Naomi CV - English, Updated Lan 2018

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

NAME Noami Hadas Lidor, ID# 050687300

ONO ACADEMIC Head of the National School of Rehabilitation, Integration and

COLLEGE Recovery in Mental Health
Faculty member in Education Department, starting 10/2017

TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY (1) Senior Teacher, the Medical Faculty, Health profession
school, Occupational Therapy Department,
(2) Head of the Master track in Mental health rehabilitation in the
community in Occupational Therapy

HOME ADDRESS 19 Mor St., Kfar-Saba, 4424219, Israel

Tel: 09-7651825, Cell: 054-6798118,
email: [email protected]

DATE AND PLACE OF May 14, 1951, Tel-Aviv, Israel


ZAHAL (ISRAELI Discharged (medical reasons)




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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018


Degree or
Period of Name of Date
Subject Professional
Study Institute Awarded
1966-1969 Tel-Aviv “Tikhon Matriculation 1969
Khadas” high
1969-1972 Tel Aviv University Hebrew literature and B.A. 1972
1972-1975 Tel Aviv University Learning toward M.A.
in Hebrew literature
(Research on works of
poet Shaul
1977-1979 Tel Aviv University Occupational therapy Diploma 1979
1989-1991 Faculty of Vocational behavior M.Occ.H. 1991
Medicine, Tel Aviv
1993-1998 Faculty of Psychiatry Ph.D. 1998
Medicine, Tel Aviv

Title of Master’s Thesis The Perception of Self Image and Work Needs of
Mentally Ill and Healthy Persons
Names of Supervisors Dr. Amnon Ben-David, Professor Noami Katz, Professor
Yigal Ginat
Title of Doctoral Examining the Efficacy of the Dynamic Cognitive
Dissertation Treatment through Instrumental Enrichment in
Rehabilitation of Client With Schizophrenia
Names of Supervisors Professor Shmuel Tiano, Professor Avi Weizman,
Professor Noami Katz.

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018


Degree or
Period of Date
Name of University Subject Professional
Study Awarded
1980-1986 Lewenstein Hospital Neuro-psychology and End of course 1986
with Faculty of professional diagnosis
Medicine, Tel Aviv
1980-1986 Prof. R Feuerstein 5 courses on structural End of course 1986
and his team, the cognitive modifiability
"International Center (SCM), mediated
for the Enhancement learning experience
of Learning Potential" (MLE), learning
potential assessment
Device (LPAD) and
2010-2011 "Mophet" institute, learning from the 2011
college for educators successes given by
Prof. Yona Rozenfeld
2010 "Mophet" institute Couching of people Coacher 2011
college for educators with learning

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

Period Name of Institute Department Rank/Function
1972-1977 Tel Aviv University Katz Institute Research on works of poet Shaul
1983-1986 Tel Aviv University Occupational Therapy Lecturer on Rehabilitation in the
1985 Ministry of School for training Lectures on Rehabilitation in the
Employment & Social counselors community
Services, Netanya
1985 Ministry of School for training Coordinator and lecturer of national
Employment & Social counselors course for managers and workers of
Services vocational rehabilitation centers
1986-1996 Tel Aviv University Occupational Therapy Initiator, founder and supervisor of
Department groups of occupational therapists
working in rehabilitation
1986-now Tel Aviv University Occupational Therapy Lecturer and coordinator of
Department rehabilitation studies in mental
Lecturer and student supervisor
1989-1995 Haifa University Occupational Therapy Lecturer on rehabilitation of the
Department disabled in the community
1992-1995 Hebrew University of School of Lecturer in Master's program on
Jerusalem Occupational Therapy rehabilitation of the disabled in the
community and dynamic cognitive
1994-2017 Tel Aviv University Occupational Therapy Senior Teacher in the Occupational
Department Therapy Department
1995-2000 Beit Berl College The unit for Lecturer on dynamic cognitive
supporting students therapy
with learning
1998-now Tel Aviv University School for Lecturer and thesis supervisor in
Occupational Therapy Master's program
2001-now Tel Aviv University Occupational Therapy Head of studies toward a diploma
Department on dynamic cognitive treatment and
its implementation in health
2006 Social security Lecturer in the course
"rehabilitation in mental health"
managed by the social security
2007 Social security Lecturer in a course for elderly
people with learning disabilities
managed by the social security
2016 Ono college (Dr. Erasmus teaching exchange
Noami Hadas Lidor) & programme between Ono College
University of and University of Hertfordshire (UK)
Hertfordshire (Prof.
Shula Ramon)

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Period Name of Institute Department Rank/Function
1987 Joint and the Ministry Katz Institute Chairman of Steering Committee to
of Health establish a psychiatric rehabilitation
1989 Ikhilov Hospital Department of Preparation of proposal to create a
Psychiatry rehabilitation model for the
mentally ill in Ichilov Hospital
1989 Tel-Mond Mental Research of the needs to create a
Health Clinic and rehabilitation model for the various
"Shalvata" Hospital vocational limitations in Tel Mond
1990-2004 Tel Aviv University School for Chairman of the Acceptance
Occupational Therapy Committee
1991 Tel Aviv University Israel Society for Planning & organization of second
Psycho-Social national conference
1991 Kupat Kholim Occupational Health Member of committee for
establishing programs to integrate
occupational therapy in
rehabilitation processes
1991-95 Israel Journal of Associate Editor
Occupational Therapy
2001-2006 Ministry of Health National Council for Head of the National Council,
Rehabilitation of consultant of the Minister of Health
Mentally Disabled in
the Community
2005-now Israel society of Israel journal of Editor of the section "in a personal
occupational therapy occupational therapy perspective"
2009-now Medicine (psychiatric), Editor of the section "The expert
a publication of the opinion"
Medial group
2011-now Ono academic college, Head of national school of
Kiryat Ono rehabilitation, integration and
recovery in mental health

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Period Name of Institute Rank/Function
1979-1986 Rehabilitation Center, Herzliya Head of the Vocational Diagnosis Unit. Training
of students from Tel Aviv University.
1982-1983 Shalvata Hospital Training and supervision of rehabilitation team in
establishing units for diagnosis, rehabilitation
and pre-vocation
1986-2000 Shalvata, Tel Hashomer, Talbiye Supervisor of rehabilitation teams
Hospitals and Herzliya, Holon,
Petah Tikvah, Kfar Onim and
Yavne rehabilitation centers
1993-1995 Kfar Idud Supervisor of diagnosis team in rehabilitation
1995 Tel Hashomer Hospital, Counselor and supervisor in establishing
Rehabilitation Department Diagnosis/Rehabilitation Unit
1995-2005 Beit Berl College, Support Center Counselor and supervisor of learning disability
1996 Onim Institute Counselor and supervisor in the Unit for
Diagnosis and Dynamic Evaluation
1998-now Ministry of Health in collaboration Initiator, director and teacher of several courses
with Tel-Aviv University dealing with various positions in mental health
rehabilitation in the community:
Managers course;
Consumers as service providers' course;
Instructors course and the like.
These courses are the foundation of the
infrastructure for the "national school for
rehabilitation integration and mental health
2000-2002 Tirat HaCarmel Hospital Supervisor of rehabilitation team
2000-2006 Ministry of Health Supervisor of community support placement
team (mental health)
2002-now Ministry of Health Advisor of special projects in mental health
rehabilitation at the Ministry of Health:
Consumers as service providers';
Quality surveyors;
Support students with psychiatric disability in the
2002-now Ministry of Health & Tel-Aviv Founder and academic director of the "KESHET"
University project - a course for parents and family
members who have a family member with
psychiatric disability
2005-now Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor Advisor of special projects in employment
2007-2010 Ministry of Health in collaboration Headmaster of the national school for
with Ariel university center in rehabilitation integration and mental health
Samaria and Magid institute of the recovery of the Ministry of Health
Hebrew university of Jerusalem
2011-now Ministry of Health in collaboration Head of national school of rehabilitation,
with Ono academic college integration and recovery in mental health

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Year Function/societies
1990-1995 Chairman of the Israeli organization for psychosocial rehabilitation, center region
Planning and Organization of the Second National Conference of the Israel
Organization for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv University.
1991-1996 Member in the management of the Israeli Association of Occupational Therapy
Planning and Organization of the Third National Conference of the Israel
Organization for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv University.
1995 Chairman of the Israel Association of Occupational Therapists
1995-1999 Member of Editorial Board of the Journal Work, published in Boston, USA
Member, Organizing committee for the Sixth National Conference of Occupational
Member, organizing committee for the Annual Ministry of Health Conference on
Mental Health.
Member, organizing committee for the Eighth Annual Conference of the Israel
Organization for Occupational Therapy.
Academic advisor of the occupational therapists forum of rehabilitation in mental
Member, organizing committee for the Ninth Annual Conference of the Israel
Organization for Occupational Therapy.
1999 Member, organizing committee for the Fourth Annual Conference for Mental Health
Head of the organizing committee for the Conference in memory of Ms. Naomi
Initiator and coordinator of the biennial conferences of studies toward a diploma on
a dynamic cognitive intervention at Tel Aviv University School of Health Professions
Establishes and Chairman of the National Council for the rehabilitation of persons
with mental disabilities and related health minister counselor
Head of the organizing committee for the Conference about dynamic cognitive
2001 treatment and its implementation in health professions, marking the opening of
Diploma studies.
Consultant of the lobby for integration of people with disabilities in the community;
Initiating and organizing in this framework the International Day of Persons with
2001-2003 Disabilities in the Knesset for two years;
Published a booklet with the summaries of the committees discussions from these
Member, organizing committee for the 11th National Conference of the Israel
Organization for Occupational Therapy.
Academic Advisor of the Forum for Mental Health Rehabilitation of the Occupational
Among the organizers of the "accessible for all" conference with the
commissionership for equal rights for people with disabilities
Among the writers of the position paper for the accessibility chapter in the law
dealing with adjustments for students with learning disabilities
Among the writers of the position paper for the accessibility chapter in the law
2009 dealing with adjustments for students with psychiatric disabilities

Member of the scientific council of ISPRA


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Year Name of Meeting
1987-1991 Functional Diagnosis of the Protracted Mentally Ill
Conference in the framework of a course for psychiatric rehabilitation by the Joint and
the Ministry of Health.
1988 Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill in the Community
Lecture at National Conference of Occupational Therapy Clinics, Jerusalem.
1990-now Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill in the Community
Lectures for various organizations, including Enosh, Petah Tikvah Rehabilitation Center,
Mentally Health Unit in Herzliya, and Eran.
1990 Instrumental Enrichment in Different Rehabilitation Populations
Lecture at an International Conference at Shores.
1991 Diagnostic Dilemmas in the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill in the Community
Lecture at a conference on Psycho-Social Rehabilitation.
1993 Dynamic Cognitive Diagnosis in Comparison to Standard Diagnosis
Lecture at a Conference of Psychologists.
1995 The Dynamic Cognitive Approach According to Feuerstein in the Treatment of Language
Lecture at a Conference for Communications Therapists.
1996 The Hierarchy of Vocational Rehabilitation
Lecture at a Conference organized by Akim.
1996 Dynamic Cognitive Treatment in Groups Suffering from Schizophrenia
Lecture at an International Conference for Changing Learning Ability, Shoresh.
1996 Instrumental Enrichment
Coordination and direction of a panel at the Sixth National Conference of Occupational
1997 Examining the Efficacy of the Dynamic Cognitive Treatment through Instrumental
Enrichment in Rehabilitation of Clients with Schizophrenia
Lecture at the AOTA Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA
1997 Dynamic Cognitive Treatment Using a Problem Solving Model in an Adolescent Suffering
from Learning Disability
Lecture at the International Conference for Changing Learning Ability, Shoresh.
1998 Dynamic Cognitive Treatment and its Place in Education Today
Lecture at a Special Education Conference at Tel Hai College.
1998 Dynamic Cognitive Treatment and its Influence on the Functioning of People Suffering
from Schizophrenia and Undergoing Rehabilitation in the Community
Lecture at the Annual Ministry of Health Conference on Mental Health.
1998 Case Study: Treatment of an Adolescent Defined as Slightly Learning Disabled who
Does Not Want to Read
Lecture at the Annual Conference of the Israel Organization for Occupational Therapy.
1999 Functioning and Cognition
Organization and direction of a panel at the Ninth Annual Science Conference of the
Israel Organization for Occupational Therapy.

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Year Name of Meeting

1999 Evaluation of the Perception of Self Image and Work Needs of Mentally Ill and Healthy
Persons in Rehabilitation
Lecture at a Conference at The Summit Institute
1999 Functioning and Cognition in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mentally Disabled
Direction of a workshop at the Fourth Annual Conference for Mental Health
2000 Rehabilitation Dilemmas in Mental Health
Lecture and organization of Conference in memory of Ms. Naomi Lehman.
2001 Cognitive Work Through Drafting
Lecture and organization of Conference about dynamic cognitive treatment and its
implementation in health professions, marking the opening of Diploma studies.
2001 Rehabilitation Dilemmas
Chairman of a panel at the Annual Mental Health Conference.
2002 Technologies and Computerization in Mental Health
Chairman of a panel at the 11th National Conference of the Israel Organization for
Occupational Therapy.
2002 Puzzle: Cognitive Affective Test (CAT)
Presentation of the poster with V. Zeidelson, Dr. T. Yaros and Dr. M. Shneidman at the
Third Pan Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong.
2002 To Learn with the Client: Learning from Another Perspective
Lecture at the National Rehabilitation Conference of the Rehabilitation Division of Social
2002 the dynamic cognitive approach - the way to recovery
Plenary lecture in the fourth national conference on cognitive intervention in mental
health at the Tel-Aviv university
2003 The girl who refused to read
A lecture at a College of Education "Gordon" in the category of the brain, learning and
learning disabilities
2003 The National Council for Rehabilitation of Mentally Disabled in the Community and the
psychiatric rehabilitation
A lecture at a conference in the Israeli Psychiatric Association, Tel – Aviv branch
2003 Rights and non-rights for people with mental disability in the community
Lecture at the conference of the Israeli Psychiatric Association, Tel - Aviv branch
2004 Treatment of a girl with learning disabilities that doesn't want to read - emotion and
cognition are interwoven
Lecture at a conference held in Um-El-Phakhem dealing with learning skills promotion:
"We all for education in Israel"
2004 change of occupational therapy status
Plenary lecture in the 13th National Conference of the National Occupational Therapy
2004 KESHET (promotion participation and communication), a course for training parents and
other family members for communication in a cognitive way
Lecture in cooperation with Ms. Aya Hasdai and Mr. David Moses in the 13th meeting of
the National Association of Occupational Therapy

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Year Name of Meeting

2005 Emotion and cognition go hand in hand – a case study
Lecture in the 4th national conference of cognitive dealing with cognitive intervention in
mental health, Tel - Aviv University
2005 Changing environments in the rehabilitation process
Lecture at the youth culture and sport centers conference held at "Yad HaTish'a" youth
culture and sport center in Herzliya
2005 Government and clinic Relationships
Lecture and Chairman of a Panel in Ruppin conference for integration and rehabilitation
of people with psychiatric disability in the community, Ruppin Academic Center, Emek
2005 dynamic cognitive approach – on the way to recovery
Lecture at the conference "setting life goals" held at the International Center for the
Enhancement of Learning Potential, Jerusalem
2005 Cognition & occupation across life span
A lecture in the annual conference of "Beyachad", organization for youngsters and
adults with difficulties in attention and concentration, Tel-Hashomer Hospital
2005 support for students coping with mental disabilities by adjustments for students with
learning disabilities
Lecture at the annual meeting of the Mental Health Supported Education, Ministry of
2005 Conference organization and plenary lecture on "cognitive intervention in mental
health" at the national annual meeting of studies toward a diploma on dynamic
cognitive treatment, Tel-Aviv university
2006 The sky are the limit
Conference organization and plenary lecture on "cognitive intervention in various areas
of life in people with learning disability" at the national annual meeting of studies
toward a diploma on dynamic cognitive treatment, Tel-Aviv university
2006 Dynamic cognitive intervention and its impact on the social and cognitive functioning of
people with psychiatric disability in rehabilitation in the community
In cooperation with Ms. Vered Shafir Keisar at the annual conference of the Israeli
Association of Occupational Therapy
2006 Participation of the client in the intervention process
Supervision of panel in the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Occupational
2006 Attitudes of students of occupational therapy and medicine regarding the integration of
people with mental illness in the community
Lecture in cooperation with Kaduri A. and Chacham K. in the annual meeting of the
Israeli Association of Occupational Therapy
2006 The link between cognitive ability, functional ability and executive functions, and
gardening activity among adults which are in orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation
in hospitals
Lecture in cooperation with Ms. Leibowitz, M. and Yaros, T. at the Annual Meeting of
the Israeli Association of Occupational Therapy
2007 The personality and work of Professor Reuven Feuerstein
Plenary lecture and organizing the national annual meeting of studies toward a diploma
on dynamic cognitive treatment at Tel - Aviv University in cooperation with the
International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential in Jerusalem

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Year Name of Meeting

2007 KESHET project - mediated learning experience intervention increases hope of family
members coping with a relative suffering from a severe mental illness
Lecture in the conference "working with families" Stratford upon Avon, UK
2008 Participation of the client in the rehabilitation intervention process
Lecture in the 14th conference dealing with the quality of medicine
2009 KESHET- a program to enhance coping skills of family members of patients with mental
illnesses, based on the dynamic cognitive intervention model
Lecture in the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA): 89th Annual
Conference & Expo 2009, Houston, TX, USA
2010 KESHET project - mediated learning experience intervention increases hope of family
members coping with a relative suffering from a severe mental illness
Lecture in the 12th IACEP International Conference, Osnabrück, Germany
2011 Dynamic Cognitive Intervention Application in rehabilitation of Mental Health
Lecture in Psychology Department, Antwerp University invited by Prof. Jo Lebeer
2012 Cognitive Intervention Application in rehabilitation of Mental Health
Lecture in Boston University, College of health and rehabilitation science: Sargent
college, center for psychiatric rehabilitation, invited by Dr Marianne Farkas
2012 "The double life of the family"
Plenary lecture at the first national conference on the family organized by the Ministry
of Health Rehabilitation unit
2013 Conference on Instruction in Mental Health Rehabilitation
Chairman of the conference that took place in the National School of Rehabilitation,
Integration and Recovery in Mental Health, Ono Academic College, in collaboration with
the Ministry of Health
2013 Families conference: "To learn from pain and to create together the whole"
Chairman of the conference that took place in the National School of Rehabilitation,
Integration and Recovery in Mental Health, Ono Academic College, in collaboration with
the Joint
2014 The first conference on research in mental health rehabilitation
Co-chairman (as the head of National School of Rehabilitation, Integration and
Recovery in Mental Health) with the research institute of health professional and
medicine in Ono Academic College and the Ministry of Health
2014 Mental health reform
Chairperson of the conference held at the National School of Rehabilitation, Integration
and Recovery in Mental Health at Ono Academic College, in cooperation with the
Ministry of Health
2016 "The use of complementary treatment approaches as an extension of the rehabilitation
Chairperson of the conference held at the National School of Rehabilitation, Integration
and Recovery in Mental Health at Ono Academic College, in cooperation with the
Ministry of Health
2017 The 22nd meeting of the National Association of Occupational Therapy
Participation in workshop on learning from success
2017 The 22nd meeting of the National Association of Occupational Therapy
Participation in workshop on "cognitive skills for work (CSW)", familiarity with cognitive
group intervention amongst people with mental disability that get employment services

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

* - Denotes activities & publications since last appointment
I.F. - Impact Factor (ISI & 2014)

(a). Articles Published in peer reviewed Journals

1. Lehman, N., Hadas Lidor, N.

The Rehabilitation Unit for Mental Health in Jaffa – Theory and Implementation
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1 (2), H55-62, 1992, (Heb.).
2. Hadas Lidor, N.
Together, A Group of Occupational Therapists Dealing with Rehabilitation in the
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1 (2), H69-77, 1992, (Heb.).
3. Erez, M., Hadas Lidor, N.
Elements in horse-riding, which contribute to the rehabilitation of the physically
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1 (4), H161-174, 1992, (Heb.).
4. Maroz, M., Hadas Lidor, N.
The Unit for Work Methods in Shalvata: Industrial Treatment with the Community In
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2 (1), H32-37, 1993, (Heb.).
5. Hadas Lidor, N.
Amir, the dyslectic and Dysgraphic boy from a mother viewpoint (from a lecture I
gave in his school, Nov the 12th, 1990)
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2 (4), H169-172, 1993, (Heb.).
6. Hadas Lidor, N., Katz, N., Bar-Tal Y.
Worker role and work-related needs of mentally ill and healthy people
Work, A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 3 (1), 26-32, 1993,
(Impact factor: 0.779)
7. *Hadas Lidor, N.
David, Haya and Ilan – Has the Instrumental Enrichment and Dynamic Approach
Answered Their Problems?
Educational Studies, 1994, (Heb.).
8. *Hadas Lidor, N., Alkali, V., Lacks, S.
Dynamic Diagnosis in Comparison to Standard Diagnosis by Describing the Case
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 3 (4), H192-201, 1994, (Heb.).
9. *Hadas Lidor, N., Katz, N.
Cognitive Rehabilitation: Occupational Therapy Models for Intervention in Psychiatry
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 19 (2), 29-36, 1995, (Impact Factor: 0.631,
Rehabilitation: 58 of 71, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.306).
10. *Hadas Lidor, N.
Feuerstein’s Theory of Cognitive Modifiability and Its Applications to Occupational
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5 (1+2), H1-11, 1996 (Heb.).
11. *Matan, A., Hadas Lidor, N.
Group Therapy Using Instrumental Enrichment with Clients Suffering from
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5 (1+2), H12-28, 1996 (Heb.).

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12. *Goldwasser, S., Hadas Lidor, N.

Instrumental Enrichment with Children Suffering from Emotional and Cognitive
Problems and Social Difficulties
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5 (1+2), H29-39, 1996 (Heb.).
13. *Dahan, O., Hadas Lidor, N.
Evaluation of Composition Writing with the Aid of Two Models: Literary and
Cognitive, Examples of Treatment Using Both Approaches
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5 (1+2), H40-61, 1996 (Heb.).
14. *Stemmler, R., Hadas Lidor, N.
Integrating the “Analytical Approach” from Instrumental Enrichment Program with
Intervention in Daily Functioning of a Patient After Brain Injury
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5 (1+2), H62-82, 1996 (Heb.).
15. *Hadas Lidor, N.
The Dyslectic and Dysgraphic Child in School: From Available to Required
Educational Counseling, Volume 3 (a), 127-135, 1998, (Heb.).
16. *Hadas Lidor, N.
Dynamic Cognitive Therapy According to Feuerstein in Learning and Adaptation
Work, A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 11 (3), 349-361,
1998, (Impact factor 2016: 0.715).
17. *Hadas Lidor, N., Bouni, O.,
The third national conference of rehabilitation
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 9 (4), H52-153, 2000 (Heb.).
18. *Hadas Lidor, N., Katz, N., Tiano, S., Weizman, A.
Effectiveness of Dynamic Cognitive Intervention in Rehabilitation of Clients with
Clinical Rehabilitation, 15 (4), 349-359, 2001, (Impact Factor: 2.403 Ranking:
Rehabilitation (SCI) 10 out of 65).
19. *Bouni, O., Hadas Lidor, N.
Assessment and Treatment Based on the Principles of the International
Classification of Functioning, Disabilities and Health (ICIDH): Clinical Application to
the Field of Occupational Therapy
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 10 (4), H167-180, 2001 (Heb.).
20. *Sahar, N., Hadas Lidor, N., Levroded, C.,
Testing the level of proficiency and vocational interest amongst students in
"Miphtan" School
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 12 (2), H75-90, 2003, (Heb.).
21. *Hadas Lidor, N. Weiss, P., Naveh, E.
From Therapist to Teacher – Entry into the Teaching Role – Another Stage in the
Development of Professional Identity
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 12 (4), H177-191, 2003, (Heb.).
22. *Lachman, M., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Rehabilitation of people with mental disabilities in the community: From
hospitalization alternative to integration in the community and to recovery
"Hadea Harovachat" (Translation: the prevailing opinion): The Israeli journal of the
social welfare association, 35, 14-17, 2003, (Heb.).
23. *Hadas Lidor, N.,
The way to change the occupational therapy status
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 13 (4), H185-194, 2004, (Heb.).

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24. *Tau, A., Goldhirsh, A., Hadas Lidor-N.,

Examination of the needs of consumers of psychiatric services who participate in
supported education program and of those who don't, according to both the
consumers own evaluation and those of their therapists
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 13 (4), H209-229, 2004, (Heb.).
25. *Weissbrem-Padan, D., Vax, S., Naor, R,. Sahar, N., Askayo, H., Tsabar, O.,
Austin, O., Soffer, A., Bouni, O., Hadas-Lidor, N.,
Occupational therapy practice in Israel following the community-based
rehabilitation for people with psychiatric disability
WFOT Bulletin, 53, 36-43, 2006.
26. *Hadas Lidor, N., Hasdai, A., Jarus, T.,
"KESHET" – promotion participation and communication course for parents and
caregivers for cognitive communication
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 15 (1), H31-46, 2006, (Heb.).
27. *Hadas Lidor, N., Berkovitz, Y.,
Personal perspective section: Training workshop - Like circles on the water
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 15 (2), H128-134, 2006,
28. *Hadas Lidor, N., Naveh, E., Weiss P.,
From therapist to teacher. Development of professional identity and the issue of
Journal of cognitive Education and Psychology, 6 (1), 100-116, 2006.
29. *Dahan, O., Hadas Lidor., N., Meltzer, Y.,
Workshop of time organization in the framework of the center for supporting
students with learning disabilities
Issues in special education and rehabilitation, 21 (1), 87-97, 2006, (Heb.).
30. *Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M., Bouni, O.,
Training as a condition to reforms implementation, the case of mental health
rehabilitation reform
"Shikumada" – Journal of the Israeli rehabilitation and physical medicine, 25, 19-21,
2007, (Heb.).
31. *Shafir Keisar, V., Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M. and Tal, A.,
The Efficacy of Dynamic- Cognitive and Social Functioning of Persons with
Schizophrenia in the community
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16 (1), E3-26, 2007.
32. *Hadas Lidor, N., Bouni, O., Lachman, M. and Peli Iltit, T.,
The Law of Community Rehabilitation for Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities:
A Lever in the Development of Occupational Therapy Profession
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16 (1), H3-19, 2007, (Heb.)
33. *Hadas Lidor, N., Peli Iltit, T., Weissbrem-Padan, D., and Lapidot, Y.
Treatment Coordination and Tutoring: Enabling Integration within the Community
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16 (1), H21-30, 2007, (Heb.)
34. *Hadas Lidor, N., Weiss, P.,
An academic diploma program as a lever for personal and professional growth and
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16 (3), E61-74, 2007.
35. *Hadas Lidor, N., Dahan, O., Cassif-Weissberg, L., Tabakman, M.,
Supportive education program for people with psychiatric disabilities in the
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 17 (1), H9-22, 2007, (Heb.)

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36. *Dahan, O., Hadas Lidor, N., Meltzer, Y., Roitman, Y.,
Workshop of time organizing and resources: from theory to practice, in the
framework of the center for supporting students with learning disabilities
Issues in special education and rehabilitation, 23 (1), 59-75, 2008 (Heb.).
37. *Lachman, M., Tal, A., Hadas Lidor, N.,
The implementation of the Recovery paradigm in mental health in the Israeli society
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 18 (2), E21-34, (2009).
38. *Redlich, D., Hadas Lidor, N., Weiss, P., & Amirav, I.,
Mediated learning experience intervention increases hope of family members coping
with a relative with severe mental illness
Community Mental health Journal, 46, 409-415, 2009, (Impact factor 0.979).
39. *Hadas Lidor, N., Broyer, G., Barlevi, B-Z.,
Level of Hope among People with Psychiatric and Physical Disabilities Undergoing a
Professional Rehabilitation Process
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 18 (4), H277-302, 2009. (Heb.).
40. *Levit, A., Kozulin, A. and Hadas Lidor, N.,
Executive functions in standard "paper and pencil" tests and in everyday life tasks:
Implications for patients with traumatic brain injury
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19 (2), H95-113, 2010. (Heb.).
41. *Dahan, O., Meltzer, Y., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Voices from the past and present - Students with learning disabilities perceive
themselves as writers - at the beginning of the preparatory program and after their
first semester of studies
Issues in special education and rehabilitation, 25 (1), 5-22, 2010 (Heb.).
42. *Roe, D., Tal, A., Balush Klienman, V. Shershevski, Y., Hadas Lidor, N., Telem, A.
and Lachman, M.,
The psychiatric rehabilitation: A way to a profession,
Social security Journal, 85-105, July 2011 (Heb.)
43. * Dahan, O., Melzer, Y., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Diagnosis as a base to build an academic writing course for students
"Mofet" journal, 48, 60-66 (2012) (Heb.)
44. *Tene Rinde, M., Hadas Lidor, N. and Sachs, D.,
Accessibility in higher education for people coping with psychiatric disabilities
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22 (2), H83-112, 2013. (Heb.).
45. *Shefa, S., Nahmani Asher, O. and Hadas Lidor, N.,
Comparison between static and dynamic forms of Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure
Test (ROCF) and their impact on the self-efficacy of people with mental illness in the
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22 (4), E85-103, 2013. (English version
of the same paper in the same volume, pages H284-297)

46. *Weiss, P., Shor, R. and Hadas Lidor, N.,

Cultural aspects within caregiver interactions of ultraorthodox Jewish women and
their family members with mental illness
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 83 (4), 520-527, (2013).

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

47. *Regev, S., Hadas Lidor, N. and Rosenberg, L.,

The Internet and Computer User Profile: a questionnaire for determining
intervention targets in occupational therapy at mental health vocational centers
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 25, 1-9, 2014.
48. *Hadas Lidor, N. and Weiss, P
Never Say Never to Learning - Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI) for persons
with Severe Mental Illness.
Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, (Special Issue), 133-151, 2014.
49. *Goldberg, M., Hadas Lidor, N. and Karnieli-Miller O.,
From patient to Therapatient: Social work student coping with mental illness
Qualitative Health Research, 25(7), 887-98, 2015, (Impact Factor: 1.403, Ranking:
Health Policy & Services 48 out of 75).
50. *Dorfzaun-Harif, I., Feuerstein, T., Ovadia, W., Ettinger, S., Loewinger, Y., Tvito,
H., Etzion, M., Rosenfelder, D. and Hadas Lidor, N.
An Innovative model for the Dynamic Neurocognitive Rehabilitation for individuals
with Acquired Brain Injury.
Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 16 (1), 3-30, 2015.
51. *Hadas Lidor, N., Balush, V. K., Dudai, R. and Oren, R.,
Learning is at the Base of Change: The National School of Rehabilitation,
Community Participation and Recovery in Mental Health.
ISPRA newsletter No. 15, (special edition), Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Israel, 13-
14, 2016.
52. *McGurk, S., Mueser, K., Katz, N., Tal, A., Hadas Lidor, N., Hoter-Ishay, H. and
Aloush, H.,
Cognitive Skills for Work Program for People with Severe Mental Illness:
Collaboration among the Center of Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University,
"Shekulo Tov" Group and Ono Academic College.
ISPRA newsletter No. 15, (special edition), Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Israel, 25-
26, 2016.
53. *Hadas Lidor, N. and Netzer, A.,
Attitudes of Employees in the Mental Health System towards Involvement of
Consumers in the areas of Care, Research, Management, Planning, Implementation
and Evaluation.
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25 (3), H115-132, 2016 (Heb.).
54. *Goldberg, M., Hadas Lidor, N. and Karnieli-Miller O.,
Professional development of social work students coping with mental illness.
Society and welfare, 37 (1), 187-213, 2017 (Heb.).
55. Weiss, P., Hadas-Lidor, N., Weizman, A., & Sachs, D.,
The effectiveness of a Knowledge Translation cognitive-educational
intervention for family members of persons coping with severe mental
Community Mental Health Journal,
0169-9 (2017)

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

(b). Chapters in Books

1. Hadas Lidor, N., Katz, N.,

A Dynamic Approach for Cognitive Modifiability – Application in Occupational
Occupational Therapy Cognitive Approaches for Adults with Cognitive Dysfunction,
Naomi Katz (ed.), April 1992.
2. *Hadas Lidor, N.,
Dynamic Cognitive Intervention in a Population Suffering from Schizophrenia
In "The Ontogeny of Cognitive Modifiability: Applied Aspects of MLE and IE", Kozulin
Alex editor, 1997.
3. *Hadas Lidor, N., Katz, N.,
Dynamic Model for Cognitive Modifiability: Application in Occupational Therapy
In "Cognition and Occupation in Rehabilitation, Cognitive Models for Intervention in
Occupational Therapy", Katz, N., editor, 1998.
4. Hadas Lidor, N.,
Dynamic Cognitive Approach in the Rehabilitation of Youngsters in the Community
In "Trials in Mediated Study", the International Center for the Advancement of
Learning, edited by David, T., "ACH" publishing Ltd., 1999.
5. *Hadas Lidor, N., Bouni, O., Raweh-Schonwaeld, D.,
The role of occupational therapy in the assessment and diagnosis of
impairment, disability and handicap; Demonstrating principles in the
population suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder
In "Mental disability", Bleich, A. and Solomon, Z. editors, Israel ministry of
defence publishing, 145-162, 2002
6. *Hadas Lidor, N., Weiss, P.,
Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI): Application in Occupational Therapy
In Cognition & occupation across the Life Span, Edited by Katz, N., PhD,
OTR, 2005.
7. *Lachman, M. & Hadas Lidor, N.,
On the way to recovery - rehabilitation and integration of people
with disabilities in the community
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 117-130, (Heb.).
8. *Shafir-Keisar, V. & Hadas Lidor, N.,
Dynamic cognitive intervention and its impact on the cognitive and
social functioning of rehabilitated schizophrenia in the community
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 361-394, (Heb.).
9. *Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M. & Shafir-Keisar, V.,
Manager of the Community Rehabilitation Unit as a leader - a
training model
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 395-408, (Heb.).
10. *Hadas Lidor, N., & Hasdai, A. & Moses, D.,
Training parents and family members for people with psychiatric
illness - Keshet - Promotion participation and communication in a
cognitive way
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 409-428, (Heb.).

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

11. *Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M., Alon, E. & Rothschild, S.,
Learning with the patient - a different learning
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 429-438, (Heb.).
12. *Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M., & Shafir-Keisar, V.,
The dynamic cognitive approach - on the way to recovery
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 517-534, (Heb.).
13. *Hadas Lidor, N. & Weiss, P.,
One can always learn - the cognitive intervention with people suffering
from a psychiatric illness
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 535-554, (Heb.).
14. *Moses, D., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Implementation of the principles of mediation in psychiatric rehabilitation -
The story of Amnon
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 555-562, (Heb.).
15. *Dahan, O., Hadas Lidor, N. Kasif, L., Tabekman, M. & Lachman, M.,
What can be learned from helping a student with a learning disability for a
student with a psychiatric disability - accessibility and adaptation
In "Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health", Hadas Lidor, N.,
Lachman, M., editors, Litom publication, Kfar-Yona, 2007, 563-574, (Heb.).
16. *Bouni, O., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Participation, recovery and in between: New concepts in the health area
In "Accessibility of the Israeli society for persons with disabilities on the
threshold of the 21th century", Feldman, D., Daniely Lahav, Y., Haimovitz,
S., editors, Ministry of justice, State of Israel, 2007, 805-820, (Heb.).
17. *Hadas-Lidor, N., Lachman, M.,
On the Recovery Journey, the implementation of the law - rehabilitation of mental
disabled in the community
In "Medicine - Psychiatry, Compilation of articles" edited by Munitz, H., published by
Forum Media, Tel-Aviv, 2009, 217-220 (Heb.).
18. *Hadas-Lidor, N., Zin, I.,
On the Recovery Journey, designing a changing environment
In "Medicine - Psychiatry, Compilation of articles" edited by Munitz, H., published by
Forum Media, Tel-Aviv, 2009, 221-226 (Heb.).
19. *Weiss, P., Hadas Lidor, N., & Sachs, D.,
Family Caregivers’ Participation in Recovery: Communicating Cognition Based on
Dynamic Cognitive Intervention,
In N. Katz (Ed.), Cognition, Occupation, and Participation Across the Life Span,
Bethesda, MD: AOTA, 3rd ed. 2011, 71-92.
20. *Hadas-Lidor, N., Weiss P, and Kozulin A.,
Dynamic Cognitive Intervention: Application in Occupational Therapy
In N. Katz (Ed.), Cognition, Occupation, and Participation Across the Life Span,
Bethesda, MD: AOTA, 3rd ed. 2011, 323-350

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

21. *Hadas Lidor, N., Mann, A. and Redlich, D.,

"Like circles on the water": Dynamic cognitive model for instruction of staff:
Professionals and families, the example of KESHET course
In "Instruction in recovery directed rehabilitation in mental health, theory and
practice", Yerushalmi, H. and Balush Klienman, V. (editors), Ono Academic college,
229-250, 2017 (Heb.).
22. *Redlich, D. and Hadas Lidor, N.,
Use of dynamic cognitive intervention principles as a lever for hope the instruction
In "Instruction in recovery directed rehabilitation in mental health, theory and
practice", Yerushalmi, H. and Balush Klienman, V. (editors), Ono Academic college,
251-262, 2017 (Heb.).
23. Hadas-Lidor, N. & Weiss, P.,
KESHET (promotion, sharing, communication) - a course in dynamic cognitive
communication for parents and family members
In "From non-visibility to partnership – paths for coping and recovery with a mental
illness in the family" Shalev, A., & Hadas Lidor, N., (editors), Ono college publication,
Israel, 2017, Volume 2, 99-116 (Heb.).
24. Weiss, P., Hadas-Lidor, N. & Shor, R.,
Cultural factors that characterize the interaction between ultra-Orthodox women who
participated in the KESHET (rainbow) course and their family members who cope with a
psychiatric illness
In "From non-visibility to partnership – paths for coping and recovery with a mental
illness in the family", Shalev, A., & Hadas Lidor, N., (editors), Ono college publication,
Israel, 2017 (Heb.) Volume 2, 379-404
25. Weiss, P., Hadas-Lidor, N., & Sachs, D.,
Family caregiving across the life span: Participation and training from a cognitive
In "Cognition, Occupation, and Participation Across the Life Span" (4th Ed.), N. Katz &
J. Toglia (Eds.), (Chapter 18). Bethesda, MD: AOTA (2018, in press)
26. Hadas-Lidor, N., Weiss, P. & Kozulin, A.,
Dynamic Cognitive Intervention: Application in Occupational Therapy,
In "Cognition, Occupation, and Participation Across the Life Span" (4th Ed.), N. Katz &
J. Toglia (Eds.), (Chapter 25). Bethesda, MD: AOTA (2018, in press)

1. Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M., Deutsch, H., editors,
The psychosocial rehabilitation in Israel
"MS"P" publication, Enosh, Tel-Aviv, 1992 (Heb.).
2. *Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M., editors,
Rehabilitation and recovery in mental health – reading from different perspectives –
practice policy and research.
Litom publication, Israel, 2007 (Heb.).
3. Hadas Lidor, N.,
A little book about change
Litom publication, Israel, 2006 (Heb.).
4. Hadas Lidor, N., Dahan, O.,
Learn from pain / grow from darkness
Litom publication, Israel, 2006 (Heb.).

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

5. *Hadas Lidor, N.,

Learn to quarrel correctly.
"Achva" publication, Haifa, 2010 (Heb.).
6. *Shalev, A., Hadas Lidor, N., editors,
From non-visibility to partnership – paths for coping and recovery with a mental
illness in the family.
Ono college publication, Israel, 2017 (Heb.).

1. Hadas Lidor, N.,
Diagnostic Dilemmas in the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill in the Community
Chapters on psycho-social rehabilitation in Israel: series of articles from the second
conference of the psycho-social organization held in April 1991, April 1992, (Heb.)
2. Idan, R., Lezah, T., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Instrumental Enrichment and its Implementation in the Rehabilitation of the Mentally
Chapters on psycho-social rehabilitation in Israel: Series of articles from the second
conference of the psycho-social organization held in April 1991, April 1992, (Heb.).
3. Hadas Lidor, N.
Rehabilitation of the Repeatedly Mentally Ill
Booklet Celebrating 40 Years of Occupational Therapy in Israel, Jerusalem, 1988, (Heb.)
4. *Hadas Lidor, N.
Efficacy of Cognitive-Dynamic Treatment Through Mediation and Instrumental
Enrichment in a Rehabilitating Population Suffering from Schizophrenia – Summary of
Mental Health, Booklet no. 3, 52-55, 1999, (Heb.).
5. *Hadas Lidor, N.
The Neurocognitive Approach in Mental Health - Introduction
Mental Health, Booklet no. 4, 7-8, 2001, (Heb.).
6. *Hadas Lidor, N.
Instrumental Enrichment - adaptation for Health Professions
Mental Health, Booklet no. 4, 67-68, 2001, (Heb.).
7. *Fruchter, N., Shafir, V., Hadas Lidor, N.
Treatment of Thinking Skills as a Means to Improve Functioning and Adaptation
Mental Health, Booklet no. 4, 69-74, 2001, (Heb.).
8. *Lachman, M.; Tal, A. & Hadas Lidor, N.,
The Journey to Recovery for Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities in Israel
International News, Premier Issue, Vol.1, Number 1, Fall/Winter, International
Committee of IAPSRS, 2007
9. *Hadas Lidor, N. Lachman, M.,
Reform is not enough, rehabilitation training system – present situation
Medicine (psychiatry), 5, 48-50, 2007. (Heb.).
10. *Hadas Lidor, N., Lachman, M., Alon, E., Rothschild, S.,
Learn with the client – A different learning
Medicine (psychiatry), 7, 40-44, 2008 (Heb.).
11. *Hadas Lidor, N., Zin, I.,
The way to recovery – Designing environments that make changes
Medicine (psychiatry), 9, 24-29, 2008 (Heb.).

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12. *Dudai, R., Hadas Lidor, N.,

The employment rehabilitation in Israel 2008
Medicine (psychiatry), 10, 18-22, 2009, (Heb.).
13. *Balush Klienman, V. and Hadas Lidor, N.,
Rehabilitation and recovery – the voice of choice and breaking of the
helplessness cycle in the recovery voyage
Medicine (psychiatry), 15, 44-48, 2010. (Heb.).
14. *Bouni, O., Lipskaya L., Haim Litavsky, D., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Occupational therapy – contribution efficiency and influence
Medicine (psychiatry), 16, 42-47, 2010 (Heb.).
15. *Mueser, K., McGurk, S.,
CSW - Cognitive Skills for Work, A learning handout
translated to Hebrew and adapted to use in Israel by Tal, A., Aloush, H., Neuberger,
T., Dekel, H., Hoter-Ishay, G., Katz, N., Hadas Lidor, N.,
Ono college publication, Israel, 2017 (Heb.)

1. *Excellence medal named after Dov Bronstein of blessed memory by the Israeli
association for occupational therapy, 2003
2. *Medal from the disabled campaign headquarters named after Arie Tzudkevitz, 2007

Year Activity
Member of the Committee for Treatment Through Movement in the
*1994-1997 International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential in Jerusalem
(Feuerstein institute)

Participation in Ministry of Health committees dealing with determination of

*1995-2000 policy and procedures related to Rehabilitation of Mentally Disabled within
the Community law

Member of a Team of Experts on Children with Special Learning Needs,

Brookdale Institute.

Member of the National Committee for Rehabilitation of Mentally Disabled

within the Community

Co-editor of 2 issues of the booklet "mirror of the soul" a platform for review,
documentation and challenging of cases, subjects and meetings in the area
*1999, 2001
of mental health, Booklet no. 3, November 1999, Booklet no. 4, November

Head of the Training and Education committee in the National Council for the
Rehabilitation of Mentally Disabled within the Community,

Member of the Steering Committee for Rehabilitation of Head Casualties and

*2002 their Families at the International Center for the Advancement of Learning
disabilities. ((Feuerstein institute)

*2012- Member of the advisory committee of ISPRA (Israel Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Today association

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Student Ending Co Relevant

Name of thesis
name day supervisor University
Comparison of healthy adults with
*Penina rehabilitation clients suffering from 2001(cum Prof. Noami Tel-Aviv
Weiss schizophrenia, in the performance on a laude) Katz university
dynamic assessment of a complex figure
Work values and professional tendencies
and their relationship to satisfaction
*Michal regarding choice of profession and 2002 (cum Tel-Aviv
Avrech Bar occupational satisfaction, amongst laude) university
occupational therapists and physical
therapist in three area practice
The test of visual motor skills (TVMS) – a
*Einat comparison between standards – static 2002 (cum Tel-Aviv
Bartal-Bahat assessment and dynamic assessment laude university
(mediating learning experience)
The level of independence in performing
instrumental activities of daily living and Tel-Aviv
*Hilla Askin 2005 Dr. Tal Yaros
quality of life among persons with university
The correlation between cognitive ability,
executive functions, daily functions and
*Michal Tel-Aviv
gardening performance in adults during 2005 Dr. Tal Yaros
Leibovitch university
neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation
in hospital
The way adolescents with special needs
and their stuff perceive their intervention Dr. Max Tel-Aviv
*Edna Alon 2005
goals, within the rehabilitation process Lachman university
done in Tel-Aviv youth rehabilitation center
*Michal The effect of dancing on the self-esteem of Tel-Aviv
2005 Prof Avi Ori
Bitton disabled persons confined to wheel chairs university
Examination cognitive and social skills,
following an overall dynamic-cognitive-
*Vered Dr. Max Tel-Aviv
intervention among people suffering from 2005
Shafir Keisar Lachman university
schizophrenia and recovering within the
The knowledge level of employment
rehabilitation workers from sheltered Hebrew
*Michal Dr. Max
employment centers compared to 2006 university of
Tabekman Lachman
transitional employment workers in the Jerusalem
basic principles of psychiatric rehabilitation
Hope in family members of person with
*Dorit Prof. Dalya Haifa
mental illness- effect of a cognitive 2007
Redlich Sachs University
dynamic intervention (Keshet)
Recovery and participation in ADL among
*Nehora Prof. Dalya Haifa
people coping with mental illness and live 2008
Sahar Sachs University
in a supported housing

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

Student Ending Co Relevant

Name of thesis
name day supervisor University
Investigating the connection between
*Tamar Peli involvement and the opportunity to choose Dr. Max Tel-Aviv
Iltit in the placing process, job tenure among Lachman university
people coping with psychiatric disabilities
the connection between E.F. evaluated
with the help of standard paper-and-pencil 2008 (cum Prof. Alex Tel-Aviv
*Anat Levit
tests and their analogues in the real life laude) Kozulin university
Dr. Yuval Ariel
Learning as a necessity in the
*Sharon Bloch, Dr. university
specialization process in mental health 2008
Rothschild Shlomo center in
Mendelovitz Samaria
Evaluating the satisfaction of persons with
*Sara Daass psychiatric limitations who work in Dr. Dina Tel-Aviv
Araqi supported employment to those in Lebel university
sheltered work
Metacognitive awareness and executive
*Yael Tel-Aviv
function among students with dyslexia in 2009 _
Roitman university
comparison to student without dyslexia
The Accessibility of Higher Education to
*Michal Mentally Disabled Students Participating in Prof. Dalya Haifa
Rinda the Supported Academic Education Sachs University
*Gili The change in hope concept as a result of Tel-Aviv
2011 _
Primerman advocacy course in mental health university
Dynamic and ecologic diagnosis as a Prof. Shmuel Tel-Aviv
*Ifat Tevet 2011
measurement Melamed university
The influence of internal and external
resources of the mother, and the
*Michal Apel motherhood perception on the sense of 2012 _
center in
Competence among mothers with Mental
*Yamit Testing the satisfaction of mental health university
2012 _
Cohen consumers in social club center in
Attitudes of employees in the mental
health system towards involvement of
*Anat Nezer consumers in the areas of care, research, 2012 _
management, planning, implementation
and evaluation
Miriam From patient to Therapatient: Social work Dr. Orit Haifa
Goldberg student coping with mental illness Karnieli-Miller University

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Noami Hadas Lidor CV updated: January 2018

Student Ending Co Relevant

Name of thesis
name day supervisor University
D LOTCA performance in mental health Prof.
*Ravit Naor population and differences between static 2013 Abraham
and dynamic performance Weitzman
Evaluating the perception of family
*Andrea functioning among parent of children with Tel-Aviv
Rappoport learning disabilities, following dynamic university
cognitive intervention
KESHET course - promotion participation
and communication in a cognitive way, Haifa
Rachel Klein 2015 Dr. Ron Shor
Dynamics versus effectiveness, analysis of University
protocols and their products
Differences in the dimensions of hope and
self-competence among people coping with Prof.
Hagar Tel-Aviv
a psychiatric illness employed as service 2016 Abraham
Aloush university
providers and those employed in supported Weitzman,
Differences in measurements of hope Prof.
work-related self-efficacy between adults Abraham
*Libby Tel-Aviv
dealing with mental disability who work as 2016 Weitzman,
Harpaz university
peer-employees and those who work in Dr. Neta
supported employment Bentor
Cultural adaptation to action-over-inertia
Dr. Lena Tel-Aviv
Ilana Shohat intervention for the population dealing with 2016
Lipskaya university
severe psychiatric illnesses
Dana Developing an intervention set for the role
Riseberg of "community mediator" for occupational 2016
Liphshitz therapists
Adjustment of KESHET course to parents
*Ronit of children that are diagnosed in the Tel-Aviv
Buzaly autistic spectrum and integrated in the university
regular education system
"Tailoring a personal suit" Proposal for a
Prof. Shula
model for the implementation of the Haifa
Yael Baruch Ongoing Ramon, Prof.
"Personal Budget" program for people University
Faisal Azaiza
coping with mental disorders in Israel

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