A Study On Post-Tensioning Slab

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A Study on Post-Tensioning Slab

Chethan Kumar .S1, Vittal. J. Kashyap2 and Ajay.N3
1, 2
Design Engineers, BBR INDIA Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore, India. E-mail:[email protected] & [email protected]
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, B.M.S.C.E, Bangalore, India, under VTU.E-mail- [email protected].

In a developing country like India the benefits of Post-Tensioning system are yet to be recognized. The post-tensioning method is now a
day’s being adopted widely due to its applications. By using post-tensioning method one can achieve the most economical and safe de-
sign for commercial as well as residential buildings. The present study focuses on Post-Tensioned flat slab systems with respect to
strength, service and cost estimation. The designs were analysed using ADAPT Builder software with different panel sizes. The results
indicate that PT slabs have better moment carrying capacity & Deflection; also the costs are better than the RC flat slab systems.

Key words – RC Flat Slab, PT Flat Slab, Column Strip, Middle Strip, PT Strand& ADAPT Builder.

I.INTRODUCTION were made to gain in-depth knowledge by theoretical studies

Now a day’s Post-tensioned slab system is more popular in and experiments on post-tensioned plates. By the early 1990s
construction industry. This method of reinforcing concrete en- the mystery of PT subsided with further refinements to the ten-
ables a designer to take advantage of the considerable benefits sioning process, development of more corrosion resistant an-
provided by pre-stressed concrete. Basically Post-Tensioning chorages, and the widespread dissemination of design software.
methods are applied for long span structure i;e commercial Because of these factors, PT has become a preferred method
buildings, parking structures, slabs-on ground, bridges, silos, for reinforcing concrete today in building sector [2].
rock and soil anchors. One of the main reasons to develop post-
tensioning method is to solve simultaneously weight, deflection The term pre-stressing is used to describe the process of intro-
and cracking issues. Post tension members also exhibit better ducing internal forces (or stress) into a concrete element during
strength, when compared to conventional slab. With potentially the construction process in order to counteract the external
significant cost advantage, structural engineers and developers loads applied when the structure is put into use (known as ser-
are bound to consider post-tensioning as an alternative to tradi- vice loads). These internal forces are applied by tensioning
tional RC construction. In countries like, U.S, U.K, Australia, high-strength steel (generally known as Tendon), which can be
South Africa, Thailand and India, large buildings have been done either before or after the concrete is placed. When the
successfully constructed using post-tensioned floors [1]. Fig.1 steel is tensioned before concrete placement, the process is
shows height comparison of RC & PT Slabs. called pre-tensioning. When the steel is tensioned after con-
crete placement, the process is called post-tensioning. Because
pre-tensioning requires specially designed casting beds, it is
generally used in the precast manufacturing process to make
simple shapes that can be trucked to a jobsite. Post-tensioning
is done onsite by installing post-tensioning tendons within the
concrete form-work in a manner similar to installing rebar.

Post tensioned system may be either bonded or un-bonded. In

bonded system, tendons are placed in ducts, and after stressing,
are bonded to the surrounding concrete by grouting with ce-
ment suspension. They normally contain tendons comprising
four strands of nominal diameter 13 mm (0.5").The un-bonded
Fig. 1. Height comparison of R.C.C. & PT slab design method differs from bonded post tensioning by providing each
individual cable, permanent freedom of movement relative to
Although the use of post-tensioned slab structures began in Eu- the concrete [4]. To achieve this, each individual tendon is
rope, the real development took place in the USA and Austral- coated with grease (generally lithium base) and covered by a
ia. The first post-tensioned slabs were erected in the USA in plastic sheathing formed in an extrusion process. The transfer
1955 using un-bonded post-tensioning. In the 1960s, with the of tension to the concrete is achieved by the steel cable acting
development of higher strength steel, better attachment hard- against steel anchors embedded in the perimeter of the slab.
ware, better construction techniques, and simplified design The nominal diameter of the strands used is 13 mm (0.5") and
methods, the use of PT to reinforce structures became more 15 mm (0.6"); The main disadvantage of un-bonded systems is
popular. In the coming years numerous post-tensioned slabs cable can distress itself and burst out of the slab if damaged
were designed and constructed using the lift slab method. Post- (such as during repair on the slab). Therefore this system is not
tensioning enabled the lifting weight to be reduced and the de- popular in India.
flection and cracking performance to be improved. Attempts

Briefly the most important advantages offered by post- the first priority in designing for economy is selecting the
tensioning are: structural system that offers lowest overall cost while meeting
 In comparison to reinforced concrete, there is a considera- load requirements. In addition Post-tensioned structures can be
ble saving in concrete and steel due to the participation of designed to have minimal deflection and cracking even under
the entire concrete cross section and more slender designs full load. Thinner floors provide lower building weight, which
are possible. leads to corresponding reduction in other structural elements.
 Under permanent load, very good behavior with respect to Hence, the present study aims to compare the moment carrying
deflections and cracking. Deflection due to loads is very capacity, long-term deflection and cost of PTslab with RC flat
less in Post-Tensioned sections when compared to rein- slab systems. For this purpose, a commercial building (Typical
forced concrete sections. Floor) with both the slab systems with different panels were
 Good crack behavior and therefore better protection of the considered. Table-1 shows different panel sizes. Both the sys-
steel against corrosion. tems are analyzed using ADAPT Builder.
 Improvements in forming systems, which enhanced the Table.1 Panel Size for Analysis of RC and PT Slab
overall economics of cast-in place slab construction. Panel Size (m)
 It offers larger spans and greater slenderness which results 1 9x9
in reduced dead load. Thus, the size of the column and 2 10 x 10
foundation reduce. Subsequently, the overall height of
buildings reduces which enables additional floors to be in- 3 11 x 11
corporated in buildings of a given height. 4 12 x 12
 Almost unchanged serviceability even after considerable
overload, since temporary cracks close again after the
overload has disappeared. III. METHODOLOGY
 High fatigue strength, since the amplitude of the stress Slab thickness:
changes in the pre-stressing steel under alternating loads Initially we are assuming the slab thickness by following ratio
are quite small. [5].
Apart from the above mentioned advantages, post-tensioning
PT Slab 42
offers several other advantages. Typical view of the post-
tensioned slab system during construction is shown in Fig.2. RC Slab 35

Column – 750 x 750mm

Peripheral RC Beam – 230 x 600mm
Load Data:
Super Impose Dead Load=3.0kN/m2.
Live load = 3.0 kN/m2.
Self-Weight of Slab= Actual.
Data considered in the present study are given below:
Building Details:
Type: Commercial
Storey Height: 3.5 m
No of Bays: 4
Grade of Concrete: M-35.
Fig-2: General arrangement of Post Tension flat slab Grade of Steel: Fe-500 (For RC member).
Post-Tensioning details:
Typical applications for post-tensioned slabs may be found in HT Strand for pre stressing: 12.7mm dia, 7 ply Class II
the frames or skeletons for office buildings, multi-storey car Area of strand: 98.7 mm2
parks, schools, warehouses etc. and also in multi-storey flats Design of PT Slab: Bonded system with Class-III Structure
where, for reasons of internal space, frame construction has (IS:1343-2012)
been selected. Modulus of Elasticity, E: 1.95 E5 MPa
 For spans of 7 to 12 m and live loads up to approx. 5 Breaking load : 183.7 kN
kN/m2, flat slabs or slabs with shallow main beams run- Ultimate Tensile Strength: 1860 MPa
ning in one direction without column head drops or flares Jacking force 75% UTS: 137.7 kN
are usually selected. Wedge draw-in slippage loss: 6 mm.
 For larger spans and live loads, flat slabs with column Duct wobbles, K: 0.0020/m .
head drops or flares, slabs with main beams in both direc- Friction coefficient µ: 0.03 rad/m.
tions or waffle slabs are used. Long term loss: 150 N/mm2 (For creep/shrinkage/relaxation).
Hence, in the present study an attempt is made to compare the
Strength, serviceability and cost effectiveness of Post- Steps are involved in analysis and design of PT /RC slab using
Tensioned flat slab systems with RC flat slab systems. The ADAPT software are given below.
comparison is only in terms of concrete and steel (excluding  Analysis and design of floor has been performed using
formwork, shuttering and equipment costs). specialized software ADAPT–Finite element software,
which has the capability of analysis and designing of 3
II SCOPE OF THE STUDY dimensional structure including pre stressing effects, with
In structural costs, floor framing is usually the largest compo- appropriate modeling of columns, beams, walls, cutouts
nent. Likewise, the majority of a structure’s formwork cost is etc.
usually associated with the horizontal elements. Consequently,  Gravity loads are applied to Structure.
 Finite elements are automatically created by software.

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 All the pre stressing cables are modeled in the software, However for both RC & PT, slabs section designs are done
configured as actual layout and profile (as practical) to be based on “design strip” approach, with each bay checked as
followed during execution. (Including stressing end / dead column strips and middle strips, duly recognizing the variation
end configuration). of the bending moments at the vicinity of the column supports
 The cables are profiled in the software along the main span and away from it. The column strip width is considered as
of the slab following elastic bending moment profile. The 0.4xbay width and balance as middle strip (ref TR 43 -2nded).
forces in the cables after losses in the cables are computed (Consideration of full bay width for the design sections yields
and applied to the structure. lesser stresses compared to the above approach).The design
 Secondary moments in the structure due to pre stressing codes adopted for PT slabs as per IS:1343& IS:456. Servicea-
are computed internally in analysis & designs. bility classification adopted is Type 3 with 0.2mm limiting
 Analyses of the PT slab floors are performed for the vari- crack width as per the provisions in Clause 22.7 of IS
ous gravity loads and the post tensioning forces. 1343.Other important international design codes viz. BS8110,
 For the design of the sections, various “Design strips” of TR-43, ACI 318 and AS-3600 will be referred as appropriate
specific width are created along the direction of the design wherever necessary. Appropriate load combinations recom-
for facilitating the each strip design. These are used to find mended by relevant IS Codes for Strength and Serviceability
out forces & integrated across the chosen strip width. load cases will be adopted & stress limits will be used to satisfy
 The design sections along the various design strips are serviceability requirements. Punching shear design calculations
checked for strength at service stage and ultimate stage and shear reinforcement details will be provided to satisfy ul-
conditions. timate limit state requirements. Design will be carried out ac-
 The sections are designed for ultimate stage with post ten- cording to the requirements of IS 456.The concrete stresses at
sioning steel considered as an internal resisting action. service in PT Slabs shall be limited to the recommendations of
 Additional rebar is provided, if required, in the section to Clause 22.7.1.(c) & Table 8 of IS:1343 where the tensile stress
provide adequate strength. The section-designs are carried limits are exceeded & additional reinforcement will be detailed
out internally by software. as per the code requirements. The details of the reinforcements
are obtained from these designs and they are converted in
IV.ANALYSIS AND DESIGN quantities and corresponding cost for each system is calculated
The PT slab analysis and design is a most complicated process based on present market rates.
because it involves primary moments from basic frame analysis
and secondary moments from PT forces. The ADAPT is an es- In ADAPT, various “Design strips” of specific width are creat-
sential tool for analysis and design of PT slabs 3 dimensionally ed along direction of the design for facilitating each strip de-
under gravity as well as horizontal loads. It analyzes the struc- sign. These are used to find out forces as integrated across the
ture by Finite Element Method (FEM). Using Component chosen strip width. The design sections along the various de-
Technology, ADAPT-Builder generates a true three- sign strips are checked for strength at service stage and ulti-
dimensional model of the structure as it appears on the archi- mate stage conditions. The sections are designed for ultimate
tectural drawings. In present study, we are analyzing for gravi- stage design with post tensioning steel considered as an inter-
ty load condition. The typical slab model used in study is nal resisting action. Subsequently, design values are approxi-
shown in Fig.3 mately validated by manual calculations as per IS: 456–2000
for RC slabs and IS: 1343-2012, ACI & BS codes for PT slabs
respectively. Based on defection values we optimize the slab
thickness for different panel. The optimized slab/drop thickness
for RC & PT slabs are shown in Table-2.

Table.2 Thickness of Slab/Drop- RC and PT

Panel Size RC Slab PT Slab
(m) Slab(mm) Drop(mm) Slab(mm) Drop(mm)
9x9 250 500 200 425
10 x 10 275 525 225 450
11 x 11 300 550 250 475
12 x 12 325 600 275 500


The analysis and design of the slabs for the different panels are
done and the final design values, deflection and cost compari-
sons are shown in below Graph 1 - Graph 4.
The observation made from the above work is as follows:
1. Table-2 shows that all 4 panels of RC slabs require more
cross sectional dimensions compared to PT slabs. It indi-
cates PT slabs are better, because it solves clear height is-
sues and consequently reduce the self weight.
2. Graph 1 and Graph 2 shows moment carrying capacity of
PT Slabs is more than RC Slab with slender section when
compared with RC Member.
3. Graph 3 shows PT slab provides a better serviceability
than RC slabs.
Fig-3: Typical 2D and 3D view of PT Slab in ADAPT

4. From the economic point of view the post-tensioned flat
slab is the most economical for all 4 panels compared to
RC flat slabs.
5. Table-2 and Graph-4 shows, the thickness of RC flat slab
is 18.0% higher and cost is 13% more than the post-
tensioned flat slab for 12 x 12 panel.
6. The quantity of steel per meter in RC Flat slabs are al-
most 45% higher than post-tensioned flat slabs for 12 x
12 panel.
7. The amount of concrete required for a floor is more for
RC flat slab while compare to post-tensioned flat slab
floor system.

Graph: 3 Long-term Deflections in RC & PT Slab

Graph: 1 Moment Carrying Capacity in RC& PT slab in Col-

umn Strip
Graph: 4 Cost comparisons between RC& PT flat slab


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