Biomarkers For Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Progression in Early Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Personalized Therapy
Biomarkers For Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Progression in Early Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Personalized Therapy
Biomarkers For Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Progression in Early Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Personalized Therapy
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world. Currently, surgical
resection, liver transplantation, and local ablation are considered curative therapeutic practices for HCC. The
diagnosis of HCC without pathologic confirmation is achieved by analyzing serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels
combined with imaging techniques, including ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computerized
tomography. Although progress has been made in the diagnosis and management of HCC, its prognosis remains
dismal. Various new technologies have identified numerous novel biomarkers with potential diagnostic as well as
prognostic value, including Dickkopf-1 and Golgi protein 73. These biomarkers not only help in the early diagnosis
and prediction of prognosis, but also assist in identifying potential targets for therapeutic interventions. In this
article, we provide an up-to-date review of the biomarkers that are used for early diagnosis, prognosis prediction,
and personalized treatment of HCC.
Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Early diagnosis, Prognosis, Biological markers
© 2013 Zhu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Zhu et al. Biomarker Research 2013, 1:10 Page 2 of 8
and/or high cost. Here, we provide an up-to-date review beta-catenin in HCC cells via the Wnt/beta-catenin
of the biomarkers that are used for early diagnosis, signaling pathway [42].
prognosis, and personalized treatment of HCC. Recently, Shen et al. [41] reported that serum DKK1 is
a promising candidate for HCC diagnosis. The authors
Review retrospectively assessed serum DKK1 in 1284 patients
Biomarkers for early diagnosis (633 with HCC, 171 with chronic HBV infection, 168
The diagnosis of HCC without pathologic confirmation with cirrhosis, and 312 healthy controls) and found that
can be achieved by assessing the serum alpha-fetoprotein DKK1 has better diagnostic value for HCC than does
(AFP) level combined with imaging techniques, including AFP, especially for patients with AFP-negative and early
ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and stage HCC. Combined testing of serum DKK1 and AFP
computerized tomography [31,32]. However, improve- concentrations improved diagnostic accuracy for HCC
ment in early diagnosis is still needed because only 44% versus all controls compared with either test alone.
of the patients are diagnosed at a localized disease stage, Nevertheless, DKK1 is not overly specific for HCC diag-
and only 30% of patients with HCC are candidates for nosis, and a recent study reported that serum DKK1
potentially curative treatments at the time of diagnosis was also elevated in patients with intrahepatic cholan-
[33]. Thus, the discovery of an effective, reliable tool for giocarcinoma [43].
early diagnosis of HCC to increase the number of
patients who are suitable for curative treatment will play Golgi protein 73 (GP73) GP73 is a 73 kDa trans-
a pivotal role in improving HCC patients’ prognosis. membrane glycoprotein that normally resides within the
A marker for early diagnosis would meet the follow- Golgi complex. It is expressed in normal biliary epithe-
ing requirements: first, it should achieve high accuracy, lial cells whereas normal hepatocytes do not express this
which would increase the probability of a diagnosis protein, and its expression is significantly increased in
being made prior to spread and thus increase the cure liver diseases such as HCC [44].
rate; second, specimen collection for detecting the Serum GP73 is a valuable biomarker for patients with
marker should be easily operable and non-invasive; HCC [45,46]. Mao et al. [46] compared serum GP73 and
and third, the cost-effectiveness should be considered AFP in 4217 participants, including 1690 healthy adults,
[34]. Tumor tissue-oriented markers are not highly 337 HBV carriers, 512 patients with cirrhosis, 789
practical because not all tumor tissues can be obtained patients with HCC, 61 patients with other malignant
at an early stage and the invasive procedure may cause liver lesions, 206 patients with benign liver lesions and
spread of tumor cells. Biomarkers from body fluids 622 patients with 14 non-liver cancers. The sensitivity
such as serum, plasma, urine, and bile are suitable and specificity of serum GP73 for HCC were 74.6% and
candidates for early diagnosis of HCC because they are 97.4%, respectively, compared with 58.2% and 85.3% for
easily accessible [35]. In the following section, we list AFP. The GP73 level significantly increased in patients
some important circulating (serum or plasma) markers with HCC compared with healthy controls, decreased
for early diagnosis of HCC. following surgical resection of HCC lesions and
increased with tumor recurrence. Although the control
group included HBV carriers, this group lacked patients
Protein with chronic hepatitis, whereas most HCC patients have
Since AFP was discovered in the serum of HCC hepatitis.
patients in 1964 [36], it has been regarded as the most
useful serum protein thus far for patients at risk for Protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist
HCC [37-39]. However, its sensitivity for detecting II (PIVKA-II) PIVKA-II, an abnormal prothrombin
HCC ranges between 25%-60% [39,40], and its specificity discovered in 1984, has been widely proposed to be a
is also low because serum AFP can also be detected in useful HCC biomarker [47]. Takikawa et al. [48] mea-
patients with cirrhosis (11%-47%) and chronic hepatitis sured plasma levels of PIVKA-II and AFP in 628
(15%-58%). patients with various diseases, including 253 patients
In addition to AFP, more than 20 serum proteins with liver cirrhosis and 116 patients with HCC.
have clinical significance in early diagnosis of HCC PIVKA-II was detected in 54.3% of patients with HCC,
[10,41], among which several proteins are proved to and the concentration showed a positive correlation
have advantages over AFP. with the tumor size. As a screening test for detecting
HCC, PIVKA-II yielded sensitivity and specificity
DKK1 DKK1 belongs to a family of secreted proteins values (52.8% and 98.8%, respectively) that were com-
that play an important role in HCC progression through parable with AFP. Beale et al. [49] assessed AFP and
the promotion of cytoplasmic/nuclear accumulation of PIVKA-II levels in pre-treatment serum samples from
Zhu et al. Biomarker Research 2013, 1:10 Page 3 of 8
50 patients with HCC, and the combination of serum TACE [61,62], PIVKA-II and VEGF for radiofrequency
AFP and PIVKA-II was better for detecting HCC than ablation (RFA) [63,64], and serum AFP and HBeAg for
using either AFP or PIVKA-II alone. percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) [65-67].
HCC-related proteins have been extensively explored systemic toxicity, increasing local antitumor effects,
for use in determining prognosis [9-11,82]. For instance, and improving survival [98,99]. However, there are
our previous study investigated CXCL5 (epithelial markedly diverse outcomes after TACE in terms of
neutrophil-activating peptide-78) expression in a large treatment response and survival. Therefore, identifying
cohort of 919 HCC patients. The results showed that markers that can predict TACE treatment outcomes
overexpression of CXCL5 was well correlated with before choosing this treatment option is an important
intratumoral neutrophil infiltration and that CXCL5 endeavor.
overexpression alone or in combination with the pres- The most promising prognostic candidates for TACE
ence of intratumoral neutrophils was an independent are circulating biomarkers. Some studies have reported
prognostic indicator for OS and cumulative recurrence that serum AFP [61], circulating nucleosomes [100],
in HCC patients [60]. In addition, our institute also blood neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio [101], and lactate
searched extensively for prognostic biomarkers in HCC dehydrogenase [62], are prognostic factors for TACE. As
patients undergoing liver transplantation [17,83]. By an example, Wang et al. [61] retrospectively studied the
investigating tumor tissues of 232 HCC patients, we survival of 441 HCC patients (including 139 patients
identified calpain small subunit 1 (Capn4) as an inde- with normal AFP levels and 302 patients with elevated
pendent prognostic factor for recurrence and survival in AFP levels) after TACE, and found that patients with
HCC patients after liver transplantation [17]. normal AFP levels had a better treatment response and
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) may play a pivotal role in prognosis after TACE than patients with elevated AFP
the progression of tumors [84,85]. CSCs represent the levels.
tumorigenic cells that generate tumors via the stem cell
processes of self-renewal and differentiation. CSCs may
Personalized therapy
persist in tumors as a distinct population and cause
The recent discovery of new therapeutic targets based
relapse and metastasis by giving rise to new tumors
on the molecular pathways that are involved in hepato-
[86]. Although the existence of CSCs in HCC is still
carcinogenesis has led to exciting results in targeted
controversial, several studies have demonstrated the
treatment of HCC patients. Investigators have attempted
clinical significance of CSC markers in HCC patients
to select therapeutic options for patients according to
[10,79]. These markers include CD90 [87], CD133 [29],
their tumor’s molecular profile, and this treatment
CD13 [88], and EpCAM [89].
modality will pave the way for personalized treatment of
The role of the microenvironment surrounding tumor
cells for the initiation and progression of HCC is be-
coming increasingly clear [30,90-92]. The tumor micro-
environment, also named the tumor stroma, includes Targeted therapy
the extracellular matrix (ECM) and all other non-tumor Targeted therapy that specifically inhibits molecular
cell types within a tumor tissue (e.g. endothelial cells, abnormalities has emerged as an effective therapeutic
fibroblasts, and cells of the immune system). Various option for malignancies [102,103]. Small molecule
tumor stroma-associated factors, such as regulatory T tyrosine kinase inhibitors have great potential for the
cells (Tregs) [93], macrophage colony-stimulating factor treatment of HCC through targeting several growth
(M-CSF) [94], macrophages [95], and hepatic stellate factors and their associated signaling pathways (e.g.
cells [96], have been investigated and exhibit significant EGF/EGFR, VEGF/VEGFR, IGF/IGFR, PDGF, FGF,
prognostic value. For instance, Budhu et al. [97] showed RAS/RAF/ERK/MAPK, PI3K/AKT/mTOR, Wnt/beta-
that a unique inflammation/immune response-related catenin) [104,105]. Currently, nearly 60 reagents are
signature in the venous metastasis-associated liver being investigated for treatment of HCC, but only
microenvironment coincides with elevated expression of sorafenib have been proven effective in patients with
M-CSF and can serve as a superior predictor of HCC advanced HCC [106].
venous metastases when compared with other clinical Sorafenib is an oral multi-kinase inhibitor that com-
prognostic parameters. petitively inhibits ATP binding to the catalytic domains
of various kinases, such as Raf kinase, VEGFR-2, -3, and
Biomarkers for TACE PDGFR, thereby increasing apoptosis and decreasing
Although patients with early stage HCC have the angiogenesis and cell proliferation [79,106,107]. How-
chance to undergo curative treatment, most HCC ever, no specific marker can guide the use of sorafenib
patients are still diagnosed at a late stage when curative in HCC; in contrast, HER2 and EGFR expression can
treatment is no longer applicable. For these patients, positively predict the therapeutic response rate of tras-
based on randomized, controlled clinical trials, TACE tuzumab in breast cancer and cetuximab in non-small
may be an effective treatment option for reducing cell lung cancer, respectively.
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