Synopsis Sapna - Gupta
Synopsis Sapna - Gupta
Synopsis Sapna - Gupta
(MPCE 016/026/036) :- MPCE
Enrolment Number: 2004366096 Course Code :
Name and Address of the Learner:
Sapna Gupta
Phone No 8950g7365 8 Email SAPNAGUPTA 783PGMAJL -CoM
Regional Centre: 49 Study Centre: 4 050
Successfully completed MPC-005 &MPC-006 :
Name, Designation & Address of the Guide*: Dr. Pbalin Dash
Designation : Sr. Consultant Psychologist (RCI, Visiting Faculty, Sr. Research Fellow, Heart2Mind
Psychological Services
Address :B8, Heart2Mind Psychological Services, Gaur Sportswood Arched, Sector-79 Noida, UP-2-1304
*Guide is (Please tick mark):
Appendix IV
Name of the Guide:
Dr. Pubalin Das
Dr. Pubalin Dash Psychologist
CRR NO- A44274
Sr. Consultant Psychologist (RCI)
Visiting Faculty,Sr. Research Fellow
Heart2Mind Psychological Services
P.G. Diploma in Utkal University, Odisha2000 Child Psychology
Early Childhood
Disorder |Clinical and Child Psychology
Ph.D (Clinical) Delhi University, New 2011
2016 Research
Research DelhiUniversity, New
Associateship-1 Delhi 2020
O. name) Psychology
October Tilldate 4 yearst
Research Dept of Clinical
Associateshi Psychology,
p-II University of
(1CMR Delhi, New
Fellowship) Delhi
AliYaver Yung January December 10years
Visiting National Institute 2004 2018
of Hearing
(Ministry of
Social Justice and
Gautam Buddha June November 1.5year Clinical
Visiting 2015 2016 Psychology
Faculty University,
Greater Noida,
Asst. Prof. June 2015 2 years Counselling
Indian Institute June
and Clinical
of Psychology 2013
International Journals:
12 Verma, P. & Dash, P. (2014) Gender and Emotional Intelligence of Collage going
students. The International .Journal of Indian Psychology: Volume: 01, Issue: 04,
ISSN 2348-5396.
13 Dash, P.(2012) Impact of Cognitive behavioural intervention in controlling
Conduct disorder: A case study. 5 International Conference of Management and
Behavioural Sciences. ISBN- 978-93-81505-37-3, Vol-7, 260-272.
14. Mahakud, G. C. & Dash, P. (2007). The Net work model: A Spiderial Method of
Teaching Language. Journal of Staff and Educational Development:
International. ISSN-0971- 9008, 11 (1), 31-44.
Dash, P. & Khan, S. A psychological Research study on traumatic stress in
survivors of Sexual Assault. Review ofLiterature and Rape Myths in India. London.
Routledge, Taylor &Francis Group.
Dash, P. Apsychological Research study on traumatic stress in survivors
of Sexual Assault. Asurvivors Story. London. Routledge, Taylor &
Francis Group.
Dash, P. ApsychologicalResearch study on traumatic stress in survivors of
Sexual Assault. Healing after Incest, London. Routledge, Taylor &Francis Group.
Invited Lectures
Mental health among students: Issues and challenges. Narsee Monjee University,
Indore. 7th November 2020.
Understanding Mental Health: Issues, Challenges and Intervention, Center for
Policy, Governance and Advocacy, Bhubaneswar, 10th Ocober 2020.
Malnutrition and Behavioural impact among disability children, Ali Yaver Young
National Institution of Speech and Hearing, Noida, 30th September 2020.
Rehabilitation Psychology and Mental Health, In 45thNational Annual
Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists, Dehradun, 25-27
May, 2019.
Behaviour Modification techniques for students, Mind Wellness psychological
center, 1gth
January 2020.CBSM, Hasanpur, I.P Extension, Delhi.
Farent-Intant Program & Mothers Training (2017), Resource Person. Ali Yavar
Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities, Gautam Budh Nagar,
Noida, 13-15 September 2017.
Onentation Programme on Combating Violence Against Women and Girls" from
4-8 August, 2014 at NIPCCD, New Delhi.
Paper Presented
Anamika Hui (2017) A study of role of counselling on stress, anxiety and quality
O e among parents of hearing impaired children with special reference to
community. Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tiberwala University, Rajasthan.
Kalyani Singh (2018) Impact of counselling to maintain quality of life among
hearing impaired elderly people of nuclear family and joint family: Acomparative
study. Singhania University, Rajasthan.
Kariki Porwal (2017). Reducing Aggressive behaviour among differently abled
Cnlaren by using Cognitive-behavioural intervention. Mewar University,
Fooja Verma (2015), Improving self-efficacy and resilience among cancer patients.
Mewar University, Rajasthan. (Submitted).
9 Any other relevant information:
Curently having ateam of 60 counsellors, psychologist working under my
(Put a mark)
(Signature with seal) Faculty, Discipline of Psychology D
we are iving in the era of science and technology definitely it is an age of globalization. Science and
eenology spread their tentacles in every walk of our daily life. It is witnessed that our educational
Praences have been changed according to the need of global society. As aresult, students of present schools
aid coleges have multiple responsibilitics in the society. So that number of courses subjects and
cocurmcular practices are multiplicd, Hence students become restless and over loaded with work. They
Show lack of integrated development with physical, social, emotional, cognitive and balanced mental health
due to total stress. The urgent prerequisite of our present school education the emotional and mental health
components in education shouldinclude .These components must become part and parcel of our school
education to shape future generation.
Role of our education should be catering to the need of changing society. As a result of knowledge
exposition our societal norms, cultural Practices, traditions, customs, beliefs, way of life and even our
thinking strategies are also influenced. Hence it is the pre requisite of our mobilized society is to have
modified educational objectives. All the level of our educational practices should be designed for fullest
development of an individual. Bducations facilitate an individual for all round development of inner
potentiality, which should be life centered and practically applicable in their life situations. Education
should help an individual to inculcate, various values including individual, societal, national and
international values. It also helps an individual make aware of global challenges and develops an ability to
meet such challenges. Our educational practices should facilitate for balanced development of cognitive.
affective and psychomotor development of an individual. However education for mental heath is not
gaining much importance in our school education. Good mental health helps an individual to develop
balanced personality. It is astatus ofan individual which helps psychological well-being of aperson in the
Following are some reviews of related literature for the proposed study:
ACeOTding to the study conducted by Anand S.P.(2016) the sound mental health was positively
Telated to academic achievement. The degree of mental health was also related to the type or
sCnool, being the highest in convenient schools, followed by sainik, DAV and DM schools
TeSpectively. Number of studies revealed that, it is pre requisite of our present schools to have
caucational practices to train the emotional intelligence and mental health which is basis for
academic performance.
Bhugendranath Panda (2016) conducted a study on mental health and personal adjustment of
secondary schools students, boys and girls. He found that, Oriya groups possess better social
adjustment than other groups; and there does in to any difference between all other group
combinations in their mental health.
Albert and Howard (2017) examined child rearing practices, socio economic antecedents on the
group embedded figure test performance in the age range of 14-15 years old high schools children
of racially mixed and Negro populations. It was found that difference between ethnic group and
child rearing practices and SESfactors determined.
Joshi A.N. (2011) conducted study on Factors influencing English language abilities" and found
that, the boy & girl students were found to be higher in such language errors as failure to identify
the relationship of adverb with verb, succeeding verb, whereas the girls of 8 grade were found to
be higher in failure to use a word in relation to the pronoun and failure to use neither. The growth
of English language ability was found to be influenced to such factors as intelligence, socio
economic status, locality and personality factors. In this rapid changing society, due to technology
dscientnc advancement it is verv difesle tn
en entallv healthy. Therefore it has become
Cnalenge for the education system to maintain mentalbealth of
students. In this study the aiteren.
aspeets oT school i.e. classroom, institution
individual attention, disciplines, teacher and
examination and its adverse effect on mental health have been
Concrete suggestions have been providedfor sehools to adont, so
that students can be free from
all ypes of maladjustments. An
emotionallv intellioent individual leads a happy, healthy and
Peacetullife. If He/ she is at case with himselfherself.
surrounding and other fellow beings, they
ali labeled mentally healthy persons., Thev express
the characteristics like adoptable and resilient
mind, cheerful and optimistic outlook. well
regulated instincts and habits, insight into one's own
COnduct, good tempered, socially adoptable and having a
definite philosophy of life realistic
magination etc. Therefore the development of emotions is extremely
for a harmonious
development of the personality.Proper training and education will go a long
way to enable the
young people to control their emotions and obtain mental
balance and stability. Emotions are the
prime motive forces of thought and conduct and their
control is very important. If an individual is
emotionally intelligent he/she will possess good mental health and finally both
will directly
influence high academic performance. Thus we can see
that these concepts -emotional
intelligence, mental health and acádemic achievement are closely
In this context there is a dire needing
investigate in relationship between emotional intelligence
and mental health of secondary school
dcuviies like steeling, telling, coruption, forgery, bribe, disputes, smuggling ete., ultimately
people in the society lost their mental peace, harmony happiness and co-existence. As a result an
individual has lost good mental health which is the basic requisite in everybody's lite wnicn our
carlier generations enjoyed. The major factors of emotional intelligence and mental health and
academic achievement should be part and parcel of our educational practices, which is lacking in
our schools and colleges.
Emotionally intelligent individual leads a happy and peaceful life. He/she is at ease with
himselfherself, surrounding and other fellow being. We can label him/her as a mentally healthy
person. They express the characteristics like adoptable and reslient mind, cheerful and optimistic
outlook, well regulated instincts and habits, insight into one's own conduct, good tempered,
socially adoptable and having adefinite philosophy of life, realistic imagination etc. Therefore the
development of emotions isextremely important for a harmonious development ofthe personality.
D.To compare the govemment and private school students with respect to emotional intelligence
6. To compare the government and private school students with respect to academic achievement.
Hypotheses of the study
In order to achieve the mentioned objectives of the study, the following hypotheses will be
formulated for testing.
1. There will be no significant between boys and girls with respect to mental health
2. There will be no significant between boys and girls boys and girls with respect to emotional
3. There will be no significant difference between boys and girls with respect to academic
4. There will be no significant difference between government and private school students
with respect to mental health.
5. There willbe no significant difference between government and private school students
with respect to emotional intelligence
6. There willbe no significant difference between government and private school students
with respect to academic achievement.
Operational Definition of the Key Terms
Mental Health
al healtn is a term which is defined as state of an individual with emotional stability, overall
Pesent study mental health is indicated by the total score obtained by the students on the
mental health scale developed by Jagdish and Srivastava
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the capacity of an individual having awareness of oneself, understanding
the feelings of others, maintaining the balance of his own feelings, self-directed to his own
activities and maintaining the harmonious relationship with others and oneself is considered
as Emotional Intelligence. It is represented by the total scores obtained by the students on
emotional intelligence scale developed by Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe and Upinder Dhar (2002).
Academic achievement: For the purpose of the present study, academic achievement is measured
through score obtained by student in class 8h exmainations
Dependent variable
Emotional intelligence
Mental health
Academic achievement
Or tne present study, 100 students from
gOvernmnent schools and 100 students from private
schools of class 10th having an age
group oof 14 to l7 years in Ghaziabad willconstitute the sample.
Ine sample will be selected according tothe
nronortionately (government, and private) based on
purposive sampling technique.
Research Design
cOmparative study willbe adopted to study emotional intelligence, academic achievement and
mental health of students.
Tool used for data
1. Mental Health Scale (MHS) developed by Jagdish and Srivastava (1995)
The final form of the scale constituted 60 items. The scale includes both positive and negative
statements in cach component. The details are given in Table No.3.2.
Table 1: Items Distribution of Mental Health Scale
Positive statements
SL No Components
Integration of 9,27,38,40,52,58 11
IP 15,17,20,32,60
31 29 60
Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) by Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe and Upinder
Dhar (2002)
nal Tom of the scale constituted 35 items which includes both positive and
Statements on each component. The details are given in the Table No 2.
Table No. 2: Items Distributionof Emotional
Positive Negative
No Components Total
statements statements
Empathy EM 8,22,29 2,15 05
Emotional Stability ES 3,10, 17,24,31 05
ITE 5,19 12,26,33 05
6 ITR 13,27 6,20,34 05
7 Managing Emotions ME 7,21,28 14,35 05
TOTAL 16 19 35
Suurvey questionnaires will be checked for missing data. Surveys will be rechecked for data
transcription error, survey wil be checked to ensure the data had been entered correctly.
The data
analysis for this quantitative study will be undertaken in two steps. These steps are
elaborated as below.
Table No. 3: Scoring for Mental Health Scale (MHS)
Items Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree
Agree (SA) Disagree
(A) (UC) (D)
Positive 4 3 2 1
Negative 1 3 4 5
Items Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree
Agree (SA) (A) (UC) (D)
Positive 3
Negative 1 2 3 4 5
Statistical Analysis: In this proposed study, various statistical tool and techniques will be used
according to the requirement of the study.Percentage, Mean, S.D., t-test and descriptive statistics,
and Pearson's product moment correlation will be calculated.
Demographic sheet
To assess the demographic details of the student, a demographic sheet will beprepared which
include questions related to age, religion and caste of the respondents and questions related to
parents education and income level.
Statistical Techniques
For the present study,
mean, standard deviation, t-test will be used and data will be calculated
through SPSS software.
Anmadi, Syed Ahmad. (201S) psvchology of nre adolescents. Tehran: Termeh
isruction as the mental ability and the academic achievement of children in Mysore Statel.
Ph.D., Education Mysore University.
Bisht G.s (2012) -A study of the level of Educational aspirations in relation to socioeconomic
condition and Education Attainmentl, Ph.D., Education, Agra University.
Desh Pande M.B (2014)-An analytical study of cognitive affective development and scholastic
achievement of Tribal Secondary schools studentsl, Ph.D., Education, Nag. University.
Harter, S. (2016). Manual for the Self- perception profile for Adolescents. Denver: University
of Denver (1988).