Christopher Brumfit Phd/Ed.D. Thesis Award 2013 Sponsored by Cambridge University Press and Promoted by Language Teaching
Christopher Brumfit Phd/Ed.D. Thesis Award 2013 Sponsored by Cambridge University Press and Promoted by Language Teaching
Christopher Brumfit Phd/Ed.D. Thesis Award 2013 Sponsored by Cambridge University Press and Promoted by Language Teaching
To recognize doctoral thesis research that makes a significant and original contribution
to the field of SLA and/or foreign/second language teaching and learning.
The candidate’s institution must have accepted the thesis for the PhD/Ed.D. no
more than two years before the date of the award application.
The research must have been completed as part of the requirements for a
doctoral degree or its equivalent at a university.
Although the thesis under consideration must be in English, the research may be
related to work concerning any second language.
Candidates should not have applied for the award on a previous occasion
Application Process
Two files: One MS WORD file containing a summary of the thesis, not to
exceed 17 double-spaced pages, with references, font size 12, and a separate MS
WORD file containing a 150-word abstract of the thesis. Both files should be
clearly labelled with the candidate’s name. The maximum size of any file sent
should not exceed 2 Mb.
Care should be taken in drafting the summary so that the referees are provided with as
detailed a report as possible on the work undertaken. Candidates should prepare the text
for an audience that may not be expert in all the specific concepts or methods used in
your specialist topic area.
The summary should include a brief description of the theoretical background of the
research and (where appropriate) specify the research questions, the research methods
(including data analyses) used and why these were chosen, the results, and implications
of these outcomes. Examiners will pay particular attention to: whether the study makes
a significant and original contribution to knowledge and understanding of the field
concerned; whether the problem tackled emerges naturally and clearly from the review
of the theoretical background of the research; whether the method is presented in
sufficient detail and with enough explanation as to why the methods used were chosen;
whether the analytic methods used are justified and shown to be sufficient for the task
and if these are clearly linked to the explicit hypotheses, predictions, or questions which
formed part of the stated research problem; whether the discussion and/or conclusion
evaluates the project’s contribution to the local and wider field of research; finally,
whether there is a clear and significant contribution to the field of SLA and/or FL
teaching and learning.
Proof of the award of the degree by the candidate’s university. This can be a
scanned copy in pdf form of the degree certificate or a scanned official
letter/transcript from the university in question stating clearly the date of
conferment of the degree.
Evaluation Criteria
30th November 2013 – Deadline for receipt of summary and abstract and official proof
of thesis acceptance
20th February 2014 – Feedback given to all candidates and call for electronic
submission of theses of short-listed candidates
3rd March 2014 – Deadline for receipt of theses
1st August 2014 – Announcement of award winner by the Editorial Board of Language
E-mail: [email protected]