Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications: Personal Details
Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications: Personal Details
Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications: Personal Details
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
B.A 2015 Mediteva College Ramat-Gan, Israel; Name of advisor: Dr. Hila Geva
Aviram; Issue: Naturopathic Medicine.
Ph.D. 2002 Tel-Aviv University; Physiology & Pharmacology; Name of advisor: Prof.
Amos Korczyn; Title of thesis: “Epidemiological and Genetic study of Alzheimer’s
type dementia among elderly Arab population in Israel- The Wadi-Ara study.”
Diploma Clinical Neurology 1993 London University, Queen Square – Institute
of Neurology and Neurosurgery; National Hospital
for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Department:
Neurology; Name of Advisor: Prof. Charles David
M.D. 1989 Rome University- “La Sapienza” – Italy; School of Medicine and Surgery;
Name of advisors: Prof. G. Benagiano & Prof. G. Sertoli; Title of thesis:
“Menopausa Spontanea Ed Osteoporosis – Valutazione Dei Fattori Di Rischio E
Densitometria Ossea Computerizzata.”
Post-Doctoral Studies
Date: September 2001-January 2003, Degree (Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Year of Completion:
2003), Name of Institution: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department and Host,
Supervisor: Department of Genetics (Genetic Program); Host: Prof. Lindsay A. Farrer, chief,
Genetic Program.
Professional Activities
2011-2016 EMMS Nazareth Hospital- affiliated to Bar -Ilan University, Prof. and
director of medical research center (Neurology, psychiatry and Genetics).
2009-2011 University of Indianapolis – Mar Elias Campus, Prof. & Dean of Para
medical studies.
2008-2010 Ziv Medical center, Safed, faculty of medicine, affiliated to Bar-Ilan
University, Department of Neurology & Neurophysiology Unit, Neurological
Research Director, and Prof. of Neurology.
Educational activities (Teaching activity)
Courses taught in Recent Years
2020-2021. Neurodegenerative diseases course – Ariel University;
Reward deficiency syndrome: course – Ariel University
2020-2021 Brain and mind course, Interdisciplinary center, Herzliya, Israel, – for
graduate students - yearly).
Introduction to Neuroscience course for forigen students Master Degree
2018-2021 Interdisciplinary center, Herzliya, Israel, (Introduction to Neuroscience –
for Graduate students - yearly).
2017-2018 Al-Najah university, Neuroanatomy, Psychoimmunophrmacology course-
School of medicine (Medical Students).
2017 Ariel University, Psychoneuropharmacology course – School of
2017 Ariel University, Immunoneuropsychology, psychology Department,
(Undergraduate students BA - Degree student, school of psychology).
Introduction to neuroscience – interdisciplinary center Herzliya, Israel
2016 Ramat Gan Collage, Pharmacology, introduction to medicine,
Psychopharmacology, Clinical neuroanatomy, Neurology, Psychiatry,
undergraduate students
2012 Teaching Post graduate Doctors of Medicine at Nazareth Hospital.
2012 Toxicology course for II-YEAR students Baqa-El-Qarbia, Al-Qaseme
2012 Pharmacology course for IV –Year complementary medicine students,
Baqa-El-Qarbia, Al-Qaseme College
2010 Pharmacology for nursing school, Ziv medical center, Safed, Israel.
2009 Pathology: Ziv Medical Center- Nursing school s, II- year students.
2009 Histology: School of Medicine; Arab American University (AAUJ); PA; for
undergraduate students (medical students).
2009 Human Pathology: School of Medicine; Arab American University (AAUJ);
PA; for undergraduate students (medical students).
2009 Principles of Pharmacology: School of Medicine; Arab American
University (AAUJ); PA; for undergraduate students, (medical students).
2009 Neuro-anatomy: For undergraduate students (medical students). (AAUM).
2009 Gene therapy & biotechnology: Al -Najah University, Nablus, West-Bank,
course for undergraduate students (Pharmacy students).
2009 Behavioral neuroscience; Al -Najah University, Nablus, West-Bank, for
graduate students (medical students).
2009 Introduction to genetic diseases: Mar-Elias campus, Branch university of
Indianapolis, for undergraduate students.
2009 physiology: Mar-Elias campus, Branch university of Indianapolis, for
undergraduate students.
2009 Environmental science: Mar-Elias campus, Branch university of
Indianapolis, for undergraduate students.
2009 Genetics: Mar-Elias campus, Branch university of Indianapolis, for
undergraduate students (BA - undergraduate students).
2002 Human Genetics course: For undergraduate students - (medical students).
2002 History of Medicine: For undergraduate students - (medical students).
2002 Emergency medicine: For undergraduate students - (medical students).
2002 Chronic diseases: For graduate students (medical students), (AAUM).
2001 Public health: (Arab American University – Medical school, (AAUM), for
undergraduate students.
2001 Biology: For undergraduate students (AAUM) - (medical students).
1999 Human Physiology: School of medicine; Jerusalem University, for
undergraduate students (medical students).
1999 Speech therapy: School of medicine; Jerusalem University, for graduate
1998 Clinical Neurology: School of medicine; Jerusalem University, for
undergraduate students (medical students).
Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
Honors, Citation Awards (including during studies)
2019 “Professor of the Year Award in Neuroscience” Venus International Foundation,
Estd. u/s 3 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, ISO 9001:2008 Certified. The Indian
Academy of Health Science, India.
2002 Boston University school of Medicine; Poster Scientific Award, Boston, USA.
1997 The Bruce S. Schoenberg International Award and Lecture in Neuroepidemiology.
American Academy of Neurology, Boston, USA.
Scientific Publications
Citation Index 2173
h-index 25
Total number of citations of all articles 2173
Total number of citations without self-citations 2173
Authored books
Scientific Books (Monographs)
1. Kenneth Blum1-3, PhD, Jean Lud Cadet4, MD, Panayotis K Thanos4, PhD, David
Baron1 DO, Asmita Mishrekar1 MS, Raymond Brewer3, MD, Abdalla Bowirrat,5
MD., Ph.D., Marcelo Febo6, PhD, Mark S Gold,7 MD. Neurogenetics of Alcohol
Use Disorder (AUD) a subset of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Candidate
Genes to be or not to be? PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS BOOK, Chapter 7,
Elsevier, 2021
2. Kenneth Blum, Mark S. Gold, Edward J. Modestino, Igor Elman, David Baron,
Rajendra D. Badgaiyan, Abdalla Bowirrat. Handbook of Behavioral
Neuroscience. Translational Medicine in CNS Drug Development Edited
by George G. Nomikos, Douglas E. Feltner; Volume 29, Pages 1-442 (2019).
Chapter 30 - Hypothesizing Major Depression as a Subset of Reward Deficiency
Syndrome (RDS) Linked to Polymorphic Reward Genes: Considerations for
Translational Medicine Approaches for Future Drug Development.
is a trademark of: OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG; Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8,
66121, Saarbrücken, Germany.
7. Bowirrat Abdalla. Book Chapter on: IIOAB (Advances in Integrative Omics and
Applied Biotechnology): book name: CANCER EARLY DETECTION BIO-
MARKERS: The title of the chapter: "Tumor markers in patients with
neurological disorders" Academic and R&D, 2012 website:
AIOAB (BMC):; IIOAB Letters:; IIOAB Journal:
Disease Therapeutic Strategies and Repair. Martin Dunitz Ltd, The livery House,
7-9; Pratt Street, London NW1 OAE, [Cambridge university]; 2002; (pp # 468).
Contribution: A, B, C, no of citations 7.
9. Kenneth Blum, David Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat, and Mark, S Gold. The Modern
Architectural Evidence That Favors A Common Neurobiological Trait of
Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors as a Reward Deficiency Requiring
Genetically Guided Therapy. Evaluating the Brain Disease Model of Addiction
(Routledge), 01/2021
Basic Sciences Articles
3. A. Kenison Roy lll1, Abdalla Bowirrat2, David E. Smith3, Eric R. Braverman4,5,
Rehan Jalai5, Rajendra D Badgaiyan6, David Baron7, Debmalya Barh12, Kenneth Blum.
Spirituality and Neurobiology, RELIGIONS, 2021
7. Kenneth Blum, Ali Raza1, Tiffany Schultz1, Rehan Jalali1, Richard Green1,
Raymond Brewer1, Panyotis K Thanos4, Thomas McLaughlin1, David Baron2, Abdalla
Bowirrat, Igor Elman,6 B. William Downs1, Debasis Bagchi1, Rajendra D Badgaiyan.
Should we embrace the incorporation of genetically guided “Dopamine Homeostasis” in
the treatment of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RSD) as a frontline therapeutic modality?
Acta Scientific Neurology, 2021: 4.2: 17-24. IF = 0.844, Acta Scientific Neurology
ACTA Sci Neurol, 2021;4(17-24)
9. Kenneth Blum, Abdalla Bowirrat, David Baron, Lisa Lott, Jessica Valdez Ponce,
Raymond Brewer2, David Siwicki, Brent Boyett,5 Marjorie C. Gondré–Lewis,11 David E.
Smith12, Panayotis K Thanos. Sampada Badgaiyan, Mary Hauser3, Lyle Fried, A. Kenison
Roy, III, Rajendra D. Badgaiyan. Biotechnical Development of Genetic Addiction Risk
Score (GARS) and Selective Evidence for Inclusion of Polymorphic Allelic Risk in
Substance Use Disorder (SUD). J Syst Integr Neurosci, 2019;6(2): 1-20. (Online
ISSN:2059-9781; doi: 10.15761/JSIN.1000221). Contribution: A, B, C;
IF = 2.92, No of citations = 8.
10. Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D., 1Mustafa Ghanim M.D., Ph.D and
Bowirrat Aia. Brain Executive Functions: Understanding Neurological and Biochemical
Responses to Prolonged Stress and Anxiety. WJFR, 2019; 8(3): 17-30. Contribution: A,
B, C. IF: 8.023, Ranking 23/110 cognitive science.
11. Dr. Dror robinson; Dr Mustafa Yassin, and Professor ABDALLA BOWIRRAT.
Percutaneous Surgery of The Forefoot Compared with Open Technique – Functional
Results, Complications and Patient Satisfaction. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery,
Impact Factor*: 1.138; ISI JCR Ranking 56/77 (ORTHOPEDICS), 149/200
(SURGERY): ISSN: 1067-2516 , N of citations = 3.
12. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D; Mohammed Mansour M.D; Mustafa Ghanim
M.D., Ph.D; Bowirrat Aia B.Sc; and Mustafa Yassin M.D. The growing burden of cancer
in Gaza Strip is insufferable: Facts and Figures - Up to date Annual incidence, Social
context and Available treatment option.
LANCET ONCOLOGY, 2019;20(8): 1054-1056.
Contribution: A, B, C, IF: 35·386®, Hi10= 274., citations = 23.
13. Youssef Awni, and Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla. HAND AND WRIST
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RISK FACTORS. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
ISSN 2277-7105; WJPR, 2018; 7(1): 501-513. Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 7.523, Ranking 23/110 cognitive science, Pharmacology research.
14. Agbarya Abed, Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla and Youssef Awni.
OBSERVATORY STUDY. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ISSN 2277-
7105; WJPR, 2017;6 (5): 37-51. Contribution: A, B, C, D IF: 7.523, Ranking 23/110
cognitive science, Pharmacology research.
15. Zaher Armaly, Amir Abd El Qader, Adel Jabbour, Kamal Hassan, Rawi Ramadan,
Abdalla Bowirrat, Bishara Bisharat. Effects of carnitine on oxidative stress response to
intravenous iron administration to patients with CKD: impact of haptoglobin phenotype.
BMC Nephrology, 2015; 16:135; DOI 10.1186/s12882-015-0119-0
Contribution: C, D. IF: 1.69 Ranking 132/265 (nephrology), No of citations = 13.
16. Elia Haj, Eisa Hag, Riad Hanna, Farhat Kamal, Bisharat Bishara, Bowirrat
Abdalla. The Underlying Reasons of Suicide Attempts among Arab Population in the
Holy-Land—Nazareth: View and Overview. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science,
2014, 4, 190-200. Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 1.228, Ranking 32/165 (Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuroanatomical and
neurochemical basis of behavior), citations = 3.
17. Bowirrat Abdalla, Yassin Mustafa M.D, Bishara Bisharat M.D, Sharaf Munner
M.D, Aysha Heib MPH, Armaly Zaher M.D. Prostate cancer epidemiology and risk
factors on North-West – Bank: A retrospective study. Merit Research Journal of
Medicine and Medical; 2013: 1(3): 028-042. Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 3.228. Rank: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical, No
citations = 2.
18. Armaly Z., Farah J., Bisharat B., Shahira S., Zaher M., Haj ESW., Jabbour A., Abd
-El Qader A., and Bowirrat A. Depression Symptoms on Chronic Hemodialysis
Patients in Nazareth: Identification and Assessment. Journal Neuropsychiatric Disease
and Treatment, 2012: 8 1–10; Contribution: A, B, C, D: (PP # 10); IF: 2.12, Ranking
(Medicine, Neuroscience, psychiatry), No of citations = 35.
19. Bisharat B., Baron-Epel O., Armaly Z., Hafi L., and Bowirrat A. Pharmacist
Counseling to Cardiac Patients in Israel Prior to Discharge From Hospital Contribute to
Increasing Patient’s Medication Compliance: Closing Gaps and Improving Outcomes.
Journal of Translational Medicine, 2012; 10:34-41. (PP # 7); Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 3.93, Rank 27/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations = 15.
20. Elias W., Assy N., Elias E., Toledo T., and Bowirrat A. The detrimental Danger of
Water-Pipe (Water-Pipe) transcends the Hazardous Consequences of General Health to the
Driving Behavior. Journal of Transitional Medicine, 2012, 10:126 (18 June 2012).
Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 3.508, Rank 27/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No f citations = 12.
21. Bowirrat A., Chen TJH., Madigan M., Chen ALH., Bailey JH., Braverman ER.,
Kerner M., Giordano J., Morse S., Downs BW., Waite RL., Berman MO., Armaly Z.,
Blum K. Neuropsychopharmacology and Neurogenetic Aspects of Executive
Functioning: Are Humans “Hard Wired” To Achieve Appropriate Goals? Molecular
Neurobiology, 2012;6:122-132. (PP # 10); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 6.068, Rank 25/239 (Molecular Neurobiology), No of citations =24.
22. Blum K., Carnes S., Carnes P., Bowirrat A., Giordano J., Gold M., Sex, Drugs
and Rock ‘N’ Roll: Hypothesizing Common mesolimbic activation as a function of
reward gene polymorphisms. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2012;44 (1): 1–18. (PP #
18); Contribution: C, D
IF: 1.398, Rank 70/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations =102.
23. Blum K., Chen TJH., Reinyl G., Chen ALH., Dinubile N., Madigan M., Downs
BW., Bowirrat A., Morse BS., Giordano J., Westcott W., Smith L., Kerner M.,
Braverman ER. H-Wave Device® Augments Healing by Inducing Cellular Mechanisms
Responsible for Increased Blood Flow and Loading of Injured Tissue: A hypothesis
having implications for Clinical Practice. Hospital Practice, 2012;22:123-130.
(PP # 7); Contribution: B, D; IF: 0.338, Rank (Medicine: General & internal)
24. Sherva R., Baldwin CT., Vardarajan B., Cupples LA., Lunetta K., Bowirrat A.,
Inzelberg R., Friedland R., Farrer LA. Identification of Novel Candidate Genes for
Alzheimer Disease by Autozygosity Mapping Using Genome Wide SNP Data from an
Israeli-Arab Community. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD). 2011; 23: 1–7. (PP # 7);
Contribution: B, C, D; IF: 4.261, Rank 58/239 (Neurosciences), No of citations = 40.
25. Blum K., Amanda LC., Chen TJH., Chen JH., Lubar J., White N., Lubar J.,
Bowirrat A. Braverman E., Schoolfield J., Waite RL., Downs BW., Comings DE., Oscar-
BermanM., Reinking J., Rhoades P., Blum K., Arcuri V., Kerner MM., Savarimuthu S.,
Palomo T., Gold M., Generational Association Studies of Dopaminergic Genes in Reward
Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) Subjects. (A Paradigm Shift in Selecting Appropriate
Phenotypes for Reward Dependence Behaviors), Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2011;
8 (12), 4425-4459. (PP # 34); Contribution: C, D. IF: 1.339, Rank 25/103 (Public health,
Research), No of citations = 76.
26. Chen TJH., Blum K., Chen ALC., Bowirrat A., Downs WB., Madigan M., Waite
RL., Bailey JA., Kerner M., Yeldandi S., Giordano J., Morse S., Miller D., Braverman ER.,
Neurogenetic and clinical evidence for the putative activation of the brain reward circuitry
by amino-acid precursor- enkephalinase inhibition therapeutic Agent (Neuroadaptagen™):
Proposing an Addiction Candidate Gene Panel Map. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 2011;
43 (2), 108–127. (PP # 19); Contribution: B, D; IF: 1.398, Rank 70/106 (Medicine,
Research & Experimental), No of citations = 40.
27. Blum K., Bagchi D., Bowirrat A., Downs W., Waite RL., Giordano J., Morse S.,
Madigan M., Downs JM., Braverman ER., Polanin M., Barh D., Fornari F., Simpatico T.
Nutrigenomics of Neuradaptogen Amino-Acid-Therapy and Neurometabolic Optimizers:
Overcoming carbohydrate bingeing and overeating through neurometabolic mechanisms.
Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2011, 9:310-378. (PP # 68); Contribution: B, C,
D; IF: 1.308, Ranking: 6/70 (Nutrition & Dietetics) and 2/128 (Food Science &
Technology): citations = 4.
28. Blum K., ChenTJH., Tucker D., GrahamNA., Bowirrat A., Kerner M., Braverman
ER. Depressed Dopamine Function in Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Should
Genotyping of Dopaminergic and Other Gene Polymorphisms Constitute Early Diagnosis
in Children? Submitted to: Pediatrics; Official journal of the American academy of
pediatrics, 2011,10:230-239. (PP # 9); Contribution: B, C, D: IF: 5.391, Rank 1/109
(Pediatrics), No of citations = 54.
29. Armaly Z., Adel J., Abd El Qader A., Alhaj M., Bisharat B., Abassi Z., Zaher M, and
Bowirrat A. Vitamin D Deficiency among Arab community in North Israel: A cross-
sectional study. Journal of Nutrition disorder and Therapy. 2011; 1(2): 1-7.
(PP # 7): Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF:2.56, Rank 1/34 (Public Health, Nutrition), No of citations = 2.
30. Westcott WL., Chen TJH., Reinl G., Dinubile N., Bowirrat A., Madigan M., Downs
BW., Giordano J., Morse S., Bajaj A., Braverman E., Blakemore MBS., Whitehead S.,
Neric FB., Sacks L., Blum K. The Marc Pro® Device Improves Muscle Performance and
Recovery from Concentric and Eccentric Exercise Induced Muscle Fatigue in Humans: A
Pilot Study: The Journal of Exercise Physiology (JEP). 2011; 14(2):55-67. (PP # 12);
Contribution: B, C, D; IF = 2.6, Rank 14/115 (Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular
Biology), No of citations = 16.
31. Shahien R., Abu Saleh SA., and Bowirrat A. Intravenous Valproate Sodium
(Orfiril® i.v.) Aborts Migraine Headaches Rapidly. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica.
(PP # 8); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 2.153, Rank 86/185 (Clinical Neurology), No of citations = 59.
32. Miller M., Chen ALC., Stokes S., Silverman S., Bowirrat A., Manka M., Manka D.,
Miller D., Perrine K., Bailey JA., Downs BW., Waite RL., Madigan MA, Braverman ER.,
Damle U., Giordano J., Blum K. Early Intervention of Intravenous KB220IV-
Neuroadaptagen Amino-Acid Therapy (NAAT)™ Improves Behavioral Outcomes in a
Residential Addiction Treatment Program. A pilot study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,
2011: 120-132. (PP # 12); Contribution: C, D
IF: 1.398, Rank 70/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations =17.
33. Blum K., Bowirrat A., Downs BW., Waite RL., Giordano J., Morse S., Madigan M.,
Downs JM., Braverman ER., Polanin M., Simpatico T. Nutrigenomics of Neuradaptogen
Amino-Acid-Therapy (NAAT)™: Overcoming Carbohydrate Bingeing and Overeating
through neurometabolic mechanisms. ‘Functional Foods in Health and Disease.
(PP # 7): Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 1.308, Ranking: 6/70 (Nutrition & Dietetics) and 2/128 (Food Science & Technology).
34. Kenneth B., Giordano J., Morse S., Bowirrat A., Madigan M., Downs W., Waite
R., Kerner M., Damle U., Braverman ER., Bauer G., Femino J., Bailey J, DiNubile K.,
Miller D. Trevor Archer, and Thomas Simpatico. UNDERSTANDING THE HIGH
GENETICS. The IIOAB Journal ISSN: 2011;2(2): -22.
(PP # 22): Contribution: B, C, D:
IF: 3.469, (Neuroscience, Genetics & Addiction), N of citations = 5.
35. Shahien R., Bianchi S., and Bowirrat A. Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy
with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL); Familiar study and review
of the literature. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment. 2011;7(1): 383 – 390. (PP # 7).
Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 2.12, Ranking (Medicine, Neuroscience), citations = 3.
36. Blum K., Bailey J., Bowirrat A., Femino J., Simpatico T., Morse S., Giordano J.,
Damle U., Kerner M., Braverman ER., Fornari F., Downs W., Rector C., Oscar-Berman M.
Can the chronic administration of the combination of buprenorphine and naloxone block
dopaminergic activity causing anti-reward and relapse potential? Mol
Neurobiol. 2011;44(3):250-68.
Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 6.068, Rank 25/239 (Molecular Neurobiology), No of citations = 31.
37. Bowirrat A., Shahien R. Human Longevity: Nature versus Nurture, Survival versus
Mortality among Elderly Arab Population in Israel, The Open Complementary Medicine
Journal, 2010;2:90-99. (PP # 9); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 1.69, Rank, 6/70 (Nutrition & Dietetics) and 2/128 (Food Science & Technology), no
of citations = 12.
38. Blum K., GiordanoJ., Morse S., Liu Y., Tan J., Bowirrat A., Smolen A., Waite R.,
Downs W., Madigan M., Kerner M, Fornari F., Stice E., Braverman E., Miller D., Bailey
J. Genetic addiction risk score (GARS) analysis: Exploratory development of polymorphic
risk alleles in poly-drug addicted males. The IIOAB Journal. 2010;1(2):169-175. (PP # 6);
Contribution: B, C, D. IF: 3.469, (Neuroscience, Genetics &
Addiction), No of citations = 24.
40. Blum K., Thomas JH., Chen B., Gold M., Amanda LH., Chen CJH., Madigand,
WilliamB., Downs ., D., Roger L., Bravermane ER., Mallory K., Bowirrat A., Levitinh
DJ., Do Dopaminergic gene polymorphisms affect mesolimbic reward activation of
music listening response? : Therapeutic Impact on Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS).
Medical Hypothesis, 2010;74: 513–520. (PP #7); Contribution: C, D; IF: 1.398, Rank
70/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations= 58.
41. Blum K., Chen TJH, Downs BW., Bowirrat A., Waite RL., Braverman ER.,
Madigan M., Oscar–Berman M., DiNubileN., Gold M. Neurogentics of Dopaminergic
Receptor Super-sensitivity in Activation of Brain Reward Circuitry and Relapse:
Proposing “Deprivation-Amplification Relapse Therapy” (DART). POST GRAD. MED.
2009; 121(6): 176-196. Contribution: A, B, C; (PP # 20);
IF: 1.518, Rank 56/153 (Medicine, General & Internal), No of citations = 71.
42. Blum K., Chen TJH., Chen ALH., Bowirrat A., Downs BW., Waite RL.,
Reinking J., Kerner M., Braverman D., DiNubile N., Rhoades P., Braverman ER., Blum
SH., Oscar-Berman M., Palomo T., Stice E., Gold M., Comings DE., Noble EP. Genes
and Happiness. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology, 2009;13: 91-129. Contribution: B,
C, D; (PP # 38);
IF: 0.717, Rank 263/286 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology), 130/160 (Biotechnology
& Applied Microbiology), 86/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No f citations =
43. Blum K., Chen ALC., Bowirrat A., Chen TJH., Waite RL., Kerner M., Blum
SHB., Downs W., Savarimuthu S., Rhoades P., Reinking J., Braverman ER., Braverman
D., DiNubileN., Oscar-Berman M. Putative targeting of Dopamine D2 receptor function
in Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) by Synaptamine Complex™ Variant (KB220):
Clinical trial showing anti-anxiety effects. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology. 2009;
13:214-229; (PP # 15); Contribution: B, C, D. IF: 0.717, Rank 263/286 (Biochemistry &
Molecular Biology), 130/160 (Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology), 86/106
(Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations = 20.
44. Zaid A., Kort JJ., Oscar-Berman M., and Bowirrat A. Bioequivalence study of
two Fluoxetine capsule Formulations in healthy Middle Eastern volunteers. International
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2007;44(11): 593 – 602. (PP # 9):
Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 1.189, Rank 192/252 (Pharmacology & Pharmacy), No of citations = 2.
46. Meng Y., Baldwin CT., Bowirrat A., Inzelberg R., Waraska K., Friedland RP.,
Farrer LA. Association of Polymorphism in the Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Gene
With Alzheimer's Disease in an Israeli-Arab Community. Am. J. Hum. Genet.,
(PP # 6); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 11.680, Rank 8/156 (Genetics & Heredity),No of citations = 71.
47. Bowirrat A., Cui J, Waraska K, Friedland R, Korczyn A, Farrer L, and Baldwin C.
Association between Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) and Alzheimer’s Disease
(AD) among an elderly Arab population in Wadi Ara, Israel. J. Neuropsychiatric Disease
and Treatment, 2005;1(1):73-79.
(PP # 6): Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 2.12, Ranking (Medicine, Neuroscience), No of citations = 8.
48. Bowirat A., Groswasser R., Oscar Berman M., Korczyn A. MRI parameters of
Alzheimer’s disease in an Arab population in Wadi Ara, Israel, Neuropsychiatric Disease
and Treatment, 2005;1(1):77-85
(PP # 8) ; Contribution: A, B, C.
IF: 2.12, Ranking (Medicine, Neuroscience), No of citations = 1.
49. Mizrahi EH., Bowirrat A., Korczyn A. Plasma total homocysteine, vitamin B12,
and folate levels in Alzheimer’s disease and healthy Aged controls in Arabs residing in
Israel. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2004; 227(1):109-113.
(PP # 4): Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 2.167, Rank 85/185 (Clinical Neurology), 156/239 (Neurosciences), No of citations =
50. Lindsey A Farrer, Robert P. Friedland, Bowirrat Abdalla., Kristin Waraska, Amos
Korczyn And Clinton T. Baldwin. Genetic and environmental Epidemiology of
Alzheimer’s disease in Arabs Residing in Israel. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience.
2003;20(3):207-212. (PP # 5); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 2.922, Rank 135/286 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology), 111/239 (Neurosciences),
No of citations = 28.
51. Farrer LA, Bowirrat A., Friedland RP., Waraska K., Adam JC., Korczyn A.,
Baldwin CT. Identification of Multiple Loci for Alzheimer Disease in a Consanguineous
Israeli-Arab Community. Human Molecular Genetics, 2003, 12(4); 415-422.
(PP # 7): Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 8.058, Rank 29/286 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology), 13/156 (Genetics &
Heredity), No of citations = 151.
52. Bowirrat Abdalla, Friedland RP, Korczyn AD. Vascular dementia among
elderlyArabs in Wadi Ara. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2002; 203-204 (C):73-
Contribution: A, B, C, D. (PP # 3): IF: 2.167, Rank 85/185 (Clinical Neurology), 156/239
(Neurosciences), No of citation = 36.
53. Bowirrat A., Friedland RP., Farrer L., Baldwin C., Korczyn A. Genetic and
Environmental Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease in Israeli Arabs. Journal of
Molecular Neuroscience. 2002; 19(1-2):239-245.
(PP # 6): Contribution: A, B, C, D; IF: 2.922, Rank 135/286 (Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology), 111/239 (Neurosciences), No of citations = 61.
54. Bowirrat A., Treves TA., Friedland RP., Korczyn AD. Prevalence of Alzheimer's
Type Dementia in an elderly Arab population. European Journal of Neurology 2001;
8(2):119-123. (PP # 4); Contribution: A, B, C, D, IF: 3.765, Rank 38/185 (Clinical
Neurology), 75/239 (Neurosciences), No of citations= 89.
55. Bowirrat A., Friedland RP, Chapman J, and Korczyn AD. The very high
prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in an Arab population is not explained by ApoE ε4-
allele frequency. Neurology 2000;55(5):731-736.
(PP # 5); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 8.017, Rank 4/185 (Clinical Neurology), No of citations = 1.
56. Bowirrat A, Treves TA., Friedland RP., Korczyn AD. Illiteracy is a risk Factor for
Alzheimer's disease Among Arab elderly in Israel. Neurology 1998; 50(4): 4085-4096.
(PP # 11); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 8.017, Rank 4/185 (Clinical Neurology), No of citations = 2.
Original Articles
57. Kenneth Blum1-5, Majorie Gondre- Lewis6David Baron1, Edward J Modestino7, Bruce
Steinberg7, Rajendra D. Badgaiyan8, B. William Downs9, Debasis Bagchi9, Raymond
Brewer5, Thomas McLaughlin,10 Abdalla Bowirrat11, Mark S Gold12. DNA
Polymorphic Allelic Risk of Reward Genes to Determine Epigenetic Repair of
Expression of mRNA to Prove Therapeutic Effectiveness in Reward Deficiency
Syndrome (RDS): Embracing “Precision Behavioral Management. Psychology
Research and Behavior Management: 12/2020.
58. Kenneth Blum, Thomas McLaughlin5, MD., PhD, Edward J. Modestino7, PhD,
David Baron2, DO., Abdalla Bowirrat8, MD., PhD, Brent Boyett, DO.3, Raymond
Brewer, MD.4, Bruce Steinberg, PhD7, A. Kenison Roy 1119, MD, David Siwicki4,
MD. Epigenetic repair of Terrifying Lucid Dreams by Enhanced Brain Reward
Functional Connectivity and Induction of Dopaminergic Homeostatic Signaling.
Current Psychopharmacology, 2021, 10, 1-11
59. Kenneth Blum, Jag Khalsa, Jean Lud Cadet, David A Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat,
Brent Boyett, Raymond Brewer, Raymond Brewer, Marjorie Gondré-Lewis,
Gregory Bunt, Shan Kazmi and Mark S Gold. Cannabis-induced
Hypodopaminergic Anhedonia and Cognitive Decline in Humans in the Face of
Legalization or Decriminalization: Putative Induction of Dopamine Homeostasis.
Manuscript ID: 623403, Journal: Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Addictive
Disorders 05/02/2021: Front. Psychiatry, 2021;12; doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.623403
60. Kenneth Blum, Mark S Gold, Jean L. Cadet, David Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat,
Panayotis K. Thanos, Raymond Brewer, Rajendra D. Badgaiyan, and Marjorie C.
Gondré-Lewis. Dopaminylation in Psychostimulant Use Disorder Protects Against
Psy- chostimulant Seeking Behavior by Normalizing Nucleus Accumbens (NAc)
Dopamine Expression. Current Psychopharmacology, 2020, 9, 1-7. IF: 0.56, no of
citations = 0.
61. Raymond Brewer1, MD, Abdalla Bowirrat2, MD., PhD., David Baron3, DO, Mark
Moran1,4, MD, Sampada Badgaiyan1, MD., Rajendra D. Badgaiyan5, MD, David
Siwickie1, MD, Brent Boyette6, DO., Stephen Taylor,6 MD., Eric R. Braverman10,
MD., Kenneth Blum*1-3,6 -10 , PhD. Transmodulation of Dopaminergic Signaling to
Mitigate Hypodopminergia and Pharmaceutical Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia.
Current Psychopharmacology, 2020;9(3):164-184.
IF: 0.56, no of citations = 12.
62. Mark S Gold*1, MD, David Baron2, DO, Abdalla Bowirrat3, MD, PhD, Kenneth
Blum2, PhD. Neurological correlates of brain reward circuitry linked to Opioid Use
Disorder (OUD): Do homo sapiens acquire or have a reward deficiency syndrome?
Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2020:418; 117137 ,
IF: 3.115, ISSN= 0022510X, Ranking: Medicine, Neurology (clinical),
Neuroscience, Neurology.
63. B. William Downs1, Kenneth Blum*1-6 David Baron2, Abdalla Bowirrat; Lisa Lott,
Raymond Brewer6, Brent Boyett3, David Siwicki6, A. Kenison Roy, lll8, Arwen
Podesta8, Sampada Badgaiyan6, Raju Hajela9, Lyle Fried10, Rajendra D.
Badgaiyan11, Death by Opioids: Are there non-addictive scientific solutions? J Syst
Integr Neurosci, 2019;5: 1-4, doi: 10.15761/JSIN.1000211, no of citations =3.
66. Awni Youssif and Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D. 'The Role of the
Endocannabinoid System in the Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), the precursor
stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD): Facts and Hypotheses – the treatment
intervention strategy ' World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ISSN 2277-7105;
WJPR, 2017;6 (2): 45-49;
Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 7.523, Ranking 23/110 cognitive science.
67. Yassin Mustafa MD, *Bowirrat Abdalla MD., Ph.D, and Youssef Awni
MD."Genetics and Pathophysiologic Quandary of Fibromyalgia: Nature versus
Nurture.” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2016;5(6): 249-262.
Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 6.805, Ranking 23/110 cognitive science.
68. Youssef Awni M.D. MPH., Yassin Mustafa M.D., Bisharat Bishara M.D. MPH.,
Nseir William M.D. and Prof. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D.. Candidate
Biomarkers and CSF Profiles for Alzheimer’s disease and CADASIL. International
Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, p-ISSN: 2163-1840 e-ISSN: 2163-
1867, 2015; 4(2): 15-27,
CITATION: 1, IF=8.4.
70. Kenneth Blum*, David Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat, Edward J. Modestino, Raymond
Brewer, Panayotis K. Thanos, Mark S. Gold. Genetic Addiction Risk Score
(GARS) Predicts Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) Severity in Young
Children: Paving the Way for Precision Pro-Dopamine Regulation and Prophylaxis.
Molecular Neurobiology, 2014; 50(3): 765–796. DOI: 10.1007/s12035-014-8726-5,
no of citations =54
IF: 5.078, Rank 25/239 (Molecular Neurobiology).
71. Roger L., Waite JM., Giordano J., Morse S., Allen C., Bowirrat A., DownsBW.,
Madigan M., Braverman ER., Damle U., Bailey J., Blum K. Quantative
Eletroencephlagraphy Analysis (qEEG) of Neuro- Electro-Adaptive Therapy 12™
[NEAT12] Up-Regulates Cortical Potentials in an Alcoholic During Protracted
Abstinence: Putative Anti-Craving Implications. J Addict Res Ther. 2014; 5(1): 1–
7. doi: 10.4172/2155-6105.1000171, IF = 0.64, No of citations: 2.
72. Yassin Mustafa M.D., Aysha Heib MPH, Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D.
The Orthopaedic Quandary of Hip fractures in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
require appropriate Prevention Strategy. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences. 2014; Vol. 2(1): 012- 018. Contribution: A.B, C, D.
IF: 3.228. Rank: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical.
73. Yassin Mustafa M.D., 2Khatib Muhammad M.D., 3Garti Avraham M.D., 4Saffuri
Husamm M.D., and 5*Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D. Loss of autonomic
postural reflexes, Gait abnormalities and "freezing walk” in severe Parkinson’s
disease Patients contributes to falls and hip fractures. Merit Research Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2014; Vol. 2(5): 109- 116. Contribution: A.B, C,
IF: 3.228. Rank: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical.
75. Bowirrat Abdalla* and Bisharat Bishara. Nutrition Style and Diet Composition
Leading to Obesity and Overweight in a Cross-Sectional Survey Conducted in a
Hospitalized Arab Population in Nazareth, Israel. Endocrinol Metab Synd 2014, 3:2
Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 2.027, Ranking 26/165 (Endocrinology, Diabetes), No of citations =2.
76. Farhat Kamal, Bisharat Bishara, Abd-El Qader Amir, Nibal Abu-Ahmad, Farah
Joseph, Elia Haj, and *Bowirrat Abdalla. Education effect and the Portability of
recurrent suicide attempts in Nazareth during 2013-2014. INTERNATIONAL
– 8179). Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 1.8651, Ranking 26/165 (Science * Technology), No of citations =1.
77. Abed Agbarya M.D; Zaki el Zagzoug M.D; Fadi Atrash M.D and *Prof. Dr.
Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D. Uncontrolled Brain Ependoymoma Metastasis to
the Skin. Journal of Harmonized Research in Medical & Health Sci 2014; 1:01 -04
Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 0.53, Ranking 66/165 (Pharmacy, Engineering Medical
Science, Management and Applied Science).
78. Youssef Awni1, Bisharat Bishara2, and *Prof. Bowirrat Abdalla. Cerebral
Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (IJSR) 2014; 3:476-481 (ISSN No 2277 – 8179):
Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 1.8651, Ranking 26/165 (Science * Technology).
80. Bowirrat A., Armaly Z. Consanguineous Marriages in the Middle East: Culture
versus Religion. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal, 2013, 5, 1-10.
Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 3.57, Ranking (Neurology, Neuroscience, pharmacology).
81. Yassin M, Armaly Z, Bisharat B, and *Bowirrat A . Biomarkers for Alzheimer's
disease; Imagination or Reality - View and Review! Journal of Behavioral and
Brain Science, 2013, 3, 393-402. Contribution : A, B, C, D.
IF: 1.228, Ranking 32/165 (Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuroanatomical and
neurochemical basis of behavior), No of citations = 1.
82. Bishara Bisharat , Nour Abu Ahmad , Bowirrat A. Obesity, Abnormal waist
circumference and diet composition among Arab Adults in Israel. Merit Research
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2013; 1(4): 049‐059. Contribution: A.B,
C, D. IF: 3.228. Rank: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Clinical Cancer Research,
Clinical, No of citations = 2.
83. Blum K., Oscar- Berman M., Bowirrat A., Giordano J., Madigan M., Braverman
ER., Barh D., Fornari F. Neuropsychiatric Genetics of Happiness, Friendships and
Politics: Hypothesizing that “Birds of a Feather (Homophily)” Flock Together as a
Function of “Reward Gene (s)” Polymorphisms. Journal of Genetic Syndromes &
Gene Therapy, 2012, 3(112). DOI: 10.4172/2157-7412.1000112. Contribution: A,
B, D: IF: 5.280, Rank: 21/156 Genetics & Heredity, No of citations = 15.
84. Miller M., Chen ALC., Stokes ST., Silverman S., Bowirrat A., Manka M.,
Manka D., Miller DK., Perrine K., Chen TJH., Abailey J., Downs BW., Waite
RL., Madigan MA., Braverman ER., Damle U., Kerner M., Giordano J., Morse S.,
Oscar-Berman M., Barh D., Blum K. Early Intervention of Intravenous KB220IV-
Neuroadaptagen Amino-Acid Therapy (NAAT)™ Improves Behavioral Outcomes
in a Residential Addiction Treatment Program: A Research Study. Journal of
Psychoactive Drugs, 2012;44(5): 398-409. Contribution: C, D;
IF: 1.74, Rank 70/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations = 40.
85. Blum K., Giordano J., Oscar-Berman M., and Bowirrat A.
Thomas Simpatico, and Debmalya Barh. Diagnosis and Healing in Veterans
Suspected of Suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Using
Reward Gene Testing and Reward Circuitry Natural Dopaminergic Activation.
Brief Commentary: Journal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy;
2012;3(3):1000116. Contribution: C, D:
IF: 1.44, Rank 75/110 (Genetics, gene therapy), No of citations = 13.
86. Blum K., Tucker D., Graham NA., Bailey JA., Bowirrat A., Barh D., Braverman
ER., Oscar-Berman M., Giordano J, Gold M. Depressed Dopamine Function in
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Should Genotyping of
Dopaminergic and Other Gene Polymorphisms Constitute Early Diagnosis in
Children? Integrative Omics and Molecular Biology 2012:4:250-263.
Contribution: C, D, E,
IF: 3.72, Rank, (Advances and Applications biotechnology), No of citations = 54.
87. Blum K., Chen ALH., Oscar- Berman M., Bowirrat A., Chen TJH., Giordano J.,
Downs WB., Madigan M., Braverman ER., Fornari F. Neuropsychiatric Genetics
of Happiness, Friendships and Politics: Hypothesizing that “Birds of a Feather
(Homophily)” Flock Together as a Function of “Reward Gene (s)” Polymorphisms.
J Genet Syndr Gene Ther 2012, 3:2-15. (PP # 6): Contribution: B, C, D: IF: 2.588,
Ranking: 2010: 3/139 (Political Science), No of citations =15.
88. Elias W., Assy N., Elias E., Toledo T and Bowirrat A. The detrimental Danger of
Water-Pipe (Water-Pipe) transcends the Hazardous Consequences of General
Health to the Driving Behavior. Journal of Transitional Medicine, 2012:10:126-13
PP # 9: Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 3.508, Rank 27/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental), No of citations =
89. Blum K, Tucker D, Graham NA, Bailey JA, Bowirrat A, Barh D, Braverman ER,
Berman MO, Giordano J, Gold MS. Depressed dopamine function in attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): should genotyping of dopaminergic and
other gene polymorphisms constitute early diagnosis in children? Journal:
Integrative Omics and Molecular Biology, 2012;6:120-134. Contribution: A, B, C,
D. IF: 2.730, Rank 27/106 (Integrative Biology, genetics & Experimental), No of
citations = 54.
90. Blum K., Chen TJH., Reinl G., Chen ALH, DiNubile N., Madigan M., Downs W.,
Bowirrat A., Bajaj A., Morse S., Giordano J., Westcott W., Smith L., Kerner M.,
Damle U., Knopf J., Braverman ER., Sacks L. Inducing cellular mechanisms
responsible for increased blood flow and loading of injured tissue augments
healing: implications for electrotherapy in clinical practice. BMC-Molecular Pain,
2012;5:65-73. Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 4.15, No of citations = 1.
91. Miller M., Chen ALC., Stokes SD., Silverman S., Bowirrat A., Manka M., Manka
D., Miller DK., Perrine K., Chen TJH., ABailey J., Downs BW., Waite RL.,
Madigan M., Braverman ER., Damle U., Kerner M., Giordano J., Morse S., Oscar-
Berman M., Barh D., Blum K. Early Intervention of Intravenous KB220IV-
Neuroadaptagen Amino-Acid Therapy (NAAT)™ Improves Behavioral Outcomes
in a Residential Addiction Treatment Program: J Psychoactive Drugs.
2012;44(5):398-409. Contribution: C, D; IF: 1.398, Rank 70/106 (Medicine,
Research & Experimental), No of citations = 17.
93. Merlene Miller, Amanda Chen, Stan Stokes, Susan Silverman, Abdalla Bowirrat,
Matthew Manka, Debra Manka, David Miller, Kenneth Perrine, Thomas Chen,
John Bailey, B William Downs, Roger Waite, Margaret Madigan, Eric Braverman,
Uma Damle, Mallory Kerner, John Giordano, Siobhan Morse, Marlene Oscar-
Berman, Debmayla Barh & Kenneth Blum.
Early Intervention of Intravenous
KB220IV- Neuroadaptagen Amino-Acid Therapy (NAAT)™ Improves Behavioral
Outcomes in a Residential Addiction Treatment Program: A Pilot Study. Journal of
Psychoactive Drugs, 2012,44(5): 398-409. Contribution: B, C, D;
IF: 1.178, Rank 55/106 (PHARMACOLOGY, DRUGS, Research &
Experimental), no of citations = 17.
94. Bowirrat Abdalla, Kenneth Blum and Marlene Oscar Berman. New York Times
Press: March 7th, 2012“Researchers Confirm Role of Genes in Executive
Dysfunction” By: Jenny Eriksen Leary, 617-638-6841, [email protected].
95. Bowirrat A., Chen TJH., Madigan M., Bailey JA., Amanda L., Chen C., Downs
W., Braverman ER., Gold MS., Shahien R., Waite RL., Kerner M., Oscar-Berman
M., Blum K. Neuro-psychopharmacogenetics and Neurological Antecedents of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Unlocking the Mysteries of Resilience and
Vulnerability. CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY, 2010;8(4): 335-358. (PP
# 23); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 2.783, Rank 120/239 (Neurosciences), 86/252 (Pharmacology & Pharmacy),
No of citations= 64.
96. Blum K., Giordano j., Morse S., Liu Y., Tain J., Bowirrat A., Smolen A, Waite R.,
Down B., Madigan M., Kerner M., Fornari F., Barverman E., Miller D., Bailey J.
Addiction Risk Score (Gars) Analysis: Exploratory Development of Polymorphic risk Alleles in
Polydrug addicted males. The IIOAB journal, 2010;20: 1-14. (PP # 14), Contribution:
B, C, D;
IF: 3.469, (Neuroscience, Genetics & Addiction), No of citations = 24.
(pp # 8): Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 4.156, Rank 36/156 (Genetics & Heredity), 23/123 (Psychiatry), No of
citations = 384.
98. Bowirrat A., Oscar- Berman M. Genetic Influences in Emotional Dysfunction and
Alcoholism-Related Brain Damage. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment;
2005;1(3): 211-229: (pp # 18); Contribution: A, B, C, D
IF: 2.12, Ranking (Medicine, Neuroscience), No of citations = 58.
Accepted Original Articles – 2020-2021
99. Kenenth Blum1-5*, David Han6, Raymond Brewer3, Richard Green3, Rehan Jalali3,
David Baron1, Eric R. Braverman3, Shan Kazmi1, Luis Llanos - Gomez,3 Rajendra D
Badgaiyan7,8, Igor Elman9, Panyotis Thanos,10 Marjorie -Gondré- -Lewis11, Abdalla
Bowirrat12, Mark S Gold. Validation of Risk Alleles in Genetic Addiction Risk
Severity (GARS) Test: Early Identification of Risk for Alcohol Use Disorder
(AUD). Scientific Reports, (NATURE).
100. Kenneth Blum,1-5 Bruce Steinberg,6* Marjorie C. Gondré-Lewis,7 David
Baron,1 Edward J Modestino,6 Rajendra D. Badgaiyan,8 B. William Downs,9 Debasis
Bagchi,9 Raymond Brewer,5 Thomas McLaughlin,10 Abdalla Bowirrat,11 Richard
Green5, Mark S. Gold12. DNA Risk Alleles to Determine Epigenetic Repair of mRNA
Expression to Prove Therapeutic Effectiveness in Reward Deficiency Syndrome
(RDS): Embracing “Precision Behavioral Management”. Psychology Research and
Behavior Management, 07/2021
Luis llanos Gomez3, Panyotis K. Thanos10, Rehan Jalai3, David Baron. Coupling
Dopaminergic Agonist Therapy with Addiction Risk Genetic Testing to induce Reward
102. Kenneth Blum, David Baron, Brent Boyett, Edward J. Modestino, Rajendra
D Badgaiyan Sampoda Badgaiyan, Abdalla Bowirrat and Mark S. Gold. Opioid
antagonism does not directly block aberrant alcohol/opioid craving behavior but
indirectly induces “Psychological Extinction” ACTA SCIENTIFIC Neurology
103. Kenneth Blum,1-3 PhD, Jag Khalsa*4 PhD. David Baron1, DO, Abdalla
Bowirrat5, MD, PhD., Mark S. Gold,6MD. High Dose ∆9Tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC) Induces Hypodopaminergia and Anhedonia in Humans: Balancing
Dopaminergic Function with Pro-dopamine Regulation. Journal of Addiction
Medicine/ 10/2020.
105. Kenneth Blum,a,e ,,l* Mark S Gold,b Jean L. Cadet c, David Barona, Abdalla
Bowirrat,d Panayotis K. Thanose, Raymond Brewer,f Marcelo Febog, Rajendra D.
Badgaiyan h,i, and Marjorie C. Gondre –Lewis.j,k Hypothesizing that histone
arginine dopaminylation occurs in psychostimulant abuse and the H3R2me2a
binding inhibitor p140Cap mimics DRD2 A2 allelic polymorphic protection against
psychostimulant seeking behavior. Current Psychopharmacology.
105. Kenneth Blum1-6,12 Abdalla Bowirrat7, Eric R Braverman12, David Baron1 Jean
Lud Cadet8, Shan Kazmi1, Igor Elman9, Panyotis K. Thanos,10 Rajendra D Badgaiyan11,
B. William Downs12, Debasis Bagchi,12,13 and Mark, S Gold14,15 . Reward Deficiency
Syndrome (RDS): A Cytoarchitectual Common Neurobiological Trait of All
Addictions. International Journal of Environmental Research, 03/2021, Department of
Molecular Biology and Adelson School of Medicine, Ariel University, Ariel 40700,
106. Eric R Braverman**1,2, Ben Graham,3 A. Kenison Roy 1114, B. William Downs2,
Jag Khalsa5, David E Smith6, Thomas McLaughlin,2 David Baron7, Ali Raza8, Anish
Bajaj,1,2 John Giordano,2 Jean Lud Cadet9, Joseph P. Morgan10, Raju Hajela11, Marjorie
C. Gondre Lewis12, Serge Martich -Osterman13, Rajendra D. Badgaiyan,14 Ishan
Sharma11, Omar M. Husain15, Rehan Jalali2, Abdalla Bowirrat,16 and Kenneth Blum.
Neurospirituality Connectome A Cornerstone of the Purpose and Meaning of Life as
Reward (PMLR). Springer Nature, Journal of Religion & Health, 2021.
107. Kenneth Blum1-6, Rehan Jalali6, Abdalla Bowirrat7, David Baron1, Igor Elman8,
Panyotis K Thanos8,9, Rajendra D Badgaiyan9, B. William Downs6, Debasis Bagchi6,10,
Eric R. Braverman6, and Mark S. Gold. Precision Genetic Addiction Obesity Risk
System (GORS) Identifying Common Neurogenetic Overlaps Between Food and Drug
addiction. Journal of Personalized Medicine ,04/2021
108. Kenneth Blum*1-6, Panayotis K. Thanos7, Gene -Jack Wang8, Luis Llanos Gomez,2
David Baron1, Rehan Jalali,2 Eric R Braverman2, Abdalla Bowirrat9, Marjorie C
Gondré -Lewis10, Mark S Gold. Dopaminergic and Related Genes to Reward Induced
Overeating, Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa and Binge Eating. Journal of Precision
Medicine & Drug Development, 06/2021
109. Kenneth Blum *, Mark Gold, Luis Llanos Gomez, Rehan Jalali, Panyotis
K. Thanos, Abdalla Bowirrat, Jean Lud Cadet, B. William Downs, Debasis
Bagchi, Eric Braverman, David Baron, Kenison Roy III, Rajendra D Badgaiyan.
Hypothesizing Nutrigenomic- Based Precision Anti-obesity Treatment and
Prophylaxis: Should We be Targeting Brain Dysfunction? International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health
Manuscript ID: ijerph-1296416.
Case reports
1. Yousif, Nijim MD; 2Amin, Adawi MD; 3Bishara, Bisharat MD., MPH; and 4*Prof.
Abdalla, Bowirrat MD., PhD. First case report of Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS)
among the Arab Community in Nazareth: View and Overview. Medicine 2016;95(3):
p e2362. Contribution: A, B, C, D. IF: 5.723, Rank 4/153 (multiple disciplines in
Medicine & General medicine), No of citations = 4.
2. Yousif, Nijim MD; Youssef, Awni MD; Amin, Adawi MD; and *Prof. Dr. Abdalla,
Bowirrat MD., DcN., PhD. Classic Case Report of Donohue syndrome
(Leprechaunism; OMIM *246200): The impact of Consanguineous Mating. Journal
of Medicine, 2016;95(6):e2710. Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 5.723, Rank 4/153 (multiple disciplines in Medicine & General medicine), No of
citations = 8.
3. Mohammad Adawi MD, Bishara Bisharat MD and Prof. Dr. Abdalla Bowirrat
MD, Ph.D. Erdheim–Chester disease (ECD): Case Report, Clinical and Basic
Investigations and Review of Literature. Medicine 2016 MD-D-16-04116;
Contribution: B, C.
IF: 5.723, Rank 4/153 (multiple disciplines in Medicine & General medicine), No of
citations = 11.
4. Bowirrat Abdalla., Mustafa Yassin., Faozi Artoul., Suheil Artul Fahr’s disease:
bilateral symmetrical striopallidodentate calcification in Two Brothers with Two
distinct Presentations. BMJ Case Reports 2013; doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-200462
4.245: Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 1.583, Rank 4/153 (multiple disciplines in Medicine & General medicine), No of
citations = 4.
5. Artul Suheil M.D., *Prof Bowirrat Abdalla M.D. Ph.D., Mustafa Yassin M.D.,
Antoine Yamini Msc., Zaher Armaly M.D. Maxillary and Orbital Brown Tumor of
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in a Hemodialysis Patient. Case Reports in
Oncological Medicine Volume 2013, Article ID 909150, 4 pages.; Contribution: A, B, C, D.
7. Shahien R., and Bowirrat A. Facial nerve paralysis and partial brachial plexopathy
after epidural blood patch: a case report and review of the literature. J Pain Res.
2011; 2;4:39-45. (PP # 6); Contribution: A, B, C, D.
IF: 4.245, Rank 66/153 (PAIN, Internal Medicine & General medicine), No of
citations = 6.
8. Braverman ER., Bowirrat A., Damle U., Yelandi S., Madigan M., Kerner M.,
Xhuang S., Savarimuthu S., Blum K. A case of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency
(AGHD) Treatment with a combination of Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-like
Growth Factor 1[ IGF-1] (Increlex) resulting in elevated sustainable IGF-1 and IGF
Binding Protein 3 (BP3) Plasma Levels: Have we found a novel therapy? J Med
Case Reports. 2010; 4:305-313. (PP # 8): Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 0.35, Ranking (General Medicine), No of citations = 3.
9. Miller DK., Bowirrat A., Manka M., Miller M., Stokes S., Allen C., Gant C.,
Downs BW., Smollen A., Stevens E., Blum K. Acute Intravenous Synaptamine
Complex [KB220] ™ Variant “Normalizes” Abnormal Neurological Activity in
Protracted Abstinence of Alcohol and Opiate Patients Using Quantitative
Electroencephalographic (QEEG) and Neurotransmitter Genetic Analysis: Pilot
Two Case Reports. Postgrad Med. 2010;122(6):188-213. Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 1.518, Rank 56/153 (Medicine, General & Internal), No of citations = 4.
10. Shahien R., and Bowirrat A. Department of Neurology, Ziv Medical Center,
International Journal of General Medicine 2010; 3:157-162. (PP # 5): Contribution:
A, B, C, D.
IF: 3.463, Rank 56/153 (Medicine, General & Internal), No of citations = 22.
1. Prof. Bowirrat Abdalla & Aia Bowirrat. The Inherence Heuristic: An Intuitive
Means of Making Sense of the World, and a Potential Precursor to Psychological
Essentialism Commentary – Journal of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), 2014.
IF = 25.057; Ranked #1 in Social Science Citation Index, no of citations = 192
2. Bisharat Bishara & Bowirrat Abdalla. The Challenges faced by Arab women who
are interested in becoming physicians. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research,
JHPR-D-15-00002, 06/2015
New York Times Press: March 7th, 2012
3. Bowirrat Abdalla, Kenneth Blum and Marlene Oscar Berman. New York Times
Press: March 7th, 2012“Researchers Confirm Role of Genes in Executive
Dysfunction” By: Jenny Eriksen Leary, 617-638-6841, [email protected],
January 2012
4. Farrer Lindsey, Friedland RP, Bowirrat A, Green RC. Using a genetic approach to
understand the vascular basis of Alzheimer disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 2004; 25:
1-18. Contribution: A, B, C, D. IF: 6.634, Rank 2/45 (Geriatrics & Gerontology),
22/239 (Neurosciences).
5. Kenneth Blum a-d, Mark S. Brodiee, Subhash C. Pandey,f Jean Lud Cadetg, Panayotis
K Thanosh, Marjorie C. Gondre-Lewisi, David Baron,a Shan Kazm,j Abdalla
Bowirrat,k Mark S Gold. Hypothesizing that identification of risk polymorphisms of
kcnk13 and rasgrf2 coupled with genetic addiction risk score (GARS) guided precision
pro-dopamine regulation will augment the mitigation of binge ethanol drinking.
Alcohol, 6/03/2021. Department of Molecular Biology and Adelson School of
Medicine, Ariel University, Ariel 40700, Israel.
2nd International conference on Madrid, Spain, October-07- Brain, reward and obesity
Nutrition and food technology. 09, 2019,
2nd Global Summit and Expo on Chicago, 09-11, 2017, USA Genetics of obesity
Obesity & Diet Management
National Resilience Institute Chicago, 15-18, 2017, USA Protective genes for
aggression and violence
Palmer House behavior.
Biomedical and technology Amman, Jordan; 11-12 Nov,
conference 2013; Landmark hotel
Middle East U-Health Plaza
ECPR & EACLPP Aarhus, Denmark, 27-30 Session Chairman
Ben-Gurion University; Ben-Gurion University, Seminar of brain disorders
Department of Biomedical BEER – SHEVA, 84105, (Dopamine)
Engineering Science ISRAEL
The 6th World Congress on Vienna, Austria, March 8- Co-chairperson for the
Controversies in Neurology 11,2012 Infectious Diseases session
(CONy) Friday, March 9. 2012.
DEEP Brain Stimulation
for treatment of
The 3th Mediterranean Congress Mina House Oboroi Cairo, The Epidemiology of
of Neurology. Egypt. Feb 8th- 11th, 2006 dementia and related
disorders. Presentation
Medical conference An-Najah National THE GENETICS OF
University, Nablus (PA); NEURODEGENERATIVE
Nablus, PA, March 2006. DISEASES
An-Najah National Genetic of Emotion &
School of Medicine. Nablus University, Nablus (PA). Reward Deficiency
university medical conference;
March 2006
The international conference of Venice, Italy, 06/2005 Generational RDS
Genetic Neuropsychiatry. Association studies of
Dopaminergic Genes
The international conference of Nablus, April 10 –13, 2005. Genetics of Parkinson’s
Medical disorders. disease
International conference of AD Istanbul, Turkey - May 1-3, Genetics of Alzheimer’s
and related disorders in Middle 2003 Disease in Wadi-Ara
The 9th International conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Alzheimer’s disease
on Alzheimer’s Disease and USA. July 17-22, 2004. genetics: presentation
related disorders.
BUSM, Boston, MA; Nov. Neurodegeneration
The 18 Annual Evans/
21, 2002 Presentation
Medicine Research Days.
Stockholm, Sweden. July, Genes and Alzheimer’s
The 8th Conference on 20-25, 2002. (three oral disease: presentation
Alzheimer’s disease and presentations)
related disorders.
World Federation of
Neurology- Research Group
The 54th American Academy of Colorado Convention Center Parkinson Disease Genetic
Neurology Annual Meeting. in Denver, CO. USA; April
13-20, 2002, presentation
Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2001. Presentation of the
USA, Philadelphia, May, 9, epidemiology of AD among
Regional, American Annual
Arab community, Israel
Meeting of the World Federation
of Neurology
Disease in the- ME
World Neuroepidemiology- San Diego, USA. 2000. POSTER (the Incidence of
meeting. University of California. AD among Arabs)
51nd Annual Meeting of the Toronto, Canada. April 17- POSTER: PREVALENCE
American Academy of 24, 1999. AND RISK FACTOR OF
The first national conference on Michigan, USA, April 30- PRESENTATION OF
health issues in the Arab- May 1, 1999. GENETICS OF EPILEPSY
American Community.
World Federation of Neurology Minneapolis, MN, USA. POSTER: GENETICS OF
Research Group on April, 1998. (PD) in Arab population
Society of Neuroscience Los Angeles, CA. 1998. POSTER: epidemiology of
conference; USA. AD AMONG Arab
Cross-Cultural Studies of Jamaica, February, 1998. PRESENTATION:
Alzheimer’s disease in Africa Gene distribution:
and Israel. Comparison study
World Federation of Neurology Boston, April 1997. USA. POSTER: mortality and
Research Group on Faculty of Science morbidity of
Neuroepidemiology- AAN. Mohammed V University neurodegeneration
Rabat, Morocco
7TH International Society for 4-7 September, 2014 Presentation of Reward
Pathophysiology Deficiency syndrome and
music effect on Brain
Rambam Clinical Research TECHNION INSTITUTE Cerebral autosomal
Seminar at the clinical Research OF TECHNOLOGY, dominant arteriopathy with
laboratories in memory of Ida Rambam Hosp. April subcortical infarct and
Cabakoff 29/2015. leukoencephalopathy
Ben-Gurion University of the Ben-Gurion University of Genetics of Alzheimer’s
Negev the Negev, Department of disease
Department of life Science- life Science. 16/11/2015
Building 40.
Chairman of the session human 05/10/2012, Nazareth, Health conference of the
genetics studies and public Golden Crown Hotel.
Arab community in
health studied
- The 7th Tel Aviv University Alzheimer's Disease Conference, The Adams Super Center
for Brain diseases. Tel Aviv University, June 1-2, 2000.
Proc - Proceedings of the 7th Tel Aviv University Alzheimer's Disease Conference,
The Adams Super Cent Center for Brain Studies. Tel Aviv University, June 1-2,
Eight - Eighth Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association. Jerusalem,
Israel, August -22, 1997
- The first biennial seminar of neurological diseases. The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel April, 1997.
IVth - International Conference of Neurological diseases. Eilat, Israel, 1997.
- ALZHEIMER’S Disease 12th International Conference. Jerusalem, Israel, 1996.
- Alzheimer’s disease among Arabs. Brainstorming and AD. Marom Golan; 25-27 of
NAl- - Alqassemi Academic college; the reward theory, 2011 presentation
- Ter- hashomer: Shiba Hospital, ADHD, 2011).
TECHNION INSTITUTE, (Brain development in childhood from cognition to
Language age): Israel. June 16/06/2006. 20/1/2013: A Public Lecture on:
Manipulating Reproduction; delivered by Prof. Lord Winston, UK- Conference at Haifa
University; student’s building, room
101. Invited conference: Or-yarok conference, 19/02/2013. Tel Aviv. SAFETY ON
2. Bowirrat A, Treves T, Friedland, RP, Korcczyn AD. Illiteracy is a risk factor for
Alzheimer’s disease among Arab elderly in Israel. American Academy of
Neurology, Minneapolis, April 1998, Neurology 50:A229, April 1998.
IF: 8.017, Rank 4/185 (Clinical Neurology) no of citations =2.
3. Friedland RP, Bowirrat A, Treves T, Chapman J, Korczyn AD. The prevalence of
dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT) is high in Israeli Arabs. Society of
Neuroscience 1998, Society for , Neuroscience Abstracts 24:257, 1998. No of
citations 61.
5. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Chapman J, and Korczyn AD. The very high
prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in an Arab population is not explained by
apolipoprotein allele frequency. World Federation of Neurology Neurogenetics
Research Group, Toronto, April 1999.
6. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Chapman J, and Korczyn AD. The frequency of the
APO-e4 allele in Arab population in Israel. World Federation of Neurology,
Research Group on Neuroepidemiology, Toronto, April 1999.
7. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Chapman J, and Korczyn AD. Alzheimer’s disease in
Israeli Arabs. The First National Conference on Health Issues in the Arab-
American Community, Dearborn, Michigan, 1999. No of citations = 41
10. Baldwin C, Bowirrat A, Korczyn A, Farrer L, Friedland RP. Identification of a
novel genetic locus for Alzheimer disease and age-associated memory impairment
in an Arab-Israeli community. American Academy of Neurology 52nd Annual
Meeting Program, San Diego, May 2000, Neurology 54 (suppl. 3), p. A428, April
IF: 8.017, Rank 4/185 (Clinical Neurology).
13. Soas AH, Bowirrat A, Korczyn AD, Baldwin C, Farrer LA, Friedland RP. High
prevalence of Alzheimer disease (AD) and low apolipoprotein E e4 allele
frequency in an Arab population in Wadi Ara. Tenth Saudi Neurosciences
Symposium, Riyadh, 2000.
15. Mizrahi EH, Bowirrat A, Korczyn AD, Jacobsen DW, Traore F, Petot GJ, Soas
AH, Lerner AJ, Chen CH, Friedland RP. Homocysteine metabolism in
Alzheimer’s disease Patients and healthy controls in north America and Israel.
Society for Neuroscience, November 2001, Society for Neuroscience, no of
citations = 61.
16. Farrer LA, Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Waraska K, Adams JC, Korczyn A,
Baldwin CT. Identification of multiple loci for Alzheimer’s disease in an Israeli-
Arab community. American Society for Human Genetics, San Diego, October
2001, American Journal of Human of citations = 151.
19. Friedland RP, Farrer LA, Soas AH, Debanne SM, Petot GJ, Traore F, Bowirrat A,
Jacobsen DW, Launer L, Chen C, Korczyn AD. Gene-environment interactions
and the causal web of Alzheimer’s disease. The First International Symposium on
Alzheimer’s Disease in the Middle East, Limassol, Cyprus, April 2001.
20. Bshara O, Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Korczyn AD. Comparison of the diagnoses
of dementia in the Wadi Ara study. The First International Symposium on
Alzheimer’s Disease in the Middle East, Limassol, Cyprus, April of
citations =36.
21. Baldwin CT, Bowirrat A, Farrer, Waraska K, Korczyn AD, Friedland RP.
Molecular genetic studies of Alzheimer disease in the Middle East. The First
International Symposium on Alzheimer’s Disease in the Middle East, Limassol,
Cyprus, April 2001.
22. Treves T. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Korczyn AD, Schooling and smoking in
dementia. The First International Symposium on Alzheimer’s disease in the
Middle East, Limassol, Cyprus, April 2001.
28. Korczyn, A, Bowirrat, Friedland, R. Mortality from dementia of Alzheimer type
(DAT) among elderly Arabs in Wadi Ara. 8th Annual International Conference on
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Stockholm, Sweden, July, 2002,
Neurobiology of Aging 23(1S), S300, Abstract No. 1118, 2002.
IF: 6.634, Rank 2/45 (Geriatrics & Gerontology), 22/239 (Neurosciences).
30. Korczyn, AD, Bowirrat A, Friedland, RP. Mortality from dementia of Alzheimer
type among Elderly Arabs in Wadi Ara. Regional North American Annual
Meetings of the World Federation of Neurology – Research Group on
Neuroepidemiology, Denver, Colorado, April 2002, Neuroepidemiology, 2002;21,
p. 5 (Abstract), 2002.
IF: 2.482, 77/185 (Clinical Neurology), 36/142 (Public, Environmental &
Occupational Health)
32. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Korczyn AD. Incidence of dementia among the elderly
Arab population in Wadi Ara, Israel. American Academy of Neurology, Denver,
April, 2002. Neurology 58: A273.
33. Friedland, FR, Bowirrat, A, Korczyn, AD. Vascular Dementia among Elderly
Arabs in Wadi Ara. Regional North American Annual Meetings of the World
Federation of Neurology – Research Group on Neuroepidemiology, Denver,
Colorado, April 2002, Neuroepidemiology, 2002-21, pp.4-5 (Abstract), 2002.
IF: 2.482, 77/185 (Clinical Neurology), 36/142 (Public, Environmental &
Occupational Health)
34. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Korczyn AD. Vascular dementia among elderly Arabs
in Wadi Ara. Ninth Tel Aviv University Alzheimer’s Disease Conference, Israel,
June 2002.
35. Bowirrat A, Friedland RP, Korczyn AD. Vascular dementia among elderly Arbs
in Wadi Ara. Second International Congress on Vascular Dementia, Salzburg,
February, 2002.
36. Intravenous Valproate Sodium (Orfiril® i.v.) Aborts Migraine Headaches Rapidly.
Radi Shahien M.D., Saad Abu Saleh M.D., Abdalla Bowirrat M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Neurology, Ziv Medical Center, Safed, Israel. Dead sea conference
presentation 18/11/2009.
HAPPINESS. Kenneth Blum, Ph.D., Eric Stice, Ph.D.2, Yijun Liu, PhD1.John
Giordano3, Siobhan Morse3, B. William Downs, B.Sc.4, Roger L. Waite, D.C.4,
Margaret Madigan, RN4, Eric R. Braverman, M.D., 5,6 Mallory Kerner6, Marlene
Oscar-Berman, Ph.D.7David Miller, PhD8, Stanley Stokes, MS9, Charles Gant,10
James Thompson, PhD11, Camron Allen12, Andrew Smollen, PhD13, Abdalla
Bowirrat, M.D., Ph.D.14 Mark Gold, MD1. Poster World Congress of Psychiatric
Genetics; San Diego November 4th to 8th, 2009.
41. Intravenous Valproate Sodium (Orfiril® i.v.) Aborts Migraine Headaches Rapidly.
Radi Shahien M.D., Saad Abu Saleh M.D., Abdalla Bowirrat M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Neurology, Ziv Medical Center, Safed, Israel Poster; American
Academy of Neurology 62nd Annual meeting ,April 10-17,2010 Toronto, Canada.
42. Efficacy of Intravenous Dexamethazone; SNRB and non-steroidal treatment for
Acute Radiculopathy. Bowirrat Abdalla & Shahien Radi. Israel Neurological
Association; 08-16 April, 2011. Hawaii, Honolulu, American Academy of
Neurology, USA.
44. Armaly Zaher MD., Farah Joseph MD., Bishara Bisharat MD., Saba Shahira RPN.,
Zaher Maha RPN., Haj Elia S.W., Jabbour Adel., Amir Abd -El Qader & *#Prof.
Bowirrat Abdalla MD., PhD. Depression Symptoms on Chronic Hemodialysis
Patients in Nazareth: Identification and Assessment. Journal of Psychosomatic
Research, 2012;72(2).
IF: 5.459, Rank 2/69 (Psychiatry). (Clinical Descriptive Research).
45. Bishara Bisharat M.D., M.P.H; Orna Baron-Epel Ph.D., MPH; Zaher Armaly
M.D., Lubna Hafi M.P.H; and **Bowirrat Abdala M.D., Ph.D. Pharmacist
Counseling to Cardiac Patients in Israel Prior to Discharge from Hospital
Contribute to Increasing Patient’s Medication Compliance: Closing Gaps and
Improving Outcomes. Poster, BMJ CONFERENCE PARIS, 17-22, APRIL, 2012.
Contribution: A, B, C, D;
IF: 3.508, Rank 27/106 (Medicine, Research & Experimental).
Other International Scientific posters
Genetics of Parkinson’s Nablus, April 10 –13, 2005. The international conference
disease of Medical disorders.
Genetics of Alzheimer’s Istanbul, Turkey - May 1-3, International conference of
Disease in Wadi-Ara 2003 AD and related disorders in
Middle East
Alzheimer’s disease Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The 9th International
genetics : presentation USA. July 17-22, 2004. conference on Alzheimer’s
Disease and related
Neurodegeneration BUSM, Boston, MA; Nov. The 18th Annual Evans/
Presentation 21, 2002 Medicine Research Days.
Genes and Alzheimer’s Stockholm, Sweden. July, The 8th Conference on
disease: presentation 20-25, 2002. (three oral Alzheimer’s disease and
presentations) related disorders.
Neuroepidemiology of CO, Denver, USA April Regional North American
neurodegeneration 19, 2002. Annual Meeting of the
(Two presentations). World Federation of
Neurology- Research
Group on N-EPIDEM.
Parkinson Disease Colorado Convention The 54th American Academy
Genetic presentation Center in Denver, CO. of Neurology Annual
USA; April 13-20, 2002, Meeting.
Presentation of the San Diego, CA, Nov. 2001. Society of Neuroscience,
epidemiology of AD USA, Philadelphia, May, 9, Regional, American
among Arab community, 2001 AnnualMeeting of the World
Israel Federation of Neurology
POSTER (Genes and Pennsylvania Convention American Academy of
AD among Arab Center, USA, 05/2001. Neurology, 53rd Annual
community in Israel) Meeting Program.
Neurodegenerative Nairobi, Kenya, April 2001. Safari Park Hotel
diseases (POSTER) Conference Center. Co-
sponsored by The World
Health Organization (WHO)
and endorsed by the World
federation of Neurology.
Presentation of Limassol, Cyprus, April The 1st International
neurological diseases 17-19, 2001. Symposium on
among Arab Alzheimer's Disease in
community the- ME
Presentation Genes of Kyoto Internat. Conference The 5th International
PD Hall, Kyoto, Japan. March Conference on Progress in
31-April 5, 2001. Alzheimer's and Parkinson
POSTER (the Incidence San Diego, USA. 2000. World Neuroepidemiology-
of AD among Arabs) meeting. University of
POSTER: Epilepsy University of California, 52nd Annual Meeting of the
among Arabs San Diego, USA. 2000. American Academy of
POSTER: The EPOE-E4 Toronto, Ontario, Canada. World Federation of
ALLELE AMONG April; 17-24. 1999. Neurology (WFN)
Arabs Neurogenetics Research
Group Meeting, American
Academy of Neurology.
POSTER: Toronto, Canada. April 51nd Annual Meeting of the
PREVALENCE AND 17-24, 1999. American Academy of
POSTER: University of Toronto, Regional North American
PREVALENCE RISK Canada, April 23, 1999. Annual meeting of the world
VASCULAR federation of neurology,
DEMENTIS Neuroepidemiology.
PRESENTATION OF Michigan, USA, April 30- The first national conference
GENETICS OF May 1, 1999. on health issues in the Arab-
EPILEPSY American Community.
POSTER: GENETICS Minneapolis, MN, USA. World Federation of
OF (PD) in Arab April, 1998. Neurology Research Group
population on Neuroepidemiology.
POSTER: epidemiology Los Angles, CA. 1998. Society of Neuroscience
of ADAMONG Arab USA. conference;
community in Israel
PRESENTATION: Jamaica, February, 1998. Cross-Cultural Studies of
Gene distribution: Alzheimer’s disease in
Comparison study Africa and Israel.
POSTER: mortality and Boston, April 1997. USA. World Federation of
morbidity of n Neurology Research Group
eurodegeneration on Neuroepidemiology-
2006 Prof. Kenneth Blum and Prof. Bowirrat. Patent registration on REWARD
DIFFECIENCY SYNDROME & 2000 Shares in LifeGen, Inc: A Delaware
Corporation, San Diego, USA
Research Grants
1997-2002 National Institute of Health & National institute of Aging: USA: NIH/NIA-
UO1-17173 ( Bowirrat Abdalla, Amos Korczyn, Rob Robert friedland);
1997-2002, $200.000, $ 1.200.000.
Present Academic Activities
Additional Information
Television and Radio interviews in medical issues
Media interviews and medical and neurological consultations (Israeli
2008 - Up to Date Radio, Al-Shams Radio and the Israeli TV Interviews in different
medical topics.
2007- 2011 New York Time Interview & Article (Genetics of Neurological diseases)
Yedioth Ahronoth article (The gene of Happiness)
Core Competencies
Neurological diseases, Psychiatric and Cognitive neuroscience; Epidemiology and
Population Genetics, Neuropsychopharmacology, Neuroanatomy, Etiology and treatments
of various Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases.
Administration of medical and scientific projects.
Main Experiences:
1. Research in the field of clinical Medicine, Genetics, Neurological, Psychiatric and
Epidemiological studies.
2. Academic & teaching activity
3. Supervision of MA, MD and PhDs students
4. Administration of Medical projects, Scientific and Medical institutions.
5. Organization of medical conferences nationally and internationally.
Prof. Dr. Bowirrat Abdalla M.D., Ph.D. is a Professor at the Department of Molecular
Biology and Adelson School of Medicine, Ariel University, Ariel 40700, Israel.. He has
been actively involved in research since 1990. He attained his MD from Rome University,
“La Sapienza” with Excellency, and he has attained his residency in Clinical Neurology
from London University, UK, and his PhD from Tel-Aviv University, Israel and
postdoctoral studies from Boston University in the field of Human Genetics, USA. He
received his Professorship from Boston University in Psychiatry (Behavioral Neuroscience
Department). He has published more than 130 manuscripts and 8 books in reputed journals
and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. Furthermore, he received
many international awards including the Bruce S. Schoenberg international award in
Neuroepidemiology of AD from the American Academy of Neurology. Prof. Bowirrat’s
research focus is on enhancing health outcomes, looking for novel treatment for
neurological, psychiatric and various genetic disorders. Academic and research in different
medical fields is his essential involvement in addition to teaching activity. He was invited
as a speaker in different national and international conferences and was awarded the Bruce
S. Schoenberg International Award and best lecture in Neuroepidemiology from the
American Academy of Neurology and also was awarded the Second Boston Scientific
poster from Boston University School of Medicine.
Prof. Bowirrat received the biggest Grant from the NIH – USA, $1.2 million to study and
search Neurodegeneration. Prof. Bowirrat also has a wide international collaboration team
in USA, UK and has a patent registered in USA in Genetic treatment of addiction, and he
is one of the researchers in the world who discover the Reward deficiency syndrome.
13) Journal: Psychology Research and Where neuroscience and art embrace;
Behavior Management. 04/2011 The Neuroaesthetics. (Original Manuscript)
16) Journal: Clinical Interventions in Aging. Cognitive Effects of Calligraphy Therapy for Older
08/2011 People: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Hong
Kong". (Original Manuscript)
17) Clinical Interventions in Aging: 09/2011 Role and Clinical Utility of Pramipexole Extended
Release In The Treatment Of Early Parkinson's
Disease. (Original Manuscript)
individuals over 65 suffering from neurological
23) Review the article of Dr. Steffenak. "Increase in psychotropic drug use between 2006
Journal Clinical Epidemiology. 03/2012 and 2010 among adolescents in Norway: A
nationwide prescription database study".
24) Review the article of Dr. Paul J. Beta blockers, norepinephrine, and cancer: an
Fitzgerald: John Hopkins university; epidemiological viewpoint.
Journal of clinical Epidemiology. 05/2012
Genotyping for Substance Addiction
25) Review the article of Dr. Laith N. et al. Susceptibility Genes in Jordanian of Arab
07/2012 Descent. BMC Research Notes Journal
43) Reviewing the article for: ISRN Neurology; Research Article titled Nonmotor
symptoms in early- and advanced-stage Parkinson´s disease patients on dopaminergic
therapy: how do they correlate with quality of life? 22/01/2014.
44) Reviewing the article (review) for: British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research;
MS: 2014_BJMMR_15530; title: Work stress and HRA axis dysregulation measured by
salivary cortisol levels. 7/12/2014
45) Reviewing the article for: PLOS One Journal. Association between Dopamine
Receptor D2 (DRD2) variations rs6277 and rs1800497 and cognitive performance
according to risk type for psychosis: a nested case control study in a Finnish population
sample. Jan 24 2015 1:20PM
46) Reviewing the article for: Journal of Reward Deficiency Syndrome. NIDA-Drug
Addiction Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS) Relapse as a Function of Spirituality,
JRDS-15F-006; February 20, 2015.
47) Reviewing the article for: Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and
Neuroimaging MS Number: BPSC-D-15-00065
Title: Gender Dimorphism of Brain Reward System Volumes in Alcoholism. 08/12/2016.
48) Reviewing the Manuscript title: "Clinical outcome and predictors of adverse events of
an Enhanced Older Adult Psychiatric Liaison Service: Rapid Assessment Interface and
Discharge (RAID-Newport)". Author: Dr Singh. Journal: Clinical Interventions in Aging.
49) Reviewing the Manuscript title: “The Effect of a Spiritual Care on Hope in Patients
Undergoing Dialysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial” that has been submitted for
publication in Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews, 11/2019.
Israel Ministry of Health professional Licenses