Tila Paper
Tila Paper
Tila Paper
To Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy of Tila E Hadaf in the Management of Erectile Dysfunction
© 2012 Izharul Hasan, Danish Kamal Chishti, Fakhra Talat & Yusuf Jamal. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
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To Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy of Tila E Hadaf
in the Management of Erectile Dysfunction
Izharul Hasan α, Danish Kamal Chishti σ, Fakhra Talat ρ & Yusuf Jamal Ѡ
Abstract - The effect of erectile dysfunction potentially experienced them before age 40, and four percent had
interferes with men’s self esteem, confidence, relationship, experienced problems between age 40 and 49. From
and overall sense of well being. The problem is increasing in age 50 upwards, the percentage of men reporting ED
Year 2012
all segments of the sexually active male population and affects increased dramatically with 26 percent between the
both men and his partner. In younger man increase is ages of 50 to 59, 40 percent aged 60 to 69 years and 61
attributed to substance abuse, such as recreation drugs and percent for men older than 70 having experienced ED.
alcohol. Middle aged men are affected by medical conditions
The study demonstrated that erectile dysfunction is
such as diabetes, hypertension, sexual diseases, organ
transplant, coronary artery bypass surgeries and cancer, or increasingly prevalent with age. At age 40, there is an 53
the therapy of these problems. The older population is living approximately 40% prevalence rate, increasing to almost
longer, fuller lives and expects to remain sexually active, 70% in men at age 70. The prevalence of moderate
rectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability prevalence of ED in Asia are limited. A recent study
to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for conducted in Thailand reported an overall prevalence
satisfactory sexual performance (Impotence NIH rate of 37.5% amongst men 40 to 70 years of age
Consensus Statement 1992). The researchers assessed (Kongkanand A 2000). No observational studies on
the sexual function of 31,742 men between the ages of erectile dysfunction have been done in Delhi previously.
53 and 90, who were enrolled in the Health With an ageing population, erectile dysfunction may
Professionals Follow-up Study and had responded to a become a significant health problem.
questionnaire mailed in 2000 that, among other Keeping this fact in mind and a high prevalence
questions related to health, asked about sexual function, of erectile dysfunction, this Pilot study was conducted in
physical activity, body weight, smoking and marital Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College Hospital by
status. Men who had been diagnosed with prostate Department of Physiology to find out the clinical efficacy
cancer were excluded from the findings. Thirty-three of Tila e Hadaf in the management of erectile
percent of the participants reported experiencing erectile dysfunction. The objective of this study was to test the
dysfunction in the previous three months. ED was clinical efficacy of Tila e Hadaf a branded Unani
defined as the inability, without treatment, to have and medicine manufactured by Sangam Pharmacy, 2922,
maintain an erection adequate for intercourse (Feldman Kithore, Didtrict Meerut, (UP)-250104, India on erectile
HA, Goldstein I, Hatzichristou DG). dysfunction. This was an 8 week, randomized, single
Fewer than two percent of the men in the study blind, observational study.. A total of 100 subjects were
who reported that they had erection problems randomly selected. Medicine was supplied by the
hospital store.
Year 2012
said diseases. Excessive nocturnal emission (wet
Data were tabulated in a systematic way for
dream) and spermatorrhoea cause pricking on the
presentation and analysis on the basis of recorded
gland which produces Mazi (a fine liquid that flows
before the discharge of semen), such a pricking causes
o) Documentation frequent erection and pain in testicles. Such conditions 55
The case record form and consent forms adversely affect the growth of the penis.
properly documented throughout the study. Tila Hadaf is the compound of such
30 29
30 22 29
20 19
Number of
21-25 26-30
31-35 >36
40 28 31
30 17
0 Percentage
Year 2012
0 25
0 19 24
Figure 3 shows that majority of married males Thus it is seen that most of the married males had an
32% were unemployed, 25% were skilled, 19% were occupation.
semiskilled, and 24% were unskilled worker respectively.
45 45
30 30
25 25 Number of subjects
25.00% 45.00% 30.00%
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 4 shows that out of total 100 married (45.00%) were from lower middle (3) SES. This can be
males in the study 25% were from upper middle (2) SES, attributed to lower educational and occupational status
45% were from lower middle (3) SES, and 30% were of subjects (Figure 4).
from upper lower (4) SES. Maximum numbers, 45
40 36
Year 2012
0 60.00% 36.00% 4.00%
-10 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 5 shows that 60% of the subjects were that majority of the subjects were from Hindu
from Hindu community, 36% subjects were from Muslim community.
community and 4% from other communities. This shows
100 45
60 Joint
40 Nuclear
0 55.00%
Subjects Percentage
Figure 6 depicts that 55% of the subjects were Hence it is clear majority of the subjects who
from nuclear family and 45% were from joint family. participated in the study were from nuclear family.
35 34
30 31
25 24
20 Subjects
15 Percentage
10 11
Year 2012
Figure 7 : Distribution of subjects according to duration of married life.
Figure 7 shows that 34% of the subjects had 0-5 years duration of married life, and 11% subjects had
Global Journal of Medical Research Volume XII Issue XI Version I
years duration of married life, 24% subjects had 6-10 more than 15 years duration of married life.
years duration of married life, 31% subjects had 11-15
100 33
Figure 8 depicts that 67% of the subjects were rural area. This shows that majority of the cases were
from urban area whereas 33% of the subjects were from from urban area.
49 49.00%
60 51
Never get Full rigid
20 erection
Year 2012
No. of
Subjects Percentage
Figure : 9
30 25
25 Subjects
20 17 Percentage
5 8.00% 25.00% 50.00% 17.00%
Grade 0 Grade I Grade II Grade III
Figure : 10
Table 2 and figure 10 depicts that at the end of The present study shows that 34% of the
treatment, 8% of the subjects had got grade 0 subjects had 0-5 years duration of married life, 24%
meanwhile no improvement, whereas 25% of the subjects had 6-10 years duration of married life, 31%
subjects had got grade I, 50% of the subjects had got subjects had 11-15 years duration of married life, and
grade II, and 17% of the subjects got grade III 11% subjects had more than 15 years duration of
improvement respectively. This shows majority of the married life.
cases had got grade II and were having satisfactory The present study depicts that 67% of the
improvement. subjects were from urban area whereas 33% of the
subjects were from rural area. This shows that majority
IV. Conclusion of the cases were from urban area.
Satisfactory sex life is an important influencing The present study depicts that 51% of the
factor for a harmonious marriage and relationship. subjects had never got a full rigid erection and 49% had
Year 2012
Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction deeply effects got full rigid erection in some situations. Hence it is clear
personal life causing isolation, frustration and decreased majority of the subjects 51.00% participating in the study
self-esteem, which may extend into their job never got a full rigid erection.
performance and interaction with others. The present study depicts that at the end of
60 study, 8% of the subjects had got grade 0 meaning no
Keeping this fact of high prevalence of ED in
mind, A clinical study was carried out under Prof. Dr improvement, whereas 25% of the subjects had got
Yusuf Jamal, Department of Physiology in Ayurvedic and grade I, 50% of the subjects had got grade II, and 17%
Global Journal of Medical Research Volume XII Issue XI Version I
Unani Tibbia College & Hospital to evaluate the efficacy of the subjects got grade III improvement respectively.
of a Unani formulation named Tila e Hadaf in the This shows majority of the cases had got grade II and
management of erectile dysfunction. The results of the were having satisfactory improvement.
study revealed that: The present study reveals that overall effect of
Majority of the married males (30.00%) were Tila e Hadaf was found quite encouraging in the
between the age group of 26-30 years, 23.00% were in treatment of erectile dysfunction and significant
age group between 21-25 years, 29.00% were between improvement was observed in subjective parameters.
the age group of 31-35 years and only 19.00% were in No clinically significant side effects were observed in
the age group of more than 36 year. Thus it is seen test group and overall compliance to the treatment was
most of the married males participated in the study were found excellent. These results conclude that the test
below 50 years of age. drug Tila e Hadaf is a cheap, safe, and effective
The present study shows that in educational treatment for erectile dysfunctions.
status majority of married males (31.00%) had studied
up to secondary, 28% had primary education, 24% had
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© 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)
To Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy of Tila E Hadaf in the Management of Erectile Dysfunction
Year 2012
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