Equivalent Static Analysis As Per Is 1893:2002 - A Simple Software Tool
Equivalent Static Analysis As Per Is 1893:2002 - A Simple Software Tool
Equivalent Static Analysis As Per Is 1893:2002 - A Simple Software Tool
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This paper presents a software tool for performing the static and
dynamic analysis of regular and simple multi-storied structures. This
analysis procedure is based on IS 1893:2002 (Part I), Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures. This tool is a windows based
software program developed in Visual Basic. The tool provides a user-
friendly GUI for the calculation of base shear and its distribution over the
height of the structure, depending on the input parameters. Usual input
parameters are structural dimensions, type of structure, soil type, purpose
of structure and location. Though this tool is simple, can be used for
verification of design within short time. This tool is aimed to help students,
architects and engineers during design of earthquake resistant structures.
October 2004, Agra, India
The total design seismic base shear (VB along any principal direction
shall be determined by following expression.
VB = Ah * W (1)
where, W is the total weight of the building calculated using the structural
details and Ah is calculated as shown below:
⎛Z⎞ ⎛ I ⎞ ⎛S ⎞
Ah = ⎜ ⎟ * ⎜ ⎟ * ⎜⎜ a ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ R⎠ ⎝ g ⎠ (2)
where, Z is zone factor, I is Importance factor, R is response
reduction factor and Sa/g is spectral acceleration coefficient.
V B * Wi * hi
Qi = n
j =1
j * hj
where, Q i = Design lateral force at floor i
W i = Seismic weight of floor i
h i = Height of floor I measured from base and
n = Number of storeys in the building
λ= ∑λ
k =1
r r
λ= ∑∑ λ ρ
i =1 j =1
i ij λj
where r = number of modes being considered
The user interface of the tool is shown in figure 3.1. It requires user to
provide certain input parameters such as location, type of soil, purpose of
building, type of structure and dimensions of the structure.
Based on the past seismic activity, India is divided into four zones.
Each zone is assigned one zone factor and for ready reference zone factors
for some important towns are mentioned in Annex E of the code. All these
city names and assigned zone factors are stored in a database and can be
retrieved after selecting the city name from the drop down menu in the user
interface. Similarly, the other parameters like soil type, type of structure and
purpose of building are stored in the database. Selection of soil type decides
which curve to be used in figure 2 of the code, type of structure decides
what should be the value of response reduction factor and purpose of
building retrieve the importance factor to be used in the analysis. Another
parameter that helps us in selecting the formula for calculating fundamental
natural period is option that selects the structure with or without brick infill.
For testing the correctness of the developed software tool, we are comparing
the results of analysis of a simple 3-storied structured shown in figure 4.1.
First, analysis by hand calculation is performed and later results are
compared with software analysis results.
26 New Technologies
Figure for problem
4.1: Example Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia
Poster Session
0.09 * h
Ta = =0.33 sec
Mass matrix
652.837 0 0
0 652.837 0
0 0 411.420
Stiffness matrix
41716 -20858 0
-20858 41716 20858
0 -20858 20858
ω1= 2.80, ω2= 7.67 and ω3= 10.57 and mode shapes for λ1, λ2, λ3 are
λ1 λ2 λ3
0.481 -1.025 0.804
0.845 -0.161 -1.204
1.000 1.000 1.000
After having performed the analysis by hand calculation, we will now do the
same using software tool. In this tool, it is required to input the parameters
by selecting options using the drop down menu as shown in figure 3.1.
Step 1:
In GUI, select city for deciding zone factor, select the purpose of building
for deciding importance factor, select structural framework for deciding
response reduction factor and select soil type for choosing the curve from
table 2 of the code to read spectral acceleration.
Step 2:
Since the example problem is with brick infill, we have to input all physical
dimensions of the structure including wall and base dimensions.
Step 3:
After entering all the dimensions, click on the ‘RUN’ button. Then, base
shear and its distribution as shown below will be displayed on the screen.
This paper discusses the simple software tool for performing equivalent
static analysis of structures as per IS 1893: 2002 (Part I). For this purpose a
simple VB GUI has been developed in order to make the calculations
simple. This can be a handy tool for the civil engineers who wish to do
structural calculations in least time.