Universidad Panamericana: Project Title: Recognition of Forms
Universidad Panamericana: Project Title: Recognition of Forms
Universidad Panamericana: Project Title: Recognition of Forms
Team members
ID Name Career
b-design c-economic c-sustain
b-analyze c-health
Universidad Panamericana – Facultad de Ingeniería 8
Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes
Otoño 2017
Universidad Panamericana – Facultad de Ingeniería 9
Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes
Otoño 2017
The scheme of a pattern recognition system consists of According to the research carried out directly in Mathworks,
several stages related to each other, meaning that the results of the license to install the Matlab software and be able to use it
a stage can modify the parameters of previous stages. for business purposes, carrying out and executing projects, has
a cost of approximately 40, 011 Mexican pesos. This license is
able to operate on Windows, Linux and Macintosh.
This project has certain keys for its sustainability both in the Evaluates and improves the quality of the software
design and in its execution. These keys are the following: development and maintenance process. [2]
- Implement and improve the characteristics regarding
recognition in order to be able to accomplish the
action easily, efficiently and correctly. III. CONCLUSIONS
- Identify possible measures to reduce the probability Currently the recognition of forms, as previously mentioned,
of error to a minimum. is fundamental for various places in the field of security for
- Facilitate the work of the user that requires this type customers and their comfort.
of program.
Using specifically the example of the airport, which through
To achieve the sustainability of a project like this, it is images of x-rays can detect the silhouette of what is inside
necessary to: packages, measure for which they have this type of programs
- Have the ability to generate ideas for the able to detect perfectly in case of encountering a weapon of
improvement of the project if necessary. fire, a white weapon or with something outside the norm that
- Have the ability to hire the correct people trained to is not allowed to enter the waiting room to later on take the
perform the work, an action that may reduce the flight.
number of people required to perform it.
- To have enough capital in order to be able to make In order to detect a shape with more precision, you need to
the necessary investment to acquire the necessary have a database, with each measurement of each object
tools for the development of the project. necessary for the user to obtain the name of the reflected
C. Licenses and Standards silhouette even though it may vary from one model to another.
figure; imshow(A2)
imwrite(A2, 'EscalaGrises.png');
[m, n] = size(A);
[i, j] = size(BW);
BWP=regionprops(CC, 'Perimeter', 'Area',
'Centroid', 'BoundingBox'); %Properties of the
figure; imshow(A)
hold on
for k=1:length(BWP)
if(BWP(k).Area>10000) Fig. 2 Gray scale image (rgb2gray)
%Recangle coordenates
rectangle('Position', [Recuadro(1),
Recuadro(2), Recuadro(3), Recuadro(4)],
'EdgeColor', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
rectangle('Position', [Recuadro(1),
Recuadro(2), Recuadro(3), Recuadro(4)],
'EdgeColor', 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);