Applied Physical Sciences Conceptual: R.engeln@tue - NL

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Applied Physical Sciences conceptual
Course info

Course module 3NAB0 Academic year 2016

Credits (ECTS) 5 Period 2 (14/11/2016 to 05/02/2017)
Category - Starting block 2
Course type Bachelor College Basic course Timeslot A: A - Mo 1-4, We 9-10, Th 5-8
B: B - Mo 5-8, Th 9-10, We 1-4
Language of instruction English
Course mode Fulltime
Offered by Eindhoven University of Technology; Applied
Physics; Applied Physics; Remarks -
Contact person dr. R.A.H. Engeln Registration open from 15/06/2016 up to and including 23
Telephone 5786 Application procedure You apply via OSIRIS Student
E-mail [email protected] Explanation -
Lecturer(s) Registration using OSIRIS Yes

Previous 1-5 of 7 Next 2 Registration open for students Yes

from other department(s)
Co-lecturer F.L.M. Delbressine
Pre-registration No
Other course modules lecturer
Waiting list No
Subject matter expert dr. R.A.H. Engeln
Number of insufficient tests -
Other course modules lecturer
Number of groups of preference 0
Contactperson for the course dr. R.A.H. Engeln
Other course modules lecturer
Responsible lecturer dr. R.A.H. Engeln
Feedback and reachability
Other course modules lecturer
Co-lecturer H.C.J. Mulders
Other course modules lecturer

Aims Required materials

Being able to work with symbols (as opposed to numerical values) Recommended materials
University Physics with Modern Physics, Global Ed
Being able to apply physical concepts to everyday phenomena Freedman - ISBN-10: 1292100311
ISBN: 9781292100319
Learning to analyse and solve problems associated with the (derived)
conservation laws of classical mechanics, fluid dynamics and the ReturnUrl=%2fMediasite%2fCatalog%2fFull%2fc25
Instructional modes
College / course
Being able to apply the qualities of the simple periodic movement to physical

Every technical engineer should be able to explain in a well founded way, the general
physical phenomena such as; why don’t I fall out of a rollercoaster. Why are the Tests
leaves on trees green, why is the sun red at dusk and is the sky blue? And why does Written
the sea level not rise when an iceberg melts. The engineer should be able to apply Test weight 70
Minimum grade 5
knowledge of these phenomena in the design of products or the analysis of the world Test type Written
around us. The basic course ‘Applied Physical Sciences” gives the future engineer Number of opportunities 2
the basis to work with physical phenomena in both a conceptual and a more Opportunities Block 2, Block 3
fundamental way. To meet the requirements of the different faculties in abstraction Test duration in minutes 180
levels, the university has chosen to offer this course in three versions. One version is Assessment
especially composed for the faculty of Mechanical Engineering with a module of -
concepts specifically important to that faculty. The concepts treated in the other two
versions are the same for both, but will be worked out in different ways. Applied Physical Sciences conceptual

Interim examination
Test weight 20
In this conceptual version the concepts will be introduced via practical examples Minimum grade -
(broadening). The focus will be on the application of these concepts for the Test type Interim examination
explanation of general physical phenomena. Number of opportunities 1
Opportunities Block 2
Test duration in minutes -

Week 1 Remark
Applied Physical Sciences conceptual
Introduction to the course
Interim examination using notebook
Units, dimension analysis, orders of magnitude Test weight 10
Minimum grade -
Kinematics and dynamics Test type Interim examination using notebook
Number of opportunities 1
Opportunities Block 2
Newton’s laws Test duration in minutes -

Week 2 -

Newton’s laws Applied Physical Sciences conceptual

Derived laws: energy and momentum

Week 3

Derived laws: energy and momentum


Pressure in a fluid

Bouyancy (Archimedes)

Week 4

temperature and heat, thermodynamic equilibrium, phase transitions, heat

transport mechanisms (conduction, radiation, convection)

Week 5

simple harmonic oscillator (dampening, resonance)

longitudinal and transversal waves

Week 6

Interference, superposition, standing waves, natural frequency

Sound waves, Doppler effect, resonance, ‘beat’ frequency

Week 7

light waves: reflection, diffraction, Snell’s law, total internal reflection, dispersion,
polarisation, scattering

Entrance requirements

Entrance requirements tests


Assumed previous knowledge


Previous knowledge can be gained by


Resources for self study

Short promotional description of the course
Dit vak zal aankomende ingenieurs een conceptuele basis geven van enkele fundamentele begrippen in de
natuurkunde, waarmee zij zich een 'gefundeerd' idee kunnen vormen over zowel wetenschappelijke als
technologische ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de medische-/nano-/energietechnologie, klimaatcontrole, etc.
Het belang van de concepten die behandeld zullen worden, zal verduidelijkt worden aan de hand van
aansprekende demonstraties en voorbeelden waarbij bovenstaande technologieën van belang zijn

Short promotional description of the course

This course will give future engineers the conceptual basis of a few fundamental concepts of physics, with which
they can form a “founded” idea of both scientific and technological developments in the fields of medical, nano and
energy technology, climate control etc. The importance of the concepts that will be treated, will be cleared up using
engaging demonstrations and examples in which the above named technologies are important.

Bachelor College or Graduate School

Bachelor College basic course

General course information

Voor vragen kun je een email sturen naar [email protected]

General course information

For questions please send an email to [email protected]

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