Profound Disturbances of Sexual Health in Patients With Acne Inversa

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Profound disturbances of sexual health in patients

with acne inversa

Agata Kurek,a Eva M. J. Peters, MD,a,b,e Akewit Chanwangpong, MD,a Robert Sabat, MD,c,d
Wolfram Sterry, MD,a and Sylke Schneider-Burrus, MDa
Berlin and Giessen, Germany

Background: Acne inversa (AI) leads chronically to painful eruptions and extensive scarring in
predominantly intimate areas. We hypothesized an impairment of sexual life caused by the disease.

Objectives: By means of validated questionnaires, sexual health and quality of life were assessed in
patients with AI and in healthy control subjects.

Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was given to 85 voluntary study participants. In all, 45 women (24
patients vs 21 control subjects) and 40 men (20 patients vs 20 control subjects) were enrolled in the study. The
Female Sexual Function Index, the International Index of Erectile Function, and the Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale
for Sexuality were used to assess sexual health. Quality of life was measured with the Dermatology Life Quality

Results: This study demonstrated, for the first time to our knowledge, that patients with AI have sexual
dysfunctions and sexual distress in comparison with matched control subjects. Sexual distress was
particularly higher in female than in male patients with AI. Surprisingly, severity of cutaneous alterations
correlated neither with sexual dysfunctions nor with sexual distress. However, the sexual dysfunction and
sexual distress negatively correlated with the quality of life in female patients with AI who had a lower
quality of life compared with gender-matched control subjects and male patients.

Limitations: Small sample size is the main limitation of this study.

Conclusions: Sexual health is diminished in patients with AI. We underscore the need for physicians to
implement attention on the impact of AI on sexual health and quality of life when treating patients for this
disease. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2012;67:422-8.)

Key words: Dermatology Life Quality Index; Female Sexual Function Index; Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale
for Sexuality; hidradenitis suppurativa; International Index of Erectile Function; sexual dysfunction; sexual

A cne inversa (AI), also referred to as ‘‘hidrad-

enitis suppurativa,’’ is a chronic inflamma-
tory disease of terminal hair follicles, which
affects the intertriginous skin of axillary, perianal,
Abbreviations used:
acne inversa
body mass index
Dermatology Life Quality Index
and inguinal sites.1,2 It is estimated that AI affects 1% FKKS SSEX: Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for
to 4% of the general population.3,4 Apart from the Sexuality
FSFI: Female Sexual Function Index
clinical symptoms such as pain, swelling, and oozing, IIEF: International Index of Erectile
AI has a profound impact on the patient’s quality of Function
life.5-9 Matusiak et al,7 von der Werth5 and Jemec3

From the Department of Dermatology and Allergya; Psoriasis Accepted for publication October 20, 2011.
Research and Treatment Centerc; and Interdisciplinary Group of Reprint requests: Agata Kurek, Department of Dermatology,
Molecular Immunopathology, Dermatology/Medical Immunolo- University Hospital Charite, Chariteplatz 1, 10117 Berlin,
gyd at University Hospital Charite, Berlin; and the Psychoneuro- Germany. E-mail: [email protected].
immunology, Departments of Psychosomatics and Published online December 19, 2011.
Psychotherapyb; and Justus-Liebig University,e Giessen. 0190-9622/$36.00
Funding sources: None. Ó 2011 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
Conflicts of interest: None declared. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2011.10.024

J AM ACAD DERMATOL Kurek et al 423

showed that patients with AI have a significantly Sartorius score.22,23 A higher score indicates greater
lower quality of life, compared with patients with severity of the disease.
other chronic skin diseases, such as acne vulgaris,10
psoriasis,11,12 atopic dermatitis,13 alopecia,14 Darier Control group
disease,15 and morbus Hailey-Hailey.15 The patients were compared with control subjects
Although the affected body regions are intimate, without AI matched for age, sex, and body mass
the effect of AI on sexual health, as an integral part of index (BMI) (matched pairs), who were selected
quality of life, is an underex- randomly as healthy volun-
plored area. teers from the population.
In dermatology, only a CAPSULE SUMMARY Control subjects aged 18
few studies on sexual func- years or older were eligible
tion and chronic skin dis-
d Acne inversa has a detrimental impact
for inclusion. They were in-
eases have been carried out. on quality of life. To our knowledge,
formed about the purpose
Examples are psoriasis vul- sexual health has never been analyzed in
and anonymity of the study
garis,16-18 atopic dermatitis,13 these patients.
and signed the informed
chronic hand eczema,19 viti- d Patients with acne inversa experience a consent, as well. We re-
ligo, and chronic urticaria.20 high level of sexual dysfunction. cruited 41 control subjects
To our knowledge, the de- d Counseling for sexual health should be (21 women, 20 men).
gree of sexual dysfunction in established for these patients to improve
patients with AI is unknown, their general health and quality of life. Questionnaires
until today. Subsequent to the clinical
The aim of the study was evaluation, the following 4
to explore the impairment of quality of life in our self-administered questionnaires were given to the
German population of patients with AI and, for the patients and control subjects to measure their sexual
first time to our knowledge, investigate sexual health health and quality of life (Supplemental Table SI;
in patients given a diagnosis of AI. available at
Female Sexual Function Index. The Female
Sexual Function Index (FSFI)24 contains 19 questions
that describe the female sexual function in 6 do-
We conducted a case-control study with a pro-
mains. The domains are: desire, arousal, lubrication,
spective observational cross-sectional design.
orgasm, satisfaction, and pain, which can both be
Approval for this study was obtained from the
evaluated individually and in their entirety.
Charit e Ethics Committee (EA1/271/09).
Calculations were performed as previously de-
scribed by Rosen et al.24 Any missing response
Patients resulted in the questionnaire being excluded from
In all, 44 patients (24 women, 20 men) given a the final calculation of the questionnaire, according
diagnosis of AI were included in our study. All to the FSFI manual. Higher scores indicate a good
patients with AI enrolled in the study: (1) visited sexual function (range 2-36).24
the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital International Index of Erectile Function
Charit e, Berlin, Germany, from August 2009 to 15. The International Index of Erectile Function
August 2010; (2) gave written informed consent; (IIEF)25 contains 15 questions that were assigned in
and (3) fulfilled the following inclusion criteria: age 5 domains of male sexuality: erectile function, orgas-
of at least 18 years, a diagnosis of AI, and absence mic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction,
of any malignant, psychiatric, and/or hormonal and overall satisfaction. The 5 domains are each set
disorders. up by a different cluster of items and summing the
The diagnosis of AI was primarily made on the scores for individual items computes domain scores.25
basis of the characteristic clinical presentation and Any missing response resulted in the questionnaire
had to meet the diagnostic criteria adopted by the being excluded from the final calculation of the
Second International Conference on hidradenitis questionnaire, according to the IIEF manual. Higher
suppurativa, March 5, 2009, San Francisco, CA.21 A scores indicate a good sexual function (range 5-75).
standardized data form was used for each patient to Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality.
record demographic characteristics, details of the Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality (FKKS
course of the disease (eg, age at onset, region at SSEX)26 measures to what extend the individual has
onset, duration of the disease), and details of the difficulties with their sexuality, how much the indi-
lesions. Disease severity was assessed by the vidual is concerned about their sexuality, if one feels
424 Kurek et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

attractive, and how one is able to show affection. significantly lower in female patients with AI than in
Lower scores indicate sexual distress (range 1-36).26 female control subjects without AI (22.1 6 10.2 vs
Dermatology Life Quality Index. The Derma- 29.0 6 8.2, P = .01), demonstrating significant sexual
tology Life Quality Index (DLQI)27 was developed to dysfunction in female patients with AI (Fig 1, A, and
assess the quality of life in skin diseases. The ques- Table I).
tionnaire consists of 10 items covering 6 different Secondly, male sexual function was analyzed. The
scales of quality of life: symptoms and feelings, daily mean 6 SD IIEF score for male sexual functioning
activities, leisure, job and school, personal relation- was significantly lower compared with the male
ships, and treatment of the disease. In case of missing control subjects (42.6 6 27.1 vs 62.6 6 10.8, P =
answers, we calculated the scores according to the .01), demonstrating a higher sexual dysfunction in
manual. The higher the DLQI score, the more quality male patients compared with control subjects (Fig 1,
of life is impaired. (range 0-30).27 B, and Table II).
After analyzing the sexual function for both sexes
Statistical analysis individually, the FKKS SSEX questionnaire for sexual
Statistical calculations were performed using soft- distress was evaluated. The FKKS SSEX score, which
ware (Statistical Package for Social Science, Version can be used for both sexes, showed significantly
18.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). Continuous variables lower values for patients with AI compared with
were described as means (6SD). Discontinuous control subjects without AI (mean 6 SD 21.4 6 5.7
variables were described by the total frequencies vs 27.7 6 4.6, P \ .01), suggesting higher sexual
and percentages of each modality. Missing values distress within the patient group compared with
were processed as described in the section healthy control subjects (Fig 1, C). Comparing female
‘‘Questionnaires’’; for other variables the missing and male patients with AI, a significantly lower FKKS
data were not included in the analysis. Mann- SSEX score was detected in the female patients,
Whitey U test was used for comparing means. The indicating higher sexual distress in female patients
x2 test was used to compare nominal variables. The compared with male patients (mean 6 SD 19.5 6 5.1
relationship among DLQI, Sartorius, FSFI/IIEF, and vs 23.5 6 5.8, P =. 02) (Fig 1, C, and Table III).
FKKS SSEX scores was analyzed by the Spearman To investigate if the region affected by AI has an
rank order correlation test. The partial correlation impact on the sexual health, we separated male
test was used, controlling for associations between patients into two subgroups: those with (n = 18) and
the variables. Statistical significance was achieved if without (n = 2) lesions of the lower abdomen (eg,
P values were less than .05. anogenital, inguinal, and gluteal lesions). Patients
without lesions of the lower abdomen presented IIEF
RESULTS and FKKS SSEX scores comparable with healthy
Baseline control subjects (IIEF 64.5 6 9.2 vs 62.6 6 10.8;
Of 90 distributed questionnaires, a total of 85 FKKS SSEX 30.5 6 2.1 vs 28.0 6 4.8).
questionnaires were evaluated, resulting in a re-
sponse rate of 94%. One patient and 4 control Quality of Life
subjects returned the questionnaires incompletely The mean 6 SD DLQI score for female patients
and were excluded from the study. with AI was significantly higher than for male
In total, 45 women (24 patients, 21 control patients with AI (14.4 6 6.6 vs 9.6 6 6.9, P = .03),
subjects) and 40 men (20 patients, 20 control sub- indicating a significantly lower quality of life in
jects) were included in our study. As a prerequisite female compared with male patients with AI (Fig 1,
for these analyses, there were no significant differ- D, and Table III).
ences in age or BMI between those two groups
(Supplemental Table SII; available online at http:// Severity of AI and quality of life Disease-related characteristics (eg, The Sartorius score measuring the severity of the
age at onset, region at onset, duration of the disease) disease showed a mean 6 SD of 52.9 6 31.7 for
are shown in Supplemental Table SIII (available patients with AI. There was no significant difference
online at between the Sartorius score of female and male
patients (P = .7) (Table III). The Sartorius score
Sexual health correlated significantly with the DLQI score (r = 0.38,
In the next step, the sexual health among patients P = .01), indicating that the severity of AI has an impact
with AI and control subjects was evaluated. Firstly, on the quality of life in patients with AI. Taking patient
female sexual function was analyzed. The mean 6 gender into consideration, this correlation was still
SD FSFI score for female sexual functioning was significant in female patients with AI (r = 0.44, P = .03)
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Kurek et al 425

Fig 1. A, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI ) in female patients with AI and female control
subjects. Female patients with AI reported significantly lower FSFI score (P = .01). (Table I.) B,
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF ) scores in male patients with AI and male control
subjects. Male patients with AI reported significantly lower IIEF score. (P = .01) (Table II.) C,
Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality (FKKS SSEX ) scores in patients with AI and control
subjects. Female patients with AI reported significantly lower FKKS SSEX scores than female
control subjects (P \ .01). (Table I.) Male patients reported significantly lower FKKS SSEX
scores than male control subjects (P = .02). (Table II.) Furthermore, female patients with AI
reported significantly lower FKKS SSEX scores than male patients with AI (P = .02). (Table III.)
D, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI ) scores in patients with acne inversa (AI ). Female
patients with AI reported significantly lower DLQI score than did male patients with AI (P =
.03). (Table III.) Average DLQI, FSFI, IIEF, and FKKS SSEX scores are demonstrated as mean 6
SEM. A to D, Significance of differences was assessed by Mann-Whitney U test (*P \.05; **P
\.01). A and B, Patients with AI are shown in boldface. (*P \0.05; **P \0.01)

(Table IV). The correlation in male patients with AI is (r = 0.52, P = .02). There was no significant correla-
almost significant (r = 0.42, P = .06) (Table IV). tion between the IIEF and the DLQI scores (r = 0.24,
P = .31) (Table IV).
Severity of AI and sexual health In female patients with AI, the FKKS SSEX score
The fact that the severity of AI correlates with correlated with the DLQI score (r = 0.60, P \ .01).
the quality of life raised the question of whether the The correlation between the FKKS SSEX and the
impairment of sexual health is connected with the DLQI scores for male patients with AI was not
severity of AI. There was no significant correlation significant (r = 0.07, P = .76) (Table IV).
between FSFI and the Sartorius score in our female The univariant regression analysis showed that
patients (r = 0.22, P = .34). Furthermore, the IIEF and high sexual distress (FKKS SSEX) influences the
Sartorius scores were also not significantly correlated quality of life (DLQI) in female patients with AI
(r = 0.13, P = .31). The FKKS SSEX score did not (r2 = 0.5, P \ .01). In contrast, a high FKKS SSEX
correlate significantly in either sex with the Sartorius score did not influence the IIEF score in male
score (r = 0.18, P = .25) (Table IV). patients with AI (r2 \ 0.01, P = .8).
Using the univariant regression analysis, all mea-
Sexual health and quality of life sured data were also controlled for age, duration of
In addition, the association between sexual health the disease, age at onset, region at onset, and
and quality of life was evaluated. Statistical analysis affected areas. None of them showed a significant
showed a significant correlation between the FSFI association considering quality of life or sexual
score of female patients with AI and the DLQI score health (r2 \ 0.2, P [.05).
426 Kurek et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Table I. Female Sexual Function Index and Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality scores in female patients
with acne inversa and female control subjects
Female patients Female control subjects P value
FSFI total, mean 6 SD (range) 22.1 6 10.2 (1.8-34.3) 29.0 6 8.2 (4.7-36.0) .01*
FKKS SSEX, mean 6 SD (range) 19.5 6 5.1 (12-32) 27.4 6 4.5 (19-36) \.01*

Mean 6 SD data of analyzed parameters are shown. P values calculated by Mann-Whitney U test are indicated.
FKKS SSEX, Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality; FSFI, Female Sexual Function Index.
*Significant (\.05).

Table II. International Index of Erectile Function and Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality scores in male
patients with acne inversa and male control subjects
Male patients Male control subjects P value
IIEF total, mean 6 SD (range) 42.6 6 27.1 (0-71) 62.6 6 10.8 (39-75) .01*
FKKS SSEX, mean 6 SD (range) 23.5 6 5.8 (13-32) 28.0 6 4.8 (18-34) .02*

FKKS SSEX, Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality; IIEF, International Index of Erectile Function.
*Significant (\.05).

Table III. Dermatology Life Quality Index, Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality, and Sartorius scores in
female and male patients with acne inversa
Female patients Male patients P value
DLQI, mean 6 SD (range) 14.4 6 6.6 (1-26) 9.6 6 6.9 (1-21) .03*
FKKS SSEX, mean 6 SD (range) 19.5 6 5.1 (12-32) 23.5 6 5.8 (13-32) .02*
Sartorius score, mean 6 SD (range) 52.9 6 35.5 (7-138) 52.8 6 27.3 (17-114) .72

Mean 6 SD data of analyzed parameters are shown. P values calculated by Mann-Whitney U test are indicated.
DLQI, Dermatology Life Quality Index; FKKS SSEX, Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality.
*Significant (\.05).

DISCUSSION scaring in predominantly intimate areas, it seemed

In this study we investigated sexual health and likely that patients with AI could experience impair-
quality of life in patients with AI and, to our knowl- ment of sexual life.
edge, demonstrated for the first time a significantly In accordance with our hypothesis, we found that
higher impairment of sexual health in patients with female and male patients who are affected by AI
AI compared with age-, sex-, and BMI-matched experienced significantly higher sexual dysfunction
control subjects. and sexual distress than the age-, sex-, and BMI-
It has been published previously that AI has a matched control subjects; however, this did not
substantial impact on the quality of life.5-9 The mean correlate with the severity of the disease.
6 SD DLQI score of 12.2 6 7.0 in our investigation is Interestingly, female patients with AI reported
in agreement with an earlier study by Matusiak et al7 significantly higher sexual distress and a lower
(DLQI 12.7 6 7.7), showing that patients with AI quality of life than male patients with AI, even
have a significantly higher impairment of quality of though they had comparable disease severity mea-
life compared with patients with chronic dermato- sured by the Sartorius score.
logic diseases including psoriasis11,12 (DLQI 9.8- In addition, sexual function, sexual distress, and
11.7), atopic eczema13 (DLQI 11.95), acne vulgaris10 quality of life were strongly correlated in female
(DLQI 9.2), alopecia14 (DLQI 8.3), Darier disease15 patients with AI and did not correlate significantly in
(DLQI 5.9), or morbus Hailey Hailey15 (DLQI 6.1). male patients.
Former studies investigating patients with AI have An explanation for this gender difference may
already demonstrated a significant correlation be- include that lesions of the lower abdomen are
tween the severity of the disease and the quality of significantly more frequent in women than in men,
life.5,7,23 Sexual health, as an integral part of quality whereas axillary lesions are equally frequent in both
of life, has never, to our knowledge, been analyzed genders.3 Moreover, in the current study, women
in patients with AI. As AI leads to chronic painful with AI reported age at disease onset approximately
eruptions, malodorous discharge, and extensive 6 years younger compared with male patients, which
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Kurek et al 427

Table IV. Correlation of Female Sexual Function Hence, the severity of the disease has an impact on
Index, International Index of Erectile Function, the quality of life, but does not correlate significantly
Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality, with the level of sexual dysfunction. As expected, the
Dermatology Life Quality Index, and Sartorius only two patients without genital lesions had levels
scores in female and male patients with acne of sexual function similar to that of healthy control
inversa subjects, potentially indicating that sexual dysfunc-
tion should be expected if any areas of the lower
FSFI FKKS SSEX DLQI score abdomen are affected.
IIEF 1.000 .37 (.12) .24 (.31) .13 (.58) Consequently, sexuality-specific questionnaires
FKKS SSEX .53 (.02)* 1.000 .07 (.77) .26 (.27) such as the FSFI/IIEF should be used regularly to
DLQI .52 (.02)* .60 (\.01)* 1.000 .42 (.06) detect possible sexual dysfunction, especially in pa-
Sartorius .22 (.34) .22 (.30) .44 (.03)* 1.000 tients with genital involvement of AI. Furthermore, a
score simple question regarding the sexual satisfaction often
opens a door for patients to relieve their burden and
Correlation was investigated by Spearman rank correlation
helps physicians better understand patient needs and
analysis. Shaded fields represent correlations in male patients
with acne inversa; white fields indicate correlations in female pain.
patients with acne inversa. For each field, Spearman rank Psychological care for patients with sexual dys-
correlation coefficient and, in parenthesis, P values are indicated. function is provided by many hospitals in the context
DLQI, Dermatology Life Quality Index; FKKS SSEX, Frankfurt Self- of specialized consultations offered, for example, by
Concept Scale for Sexuality; FSFI, Female Sexual Function Index;
the departments of gynecology, urology, and inter-
IIEF, International Index of Erectile Function.
*Significant (\.05). nal medicine. The findings of this study led us to
routinely screen patients with AI for the need of
psychological guidance and offer patients with AI a
may explain the higher impairment of quality of life consultation with a psychologist specializing in sex-
and the increased sexual distress among female ual dysfunction.
patients with AI. However, it may also reflect differ- The motivation to participate in this study shows
ent cultural connotations of disfigurement in men that patients with AI want to talk about their sexuality
and women and a higher emotional and neuroen- and impairment of quality of life. We believe that
docrine responsiveness in the female population. better communication and counseling about sexual-
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J AM ACAD DERMATOL Kurek et al 428.e1

Supplemental Table SI. Acne inversa scoring system

Scoring system Measure Interpretation
Sartorius score Severity of acne inversa [ Score = [ severity
DLQI Dermatology-specific quality of life [ Score = Y quality of life
FSFI Female sexual function [ Score = better sexual function
IIEF Male sexual function [ Score = better sexual function
FKKS SSEX Sexual function [ Score = no sexual distress

Questionnaires/measures and proper interpretation are indicated.

DLQI, Dermatology Life Quality Index; FKKS SSEX, Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale for Sexuality; FSFI, Female Sexual Function Index; IIEF,
International Index of Erectile Function.

Supplemental Table SII. Demographic characteristics of patients with acne inversa and control subjects
Female patients Female control subjects P value Male patients Male control subjects P value
Gender 53.3% 46.7% .76 50.0% 50.0% .76
Age, mean 6 SD (range), y 32.8 6 10.0 (18-59) 38.14 6 10.80 (23-59) .12 36.1 6 11.4 (10-50) 36.05 6 11.27 (20-53) .98
BMI, mean 6 SD (range) 33.4 6 8.1 (19-50) 29.7 6 10.5 (19-54) .06 27.4 6 4.6 (22-39) 27.7 6 7.6 (20-49) .56

P values calculated by x2 test (sex distribution) or Mann-Whitney U test (age, BMI) are indicated.
BMI, Body mass index.

Supplemental Table SIII. Disease-related characteristics of patients with acne inversa

Total Female patients with AI Male patients with AI P value
Duration of AI, mean 6 SD (range), y 10.2 6 8.4 (1-31) 11.1 6 7.0 (1-24) 9.0 6 9.9 (2-31) .90
Age at onset, mean 6 SD (range), y 24.2 6 9.1 (9-49) 21.7 6 8.3 (9-49) 27.3 6 9.2 (13-47) .03*
BMI distribution
Normal weight 25.0% 16.7% 35.0% .16
Overweight 29.5% 16.7% 45.0% .09
Obese 45.5% 66.7% 20.0% \.01*
Region at onset
Axilla 31.8% 12.5% 55.0% \.01*
Lower abdomen 68.2% 87.5% 45.0% \.01*
Affected regions
Axilla 72.7% 62.5% 85.0% .10
Lower abdomen 95.5% 100.0% 90.0% .11
Smoker 72.7% 70.8% 75.0% .80
Former smoker 20.5% 20.8% 20.0% .89
Nonsmoker 6.8% 8.4% 5.0% .91

Percentages of total, female, and male patients with AI, and mean 6 SD data of analyzed parameters are shown. P values calculated by x2
test (for BMI distribution, first localization, affected regions, and smoking) or Mann-Whitney U test (for duration of AI and age at onset) are
AI, Acne inversa; BMI, Body mass index.
*Significant (\.05).

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