Session 5. Conflict Management
Session 5. Conflict Management
Session 5. Conflict Management
Conflict management
At the end of this session, participants should be able to understand and appreciate:
1. Why conflicts arise in organizations.
2. Conditions leading to conflict.
3. Effects of conflicts.
4. Elements and stages in the conflict process.
5. Ways to deal with conflict situations: response styles and conflict resolution behaviour.
6. Strategies for managing conflicts.
Reading note: Conflict management
Conflict is a 'clash of interests, values, actions, views or directions.' Show EXHIBIT 1 and
point out that disagreement among people is the underlying basis of conflict. People
disagree because they see things differently, want different things, have thinking styles
which encourage them to disagree, or are predisposed to disagree.
Conflict situations arise because of fear, force, fair or funds. Fear is an imaginary concern
for future. Force of any kind initiates and concludes conflicts. Fair is the sense of fairness,
which determines the moral values of an individual. Tangible as well as intangible costs
may provoke conflict, and also help towards its resolution. Interpersonal conflicts arise
because of differences in personality, perceptions, status and ideological and philosophical
outlooks. Other causes of conflict can be communication gaps; personality differences;
substandard performance; disputes over approaches, responsibility and authority; lack of
cooperation; or competition for limited resources.
Show EXHIBIT 2 and discuss the main conditions which influence an organization towards
conflict situations. Observe that very often these situations cannot be easily changed.
Show EXHIBIT 3 and discuss the effects of conflicts on an organization. Conflict situations
result in negative and positive effects. They may help diffuse more serious conflicts,
stimulate a search for new facts or resolution, increase group cohesion and performance,
and demonstrate the power or ability of the conflicting parties. Conflicts could hinder
smooth working or the decision making process, or create competing coalitions or reduce
Show EXHIBIT 4 and discuss the various stages - from inception to end - through which a
conflict evolves.
Show EXHIBIT 5 and discuss elements of a conflict. Power, organizational demands and
worth are three important elements of conflict. Power is the capacity and means to make
people work. Organizational demands relate to job performance expectations. Worth is the
self-esteem of an individual.
Show EXHIBIT 6. There are two theories of conflict management. Traditional theory
considers people involved in conflict situations as trouble makers. Modern theory considers
conflict as a natural and inevitable outcome of human interaction. Conflict situations often
lead to the generation of new ideas and change.
From here on, the discussion should focus on conflict resolution. Show EXHIBIT 7. Fight,
negotiation, problem solving and design are four ways of dealing with a conflict situation.
Fight is not a healthy and positive approach. Negotiation is compromise, with a third party
playing an important role. Problem solving entails identifying causes of conflict and
removing them. The design approach uses conflict as a situation and attempts to resolve it
through creativity.
Responses to conflict situations vary. Show EXHIBIT 8 and discuss the three main
categories of response style. These are addressers, concealers or attackers. Addressers
take risks and try to resolve conflicts. Addressers may be 'first steppers' or 'confronters,'
depending upon the desire to resolve the conflict. Concealers conceal their feelings and do
not work towards resolution of conflicts. They may be 'feeling swallowers,' 'subject
changers' or 'avoiders.' Attackers attack either up-front or behind-the-back.
Strategies for managing conflict include styles, improving organizational practices, special
roles and structure, and confrontation techniques. Show EXHIBIT 10 and discuss each of
these strategies. Show EXHIBIT 11 and discuss different types of conflicts in a research
organization. Conflicts may arise because of goal incompatibility, barriers to goal
achievement, competition for use of limited resources, inter-personal differences, project
priorities, or other causes related to research activities (EXHIBIT 12). The underlying cause
of most conflicts is lack of communication.
Before concluding the session, once again discuss conflicts in research organizations.
Observe that when scientists face conflict situations, they tend to assert themselves
through collaboration or competition. If assertion fails, they may attempt to compromise. If
that too fails, they may either accommodate or avoid.
In order to prevent undesirable group behaviour, the research manager needs to promote
organizational strategies such as establishing a committee of scientists that encourages
Ambiguous jurisdictions
Conflict of interest
Communication barriers
Dependence on one party
Differentiation in organization
Association of the parties
Behaviour regulation
Performance expectations
Competition for limited resources
Lack of cooperation
Unresolved prior conflicts
Positive effects:
Negative effects:
Conflict situation
Awareness of the situation
Realization Manifestation of conflict
Resolution or suppression of conflict
After-effects of the conflict situation
Traditional theory
Contemporary theory
· First steppers
· Confronters
· Feeling swallowers
· Subject changers
· Avoiders
· Up-front
· Behind-the-back
· Styles
· Improving organizational practices
· Special roles and structure
· Confrontation techniques
· Goals
· Project priorities
· Interdependence in work
· Administrative procedures
· Technical opinions
· Performance trade-offs
· Use of limited resources, including human resources
· Costs
· Schedules
· Personalities
· Goal incompatibility and barriers to goal accomplishment
· Strong barriers to communication
· Past history
Conflict is a clash of interests, values, actions, views or directions (De Bono, 1985).
Conflict refers to the existence of that clash. Conflict is initiated the instant clash occurs.
Generally, there are diverse interests and contrary views behind a conflict, which are
revealed when people look at a problem from their viewpoint alone. Conflict is an outcome
of organizational intricacies, interactions and disagreements. It can be settled by identifying
and neutralizing the etiological factors. Once conflict is concluded it can provoke a positive
change in the organization.
When we recognize the potential for conflict, we implicitly indicate that there is already a
conflict of direction, even though it may not have yet manifested itself as a clash.
Confliction is the process of setting up, promoting, encouraging or designing conflict. It is a
wilful process and refers to the real effort put into generating and instituting conflict.
Deconfliction is the annihilation of conflict. It does not refer to negotiation or bargaining, or
even to resolution of conflict: it is the effort required to eliminate the conflict.
Why conflicts arise
Conflicts emanate from more than one source, and so their true origin may be hard to
identify. Important initiators of conflict situations include:
(i) People disagree. People disagree for a number of reasons (De Bono,
(ii) People are concerned with fear, force, fairness or funds (De Bono, 1985).
(d) Funds or costs can cause conflict, but can also force a
conclusion through acceptable to the conflicting parties. The cost
of being in conflict may be measurable (in money terms) or
immeasurable, being expressed in terms of human lives, suffering,
diversion of skilled labour, neglect or loss of morale and self
esteem. (De Bono, 1985).
According to Kirchoff and Adams (1982), there are four distinct conflict conditions, i.e., high
stress environments, ambiguous roles and responsibilities, multiple boss situations, and
prevalence of advanced technology.
Filley (1975) identified nine main conditions which could initiate conflict situations in an
organization. These are:
(viii) Unresolved prior conflicts which remain unsettled over time create anxiety
and stress, which can further intensify existing conflicts. A manager's most
important function is to avoid potential harmful results of conflict by regulating
and directing it into areas beneficial for the organization.
Conflict as a process
Effects of conflicts
Conflict situations should be either resolved or used beneficially. Conflicts can have
positive or negative effects for the organization, depending upon the environment created
by the manager as she or he manages and regulates the conflict situation.
· Stimulation of a search for new facts or resolutions. When two parties who
respect each other face a conflict situation, the conflict resolution process may
help in clarifying the facts and stimulating a search for mutually acceptable
· Increase in group cohesion and performance. When two or more parties are
in conflict, the performance and cohesion of each party is likely to improve. In
a conflict situation, an opponent's position is evaluated negatively, and group
allegiance is strongly reinforced, leading to increased group effort and
· Power is the capacities and means that people have at their disposal to get
work done. Power includes budgetary discretion, personal influence,
information, time, space, staff size and dependence on others. If used
efficiently, power creates an atmosphere of cooperation, but can generate
conflicts when misused, withheld or amassed.
When these expectations are not fulfilled, people feel disheartened, angry, let down or
cheated. Consequently, conflict situations can arise.
· The traditional theory is based on the assumption that conflicts are bad, are
caused by trouble makers, and should be subdued.
Response styles
People may appreciate the same situation in different ways, and so respond differently. It is
therefore necessary to understand the response styles of the people involved so as to
manage conflicts properly. According to Turner and Weed (1983), responses can be
classified as follows:
· Addressers are the people who are willing to take initiatives and risk to
resolve conflicts by getting their opponents to agree with them on some issues.
Addressers can either be first-steppers or confronters:
· Concealers take no risk and so say nothing. They conceal their views and
feelings. Concealers can be of three kinds:
· Attackers cannot keep their feelings to themselves. They are angry for one or another
reason, even though it may not be anyone's fault. They express their feelings by attacking
whatever they can even, though that may not be the cause of their distress. Attackers may
be up-front or behind-the-back:
- Up-front attackers are the angry people who attack openly, they make work
more pleasant for the person who is the target, since their attack usually
generates sympathy, support and agreement for the target.
A manager should be able to see emerging conflicts and take appropriate pre-emptive
action. The manager should understand the causes creating conflict, the outcome of
conflict, and various methods by which conflict can be managed in the organization. With
this understanding, the manager should evolve an approach for resolving conflicts before
their disruptive repercussions have an impact on productivity and creativity. Therefore, a
manager should possess special skills to react to conflict situations, and should create an
open climate for communication between conflicting parties.
When two groups or individuals face a conflict situation, they can react in four ways (De
Bono, 1985). They can:
· Negotiate, towards a settlement with the other party. Negotiations take place
within the prevailing situation and do not involve problem solving or designing.
Third-party roles are very important in bringing the conflicting parties together
on some common ground for negotiations.
· Problem solve, which involves identifying and removing the cause of the
conflict so as to make the situation normal again. However, this may not be
easy. It is also possible that the situation may not become normal even after
removing the identified cause, because of its influence on the situation.
Conflict-resolution behaviour
Depending on their intentions in a given situation, the behaviour of conflicting parties can
range from full cooperation to complete confrontation. Two intentions determining the type
of conflict-handling behaviour are assertion and cooperation: assertion refers to an attempt
to confront the other party; and cooperation refers to an attempt to find an agreeable
Depending upon the degree of each intention involved, there can be five types of conflict
handling behaviour (Thomas and Kilman, 1976). They are:
· Collaboration aims at finding some solution that can satisfy the conflicting
parties. It is based on a willingness to accept as valid the interests of the other
party whilst protecting one's own interests. Disagreement is addressed openly
and alternatives are discussed to arrive at the best solution. This method
therefore involves high cooperation and low confrontation. Collaboration is
applicable when both parties desire to solve the problem and are willing to
work together toward a mutually acceptable solution. Collaboration is the best
method of handling conflicts, as it strives to satisfy the needs of both parties. It
is integrative and has high concern for personal goals as well as relationship.
Tosi, Rizzo, and Carroll (1986) suggested four ways of managing conflicts, namely through:
· Improving organizational practices. After identifying the reason for the conflict
situation, suitable organizational practices can be used to resolve conflicts,
A person with problem-solving skills and respected by the conflicting parties can be
designated to de-fuse conflicts.
Conflict in a research organization, and for that matter in any other organization, may be
between individuals, intra-group or inter-group, with conflict due to:
Such conflicts may arise for many reasons (Ivancevich, Szilagyi and Wallace, 1977):
· Within a research group, differences arise over project priorities, the
sequence of activities and tasks.
Summing up
Conflicts are inevitable in any organization. A modest level of conflict can be useful in
generating better ideas and methods, inspiring concern and ingenuity, and stimulating the
emergence of long-suppressed problems.
Conflict management strategies should aim at keeping conflict at a level at which different
ideas and viewpoints are fully voiced but unproductive conflicts are deterred. Stimulation of
conflict situations is appropriate if the research manager identifies conditions of 'group-
think.' Group-think is a situation where conflict rarely occurs because of high group
cohesion, which results in poor decision and inadequate performance. Group-think prevails
when there are lot of 'yes men' in a group, with the result that there is no serious appraisal
of the situation and new ideas are not suggested. Group members attach greater
importance to popularity, tranquillity and peace in the group rather than to technical ability
and proficiency. Members are disinclined to verbalize their unbiased views in order to avoid
hurting the feelings of other members of the group. Decisions are accepted as they are,
adversely affecting organizational productivity. A manager can choose several remedies to
avoid group-think (Irving, 1971).
Basic problems in inter-group behaviour are conflict of goals and communication failures, A
basic tactic in resolving conflicts, therefore, is to find goals upon which scientists or groups
can agree, and to ensure proper communication and interaction. Some conflicts arise
because of simple misconceptions, which can be overcome by improved communication.
A manager should manage conflicts effectively rather than suppress or avoid them. To
manage them, a manager needs to ask 'What?' and 'Why?' - and not 'Who?' - to get at the
root of a problem. In the process of resolving conflicts, many problems can be identified
and solved by removing obstacles and creating a new environment of individual growth. If
conflicts are not managed properly, they can be damaging, as they waste a lot of energy
and time, and invoke tension, which reduces the productivity and creativity of those
Filley, A.C. 1975. Interpersonal Conflict Resolution. Glenview IL: Scott, Foresman.
House, R.J., & Rizzo, J.R. 1972. Conflict and ambiguity as critical variables in a model of
organizational behaviour. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 7: 467-505.
Ivancevich, J.M., Szilagyi, A.D., Jr., & Wallace, M.J., Jr. 1977. Organizational Behavior and
Performance. California, CA: Goodyear Publishing.
Kirchoff, N., & Adams, J.R. 1982. Conflict Management for Project Managers. Drexel Hill:
Project Management Institute.
Thomas, K.W., & Kilman, R.H. 1974. Conflict Mode Instrument. Tuxedo, New York
NY: Xicom. Tosi, H.L., Rizzo, J.R., & Carroll, S.J. 1986. Organizational Behaviour. New
NY: Pitman. Turner, S., & Weed, F. 1983. Conflict in Organizations. Englewood Cliffs: