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Homeopathic ophthalmologist shares secrets of healthy eyes
Walter, an elderly man who was going blind from glaucoma, came to see me
as a last resort. Conventional medicine had nothing to offer him. With his visual
fields becoming more and more constricted, he was desperate for help.
After examining Walter’s eyes, I spoke I gave Walter several dosages of Aconite A homeopathic ophthalmologist?
with him at length about his health history 10M over a two-week period. In that time, People with serious eye problems, like Wal-
and other mind and body symptoms, in a his visual fields began to expand, and his ter, come to see me almost every day, and
classic homeopathic consultation. I sleep also started to improve. An excellent it’s gratifying to be able to offer them hope
learned that he’d had difficulty sleeping for remedy for the ill effects of fright, Aconite and real help with homeopathic treatment.
more than 60 years, ever since he’d served helped Walter to resolve this old trauma. Even so, many people are quite surprised
in the army in World War II. Upon further Aconite is also a remedy with a strong to meet an ophthalmologist who practices
questioning, Walter confided that he had affinity for the eye, and over the next sev- homeopathy. They shouldn’t be, however,
witnessed his best friend vaporize in a mis- eral months, his visual fields improved to because the marriage of homeopathy and
sile explosion. Ever since this extremely a near normal level. Fortunately for Wal- ophthalmology dates back to the mid-
traumatic event so many years ago, he had ter, the right homeopathic medication had 1800s. New York Ophthalmic Hospital was
not been able to sleep well at night, among a profound effect, allowing him to remain under homeopathic management from
other post-traumatic stress symptoms. healthy and self-sufficient. 1867 to 1931, and in 1931, more than
12 Homeopathy TODAY
May/June 2007
I have observed deep eye pathologies such
respond to Staphysagria.
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May/June 2007
result for the patient is sudden vision loss, sure to sunlight reflected from snow, sand, first line of treatment for styes, especially if
along with marked inflammation and red- or water. the patient has a history of indignation.
ness in the retina. Of course, the sudden Aconite is also a very valuable remedy I have also observed deep eye patholo-
onset with marked redness and swelling for treating pain experienced after laser gies such as glaucoma and macular degen-
are classic indications for Belladonna. Bel- surgery (for example, laser surgery to treat eration respond to Staphysagria. Recently,
ladonna can stop the retinal hemorrhage, nearsightedness). The laser used for these a patient came to me with loss of vision in
help absorb blood in the eye, and improve surgeries is an ultraviolet laser, which has her left eye from inflammation of the
the vision. In traditional ophthalmology, part of the spectrum of sunlight. optic nerve (optic neuritis). Upon taking
the only treatment is laser surgery, which her case, I learned that the problem devel-
stops bleeding but destroys healthy retinal Staphysagria: not just for styes oped after she had an argument with her
tissue and often reduces the vision further. Patients needing Staphysagria often daughter because the daughter’s boyfriend
develop a sty—an infection of the gland at did not want my patient to see her grand-
Aconite: “Arnica of the eye” the base of the eyelash. A sty can also be daughter. This event caused her great psy-
Aconite, another commonly used acute viewed as a beautiful representation of the chological stress and indignation. She’d
remedy for the eye, is often called the classic Staphysagria nature. A sty is an also had some dental work around this
“Arnica of the eye” because of its all-pur- enclosed purulent pocket hidden by nor- time. Interestingly, the Staphysagria symp-
pose use for eye trauma (whereas Arnica is mal-looking skin. Likewise, a person need- tom profile includes “ailments from indig-
an all-purpose general trauma remedy). ing Staphysagria will often have a sweet nation” and “ailments from dental
Aconite often helps conjunctivitis develop- exterior, but they hold their anger and work/surgery”: my patient had suffered a
ing after exposure to cold, dry wind. indignation inside, which eventually leads doubly whammy. I treated her with
Aconite is the number one remedy to to pathology. A sty takes a very long time Staphysagria 200c, and her vision returned
consider for photophobia from sunlight. I to develop and finally release its toxins; a to near normal after several weeks. She
have found that solar keratitis responds person needing Staphysagria typically was able to deal with the anger towards
very well to Aconite, too. In this condition, holds onto anger and indignation for long her daughter. Normally, if the vision
the cornea becomes inflamed after expo- periods of time. I use this remedy as my returns after a
uring my four-year training at the Hahnemann retrospective
College of Homeopathy in San Francisco, I had the study examining
pleasure of visiting the University of California at 295 patients. One
San Francisco Medical School Library, which has hundred patients
one of the most extensive collections of homeo- were under treatment for more than three months. All
pathic books and journals in the world. There, I carefully patients were seen on a regular basis. Overall results were
went through the ophthalmic journals from 1891 to 1905. an improvement in vision in 13% of the cases, no change
I noticed that at a meeting of the Homeopathic in 42%, slight decrease in 19%, and significant decrease in
Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania in 1884, the 19%. These results are very impressive considering that
division of Ophthalmology, Otology, and Laryngology cataracts have a natural progression, and one would
gave presentations on treating glaucoma, granular lids, expect that most patients would worsen over time.
eye injuries, dacryocystitis (infected tear duct), and more. Causticum was the most common remedy used (64/100
I learned that the American Homeopathic Ophthalmol- cases), and its key indications were: feeling of sand in the
ogy and Otology Society contributed to the reproving of eye, sensation of pressure, heaviness of the eyelids, burn-
Belladonna and published this extensive proving in 1906. ing and itching, desire to keep eyes closed, photophobia,
I found nearly 15 books dedicated to the homeopathic and flashes of light. The second most commonly used
treatment of eye problems, including A.B. Norton’s Oph- remedy was Calcarea phosphorica (15/100 cases), and its
thalmic Diseases and Therapeutics (1872) and J. Moffat’s symptoms included: headaches especially on the right
Homeopathic Therapeutics in Ophthalmology (1916). side, pain around the right eye, tired feeling around the
In one article, I discovered that homeopaths were treat- right eye, and stiff and weak feeling in the eyes. The third
ing cataracts. A.B. Norton, MD, published an article titled most common remedy and the one most commonly pre-
“The Homeopathic Treatment of Incipient Senile Cataract, scribed for women was Sepia (9/100 cases). Indications
with Tabulated Results of One Hundred Cases” in the included: eyes feeling weak, worse towards evening, and
North American Journal of Homeopathy (1891). This was a better in middle of the day.
14 Homeopathy TODAY
May/June 2007
Aconite is also a very
valuable remedy for
bout of optic neuritis, it will occur slowly
over three to six months. The remarkable treating pain
and rapid improvement of her vision (as
well as her mental state) can be attributed experienced after laser
to the action of Staphysagria.
5 Tips for Healthy Eyes surgery—for example,
Pulsatilla: infections and more
1 Relax your eyes. I believe that
many eye problems are associated
with stress and strain. Slow deep
Pulsatilla is another remedy commonly
used in eye infections, especially bacterial
laser surgery to treat
breathing will help put your body infections that produce a yellow-green nearsightedness.
and eyes into a relaxed state. Dr. discharge. In addition, Pulsatilla can assist
William Bates, an ophthalmologist many other pathologies of the eye. of the eye; symptoms include redness, irri-
practicing around the turn of the last Remember an important characteristic tation, and feeling like sand is in the eye.
century, believed that all eye disease modality of this remedy—worse warmth Allergic reactions, dry eyes, and infections
was caused by stress in the eyes. He and better cold. can respond well to Euphrasia. The key
developed a technique called palm- Several years ago, I treated a woman indicator for Euphrasia is an acrid eye dis-
ing. Close your eyes and place the suffering from retinal hemorrhage with charge. (In contrast, the remedy Allium
palms of your hands over your eyes. marked loss of vision. She wept when cepa is used for non-acrid eye discharges
The healing energy from your hands telling me her symptoms and had very that occur simultaneously with acrid nasal
coupled with relaxed, closed eyes is a strong fixed religious ideas—both strong discharges.) I often suggest that patients
nice combination. Do this exercise 15 indications for Pulsatilla. She had a drink herbal eyebright tea and use the tea
to 20 minutes twice a day, especially marked preference for cool air and a crav- as an eye compress. Unfortunately, the
during strenuous visual activity. ing for creamy comfort foods. Pulsatilla herbal tincture is becoming more difficult
Avoid straining your eyes. 200c quickly resolved the hemorrhage and to obtain in the US although some sources
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May/June 2007
Expand Your View
You Can Improve Macular Degeneration
16 Homeopathy TODAY
May/June 2007
Self-Help for Macular Degeneration
Remedy these common conditions!
Three key areas need to be addressed in order to help
prevent and reverse macular degeneration.
• Dehydration. Most elderly patients are dehydrated. They
drastically reduce their water intake because of prostate
problems or weak bladders. Yet, water helps detoxify the
body. Extremely rapid metabolism occurs in the rods and
The wet or vascular type of ARMD
cones of the retina. Poor circulation and dehydration lead to
occurs when new blood vessels that form
a build up of waste products—precursors to ARMD.
under the retina bleed, leak, and cause scar
tissue or detachment of the retina. A small • Lack of proper nutrients, especially zinc. The American diet is lacking in
percentage of wet ARMD cases can be many nutrients. I have observed that 80% of my patients are deficient in
treated successfully with the argon laser. zinc, even if they take this supplement. Patients should also take Lutein
Another type of wet macular degenera- and the basic antioxidants: Vitamins A, C, and E.
tion occurs in diabetics. Some patients • Poor digestion and absorption. Many elderly people take the right vita-
have both dry and wet ARMD. mins, but they are not properly absorbed. For this reason, I recommend
supplemental digestive enzymes, probiotics, and betaine to aid digestion
Homeopathic solutions for ARMD and absorption.
As a homeopathic ophthalmologist, I don’t Specific macular degeneration products are available via my website,
look at a person’s eye disease or vision www.healingtheeye.com.
problem alone. I focus (no pun intended)
on the whole person. First, I investigate the
eye complaint in great detail not only She also lived in fear of occasional In Sylvia’s case, homeopathy provided
looking at the symptoms, but also at spells of vertigo, which would come on an avenue for addressing a complex set of
modalities, concomitants, etc. I also con- suddenly causing her to fall down like a symptoms. To narrow down my remedy
duct a detailed eye examination, in order rock. The room would seem to spin from choices, I repertorized the following
to understand the physical signs that may left to right and she’d be debilitated and symptoms:
point to a particular remedy. For example, “quivering like an old lady.” She’d be so • Mind, dancing, desire for
a yellow exudate in the retina might point weak that her arms and legs would shake. • Vertigo, accompanied by staggering
to Pulsatilla, or a hemorrhage might lead Twice, it happened at 7 a.m. on waking • Vertigo, sudden
me to consider one of the homeopathic from bed, and she could only pull herself • Eye, cataract
remedies made from snake venom (which up with great effort. • Ear, noises in, ringing
are often indicated in hemorrhagic condi- She fears these dizzy spells will return • Female genitalia/sex, sexual desire,
tions). Of course, as an ophthalmologist, I when she is under stress. “If I’m having a diminished
have the unique ability to examine the stressful conversation, I feel repertorization chart
retina and use this information for pre- that my balance will leave prepared with
scribing; but other homeopaths can ask me,” Sylvia added. “It’s as if software
the patient to bring in retinal photos of the the bottom is dropping out
ARMD. I also look at causative factors and of my stomach, and I become
the patient’s mental and emotional make- light-headed.” And the
up. My goal is to select a remedy that cov- ringing in her ears, associ-
ers the totality of the symptoms. ated with the vertigo, was
Back on the dance floor Sylvia said that she was not in a rela- The remedy Sepia was a strong con-
“I love to ballroom dance,” lamented a 78- tionship and that her sexual drive had tender. Also in support of this prescription
year-old patient of mine. “I even reached never been very high. But “there is a lot of was A.B. Norton’s use of Sepia as the
the silver level in ballroom dancing, but sexuality in dancing,” she noted. “I espe- number one remedy to consider for
now with my poor vision and dizzy spells, cially like all the provocative aspects of women with advanced cataracts (see side-
I can no longer compete.” Latin dancing.” bar on page 14 for more information). In
Sylvia, a real estate broker, felt After a thorough eye exam, I diagnosed addition, women needing Sepia can feel
depressed, hopeless, and withdrawn about macular degeneration (myopic degenera- much better from exercise, and often love
her situation. Since her last eye exam, tion with atrophic changes in her retina), to dance.
when she was told she had macular degen- advanced cataracts in both eyes, and poor I prescribed Sepia LM1 to be taken as
eration and cataracts, she had noticed that vision: 20/300 in the right eye and 20/700 needed. Sylvia took the remedy for six
her vision was worsening and reading was in the left eye.* None of this was good months. At her follow-up appointment
getting difficult. news for an active woman. eight months later, she reported that she
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May/June 2007
could read a menu—something she hadn’t Elizabeth described herself as a skepti- neighbors are visiting each other”—in
been able to do for quite some time! She cal person. In order to make an informed order to escape. She liked the feel of soft
had experienced a 70% improvement in decision about her treatment options, she clothes and desired creature comforts.
her vision. Street signs were becoming wanted a lot of information. My eye exam revealed that she had
clearer, and colors appeared more vivid. During her childhood, her home was cataracts and ARMD in both eyes, central
An eye exam showed that the vision in robbed. The thief came up through a trap scarring from laser treatment in the right
both eyes had improved from 20/300 in door. After the event, she and her sister eye, and retinal pigmentary changes and
the right and 20/700 in the left to 20/200 would take turns staying up at night, and large drusen in the left eye. She had 20/400
in both eyes. The dizziness and ringing in she still had fears from that traumatic event. vision in the right eye and 20/40 in the left
her ears were gone. “I frequently have a fear that someone eye. In addition, she had hypertension and
“I’m feeling stronger and more confi- is in the room when I’m home,” Elizabeth anxiety.
dent when walking,” Sylvia reported. And said. “I sleep with the lights on all night To help me analyze Elizabeth’s case, I
she was looking forward to stepping out long, facing the door on my left side, and I selected the following repertory rubrics:
on the dance floor again. have a small, loaded gun ready. I’m on my • Mind, fear of being alone
guard. I suppose I could solve this prob- • Mind, anxiety about her/his own health
A woman on guard lem if I had a dog. Then the dog would be • Mind, anxiety at night
Elizabeth, a 76-year-old owner of a health- on guard instead of me.” • Face, expressions, suffering
care agency, walked into my office with a She would sleep for a couple of hours • Generals, tumors
look of suffering on her face. “I’m wor- and then wake between 2
ried,” she began. “What is going to happen and 3 a.m. Her fears were repertorization chart
prepared with
to me?” She was very anxious to get her worse when she was alone. MacRepertory
vision back. She’d seen many specialists When her husband was in software
and had been through more than 10 laser the hospital, she stayed up
treatments for a vascular form of macular all night.
degeneration. A recent hypertensive crisis She read books about
when her blood pressure spiked to simple, small town life—“a
220/146 hadn’t helped matters. quiet place where the
find the constitutional homeo- Secale. Dr. Johann A. Müller, a German homeopath,
pathic approach by a trained reports good success with Secale in the treatment of
Degeneration: homeopath best for addressing
ARMD, as demonstrated in the
ARMD. Secale is used in low potency when the patients
have some general signs that indicate the remedy Secale.
cases above. In addition, however, Patients needing Secale may complain that their whole
it’s worth considering some of the body is pervaded by a sense of great heat or burning.
following remedies that have been The patient feels worse from heat and better from cold.
used by modern-day homeopaths. Circulatory problems and hemorrhagic tendencies are
Tissue salts. I have found the fol- other characteristics that point to using this remedy in
lowing tissue salt remedies helpful ARMD.
18 Homeopathy TODAY
May/June 2007
The remedy Calcarea carbonica pre- daughter to go to hell, but I haven’t one another. Amelia was pleased with the
sented strongly. A person needing this because I don’t want to make the problem outcome of treatment.
remedy often has issues about security in worse.”
the home and enjoys the simple pleasures Amelia also explained that she got Homeopathy can help
of life. I also needed to consider Arsenicum angry very quickly: “I blow up. I shout. I Homeopaths should not view macular
album because it’s a remedy that often used to throw things, but I stopped that degeneration as an incurable disease that
helps people who have a lot of fears, espe- years ago. Sometimes a silly little thing will will not respond to homeopathic treat-
cially about their health and of robbers. irritate me. Like the other day at the ment. I hope that all homeopaths will wel-
Both remedies can also be indicated for restaurant, the waiter served the main come the opportunity to help people who
patients with cardiovascular complaints. I course while I was still eating my salad. My are suffering from the effects of ARMD.
selected the remedy Calcarea arsenicosa dinner ended up being cold, and I got Do not tell them what so many eye doc-
because it covered both the Calcarea and really angry.” tors have told them: “Nothing can be
Arsenicum aspects of my patient. Amelia’s eye exam revealed that she done.” Yes, homeopathy can help. Start
I started Elizabeth on an LM1 potency had retinal pigment atrophy especially in looking for the simillimum that will
of Calcarea arsenicosa. She took LM the left eye (ARMD) with vision of improve their vision and their life.
potencies for six months. I usually see my 20/1400. Her right eye had 20/20 vision. *Footnote: Visual acuity is expressed as a frac-
patients every three months, but Elizabeth She also had hypertension. tion. The top number refers to the distance you
did not return to see me for a year. She I considered the following main symp- stand from the eye chart, which is usually 20
reported that she had initially waited two toms to help me find a remedy for Amelia: feet. The bottom number indicates the distance
months before starting the remedy • Mind, intolerant of contradiction at which a person with normal eyesight could
read the same line you correctly read. For
because she was afraid it might make • Mind, anger at trifles example, 20/20 is considered normal. 20/40
her feel worse. But once she started taking • Mind, violent anger indicates that the line you correctly read at 20
the remedy, she began feeling better. Her • Vision, letters run together feet can be read by a person with normal vision
energy improved, so she felt more indus- • Chest, palpitation of the heart during from 40 feet away.
trious at her business. She felt happier and anger Please see Dr. Edward Kondrot’s bio on page 15.
could more easily
relax. Her fear of repertorization chart
prepared with
being robbed had dis- MacRepertory
appeared, and she software
didn’t feel as fearful at
night. To top it off, her
vision had improved
by two lines on the eye
chart, with her right
eye’s acuity increasing from 20/400 to I prescribed Staphysagria LM1 because
20/70! she had a history of throwing things when
angry, had violent, angry outbursts, and
Letters run together felt very indignant about the situation
Two years before 78-year-old Amelia came with her daughter. It is also a remedy with
to see me, she had started to develop a special affinity for the eye.
cloudy vision in her left eye. Her vision Seven months after starting the
was now very dim and letters ran together Staphysagria, Amelia came to see me. Her
while reading. peripheral vision was better in her left eye,
As her story unfolded, Amelia told me: and she’d noticed overall improvement in
“The biggest disappointment of my life is her right eye. Colors appeared much
the rift between my daughter and me. She brighter; a dress she had thought was gray,
has cut me off from her and her family.” now looked lavender. The vision in
Amelia’s daughter would not speak to Amelia’s left eye had improved by three
Amelia or reply to her letters. She would lines on the eye chart—from 20/1400 to
hang up the phone when Amelia called. 20/800. The right eye remained the same
“She has told lies about me and my hus- at 20/20.
band. She calls me a slob,” said Amelia. Add to that, she wasn’t getting angry as
“How could she be so hurtful?” Amelia easily or as often. Amelia had called her
wondered. She wanted to cry but couldn’t. daughter and asked if they could meet.
“My daughter doesn’t appreciate anything The meeting went well, and they realized
I do,” she added. “I wanted to tell my they’d wasted three years by not talking to
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