besity is a chronic metabolic disease of
17.4%, showing an exponential trend in the same
multifactorial origin defined as excess
way. (4-5)
weight due to the accumulation of body
fat. Its prevalence has increased exponentially in Therefore, obesity is one of the most challenging
recent years, becoming a major public health problems and triggers of harmful psychological,
problem. The prevalence of Morbid Obesity (OM) metabolic, physical and social effects, as occurs
represents a public health problem, it is estimated with the alterations produced in the sexual
that up to 1.6 billion people in the world are response of the individual with OM, which is
overweight and 400 million are obese, with the composed of an important factor psychological.
consequent increase in cardiovascular morbidity (5)
Sexuality constitutes a basic function of the According to the World Health Organization,
human being that involves physiological, obesity is a chronic disease, characterized by
emotional and cognitive factors, and that is closely increased body fat, associated with a greater risk
related to the state of health and quality of life. (6) to health; This is classified based on the Body
Similarly, the potential impact that various Mass Index (BMI), which corresponds to the
medical problems can have on sexual health is relationship between weight expressed in
undeniable, as well as the determining role of kilograms and the square of height, expressed in
some psychological processes that can affect meters. In this way, people whose BMI
sexual functioning and the development of calculation is equal to or greater than 30 kg / m2
different sexual dysfunctions (7). ) are considered obese (10).
Bariatric Surgery (BC) is considered the most For Master and Johnson, the physiological sexual
effective treatment for patients with morbid response consists of four phases: Arousal,
obesity, since with it a weight loss that can exceed PLATEAU, ORGASM and RESOLUTION which
30% is obtained and is maintained in the long Kaplan and Leif modified to include the concept
term. (5) It is essential to note that the role of the of DESIRE, which reflect the psychological,
BC goes beyond the aforementioned weight loss. emotional and cognitive components of the sexual
In this sense, an improvement or remission of the response. At a certain moment, this physiological
different comorbidities after surgery has also been response can be altered in some of its phases,
shown. (6) All these beneficial effects of BC lead becoming states of sexual disease that are
to a decrease in mortality of almost 30% at 10 gathered under the name of sexual dysfunction. (8,
years, possibly due to a decrease in cardiovascular 9)
risk. (5) Currently, the studies that directly relate body
Materials and methods: weight and sexual functioning are minimal and the
vast majority only mention the male sexual
Scope: Descriptive. To survey the necessary
response as the central axis, necessary for study,
information used in this research project, an
due to the large number of male patients with
exhaustive search of historical data was carried
morbid obesity associated with erectile
out on the dates corresponding to the months of
dysfunction or responses ineffective, pleasurable
August, September and October of this year 2020,
or complete sexual activities, which degrades
which frame the results according to the
sexual life as a couple and alters psychological
experiments and investigations that were
steps in the patient. However, the improvement in
developed in different investigations. For the
sexual desire in the male population stands out
construction of this article, the following inclusion
with respect to the other domains of sexual
criteria were used: Articles that are related to the
response, being much more effective in gastric
topic to be developed in this review, articles
bypass. (7, 23)
published between the period 2002 to 2022,
review-type articles, originals and meta-analyzes, The rest of the studies focused on the female
articles found in the PUBMED, SCIELO and sexual response show more satisfactory results.
OVID databases, articles that had content written compared to men. This is basically due to the fact
in Spanish or English and the implementation of that the correction of excess weight in women has
logical operators "AND" and "OR" to establish a a favorable impact on a complete, full sexual
relationship for each term. Articles that were not function and does not alter psychological steps.
relevant within the subject or had no relation to That is, in women a less aggressive situation is
the subject provided, articles that were not contemplated and in them the treatment shows
released or that did not have free access, articles more effective results (24).
whose content was written in languages other than It is even interesting to note that some authors
English and Spanish, and articles that have been have found that in women improvements are
published less than 2002. Of the total articles obtained in all components of the sexual response,
found, 42 were analyzed that collect valuable while in men, improvements are only evidenced in
information and were used in this research article. the perception of sexual attractiveness
Results: (psychological component). That is, while in
women the improvement is usually complete, in dysfunction as "the various ways in which the
men there are only improvements in psychological individual is unable to engage in relational sexual
aspects (22). activity as he or she would like". This must be
seen from a bio-psychosocial sphere, which
Although it is true that there are many studies that
directly and indirectly impacts obesity in a
speak of the relationship between obesity and a
different way in each of its phases, finally
poor sexual response, metabolic pathways that are
reflected in what is known as sexual dysfunction,
altered and that have an impact on the sexual
whether male or female. (8)
gonads have not yet been confirmed, but it is
confirmed that a large part of This sexual In the obese male, states of excess visceral fat
deficiency is accompanied by a psychological become an important risk factor for the
component that improves after bariatric surgery or development of male hypogonadism, which, in
some other treatment behavior (23). this case, receives the specific name of MALE
According to some authors, a relatively large
(MOSH). MOSH is reflected in testosterone
percentage of severely obese / morbid patients
deficiency, erectile dysfunction, and changes in
present problems of sexual satisfaction before
sperm and semen; that is, a state of sexual
surgery that improve significantly after 12 months
dysfunction occurs. (14) Testosterone deficiency
of follow-up, especially women. (twenty-one)
causes difficulties in achieving and maintaining an
Several studies have shown that Bariatric Surgery erection, the so-called erectile dysfunction, which,
produces improvement in the sexual sphere. in addition, can be aggravated in obese patients in
Specifically in men, they found improvement in the presence of other important comorbidities such
all spheres of sexuality, as well as in weight loss. as cardiovascular dysfunction and type 2 diabetes
In women, most studies have shown mellitus. (15,16 ).
improvements in sexuality in all domains. Only
The definition of female sexual dysfunction (FSD)
one study found no changes in desire and
includes persistent or recurrent disorders of sexual
lubrication at 6 months after surgery and another
interest / desire, subjective and genital arousal
found no difference between preoperative and
disorders, orgasmic disorders, and pain and
postoperative measures (21)
difficulty with attempted or incomplete
Discussion: intercourse. (17)
Morbid Obesity is a metabolic disease of complex In women, obesity leads to a state of
pathogenesis and in part not very well known, hyperandrogenemia, which is frequently translated
which develops from the interaction of the as anovulatory infertility. This association
predisposing genotype and the environment, and becomes more apparent with increasing BMI.
which includes environmental factors conditioning Similarly, the obesity-polycystic ovary syndrome
intake and energy expenditure, which determine association and the cause-effect relationship of
the onset, development and magnitude of obesity. obesity with the decrease in lividity are well
(12) known. (19) In addition, for women, physical
Obesity can be a risk factor for sexual dysfunction appearance translates into a subjective and
in both genders and there is a strong association intersubjective assessment of herself.
between obesity and erectile dysfunction (ED). The sexual response in women has some
However, the influence of obesity on sexual variations; The most important of them is that it is
function is not clear. Men with a BMI greater than not a purely linear but circular process according
28.7 Kg / m2 have a 30% increase in the risk of to Basson's model, based on the fact that the
Erectile Dysfunction compared to those with a sexual response of women is not always uniform
normal BMI. (13) and linear, but rather that it poses sequential
Sexuality is a dimension of the personality that stages (Table 1) that can be seen altered in obese
encompasses the physiological and psychological patients for the reasons described above, thus
processes inherent to sexual development and the giving rise to the most frequent types of sexual
sexual responses of the individual, both in men dysfunction in these types of patients (4, 9)
and in women. (1) The WHO defines sexual
Female organic It is defined as the persistent absence of orgasm after an adequate
disorder arousal phase.
Sexual Interest Hypoactive sexual desire or inhibited sexual desire: lack of interest in
Disorder / Female sexual activity.
Arousal disorders: persistent or recurrent inability to obtain and
maintain the lubrication and tumescence typical of the arousal phase
until the end of the sexual act.
Premature Ejaculation that always occurs before or during the first minute of
ejaculation vaginal penetration causing negative personal consequences such as
distress, frustration and / or avoidance of sexual intimacy.
In fact, BC, whatever it may be, causes an contribute to male hypogonadism and
immediate and sustained reduction in BMI, much hyperandrogenemia. female, with which favorable
more than medical therapy, which leads to an effects are achieved on the erectile function of
improvement in pathophysiological alterations men and sexual satisfaction of women (31)
(hormonal and metabolic profile) that cause or
Table 3: Results in Women
being more evident in women than in men. The are very few or almost null in relation to obtaining
most noticeable changes in women are expressed orgasm, while in men the recovery of the erection
in an improvement in total sexual satisfaction, and in all its components stands out more.
Annex 5 Effects of Bariatric Surgery
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