Working Papers: HE Ase For Estricting Iscal Olicy Iscretion by A. F and I. M

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Working Papers







* Associate Professor of Econo mics at INSEA D, Boulevard de Constance, 77305 Fontainebleau

Cedex, France.

** Associate Professor of Econo mics at INSEA D, Boulevard de Constance, 77305 Fontainebleau

Cedex, France.

A working paper in the INSEAD Working Paper Series is intended as a means whereby a faculty
researcher's thoughts and findings may be communicated to interested readers. The paper should be
considered preliminary in nature and may require revision.

Printed at INSEA D, Fontainebleau, France.

The Case for Restricting Fiscal Policy Discretion

Antonio Fatás and Ilian Mihov∗


February 2002

Abstract This paper studies how discretionary fiscal policy affects output volatility and the
rate of economic growth. Using data on fifty-one countries we isolate five empirical regularities:
(1) Governments that use often fiscal policy make their economies volatile; (2) The use of
fiscal policy is explained to a large extent by the presence of political constraints and other
political and institutional variables; (3) The volatility of output induced by discretionary fiscal
policy lowers economic growth by 0.6 percentage points for every percentage point increase
in volatility; (4) There is evidence that the increase in volatility is in part due to electoral
cycles; nevertheless, we do find that political constraints restrain fiscal policy beyond their
impact on the traditional election-year volatility; (5) Rules-based fiscal policy identified by
the degree of automatic stabilizers in the economy helps to stabilize business cycles. The
evidence in the paper argues in favor of imposing institutional restrictions on governments as
a way of reducing output volatility and increasing the rate of economic growth.

JEL Classification: E32, E62.

∗ We would like to thank Torsten Persson and seminar participants at DELTA, the Institute
for International Economic Studies in Stockholm, London Business School, and INSEAD for
helpful comments on the previous draft of the paper. Ilian Mihov gratefully acknowledges
financial support from the Blue Bird Project administered by Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Earlier drafts of this paper were circulated under the title “The Case for Independent Fiscal
Policy”. Address for correspondence: Antonio Fatás, [email protected] and Ilian Mihov,
[email protected]. The most recent version of this paper can be found on authors’ web
pages:∼fatas or
Restricting Fiscal Policy 2

1 Introduction

Restricting the scope of discretion that policy makers can exercise comes
periodically to the forefront of public debates. With respect to monetary policy
the debate has led to the almost universally accepted proposition that monetary
policy should be taken away from the government and given to an independent
central bank. In the case of fiscal policy, the debate has gained momentum only
recently and has not resulted yet in an agreement on mechanisms or institutional
changes designed to improve policy outcomes. The proposed measures range
from an extreme version of balanced budget constitutional amendments — as
in the US — to the less restrictive limits on the budget deficit in EMU, or to
discussions on how to build institutions that constrain discretion by the virtue of
the political process. This paper focuses only on the last of these propositions.
Namely, we study the political and institutional determinants of fiscal policy and
their influence on macroeconomic performance.
A key argument for tying governments’ hands by imposing various restrictions
on fiscal policy is based on the assumptions that discretion in fiscal policy can
harm macroeconomic stability.1 There is, however, some tension in this argument:
While its potential of being destabilizing is obvious, it is also clear that fiscal
policy can smooth out business cycle fluctuations by expansionary public spending
or tax cuts in recessions or contractionary policy in expansions. Hence, policy
makers should be left rather unrestricted. One of the main results in this paper is
that imposing fiscal prudence by instituting political constraints on governments
does indeed work. Figure 1 provides the preliminary evidence. There is clear and
statistically significant negative correlation between the degree to which decision-
makers are constrained and output volatility. In this plot the measure of political
constraints comes from Henisz (2000) and it summarizes the number of veto
points in the political process and the time-average of the ideological alignment
among various government branches.

[Insert Figure 1 here]

To make the case for restrictions on fiscal policy we address several questions
from an empirical perspective:
Of course, restrictions on fiscal policy can also be justified on the basis of inducing fiscal
responsibility on governments that, if left unrestricted, would accumulate excessive debt.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 3

(1) Does discretionary fiscal policy affect macroeconomic performance?

(2) Does government size stabilize output even when discretionary policy is
(3) What are the political and institutional determinants of discretionary
fiscal policy?
With regard to the first question, recent work has provided strong evidence
that fiscal policy can have significant effects on the economy. Using time series
data for the US, Blanchard and Perotti (1999), Burnside, Eichenbaum and Fisher
(1999) and Fatás and Mihov (2000) all document that shocks to fiscal policy
induce changes in output, consumption, investment or employment. Despite dis-
agreement on the identification of fiscal policy shocks, these papers summarize
the consensus in the literature that output responds strongly to government
spending shocks. In this paper we also study the macroeconomic effects of fiscal
policy but we conduct our study using a different empirical approach. First,
we analyze the economic performance in fifty-one countries and by extending
the sample beyond one country we utilize both time series and cross-sectional
information. The cross-sectional dimension in our data allows us to address in a
different framework issues of endogeneity of policy responses. Succinctly, we use
the cross-country variation in political and institutional characteristics to instru-
ment for fiscal policy changes. A study based purely on time series data cannot
use this information because country’s political and institutional characteristics
do not change very frequently. Second, the studies of the dynamic effects of fiscal
policy analyze how various macroeconomic quantities and prices react to changes
in policy stance. In this paper we concentrate only on business cycle volatility. In
other words, our first question can be rephrased as: Is discretionary fiscal policy
a source of business cycle volatility? Indeed, we find that there is a statistically
significant positive relationship between the magnitude of output fluctuations and
the use of discretionary fiscal policy. To our knowledge this result is new to the
We use the term discretionary fiscal policy to refer to changes in fiscal policy
that do not represent reaction to economic conditions. In theory, it is useful
to think about fiscal policy as consisting of three components: (a) automatic
stabilizers, (b) discretionary fiscal policy that reacts to the state of the economy,
and (c) discretionary policy that is implemented for reasons other than current
macroeconomic conditions. The main focus of this paper is on discretionary fiscal
Restricting Fiscal Policy 4

policy understood as only the last component of fiscal policy (i.e. changes in
fiscal policy unrelated to macroeconomic conditions). We also provide evidence of
the effects of automatic stabilizers, following the work of Galı́ (1994) and Fatás
and Mihov (2001) who study the effect of government size on macroeconomic
stability. When addressing this question we confirm the finding of this literature
that countries with larger governments have less volatile business cycles. The
novelty in this paper is that the result is shown to hold for a large sample
of countries (fifty-one), while previous studies were using only OECD data. In
addition, we show that the stabilizing effect of government size is present even
when we control for the volatility of fiscal policy.
There is yet another strand of literature related to this paper. Several studies
have looked at the effects of political instability on macroeconomic performance.2
However, the focus of these papers is exclusively on growth and they only look at
general indicators of political instability without studying the channels through
which these effects might take place. Our focus is on the overall volatility of fiscal
policy, some of which might of course be caused by political instability.
The finding that macroeconomic volatility is linked to discretionary fiscal
policy begs the second question: Why do governments use this type of fiscal
policy? If our measure of the economic policy volatility is indeed correct, i.e. it
is not driven by fundamental macroeconomic shocks, then why do we observe
cross-country dispersion in economic policy volatility? These questions are related
to the growing literature on the role of political institutions in shaping economic
policy.3 By now it is widely accepted that if left unchecked politicians may
abuse discretionary policy either for purposes of personal reelection or because
of ideological beliefs that do not necessarily reflect adequately social preferences.
Based on the results in the paper we argue that by putting in place institutions
that restrict discretion nations can accelerate the rate of economic growth and
reduce macroeconomic instability.
Our methodology is close in spirit to the literature on central bank inde-
pendence. The well-known inflationary bias in monetary policy can be reduced
or removed under certain institutional arrangements. Indeed, in the last fifteen
years we have seen a clear trend towards tying governments’ hands when it comes
to monetary policy. This move was prompted by the theoretical and empirical

See Alesina, Ozler, Roubini and Swagel (1996) or Barro (1991, 1996).
See for a review Drazen (2000) or Persson (2001).
Restricting Fiscal Policy 5

evidence that governments would use monetary policy for political purposes. In
the case of fiscal policy there is clear evidence that it exerts a significant effect on
economic activity, but it is not clear whether these effects are welfare-improving
from a social perspective. When politicians, for example, engage too often in
expansionary fiscal policy before elections, the economy undergoes a period of
undesirable increase in output volatility. As in the case of monetary policy,
restricting policy by rules can be welfare-improving.

The main results of the paper can be summarized as follows: (1) Discre-
tionary fiscal policy exerts strong destabilizing effect on the economy: (2) The use
of fiscal policy is explained to a large extent by the lack of political constraints
and by other political and institutional variables; (3) The volatility of output
induced by discretionary fiscal policy lowers economic growth by 0.6 percentage
points for every percentage point increase in volatility;4 (4) There is evidence
that the increase in volatility is in part due to electoral cycles; nevertheless, we
do find that political constraints restrain fiscal policy beyond their impact on the
traditional election-year volatility; (5) Rules-based fiscal policy identified by the
degree of automatic stabilizers in the economy helps to stabilize business cycles.

The organization of the paper is the following: The next section starts
with a discussion of discretionary fiscal policy: Why do governments implement
changes in fiscal policy that are unrelated to the macroeconomic conditions in
the country? We offer a brief review of the political economy literature that
emphasizes the link between country’s political and institutional characteristics
and the nature of economic policy that the government conducts. In Section
3 we discuss the construction of our measure of discretionary fiscal policy and
we report how policy variability affects economic volatility. Section 4 explores
the political and institutional determinants of discretionary fiscal policy. Several
important issues concerning robustness and possible alternative explanations of
our findings are taken up in Section 5. Section 6 reports on the link between the
volatility of discretionary policy and economic growth. The last section provides
discussion and concluding remarks.

As we explain below, this result complements the finding of Ramey and Ramey (1995) that
output volatility is harmful for growth.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 6

2 Discretionary Fiscal Policy: Effects and Causes

Two strands of theoretical and empirical literature are closely associated with
the analysis in this paper. First, standard macroeconomic theory has predictions
about the effects of fiscal policy on the economy. Second, our study also builds on
the new political economy literature that explores the institutional and political
determinants of fiscal policy. In this section we briefly review the literature
related to this paper.

The effects of fiscal policy

Mainstream macroeconomic theory predicts that fiscal policy is not neutral

with respect to output — changes in spending or taxes exert strong influence
on the economy in virtually every macroeconomic model.5 The channels through
which fiscal policy operates are well known and deserve only brief mention here.
In the standard Keynesian models, the effect arises from aggregate demand,
while in dynamic general equilibrium models of the real business cycle type,
output changes because fiscal policy affects the incentives to work and to save.
The broad agreement on the non-neutrality of fiscal policy leads one to expect
positive association between the volatility of discretionary fiscal policy and output
There is less agreement on the role of automatic stabilizers. While widely
accepted textbook treatment of fiscal policy argues that taxes, transfers and
possibly other parts of government expenditures stabilize economic fluctuations
automatically, it is difficult to construct a general equilibrium model with
optimizing behavior in which government spending is stabilizing. Galı́ (1994)
shows that under standard parameterizations the real business cycle model
implies destabilizing role for government size — larger governments in terms of
spending to GDP ratio are associated with more volatile economies.
In summary, standard macroeconomic theory has two predictions — changes
in discretionary fiscal policy unrelated to the state of the economy will be destabi-
lizing, while the presence of automatic stabilizers, which are normally associated
The Ricardian equivalence is an exception if one is willing to assume that governments have
access to lump-sum taxation and one only considers changes in taxes. In the more realistic case
when taxes are distortionary or when government expenditures are behind changes in fiscal policy,
the statement that fiscal policy affects current economic activity is still valid.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 7

with larger governments might be stabilizing (in the Keynesian models) or might
also be destabilizing (in the RBC models). We can frame this discussion in the
rules versus discretion debate — automatic stabilizers and systematic reaction
to business cycle fluctuations represent rules-type behavior, while discretion is
embodied in the part of fiscal policy that is unrelated to current economic

What determines discretionary fiscal policy?

The argument that there is a component in fiscal policy that does not repre-
sent reaction to macroeconomic conditions raises the question of what motivates
governments to use discretionary fiscal policy. To investigate the incentives for
fiscal authorities to intervene in the functioning of the economy, we address a
second strand of theoretical literature which deals with the political economy of
policy making.6 Most of these papers have studied the question of how different
political institutions and different electoral rules can justify different levels of
government spending or budget deficits.7 There are, however, some papers that
have also studied more dynamic issues on how differences in political institu-
tions affect the response of fiscal policy to economic shocks or to the electoral
To summarize the insights of this large literature we have to address two
questions. First, we must explain why we observe changes in fiscal policy.
Second, we need to understand the characteristics of the political system or the
institutional environment that justify why some governments are more likely to
use discretionary fiscal policy than others.
What is the origin of discretionary changes in fiscal policy? The first can-
didate is electoral cycles. Because of the large number of papers, it is hard to
do justice here to this literature and, for that reason, we refer the reader to the
excellent summaries in Alesina, Roubini and Cohen (1997) and Drazen (2000)
for a thorough analysis of the theoretical foundations and the empirical validity
of the electoral cycle. In brief, there are two types of political budget cycles.
The recent work of Persson (2001) summarizes some of the arguments developed in this
literature to justify why political institutions matter for economic policy.
See, for example, Roubini and Sachs (1989) Alesina and Perotti (1994) or Milesi-Ferretti,
Perotti and Rostagno (2001).
Roubini and Sachs (1989) or Alesina and Drazen (1991).
Restricting Fiscal Policy 8

The first — called opportunistic — states that in order to maximize its chances
for re-election, the incumbent party runs larger than usual budget deficits in the
election year. Although there are some questions about the empirical relevance
of the opportunistic cycle, recent work by Persson (2001) and Shi and Svensson
(2001) present convincing evidence in favor of an opportunistic political budget
cycle in a large sample of countries. The presence of electoral cycles would justify
the observed changes in spending and taxes around the time of elections. Fur-
thermore, Shi and Svensson (2001) argue that a key variable that determines the
size of the electoral cycle is the magnitude of the rents from remaining in power.
To the extent that there is cross-country variation in the rents from political
offices we should observe also variation in the volatility of discretionary fiscal
Discretionary changes in fiscal policy may also arise from changes in the
preferences of the political party in power, as in Alesina (1987). This argument
forms the basis for the second type of political budget cycle — the partisan cycle.
Although the timing of these fiscal policy changes might be related to elections,
the reason why they occur is unrelated, in general, to the business cycle.
Third, and in addition to political budget cycles, governments’ inability to
respond to economic shocks in a timely manner could be considered as discre-
tionary fiscal policy. In some countries the nature of the budgetary institutions
is such that the fiscal authority cannot adjust promptly to changes in economic
conditions. For example, if economic conditions change so that tax revenues fall
short of what was expected (and this is likely to last for a significant long period
of time), governments need to adapt by, for example, reducing the level of gov-
ernment expenditures in order to satisfy their intertemporal budget constraint.
The absence of such an adjustment because of, say, difficulty in getting a coali-
tion agree on what type of spending to be cut will lead to a persistent budget
deficit followed by some likely future adjustment of expenditures (or taxes). This
type of non-adjustment may show up as discretionary fiscal policy unexplained
by current macroeconomic conditions. Indeed, Persson (2001) and Persson and
Tabellini (2001) present evidence that the nature of the political regime and
electoral rules determine the degree of reaction to macroeconomic shocks.
Finally, governments may change policy for reasons not related to the
electoral cycle or to inability to form a coalition for policy response to macroe-
conomic shocks. For example, concerns about redistribution or raising inequality
may prompt a policy change. Similarly, public demands for larger provision of
Restricting Fiscal Policy 9

certain public goods like security may increase total government spending. Inter-
estingly, in all three cases — political budget cycles, non-adjustment to shocks,
and idiosyncratic policy change — a key explanatory variable should be the
degree of political constraints, i.e. to what extent the executive branch is at
liberty to change policy.
Given our description of why discretion is used in fiscal policy, now we
ask the question of what institutional settings are more conducive to the use
of this discretion. By answering this question we hope to provide theoretical
justification for the empirical specification used in the next sections. We start
with the characteristics of the political and electoral systems. The effects of
the electoral system on fiscal policy are discussed in Persson (2001) and Milesi-
Ferretti, Perotti and Rostagno (2001). Persson (2001) argues that majoritarian
systems will have more pronounced electoral cycles because the career concerns
of the incumbent become more pronounced as a result of higher individual
accountability. This prediction is consistent with Alesina and Perotti (1994)
who argue that proportional systems lead to coalitions and fiscal deadlocks which
delay stabilizations. On the other hand, majoritarian systems can create excessive
volatility of policies because the party in office is not moderated by the fact that
it has to deal with partners in a coalition.9
Electoral rules can also affect the likelihood and the shape of partisan
business cycle. Which electoral systems are more vulnerable to changes in the
dominant ideology of the executive branch? Although there is no clear-cut
conclusion in the literature, it is worth emphasizing the key mechanisms affecting
policy discretion. We might expect that majoritarian systems, where single party
governments are more likely, will lead to more pronounced changes in ideology of
the executive and therefore larger changes in fiscal policy. At the same time, if
coalition governments — which are typical for proportional systems — postpone
adjustment to shocks, we can expect this non-adjustment to result in a large
unexplained component of fiscal policy. Therefore, according to our definition of
discretionary fiscal policy proportional electoral rules will lead to larger volatility

Milesi-Ferretti, Perotti and Rostagno (2001) predict that proportional governments will react
more, using fiscal policy, to economic shocks. It is not clear how to compare this prediction to the
previous ones. First, their model is not dynamic and therefore cannot fully account for changes
in fiscal policy. Second, changes in fiscal policy in response to business cycles is not what we are
after. We admit, however, that the effects that we are trying to capture could be similar to those
caused by a government that over-reacts to business cycle fluctuations by changing fiscal policy
too much.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 10

of policy.
The type of political system (presidential versus parliamentary) can also have
an effect on fiscal policy. The model of Persson (2001) predicts that presidential
systems have smaller governments and display smaller electoral cycles. One can
hypothesize, however, that presidential systems have fewer veto points. This
implies that any significant policy change will be easier to implement in a
presidential democracy rather than a parliamentary one.
The second set of variables, which are not necessarily independent of the
ones discussed in the previous paragraphs, are the ones that attempt to measure
directly the constraints faced by governments in the process of policy implemen-
tation. Governments where power is more concentrated and who face fewer veto
points will be less constrained in the implementation of fiscal policy changes.
Although these constraints might be linked to electoral rules and the concen-
tration of power in governments (single-party versus coalitions), they are much
broader than that as they also consider how the institutional setting introduces
veto points along the decision process. There is plenty of empirical evidence in
favor of the idea that constraints matter for fiscal policy. Roubini and Sachs
(1989) present evidence for OECD economies that governments where power
is more concentrated create an excessive response of fiscal policy to economic
shocks. Similar evidence exists for US states. Both Poterba (1992) and Alt and
Lowry (1992) show that divided state governments display a less reactive fiscal
policy to changing economic conditions. In our analysis we will use a measure of
political constraints that captures the limits that governments face to implement
their economic policies. This measure has been constructed by Henisz (2000) and
summarizes in one variable the “number of independent veto points over policy
outcomes and the distribution of preferences of the actors that inhabit them.”

3 Discretionary Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles

Constructing a measure of discretionary fiscal policy

The first step in our empirical analysis is to build a quantitative measure

of discretionary fiscal policy. As mentioned in the Introduction, we interpret
discretionary fiscal policy as changes in fiscal variables that can be considered
unrelated to changes in economic activity. It is necessary to state at the outset
Restricting Fiscal Policy 11

that there is no consensus in the literature on the appropriate methodology for

the construction of a cyclically-adjusted measure of fiscal policy stance.10 The
difficulty, of course, comes from the simultaneity in the determination of output
and the budget. To reduce the bias introduced by this simultaneity we focus
only on government spending as opposed to using the budget deficit. There are
both theoretical considerations and empirical estimates that support the idea
that spending (excluding transfers) does not react contemporaneously to the
cycle. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that the budget deficit
is automatically affected by changes in macroeconomic conditions and therefore
more subject to endogeneity problems. This lack of contemporaneous response
in the case of government spending will allow us to explore specifications that
include only lagged values of output or where we do include the contemporaneous
value of output but use past values as instrumental variables to deal with the
endogeneity bias.
We estimate the following equation:

log = αi + βi log(Yi,t ) + γi log + δi Oilt + i,t (1)
Y i,t Y i,t−1

where YG is the ratio of government spending to GDP and is commonly referred

to as government size, Y is real GDP per capita.11 We add to this regression and
index of oil prices (Oil) as an additional control for the state of the business cycle.
We interpret the country-specific volatility of i,t as a quantitative estimate of
discretionary policy. We calculate the volatility as V ari (i,t ) and we will denote
it as σi . This variable can be interpreted as the typical size of a discretionary
change in fiscal policy for country i.
For our baseline regressions we estimate equation (1) by two methods. In
order to allow complete flexibility in the reaction of fiscal policy to output
fluctuations first we estimate instrumental variables regressions for each country.
We use two lags of GDP, the index of oil prices, and the lagged value of
government size to instrument for current GDP. We will refer to these results as
unrestricted country measures of discretionary fiscal policy.

See Alesina and Perotti (1995) or Blanchard (1993) for a discussion and criticism of alterna-
tive measures.
Macroeconomic data are from the Penn World Tables and from Persson and Tabellini (2001).
Data sources are described in a Data Appendix.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 12

We also estimate equation (1) using panel data techniques. We include fixed
effects thus allowing for different intercept terms for each country, but the other
coefficients are restricted to be the same for all countries, i.e. βi = β, γi = γ, and
δi = δ. It is well known that OLS estimation of panels with lagged dependent
variables and fixed effects produces biased and inconsistent results. And although
the severity of these problems diminish when the time dimension is relatively
large, we decided to deal explicitly with the bias and inconsistency by using
instrumental variables. We follow the standard technique of differencing equation
(1) and then instrumenting the lagged difference of government size by the second
lag of the level of government size.12 We do instrument also for the current growth
rate of output in the differenced equation with two lags of the growth rate, the
second lag of government size and the differenced index of oil prices. As before
we calculate the volatility of discretionary policy as the standard deviation of the
country residuals from this estimation. We will refer to this measure as the panel
measure of fiscal policy.

The baseline results

To study the link between discretionary fiscal policy and output volatility we
exploit the cross-section variation in our data. Figure 2 shows the simple relation-
ship between output volatility and the estimated variability in discretionary fiscal
policy. The horizontal axis reports our unrestricted measure of policy volatility
obtained by estimating equation (1) for each country. Along the vertical axis we
have plotted the standard deviation of the growth rate of output. The correlation
is positive and even if the two outliers which are in favor of a positive relation-
ship are removed (Nicaragua and Bolivia), we still obtain statistically significant
positive relationship between these two variables.

[Insert Figure 2 here]

The formal regression analysis presented in Table 1 confirms the positive as-
sociation between policy and output volatility. The general form of the regressions
reported in Table 1 is as follows:

σiy = α + β σi + γ 0 Xi + νi (2)

See Baltagi (1995), Chapter 8 on the consistency properties of this IV estimator known as
the Anderson-Hsiao estimator.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 13

The dependent variable is the standard deviation of the annual growth rate
of GDP for each of the countries in our sample. The key explanatory variable is
the volatility of discretionary fiscal policy constructed on the basis of equation
(1) and the additional control variables are government size (gy), real GDP per
capita (gdppc), and the ratio of imports and exports to GDP (trade). Government
size is included to control for the stabilizing role of fiscal policy as argued by
Galı́ (1994) and Fatás and Mihov (2001). GDP per capita needs to be added
because it is possible that poor countries have more volatile business cycle due to
the lack of financial markets, for example, and at the same time poor countries
may resort more often to discretionary policy. Finally, trade is included as a
standard explanatory variable for output volatility and for fiscal policy as argued
by Rodrik (1998).

Table 1. Output Volatility and Fiscal Policy

Unrestricted Panel Unrestricted Panel
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
σ 25.770 23.543 13.969 12.891 33.094 30.007 17.650 15.761
(0.001) (0.010) (0.001) (0.012) (0.000) (0.011) (0.000) (0.014)

gy - -0.030 - -0.042 - -0.071 - -0.100

(0.170) (0.072) (0.101) (0.016)

gdppc - -0.086 - 0.032 - 0.371 - 0.593

(0.786) (0.922) (0.372) (0.190)

trade - 0.824 - 0.793 - 1.054 - 1.127

(0.033) (0.057) (0.351) (0.002)

R2 0.342 0.41 0.345 0.41 0.304 0.35 0.302 0.327

Sample: 1960-1999. p-values in parentheses. All regressions include an intercept.

The first four columns in Table 1 present the results from estimating
equation (2) by OLS. The measure of policy volatility is constructed using
both country-specific regressions for equation (1) (columns (1) and (2)), and
using the panel estimates (columns (3) and (4)). In all cases we obtain strong
statistical association between policy and output volatility. All regressions indicate
significance at better than the 1.2% level of significance. The coefficients for the
Restricting Fiscal Policy 14

panel are about one half of the size of the coefficients for the measure constructed
on the basis of the country-specific unrestricted regressions. This discrepancy is
a result of the restrictions implicit in panel regressions that force coefficients for
each country to be the same. While this restriction may seem extreme, it does
provide a useful robustness check for our main estimates. It is interesting to
note that the significance levels of the coefficients in the unrestricted and panel
regressions are very similar, which indicates that although the average variance
is higher in the panel-based measures the significance of the cross-sectional
covariation between output volatility and policy measures is about the same.
The results from the OLS estimation must be taken with some caution.
Despite the use of a relatively unresponsive fiscal indicator (government spend-
ing) and despite the use of instrumental variables in equation (1), we cannot
completely rule out that some of the volatility of the policy measure is still driven
by output volatility. To eliminate this possibility for reverse causation we employ
instrumental variables estimation in columns (5)-(8). To reduce the chance that
the instruments themselves are driven by output volatility, we select variables
that are linked to the institutional characteristics of the countries in our sample:
the nature of the electoral system (majoritarian versus proportional, maj), the
nature of the political system (presidential versus parliamentary, pres), the pres-
ence of political constraints (number of veto points in the government and the
distribution of ideological preferences, polcon), and the number of elections (both
for the executive and legislative branches, nelec).13 We use these political and
institutional variables to instrument for the volatility of discretionary policy and
for government size. The results, as revealed by the last four columns are striking
from a statistical point of view. One may expect a priori that these institutional
characteristics explain only a small portion of the cross-sectional variation in
discretionary fiscal policy, which will lead to a sharp deterioration of statistical
significance of the IV regressions. In fact for our key regressor (σ  ) there is
no noticeable change in the significance or in the magnitude of the coefficient.
While the other variables do undergo some changes, in most cases the p-values
decline, which indicates tighter association between output volatility and our set
of regressors.
Does discretionary fiscal policy affect output? Table 1 provides evidence that
the effect is strong and significant. The interpretation of the coefficients can
The use of these instrumental variables and the results from the first-stage regressions are
discussed in detail in the next section of the paper.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 15

be facilitated by some calculations. Let’s consider a country with an average

ratio of government spending to output at 25% and average policy volatility of
about 0.09. If we preserve the average size of government while implementing a
one-standard-deviation increase in policy volatility (which in the cross-section is
about 0.04) then we will add 1% to the volatility of the ratio of government
spending to GDP.14 This increase will raise output volatility by 30.0 x 0.04 =
1.2%. Below we investigate how an increase in volatility of this magnitude can
be detrimental for growth. Even if we consider only the effect of policy volatility
on the second moments of output series, it is clear from these results that
discretionary fiscal policy, shaped to a large extent by institutional and political
factors, does induce significant fluctuations in economic activity.

Rules versus discretion

The results reported in Table 1 highlight the negative effects of discretion

in fiscal policy but they also confirm the stabilizing effects of government size.
In all of our regressions above, government size has a negative and significant
coefficient. This result is consistent with the work of Galı́ (1994) and Fatás and
Mihov (2001) who present similar evidence for a sample of OECD economies
and U.S. states. Our results corroborate the robustness of this finding in a
larger sample of countries. In addition, we control for discretionary fiscal policy
and we use political economy variables to instrument for government size in an
attempt to reduce possible endogeneity bias. We interpret government size in
these regressions as a proxy for automatic stabilizers, i.e. rules-based fiscal policy.
The reason for this interpretation is that there is ample evidence that government
size is positively related to the degree of automatic stabilizers both in a cross
section of countries (van den Noord (2000)) and U.S. states (Fatás and Mihov
(2001)). Under this interpretation, Table 1 can be seen as providing evidence
that, in fiscal policy, rules and discretion have opposite effects with respect to
the volatility of the business cycles. Automatic stabilizers reduce the volatility
of output while discretion leads to an increase in the amplitude of the business

The regressions are in logarithms so 0.04 points increase in the logarithm of government size
corresponds to about 1% increase at the mean.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 16

4 Political and Institutional Determinants of

Discretionary Fiscal Policy

The use of political and institutional characteristics as instruments in the

previous regressions requires some elaboration. First, it is necessary to probe
deeper in the determinants of discretionary policy to ensure that the use of these
variables is justifiable and, second, the link between institutions and policy out-
comes is of independent interest to economists. Indeed, a still-growing empirical
and theoretical literature summarized by Drazen (2000), Persson (2001), and
Persson and Tabellini (2001) explores how policy is shaped by the characteristics
of the electoral and political systems. Using our data set of fifty-one countries
we will document the impact of institutions on discretionary policy and provide
analysis in the light of recent theoretical advances in this area.
The regression that we run in this section is the following:

σi = α + β 0 Xi + ui (3)

This can be interpreted as the first-stage regression in the IV estimation

from the previous section. The set of variables Xi that we include to explain the
use of discretionary fiscal policy is based in our literature review of Section 2
and can be easily mapped to some of the theories that analyze how institutions
and political systems determine policy outcomes.
• Electoral systems. We use a standard measure of the electoral system from
Persson and Tabellini (2001). The variable maj takes value 1 for majoritarian
and 0 for proportional electoral systems. As discussed before, from a theoretical
point of view, the effect of the electoral system on policy is not clear. On the
one hand, governments in countries with proportional systems are often based on
coalitions, which may slow down the process of adjustment when the economic
environment changes. This implies that majoritarian systems will be conducive
to lower volatility in discretionary policy. On the other hand, exactly because
governments with majoritarian elections are in less need of consensus, their hands
will be free to change policy as they desire thus inducing higher volatility.
• Political system. We also include a dummy variable to determine whether
the country has a presidential or parliamentary system. The variable (pres) takes
value 1 for presidential systems and 0 for parliamentary systems. Presidential
systems are associated with more discretion in fiscal policy — even when the
Restricting Fiscal Policy 17

legislature has some veto powers, the mere fact that the office of the president
derives its legitimacy directly from the electorate implies that often the veto can
be overruled by the president or that the key decision maker is the president.
• Political constraints. P olcon is the indicator of political constraints con-
structed by Henisz (2000) that captures the extent to which the executive faces
political constraints to implement his or her policy. The variable is based on a
time-invariant or at least rarely changing coding of the number of veto points
among various branches of government (executive, legislature, judiciary) and also
on the ideological alignment across branches. Obviously the ideological alignment
component can change with every election or every new appointment, but the
main cross-sectional variation comes from the number of institutionally embedded
veto powers.
• Number of elections. We include the average number of legislative and
executive elections for each country in our sample in order to control for the
obvious possibility that discretionary policy is driven by the electoral cycle and
also to determine the importance of accountability of politicians. Again, the
two factors work in opposite directions — the number of elections should be
positively associated with policy volatility if the standard electoral cycle theory is
correct but also the number of elections will improve accountability and restrain
politicians thus reducing the volatility of discretionary fiscal policy.

Table 2. Determinants of Fiscal Policy

Unrestricted Panel
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
polcon -0.084 - - - -0.049 -0.137 - - - -0.059
(0.000) (0.006) (0.002) (0.046)

maj - -0.017 - - -0.012 - -0.028 - - -0.022

(0.139) (0.167) (0.146) (0.160)

pres - - 0.038 - 0.034 - - 0.068 - 0.078

(0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.000)

nelec - - - -0.011 -0.098 - - - -0.055 -0.244

(0.823) (0.031) (0.515) (0.012)

R2 0.335 0.039 0.235 0.001 0.459 0.261 0.034 0.211 0.007 0.443
Sample: 1960-1999. p-values in parentheses. All regressions include an intercept.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 18

Table 2 displays the result from running a regression using as dependent

variable either the policy measure from the unrestricted regressions (columns
(1) through (5)) or the measure based on the panel regression (columns (6)
through (10)). When included separately only two of the variables are significant
irrespective of the dependent variable — the nature of the political system
(pres) and the degree of political constraints (polcon). The explanatory power
of political constraints is particularly striking: Alone it can explain between 26
and 33.5% of the cross-sectional variation in the policy measure. Running the
regressions with all variables (column (5) and column (10)) changes the results
slightly for polcon and pres and makes the number of elections significant. From
the results it is clear that there is significant correlation between the degree of
political constraints and the nature of the political system, which can be expected
as the nature of the political system is capturing often the number of veto points.
Indeed, the unconditional correlation between the two variables is negative, which
indicates that presidential systems face fewer political constraints.
How do these results match up with the basic politico-economic theories?
The nature of the electoral system — majoritarian or proportional — does not
seem to affect discretionary fiscal policy significantly. The sign is always negative
though, which lends mild support to the claim that coalition governments that
are normally observed in countries with proportional electoral rules adjust slowly
to changes in the economic environment and thus create more volatility in
discretionary policy. Again, the result should not be over-interpreted as it is not
statistically significant from zero at conventional levels. The results for the other
two variables — political constraints and political systems — conform with our
priors. Presidential systems are more volatile while countries with a large number
of political constraints experience less volatility in discretionary fiscal policy.
Finally, the number of elections seems to conform with the “accountability”
theory, rather than with the electoral cycle. Of course, this result does not
disprove the presence of electoral cycles as we discuss in the next section.15

It is worth pointing out that in the sample of OECD countries only, the significance and the
sign of the coefficients is sensitive to the specification of the regression and the dependent variable.
Only the measure of political constraints is significant under a wide range of specifications.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 19

5 Robustness

Some specification issues

In this section we explore whether the results are sensitive to some obvious
variations in the specification of our key equations. The basic concern is whether
the measure of discretionary fiscal policy based in equation (1) captures the
inherent volatility in government spending that is unrelated to the business
cycle. We have explored various modifications of equation (1) — more lags
of the dependent variable, no oil price index, more lags as instruments for
current growth, etc. — and in all cases the strong correlation between policy
and output volatility survives. In Table 3a we report the results for four of
these sensitivity studies. To reduce clutter we report only the coefficients on
the standard deviation of discretionary fiscal policy (row σ  ) and on government
size (gy). The regressions in all columns are equivalent to the IV estimation
from column (8) in Table 1 with the appropriate change in specification. In all
cases the following features are preserved: (i) the initial regression is based on
dynamic panel estimation with fixed effects and with the lagged difference of the
depended variable properly instrumented by the second lag of the level of the
depended variable; (ii) the second-stage regression is based on equation (2) and
includes as controls openness and GDP per capita; and (iii) the second-stage
regression is estimated by IV regression with both the measure of discretionary
policy and the measure of government size being instrumented with the political
and institutional instruments discussed in the previous section.

Table 3a. Robustness: Specification

Basic Levels VAR Trade AB
σ 15.761 0.499 16.510 13.785 9.332
(0.014) (0.007) (0.018) (0.025) (0.048)

gy -0.100 -0.160 -0.098 -0.094 -0.192

(0.016) (0.002) (0.013) (0.003) (0.011)

R2 0.327 0.359 0.333 0.19 -

Sample: 1960-1999. p-values in parentheses.
All regressions include an intercept.

The first column repeats the results from column (8) in Table 1 in order to
facilitate comparison. Column (2) reports coefficient estimates when the measure
Restricting Fiscal Policy 20

of policy volatility is based on a panel regression with government size in levels

(as opposed to log-levels). The change in the size of the coefficient reflects
mostly rescaling effects - the increase in volatility by one standard deviation still
does lead to the same 1.2% increase in output volatility. The column denoted
‘VAR’ uses as a measure of discretionary fiscal policy the standard deviation
of the residual from a panel regression that uses a VAR(1) specification of
government spending and output in which government spending is ordered before
output. The results are almost identical to the baseline results.16 In the next
column we include openness in the first-stage regression following Persson and
Tabellini (2001). Again, there is no significant change in the results. The final
column estimates the first-stage regression by GMM using the Arellano-Bond
methodology. The key difference is the use of all lagged values as instruments
in the estimation of the dynamic panel. Although the magnitude of the both
coefficients changes slightly, it is still true that the results are significant at the
5% level. Overall, standard sensitivity analysis does not indicate any vulnerability
of our key results to changes in the econometric specification.17

Alternative explanations. The electoral cycle.

A more intriguing exploration of the robustness of our results involves the

role of political economy variables. We start first by considering how political
and institutional variables affect the level of government spending. Again, we
run the regression based on equation (1) for the same panel specification as
before but we add now political economy variables as regressors. The rationale
for this alteration is the following: If there is a relationship between the level of
government spending and political and institutional variables, any change to those
variables over time will result in changes in the level of government spending.
By adding the political and institutional variables in our initial regression these
changes in government spending would not be captured anymore in the residual
and will not be part of our measure of discretionary fiscal policy. For some of the
political variables this is not an issue because they are almost constant over the
sample period, but for others (such as a dummy for the election year or political

The logic of the ordering in the VAR is that government spending does not react contempo-
raneously to output changes.
All basic regressions from Table 1 have also been estimated by a robust minimum absolute
deviation technique to check for the possibility that outliers are driving any of our results. In all
five regressions the coefficient on policy volatility remained positive and significant.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 21

constraints), there are changes from year to year. We realize that by adding
these variables we are eliminating some of the discretionary changes in fiscal
policy that we indeed want to capture and this might weaken our results. To
take this argument to an extreme, let us assume that all discretionary changes in
fiscal policy were contemporaneous increases in government spending on election
years. By adding an election-year dummy in our initial regression our measure of
discretionary fiscal policy (the residual of that regression) would not capture any
of the relevant changes in fiscal policy and our main results would disappear. In
that sense, this is more than a robustness test of our results, we are also testing
if shutting down some of the possible channels through which discretionary fiscal
policy takes place has any effect on our results.

Table 3b. Robustness: Political and Institutional Variables

polcon maj pres elec all
σ 15.691 16.184 16.419 12.495 12.741
(0.016) (0.013) (0.014) (0.020) (0.020)

gy -0.100 -0.098 -0.100 -0.083 -0.826

(0.016) (0.016) (0.016) (0.034) (0.034)

R2 0.327 0.340 0.326 0.330 0.328

Sample: 1960-1999. p-values in parentheses.
All regressions include an intercept.

The results from the estimation in Table 3b are very similar to our baseline
results. The first four columns report results when the σ  measure is based on a
panel that includes the variable at the top of each column as a regressor, while
the last column uses the measure that has in the panel regression all four political
variables as regressors. The results again confirm the robustness of our finding
but they also suggest that the use of discretionary policy is not trivially linked
to the degree of political constraints or the electoral cycle. Possibly, countries
that lack political constraints resort to discretionary fiscal policy more often,
but this practice does not generate a continuous link between policy, elections
and institutions. Clearly the results warrant some further investigation of the
particular channel through which institutions affect policy outcomes.
Another possibility often discussed in the literature is that the institutions
affect the reaction of fiscal authorities to current developments in the economy. In
Restricting Fiscal Policy 22

election years, for example, tight fiscal policy even though being appropriate in
a particular situation from a macroeconomic point of view, might be completely
infeasible from political perspective — hence the coefficient in the first stage
regression (βi ) might depend on particular institutional characteristics (Persson
and Tabellini, 2001). If this dependence slows down the adjustment to shocks,
then we will observe high volatility in discretionary fiscal policy.

Table 3c. Robustness: Interactions

polcon maj pres elec all all2
σ 14.373 16.817 13.647 13.163 13.200 14.033
(0.013) (0.012) (0.014) (0.024) (0.026) (0.016)

gy -0.098 -0.096 -0.100 -0.080 -0.079 -0.090

(0.017) (0.018) (0.017) (0.045) (0.049) (0.024)

R2 0.336 0.340 0.335 0.364 0.356 0.390

Sample: 1960-1999. p-values in parentheses.
All regressions include an intercept.

To investigate whether the non-adjustment to shocks is the key driving force

behind our measure of policy, we repeat the exercise from Table 3b, but now
the additional regressors are the interaction terms between political variables and
GDP. This interaction terms allows the slope coefficient on growth to vary across
countries with the political and institutional variables. The high significance of the
association between policy and output volatility is still maintained. Furthermore
if we include in the last column (all2) both the interaction terms and all
political variables as regressors we still obtain a highly significant link between
discretionary policy and the magnitude of the business cycle.
It is also worth mentioning that in the three tables above, the coefficient on
government size remained significant and similar in size to our baseline regression,
highlighting also the robustness of our hypothesis that rules-based fiscal policy
has stabilizing effects.
Overall, the battery of tests in Tables 3a to 3c has provided additional
evidence in favor of the robustness of our main results. There are still some
issues raised by these three tables that produce new questions on what the
key force is behind discretionary fiscal policy. It is clear from the literature on
political business cycles that policy is shaped by the electoral calendar or by the
restrictions imposed by various institutional characteristics. Our study, however,
Restricting Fiscal Policy 23

suggests that our measure of discretionary policy captures more than these
effects. Our findings suggest that governments that face few political constraints
use discretionary fiscal policy more often than other countries, but this usage is
not easily captured by a first-stage linear regression in the spirit of our equation
Also the link between elections, political constraints and discretionary fiscal
policy might not be well captured by a direct contemporaneous linear relationship
between all these variables. In other words, elections lead to undesirable fluctu-
ations in economic activity through changes in fiscal policy but this relationship
is not as direct and there might be interactions with political institutions or
current economic conditions. We found some evidence of this type of interactions
when we looked carefully at the electoral cycle in our data set. Indeed when we
use the level of government size, there is a very clear and significant effect of
the election year on spending. Furthermore, if we include the interaction term
between elections and growth, there is a marginally significant negative coefficient
on this term. This result suggests that a decline in growth in an election year is
met by a larger-than-usual increase in government spending.

6 The Effect of Policy Volatility on Growth

There are reasons to believe that the mean level of output growth is related to
the overall volatility of the economy. Theories emphasizing irreversible investment
imply that countries with higher volatility will have lower levels of investment
and eventually lower growth. Alternatively high growth economies might be
based on risky technologies and observe sharp shifts in economic volatility. These
arguments have been tested by Ramey and Ramey (1995) in their empirical
study of the link between volatility and growth. The setup of their investigation
is somewhat similar to ours — they use the squared innovation of the residuals
from a government spending equation to fit a process for the volatility of the
residual from a growth equation and then study the effects on average output
growth. Although the question we approach here is similar, our main concern is
whether political and institutional factors that shape discretionary fiscal policy
can be responsible for business cycle volatility that is harmful to growth. This
focus imposes some restrictions on the sample of countries where testing this
Restricting Fiscal Policy 24

hypothesis. Our sample of fifty one countries (smaller than the sample of Ramey
and Ramey (1995)) only includes countries that are considered democracies by
Persson and Tabellini (2001) — in these countries concepts like the electoral
cycle or the number of veto points can be expected to make a difference in the
operation of the government.

[Insert Figure 3 here]

In our sample there is no clear association between average growth rates

(∆yi ) and output volatility (σiy ) as Figure 3 illustrates. The correlation is mildly
negative, but clearly there is no pattern to be easily discerned. To investigate
closer this relationship we run the following regression:

∆yi = α + λ σiy + β 0 Xi + ui (4)

Even when we introduce standard controls (Xi ) like the initial level of
GDP per capita (gdppc60), the accumulation of human capital measured as the
percentage of males over 25 with primary (prim) and secondary (sec) education
— as in column 2 of Table 4 — we do not find significant relationship between
growth and volatility.
We are interested only in the extent to which output fluctuations induced
by policy volatility are harmful for growth. Thus to evaluate the importance
of discretionary fiscal policy we run again a battery of regressions using our
measures of policy volatility as instruments for output volatility and we report
the coefficient on output volatility (λ). In the main result (reported in column
3) we use as instrument the measure of policy volatility, which is based on a
first-stage panel regression that includes all political variables both as regressors
and as interaction terms with the level of GDP, i.e. the same setup as we use
in the last column of Table 3c. The reason for selecting this measure as opposed
to the baseline ones is that our main interest is in the effect of the politico-
institutional setup on discretionary fiscal policy and thus indirectly on economic
outcomes. It is possible that the electoral systems or political constraints have
effects on economic growth that are not mediated by fiscal policy. One attempt
to isolate only the policy volatility channel is to orthogonalize discretionary
policy to variations in the political and electoral systems, political constraints
and elections. This is what we have done in column 3 of Table 4 — the measure
Restricting Fiscal Policy 25

of policy volatility is based on residuals that are orthogonal to the political and
institutional variables from our data set.
The estimates of column 3 show a coefficient on output volatility that
preserves its negative sign and now becomes significant. Volatility in output
induced by discretionary fiscal policy has negative consequences for growth.

Table 4. Growth and Fiscal Policy

(1) (2) (3) (4)
σy -0.035 -0.035 -0.598 -
(0.830) (0.816) (0.021)

σby - - - -0.908

gdppc60 - -1.112 -1.390 -1.511

(0.015) (0.004) (0.000)

prim - 0.036 0.029 0.034

(0.015) (0.077) (0.0121)

sec - 0.044 0.036 0.032

(0.062) (0.223) (0.003)

R2 0.002 0.174 - 0.373

Sample: 1960-1999. p-values in parentheses.
All regressions include an intercept.

Column 4 of Table 4 presents yet another way of judging the importance of

political variables in determining policy and output volatility and, through this
channel, economic growth. We construct first a fitted value for our discretionary
fiscal policy measure based on a political economy regression that includes
the four politico-institutional variables. In other words, we are constructing a
measure of fiscal policy volatility explained solely by these four variables. On
the basis of this measure we construct the fitted value for output volatility from
a simple cross-country regression of the standard deviation of output growth
on the fitted policy volatility. This artificial construct — the portion of output
volatility explained by the institutionally determined policy volatility — is used
as a regressor (σcy ) in a standard cross-sectional growth regression. The results in
column 4 confirm our previous finding that output volatility induced by discretion
in fiscal policy has a strong negative effect on economic growth. Figure 4 presents
Restricting Fiscal Policy 26

in graphical form this link between policy-induced output volatility and economic

[Insert Figure 4 here]

How does this compare to the findings of Ramey and Ramey (1995)? In
their paper they use two samples — one with 92 countries and a smaller sample
of the OECD economies. The reported coefficients for the 92 countries are never
significant at the 5% level, but for the OECD economies they often are. More
interestingly, despite the differences in methodology and sample definitions our
results are very close to theirs. The range for (λ) in Ramey and Ramey (1995)
is from -0.53 to -0.43, while in most of the regressions we obtain estimates
of around -0.6 with the exception of the fitted-volatility regression when the
magnitude of the coefficient increases to -0.9. If we take as a baseline regression
the one reported in column 3, we can claim that a 1% increase in the volatility
of output caused by discretionary fiscal policy will reduce the average long-term
growth rate by about 0.6% — the result is both statistically and economically

7 Conclusion

This paper presents a set of stylized facts about the effects of fiscal policy in a
cross-section of countries. We first look at the effects of discretionary fiscal policy,
measured as changes of fiscal policy that are not related to the business cycle.
Based on this measure, our results suggest that the use of discretionary fiscal
policy by governments amplifies business cycle fluctuations and harms growth.
To avoid any endogeneity bias caused by the fact that the variable that captures
discretionary fiscal policy might contain changes in fiscal policy in response to
business cycle conditions, we use instrumental variables. Our instruments come
from the political economy literature on the determinants of fiscal policy and,
in doing so, we also explore the causes and mechanisms of discretionary fiscal
policy. The use of these instruments together with a large battery of additional
tests confirms the robustness of our result. In all cases, more discretionary fiscal
policy is associated with a more volatile business cycle. Although this result is
not surprising from a theoretical point of view, we see it as a confirmation of
Restricting Fiscal Policy 27

the recent work by Blanchard and Perotti (1999), Burnside, Eichenbaum and
Fisher (1999) and Fatás and Mihov (2000) about the effects of fiscal policy
changes in output. Our results complement those of these papers and provide a
quantification of the effects of discretion in fiscal policy.
A careful look at our use of instruments reveals interesting connections
between political economy variables and discretionary fiscal policy. We present
evidence that more political constraints lead to less frequent use of discretionary
fiscal policy. To the extent that reduced volatility of the business cycle has
negative welfare effects, we conclude that our results show the benefits of
introducing restrictions on fiscal policy discretion.
All along our empirical analysis also confirms the evidence of Galı́ (1994)
and Fatás and Mihov (2001) about the stabilizing effect of government size. We
interpret government size as a proxy for automatic stabilizers and we conclude
that while discretion in fiscal policy destabilizes output, rules-based fiscal policy
(automatic stabilizers) helps reduce the volatility of the business cycle.
Finally, we go beyond the volatility of the business cycle and ask whether
discretionary fiscal policy also has negative growth effects. Our approach is similar
to Ramey and Ramey (1995) but here we include the insights from our analysis
of the political and institutional determinants of fiscal policy to identify more
accurately exogenous volatility in the business cycle. Our results confirm that
there is a large and significant negative effect of discretionary fiscal policy on
growth through the volatility that it adds to the business cycle.
There are still many open questions that are unanswered by our analysis.
The most important one is how to design institutions that restrict fiscal policy
without eliminating any of the automatic stabilizer effects identified in our
empirical results. While a similar analysis in monetary policy led to the conclusion
that monetary policy had to be made independent of governments, in the
case of fiscal policy, its goals are much more complex and touch on many
macroeconomic aspects that go beyond the stabilization of business cycles. For
our recommendations to be implementable it is necessary to be able to separate
between the stabilizing and the other roles of fiscal policy before restrictions can
be discussed in a meaningful manner.
One possible criticism of the paper is that institutions are endogenous and
the observed heterogeneity in the political and institutional setup is a reflection
of differences in social preferences. Nations select their institutions to maximize a
Restricting Fiscal Policy 28

welfare function that consists of various trade-offs. One trade-off, as in monetary

policy, is between flexibility and discipline. Indeed volatility might be undesirable
but the society might like to give the government more flexibility so that
societal concerns about a sharp increase in inequality, for example, can be met
immediately by a change in fiscal policy. If institutions are too rigid, then it may
take too long to induce an institutional change that will respond to the social
demands for greater redistribution. In this logic, it is entirely plausible that fiscal
policy is granted some discretion to respond in a timely manner to changes in
social preferences.
This potential criticism although valid simply pushes the researcher to probe
deeper — what is the social welfare function that can justify the institutional
heterogeneity that we observe across countries? We believe that together with
the new political economy literature the evidence in this paper is only the start
of an investigation in the direction of understanding institutions and their role
for macroeconomic performance.
Restricting Fiscal Policy 29

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Sorensen, Bent, Lisa Wu and Oved Yosha (2001). “Output Fluctuations and
Fiscal Policy: U.S. State and Local Governments 1978-1994”. European Eco-
Restricting Fiscal Policy 31

nomic Review, 45.

van den Noord, Paul (2000). “The Size and Role of Automatic Fiscal Stabilizers
in the 1990s and Beyond”. OECD Working Paper, ECO/WKP 2000 (3).
Restricting Fiscal Policy 32

9 Data Appendix

The sample consists of fifty-one countries and is based on Persson and

Tabellini (2001). From their list we had to exclude ten countries because some of
the required series for these countries were not available. The excluded countries
are: Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cyprus, Fiji, Gambia, Luxembourg, Malta,
Iceland, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The countries in our sample are:

List of Countries

The data sources are:

GDP per capita — from Summers-Heston dataset (version 6.0).
Government spending — from Persson and Tabellini (2001)
Openness — from Persson and Tabellini (2001)
Index of oil prices — from International Financial Statistics (IMF).
Political system — from Persson and Tabellini (2001)
Electoral system — from Persson and Tabellini (2001)
Political constraints — from Henisz (2000)
Elections — from Beck et al. (2001)
Primary and secondary schooling for males over 25 — from Barro and Lee
Figure 1. Output Volatility and Political Constraints


9 Nicaragua
Std.Dev. Growth Rate GDP

8 T rinidad &
T obago Botswana

6 Uruguay

5 Finland Japan
4 Switzerland

3 Mexico

Guatemala U.S.
1 Germany Belgium

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Index of Political Constraints

Figure 2. Output Volatility and Fiscal Policy


Singapore Nicaragua
Std.Dev. Growth Rate GDP

7 Argentina

6 Uruguay

Finland Portugal
France Colombia
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

Discretionary Fiscal Policy

Figure 3. Growth and Output Volatility


Std.Dev. Growth Rate GDP

Nicaragua 4 Singapore


0 Norway
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Average Growth

Figure 4: Growth and policy-induced volatility

(partial correlation)

Policy-induced volatility of output

1.5 Argentina

0.5 Singapore

-1.0 Canada US

-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Economic Growth

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