Role of Homoeopathy in Psychological Disorders: January 2020
Role of Homoeopathy in Psychological Disorders: January 2020
Role of Homoeopathy in Psychological Disorders: January 2020
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E-ISSN: 2616-4493
P-ISSN: 2616-4485 Role of homoeopathy in psychological disorders
IJHS 2020; 4(1): 95-99
Received: 16-11-2019
Accepted: 18-12-2019 Dr. Azizul Islam Khadim and Dr. Vivek Shail
Dr. Azizul Islam Khadim
PGT, Department of Practice Abstract
of Medicine, RBTS Govt. Mental health is vital for the growth and productivity of every society and for a healthy and happy life.
Homoeopathic Medical College Homoeopathy gives great importance to mental health both in the treatment of physical and mental
and Hospital, Bihar, India illness. The Homoeopathic understanding of health is intimately connected to its understanding of the
mind in general. They generally assume that body and mind are dynamically interconnected and that
Dr. Vivek Shail both directly influence each other. Homoeopaths base virtually every Homoeopathic prescription of the
Asstt. Professor, Department physical and psychological symptoms of the sick person. Psychological symptoms often play a primary
of Practice of Medicine, RBTS role in the selection of the correct Medicine.
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical
College and Hospital, Bihar,
Keywords: Homoeopathy, psychological disorders, miasm, selection of medicine, individualization
Homoeopathy based on the philosophy of treating the whole person based on mind, body and
life force relationship. In this concept, health is considered a perfect state of harmony of
functions in mind-body-life force and illness is often the result of disharmony. The
disharmony can come from a dysfunction in any one. Holistic health care believes that a
dysfunction in one effects the whole person and not just that one part of the body. Holism
promotes that a human being must be treated together to achieve healing rather than simply
treating a person for a specific illness. Holistic health looks into the need of the sick and
provides customized care. Understanding the patient is the cornerstone in Homoeopathic
health care [1].
A study from the Pune centre of the World Mental Health Survey mentions an overall
prevalence rate of mental disorders to be 5%, with rates being higher among men as
compared to women [2]. Depression was found to be the most common disorder whether
lifetime (3.14%) or during the previous 12-month period (1.7%). The study also mentioned
that among those afflicted with one or the other mental disorder, treatment was sought by
only about 5% and 2.6 million young people die each year.
The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the
country. A recent report published in Lancet Psychiatry stated that Bihar & other states
falling in low Socio Demographic Index (SDI) reported more number of mental disorder
cases related to children. On other hand adult mental disorder high in high SDI states. IDID
(Idiopathic Developmental Intellectual Disability) or Mental retardation in Bihar-252 highest
in country and Uttar Pradesh is 215, due to poor health infrastructure. But Anxiety disorder
in Bihar is 299 which is less than several southern states, in Tamil Nadu-836, Andrapradesh-
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Azizul Islam Khadim 793 [3]. A survey of 200 UK Homoeopaths (Chatfield & Duxbury, 2010) suggested that a
PGT, Department Of Practice substantial number of people with mental health concerns choosing Homoeopathy. The most
of Medicine, RBTS Govt. common disorder is-Anxiety and Mood disorder [4].
Homoeopathic Medical College
and Hospital, Bihar, India
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Modern concept of psychological disorder distress, causes them to harm others, or harms their ability
Any pattern of behaviour that causes people significant to function in daily life.
Hahnemann’s concept of psychological disorder whole inseparable in fact but distinguishable by mind for
Dr. Hahnemann has paid a lot of attention towards the easy understanding. In natural disease physical disturbances
understanding of mental illness. Infect he was one of first are often found associated with their mental counterparts.
physicians to see the mentally ill patients as “Sick Illness is the result of biological as well as physiological and
Individuals” requiring empathy and proper medical care psychological events.
(Haehl, 1995). According to him, the mind and body are not
two absolutely separate entities but they form an indivisible Dr. Hahnemann’s concept as per organon
Sec-215, almost all the so-called mental and emotional the lungs, or the detrition of some other important viscous,
diseases are nothing more than corporeal diseases in which or some other disease of acute character e.g-childbed, etc
the symptom of derangement of the mind and disposition becomes transformed into insanity, melancholia or into
peculiar to each of them is increased, whilst the corporeal mania.............spiritual, mental and emotional organs, which
symptoms decline. the anatomist has never yet and never will reach with his
See-216, the cases are not rare in which a so-called scalpel [5].
corporeal disease that threatens to be fatal-a suppuration of
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
1. In case of Furious mania we must oppose calm 2. ABSORBED→ Hell., Mez., Nux-m., Sulph. (7 p. 1)
intrepidity and cool. 3. ANGER→ Acon., Anac., Ars., Aur., Bry., Cham.,
2. Firm resolution. Hep., Ign., Kali-c., Kali-s., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-
3. A mute display of commiseration in looks and gestures. v., Petr., Sep., Staph., Sulph. (7 p. 2)
4. To senseless chattering. 4. ANXIETY→ Acon., Arg-n., Ars., Ars-i., Aur., Bell.,
5. A silence but not fully inattentive. Bism., Bry., Cact., Calc., Calc-p., Calc-s., Camph.,
6. Prevent destruction and injury of surrounding. Cann-i., Carb-s., Carb-v., Caust., Chin., Con., Dig.,
7. Avoid corporeal punishments. (5 p. 116) He/she must Iod., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Kali-p., Kali-s., Lyc., Mez., Nat-
be free from all over-exertion of mind & exciting a., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Phos., Psor., Puls., Rhus-t., Sec.,
emotions. (Sec-263) Sulph., Verat. (7 p. 4)
5. DELUSIONS→ Arg-n., Bell., Cann-i., Cocc., Hyos.,
The treatment of the violent insane maniac and melancholic Ign., Lach., Petr., Ph-ac., Sabad., Stram., Sulph. (7 p.
can take place only in an institution specially arranged for 20)
their treatment but not within the family circle of the patient 6. FEAR→ Acon., Arg-n., Aur., Bell., Bor., Calc., Calc-
(Sec-229FN). p., Carb-s., Cic., Dig., Graph., Ign., Kali-ar., Lyc.,
Lyss., Nat-c., Phos., Plat., Psor., Sep., Stram. (7 p. 42)
Therapeutics: Psychological condition 7. GRIEF→ Aur., Caust., Ign., Nat-m., Puls. (7 p. 50)
There are some common terminology which have been used 8. HOME-SICKNESS→ Caps., Carb-an. Ph-ac. (7 p. 51)
different psychological condition and i also given few 9. JEALOUSY→ Hyos., Lach. (7 p. 60)
medicine with rubrics from Kent’s repertory (Only 1st Grade 10. LASCIVIOUSNESS→ Hyos., Lach., Lil-t., Orig.,
Medicine) Phos., Pic-ac., Plat., Staph. (7 p. 61)
1. ABSENT-MINDED→ Apis., Cann-i., Caust., Cham., 11. LAUGHING→ Cann-i., Ign., Stram. (7 p. 61)
Hell., Lach., Mez., Nat-m., Nux-m., Plat., Puls., Sep., 12. SUICIDAL, disposition→ Aur., Aur-m., Nat-s. (7 p.
Verat. (7 p. 1) 85)
Table 1: Summary of review articles proves the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicine in psychological disorder
S. Author Year of Type of
Title End result
No. name publication study
The effectiveness of homeopathic medicinal products for depressed
patients is comparable to some antidepressants and superior to placebo,
Viksveen Homeopathy in the treatment with clinically significant effects. In 4th week under treatment
1. Petter of depression: A systematic Sep. 2018 homoeopathy showed 64% improvement and Fluoxetine showed 66% and
et al. review in 8th week homoeopathy showed 85% improvement and Fluoxetine
showed 83% improvement. Mostly Ignatia and Moschus were used for
depression [6].
35 participants were enrolled over 11 months. 80% completed all10
consultations in a median of 12.1 months. 63% had a statistically
An Open-Label Pilot Study of
significant improvement in the primary outcome, first occurring after a
Brule Homeopathic Treatment of
Clinical mean of 4.5 visits. This open-label pilot study was statistically significant.
2. David Attention Deficit 2014
study. All homoeopathic medicine used on the basis of individualization, more
et al. Hyperactivity Disorder in
frequently used medicines were Phosphorus, Hyoscyamus, Tuberculinum,
Children and Youth
Tarentula hisp, Lycopodium, Anacardium, Lachesis, Stramonium,
Veratrum alb, Lac can, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Belladonna etc. [6].
Homeopathy is a useful alternative to relieve pathologies associated with
Homeopathic approach in the
R Dolce Clinical mental disability on the basis of individualisation. Out of 58 (female=28,
3. treatment of patients with JAN. 2006
Filho study male=30) patients, 47 patients showed improvement with single remedy
mental disability
at a time [6].
Characteristics associated with Homeopathic treatment for psychiatric symptoms appears to be used
Grolleau use of homeopathic drugs for Clinical mainly to reduce anxiety symptoms in the general population. Few
4. FEB.2013
A et al. psychiatric symptoms in the study. persons (1.3%) reported that they used Homoeopathic drugs for lifetime
general population in psychiatric symptoms [6].
Conclusion References
Homoeopathy play the vital role on the treatment of 1. Dc Nhp Cc. Homoeopathy and mental health, 2015.
psychological disorder. The basic needs of the person is to 2. Mental health landscape in India. National mental
makes life healthy & happy. Homoeopathic treatment health survey.
effects the man’s internally & individualize each person by 3. Nezami Sheezan. Childhood mental disorder high in
his/her constitution. Mental health is the superior in all bihar-study. Patna: Times Of India, 02/01/2020.
aspects if mind goes well then person runs well & lives a 4. Chatfield J, Duxbury K. Practical & ethical
healthy life. In Homoeopathic science we treat the patient implications of homoeopathy in mental health care. Uk:
not the disease & our medicine also prescribed in this way. S.N, 2010.
Therefore Homoeopathy is a good choice of treatment in 5. Hahnemann Samuel, organon of medicine, 5th & 6th
psychological disorder. But more research is needed in this edition. Organ on of medicine, 5th & 6th edition.
topic to make & show good result in the upcoming years. Kolkata: Paul medico, 2013-2014.
6. Ullman Dana. The homoeopathic approach to treatment
of anxiety & depression: A review of the history and
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