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International Journal of Botany

and Research (IJBR)

ISSN (P): 2277-4815; ISSN (E): 2319-4456
Vol. 7, Issue 6, Dec 2017, 5-12
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.





SRF-NRRI,Cuttack, Odisa, India
Associate Professor,OUAT, Bhubaneswar, India

A field experiment entitled “Physiological and biochemical basis of growth, yield and drought tolerance in
groundnut by application of potash” was conducted at central farm OUAT, Bhubaneswar under AICRP on groundnut,
Department of Agronomy during Rabi-Summer 2014-2015. The physiological studies were carried out in the department
of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar. Groundnut variety Devi was taken for study and the
experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with 8 treatments and replicated thrice. The treatments were
comprised off T1: control(no NPK) T2: farmers practice (N:P:K:: 18:46:30 kg/ha) T3: RD of NPK @ 20:40:40 kg/ha T4:

Original Article
NPK @ 20:40:60 kg/ha T5: NPK @ 20:40:80 kg/ha all at sowing T6: NPK @20:40:20 kg/ha at sowing and 20 kg/ha at
flowering (30 DAS) T8: NPK @ 20:40:40 kg/ha at sowing and 40kg/ha at flowering (30 DAS).

The result revealed that plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, number of nodules, TDM were
improved by the level and timing of K application. Among the treatments application of 60 and 80 kg/ha in split registered
significant increase of the above growth character in groundnut crop which reflected a higher value of LAI,LAD,CGR
and RGR. The physiological traits for stress tolerance of a crop significantly influenced by the level of K and timing of its
application. A significant increase of these traits was noticed when the level of K was increased up to 80 kg/ha and
applied to groundnut crop in splits except RWD which decreased significantly with increase in the level of K application.
The highest value of these biochemical characteristics of groundnut crop were recorded at 80 kg/ha when applied in splits
at sowing and flowering. The seed yield in groundnut increased significantly with increase in the level of K application
due to increase in number of pods per plant, shelling percentage and kernel weight and the highest yield registered among
the treatments at 80 kg/ha when applied in split. In view of the positive and beneficial effect of K application in groundnut
crop it may be concluded that improvement in the productivity of groundnut crop under residual soil moisture condition
can be possible through split application of K up to 80 kg/ha.

KEYWORDS: Physiological And Biochemical, Tdm Were Improved & Groundnut Cr

Received: Sep 16, 2017; Accepted: Oct 05, 2017; Published: Oct 12, 2017; Paper Id.: IJBRDEC20172


Groundnut is tolerance to water stress condition. Groundnut is a buffer crop. This crop has the in built
morphological and biological structure by the nature so that Groundnut plant can cope up with various adverse
conditions like water stress condition. Potash Absorption Ratio(KAR) is higher in case of groundnut in order to
maintain ionic equilibrium.

In view of above facts the present experiment was undertaken to study the physiological and biochemical

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6 Nibedita Prusty, Bijay Kumar Mishra & Barsha Bindu Roul

basis of stress tolerance of groundnut by application of potash.


The Researchers were followed the Research Design of Randomized Block Design(RBD) in order to get error free
and concrete results.10 Replications had been made in order to maintain clarity.One Control Plot and Rest treated plot were
used for making successful experiment.A Concrete Farm Plan and Calendar was followed strictly by practising suitable
Package of practices and intercultural operation from time to time under the guidance of Plant Physiologist,Agronomist
and Soil Scientists.Various meteorological data was recorded from OUAT Meteorological Department.Statistical analysis
and various tests had been conducted to get proper conclusion.

Biochemical Traits
NRA and Proline content

Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and proline content of leaves estimated at 45 and 60 DAS (Table-9) indicated
that values of both the biochemical traits were higher at 45 DAS compared to 60DAS.NRA varied among the treatments
which ranged within (15.3 to 32.1 µg No2/g fresh wt/ hr) at 45 DAS and 12.5 to 30.06 µg No2/g fresh wt/hr at 60 DAS. The
highest NRA was recorded in T8 and the lowest NRA in control (T1) at both stages 45 and 60 DAS.NRA increased with
increase in the level of K application but significant increase in NRA at both stages was recorded in the leaves of plants
supplied in split with 60 kg K/ha (T7) and 80 kg K /ha (T8) over control. However the enzyme activity between T7 and T8
were found at par.

Variation in proline content was found among the treatments at both 45 and 60 DAS. It was recorded in the range
of 68.3 to 102.2 µg/g at 45 DAS and 50.6 to 99.6 µg/g at 60 DAS. Among the treatments the highest and the lowest proline
content was recorded in T8 and T1 respectively at both 45 and 60 DAS. Increase in the level of K application also increased
the proline content but significant increase was recorded in plants supplied with K in split at the rate of 60 kg/ha (T7) and
80 kg/ha (T8). However no significant difference was found between T7 and T8.

Uptake of N P K

Uptake of N, P and K by kernel, haulm and whole plant at harvest were presented in table-11. Result indicated
that uptake of N, P and K was more in haulm than kernel. The total uptake of these nutrients were in the order of N uptake
> K uptake > P uptake.

Uptake of N by kernel, haulm and whole plant was influenced by level and time of K application. The variation in
N uptake by plant parts and whole plant among the

Table 1: Effect of Levels and Time of Potash Application on N, P and K Uptake By

Kernel and Haulm of Groundnut
N uptake (g/plant)
Treatments P uptake (g/plant) K uptake(g/plant)
Kernel Tota
Haulm Total Kernel Haulm Kernel Haulm Total
T1 0.34 0.63 0.97 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.32
T2 0.37 0.64 1.01 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.35
T3 0.38 0.65 1.03 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.15 0.24 0.39
T4 0.40 0.69 1.09 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.19 0.27 0.46

Impact Factor (JCC): 3.8754 NAAS Rating: 4.08

Scientific Evaluation of the Putative Traits for Optimization of Potash 7
Application to Groundnut Under Water Stress Condition in Odisha

Table 1: Contd.,
T5 0.41 0.72 1.13 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.20 0.29 0.49
T6 0.40 0.73 1.13 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.42
T7 0.42 0.76 1.18 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.21 0.31 0.52
T8 0.46 0.76 1.22 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.57
SEM 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.004 0.003 0.01 0.011 0.017 0.063
CD 5% 0.06 0.12 0.21 0.012 0.011 0.03 0.035 0.052 0.189

Treatments were recorded in the range of 0.34 to 0.46g in kernel, 0.63 to 0.76g in haulm and 0.97 to 1.22g per
plant. The lowest uptake was recorded in T1 and the highest uptake in T8. Uptake of N by plant parts and whole plant
increased with the level of K application but significant increase over control was recorded for 60 and 80 kg K/ha weather
applied in single dose or in split. However, no significant difference was noticed in N uptake by plant and plant parts
between these two doses of K application.

The uptake of P by plant and plant parts such as kernel and haulm influenced by the level and time of K
application. The variation recorded among the treatments for P uptake was found in the range of 0.02 to 0.04g for kernel,
0.04 to 0.06g for haulm and 0.06 to 0.10g for whole plant. Among the treatments, the maximum and the minimum uptake
of P by kernel and haulm as well as whole plant were recorded in T8 and T1 respectively. Significant increase in P uptake
by plant and plant parts were noticed in groundnut crop grown with 80kg K/ha in two splits (T8) which were at par with
(T7) where plants supplied with 60 kg K /ha in two splits.

Uptake of K by kernel and haulm as well as whole plant was influenced by the level and time of K application.
The variation in K uptake among the treatments found in the range of 0.13 to 0.23g in kernel, 0.19 to 0.34g in haulm and
0.32 to 0.57g per plant. The highest and the lowest uptake were recorded in T8 and T1 respectively. Increase in K level
increased the K uptake by plant and plant parts but significant increase was recorded in plants supplied with 60 and 80 kg
K/ha which applied in two splits. However, no significant difference was found between these two levels of K application
with respect to k uptake by plant or plant parts.

Yield, Yield Attributes and Oil Content

Yield, yield attributing characters and oil content were presented in Table .

Number of pods per plant increased significantly with increase in the level of K application over control (T1)
where groundnut was grown without any fertilizer. The highest number of pods (22.6) per plant was recorded in crop
grown with 80kg K /ha applied in split at sowing and flowering ( T8) which was at par with (T7). But Significant increase
in pods per plant was also noticed in split application of K only at 80 kg/ha (T8).

Shelling percent varied among the treatments. The highest shelling percent (77.8%) was recorded in T8 and the
lowest (69%) in T1 among the treatments. Significant increase in

Table 2: Effect of Levels and Time of Potash Application on Yield and Yield Attributes of Groundnut
Shelling Pod Oil
No. of HKW Pod yield
Treatments percent Yield HI content
Pods/Plant (g) (g/plant)
(%) (kg/ha) (%)
T1 13.2 69.0 35.8 4.72 2008 33.48 43.9
T2 14.5 69.4 37.5 5.48 2091 33.60 44.8
T3 16.7 71.2 37.7 6.29 2305 34.67 45.7
T4 18.3 72.9 38.3 6.36 2353 34.86 46.2
T5 18.8 74.1 38.5 7.00 2364 34.58 48.2

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Table 2: Contd.,
T6 18.0 72.3 39.3 7.074 2445 35.03 46.3
T7 20.0 76.3 39.8 7.96 2605 35.94 48.4
T8 22.6 77.8 40.2 9.08 2794 36.04 49.8
SEM 1.136 1 1.03 0.444 82.60 0.46 0.70
CD 5% 3.44 3.0 3.1 1.346 247 1.39 2.1

shelling percent over control was noticed at 60 and 80 kg K/ha applied either in single or in split doses and at
40kg K/ha when applied in split. Application of K in split doses significantly increased the shelling percent over single
dose application only at 80 kg K/ha.

Variation in hundred kernel weight (HKW) was noticed among the treatments. The highest HKW (40.2 g) and the
lowest (35.8g) were recorded in T8 and T1 respectively. Increased in HKW was noticed with increase in K levels but
significant increase over control was registered when 40 (T6), 60 (T7) and 80 kg K /ha (T8) was applied in split doses at
sowing and flowering. But, no significant difference was noticed among these treatments w.r.t HKW.

Pod yield per plant varied among the treatments. The highest pod yield (9.08g) per plant and lowest pod yield
(4.72g) per plant were recorded in T8 and T1 respectively. Significant increase in pod yield per plant over control was
obtained with increase in K application up to 40 kg/ha but when split application was compared with single dose
application of K, significant increase was registered both at 80 kg K/ha (T8) compared to its counterpart. However no
significant difference was noticed between T7 and T8.

Pod yield per hectare showed similar trend as it was found in pod yield per plant.

HI varied among the treatments. The highest HI (36) and lowest HI (33.5) were recorded in T8 and T1 respectively
among the treatments. Increase in the K level increased the HI in T5 T6, T7 and T8 over control but significant increase was
registered only at 80 kg K /ha applied in split (T8) over single dose application.

Oil content varied from 43.9 to 49.8%. Among the treatments, the highest and lowest oil content was recorded in
T8 and T1respectively. Oil content increased with increases in K application but significant increase over control was
recorded at 60 and 80 kg K/ha either applied in single dose or in split. Application of 40 kg K/ha in split also registered
significant increase in oil content over control. Though higher oil content found due to split application of K but significant
increase was noticed only in T7compared to single dose application.


The investigation was undertaken in field condition during rabi 2014-15 to study the effect of potash on growth,
yield and drought tolerance in groundnut crop. The data relating to various morpho-physiological and biochemical
characters studied during the course of investigation and interpreted on the preceding chapter were discussed in this chapter
under these following heads.

• Leaf water potential (WP), MC, RWC and RWD of leaf considered as putative traits for drought tolerance were
influenced by the level and timing of K application in groundnut crop. Increase in the level of K increased WP,
MC and RWC but decreased RWD. Among the treatments the highest WP, MC and RWC and reducing RWD of
leaves in groundnut crop. However no significant difference was noticed among T6,T7 and T8.

• NRA recorded at two stages of plant growth indicated higher value of 45 and 60 DAS. The highest NRA was

Impact Factor (JCC): 3.8754 NAAS Rating: 4.08

Scientific Evaluation of the Putative Traits for Optimization of Potash 9
Application to Groundnut Under Water Stress Condition in Odisha

found in T8 applied with 80 kg K/ha in two splits while lowest in control (T1) among the treatments. Significant
increase in this enzyme activity was noticed in T8 which was at par with T7. Split doses showed higher enzyme
activity than single dose of K.

• Proline an important osmolyte associated with drought tolerance ability of a plant, showed higher value at 45 than
60 DAS . Among the treatments the highest and the lowest uptake of these three nutrients, in plant parts as well as
by whole plant was found in T8 and T1 respectively at both growth stages. Increase in the level of K also
increased the proline content but significant increase was noticed in plants supplied with K in split doses at 60
kg/ha (T7) and 80 kg/ha (T8). However no significant difference was marked between these two treatments.

• Uptake of N,P and K was influenced by the level and timing of K application. The uptake of these nutrients was
more in haulm than kernel. Irrespective of the treatments the total uptake of N > K > P. among the treatments the
highest and the lowest uptake of these three nutrients in plant parts as well as by whole plant was found in T8 and
T1 respectively. Uptake of N, P and K by different plant parts and whole plant increased with increase in the K
level but significant increase was noticed at 60 kg/ha (T7) and 80 kg/ha(T8) when applied in split. Uptake of
nutrients by plant and plant parts was better under split application of K than its single application. However T7
and T8 didn’t show significant difference with respect to nutrient uptake.

• Yield and yield components viz. pods/plant, shelling percentage, 100 kernel weight influenced by the level and
timing of K application.

• Number of pods per plant increased significantly with increase in the level of application over control. Among the
treatments the highest and the lowest number of pods per plant was recorded in T8 and T1 respectively. Split
application of K produced more number of pods per plant but significantly increase was observed at 80 kg/ha

• Shelling percent was highest in T8 and lowest in T1 among the treatments. Significant percent was highest in T8
and lowest in T1 among the treatments. Significant increase in the shelling percent over control was noticed at 60
and 80 kg/ha either in single or in split doses and 40 kg/ha when applied in split. Split application of K increase
the shelling percent better than its single application.

• Among the treatments hundred kernel weight was maximum in T8 and minimum in T1. Increase in K level
increase the kernel weight but significant increase over control was found when 40,60 and 80 kg/ha were applied
in split doses. However no significant difference was noticed among those treatments with respect to HKW.

• Pod yield per plant and hectare yield increased with increase in the level of K. the highest yield was found in T8
followed by T7 and lowest yield was recorded in T1. Split application of K produce more yield than its single

• The highest and the lowest HI was found in T8 and T1 respectively among the treatments. Increase in K level
increased the HI but significant increase was observed at 80 kg K/ha when applied in split (T8) over its single

• Oil content of seed was influenced by the level and timing of K application in groundnut crop. Among the
treatments the highest and lowest oil content was recorded in T8 and T1 respectively. Oil content increase with

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10 Nibedita Prusty, Bijay Kumar Mishra & Barsha Bindu Roul

increase in the level of K but significant increase was observed at 60 and 80 kg/ha over control either applied in
single dose or in split. Application of 40 kg K/ha in split also registered significant increase in oil content over
control. Split application found better than single application of K in improving the oil content in seed of


The Research Finds the suitable technology for the Farmers so that the farmers may able to apply Potash with
proper dosages as per the recommended scientific practices.

In view of the positive and beneficial effect of Potash application on growth, yield and drought tolerance ability of
groundnut crop it may be concluded that improvement in the productivity of groundnut crop under low soil moisture or
residual soil moisture condition can be possible through increased application of K up to 80-120 kg/ha in split at sowing
and flowering.


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