by western blotting, and the proteins were found to be localized in the
apoptotic cells was increased in LEE011 treatment group compared nucleus by immunofluorescence staining. Moreover, it has been found
with the control group in C33 A xenografts. However, we did not found that cyclin D1 accumulates in the nucleus and triggers the active cyclin
the significant effects of LEE011 on the HeLa xenografts. D1-CDK4 complex formation in proliferating cells during G1 phase
Furthermore, to evaluate the safety of LEE011 on the xenograft [30]. Another study has analyzed the expression of cyclin D1 and CDK4
models, we detected different biochemical indicators (ALT, AST, ALB, gene in 120 cervical carcinoma tissue samples and demonstrated that
ALP, BUN, CR, LDH-L, CK) as a heart, liver and kidney enzymatic the patients with overexpression of cyclin D1 and CDK4 gene had a
markers by using relative different kits (Fig. 5I) follow by the ob- poor prognosis [15].This suggests that cervical cancer is Rb-E2F
servation of the morphologic of heart, liver and kidney (Fig. 5G,H).No pathway-activated cancer and may be susceptible to Ribociclib.
obvious change of the morphologic and enzymatic marker of liver, The treatment of C33A with 10 μM of Ribociclib for 48 h sig-
heart and kidney were found, suggesting that the use of LEE011 for nificantly reduced the expression of the CDK4, CDK6, E2F1, P-Rb, P16,
treatment did not have obvious adverse effects on xenograft mice cyclin E1 and CDK2, whereas the expression of Rb remains unchanged.
models. These data suggest that Ribociclib inhibited the formation of CDK4/6-
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
cyclin D complexes, CDK2-cyclin E complexes and phosphorylation of the expression of Bcl-2. Suggesting that Ribociclib could influence
Rb. Ribociclib was supposed to inactivate the transcription factor E2F1 cervical cancer cell lines apoptosis. This finding confirmed the finding
by Rb which lead to G1 cell cycle arrest, and hold back cell prolifera- of Lee et al. mentioned that thyroid cancer cell lines treated with Ri-
tion. Our study consistently showed that Ribociclib can suppress bociclib lead to apoptosis 2.8 times more (4.2%) than control (1.5%)
phosphorylation of Rb and also causes degradation of CDK4/6 and [26]. In another hand, by performing flow cytometry analysis to assess
E2F1. This finding correlated with the report of Lee et al. where it found the cell cycle and apoptosis in C33A treated with Ribociclib. In order to
in thyroid cancer cell lines that Ribociclib decreased Rb after its de- confirm apoptosis capacity of Ribociclib assessed by Bax and Bcl2 ex-
phosphorylation and E2F expression via E2F target gene FOXMI, Cyclin pression level and confirm cell cycle as a mechanism of anti-pro-
A1, Myc [26]. Moreover, Ribociclib changes the CDK4/6-cyclin D-Rb- liferative effect of Ribociclib on cervical cancer cell, we found that
E2F1 pathway and CDK2-cyclin E-Rb-E2F1 pathway which control G1-S Ribociclib induced cell apoptosis and cell cycle arrest as it has been
phase cell cycle progression. Moreover, CDK4/6-cyclin D complexes reported by Lee et al. in human thyroid cancer cells [26]. However,
and CDK2-cyclin E complexes are responsible for successively phos- there are no significant effects of Ribociclib on Hela cancer cell line. We
phorylating Rb, thereby alleviating its inhibition on E2F1 and allowing also found that Ribociclib inhibited cell proliferation at in-vitro and in-
the activation of genes necessary for promoting S phase entry and DNA vivo level in C33A cells, with no significant anti-tumor effect in HeLa
synthesis [31]. It seems that the anti-tumor effects of Ribociclib were cells at in vitro and in vivo level which suggested that the effect of Ri-
attributed to the restoration of the antimitogenic function of Rb which bociclib in cervical cancer cell line could be tumor-type dependent ef-
inactivation is one of the most frequent and early recognized molecular fect or drug concentration of treatment dependent effect. We suppose
hallmarks of cancer. that the difference results between the two treated cancer cell lines
Furthermore, it has reported that Rb-E2F pathway is implicated in could be due to the different genetic backgrounds of these two cell
cancer cell apoptosis [32]. Bax and Bcl-2 are two members of Bcl-2 lines.C33 A is an HPV-negative cell line and HeLa is an HPV-positive
family and are known to control apoptosis [33]. Under dose-dependent cell line. The expression of human papillomavirus(HPV) oncoprotein
treatment, Ribociclib increased the expression of Bax, and decreased has changed the regulatory mechanism of the cell cycle. Certain human
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Fig. 5. (continued)
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Fig. 5. (continued)
cancers caused by HPV infection highly expressed p16 which is one of and 5.7% in the patient treated with Ribociclib [21].
tumor suppressor gene in human cancers and inhibited the activity of In sum, Ribociclib can be considered as a potential treatment
CDK4 and activated Rb which led to cell cycle arrest [34,36]. Specific strategy for the improvement of new therapeutic measures for the
somatic loss of p16 through mutations or deletions, and silencing of p16 treatment of HPV-negative cervical cancer. Ribociclib has an anti-pro-
through its promoter methylation, have been reported at high fre- liferative effect on the certain type of cervical cancer cell lines by tar-
quency in many human cancers [35]. The biological activity of p16 in geting cell cycle and cell apoptosis. Ribociclib is also well tolerated in
HPV-associated with cancers is more likely an oncogene and is depen- the mice suggesting that the use of Ribociclib as a therapy for patients
dent on its ability to inhibit CDK4/6 activity which is important for the with cervical cancer is encouraged in future. However, more study
survival of cervical carcinoma cell lines containing HPV [37]. It has needs to be carried out to know more about the adverse effect of
been found that the viral proteins control the activity of E2F tran- Ribociclib in cervical cancer patients and to find out the effect of
scription factors which lead to the inactivation of Rb [38]. Our result Ribociclib on different kinds of human cervical cancer cell line espe-
which reported that LEE011 have no significant effect on HeLa cells cially the HeLa cancer cell line.
supports the report of Jirawatnotai et al. where it has been proved that
depletion of cyclin D1 did not affect the cell cycle and proliferation of
HeLa cells in vitro and had no impact on the rate of tumour growth in Authors’ contributions
vivo [39]. Interestingly, the use of Ribociclib has been well tolerated in
vivo because, apart from the weight loss in mice, there are no changes in F.X.Z. and Y.F.Z designed experiments. Y.D.X. performed major
the liver, heart and kidney enzymes after the blood analysis. This experiments and analyzed data. T.Q.L. assisted with animal experi-
finding is not in correlation with the report of Hortobagyi et al. where ments. H.L and Q.Z. assisted with immunofluorescence assay. Y.Y.Z.
the grade 3 or 4 elevations level of alanine and aspartate amino- assisted with western blotting. Y.D.X. wrote the manuscript. G.A. was
transferase, as the liver enzymes were respectively reported in 9.3% involved in the writing and in the reading of the manuscript.
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
Fig. 5. (continued)
Y. Xiong, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 112 (2019) 108602
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