A Unified Framework For Monetary Theory and Policy Analysis: Ricardo Lagos
A Unified Framework For Monetary Theory and Policy Analysis: Ricardo Lagos
A Unified Framework For Monetary Theory and Policy Analysis: Ricardo Lagos
Policy Analysis
Ricardo Lagos
New York University and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Randall Wright
University of Pennsylvania and Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
I. Introduction
Most monetary models in macroeconomics are reduced-form models. By
this we mean that they make assumptions, such as putting money in the
Many people provided extremely helpful input to this project, including S. B. Aruoba,
A. Berentsen, V. V. Chari, L. Christiano, N. Kocherlakota, D. Krueger, G. Rocheteau, S.
Shi, N. Stokey, N. Wallace, and C. Waller. Research support from the C. V. Starr Center
for Applied Economics at New York University, the Suntory-Toyota International Centre
for Economics and Related Disciplines at the London School of Economics, Equipe de
Recherche sur les Marches, lEmploi et la Simulation at University of Paris II, and the
National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. In addition to the usual dis-
claimer, we note that the views expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily
those of the Federal Reserve Banks of Minneapolis or Cleveland or the Federal Reserve
III. Equilibrium
Let F(m)
be the measure of agents starting the decentralized day market
at t holding m m . Similarly let G(m)
be the distribution at the start of
the centralized night market. The initial distributioneither F0 or G 0,
depending on whether we start the model at t p 0 during the day or
nightis given exogenously. Since for now the total money stock is fixed,
t p mdG(m)
t p M for all t. Let ft be the price of money in the
centralized market (i.e., 1/ft is the nominal price of general goods).
There is no uncertainty in the basic model except for random matching.
Hence, an individuals decisions in a given period depend on only his
money holdings, m. That is, at each t, since aggregate variables such as
Ft, Gt, and prices are taken as given by individuals, we can characterize
Some extensions that allow general goods to be storable are discussed in Sec. VI. Of
course, whether or not goods are storable, we can allow the exchange of intertemporal
claims across centralized markets. Since agents are homogeneous in this market, such
claims will not trade, but we can still price assets like real or nominal bonds.
t p aj {u[q(m,
Wt[m d t(m, m)]}dF(m)
m)] t
ad B(m,
(1 2aj ad)W(m),
t t (2)
where the four terms represent the expected payoffs to buying, selling,
bartering, and not trading.
A version of (2) appears in Trejos and Wright (1995) and Molico
(1997), except bVt1(m) replaces W(m)
t , because in those papers there
is no centralized market and all agents can do with money is carry it
forward to the next round of decentralized trade. Here, they get to go
to the centralized market, where they solve
t p max {U(X ) H bVt1(m )} (3)
subject to X p H fm t fm
, X 0, 0 H H, and m 0, where H
is an upper bound on hours, m is money taken out of the market, and
again ft is the price of money. We assume an interior solution for X
and H. This is guaranteed for X under standard assumptions, but things
are more problematic for H because of quasi linearity. Our approach
is to assume interiority, characterize equilibria, and then check that
As editor Nancy Stokey emphasized to us, our equilibrium concept is a blend of
traditional Arrow-Debreu components describing aggregates as functions of time t and
recursive components describing individuals problems as functions of t and individual
state variables. Equilibrium also specifies the distributions of the individual state for all t.
As is usual in monetary models, there may be multiple equilibria, some of which are
nonstationary (there may also be sunspot equilibria, but they are ignored here; see Lagos
and Wright [2003]). The t index indicates the prices and distributions that are relevant,
but there are no aggregate state variables. In Lagos and Wright (2004), we stay closer to
conventional recursive methods, but the results are less general; see nn. 6 and 8 below.
[u(q) W(m
t d) W(m)]
[c(q) W(m
d) W(m)]
1v (4)
subject to d m and q 0, where m and m are the buyers and sellers
money holdings.
This leads us to the following definition.
Definition. An equilibrium is a list {Vt, Wt, X t, Ht, m t, qt, d t, ft, Ft,
Gt}, where, for all t, V(m) t and W(m)
t are the value functions; X t(m),
t , and m t(m) are the decision rules in the centralized market;
m) and d t(m,
m) are the terms of trade in the decentralized market;
ft is the price in the centralized market; and Ft and Gt are the distri-
butions of money holdings before and after decentralized trade. The
equilibrium conditions are as follows. For all t, (i) given prices and
distributions, the value functions and decision rules satisfy (2) and (3);
(ii) the terms of trade in the decentralized market maximize (4), given
the value functions; (iii) ft 1 0 (i.e., we focus on monetary equilibria);
(iv) centralized money markets clear, m (m)dG(m) t p M (goods markets
clear by Walras law); and (v) {F,t Gt} is consistent with initial conditions
and the evolution of money holdings implied by trades in the centralized
and decentralized markets.4
We now characterize equilibria. Here is an outline of what will follow.
We begin by deriving some properties of the solution to the centralized
market problem. We use these properties to solve the bargaining prob-
lem in the decentralized market and then use these results to simplify
Vt and to solve an individuals problem of choosing m t(m). In particular,
we show that under certain conditions, m t p M for all agents regardless
of the value of m with which they entered the centralized market (i.e.,
To see what this last condition entails, consider an agent with m entering the decen-
tralized market at t. With probability aj, he buys and leaves with m dt(m, m) , where m
is a random draw from Ft. Similarly, with probability aj, he sells and leaves with m
m), and with probability 1 2aj , he neither buys nor sells (although he might barter)
and leaves with m. This maps Ft into Gt. Later that period, in the centralized market, an
agent with m chooses mt(m) p mt1, and this maps Gt into Ft1.
subject to d m and q 0.
We claim that the solution to (6) is
m) {q(m)
t if m ! m*t
if m m*,
m if m ! m*t
d (m, m) (7)
m* if m m*,
where q(m)
t is the qt that solves fm
t p z(qt), with
vc(q)u (q) (1 v)u(q)c (q)
z(q) { , (8)
vu (q) (1 v)c (q)
and m*t p z(q*)/ft. To verify this, notice that if we ignore the constraint
d m, then necessary and sufficient conditions for a solution are
v[c(qt) fd
t t]u (qt) p (1 v)[u(qt) fd
t t]c (qt) (9)
v[c(qt) fd
t t] p (1 v)[u(qt) fd
t t]. (10)
Thus u (qt) p c (qt), or qt p q*, and d t p m*t p [vc(q*) (1
t { aj{u[q(m)]
t fd
t t(m)} aj c[q(m)]}dF(m)
{ftd t(m) t
j j1 b[vj1(m j1) fj1m j1]}.
b jt max {fm
m j1
u (q*)2
S{ 1 (16)
u (q*) v(1 v)[u(q*) c(q*)][c (q*) u (q*)]
It is standard in monetary theory to consider only equilibria at the Friedman rule that
are the limit of equilibria as inflation approaches the Friedman rule. Here we can actually
do more, by considering any equilibria at the Friedman rule as long as v ! 1 , or as long
as v p 1, but we consider only equilibria that correspond to a limit as v r 1.
tion, we arrive at
u (qt1)
z(qt) p bz(qt1) aj [ z (qt1)
1 aj , ] (18)
m0 ! M
p M1 [
. ]
One can similarly show that if the lower bound satisfies
X* H
m0 1 M 1
z(q*) ],
then H 0(m) ! H for all m. Finally, for t 1, one can show that X * 1
z(q*) and X * ! H z(q*) guarantee 0 ! Ht ! H. Hence, simple condi-
tions imply that the constraint 0 Ht H will be slack for all t.
u (qt1)
M t1 [
z (qt1)
1 aj . ] (20)
u (q) 1tb
p1 . (21)
z (q) ajb
V. Quantitative Analysis
We parameterize the model as follows. Assume that u(q) p [(q
b)1h b 1h]/(1 h), where h 1 0 and b (0, 1). This generalizes stan-
dard constant relative risk aversion preferences by including b, which
forces u(0) p 0 (a maintained assumption); this does not matter much
quantitatively, however, because we set b 0 for this exercise. Since
q* p 1 b, this means that q* 1. Next, assume that U(X ) p
B log (X ). Notice that this implies X * p B. Finally, assume that c(h) p
h, which makes the disutility of labor the same in the two markets.
We begin with a yearly model, mainly to facilitate comparison with
M/P z(q)
Lp p . (24)
Y B jz(q)
mark inflation rate of 4 percent. For example, given v p 1, the best fit
is (h, B, j) p (0.266, 2.133, 0.311). However, things are not precisely
identified; if we fix j p 0.5, we estimate (h, B) p (0.163, 1.968) with
virtually no sacrifice in fit and no change in the welfare implications,
as we shall see below. Hence we often simply set j p 0.5. Figure 2 shows
the fitted relationship for the case v p 1 as the solid line and for the
case v p 0.5 as the dashed line, where in each case we set j p 0.5 and
fit the preference parameters; clearly there is little in these data to
recommend one v over another.
Our measure of the cost of inflation asks how much agents would be
willing to give up in terms of total consumption to have inflation zero
instead of t. For any t, steady-state utility is
Annual Model (19002000)
vp1 vm p .343
v p .5 vp1
j p .31 j p .50 j p .50 j p .50 j p .50
h p .27 h p .16 h p .30 h p .39 h p .39
B p 2.13 B p 1.97 B p 1.91 B p 1.78 B p 1.78
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
q(t) .243 .206 .143 .094 .522
q(0) .638 .618 .442 .296 .821
q(tF) 1.000 1.000 .779 .568 1.000
1 D0 .014 .014 .032 .046 .012
1 DF .016 .016 .041 .068 .013
Annual Model (19592000)
Monthly Model (19002000)
here are very similar to those in table 1, and so the main conclusion is
robust to changing the period length as well as the sample. That con-
clusion is that bargaining power seems to be a quantitatively important
consideration in estimating the welfare cost of inflation, and one that
previous analyses have missed entirely.
To illustrate the effects of less moderate inflations, figure 3 shows the
welfare cost 1 D 0 for inflation rates ranging from 0 to 150 percent.
The upper curve pertains to vm and the parameters from column 4 of
table 1, whereas the lower curve pertains to v p 1 and the same param-
eters. The difference in the curves is due to the holdup problem. Notice
that the difference gets smaller at big inflation rates, because q gets very
small for big t regardless of v. As the figure makes clear, the costs
basically converge when t reaches 150 percent since decentralized trade
has all but shut down by this point. Hence, the difference between
models with v p 1 and v ! 1 is especially relevant for small to moderate
inflation rates.
Finally, we want to contrast our method with the traditional way of
measuring the cost of inflation, which is to compute the area under the
money demand curve (see the discussion and references in Lucas
[2000]). Our results show that this procedure does not work in general.
If we start with a value for v and fit parameters to money demand and
then change v and refit the parameters, we match the data equally well
but get very different values for the welfare cost. Knowing the empirical
money demand curve is not enough: one really needs to understand
the micro foundations, and especially how the terms of trade are de-
termined, in order to correctly estimate the welfare cost of inflation.
VI. Conclusion
We have presented a new framework for monetary economics, explicitly
based on the frictions used in search theory, but without the restrictions
Aruoba, S. Boragan, Christopher Waller, and Randall Wright. 2004. Money and
Capital. Manuscript, Univ. Maryland.