Equivalent Static Analysis As Per Is 1893:2002 - A Simple Software Tool

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Conference Paper · October 2004

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3281.5684


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3 authors, including:

Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla

International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad


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IS 1893:2002 – A SIMPLE
M.Tech (CASE) and2Assistant Professor & Coordinator,
Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, IIIT Hyderabad, India.
[email protected]


This paper presents a software tool for performing the static and
dynamic analysis of regular and simple multi-storied structures. This
analysis procedure is based on IS 1893:2002 (Part I), Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures. This tool is a windows based
software program developed in Visual Basic. The tool provides a user-
friendly GUI for the calculation of base shear and its distribution over the
height of the structure, depending on the input parameters. Usual input
parameters are structural dimensions, type of structure, soil type, purpose
of structure and location. Though this tool is simple, can be used for
verification of design within short time. This tool is aimed to help students,
architects and engineers during design of earthquake resistant structures.


Earthquake engineering education in India though started early, it has

not picked up to the extent what is required at present. This is clearly
evident from the damages during previous earthquakes. Recent earthquake
in Bhuj, Gujarat on 26th Jan 2001 has also stressed the need for increasing
the awareness about earthquakes among the professional involved in
construction activity. To address this issue, Ministry of Human Resources
Development, Govt. of India, (MHRD) initiated a programme called
National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education (NPEEE) 1).
Under this programme, a large number of teachers from engineering
colleges, architecture colleges and polytechnics are trained in the subject of
earthquake engineering. It is also felt that there is a need to develop
teaching aids and printed resource material relevant to India in this field. In
this connection, we plan to develop simple software tools that will help
students, professionals, and faculty members in understanding, teaching the
basics of earthquake resistant design of structures. As a preliminary attempt,
this tool is developed. Provisions of IS 1893 2002 are used in this tool for
performing equivalent static analysis and dynamic analysis of a simple
structure. The program has been adequately validated and found to provide
satisfactory results under all possible cases. This tool provides fast analysis
of simple structures.

October 2004, Agra, India


Earthquake motion causes vibration of the structure leading to inertia

forces. Thus a structure must be able to safely transmit the horizontal and
the vertical inertia forces generated in the super structure through the
foundation to the ground. Hence, for most of the ordinary structures,
earthquake-resistant design requires ensuring that the structure has adequate
lateral load carrying capacity. Seismic codes will guide a designer to safely
design the structure for its intended purpose.

Seismic codes are unique to a particular region or country. In India, IS

1893 is the main code that provides outline for calculating seismic design
force. This force depends on the mass and seismic coefficient of the
structure and the latter in turn depends on properties like seismic zone in
which structure lies, importance of the structure, its stiffness, the soil on
which it rests, and its ductility. Part I of IS 1893:2002 (here after we refer it
as the code) deals with assessment of seismic loads on various structures
and buildings. Whole the code centres on the calculation of base shear and
its distribution over height. Depending on the height of the structure and
zone to which it belongs, type of analysis i.e., static analysis or dynamic
analysis is performed.

2.1 Static analysis

2.1.1 Calculation of design horizontal seismic coefficient

The total design seismic base shear (VB along any principal direction
shall be determined by following expression.

VB = Ah * W (1)
where, W is the total weight of the building calculated using the structural
details and Ah is calculated as shown below:

⎛Z⎞ ⎛ I ⎞ ⎛S ⎞
Ah = ⎜ ⎟ * ⎜ ⎟ * ⎜⎜ a ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ R⎠ ⎝ g ⎠ (2)
where, Z is zone factor, I is Importance factor, R is response
reduction factor and Sa/g is spectral acceleration coefficient.

2.1.2 Design lateral force at each floor i

The design lateral force, Vb shall be distributed along the height of

the building using equation 3.

22 New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia

Poster Session

V B * Wi * hi
Qi = n

j =1
j * hj

where, Q i = Design lateral force at floor i
W i = Seismic weight of floor i
h i = Height of floor I measured from base and
n = Number of storeys in the building

2.2 Dynamic analysis

Dynamic analysis shall be performed to obtain the design seismic

forces, and its distribution to different levels along the height of the building
and to the various lateral load resisting elements under any of the following

• For regular buildings, if the height is greater than 40 m in Zones

IV and V or greater than 90 m in Zone II and III
• For irregular buildings, if height is more than 12 m in Zones IV
and V and more than 40 m in Zones II and III.

Dynamic analysis can be performed either by time history method or

response spectrum method. In this paper, response spectrum method is

The peak response of the structure is calculated from the modal

combination, where the following two methods can be used

Square root of sum of squares (SRSS) method

λ= ∑λ
k =1


Where λk = absolute value of quantity in mode k, and

r = number of modes being considered

Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) method

r r
λ= ∑∑ λ ρ
i =1 j =1
i ij λj
where r = number of modes being considered

Equivalent Static Analysis as per IS: 1893-2002-A simple Software tool 23

October 2004, Agra, India

λi = response quantity in mode i (including sign)

= response quantity in mode j (including sign)
ρ ij
= cross-modal coefficient
8ζ 2 (1 + β )β 1.5
(1 + β )
2 2
+ 4ζ 2 β (1 + β )

Where ζ = modal damping ratio

β = frequency ratio = ω j ω i
ω i = circular frequency in i th mode
ωj th
= circular frequency in j mode


The user interface of the tool is shown in figure 3.1. It requires user to
provide certain input parameters such as location, type of soil, purpose of
building, type of structure and dimensions of the structure.

Figure 3.1: The interface of the tool

24 New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia

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Figure 3.2: Selection of different options from drop down menu

Figure 3 3: Selection of brick infill option

Equivalent Static Analysis as per IS: 1893-2002-A simple Software tool 25

October 2004, Agra, India

Based on the past seismic activity, India is divided into four zones.
Each zone is assigned one zone factor and for ready reference zone factors
for some important towns are mentioned in Annex E of the code. All these
city names and assigned zone factors are stored in a database and can be
retrieved after selecting the city name from the drop down menu in the user
interface. Similarly, the other parameters like soil type, type of structure and
purpose of building are stored in the database. Selection of soil type decides
which curve to be used in figure 2 of the code, type of structure decides
what should be the value of response reduction factor and purpose of
building retrieve the importance factor to be used in the analysis. Another
parameter that helps us in selecting the formula for calculating fundamental
natural period is option that selects the structure with or without brick infill.

Basic theory includes the idealization of whole structure into a lumped

mass at each floor level. The tool will take all the input values mentioned
above and calculate the weights, lateral forces, time periods, frequencies of
each floor and mode shapes. Finally the maximum response of the structure
is calculated using SRSS or CQC method depending on the natural


For testing the correctness of the developed software tool, we are comparing
the results of analysis of a simple 3-storied structured shown in figure 4.1.
First, analysis by hand calculation is performed and later results are
compared with software analysis results.

Given structure: 3-storeyed building

Location : Hyderabad (Zone II) 3m
Soil type : Medium soil
Purpose : Residential
Structure type: Ordinary moment
resisting frame with brick 3m
Storey height : 3m
Column dimensions: 230 mm x 230 mm
Beam dimensions : 230 mm x 230 3m
Slab dimensions 6mx6m
Number of columns: 9
Number of beams: 6
Unit weight of concrete: 25 kN/m3

26 New Technologies
Figure for problem
4.1: Example Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia
Poster Session

Unit weight of brick : 18 kN/m3

Live load is 2 kN/m2

4.1 Analysis by hand calculation

Slab weight = (25 * 6 * 6 * 0.12) = 108 kN

Beam weight = (25 * 0.23 * 6* 6) = 47.61 kN
Column weight:
First floor = (25 * 0.23 * 0.23 * 3 * 9) = 35.7 kN
Second floor= (25 * 0.23 * 0.23 * 3 * 9) = 35.7 kN
Third floor = (25 * 0.23 * 0.23 *1.5 * 9) = 17.8 kN
Wall weight:
First floor = (18 * 0.23 * 6*3*6) = 447.12 kN
Second floor = (18 * 0.23 * 6*3*6) = 447.12 kN
Third floor = (18 * 0.23 * 6*1.5*6) = 223.56 kN
Live load = (2 * 6 * 6) = 72 kN
First floor weight = 108+47.61+35.7 + 447.12+(0.2*72) = 652.83 kN
Second floor weight = 108+47.61+35.7+447.12+(0.2*72) = 652.83 kN
Third floor height = 108+47.61+17.85 + 223.56+(0.2*72) = 411.42 kN
Total weight (W)= 652.83+652.87+411.42 = 1717.094 kN
Fundamental natural time period for brick infil panel:

0.09 * h
Ta = =0.33 sec

Z=0.1, I=1, R=3, Sa/g = 2.5 (depends on Ta and type of soil)

Ah = 0.0416 from equation (2)

VB = 71.43kN from equation (1)

Distribution of seismic force to each floor: From equation (3)

Q1 = 6.69 kN (for first floor)

Q2 = 26.77 kN (for second floor)
Q3 = 37.96 kN (for third floor)

In addition to static analysis, we performed dynamic analysis also;

Stiffness of each floor:

1st floor stiffness = 20858.116 kN/m
2nd floor stiffness = 20858.116 kN/m
3rd floor stiffness = 20858.116 kN/m

Equivalent Static Analysis as per IS: 1893-2002-A simple Software tool 27

October 2004, Agra, India

Mass matrix

652.837 0 0
0 652.837 0
0 0 411.420

Stiffness matrix

41716 -20858 0
-20858 41716 20858
0 -20858 20858

Solving |K-λM| = 0, frequencies (rad/second) are

ω1= 2.80, ω2= 7.67 and ω3= 10.57 and mode shapes for λ1, λ2, λ3 are

λ1 λ2 λ3
0.481 -1.025 0.804
0.845 -0.161 -1.204
1.000 1.000 1.000

Since natural frequencies are distinct, SRSS method of modal combination

can be used. In such case, maximum displacement response of the structure
is 0.357 m.

4.2 Analysis using software tool

After having performed the analysis by hand calculation, we will now do the
same using software tool. In this tool, it is required to input the parameters
by selecting options using the drop down menu as shown in figure 3.1.

Step 1:
In GUI, select city for deciding zone factor, select the purpose of building
for deciding importance factor, select structural framework for deciding
response reduction factor and select soil type for choosing the curve from
table 2 of the code to read spectral acceleration.

Step 2:
Since the example problem is with brick infill, we have to input all physical
dimensions of the structure including wall and base dimensions.

Step 3:
After entering all the dimensions, click on the ‘RUN’ button. Then, base
shear and its distribution as shown below will be displayed on the screen.

28 New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia

Poster Session

Base shear is 71.43 kN

Q1 = 6.69 kN (for first floor)
Q2 = 26.77 kN (for second floor)
Q3 = 37.96 kN (for third floor)
In addition to these, natural frequencies, mode shapes and maximum
displacement responses will be displayed. All these values are matching
well with the results of hand calculations


This paper discusses the simple software tool for performing equivalent
static analysis of structures as per IS 1893: 2002 (Part I). For this purpose a
simple VB GUI has been developed in order to make the calculations
simple. This can be a handy tool for the civil engineers who wish to do
structural calculations in least time.


Project Implementation Plan: National Programme on Earthquake

Engineering Education. A Ministry of HRD Initiative, Government
of India, March 2003.
Indian standard Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures,
Part1: General Provisions and Buildings, IS 1893(part1): 2002.
Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.
Evangelos Petroutrsos, 2002. Mastering Visual Basic 6.0. B.P.B. Publishers,
New Delhi.

Equivalent Static Analysis as per IS: 1893-2002-A simple Software tool 29

October 2004, Agra, India

30 New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia

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