Sexual Function After Partial Penectomy For Penile Cancer
Sexual Function After Partial Penectomy For Penile Cancer
Sexual Function After Partial Penectomy For Penile Cancer
Objectives. To compare sexual function and satisfaction before and after partial penectomy and to evaluate
possible dysfunctions that could modify postoperative sexual functioning.
Methods. A total of 18 patients underwent a personal interview and answered the International Index of
Erectile Function questionnaire to determine erectile function, orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse
satisfaction, and overall satisfaction with sexual life. Domain scores were computed by summing the scores
for individual answers, and the final scores were compared before and after partial penectomy.
Results. The median patient age was 52 years. The medium penile length after partial penectomy was 4 cm
in the flaccid state; 55.6% of patients reported erectile function that allowed sexual intercourse. The main
reason for not resuming sexual intercourse appeared to be related to feelings of shame owing to the small
penis size and the absence of the glans penis found in 50% of sexually abstinent patients. Surgical
complications also compromised the resumption of sexual activity after amputation in 33.3% of these
patients. However, 66.7% sustained the same frequency and level of sexual desire as before surgery, and
72.2% continued to have ejaculation and orgasm every time they had sexual stimulation or intercourse. Only
33.3% maintained their preoperative sexual intercourse frequency and were satisfied with their sexual
relationship with their partners and their overall sex life.
Conclusions. The preoperative and postoperative scores were statistically different for all domains of sexual
function after partial penectomy. UROLOGY 66: 1292–1295, 2005. © 2005 Elsevier Inc.
2004, 18 fulfilled the selection criteria and were eligible to having “no sexual activity.” When asked specifi-
participate in this investigation. cally about erection, 14 of 18 patients claimed
Partial penectomy was performed as proposed by Spaulding
and Grabstald9 in 1979, with a 2-cm margin of tumor-free
“high” or “very high” confidence that they could
tissue. Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis was the histo- get and keep an erection, and 3 reported “moder-
logic type in all cases. Twelve patients had Stage T1, two had ate” confidence.
T2, and four had T3. The average tumor size was 3.4 cm.
Modified lymphadenectomy was performed in 12 patients be-
tween 1 and 14 months after partial penectomy. ORGASMIC FUNCTION
One of the investigators who had not been involved in the Thirteen patients responded that they ejaculate
surgery of the patients interviewed and examined all subjects and have the feeling of orgasm “almost always” or
at their regular follow-up visit at the hospital to measure the “always” when they had sexual stimulation or in-
remaining penile shaft in the flaccid state and to assess for
surgical complications.
tercourse, two reported ejaculation and orgasm
Patients twice answered the validated Portuguese version of “a few times” or “sometimes,” and, three, no orgas-
the International Index of Erectile Function.10 Retrospec- mic function after treatment compared with “al-
tively, each patient evaluated his premorbid sexual function most always” or “always” before surgery.
and then his current function. The resulting numeric values
for each domain of sexual function were compared statistically
before and after surgery with the nonparametric Wilcoxon SEXUAL DESIRE
signed rank test. Statistical significance was assessed with a Eight patients affirmed they had felt sexual de-
two-tailed test at P ⬍0.05. We used the Statistical Package for sire “most times” or “always,” with a “high” or
Social Sciences, version 12.0, for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, “very high” level of desire before and after surgery.
Ill) for the computations.
Four patients kept, after surgery, the same “mod-
erate” level of sexual desire they had had preoper-
RESULTS atively, and six reported a reduction in frequency
At the interview, the median patient age was 52 (“a few times” to “sometimes”) and/or level (“mod-
years (range 35 to 86). Each interview took ap- erate” to “low”) of sexual desire.
proximately 45 minutes, and the median time that
had elapsed from surgery to the present investiga- INTERCOURSE SATISFACTION
tion was 23.5 months (range 6 to 62). Fourteen Six patients maintained the same sexual inter-
patients had a steady partner relationship. The me- course frequency as before penectomy. In 4 weeks,
dium length of the penis after partial amputation the sexual frequency of 3 patients was “7 to 10”; in
was 4 cm in the flaccid state. 2 patients, it was “5 to 6”; and in 1, it was “3 to 4.”
Table I shows the median values and standard The other 12 patients presented with reduced sex-
deviations of sexual function and satisfaction be- ual frequency, decreased from more than seven at-
fore and after partial penectomy according to the tempts to less than four in 8 patients, including 2
International Index of Erectile Function-15. The who “did not attempt intercourse,” and from one
preoperative and postoperative scores were statis- to six attempts to “no attempts” in 4 patients. Sex-
tically different for all domains of sexual function. ual intercourse was “almost always” or “always”
satisfactory for 10 patients, and 2 patients consid-
ERECTILE FUNCTION ered sexual intercourse only “a few times” satisfac-
When questioned about sexual intercourse, 10 of tory after treatment. The grade of satisfaction also
18 patients reported erection of the penile stump varied. Three patients maintained their satisfaction
hard enough for penetration “most times” or “al- as “highly enjoyable” or “very highly enjoyable.”
ways” during the entire sexual intercourse, similar Five patients maintained it as “fairly enjoyable,”
to before surgery. Two patients complained of a and four decreased their satisfaction to “not very
reduction in erectile function from “always” to enjoyable” or “fairly enjoyable.” The remaining 6
“sometimes” and “almost never,” and six reported patients had “no intercourse” postoperatively and